HomeMy WebLinkAboutFL20881 SKYLIGHT1/27/2021 Florida Building Code Online M- ♦ A OtPARVcNT OF Business & Professional • f td6...i _ _ ! 0 BCIS Home I Log In 1 User Registration ' Hot Topics I submit Surcharge Stats & Facts Publications Contact Us BCIS Site Map Links Search dba r Product Approval USER: Public User .. I . P Product Approval menu > Product or Application Search > Application List > Application Detail FL # FL20881-RS Application Type Affirmation Code Version 2020 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Sun Tek Mfg Address/Phone/Email 10303 General Dr Orlando, FL 32824 (407) 859-2117 ifeudner@sun-tek.com Authorized Signature James Feudner engineering@sun-tek.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Sky Lights Subcategory Skylight Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency National Accreditation & Management Institute Validated By National Accreditation & Management Institute Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard ear TAS201 1994 TAS202 1994 TAS203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By I affirm that there are no changes in the new Florida Building Code which affect my product(s) and my product(s) are in compliance with the new Florida Building Code. Documentation from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity Yes No N/A EL20881 R5 COC_ ICMG11�2020 FBC letter.pdf FL2Q581 R5 COC IrF2C 2020 FBC letterpd https://floridabuilding.org/pripr_app_dti.aspx? param=wG EVXQwtDgtbxPgODTr%2bX3SmdxkQz t gYkti9hvFbgwl3si N ia5 FSUxg%3d%3d 112 1/2712021 Florida Building Code Online Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A Date Submitted 12/04/2020 Date Validated 12/04/2020 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 12/12/2020 Summary of Products FL # Model, Number or Name Description 208811 ICMGII ICMGII (Impart) Aluminum Skylight Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Certification Agency Certificate FL20881 R.5 C CAC; N 292-R2 ICM hpdf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 03/31/2022 Design Pressure: +60/-60 Installation Instructions Other: fLZQ$81 RS II ICMGII installi�lEion inst - Approved 6.21.16 Lpd Verified By: James D Wells Jr. P.E. P.E. No. 53616 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports, FL20881 R5 AE 2017FBC ICMGII repot .pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 20881.2 IFGC IFGC 4949 Flush Mounted Wood Skylight Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +60/-60 Certification Agency Certificate FL?Qa81 R5 C CAC NIOU293-113 IFGC pdf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 03/31/2022 Installation Instructions Other: FL20881 R5 II 1283.I1' - I Install inst_- Final -Approved 7.26.16 JW.pdf Verified By: James D, Wells Jr. P.E. No. 53616 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL20881 R5 AE 2017E C IFGC. p rgt.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Back luext Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Road, �T llahassee FL 32399 Ph ne: 850-487-1 24 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer, Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida Privacy Statement :: Accessihillty Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released fn response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487,1395. *Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florfda Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the pubs€c. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click here . Product ApprovaiAccepts: W® cCheck Credit Card Safe https:Ilfloridabuilding.orgiprlpr_app_dt#.