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Energy Calculation Form & Manual J's
F FtM R405-261.4.. FLOR(DA"ENERGY EFFICI —1-0, o, BUILDI�JG` CONSTRUCT0 , Fiorida,Department,o'f 6usin.`ess and:Professional Regulation• f2esidential Performance Mefhod [?ro�ect Marne Burke Residence-banasAc COO-_Name 5t`eet: 8016&,Oceanbdve Pennit:Office° Gify State;Zip: Jensen Beach,FL Permit Number:; Owner. :JurisdMom, l7es�gn Location: FL,ST_LUCIE COLINTL County MaCtm(Florida ClimateZane 2`) 1,.M,evX construction otewsting New(From`Plansj; 9 1NallTypes(82$9 3 s' ) Insulation Area • a6GOncreke,Block EXt tnsul F.xtenor R-4 2 8449 60ft= 2:..Single farriily or muibple family: Single=family b nterlpr Frame Wood Interior' R 4;2.' 810 67`ft' 3,Number of•un s,;lf mdlttple famiiyt 1: c:ConcrdtdBIdck °Ext`,Insui;Adj Pent_• R-42 537:Q0'ft= 4,,Nu(nber of Bedrooms 6` d other{see details) R Ogg Op fe 10 Ceiling Typal(7025'0 Sgfk:) Insulation Area, 5_Is thrs a worst case?' No' a.Ftoof•Oeek(Unpented) 5 R-200. 0200.ft� B.;;Gondfiorieti floor area above'grade jf } 6455 b NiA R ft' Gondrtioned (pro below grade 0 o NlAf R=: W 11 DuCts R .- 7.Wmdows(1511 9 agft? Description Area. 2 adtlfional duct systems) ti 39175 a U Factor; Db1.U 1 f}8 62700 fiz b Syp Attio Ret Attic,AH Main Nortfi'Side. 6 38275 StiGCs. SNGC-0.19 c Sup Attfc,Ret.Attic;;AH Upper NarthS�de= (see detail 12 Coolm s tams: kBtWhr Efficiency: b: t1 Faefor' Dbi U4 82 41i0i75>ft?" g . 3HGC^Oi1 a:Central U SHGC 9 nit 47.0 SEER 1600 b.-CenVal Unit 47 0 SEER 16 00: e: U Factor.. Dbl;al-0:91 309 83 ft' .2 adiLtionA cooling;systerns (see detaets}; SHGC: ;SHGC 0.21; 1$:HeaWgsystems kBku/hr Efficiency; d:.U Facto`r,.�. :other(see details) 1,14.33;ft2` a:Electnc.Heat Pump 46 5' HSPF:9f00 SHGC .other(see details)` b_Electric Heat Pump 46., tiSpF 9A Area Weighted Average Qveehang t)epth 8d38 fE 2 adtlitional heating Systems; (see details Area Weighted,Average SHGC; 0:192 14 Hokwater,sysfems; a.,;Elegtncs 'Cap 80 galfons $ Flaor Types (7025 0.sCOO. insutatton Area'• EF 3 750 a.FlaotOver tither Space R 0 0 3263.00 ft? b.:Gonservatign features, ti:Floor over Garage R=20 0 2g 4 00;T; None: e other^(see details). Et 76>3.Oa TY i3 Credits: P'stat: Total Proposed Modified Loads 2%49 GlasslFloor Area; 0 234 PASS Total Baseline Loads:, 230124; l•hereby cetbfy ihat'the plans anti speGfications covered by Review of the plans and o I �xAp this:calculation are in coat Rance Hnth,the Ftonda,Energy specifications covered by this Code. ` calculation 1RdicateS compiianCe ta"'r`�i4�' 4 t° ,r°�r��� - the=Flontla.EnergyCode: !rn, •B PREPARED B�( r afore construction rs completed � b •.DgTE ;..�. ' . _ .x - . -.. fthrs,buldrng vrdl:be rnspscted for : 's�. compliance with Section.553;908 * �r I hereby certify that this building,as;desrgned,rs rn;ctmphance, Florida,.Statutes with.the Florida,Energ , de., D 01Nf 1=RlAG_ T. 13IJ NG OFF{,CIAL;. .. .. .._, -GATE; DATE; Coin liance re"wres,cerdficatrion by the atr handier unit manufacturer that the air handler enclosure 400ifi s as p 4 m.. --• certyfied;facMry'seaied-io accordance vYith Lt403.2.2.1: -• Gomphance requires an;4ir Barrier and Insulation lnspecVori Checklist in; „ R a tope leakage. test report m accortlance:,nth R402 41.2_. Vy 6/121201710 O faMz Ene A . P PI inSofwrgg m re t?age 1 of T \I s - PROJEC7: Title: euke Residence Oaras AC: Bedrooms- 6 Address Type;: Street;Address Building Type User- Condrdoned=Area: 6455 guyner Total Stories S BloadSubDlvision: #Df Unb:: 1 W,orst Case: No PlatBotik Builder,Name> Rotate Angie: 0:: Street: i80i6S,Ocea-D' Permit OIlice: Cross Ventilation= Caunty Martin. Jurisd�cUoi Whore House Fan:, Erty Sfate Zip: Jensen Beach,,_ Faintly Type: $ingTe-family FL; ki wl lst ng, New(From Ola.ns) ?Golnmeot;: CLIMATE; EECt Design Temp Int Design Temp Heating Design HY Temp Resrgn i gcatlori; TMY Site Zane 975%. g2 5.OR Winter _SumrKter.'. DegreB;Days m zfZonge FL,=S7 Lt]CIE�CO t..NTL f.Lj ERO BEACH_MUNI 2 39• 9D 70 75 289 5& Medium BLOCkS: Number"_ hiame;_. Area Volume, 1 Unit 1:. 1685- 28795 2 Unit 2; 16,W 18359; 3 Onit:3 2t,23= 224WO- 4 iOj 4 978: 1"1004 _ . WOO ... ;Number IVarrie" Area:' Volume Ktchen.. Occupants 6edroams InfiIID Fiished'., Cooled Heated 4 Foyer' 380 14440 No A ti Yes; Ye§: Yes:: 2: Main Sauth Side' 11305 14355: No- 8 1. 1 Yes" Yes `Yes S tilain North°Side. 76EJ 18359_ Yes. 4 1 1 Yes Yes: Yes: 4 Upper South:Srd@': Y178 92958 No% 3' A 1, Yes Yes: Yes: : 5: Upper North Side. 945; :9430 No` 3` 1 Yes Yes; Yes' fi= MaSterE3edroom 1408- 5SO4; No: 2 1 Yes Yes .7 iVlaster,l3atkr C[oset;. 5.70- 57011' No' 1 U= 7 Yes. Yes, Yes; �LOOFtS: . #., Floar7ype Space perimeterRerimeteM-Value Anaa. Jotst.RValue._„ Tile. ,Woad.Carpe# _.. TSiatrOn- rade:edge insuiat o. Foyer 6Q;tt: Q; 36640' 1,: 0 o: Z Floor o ref GarOge Main South Side _ 1305;fQ? 20 0.3 0; 6-1 :ZfloocoVorOarage I1AairtNorthSine '1669ft2 :20': 64 6A 00 A-Ftoar fiver Puree Space: Upper South,SEde 5.Floor Over.