Geotechnical Engineering
Construction Materials Testing
Environmental Consulting
R. K. Davis Construction Corp.
PO Box 186
Fort Pierce, Florida 34954
Attention: Mr. Roger A. Priest
RACE Proposal No. P21-1856
February 2, 2021
Andersen Andre Consulting Engineers, Inc. (RACE) is pleased to present this proposal for performing
construction materials testing for the proposed Maverick Boat Group Phase II Expansion project in
Fort Pi Ferce, St. Lucie County, Florida.
RACE is the Geotechnical Engineer of Record for this expansion project, and has previously presented
our Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation in a report dated 11/044/20 (AACE Project No. 20-249).
Based on our review of the civil site -work plans prepared by I�MA Engineering &Surveying (undated)
we understand that the projectwill consist of constructing an approximately 106,250SF single -story (40-
ft high) addition to the existing Maverick Boat Group manufacturing facility located at 4551 St. Lucie
Boulevard in Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, Florida. The proposed addition will essentially "mirror" the
existing manufacturing building and, as such, will be constructed with metal siding walls, isolated steel
columns, and supported by individual column foundations and a slab -on -grade. For construction of
this type, we expect maximum column loads of 250 kips. Additional site improvement features will
include parking expansion on the south, east and `vest sides of the existing building as well as minor
drainage improvements. It is estimated that 1-foot of fill or less will needed to raise the proposed
building grades. Further, as part of the building expansion, a series of helical tension anchors -vill be
installed within column foundations.
We understand that the services for which we are preparing this proposal include density testing of all
soil and base rock as well as concrete testing associated with site work activities, and also for vertical
construction. We note that we have not been provided with specific structural engineering design
drawings and specifications. As such, we have estimated the number of tests and associated man-hours
for this project based on the limited information provided as well as our experience with similar
projects. Therefore, it should be understood that this proposal may require revision once design plans
have been finalized. For the purposes of this proposal, we have separated our services (and costs) as
Site Work
► Density testing for building pad, parking lot, roadways,
utility and stormdrain excavation backfill, and curb/sidewalk
► Compressive strength of concrete testing for sidewalks and
Vertical Construction
► Density testing for building footings, conduit backfill, etc.;
► Compressive strength of concrete testing for building
► Monitoring of Helical Anchor Installation
834 SW Swan Avenue, Port St. 1ucie, Florida 34983 Ph: 772-807-9191 Fx: 772-807-9192 www.aaceinc.com
\ACE Proposal No. P21-1856
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Based upon our cursory review of the project plans and our prior experience in the area and with
roadway projects similar to this one, we estimate the cost of itemized services will be $24,165.00. The
actual cost of AACE's testing services will be a function of work actually performed in accordance with
the attached unit fee schedule. Contractor efficiency, methodology and changes in testing frequencies
may affect the testing cost. We will notify you in advance if it appears that the cost estimate will be
We note that Structural Steel and/or Threshold inspections are not included herein. We will be pleased
to revise this proposal to include such services.
To authorize us to proceed `vith this project, please execute and return to us a copy of the attached
Professional Services Agreement form or a Purchase Order number. If you have any questions or if
we can provide any additional information, please feel free to contact us at your convenience.
Best Regards,
David P. Andre, P.E.
Principal Engineer
Attachments: Professional Services Agreement
Peter G. Andersen, P.E.
Principal Engineer
RACE Proposal No. P21-1856
Proposed TUZIL rec uency
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Unless otherwise requested, the following in -place density testing frequencies will be used for the subject project (based
on the accepted industry standard for projects such as this).
Mass Site Fill
• Natural Ground - 1 test performed 1 foot into natural ground (after stripping and grubbing) per 5,000 square
feet, or 2,000 square feet if within a building area;
• Embankment/Filled Area - 1 test per 5,000 square feet per lift of fill or 2,000 square feet if within a building
Parking Expansion:
• Natural Ground - 1 test performed 1 foot into natural ground (after stripping and grubbing) per 5,000 square
• Embankment/Filled Area - 1 test per 5,000 square feet, per lift of fill;
• Stabilized Subgrade - 1 test per 5,000 square feet;
• Base Course - 1 test (assuming base constructed in one lift) per 5,000 square feet;
• Pad Fill - 1 test per 2,000 square feet, per lift of fill;
• Slab -On -Grade - 1 test per 2,000 square feet (slab subgrade)
• Column/Isolated Footings - Minimum of 1 test performed 1 foot into bottom of footing excavation per
• Structures -One (1) test per lift of backfill, from bottom of structure to top of structure. (Fill placed on all sides
of structure is probed with a manual probe rod to confirm uniform compactive effort);
• Piping - 1 test per 200 lineal feet (or per backfill/open cut operation) per lift along side of pipe to top -of -pipe,
then every 1 foot of fill atop pipe thereafter;
• Structures -One (1) tests per lift of backfill, from bottom of structure to top of structure. (Fill placed on all
sides of structure is probed with a manual probe rod to confirm uniform compactive effort);
• Sanitary Sewer Pipe - 1 test per 200 lineal feet (or per backfill/open cut operation) per lift along side of pipe to
top -of -pipe, then every 1 foot of fill atop pipe thereafter;
• Water Main - 1 test per 200 lineal feet of pipe (or per backfill/open cut operation) per lift from top -of -pipe to
finished grade. We have assumed a maximum of 4 feet of cover for water main backfill;
• Misc. Electrical/Plumbing/Irrigation/I.T. Conduit - 1 test per 200 lineal feet of pipe (or per backfill/open cut
operation) per lift from top -of -pipe to finished grade.