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtbxPgODTr%2bX3SmdxkQzlgYkti9hvFBgwBsiNia5FSUxg%3d%3d 212 J & L Wells Consulting LLC 1453 Arbitus Circle Oviedo, FL 32765 Phone (4(17) 496-5489 Fax (407) 699-7789 F-mail: jdwellsjrpe@cfl.rr.com Product Evaluation Report Date: December 7, 2017 Product Manufacturer: Sun -Tel: Manufacturing, Inc. 10303 General Dr. Orlando, Fl. 32725 (407) 859-2117 Product Name: ICMG 11 (Impact) A[tnTtinuln Glass Skylight Product Category: Skylights Product Sub -Category: Skylights Product Approval Method: Rule 61 G20-3.005 Method l (a) — Certifications Mark or Listing Prepared By: This itent has bran James D., Wells, Jr. P,E. electronically signed lames D Wells Florida P.E. License Number 53616 and scaledb} Jan,esB Jr Wells. Jr, P.F. on J & L Wells Consulting, LLC (J & L) 12/V20I? using a I attest to the FBPE Certification ofAuthoriration No. 27162 la15ig°�`nre. =#,�` *� accuracy and qq; o. 36ig i r nnt�cl capies or this =4` integrity of docusncnl are no r J & L Project No. 217153 considered signed and �o�q this document .• scaled and the signature 2017.12.07 must ba verified on any 1 1:43:13 J & L Report No. 2017-002 efccuaniccvpies. _05,00, Certificate of Jode endence J & L Wells Consulting, LLC and James D. Wells, Jr. P.E. do not have nor evil l acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named herein. J & L Wei Is Consulting, LLC James D. Wei Is, Jr. J & L Project No. 216051 FL No. 53616 Product Evaluation Report No. 2017-002 Paae I of 6 Scone This is a Product Evaluation Report issued by James D. Wells, Jr., P.E. (FL # 53616) for Sun- Tek Manufacturing, Inc_ based on Product Approval Rule 61G20-3.005 Method i(a) — Certifieation Mark or Listing of the State of Florida Product Approval, Department of Community Affairs — Florida Building Commission. This product has been evaluated For compliance to the 6"' Edition (2017) !Florida Building Code (2017 FBC) and (2017) Florida Residential Code (2017 FRC) including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ) sections of the code. This evaluation is not an endorsement of this product or a recommendation for the specific use of this product. Description of Product See Installation Detail Instructions dated June 21, 2016 by James D. Wells, Jr. P.E. (FL # 53616) (Reference 3) For a description of the product; its installation and other pertinent data related to its use, Installation Requirements This product is to be installed as per the manufacturers Installation Detail Instructions (Reference 3) dated June 21, 2016 signed and sealed by James D. Wells, Jr, P.E., (FL # 53616). Installation instructions have been verified to the test reports NCTL-2104017-02 and NCTL- 210-4017-02A dated March 29, 2016 (Reference 2) and supported by Anchor Calculations dated June 2 I, 2016, by James D. Wells, Jr. P.E. Reference 1. Code Conformance This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 2017 FBC and 2017 FRC, High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ), Where approved for use in areas requiring wind born debris protection, this product complies with Section 1609.1.2 of the 2017 FBC and R301.2.1.2 of the 2017 FRC and does not require Wind Bourne Debris Protection. This product meets missile level "D" and includes Wind Zone 4 as defined in ASTM E 1996 and TAS 201 -94. This product meets the water infiltration requirements for HVHZ. J & L Wells Consulting, LLC James D. Wells. Jr. J & L Project No. 216051 FL No, 53616 Product Evaluation Report No. 2017-002 page 2 of 6 Testing and Labeling Section 2405.5 - Unit Skylights and Tubular Day€ighting Devices R308.6.9 Testing and Labeling Skylight shall be tested and labeled. Testing / Mar in of Safety / Desi n Pressure Rating Design Pressure Rating 60 PSF positive, 60 PS>; negative. Exterior Skylights shall be tested for conformance to the 2017 FBC and 2017 FRC in accordance to the following: 1. Exterior Skylights shall be tested for air infiltration, water penetration and static wind loading in accordance with 1709.6 (refers to Chapter 24 FBC) of the 2017 FBC and per TAS 202 for conformance to the 1AVHZ, WBDR and areas not requiring opening protection, 2. Impact and Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading shall be tested in accordance with the following per TAS 201 and TAS 203 for conformance to the HVHZ and WBDR. a. Sections 1609.1.2, 1626.1 and 1626.2 of the 2017 FBC and b. Sections R301.2.1.2 and R4403 (refers to Chapter 16 FBC) of the 2017 FRC This product does not meet