+OYlier Space' Upper North-5ide 1515 it2- 6 4.4 0 8 8 _. .. $'Raised,ftOor MEWO Seproom. 408•ft2 :20 0 0 1 7Floor:Oxef.OtherSpace: Master Bath Glos :: 570It= .0 611212017.10 30 ANt: EnergyGagge®U.SA FlaRes2014 Seciion R4g5 41 Compliant Software Page 2 oft' i FORM R4-05`:=2014:. ROdF Roof Gable Roof Solar SA: Emitk Einitt Deck Pitch u # Type?: Nfaterials Area ,Area Dolor Ahsot Tested'. Test�l Insul. (deg): 1: Hip` Metal 4522 fo 0'f? Dark Q,96' No 1D:9. Na 20 337 ............ A7T�C v= # Type. V�entaiahort Vent Ratio(1;tn)' Aiea RBS IRCG: 1: Full attic Unvented CEILING'. _# Ceillttg7Ype° SPace; R-Va►ue :Ins Type Area Framing Frac....,.Truss Type, 1 Under Attic(Unyenfed) Foye% 0- Blown' 3.80 it=' OA 1" Wood: 2 Under:Attic'(Unvented), Main South Side; Q; Blown 1305 ft? 091 Wood: , 3. .Under',tfic, nvenW4) Main lsl Side 6 Blown; 1669;ft�° 0s.1T Wood 4 Under Attic;(Unveptoy,. Upper South Side Q Blown; 1'17,8 ft? D.11 Wood. 5 UnderAtticc(Unvented) .1.10perNarth.Sid6; 0 B16WW 1515tt 0.11. wood: UnderAttic,(Unventeg M8,00.bedroom: 0: Blowt 408ft?' 0.:11 Wood:' 7` briderAtt c.(Wvenfed) MpsterBath:Clos; 0 BlowrF 570 ft°> 0:1 f wood' WAILS Adjacent Gavrty Wccith. Iieighr Sheathnig Framing Solar Belouv<' - fc Wall T $paw ya��o _ b �� _._.•-F_t-ln—FL>-:In Area fit Nellie Ftactitit�l�bso !a 1 W Extenor' ConcreteSBlock. 'Ext,lnsul. Foyer j42. 15- 4 38 ... 5827fN 0.. 0 0:75 0 2 N Garage Concrete Block;"`F_xt 1nsUl;Foyer 418,99 17" 9,- 0 3; E" Garage Concrete Block-Extlnsul:`Fgyer 91999. 20, 9° 1.800'ft? f>` 0 0:75: 0 4' S, Garage Concrete+l* Ext hsUf'Foyer :4.19,60 4; 9 36 O;ft?; U': 0 0 75> 0 , 5 $ Garage Concrete Back-4x Insul Foyer 41999: 13r 9? 117 O T 0. t} 0 75' 0 S W Garage Concrete;Block:�Ex(his :Foyer d t999 5_ 9- 43 01tfi 0' 0 0 75.r 7: W txfenor Concxete Block .E.xt Inf,Min South.$141,99g 15 11: 165 O ft2 0 b 0.75 0; 3 S Exterior Concrete=¢lock;-Ext in9dtl�in;$outhSr41$99 13 1'1 143 O'1ti 0 0 0;75i >0 _,. Extenor Goncrebe`3bck Ext InfiEeii:Sauth Si'41999. 20," 1a1 t3. Q33 3 ftz 0 0 0'75; ax; �'10 S' Exfedor :Concrete Hlock'-EA tn in;South$l 41n999 1,8 10 1,BO.O:it' 0 0 OJe .t). 17 S o:terior ;Concrete--,§",. bd Insut;Foyer: 4.1999 4 29` i,16 Q1}? 12: E Exterior Concrete:Block Ext ln9QeirrSouth Si 4:1.999 14 11: B 163 3 tt?. 0 0:: 0751 O.i � 3 E Exfenor Concrete`Block=Ezt Inii South,St 4 T999 17 11' B 198 3 fN 0 0 0 75' Q 14 N Exterior Concrete Block Ezt inllem SouthrSi-4.199.9 &: 81:74 0 a: NI Exterior Concrete Block Ext insui ,Prayer 4,1999: 2 11s 8 23 3:ft?�'1'6 N' Foyer interior".Prime W 1.0 11; 0 igt3:0:ft 0 0 :6:75 Q' _17 WExterior :Concrete Block 1_zt In in Nac $l 41999 15 1,1 8 175 Oat? Q 0= ;4.70 0; 18 S Eadedor Concrete Bock-,Ezt In38grn"o ,$ii 4j'1999`, Y&: 11' S 19 W Exterior Concrete Block E)d hi n Worth:$t:41999 r20 N. Exterior. Concrete t3lodc,Ext 1n3in€North Si.41,999 D 0 8 490 q,ft? ' 0:75 U 4� 11 _21 N' Exterior Goncreta;t3lock ;Ext In3tdhin'North_SiA,1993 2T 10 210.0:fte' 0 0 0`75 01 . �22 E:: Exterior Gonarete:.Block-:Ezf(n,'98hin North 5i 4 9999; 19 11 209.0 ft' 0 d b 75 t3; 6I72120171.0A AM' EnergyGaugeCe?USA FlaRes2014,,Sectron it?l05 4:1"Gornpliant5oftware. Page 3,of.7 FORM R405;414 ...... WALLS Adjacent.. Ga udy Width Height Sheathing Framing Solar Beb!W 'f` Space p_ F n Ff 1 R Va6icti Fra[91l.V;# Orni To WallTe Valua... t t.. n Area_ on—A6sa. .,: r - „ Exterior: Concrete:Block Ext IoSdhln;yorm 0,41999 7 11 E Exterior toncrete Block-Ext In9ttA n NvrEh i;41989 9; 0 .11 8 105.d ft'' Q. Q;; 0 75: 0: bcterior Concrete0.00*. --. -ui TOO rr." 4:1999 16, 15`: 240:0 ftz 0 26 W F_xterlor Gbncrete'BIcC(c Ext in ¢per South 41999 14 101 140.E t 0 0 o.ZS 0 29: S Exterior. Cgncrefe Block Ext In4Japer South: 41999 36 10 3B0 Oft2 d 0,; 0:75 0' 2t3 E Exterior 10. 14d O ft' s0, Concrete'Biock ;Ezf 1n3itppeY 5outf':41999� 14` 0; 0.75 0 29' N Exterior Concrete.Block-Ext rn9Jpper Soukh41999. 3 10 30.0 U 0 0 75 {f 3Q E baerior: Concrete Blodr_;F_xt lndJpRer South: 41999: 75 13 5 2Q1 3 ftz D 0 0.75; {5 3i: N Master B` interlor Frame tNood Upper,South; 41999} 2$ 13 5 '°375 7:ft? �32 N4 Upper No Interior:Frdme Woad: Foyer 41999 1,'5 13 195.0':ft�` o d o:7s o: —.-, 33 1tV. Exterior: Goncrete;8lock 'Ext fn�lppeeNorth; 41999 15 10 956,0 iN =t3 0' D 75 tY _34: N- Exterior Concrete Block Ezt diplil ei North' ?11999' 23 10 _35 W, EXieriAr Goncretg:131ock Ext I*ppe North 4;199w 15 10 150 0R? '8- 0; D 7,5 U 38. E MaSterB. Wed F,ra[ne Wo`_od AttasterBattf 4,1999: 24: 9Q 240Aft?` t). Q .9.75 0 :E Exterior .r. �37= Goncrete•;Block ;EXt Indfaster Bath- 41999; 6 10 60.0 ft? 0' Q; 0c75 0 Exterior GancreteStock EitE,In�lfasterBat( 4:1999`. i0': io: t00.0ftz a 0 _39- N ;Eiderior Concrete,, oncrete 616t* EztJn3Absti r Bedra 4;1999 1T 1&: 221.0'ft=' 0? 0 0 75 0 40° ;E' Exkenor :Concrete Block 'Exttn�db5ti3rBedro 4,1999; 34: 13 0� 3t201t� 0` 0 0 75 0 ..,. 