Concrete/Grout Testing;
• A minimum of one set of four (4) cylinders will be made for every pour, and for each 50 cubic yards for larger
• One slump test will be performed for every pour, and for each 50 cubic yards for larger pours;
\ACE Proposal No. P21-1856
Site Work Testing
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Building_Pad Densi Testing (aproxnately 106 250 ft2 total natural cleared grade and 1' of fill):
► 120 In -Place Density Tests @ $25.00/test................................................. $35000400
Parking Expansion (top 1' of embankment + subgrade +base):
► 50 In -Place Density Tests @ $25.00/test.................................................. $1,250000
Drainage Improvements, if any_(I'iping +Structures):
► Structure Backfill Testing = 10 In -Place Density Tests @ $25.00/test ............................ $250.00
► Piping Backfill Testing = 30 In -Place Density Tests @ $25.00/test .............................. $750900
Utility Improvements, if any_
► 20 In -Place Density Tests @ $25.00/test................................................... $500.00
► LBRs (base rock and stabilized subgrade); Z. tests @ $315.00/test ............................... $630.00
► Proctor Tests; estimated 5 tests @ $85.00/test............................................... $425900
It is our opinion that the selected site work contractor will benefit from a near full-time presence of a testing technician for
periods of time. This technician will be on -site to assist with proofrolling inspections, and be on -site during backfilling of
drainage and sewer installations to facilitate the construction schedule. For the purposes of establishing a testing budget, we
have included Senior Field Technician man-hours that we believe will, at a very minimum, be required for this project. Actual
hours needed for the successful completion of the project may be more or less than anticipated, and are dependent on
contractor efficiency and construction methodology. We have assumed that no weekend work will be performed during this
time, and that construction will occur during normal business days/hours (i.e., Monday -Friday, lam to 6pm).
► Senior Field Technician; 20 hours @$60.00/hr............................................. $1,200.00
Engineering and administrative support:
► Senior Project Engineer; 5 hours @$125.00/hr.............................................. $625.00
► Technical Secretary; 8 hours @$45.00/hr................................................... $360.00
Site Work Testing Subtotal: $84990.00
RACE Proposal No. P21-1856
Vertical Construction Testing
In -Place Soil Densi Testing:
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► Isolated Footings and Slab; 100 density tests @ $25.00/test ................. $2,500.00
Helical Anchor Installation Nlonitorin�:
► Senior Project Engineer; 15 hours @$125.00/hr............................................ $1,875.00
► Senior Field Technician; 40 hours @$60.00/hr............................................. $2,400.00
Concrete Testing:
It is difficult to accurately predict the number of concrete specimens needed for QA/QC for a project such as this, since the
number of tests/sets of test cylinders is largely based on the number of pours (i.e.,1 set of cylinders for a 50 cubic yard pour
vs. 5 sets of cylinders for five separate 10 cubic yard pours, etc.). Without knowing the Contractor's methodology or pour
schedule for this work element, we largely base the concrete testing budget on our experience with similar projects. For this
purpose, we have assumed the following:
(1) Slab -On -Grade and Isolated Footings:
► 80 sets of 4 cylinders for compressive strength testing @ $90.00/set ........................ $7,200.00
(extra cylinders for early break results will be billed @ $15.00/cylinder)
(2) Technician for standby during pours, extra slumping, etc. -estimated 20 hours @ 60.00/hour ....... $1,200.00
Vertical Construction Testing Subtotal:...... $15,175.00
RACE Proposal No. P21-1856
The following conditions apply to this project:
(1) A minimum of 4 density tests will need to be performed per hour, per visit to the site.
(2) Stand-by time will be charged at $60.00/hour per technician.