Risk Category IV, essential facility buildings or structures, requirements of Section 1604.5. Reference 2 docUInents testing to: TAS 201-94, TAS 202-94, TAS 203-94, AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/i.S.2/A440-08, and ASTM E1886-05 & ASTM E1996-05/09 (WZ4) in accordance with the above. Reference 2 documents testing the Curb Mounted Skylight to the following test pressures: 1. Uniform Load Structural Test Pressures where +120/-120 psf (Paragraph 2. Water Test Pressure of +9 psf (Paragraph 9.3.3) 3. Cyclic Wind Loading Pressure of+/-60 psf (Table I, ASTM E1996-05) Apply the following factors to arrive at Design Pressure: A Safety Factor of 2 (2017 FBC, Sections 1504.9 and 1523.4) applied to the Uniform Load Structural Test Pressures to arrive at Design Pressures of+60/-60 psf. 2. A factor of 1/0.15 T 6.67 applied to the Water Test Pressure to arrive at Design Presst€re of+60 psf: Therefore, the Overall Design Pressure is +/-60 psf, J R L Wells Consulting, LLC James D. Wells, Jr. J & L Project No, 216051 FL No. 53616 Product Evaluation Report No. 2017-002 Page 3 of 6 Glazing Reguirements Sections 2405, R308.6, and R4410 of the 2017 FBC and FRC were reviewed, The product depicted on the Reference 3 Installation Detail Drawing and documented in testing by Reference 2 meets the applicable requirements of these sections as follows: Section 2405.1 — Scope Section R309.6.1 Definitions Section 2405.2 - Allowable Glazing Materials And Limitations: For monolithic glazing systems. glazing material shall be laminated glass with minimum 30-mil (0.76 mm) polyvinyl butyral (PVB) (or equivalent) interlayer. As shown in documented Testing (Reference 2). the skylight contains insulated glass with 0.090 (2mm) Kuraray Butacite PVB interlayer. Section R308.6.2 - Permitted Materials: Laminated glass with a minimum 'interlayer thickness of 0.030 inch (0.76 mm). As shown in documented Testing (Reference 2), the skylight contains insulated glass with 0.090 (2 mm) Kuraray Butacite PVB interlayer. Mounting Requirements Sections 2405.4 Framing and R308,6.8 Curbs For Skylights of the 2017' FBC and FRC were reviewed for compliance with the following requirements: Section 2405.4 - Skylight frames shall be constructed of noncombustible materials. As shown in the documented Testing Drawings (Reference 2), the skylight metal frame is made of 0.065" thick 6063-T6 alutninutn. Section 2405A - All skylights at an angle less than 45 deg. from the horizontal shall be mounted at least 4" above the planar of the roof. Installation oFa skylight without a curb shall be permitted on roofs with a minimum slope of 14 degrees (three units vertical in 12 units horizontal) in Group R-3 occupancies, All unit skylights installed in a roof with a pitch Flatter than 14 degrees (0.25 rad) shall be mounted at least 4 inches (102 mm) above the plane of the roof on a curb constructed as required for the frame unless otherwise specified in the manufacturer's installation instructions. R308.6.8 Curbs for skylights. All unit skylights installed in a roof with a pitch flatter than three units vertical in 12 units horizontal (25-percent slope) shall be mounted on a curb extending at least 4 inches (102 mm) above the plane of the roof unless otherwise specified in the manufacturer's installation instructions. In accordance with documented Testing (Reference 2) and as shown in Installation Drawing (Reference 3), the skylight assembly is installed on a wood curb 4 inches or more above the roof Surface. J & L Wells Consulting, LLC Jaynes D. Wells. Jr. J& L Project No. 216051 FL No. 53616 Product Evaluation Report No. 2017-002 Page 4 �niruu Product Approval Section 2410.4 - High -Velocity Hurricane Zones - GeneraI Skylights shall have product approval. Limitation and Conditions of Use Limitations and Conditions of Use are shown on the Installation Detail Instructions (Reference 3). Product anchors shall be as designated and located as shown in the Installation Detail Instructions (Reference 3). Anchor embedment and edge distance