41 S E stenors Gonclete`.Biock .F_zf In�dtrster Bedro 41.999 17, 13= 224 0 ft? 0.; 0 0 75E 10 1+t2` ;;N: 8locic: Feet 1nAfaster Bath 4:1999 36< !U:? 360 f1 ftz 0 3 =43: W :7nterror fiMie Wood Master'BatH 0i ' b 0 300:0 ft?' ' pooi�s Itrrt_ Door Type Space ,Storms U.1lalue Width, Height Area, ,Ft In Ft Iq 1; N: Wood Foyer AA. 3: 8 24.ft2' 2 E Wood Foyer None A 4: 6 3 S 1Nbod Foyer r(orie r4& 3' 8 24 tt` 4 W Wood: Foyer ;None ;46 i gNf30WS Orientation shown is the entered,spro osed'onentatlon: ..._.. j Walt Overhang- # O . NF $ rig.,Fram Panes N Separation_ e 1 W 1 Vmyl Low=,E Doutile 'Yes' 0 91 Ot 16 D tt� 4 ft 0 m :2.ft 0 in None None: 2 VU 1 Vinyl Law-1 Aouble. Yes; 0 91 0 21 24 0 it? Lift bin' A it b in None. None. Unyl 'Low Double 3_ UV I. ; Yes 0 99; 0;21; 00#t2 2 ft 0 rn ;2 ffO;n None: None: 4 W' Vinyl Low E Double, Yes: 0.9 Q; Y 21 0 ftz 2;ft O rn" 4 ft 0'n None None' 5; W I Vnyl Low-E Double: Yin 02; 7 r0,ft? 2:ft 0,m• `2410 In None None. .. .. _ 6: W: 7 Vinyl Low<E Double. Yes; t3 81< 0,15: 48,0 Rp 1 ft 0 in' z ft:0 in None None T Vinyl Low='E.IIoutile 'Yes 7. IN O s.1 12 0 ft? T'ft,o�n: 2 ft:0 in None t`tone, A:21 Vnyi Low E.Double Yes 6 82 Al9 32 0 ftz 1 ft 0 rn 3.ft in None None: ,9 S 9 Vinyl .Lbw-double Yes 0.82 t)t9 1;Q p'ft? '1;ft 0 in 3_ft D in: None Nona: 10 E 12 Vinyl Low-E Douf le: Ye$ . U 82 0.79 3t)0 ft2. 7 ft O;iri 2 ft Din: None None 8112/201:7'tiJ.30ANl Ene Gau e4�jJSh Fla�tes2014 Section R4d5A,9'Cornpirant 5ofiware Page 4.Offt r9y 9 FORM.R4054614 'WINDOWS.. Orientations own Mheent6red,:ProPoii o#ientatron...., Gi►ah i3verhang ID Frame =Panes. .,.,. NFRC U,=FactorSHCC:. Areas Depth, Separafion IntShade 8creering 12 Vin,'yl law-E,Double: Yes. 0 91; �1:21 10 Q ft' i'ft 0 in1 ft 0 in None'. None- 12; E 12 Vinyl `Low-E.Double Yss 0:82 019: 30 O f - 7 ft 0 in 2 R O it No None; 13 E° 12 Vinyl Low=E Doutile`: Y,asi Q:81 0 21:; 1Q O ifZ' 7:Pt 01n, 1 ft 04h. None, None;: t43 E; 13, Vinyl Lowti F-Doubter Yes: 1 0H 0$ 14Q 0 ttk'13 ft 0 in :1 S in None: None: 15; Ns 14 `Vinyl Low-E Double; Yes: 0:01- 016 21 3 ft; 25 ft 0 m 2`.ft 0 in None None;. 18 -. N 14 `Vinyl i,ovu-E Douiile_ Yes: 0.91 0;2 ° 61,12 25 ft 0 an:`1 ft 0'in None: None. 17 W 17 Vinyl Low-tDoOle =Yes 1 0$ 019. 12Q 0 ft�' 9,ft 0 m; 7 R8 in None None.; 18€ W` '19 Ynyi LowE>Doupfe': Yes 0.91' ;0:21 6Q Oats 1:ft 0 ni?. 1 ft"B iri one None; 1..9; N 20: Vinyl Low=E.Douhle l(es; 0 81; Q,19 25rQ:ft? "1 it O rn 3 A.0ri None None: 2Q On Low=E Dautiie' Yes. i di '0.19 11 3 ft� -1;ft 0 W G R o in None None; ;0,19 22 5 ft' .,: Q`i : 3 ft 0 in None None. . ... 21'_ N "21 Vinyi Lotiit=E Double` Yes 0 82 . -- 22 E 22 Vinyl Low E�oubte' Yes. 0 81: 0;15 20 0 ftz ;23 ft O;iri; 2 ft O iri Hone; None: '23 E 22 Vinyi Low-E Doubie yes: o-lo �.blll 5 0,#t� u23 R 0►n; 7,ft 0 in None None 24 E 22 Vinyl low=E Double Yes '1 Q8. :,636 10 O R? 23 ft 0 in 1 tt d in None None, 25 S. .23 piny{ LourE Double: Yes: 0 91; 0:2t 30 0 ft: 25 ft 0 m 2 ft 0':N= None None' _ =26. S 23 Vinyl Low=E Doubia Yes .0101 tl:21 10 aft= 2S ft O m :4 ft 0 in None None: 27 E 24 vinyl !ow E Double Yes 1 08 0;1:6: 80 d ft2 :13 ft 0 m 1 fi bin Notre None, 28; W 1 Vinyl Low=E,Double Yes �6 61 0 21 20 0 t? 2,ft D,m, 2:ft 0 in' None: None: 29 W; 1 �/inyl Low'E:t]ouiiw Yes 0 91: U 21 17 5 it? 2 ft 0 in` 2 ft 0 in None.. None 30 S Z5 Vinyl .Laiiir-E Uou61e Yes 0.61 02fi 30 0 it? ;2,ft_0 m, 2 ft in None, None 31 W 26 +Vinyl Law-E:Double Yes ;0 82 0lk- 25 0 ft= '9j4;01n 2,ft Uan <None None y 0 8z 019' 25 0 ftz 2 R 0 in Z if'0'in None None 32 S: 27 Vin I' Low E Double Yes _. 33 E> 28 Vinyl Cow=EDouble Yes `-, 0.82.: 019" 200 ft� 2 ft 0 rn. 2 ft 0�in' None: None 34. E. 28 `Vinyl Low-E Double: 1es 0 91 021 10 0 ft?. 2 it 0 in 2 ft 0'in' NoneY None 35 E, 28 :vinyl Low? boubie Yes; 0,82'; Q 19' 35 O ft? 2;#t 0 in 2.ftA in None; None 36 E; 30 Vinyl Low E Double: lfi3s: 1 08 019. 102 0 ff=' :1,0 ft 0 in 2 ft Oin :.None, None; 3T W 33. "Vinyl Low=E.Dauble, Yes: 1.Qi3r 0.19> OAT; '10 ff0 in24t0'in Nonw None.. 38' N. 34 'Vinyl Low=E Double.; Yes 082; 0 79! 25 0 tt? 2 ft 0 m 2 ft4'in None; None; 39' X 34 Vinyl Low=E Double; >%w 61821 0.119, 1D,9 T, gA. 0 in 2 kid,in None None: 40: W 35 Vinyl Low;EDoukde' Yes; 0,62; 019 250:fF, 2;ft0ins *2ftdlii None: None, 41 E ;37 Vinyl LowE Double; Yes: 0 82; Q 19; 20 0ft? 2=ft Ovn 2 ft D in None. None: , 42 E. 340. 'VinyF Low- Ooub[e; Xes.> Q:$2; 0,19i 1Q5 0 W, 2 ft.O In 2.it;0 in None None: ... 1 43' S' :41: Vinyl Low-E Dou* Yes; 0.19 300 2 ft 0'in :2 ft:U in None None, 44: 5 41 Vinyl Low-E Daubfe Yes: Q'All: 0 21: 12 Q Rz 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 0 in None None; 6/12Pt01710 3o AM >=nergyGaugeO—: SA, F,iaRes2Q14 Sectwn FK496 4 1'G:orrmphant`.Software.: Page 5 of 7 FORM R4-65A= 014 GARAGE:. # F[oo�Area Ceiling Area _ Exposed 1tVa11 Penmeter Avg Wall.Heigirt Exposed Wall.;insulat�on , 1 3363 ft? 3363'ft? 64 it 9 ft; 1: -:.::. .. ., P4w.., INFILTRATION Scgps Method° SLA; GFM 50 ELA; EgLA ACFI: ACk tb Besf Guess 0005'1- BdliEi.8 4$4.7,6 8,74.05,`Wholeft¢use, ,5214 6;'3t?47' HEATINGSYSTEM' 7 System Tyke.. Subtype. 