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(3) We note that density testing frequencies are approximate and based on our experience with similar projects and
anticipated contractor methodologies. Allowances for re -tests (from failing density tests) are not included herein.
(4) The contractor should contact Andersen Andre Consulting Engineers, Inc. at (772) 807-9191 a minimum of 24
hours prior to an,, testing and 48 hours prior to weekend and evening work.
(5) Unit rates apply to standard working days, Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m. Testing and hourly rates
will be increased by 50% for weekend, holiday or after-hours services.
(6) The following testing costs are not included within this estimate: costs associated with asphalt testing (either in the
field or laboratory), bacteriological testing of potable water (bac-t's), slab flatness/levelness testing, and structural
steel inspections. If any such testing or inspections are required, we will be please to revise this proposal.
(7) If our testing estimate for a specific work element is insufficient for that particular activity, resources from another
work element can be used without prior authorization from the client as long as our total cost estimate is not
exceeded. We will notify you in advance if it appears that the cost estimate presented in the attached unit fee
schedule will be exceeded.
(8) Soil sample and concrete cylinder pickup for laboratory testing (e.g., Proctor, FBV, LBR testing, compressive
strength, etc.) will be billed at $60.00/hour if not scheduled with other work.
note that the number of sets of concrete cylinders is dependent on numerous factors, such as the size and
duration of pours. For example, if numerous "smaller" pours (e.g., 10-yard pours) occur during construction, our
estimate for the number of sets of concrete cylinders may be exceeded, thus requiring revision of this proposal to
account for this testing cost increase.
(10) AACE's field technicians and engineers do not direct or witness the performance of any work. Neither the presence
of an RACE representative on -site nor the observation and testing performed by our firm imply AACE's
responsibility for defects discovered in the construction work.
(11) AACE will not be responsible for job or site safety for this project; job site safety will be the sole responsibility of
the contractor.
AACE Proposal No: P21-1856
Client: R. K. Davis Construction Corp.
Attention: Mr. Roger A. Priest
Address: PO Bow 186
Fort Pierce, Florida 34954
Client hereby requests and authorizes Andersen Andre Consulting Engineers, Inc. ("AACE") to perform the following
Perform Construction Materials Testing and Helical Anchor Installation IVlonitoring services for the PROPOSED MAVERICK BOAT
PI -LASE II EXPANSION, as detailed herein.
Estimated Budget:
Payment Terms:
Net 30 days from invoice date; invoices will be sent every four weeks for continued or extended projects.
Interest charges, 11/2 percent per month following the due date.
Proposal Acceptance:
By accepting this Proposal, the Terms and Conditions of this Proposal, including the Terms on this page, and Andersen Andre
Consulting Engineers, Inc.'s General Conditions appearing on the reverse side of this page are incorporated herein by reference.
In the event this Professional Services Agreement was received by facsimile or via email, Client hereby confirms that the above
described Proposal, the Terms and Conditions of this Proposal, including the Terms on this page, and Andersen Andre
Consulting Engineers, Inc.'s General Conditions have been made available and are incorporated in this agreement.
Billing Address
Accepted for AACE:
Name: David P. Andre, P.E.
Tide: Principal Engineer
Date: February 2, 2021
1- Parties And Scope Of Work: Andersen Andre Consulting Engineers, Inc. (hereinafter
referred to as "RACE") shall include said company, its individual professionals, particular
division, subsidiary or affiliate performing the Work. "Work" means the specific
geotechnical, analytical, testing, environmental or other service to be performed by AACE
as set forth in AACE's proposal, the Client's acceptance thereof, both incorporated herein
by this reference, and these General Conditions. "Client" refers to the person or business
entity ordering the Work to be done by AACE. If the client is ordering the Work on behalf
of another, the Client represents and warrants that the Client is the duly authorized agent of
said party for the purpose of ordering and directing said Work. Further, Client shall disclose
any such agency relationship to AACE in writing before the commencement of AACE's
Work hereunder. Client agrees that AACE's professional duties are specifically limited to the
Work as set forth in AACE's proposal. The Client assumes sole responsibility for
determining whether the quantity and the nature of the Work ordered by the Client is
adequate and sufficient for the Client's intended purpose. Client shall communicate these
General Conditions to each and every third party to whom the Client transmits any part of
AACE's Work. AACE's Work is for the exclusive use of Client, and its properly disclosed
principal. In no event shall AACE have any duty or obligation to any third party. The
ordering of Work from AACE shall constitute acceptance of the terms of AACE's proposal
and these General Conditions.