exclude roofing material including, but not limited to, moisture barrier and sheathing. All rooting details shall comply with Chapter 15 of the 2017 FBC, Installation details described within the Installation Detail Instructions (Reference 3) are generic and may not reflect actual conditions for a specific site. Site conditions that deviate from the details shown in the Installation Detail Instructions (Reference 3) require further engineering analysis by a Licensed Engineer or Registered Architect. Product to be labeled in accordance with FBC 1709.5.1 and 2405.5 Quality Insurance This product will be manufactured under a duality assurance program audited by National Accreditation & Management Institute (NAMI). NAMI is an approved Certification and Quality Assurance Entity per Rule 61G20-3(3). AnDdientions / Installations Outside the Limitations and Conditions of Use Any modification to this product as evaluated in this report and approved by the Florida Building Commission is outside the scope of this evaluation and will be the responsibility of others. As allowed in Rule 61G20-3(1)(e), a project specific approval by local authorities having jurisdiction may be used given an appropriate rational analysis and acceptance by local authority having jurisdiction. J & L hells Consulting, LLC -James D. Wells, Jr. J & L Project No, 216051 FL No. 53616 Product Evaluation Report No. 2017-002 Page 5 of Sumn1an This product Complies with the 2017 FBC and 2017 FRC. Performance and Testing Standards Structural Test Reports NCTL-210-4017-02A and NCTL-210-4017-02 (Reference 2) documents testing to the Following: High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ) Testing Application Standards (TAS) - NCTL-210- 4017-02A: 1. TAS 201-94, Impact Test Procedures, Dade County Building Code Compliance Office 2. TAS 202-94. Criteria for Testing Impact and Non -Impact Resistant Building Envelope Components using Uniform Static Air Pressure, Dade County Building Code Compliance Office 3. TAS 203-94, Criteria for Testing. Products Subjected to Cyclic Pressure Loading Reference 2 also documents testing to the following - NCTL-210-4017-02: 1. AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/1.S.2/A440-08. NAFS North American Fenestration Standard/Specification for Windows, Doors, and Skylights 2. ASTM E 1886-05 & ASTM F,1996-05/09 (WZ4) References and Supporting Doeu.ments I . Anchor calculations and drawings prepared by J & L Wells Consulting LLC, Dated June 21, 2016, signed and sealed by James D. Wells, Jr. P.E. (FL # 53616) (J&L Project No. 216051) 1 Structural Test Report (Including Drawings) NCTL-210-4017-02 dated March 29, 2016 Structural Test Report (Including Drawings) NCTL--210-4017-02A dated March 29. 2016 (TAS Tests) 3. Installation Detail Instructions, dated June 21, 2016 reviewed by J & L Wells Consulting LLC, and signed and sealed by James D. Wells, Jr. P.E. (FL fi 53616.) 4. Kuraray Butacite PVB Glass Interlayer (NOA No. 14-0916, 10) renewed as Trosi Pol NOA No. 16-1 117.01 issued by Miami Dade County Product Control Section Expiration date July 8, 2019 J & L Weils Consulting, LLC .fames D. Wells, Jr. J & L Project No. 216051 FL No. 53616 Product Evaluation Report No. 2017-002 Page 6 of 6 NOTICE OF PRODUCT CERTIFICATION �iCk,tf�i r0� CERTIFICATION NO: NI013292-RI CC PA F DATE: 07/0612016 C RTIFICATION PROGRAM: Structural COMPANY: Sun-Tek CODE: 225-1 REVISION DAME: 02111/2026 To verity that the "Notice of Product Certification" is valid, please visit %v%v,v,NA%1tGer(jllcatlan.co111 to assure that the product is active and currently listed. This certification represents product conformity to theapplicable speciticatiolt and that certification criteria has been satisfied. A NAM[ approved certification label must be applied to the product to claim certification stattis, Please review and advise NAMI if any corrections are required to this document. COMPANY NAME AND ADDRESS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Sun-Tek Manufacturing, Inc. Series "ICMG II (Impact)" 10303 General