666469y Capactty Block Ducts; 7 Efectnc Heat Pump' None': H_.$PF,9 46 5 fcBtu t 1. sys#f 2. ElectncHeat Pump 'None: HSPt=:9 465 kl3tulhr 2 sys#2 lieaYPump: None: Hspp.O. $4'8,1'P if r.' 3 sys#3. 4 Elernc Heat,Rump None:: H$PE 9:'. 25 kBtu/fir q sys#4 C:OOLING:SYSTEM System Type Subtype_.• • Efficiency Capacity A�rFlovir SHt2 Block,.._ Ducts; ... 1 Central Unit- None: SEER.1B•; 47 kBtulii 140 efm 0 68 1 sys#] 2 Central,lJnit 'None; SEER.6, 47 k8tu/hr 1410'din. 0.68`: 3; Pe*#1 unit,: Now. SEER 16 33 2 k.tulF►r 1Q56 cfm U 68' 3: sys#3 4: Central unit, None. SEER fP 24,WUhr 7 6,drn M68; 4: sys#4 HOT WATER SYSTEM' ' # System Type SubTYPe Location EF Cap' Use SetPnt Consen►aLon° 1. Electrio HeaE?Pump Main North Srdt375 80 gaf; 90'gal 120eg None SOLAR H2O,T WATER SYSTEM; FSEC Collector ,Storage, Gert# CampanyNacnex SystemMotlel# Collector Model# Area Volume: FEt T None None it?- DUCTS. Supply Retum Ait CFM 25' CFM25 HVAC Locaton: 'R5/alue An3a Locet�on . Area: Leakage Type: Handler TOT QUT QN: t2LE Heat Cool 1: Attic 6 .391.75 Attic 1281i9 pefault Leakage ;Marn North (Default) <(Default): 38275 Attic 122.69 6. D,efaul#:4eaf�age 6fliNorth, (Default (Default) 2 2 :._ ). 3 Attic H .a2275 Aft, 13T60 Default Leakage poi Ngrt (Default)' (Defa016 3 3 4 Atfic; 6.. 351;75 .. Attic 128 69 Default Leakage .upper NoR:. (Dsf3gtt) (Defy 0, 4 4• ti%12I2017 90 30;A(UI EnergyGauge®USA FiaRes20145ection:t24t35 41 Comp6ant.Sottware: RsyeB of7 FORM R40,1720,14ONO _ 00 TEMPERATURES Programable Thermostat:Y (:etfing Fans: Coaling Jan. Feb, Altar Apr May. Jun Jul Aug" Sep OCt Nov. pec- Heattn Jan, Feti Mar Apr ;. t. Ma Jun Jui Au Sep Oct [r3C�)Nov. pec; Ve ng Jan" Feb Niar Apr" May; Jun Jul Aug; Se'A ,Oct (X�Nov ,peF ' Thermostat:Schedule: HERS'2006 Reference Hours. Schedule Type: 1 � 3:+ 4; 5: 0T Cooling(VUD) AM 78.. 78 78 76 78 78. 78 78. 80 .80; 80 80' PAA @0:. 80 78.. 1& 78 78' 78: to, Goofing(INEHj: AM' 78 7& 78 76 78 -78 78 78 78 78: 78 78' PAA: 78[ 7$ 78, 78; 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 ;78; Heating(VIID) AM 66_. 68 66 66' 66 68 68:. 68; 68 68 0 68, PM 68: 68. 68 t6fl 68- 68 6&: 68 68 68' 66 66; Heafing{WEH) ;AM; 66 667 66 66. 66 68' 68. 66 68 68; 68 68. PM: 68:. 68...... 68 .68 68 68 68,..:... . 68:........ 68;-.-... 68:-- 66. 66: f 6/121201710:30 AM: EnergyGauge�;;USA; FlaRes2014"Secfion.R405 4:1'.ComplianE:SoRwaie Page 7 of ti FARM R4Q5�014� .ENE'R. Y P5 FORMAN}CE LEVELXK4 DISPLAY CARD ESTIMATED.ENERGY"PEf�FORMANCE {NDEx '' The lower the EnergyPerforrrlanee Index,the mare efftclent the home SO16 S C3ceen Dnve�:Jensen Beach, FL, t New consttuction orexisting New(From;plans}; g Wa11;Types Insulation Area 2. Single family or multiple family: Single-family a Concrete Block F_xt Insul,Exterior =4 2; 6449 60:ft?' - b.tntedor!✓rams Vllotxl,Intano'� R-4:2: 810 67 ft 3<Number:of-un(ts,if;mulbple fain?":' 1: Y c Concrete:alock ,Ext.lnsul,Adjacent. 14-42: 531 00 ft?: 4,,Numbeisgf E!00 o4 ms: 6 d other(see details) R= 498 00::ftz 5 f this,a worst case?' No: 10<Ce`iing Type§ <.. Insulation Area..,, a.'Roof Deck:(Unverited)= R 20'0 7025 00 fe Q.Condittaneit flog[area.(ft?)" 6455 b fd/A R,= ft w, 7 ]fVindows,. Descnpbon: Area aF U Factor: Dbi U t 08 627 00 ft? 9 i Ducts S 2 ad000,0 t duct systems) 6 391:75 SHGC: SHGC-Q i 9 b Su Attie,Ret Attic;.AH !iklh North Side' 6 382.75 bz U Factor Dbl',G U 0-2 4t%0.75.ft� c:Sup tiitrc,:Ret Atbc,:AH Upper North"Side.. ( C: see detail SHG SHC-019: i2 coaling systems: kStulhr Efficiency: c U Factor.<; Dbl Uhl 97 30983 tz' a Central Un(t 47 0 SEER 76:00= SHGC:; SfGGO 21 b Central Unit' 47 0 :SEER 1600' d.:U Factory other(see details) 1'1433`:ft2 2 additional coohngsystems {see details)_ 13 Heapng systems k6wMr Efficiency; SHGC other(see details) a.Etectrtc Heat pump 46 5 HSPF 9s0U Area Weighted Average Ovefiang Depthz� 8 0.36 ft' b Electnc"Heat Pump: .. 46.5 HSPF 9;00; Area 1Nelgtited Avera a $HGC: 0792 2 ac)dibonal lieatin s stems: 9 9 Y (see details) 8 14 Hot;w;3itersystems:.F•loor Types Insulation Area Cap $0 gallons a„Floor Over(t*-Space "0 3263.00 fe' a Effect& EF::375 b..Floor dr Garage Rc20 Q N9 *60 ft?'- c:'other..'(see details] Aim, 78.8 00 T b. Gonsenration features? Nona 1;5 Credits pstat, t certify that this hoirle has cbmpllt?d with the Flonda Energy Efficiency Code for Butldrng b aE zi Construction°througt the above er;ergy savjng features which wilF,OelnstdW.brexceeded) o m thi5 home before final inspection:" Othet wise,a new EPL Display '40,", rlp bet mpleted based on installed bode comptlant;features; � rrru , ''s..r H� , � BuilderSlgriaturo Da#e;. Address of,New F{ome- /'� C JFL Zi ""Note This is not a Budding Energy-Rating ;If youi`:f ndex is:below 70,yout home may,qualify for:energy efficient rrtortgage tEEM)incentives tf.yau obtain a Fit r2da EnergyGauge Rating Contact the 6, "' Gauge Hotline at(321) 836 1.492 or see the EnergyGauge web site at energygauge coin for'iCiformafian and a 4st of cerfified Raters Pbr tnformatjon;,a4out the Flonda;Budding Code,Energy Conservafion;contacttYie Florida Butld'iog Commisslart's suppott *La6ebre-g WW by Section R3 31.3`flf tFie Flonda;B gilding Gotle,Energy Consenrabon,"if'not DEFAULT. 