HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurveys 28 27 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 4 lX YwC The North 342.29 feel of the South 3425.96 feet 33 34 of the West one hall of Section 34,Tolynshlp 35, ALL EIEV,yDONS SHD�HEAE011 E BASED 0�( South,Range 3B East.Less the�'¢sl 100 feet NORM A(IEAICAN YEIiDCAI DADIIA OF 1988(N.Ay.D,'BB) RECEIvED thereof,end land lying and being in St.Lucie County, Florida MAR 19 1011 ��'JJJ�� \ �• Permlttin9 Department St.Lurie CauM \�S ITE TAX PARCEL 231-0001-000/ 5 Isl- I - SBII Imlor69 , a Si Ig p METAL BUILDING PRE � M � 11.00 7frt57 p. _ o? i all of ROAD - SEE ARREEA RESERVED VED FrE n EIEYA 15e7 N.AKa'se TA DETAIL 0 swARE FEET ti' IIM s Lei �L � 01 I W. S B92 2z 27.8 hq 4ABBRVIATIONS: � 1 � ordkroBell South $ - Q9=Payer Pale w� I REMAINDER OF PARCEL I.D.# `x cc®NN=Water Meter (231-0002-000/ S?F�=S=uarrecfoo4 II I V MEAS. Measured ?2 B=Site Benchmark v=Delta al Curve DETAIL pL=Length of curve e PL=VaQu'us plolr4eed 33 34 p_p—p �yasd F n ¢ = aaNG.BLaGX NOT TO SCALE R O.W. =RYpg o� joy 3 i RESNENCE FD=Found 5/e Iron RebaA F.F.E.=2&00' X—X—X-=Chain Lick jj;;enca yello*cop marked PSM 5543' cR -OH—OH--Over Head Wiresl I] SETVIfI etae�pal�eoedreeorllyld Rma WF.Fp. .',Flnlshe�Flo r €I anon TRAILER DETAIL see os pia ted 1 epvd measured RAymrooLDEa I STORY (,).Not verified by field measurement NOT TO SCALE CONCRETE [;;;El a METAL BLaC, SURVEYORS NOTES: 8932 CARLTON ROAD 1. Unless otherlyise noted only plotted easements SHED are shotyn hereon. 4000LAST FIELD DATE:1 27 21 2. No underground utilities or improvements Were ® BOUNDARY SURVEY located unless otherylise shoyrn. Certillad to: Christopher M. Fasnocht and Kosondro L Fasnacht 3. This sloe Iles 1 CO250in Flood Insurance Rate Mop SCALE:1"=200' Atlantic Land Desigr7nS Geneva Financial LLC Zone X one 12111Cereon Doted 2/16/1r at the Treasure Coast, LB74 o First American Title Insurance Company 4. Flood Zone eyor hereon Is an Interpretation ion DATE:12�6�05 764 NE Jensen Beoch Blvd.Jensen Reach,FL 34957 by the surveyor and'Is provided ri o courtesy. Melling Address: The flood Zone should be verified by a DRAT(:KAC 8 I hereby certify that the survey eho{In hereon Is true end correct determination agency. P.O.Box 1421 Jensen Beach,FL 34958 and Is based on actual meosuremenls taken In the field. 5. Bearings sholyn hereon are based on the East 2005-1932 ALD5543@gmall.com (772)398-4290 line of Subject Parcel as being S 00'15'37" E DATE: REVISIONS a`�ra"� occor4Ing to the Plal described hereon. 03 16 O6 REVISED LEGAL PSM 5543 QNe :e a roe. 6. P.U,D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage REVISION 2/4/21 ADD PROPOSED BUILDING OB 30 07 FOR BO RD TIE-I Easement. REVISION 7/23/19 LOCATE POOL AND DECK Je e5 CeSlrOJr. ;Ho 7. All Lot dimensions shoyfn are per plat,unless REVISION 9/12/18 RECERTIFY AND UPDATE 07 FOR BO RD TIE-1 -S OR GE BLDG. e ear otherV♦ise sholyn. REVISION 5-29-08 Revise Legal -2-OB FI L TIE-I NOT DW "OUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC 6-6-08 ride Carts SIGNATURE ANDAUTHENTCATEDELECTRONICSEAL