2 -Scheduling of Work: IF RACE is required to delay commencement of the work, or if,
upon embarking on its work, AACE is required to stop, delay or otherwise interrupt the
progress of work as a result of changes in the scope of work requested by the client, to fulfill
the requirements of third parties, interruptions in the progress of construction, or other
causes beyond the exclusive reasonable control of AACE, additional charges will be
applicable and payable by the Client.
3 - Responsibility: AACE's work shall not include determining, supervising, or
implementing the means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction.
RACE shall not be responsible for evaluating, reporting or affecting job conditions
concerning health, safety or welfare. AACE's work or failure to perform same shall not in
any way excuse any contractor, subcontractor or supplier from performance of its work in
accordance with the contract documents.
4 -Payment: Payment shall be due within 30 days after date of invoice. Interest at the rate
of 18%per annum (or the highest rate allowable by la�v) from 30 days after date of invoice
to date payment is received will be added to all amounts not paid within 30 days after date
of invoice. All attorney fees and expenses associated with collection of past due invoices will
be paid by Client.
5 -Right-of--Entry: Unless otherwise agreed, Client will furnish right -of --entry on the
property for RACE to make the planned borings, surveys, and/or explorations. AACE will
take reasonable precautions to minimize damage to the property caused by its equipment and
sampling procedures, but the cost of restoration or damage which may result from the
planned operations is not included in the contracted amount. If Client desires to restore the
property to its former condition, AACE will accomplish this and add the cost to its fee.
6 -Damage to Existing Man-made Objects: It shall be the responsibility of the Owner
or his duly authorized representative to disclose the presence and accurate location of all
hidden or obscure man-made objects relative to field tests, sampling, or boring locations.
hen cautioned, advised or given data in writing that reveal the presence or potential
presence ofunderground or overground obstructions, such as utilities, AACE �villgive special
instructions to its field personnel. As evidenced by your acceptance of this proposal, Client
agrees to defend, indemnify and save harmless AACE from all claims, suits, losses, personal
injuries, death and property liability resulting from subsurface conditions or damages to
subsurface structures or man made objects, owned by Client or third parties, occurring in the
performance of the proposed work, whose presence and exact locations were not revealed
to AACE in writing, whether such claims or damages are caused in whole or in part by
AACE, and agree to reimburse AACE for expenses in connection with any such claims or
suits, including reasonable attorney's fees. Client's obligation to indemnify is limited to $1
million per occurrence, which Client agrees bears a reasonable commercial relationship to the
Work undertaken by AACE. Client further agrees that these general conditions are a part of
the Work's specifications or bid documents, if any.
7 -Warranty and Limitation of Liability: AACE shall perform services for Client in a
professional manner, using that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by and consistent
with the standards of competent consultants practicing in the same or a similar locality as the
project. In the event any portion of the services fails to comply with this warranty obligation
and AACE is promptly notified in writing prior to one year after completion of such portion
of the services, AACE will re -perform such portion of the services, or if re -performance is
impracticable, RACE will refund the amount of compensation paid to AACE for such
portion of the services.
This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties. No other warranty, expressed or implied,
including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose is made or
intended by the proposal for consulting services, by furnishing an oral response of the
findings made or by any representations made regarding the services included in this
agreement. In no event shall AACE be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, or
consequential loss or delay or time -related damages. The remedies set forth herein are
exclusive and the total liability of consultant whether in contract, tort (including negligence
whether sole or concurrent), or otherwise arising out of, connected with or resulting from the
services provided pursuant to this Agreement shall not exceed the total fees paid by Client
or $50,000.00, whichever is greater. Client may, upon written request received within five
days of Client's acceptance hereof, increase the limit of AACE's liability by agreeing to pay
AACE an additional sum as agreed in writing prior to the commencement of AACE's
services. This charge is not to be construed as being a charge for insurance of any type, but
is increased consideration for the greater liability involved.
For services involving or relating to pollution, it is further agreed that the Client shall
in and hold harmless AACE and their consultants, agents and employees from and
against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, direct and indirect or consequential
damages, including but not limited to fees and charges of attorneys and court and
arbitration costs, arising out of or resulting from the performance of the work by AACE,
or claims against AACE arising from the work of others. This indemnification provision
extends to claims against RACE which arise out of, are related to, or are based upon, the
disposal, discharge, escape, release or saturation of vapors, fumes, acids, alkalis, toxic
chemicals, liquids, gases or any other material, irritant, contaminant or pollutant in or into
the atmosphere or on, onto, upon, in or into the surface or subsurface. Client's obligation
to indemnify is limited to $1 million per occurrence, which Client agrees bears a reasonable
commercial relationship to the Work undertaken by AACE. Client further agrees that these
general conditions are a part of the Work's specifications or bid documents, if any.