6112/201710:3Q A101> EnergyGauge®USA FjaRes2014, Seaton R4Q5 41 Compliant;Soth+rare Page t-qf'1 Re-si+denti`al Systrn ding Calculation SUM, Protect Tale 8016 S:Ocean Drnre 6urk"e Resider7ce Darias AC Jensen.Beach;FL 61121201T Locatipn foryiieather data vt Lucie,Ft_ Defaults Laf�tude(2r48) A(#�tude(7 ft Ternp:Range.(M.) Numidi data:` :Interior ,RW 50% .Outdoor wet bulb .78F`'Hurpiditv,difference 58 r iN%nter design temperature(TMY3 99°fo) 40` F S.ummer;dealgn temperature'(TMY3 Winter setpoint 70 -F Summersetpomt 75 ; ' Wintertem eiraturediffbr 6e 130 F .Silmmertem erature:clifference 16 F Total'heatin Ioai1 calculation_ _ 128081 Btuh Total cooliin` aoad:calculation.. _ . �133502�`Btuh Submittedating he capaGty %of calc> Btuh Submtted cooling capacity °lo:;of talc $tuh Total.;{Electric Heaf"Pum 119 3. 152800 Sensible SHR' 0:6! . 8) 11.5.2. 104176 P. ..... Heat;PUrpp+UAIiary(0 0kV1 149,3 1528,00 Latent 113 9 :49Q24 :Total Electric Heat PufnO 1143 153200 WINTER GALCULATIONS W;nt&rF16i ta":Load..fdr.6455 a ft`:.. ..... :. ... ... Load com onent Load Window total; 1512 spit 42886. Btuh w;ndovn(339i5j: ,Wall,total 6665 syft 1TL36, )3tuh, CeiUngsQ595) Door total 112 sgft 1546 Btuh Ceiling total; 7025 sgft 10084 Btuh; i Ftoortotal See detail<report 7021 Btuh< ws,,luaa s�ci Infiltration 1"120 cf[n: 36958: BfuFi; Ducttoss: 1:1f350` F3tuh=, � r IIuiXst934G) .° Subtotal 12t3081 Btuh . F(oR[s(55AQ 4 ` Ventilation 0 ocirri D Btuh• TOTAL HEAT',LOSSi 1280ft _ 3tuh . tit{2essri).;': ::SUMMER CAwULATION$S Summer Coolie Load:-for"6455 .:... . Load':com onent _. . ... Load .- Wiradowtotal 15;1z sOft �38928` Wall total 6865 sgft 7292 Bfuh Door total 112 sgft 1391 Stuh Geilm (&B%} Cedingtota). 7025 sgft 9Q75 Wrridovrs{29295 Btuh its(65%} ' Floortota) 1796' Btuh° ; Infiltration: 840 ,chii. 14783 ;Btuh:' Ftours(13°b} InfernaC:gain: 897U Bfuh ! Doorsf9:4�fbb} : _ Duct gain 8077 Bhrh Sens Ventilation 6. °cfrn 0. Btuh g, SlowerLoad` 150 Btiih y Latentint(211% Total sensible:galr 9046 8tuh Latent: am ducts 6112 Btuir thr ;'8.7�b} 9 ( ) Latenf;gam(infi)trafion) 33928; Btuh; Latent. arn(venblatron Q Btuh lnfilr353'!�} B Latent:gain(mfiernallocupantslotFi'er) :3806 Stuh:' Haw, 43040 Bti6 EnergyGauge® stem i BthEdition PREPARED BY i.M bAl'E EnergyGaugeV1'USRUB v51 Re�identied Lc. - iRoo:rn by Room C rnponen,�`DetaiTs Project Tale,; 8016 S:Ocean;Dnve Burke.Residence-Dams AC Jensen';Beach FU 6112/2017 Reference City St Lucie,,FL Temperature Difference 16 OF(TMY3 99,%) Humidity:difference. 58gr.- Type" werhan Window Area(sgft) HTM Load' 9 Window. pan":.. $HOC 0 fnsh: IS Omt', Len t Gross Shaded Unshad: Shaddd.,Unshaded:,_ T 2:NFRC O"21 0 91; :No No W, 4.Oft 2.Oft 18.0 4.0. 14.a `19 3¢ 566 Btuti i 2 ,2,NFRC 021 0 91No No W 2;Oft 4:Oft 24.0' 0:0 24:0; 19 35 ;839 ,Btuh 3: 2 NFRC 0:21,0 6f iNo No: W IN 2-Oft 8.0 O,b 8.0 � 19 35 28O Btuh 4: 2 NFRC 0 21 0 91 :No Na W '2.Oft 4.0ft 21.0. O;o' 21:0 (t 19 ,36 734 Btuh, 5 2 NFRC 0.21 0 91 -No No. W 2;Ott 2.Oft 7.0 0 0 7 0 19 145 245 Btuh, 28 2 NFRC 021 0 91 No No: W 2Oft 2.Qft 20 Q; U: 20'0 19 ;35 699 Btuh 29 2:NFRC 0;21 0 9T No No W 2.*Oft 2:Oft 17.5 0:0 17 5 19 35 611 Btuh. 30 2`NFRC;0:21,0.91' `NQ Na S "2.0tt. 2Oft 30:0' 30.0 010 19 20 572 'Bttuh Winddw otal. �; 146(sgft} 4544 Btuh..., Walls TOP UN 160 R-Vaiue° A(ea(sgft);. HTM Load GavlSheatfi: 1; Concrete Bik filled'-.Ed 0:11 4:2/0,0 439:2; 1 3 582 t3t6h` 2 Goncrete.Blk,Fiiled :Adi 0.1`1 4 210:0 129.0 fis8; 228 'Btufi7 3. Goncrete.Blk,Fi ied-Adj 0.11 4 210 0 144;0 1 8- 254: Btuh . Cpncrete;Blk Filled--;A.aj 0A I 4.2/0 0 12 0; 1.$'. 2.1 Btuh, 5 Gor�crete;elfc Filled ,Adj 0;11 42100 1170 18: 207 Bfuh; 6- Concrete:Blk .Filled d..,A '0:11 7 4?Jl):0 45:0 °1:8i <9: : h] Btu 11 Concrete Bik Filled:-E tf 011 4210 0 116,0' 1:3 154 Btuh' 95 Concrete Blk Filled,m Ext 0,7 4;2/0;0 23 3 1,3. 31 Btuh 25 Concrete 81k Filled-E)d 0.11 4.2/0 0 210.0; 1.31 278 Btuh' 32 Frame Wood InY 014 4.2lO;0 lb5.0 0.0` 0_ Btuh 1, Wall Total; -431 J: qft).. 1834 Btuh i Doors Type Area(sgft); HTM'' Load 1 1Wood,=Garage: 24.0, 12.4: 208 Btuh 2 Wood Garage: 3t%0 12.4 447 Btuh: W000dd Garage ;24 0 12 4, 296 Btuh Wo 4 =Eadenor: 29Z 12.4: 348' Btuh 112 Lsgft)°_ `'. .. __1391 Btuh Ceilings Type/ColorlSurface U-Vatue R Value Area(sgft) HTM: Load 1 tJnventedA.ttic/DarkMetal 0 048 0.0120 0 380A 1.29 491. Btuh 3801(8011). 491 Btuh, T yP . ., Floors e R:Value= ."Si 1: Slab On Grade 00 38O(ft-perimeter)' 0 0: 0 'Btuh Floor Total 380,0.