Drive Aluminum Skylight Orlando, FL 32824 Configuration: O Glazing: IG-3116" Tempered Glassll/8" Annealed Glassi0.040" Kuraray Butacite PVB Interlayeri l l8" Annealed Glass Frame: W-l283n1111(50.5") H-I283mm(50.5") DLO: W-11621nin(45.75") H-I162mm(45.75") SPECIFICATION PRODUCT RATING TAS 201/2021203-94 Design Pressure: 2873 Pa (60 psf) Witer lyenctratiun Resistance Test Pressure: 431 Pa (9,00 p$r Large Missile Impact Rated Product Tested By: National Certified Testing Laboratories Report No: NCTI_,-210-4017-02A Expiration Date: March 31, 2022 AdrninistratWs Signature: NATIONAL ACCREDITATION AND MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE, INC. 4794 George Washington Memorial Highway Hayes, VA 23072 Tel: (804) 684-5124 Fax: (Sa4) 684-5122 z o LU -- LU ZA W ~ N p � W w a¢© a A J J O Y r i N C ry LL m T E O J ipM� U Q m �oc.,30 ar gg s'�Ov 3ii CO 44 On b N �C c M z d � � P. v .� 6 O 's G 4 j mba+i C m m ■II I101a I III IIII III o I N -1111 1 along ` _ -F P- ca _a " - rn cc �a i=ten M :A c O w n v rP1 Wt�sW _ nz N s d � c9 N O,v - V o a y 2 E ia C _ a ro Z7a�m H l 3 "'oo�is va !^1 as G°- ut E� Yarn a i N u L � o_ 3`" .. y m O n N Z m C V a PJ � en u V L]� F E O V 71 i La E, 4- S U U E 3 Q Y [Jr .4 a E C, N C� g Q w Q LO CJr- �4 i 0�^ �N E L° c n ('7 Ld L a, mt; x v s+ 6 d L n i war m a co X 41U � U C, J� _ L Q) k v Q, N^ U r/l U `+- L a Y e Ln Qv s Q/ U) a s a+ P d u + d +' Li _ (r 3 +' � te a,- ao n alC, au w z N5 a LA O° a C� wu as m.LQ' G s m a V7 v �$ ° a Fri � m �. U Q Ql O 3+ L Q D- US L Qs w Vl 6 U - d 4 L CL N N a ro �N C C > � V � AaWE�CC A t 9i .c. q ¢ ory Ea q H ry y D 00-1 L✓ e n L A � � .Y- 4� ti L y M M N m M Y x d O Oi N uSo 3 .`-2 $ E Ev� w N D g s rvmt5 E v g m a v m`�F �. c E E ..a v o y C 6 0 O wR i Elf fa Q ? ',F F CO [Y w LU m 'U tv Q J ul C7 + Q 6 w �a Y U 6W # m X my Sun-Tek Manufacturing, Inc. 10303 General Drive W n ■Te Orlando, FL 32824 (407) 859-2117 S K Y L G H T S® www.Sun-Tek.com Customer5ervice@s un-tek.com SIZEFastener INFORMATIONSchedule Size Code Roof Opening Finished Opening (/z"DrywallSide Dimension Spacing #10 x 1 Phillips Pan Mead Screws Short Per Long Side (Per 1414 11 �"x l lib" 101h"x 107/z"3 t 3 1422 11'h"X 191/2" 101h"x 18'/x'3 3 1430 111/2"x 27%2" 101h"x 26%z"3 3 1446 111/2"x43%2" 101h"x421/2" 16" 3 5 1725 141/2"x 22%2" 131/2"x 211/2" 16" 3 3 1733 141h'x 301/2" 13'b'x 291/2' 16" 3 4 1749 141/2"x461/2" 13%2"x451/2" 16" 3 5 2222 191/21x 19'/2" T81/z"x 181/2" 24" 3 3 2230 19%2"x 271/211 181h"x 261h" 24" 3 3 2246 191/1"x43%2" 18%'x421/z" 24' 3 5 2525 1 22'h"x221h" 211h"x211/2" 24" 3 3 25331 221h"x 301/z" 211/2" x 291/2" 24" 3 4 2549 221h"X461/2" 211/z"x451h" 24" 3 5 3030 27'h"x271/3" 261/2"x261/2" 16"or32" 3 3 3046 27'/z"x 431/2" 261/z"x 42'h" 16" or 32" 3 5 3333 301/a"x 301/2" 291h"x 291/2' 16"ur 32" 4 4 3349 301/2"x461h" 291/2'x45%2" 16"or32" 4 6 4646 1 431/2"x 43%z" 421h"x 42Yz" 16' 24"or 48" 1 6 1 6 4949 461h"x 46Y2" L 2"x 451/2" 16" 24" or 48" 6 1 6 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS INSULATED GLASS SERIES MODEL IFGC Minimum 2:12 pitch required. Engineer of Record: �® James D. Wells,Jr., P.E. Professional Engineer No. 53616 J & L Wells Consulting LLC 1453 Arbitus Circle Oviedo, FL 32765 (407)496-5489 Certificate of Authorizatio n No. 27'162 This item has been electronically signed and sealed by James D. Wells, Jr, P.E. on 7/26/2016 using a Digital Signature. Printed copies ofthis document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. You will need: James D Wells Jr 1 attest to the +���14■Aar �,f% accuracy and d. 3fi78 lC o{ °g integrity of this ar�rt or �aa�► E4 document ' 7rj}j1"„ 2016.07.26 09:29.33-04'00' • hammer • sealant/mastic • keyhole saw • tape measure • skill saw • chalkline or straight edge • nails • trowel or caulk gun • drill • utility knife •2x4`s For Light Tunnel: RECOMMENDED SEALANTS: • 8 or 10 penny nails 100% Silicone • plywood or drywall ' STS 1000 (Sun Tek exclusive) Butyl rubber sealant/caulk �r..r• �•ir'a1 7r W1W YYF%W%I% IV I Check local building codes for glass requirements. • Please read instructions completely before beginning. • Deck and roofing felt should already byinstalled.