HomeMy WebLinkAboutReview Comments .,. PHOENIX F REALTY HOMES, INC. Luxury Custom Home Builder 1760 N Jog Road Suite 120 West Palm Beach,FL 33411 Phone (561)799-5900 Fax (561) 659-1197 L 4' Burke Res- 8016 S Ocean Drive Permit# 1705-0071 Ftk'VIJ FING List of items needed to review for Lydia,Plan review and environmental St, Lucie County, FL DEP permit approved and the notice to proceed HVAC duct layouts and Energy and Manual J's Soil Reports Truss approved layouts and Truss engineering DELRAY BEACH NAPLES CAR166RAN l RANDjL STOFFT ARCHITEdistinctive inspirational architecture Thursday,July 20,2017 To: St.Lucie County Narrative Letter Re: Custom Residence 8016 S.Ocean Drive Jensen Beach,FL 34957 Master Permit Number: 1705-0071 To whom it may concern: This narrative letter is in response to the Building Department comments dated June 17,2017. Structural by Ed Roseberry 1. V-zone certification To be addressed by GC. 2. Show flood vents Please see updated lower level plan A201 for flood vents. 3. Elevator manufacturer submittal To be addressed by GC. 4. Show frangible steps at pool See update structural. 5. Mullions design pressure in affidavit does not meet opening pressure. See updated affidavit. 42 N.SWINTON AVENUE DELRAY 13E,ACH,FLORIDA 3344"'1 561-243-0799-1111oxe 561-243-0299-rXX W%VW.ST0F&T.00N1 AA0003379 NW DE1.R1 -WOEACII NAPLES CARIRREAY RANDAs L STOFFT I11rIIII distinctive inspirational architecture Zonms by Lynda Galbraith 1. Front entry encroaches into front setback The area noted as front entry does not have structure above it.It consists of steps and paved area only to access the front door. 2. Show the main level office dashed on the survey See update survey. 3. Coordinated site plan east line ofAE-7 flood zone. See updated site plan A101. 4. Coordinate rear deck stair with survey and structural plans See updated survey. 5. Update pool storage wall dimension on survey. See updated survey 6. Indicate mean roof height on elevation See updated elevation A301. Sincerely, -4ME Randall E-.-Stofft,AIA President = RES Carlos M.Linares 42 N.SWINTON AVENUE DELRAY BEACH.FLORIDA 33444 561-243-0799-mion 561-243-0299-rnx \V%VW.ST0F FT.C0M AA0003379 DrUlAY BEACH NAPI.rS CARIBBEAN I ARRANDA L STOFFT distinctive inspirational architecture, Thursday,July 20,2017 To: St.Lucie County Narrative Letter Re: Custom Residence 8016 S.Ocean Drive Jensen Beach,FL 34957 Master Permit Number: 1705-0071 To whom it may concern: This narrative letter is in response to the Building Department comments dated June 17,2017. Structural by Ed Roseberry 1. V-zone certification To be addressed by GC. 2. Show flood vents Please see updated lower level plan A201 for flood vents. 3. Elevator manufacturer submittal To be addressed by GC. 4. Show frangible steps at pool See update structural. S. Mullions design pressure in affidavit does not meet opening pressure. See updated affidavit. 42 N.SWINTON AVENUE D_ELRAY BEACH,FLORIDA 3344.1 561-243-0799-mon 561-2,13-0299-mN 1V W%V.S'r 0 r•P 7`."C O AI AA0003379 DELRAY REACH NAPLBS cAitiBBBAN' l P-ANDALL STOFFT ARCHITECTS .distinctive inspirational architecture Zoning by Lynda Galbraith 1. Front entry encroaches into front setback The area noted as front entry does not have structure above it.It consists of steps and paved area only to access the front door. 2. Show the main level office dashed on the survey See update survey. 3. Coordinated site plan east line ofAE-7 flood zone. See updated site plan A101. 4. Coordinate rear deck stair with survey and structural plans See updated survey. 5. Update pool storage wall dimension on survey. See updated survey 6. Indicate mean roof height on elevation See updated elevation A301. Sincerely, Randall E.,Sfofft,AIA President- - RES Carlos M.Linares 42 N.SWINTON AVENUE DELRAY BEACH,FLORIDA 334144 561-243-0799-PDaxe 5,61-2,13-0299-FXX IVIV%V.ST0FF1'.COAT AA0003379