(SQM.. . 0 Btuh Zone:.Er velope Subtotal! ( 8260 Btuh. ]infiltration Type WK61ehouse ACH --V6lume(Cuft)WaN Ratio CFM Load Natural; ,WW _ . . 0:63 14440 023 193�8 3410 Btuh f Internal; >occupants BtuhYoccupart Appliance: Load ; Barn 1. X 230 .. Q 230 :Btuh. Sensible Envelope Load: 11899;Btuh: . EnergyGauge@ U.SRdZ v�:J Page ti lanual J. , Summer Cal, ulation Residential.Load - Component;Details (continued) PrOjectTltle, iftlteFL_VERO BEACH.'MUNICIPAL A: 8016 S Ocean Drive: Burke Reslderide-Danas AC: JensenrBeach;; FL: 6/12/2017' D,uat load, Averagesealed;Supply(Rs.O Attic} Retum(R6:0 Atta} _ ,. MOM Of*,*.0.079` 926 Btuh 'Sensible Zone Loatl: 12825`:13tdh, ���; LFa y.�• 5 ' .r,P' ,•- "Y ,2�+s '.: r '®." Ma .:,'si'�' ,`k i .� �i .•*4. •g,'. �.''�cry.., ., `^ �' � a Type``' Overhang: WindowA[ea(sgft}' HfM: Load; Window,-.Panes ..,'SHGC ,U :InSh._1S,,Cmt. Len Mgt Grassi Shaded,Unshad' .Shaded' Unshaded' , 6 2 NFRC 0.15 0.81, No Na� : W '1:Oft 2 Oft 48.0 0.0 48:0: 16 28' 1321 Btuh 7 2;NFRG .021 daf Na No: W` 1:66 26k 12:Q` D:0 12'Q 19 33. 419 ;Btuh 8' 2,NFRC 0.19 0.82 'No No: S 1.0ft 3 Oft 32 0 25 4 6.6 17 is 58f Btuh; ` 9 2 NFRC .0,19,0 82 No No- S :1Oft 3 oft 10 0 10'0 0 0 17. 18 172 :Btuh; +. 2 NFRC 0.19 0 82 Ao No E JA 2� 30.0- 19,0 11:0 17 32 673 Btuh: 11; 2;NFRG 0.21 0 91' iNo No E 7,:Oft 1 Of# 10 U, 10 0.: O Q f, 19 35 191 .Btufi: 12 2 NFRG Q 19 0.82 :No No. E 7:Oft 2 Oft 30 Q 19 0 11 0 17 32 BT3 Btuh 13 2 NFRC 0 21 0 91 No N6 E 7 Oft 1 oft 10 0 10 0 0 0. 19, 35 191 Btuh 1d: 2 NFRC 019 1 08 .No No E 13 0f 1 7R 140 0 127<7: 12:3 21 36 3165 Btuh. I: 15 2`NFRC 4:15 0 61; No No: N, 25 0f 2 Ofi : 21,3 0:0; 21;3 96 16 345 Btuh' 1. 1f3 2.NFRC A:21 0:91 :No: No N:.,2.Of 1_.Oft 5..3 0 o; 5 3; 19`° 19 102 Btuh. Window Total: Walls Type U Value R=Value Afea(sgft) HTM Load Cay. th:/Shea Z Concrete BIk F�11ed=EA 0.11 4?10 0 105A` 1;3 139 Btuh M 8 Concrete BIk Filled:-E)d 011 d2100 1:1 d T 3; 147,.. Btuh' =9 Concrete Bite Filled:-Ezf 0:1? 4:210.0 223 3: t 3:: 296 Btuh> 10 Concrete Blk fI1e&;,Fj f 0.11, 4 2/0 0 180;0' 1;3` 238 B#uh` 12 Cdhcrete:BikFIIIe'd-Ekt 011 '4&Jd 83;3 t3: 11Q. Btuh' 13 Concrete Bik Filed=EA_ 0;11 4 2lO:0 583 1 3' 77 Btuh 14 6 norete 61kt Filled-;Flit 0..1'1 4`?JO'0` 55 0 1 3 73'. Btuh 16 Frame Wood-Int 0.24 sO:Oao 198 0 b o. Ol Bfufi' WaH Total'. 10:14:($gft) 1081;Btuh Ceilings Ty e/Color/Surface U Value R Value Area(sgft)`_ HTM ( toad I 2' Unvented 1(thdDarkMetai 0.048 0 0/20 0 1305 0 1:29�j 168G Btuh, I Geiling Total 1805(eft 1680 Btuh Floors Type. R-Value`, Size HT.M Load 2 RaisedWood Ad}' 20;0 1305(sgft} 05- 693 Btuh: Floor Total 093 8tuh._' Zone Envelope Sub#otai 11266 Btuh ;E1.1ergyGauge6k`USRCZB;y65( Pagel: c ns man, a J Summer Calulatio Residential`Load Component` Details (continued Pro�ectTltle.. Chtnate FL;,ERO. BEACH MUNICIPAL A. =8016 S 'Ocean:Driver Burke Residence-D.anas.AC Jedsen Beac}i; FL. 6%12/209 T Infilfratfon Type Wholehouse ACW Volume(cuft)Wall'RattO CFM.. Load. ?Natural;_ 0 63 14355.. 0;16 N 12$.0 2252 Btuh;: Intemal Oectipant§ Btuh'/occupaht. Appliance' Load ain X: 11'5O:.Btuh!.: Sensltle Envelope Load 14668 Btuft duct i0atl Average seated Supply(R6 0 AtGc),,Retum(R6:aAtt�c) (q.GM,of O.U78) __114R Bfuh rw - Sensible_Zone Loacl 15816 Btuh X ,t; ,.;,E, T,�, w ,u,' ',,. tic,. Ptf Y' '"' .',mot" '¢ �d sza's,r7+^r;x•.rs, �, ..t'`� Type* Overhang Window Area(sgft) HT,_ Load` Window Banes SHGC ,U 'tnSh. IS OM L'en Hgt Gross Shaded Unshade •Shaded Unshaded 17 2'NFRC .0.19 1 08 ':No No' W, 9 Oft 1;7ft 120.0; 69 G 50 d: 21 36 32E!5 BYuh` 18 2 NFRC 0 21 0 91 No No: W" '1:Oft 1 7ft 80 0. 00: 60.0 19 ;35 2096 t3tuh 19 2zNFRC 0 9 0 81 No No_ N 1:0ft 3'Qtt 25 0 0 Os 25.0 17 17 428 8tuh` 20' ZNFRG 0.19 O 82 No No N 1:Oft 3.6ft 11 3 0 0 113' 17 17 193, Btuh` 21 2'NFRC 019 081 ;No No: N 1.Oft: 3.0R 22.`5; O:0• 225 1.7 1Z 38Z Btuh 22 ZNFRC 0:15 0 81 ,No No, E 230 2.Oft 20;0 200 0:0 16 28 323 23 2 NFRC 0.21,0 91: No No E .23 Of` 1,.Oft 5A 5 0: 0',0 1;9` 35 95 Btul i 24; 2::NFRC 019,1.08 iNo; No E 23.of, Oft 11o6 160.6 0:0 21 36: 21.356 .Btuh 2,1 . 25 2 NFRC 0 0 91 No N, S. 25 Of 2.Oft ' 30.0, 30;0 0:0'- 19: ;ZU 572 `Bfuhi 26 2-NFRC 6;j,0.91 ;No., No S 26:Ofi i:Oft 10:0 1Q.0 0 0 19: 2t). 191 t3tut% 27 2 NFRC 019,1;OS ;No: No E ,13!Of '1>7ft 80.0 7,3:0. 70: 21 36 race 0,4n4 Wntlow Total. 484(sgft)_ i. . . . 115.12.,Btuh Walls Type; U.Value ;R:dalue Area{sgft}; HTM Load C&ISheath' 17 Conomfe:81k,Filled=EA ,0.11; 4,2/0 0 55 Q; 1 Zr 73: 6tuh. 18 Concrete Blk;FiIled:-E)d 0:11 4-2/0 6 186.7 1 3: 247` Btuh 19 Concrete BI;Filled-.Ex# 0.11' 4210,9 115:0.: 1:3:: 152A•Btuti 20 Concrete l3lk;Fdled:=EA OA 4:2/0 0 453;8; 1::3= 601 Btuh .2 ' Concrete BIk;Ftlled-Ext 011: 4.210.0 187'5 1'3: 248 22 Concrete Blk;Fdled ;lnxt p 14 4.210 0 •04.0 1 3: 1:1.1 BtUh 23 Concrete;Blk Filed=Ext 0;11: 42lOa -'S7.b 1 3 49 Bfuh' 24 Caiicrete BIk;Flled--Ext. 0.11' 4.2hd 25 6 1'3; 33< Btuh Wall Total:_ 114 (sgft) 1515,Btuf Ceilid s T -- 9 __yRelColorlSurFace U Value R-Value Area(sgft) HTM Load. 3 Unvented Atti jbarkMetal O.OdB 0 0/20A 1669.0: 2156; Btuh M Cejhng Total . . 