-Sampling or Testing Location: Unless specifically stated to the contrary, the fees
in in this proposal do not include costs associated with professional land surveying
of the site or the accurate horizontal and vertical locations of tests. Field tests or boring
locations described in our report or shown on our sketches are based on specific
in furnished to us by others or estimates made in the field by our technicians.
Such dimensions, depths or elevations should be considered as approximations unless
otherwise stated in the report.
9 -Sample Handling and Retention :Generally test samples or specimens are consumed
at substantially altered during the conduct of tests and AACE, at its sole discretion,
will dispose (subject to the following) of any remaining residue immediately upon
mpletion of test unless required in writing by the Client to store or otherwise handle the
ples. (a) NON HAZARDOUS SAMPLES: At Client's written request, AACE will
maintain preservable test samples and specimens or the residue therefrom for thirty (30)
days after submission of AACE's report to Client free of storage charges. After the initial
30 days and upon written request, AACE will retain test specimens or samples for a
mutually acceptable storage charge and period of time. (b) HAZARDOUS OR
POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS SAMPLES: In the event that samples contain substances
or constituents hazardous or detrimental to human health, safety or the environment as
defined by federal, state or local statutes, regulations, or ordinances ("Hazardous
Substances" and "Hazardous Constituents", respectively), AACE will, after completion of
testing and at Client's expense: (I) return such samples to Client; (ii) using a manifest signed
by Client as generator, will have such samples transported to a location selected by Client
for final disposal. Client agrees to pay all costs associated with the storage, transport, and
disposal of such samples. Client recognizes and agrees that AACE is acting as a bailee and
at no time does AACE assume title of said waste.
10 -Discovery of Unanticipated Hazardous Materials: Hazardous materials or certain
es of hazardous materials may exist at a site where there is no reason to believe they
could or should be present. RACE and Client agree that the discovery of unanticipated
hazardous materials constitutes a changed condition mandating renegotiation of the scope
f work or termination of services. AACE and Client also agree that the discovery of
nticipated hazardous materials may make it necessary for AACE to take immediate
measures to protect health and safety. AACE agrees to notify Client as soon as practicable
should unanticipated hazardous materials or suspected hazardous materials be encountered.
lient encourages AACE to take any and all measures that, in AACE's professional opinion,
justified to preserve and protect the health and safety of AACE's personnel and the
public. Client agrees to compensate AACE for the additional cost of working to protect
employees' and the public's health and safety. In addition, Clientwaives any claim against
RACE, and agrees to defend, indemnify and save AACE harmless from any claim or
liability for injury or loss arising from AACE's discovery of unanticipated hazardous
materials or suspected hazardous materials. Client also agrees to compensate AACE for any
time spent and expenses incurred by AACE in defense of any such claim, with such
compensation to be based upon AACE's prevailing fee schedule and expense
reimbursement policy relative to recovery of direct project costs.
11-Joint and Several Liability: The concept of joint and several liability is basically this:
When two or more parties are considered responsible for causing injury or damage, any one
the parties maybe made to provide compensation for as much as 100% of the damages
sessed. When applied to hazardous materials projects, it is possible that the concept of
joint and several liability could be construed to make AACE partly or wholly responsible
for damages created directly or indirectly by the hazardous materials. Client agrees that it
would be unfair for AACE to be exposed to such an action, because AACE had nothing
whatsoever to do with the creation of the hazardous condition. Accordingly, Client waives
any claim against AACE, and agrees to defend, indemnify and save AACE harmless from
any claim or liability for injury or loss arising from application of a joint and several liability
concept that would, in any manner, hold or seek to hold AACE responsible for creating a
hazardous condition or permitting one to exist. Client also agrees to compensate AACE
for any time spent and expenses incurred by AACE in defense of any such claim, with such
compensation to be based upon AACE's prevailing fee schedule and expense
reimbursement policy relative to recovery of direct project costs.
12-Legal Jurisdiction: The parties agree that any actions brought to enforce any provision
of this Agreement shall only be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction located in St.
Lucie County, Florida. All causes of action arising out of AACE's Work shall be deemed
to have accrued and the applicable statutes of limitation shall commence to run not later
than either the date of substantial completion of the Work for acts or failures to act
occurring prior to substantial completion, or the date of issuance of final payment for acts
or failures to act occurring after substantial completion of the Work.
13 -Force Majeure: RACE shall not be held responsible for any delay or failure in
performance of any part of this Agreement to the extent such delay or failure is caused by
, flood, explosion, war, strike, embargo, government requirement, civil or milita
ority, acts of God, act or omission of subcontractors, carriers, client or other similar
causes beyond its control.