• Interior woodliner should be stained or painted before installation. All installation information is supplied in good faith, but without recommendation to its use. No guarantee of the results of any use of this information is to he implied, since conditions of use are beyond our control. Please consult local building codes for compliance before installing. 1 To properly position skylight between trusses/rafters, locate the roof opening from the underside of the decking. (If this area is not accessible, locate the ceiling joists from inside the house, mark opening in ceiling Wc), and cut ceiling opening. Then follow steps below for roof opening.) a) measure distance between trusses/rafters and mark center point. b) to center skylight, measure one-half of appropriate roof opening to each side of center point and mark. c) using the side marks as a guide, mark corners by drilling holes or driving nails through roof. 2 Remove shingles 6 - Wout from roof opening. 3 Cut roof opening (snap a chalkline from corner to corner, or draw line with a straightedge.) 4 Frame roof opening: a) cut two 2 x 4's to fit the actual distance between trusses/rafters and nail into place. NOTE; Sire 2525, 2549, 3333, 3349, 4949 Skip step "b-proceed to 'c". b) cuttwo 2 x 4's to the exact length of the roof opening and nail to the trusses/rafters. c) if applicable, cut ceiling opening and build tunnel framing. (See"Light Tunnel Installation Instructions.") 5 Shingle up roof to bottom of roof opening. 6 Apply approved sealant in a3"wide band around the entire opening. (Caulking:Apply3a/s°beads one inch apart or 3"x 1/S" butyl tape.) 7 Center skylight to coverall aluminum from inside exposure. Set skylight over opening. The label "This Edge Down"should be at the bottom of the opening. This insures proper functioning of the condensation wick. Fasten the skylight to the roof using #10 x 1"pan head screws (see fastener schedule).The screws should be stainless steel, galvanized orzinc plated for resistance to corrosion. Use the pre -drilled holes for the fasteners. Place a large bead of sealant at the joint between the flange and the roof deck. Also, seal the head of each fastener. IMPORTANT: Bottom flange of skylight MUST go on top of r —, �-- 4 shingles. 8 Now shingle up sides and across top. Place shingles, as far in as j possible, but be careful not to nail through skylight flange. ? DO NOT place any sealant on the top side of the skylight flange! Sealant to this area will block the water diversion channels on the flange. Z Bottom flange will still be exposed: we recommend leaving it this way. If you decide to put a "false shingle" over it, be careful not to nail through skylight flange. Engineer of Record: James D. Wells, Jr., P.E. Professional Engineer No. 53616 J & L Wells Consulting LLC 1453 Arbitus Circle Oviedo, FL 32765 (407) 496-5489 Certificate of Authorization No. 27162 Glazing Sea Flat Frail Deco DID #10x1 Phillips Pan Hal Screw- 5/8' ptywood Deck I AST I 1 RS SKY1_I1G1-T TO CURB See schedule, For total nurnloer of I f as l,eners per side. Each side requ;res a fastener 4" fro each en6, Addit'fonal Fcasterers to fae equally spaced, #_O x 1 -Lan head I sr revv mil')IM M. i I a Insulated G(O—KnAcle with 0.090 Kuraray Butacite Interlayer) PVC IIe i n Pressure Ratin� arge M ss a Impol ra e Deco Finned LIGHT TUNNEL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS For homes with an attic, it is necessary to build a tunnel between skylights and ceiling. The tunnel walls may be straight, or flared for extra light and architectural appeal. it's very easy to increase the tunnel size along the length of the ceiling joists. As long as no roof -supporting members are cut, no special framing is needed. While it is possible to flare the tunnel in all directions, if support members are cut, special framing will be required for structural support. In this case you must consult a qualified building profes- sional