1669(sgft) 2156.Bt6h Floors Type R=Value HTM. Loaf 3 kaised Wood Adj 10.6 l 669(syfEj 0.5` 886: Btuh I Floor,Total _ 1669:0.(sgft) 86 Btah Zone Envelope Suhtow 16d&Btuhl EnergyGaugeW USRCZB'v5::1 Page 3' Manual: J Sial Lo ummer Q h rations Residential Compon nte Details (continued) Protect:Title' Cllma#e F.L_VERO BEACH. -MUNIC:IPAL_A 8016 S,.Ocean;Drive: Burke Residence-'Dams AC- JenSenBeach, FL 6/12/20:17 IrifiitrattQn Type: Wholehouse AGH Volume(ctaft)Walt Rahn CFM Load :Natural'. ._ 063 18359 0 21_ _ 179,A 3157 Btuh, �_..._ Internal: Occupants Btuh(occupant Appliance' Load i :gain: ...:4:, X 230 + .. 4600 5520 Btuh' ;Sensible Envelope Load 2474E Btuh DUCt 108d Average sealed Supply(R6.t3-Attic);Retum(Rs:oAttic). 03M of 0079) J. 9966 Btuh`. Sensible Zone Load i 2M Btuh, i .� �` �..�s ns ti,�•. } .a£�;p-�3 o--ccu � �.•,� '""S r P '`��'•t�es�"w"'r•�s"'� �1ws`rl� au'��t -r� ark �'�� '�« .w � mx4.._ d: ` Type* Overhang Window Area,(04 ) WM Load j Wind6w Panes SH(3C U.: InSh' :IS:t]mt Len_ Hgt Grass •Shaded Unsfisded'Shaded.-.Unshaded, 31 NFRC 019 0 82 No` No W `2tOft >2alft `25.0; 2 0.0' 25:0 17 32 789 Btuhs 32 2;NFRC 019 0 82 No: No S 2:Ott` 2:0ft 25:0 25 0= 0.0 17 18 430 Btu..h 33 2 NFRC 019 0 82:'No' ;No. E ,2.!* •2.Oft 2 Q ;0:0, 25.0 17 32 789: Btuh` 34 2 NFRC'0:21 0.91 ;No: No 1= 2Oft >2,Oft 10:0 0.0• 10 d 19, 35 349 Btuh: 35 2 MFRC 0:19 0 82 No: No E 2;OR 2 dh 35 0 6.6 35A a 17 32 1105 Btuh 3l 2:NFR6 0:19 1.08. No No. E 46.6f; 2*.0ft 1020 756 264 21 36 2557 Stuh' Window Total 222.(sgft 6018,Btuh Walls Type: U:Value .R:Value Acea(sgft)'> HTItA Load, CavtSheath, 2§ Concrete.Blk Filled:-Ext 0;11 4210.0 115.0' 1:3 152 Btuh: 27 Conerete'bfk:hjied=Ext: 0 11 4.2/0 0 1550 1;3: 47.0, Btuh 28 boncre ik 14 sled Ei xt. Oi11 4210.lb 70.0 1?3 93 Btuh: wi 2$ Co c'te.Blk Fill"acre ed, 14 0'i1 d,2/0,0 300 1s3; 4Q Btuh; 30 Concrete Blli Filled.=Ext .:0,1;1' 4:2/0.`Q 99:3 i i3- 131 Btuh' 31 Frame-Wood Int 0.14 4.2/0.l): 375_7 0.0,` 0; Btuh; Wall Total: _ 1045(sgft} 886 Btuh: : _ _ _ Ceitin s . Tjr�e/Color/Surface ... ... _.. 1-146106 R Value Area(Oft). HTM; Load 4 " tlrivented Atdgp3 OcWtal. 0 048 0.0120:.0 1178 0 1.29 1 1622 Btuh Ceiling Total. 11:78.(sgft) 1522 Btuh w_ -. Floors Type RValue< Size: kITM Load. 4: Interior '.0'0 1178(sgft) 00 8tuh . Floor Tofat 1178 0(sgft) 0 Btuh J Zone Envelope Subtotal. I 8426 Btuh EnergyGauge�;/:USRCZB w51 P0e4 Manua J sum mor Calculations Residential-Load Component: Details (continued} Project;Titl6. Climate FL VERO_tiEACH_MUNIGIPAL A ;8016 S:Ocean;Qrive Burke Residence-paras AC Jensen°Beach;FL 6/12/201t7' Jrifiltrat>ion Type: WholehotM-ACH Vofume(c ft�Wall Ratlo CFIVi Load Natural 0:63 _ '1205.8 0:1-2 105 U 1841 .Btuh° --- - Internal Occuo.hts Btufilgcciioant Appliance' "` Laad X:._ 230... + 690 .Btuh. Sensible Envelope Load 10963 Btuh, Duct load Average sealed Supoty(R6:0-AfUc) Retum(R6 O ttic) (DGM 6. 0.117) I, '1280 Btuh` - Sensible Zone Load" 12213`Btuh . _ - A fit}�.l 5N d '�3 � ad7" �,��r��'gv"` Y' £v �4 s �.� .:•' »,� r��`W�a s o..'� - m € . Xi� ,Sle11Fr � ,fFJ_'� t?�`(�`S'4� '3 �-fi�. "��, - % ''�. 'ui «c.'s s A tees i - •z. e . d .,..,o>"�` ,Lf�i- >.�...:. ._.. -:_' .'. '<. ^v�,�»+'�,"�'�.t€ -5..���,.�-'�.&�'3',�,.,e�,t•.v...,,,?��` s�.`'�..�� `t P.c:- Type"` Overhang Window Area(sglt). NTM Load, Wit1dOW panes sHGC U lhst' lsS omt Len H t „Gross ,Shaded.Unshade Shaded Unshaded 37 2`ItIFRC 019 19✓�.'NO No W 10.Of 2-Oft 0 6 O 22 0 21 36 213f 'Btuh- 38 2.NFRC25.6 0.0: :25:0 17 17 430: .Btuh 39 2 NFRC 0-19 0 82.. No No N 2 Oft 2.6ft 10 0 0 0 10:0 17 17 1721. Btuh 40 2NFRC 0-f8 082 :No No W 2Oft. :2,oft 250 0;0 250 17' 2' 789 Btuh Window Total 145, sgft) 3521:Btoh..; Walls Type U-Value R=Value Area(sgft) HTNI Loan; GavlSfieath 33 Concrete Slk Filled Exf; 01.1 4.210 D:: 65:0 13= 86` Btuh 34.. Concrete Bik Filled _Ext 0,11 4;2/0(k; 19$;0' U 258: , 35 Concrete BIk,Fiiled;=Ext: OAI 4.2/o o:. 125 0 1 3} 166 Btuh Mall Total: 385(sgft) 510 Btuh Geilings T pe/Color/Surface U-Value R Value Area(sq HTM, Load 51 Unvented,Attidb ''Metal 0.048: 0.0/20 0 1515 0 4;29' i. 1957 Btuh Geiling;TotaL 15:1�t.�ft . ...: I. .. T957 Btuh. Floors Type R Value; Size HTM. Load 5: Irifenor 0t) 7515{sgft). 0 0 0 Btuh :Floor Total. 1515.Q(Sgt) ::0 Btuh., �.: Zone Envelope Subtotal,, 508&Btuh Infiltration Type V1fh'olehouse ACH Volume(cu0)Wall Ratio CFM- Load Natural 0 63 9450 '0071063 Btuh _._ _ iriterrial Occupants BtuhlOccupant Appliance. Laad 230 .0.. .. 690. .Btuh:. : r, Sensible Enve1606 Load: - 7741 Btuh UCt load Average,$ealed,Suppry(R6 0-Attic) Retum(R6.O;Attrq) (ROM, Of 0 1l.7 904 Btuh,. Sensible Zone Load: :. 