HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEMOsT. LUCTE F AIIAPPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPTETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date 3-3t- 2t Permit Number: f-ocul, #E/ 3 -7J3 - /7/ Building Permit Application Plonning ond Development Services Building and Code Regulotion Division B0A Virginio Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: {772) 467-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial Residential PERMITAPPLICATION FOR: Duro /;hrn PROPOSED I M PROVEM E NT LOCATION : Address: 20q /c///cs D/r/. Tenre,, fre-.clr,.3/7f7 Property Tax lD #: Site Plan Name: q5o2- ro l- o37o- ooo- /Lot No 20q Project Name Co // taa New Electrical Meter Second Electrical Meter CONSTRUCTION I N FORMATION : Additional work to be performed under this permit - check all that apply: _Mechanical _ Gas Tank _ Gas Piping _ Shutters _ Windows/Doors Pond Pitch_ Electric _ Plumbing _ Sprinklers _ Generator _ Roof Total Sq. Ft of Construction 7/6 3// Cost of Construction: 5 2too Utilities X S"*", - Septic Building Height:sf/ lf value of construction is 2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. lf value of HAVC is 57,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. OWNER/LESSEE:CONTRACTOR: Name, Aonall fll. fld"rl",o/ Address q City ,n sacl,State: Fl. Zip Code:3q?f7 Fa Phone N E-Mail: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) Name: .*/orn {-'t Company ,il--{-,'f4 Rn I fr,. ;,,C Address 2 City:,Tott rort Yate: FL 3/7 f7 rax:?72'27)')/q/ PhoneNo 77?-2/0-37/f E-Mail a,.zhtn.frai/h )nc € ,va/oa. con State or County ticense CBC /2f /7 3l X tror//e r Block No. 20q Sq. Ft. of First Floor: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Zip Code: Name of person making statement. Personally Known OR Produced ldentification Type of ldentification ntractor as Agent for Owner uas L 'la-- rmed) and subscribed ce or 0nlin Pioduced Fto fi cI,,, Signature of Owner, COUNTY OF STATE OF Commission No. (Signature Aaor"a t,*;. before me of e Notarization 2020 by otary Public- State of Florida Name of person making statement. Personally Known OR Produced ldentification L1 Alo,n 5-, *k er + ffi J pnu, thit3lf cati on (Signature Notary Public- State of Sign L Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed sical Presence or Onlin day of Commission No. COUNTY OF STATE OF Type of I o rid,Produ Bond.dIhru &dggtf&&ry MARY LEE Commission # HH r) Expkes March 6, before me of e Notarization 2O2O by REVIEWS FRONT COUNTER ZONING REVIEW SUPERVISOR REVIEW VEGETATION REVIEW SEA TURTLE REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW DATE RECEIVED COMPLETED DATE EMENTAL CO NSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION EER: _ Not Applicable State Phone Address City zip: DESIGNE Name: cableN State: Name zip City: MORTGAGE COMPANY: Address Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: Name: _ Not Appl Address City zip: _Not Applicable zip City: ING COMPANY: Name Address OW CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and install ation as indicated I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St- LucieCounty.makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subiect structurewhrch rs rn contllct wlth any applicable Home Owners Association rules, bvlaws or and covenants that maV restrict <jr prohibit suchstructure. Please consult with'your Home Owners Association and review'your deed foiiny iesiriiiicjni vJfriih"ffiv ar;piy - ln consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use W ARNI N G TO OWN E R Your fa il u re to Record N oti ce of Comm en cement ma v re s u It tln P ayi ng twice fo r m p roveme n ts t,o you r p ro pe rty A N ot i ce of Co m m e nc e m ent m ust be r'e co rde d I n th e p u b tc re cord s of st. L,u ci e Cou nty a n d po sted on t h e )o bsi t.e befo re the fi rst n spe ct o n t v ou i nte n d to obt a n fi na n ci D8,c on s U twithlendeoranattornecommenWOrkorrecordiureofComment. MARY LEE MATTIS #HH Expkes March 6,2025 PLANS REVIEW SU a I{ettles [sLand Ine", a eondominiunn 98or South Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, FL ip;SSZ (llz) zzs-zglo FAX (zzz) "zs-ssotwww. NettleslslandCondo.com January 27th,2021 Ronald Bernhard 204 Nettles Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 R0B g8.N I 2g,H0_rlf i Al L.c'Qi:,i Respectfully, ),A,-,--'-)AAg Howard lfickert or Tom Fitzgerald Nettles Island Board of Directors CC: Laura Jones, LCAM, File HIVTF/ko Please be advised tltat Archttecttu'al Comnittee assunes no responsibililyfor the sttuctu.al adequacy, capacigt or salkty featw'es of the proposed construction, alleratiott or addition; orfor perfot.mance, workmanship or