to insure proper and safe results. After roof and ceiling openings have been framed, measure distance (at each corner of roof opening) between rafter/truss and ceiling joist. Using these four measurements, cut 2 x 4 lumber for vertical support members (two per corner), In each corner, nail vertical support members into place at right angles to each other, Measure, cut, and nail tunnel walls into place. Suggestions for lining tunnel: - use drywall, tape corners, and paint white using regular or texture paint. (Texture paint alone will hide and fill untaped joints, but in time, cracks may appear in corners.) use prefinished paneling with molding in corners. line the tunnel with cedar, pine, or a wood to coordinate with your decor. -for special effects, try painting the tunnel a striking accent color, or use mirrors or wallpaper on tunnel walls, Caulk the slight gap between the tunnel walls and skylight base. Finish off tunnel at ceiling with molding, or blend edges into ceiling with texture paint. Be sure to wrap the exterior of the tunnel with insulation for energy savings. INSULATED GLASS SKYLIG1iT LIMITED WARRANTY Sun Tek h1anufaaunr4g. fnc.{'Sur,7k'I1t13o3General DHre,Odandq Florida 32E24.(497)859-2117, vrarranlsthis 5ky7ghtonthefeeowing terms and—ditionz A.WarrantyCoveraget This warrantyapplies to bath the nrfgf�al pulchasyrandf` ronsuma-v ro' a Sky'kghtmade by Sun.Tek.ELWarrantypuradMThis warrantyshell remainavffen fora pedad of twemyLainyears after thedatethe Skylight is purchased or the date the 5ky'.ight Is deilmredm the flntconsume:-c. , whicheveris later. During theRrsrten(t blyearsofthlswarrantyperiod•Sun Tek Indusaiescorers 1odperrentufall.,W,naI mu torthcernin,-A. After 163'ears PolIu ing the lnhlation ofthis warranty,sue-7ek induseies%,II cowra proratedporrianandissue acr-dit as fir IIamY 'I In 13R....._.._SR'.+Er.9e 75 percent :41015 5C ];-ercenl '-.7 m 2n 25 percent This 2t1-year-mired varranryapplies to glass urles skylights only5or skyGlyF,rs manuracl�,ed,:r.r1,,,,uary 1,15rig_For produnsnrareefa;tuned gerocc Jsnuary t, 1999, the w mnty period is 7c years. C.warra rtyApplicafiem This warranty applies only Lo the materials and fabncat'ron oftl Skylight and does no, apply to any dal or damage caused by improper use, improper installation, improper rare or accident. Glass breakage is not covered ➢.7eaformaneby Sun-Tek: LWrfng thewarrarilypenod Sue-7ek will provideivea of rF rgo art equivalent new Skylight;a, component rhemotl far one found Iu be dafective in —ter, arworinnanship.Shipplrg casts o`suchreplacements err not the responsibility of Sun-Tek. Sum7ek will Hall be responsib eforanymrs of remove!ecminstallaHon-Condensationor damaged caused laycondensationis noteuvero.dunderthis warranty. E.Validation Pr�durw To,teamperformanceunderthisv ,rinty.the rchaser Host-fn On inst,llad skylights, swNact Sun3ek for instrttetivns Before removing skylighL Removal of skylight fr om roof before inspenn ar t void warranty, a) Ell sulli k In writing o' any claim within thrity(301 days after the defer- is discovered: arr4 (3}Sun Tek orits authorized aornts must examinehlgh quality installed phptog: nphs of the subjen sRylinht and Je[ermine to i[s sarisfanion Whether the Uekct is covrred'oythis warranty, ; and (4', Present a a,py of the receipt as prnof n! puuchasc. F. implied Warranties: PoS'L'rbo W4RRAN7{ES, INCLULING BUT WIT LN-nEC TO r17PLIED WARRANTIES OF NERCHANrTARILITV AND r, NESS FOR A PARTICILAF PURPOSE. 5HAI1 NOT EXTEND 5L70NO THE OURATEON OFTHE EXPRESS WARRANTES PROVIDED HEREIht Some states do no, allow limitations on hove Iv $UN TCR SHALL N07 BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCICENTAL OR CON5EQUENTIALI)AMAGESWHATSOtW N' ng ant EpLO warrantyasts,so[he ai=usm Hmltaton may rro: applyto you.G. Inudental or Consegnential Damages. R: ELUDING Rll7 NOT TOIA5561➢ME OR REVENUE, GASOIII•lE.7E'.EPHUNE•OR 07hil EXPFNS�S. Same states do out allawtheescfusionorlinetatlon ofind Jo.nral orconspi,i lal ' EXCLUSIVE Al IIFil nF Id. f]T,aF�tn_�eaacnmttz•r.:....�......