quality of u,ork af any contractor or of the completed alteralion or description and shall not be relied upon as an approval or warranty regardfug engineering and sb'ttclural design, building or zoning code compltance, feasibitity or marketabili4tfor arzlt pxn'pose, or conrpliance with applicable buikling otdinances, standar.ds, or rcgulations. By appt-oving the plans and specificalions, neither the Architectw.al Contmiilee or the ntentbers tlrcreof the Associalion, tlze Board, its employees and representatives assumes any liability or responsibility therefot-e, orfa.any defect in any str.rtcture const.ucted therefi.om, and said persons fto'tlter specirtcaily exclude fi om strch approval any imptied tvan.anty of merchantabitity andftness for al?y put'pose. rffii Re: New Manufactured Home -Lot2A4 Dear N&'. Bernhard, 'fhe Association approves ofyour request for the installation of a new manufactured home, as indicated on the documents submitted with this request. The site plan complies with the required setbacks, meets the two vehicle parking space requirements and we have no objections. Please adhere to the enclosed Nettlss Island Procedures Governing Conffactor and Building Activity on Nettles Island and provide us with a copy of the permit prior to commencing construction. Also, please be advised that all Architectural approvals issued by Nettles Island are valid for six (6) months. If additional time is needed, owners must submit supporting documentation to request an additional six (6) months. ASBESTOS NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR Planning & Development Services Building & Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Ave Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-1553 Bax 772-462-1578 ,u,-llt /t 3-3t -2t Contractor Name: Business Name: Address: City:Terto,o 0^.A State: Ft Zip Code:3qq17 Re: Job Address: 2oq a/e #/*</?/r/. Te,tfen fie..2l, Fc SyTf 7 It is your responsibility to comply with the provisions of Section 469.003, Florida Statutes and to notify the Department of Environmental Protection of any intentions to remove asbestos when ern nce with state and federal law. 7t/, t S nature & Date: /1/,2. {rtar.c" f-). PERMIT#ISSUE DAIE i - pLANNTN6&DEVELOPMENTSERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division it , fleo C eru*a T* .BUILDI!(GPERMTT S T,BCONTRACTOR AGREEI}IENT Sub-conractor for 4hw L^+have agread robet 1 the (Coryroy Name/hdividssl NsEe)6l rc.f.rzn I (Irpc ofTrade)Contactor) Forthe project Iocated at ?16 gtd 'feasert fieoa,f, trl'3lff 7 Stcet Address or ProPertY Tax IDCI It is understood fftat, ifthere is any change ofstatus regarding our participation with the above mentioned proJect, the Building and Code Regutation Division of St. Lucie Courtywill be advisedpursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-coutactor notice. ,/Tl^ PRII{T I{AIITE cnc /2 T/7 Vi . EtaeorFhrld!. coorqrr {harvl-n , Ttcforgolry hrtrun|llt rer dped baforc m!*n4t!o,oi4u:r -2o2J,tr ;to k pcnomtlY tcrotm -ot rr.reroaoeo" FTorirl r, I)f rrldulfllcrtlor. ,rffitHr'unms STAfltP a aa t{ i i. :' !'i ?t * MY CoMMtsstoN # GG (}0(8ts B(PIRES: Mardr 0 Z)2i #rE ftrasllEolHdldg H#SHtu"** EiFfi.0rfirrzoa! R tisdltrl6rl0l6 Ihru BudgetflobySefiices :i Strte of Florldq coonry ,r . [V\z-f*r rl Tle foregolng hffuntntvrrrtgued tdurc orc fih3&day or Itr-li t', ,ro3!,r, Jak" Lz'u' '.,- sto |r Denosr[y wrom )/6' ArlFo/nlced a - ?o.I.-.1 nJ'l)^";5 Print NIBE dhto{qrY FIDEC I PERMIT #ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB.CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT er have agreed to be the (Company Name/lndividual Plunlter Sub-contractor for ,4/n.firh Bobrntfi?* (Primary Contractor) thi. (Type ofTrade) For the project Iocated at ?0/ /l/e il/et '8/"./ ftnte, fa.o/r, F/ ?y7iz rkZEPPksz {ru*g PRINT NAIVIE 1*rt (Project Street Address or Properry r'ax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. SUB-CONTRACTOR (Qualilicr) #r* f T/,l TION state of Ftorida, counq ot [YVl,f{t r\ uero"c me ttris 4*tay or rvho is personally knorvn -or t rs p.oar.oa, fiorila_ D i . as identifieation. Signature Public * HYcoMMlsstoN# cc 00ts4{, EJ@IRES:Mardr0Z)2l Name NUMBER lru, State of Florida, County of fr .l-Lr. r' .Q- The foregoing instrument ryas signcd before mc fi,it il dav of * rnarc h.zofr uy 5t €rl-€- 1'o I €/5 rrho is personally knorvn _or has produced J*olv - L\S( - as a--STAMP Notory Public f-f"; Notary Public State of Florida Lisa Bonura Mv Commission GG 223725 Eipkes 05/3112022Revised I l/16/2016 Ihn Br@t{ohrys€fii!€s STAilIP ITARYLEEMATNS *^^',+-l^ \ / fs o- ?--..rt-, r.0-- Print Name of Notary Public I ,iei :.. \s$ \^\ )-) ^s\\\ --''\Sd\\ \\s \\ \* f I il