8645;'Btuh: . EnergyGauge@ 111SRCZB v51 Page 5 Manua# J Summ+�r Calculations Residential Load Component Details (continued} FrojectTltie: Climate FL_VERQ,BE4CH_MUNICOAL^A; 8016 S;Ocean'brive- Burke Resi&fice-Danas AC Jensen_Beach;'FL: _ 6/1:2/20�17 At `�"l'4�w?y%,y� '"p'`�',' -,'� �ut a .ems "°.hkasz. a"Y , &`5 ss•Y 1 k �a t y> z �4 r 2'3:�=- ^.: n»'Cr•. t Type' Overhang Window Area(sgft) HTM T Load. WIndOW Panes SHGC U :1nSh IS Dint Len H t I Gross Shaded Unshed Shaded Unshaded _ . =42 2 NFRC 01g 0.82 'No Nor E'-2 Oft 2.W 105 0: 0.0 105 0' 17 32 3314 ;Btuh 43: 2"NFRC 0.19 0 82 sNo No S 2y0ft 2 Oft 30 0; 30.6 0.0 17 1$: 516 Btuh 44. 2`14FRC A11,0.91' No No S :2.04 1 0(t 12.0 12.0 0;0. 19 26 229 J6tuh:; Window TOtal 147(sgft) 4058 Bfuh 'Walls Type- U-Value :R-Va100, Area(sgft)" HTM Load Cav/Sheath 38 Cahcrete Blk Filled Ext 0.11 4r210.0 221 0' 13. 293 6tuh, �. 40' Concrete Blk Fitled-`E)ck '0,11 4.2/0 rQ 207.0 13.. 274 Btuh 41' Concrete Blk-Piled-bd .0.14 4 2l0.0 1;79;0: 1'3. 237 Btufi 1Na11 Total: .. 6,07(5gft) 804 Btuht Ceilings Type/00eColoNSurfaee U:Value... . R,Value, Area(sgft) HTM Load 6 0 ted'Ao6iborkm*' 0.048 0.0120.0, 408.0 _ 1..29 527 - tuh Celia Total 408(sgft} 627 Btuh; Floors Type. R=Value -.Size, HTM Laatl. 6 Raised Open 20.0; 408(spft); 0':5 21:7 `Btuh ^,.Floor Total 4080(sgff) �217 8#uh. Zone'Envelop e'.Sut fotal` 5605 Btuh' 1!1nfirgr4 on Type Wtiolehoase ACH )/611;rh cuft) 'aJ+J, aktq CFM Load Natural:; 0.63 5304 011 95 2" 1675 Btuh ,�Interna! Occupants Btuh/occupant: Appliance Load; �. Ain 2. X 236 400; .Btuh is Sensible Envelope Load 7741. Btuh DGM of,0.156' �`.Di udt;l,Oad Average:sealed;:SupplY(R6 0 Athc) ROum(R6.OAtt3d) ( ) 12.10 Btuh I Sensible Zone Load 8961 Btuh Type Overhang Window A�ea(sgft):. NTM Load':: Wtndo.w :'Parfes�.....SHGC U .InSh IS btnE Len Hgt :.G.�oss Shaded Unshade Shaded' Unshaded:", 41 2 NFRC 0.19 0;82 ,No No, E- ,2.M 2 Oft 20'O A:4 '20;0' 1.7 32 831: Btuh Window Total:` 20;: sgft) 63:1 Btuh Walls :Type.', U.Value R=.Value: Area(sgft): HT.M Load I Uids ddhl 36 Frame Wood:,-Ant 0:qa 4c2/Q 0 2A0 0!. 0.0 0 .Btuli: 3T Concrete BIk,Fllled-Ekt 0.14 41J0.0 40A J.3 53 Btuh, 38' Concrete BIk Filled-Ext 6.1:1. 4.2/o 0 1 Q0.0 1'3 132 Btuh 42 Concrete Blk Filled E ct 0.1.1. 4 2lO0 360.0° 1'3 477 etuti; 1 43. Frame Wood-lnt' 0:24 0.(UOa) ,300 0 O Q 0 .Btuh 1Naii Total, _ 1040 s_ ffj :662;BMI EnergyGaug4-USR046A1 Page6 Manual J Summer Calculations Residential-Load Component Details (conti:nued) Pr)� TTitle Climate FL,VERO_BEACH_MUNICIPAL A $016 S Ocearrdnve Burke Residence-Danas,AC 4en"no.Beach;FL 6112/2017 Ceilings. TyfPe/ColorlSurface U Value R Vatue Area(sgtt): 1-lTNl: Loatl w 7: t nvekad hfe/Darkmi O,DdB 0,0120 U 570 0 i 29 736 Bfiih Ceittn Tatal:. , _, 570 (sq. 736 OWh., Ftoors TO R-Value Size ;lTM; . toad .7 Interior 6.b 570(Sgft), 0 0 0 Stuh F,IoorTotai "570.0(sgft) 0 f3tuh: �. Zone Envetope Sulatotaf 2030 Btuh Infiltration#Type Wholeh6use ACH. Volume(tuft)Wall;Rabb CFM + Load Natural. 0 63 5700 009. 784, j 138Q Btuh: E Internal: Occupants: Btuh7occupant :Appliance;I Load r:... ti- gain A X 230 * 0. !.. 230 Btuh, Sensible Efivelopeldad, 3640.Btuh; Quct load Average sealed,SuPP�Y(R8 o titdcy k4 Mi Rs.O attic] _. (DGM of 0.`1`56).; 569 Btuh Sensible=Zone Loaid ;:> 4209 Btuft j .� N .^.a#"'.#a'+. :✓.'4 a z ,. "4 e'*-t.e ,ji,� .y igr'S.�'n'�., s 'f 'fs5 z ^s. t'ate .a'fi" ' „aS-.c*'>` a e- � sy sK +�1 �trv,.c, .,r_'��tW _ ,a," �', "i�a:'���� :�� ? 'a`k �-�-xnw x� .�'rrt ����'•e�`'.,�, � �'": W ni down Julyexcursion forSystem 1 66 Btuh July exeursionfor System 2 463;Buh. July excursion.for System 3 247 Btuh .Jul m 4, 61 Btut 1 F_xcursign Sufsfotat: 837 Stuh j. Quctaaad' Sensible Excursion Load 918'Stufi �netgyGauge®1.USRCZB`.v5:1 Page:7. I :Manua J hummer Gaicula. ions Resldentla!-Load Component Details (contiinued) Project;Title Chmate.FL VERO BE :MUNICIPAL A 8016 S OceanDnve° Surke Residence- Danas AC Jensen:Beach,:FL S7T2/2617 K �� � �� /F � �'- �ir' U`a«t (d: „�3•t y h'�,Ht,��i.��.rx*' " '?�"g�.k^'rd^.t s�k.:. Sensiitle.'Envelope Loaf! 26568=Btuh Window Excursion 66 Btuh Cooling Loafs .Sensible Duct-Load�duct;gain multiplier of 0.078); 2073Btuh: (Includ6's 513tuti ue to:window excursion) Sensible.ventilatiorn aJ Btuh; for System(s): Zone Sensible'gain, 2870G;Btuh I Latent infiltration/ventilat on gain.1268.7 Btufi: Seriring Zones:' Latent duct gain ;1635 Btuh; 1,2 =Latent:occupant gain: 1200$tuh Latent:other gain 0 Bfuh Total biockbad,_ ... 44228 Btuh _Sensible Envelope Lba' 24746 Btuh Window 1=_xcursioi 463 Btuh Cooling:Lo.ads;; Sensible Duct Load(duct gain mul6plierof 0079): 20.03 Btuh. " ludes 37 Btuh due:#o windowexcurs'ion) S.ensjbie;uentdation; 0 Btuii ForSystem(s): Zbhe Sensible gaiin 27211 Btuh 2 Latentinfiitration/ventilation gain 7074 Btuh Serving"Zones: LatenYduct ga n 1451 Btuh 3; p Lafent`occupant gain 800$tub Latent other gain 0 Btah Total block load' 36536.. Btut Ekoi*,patio I,USRCZB`v5;1 page_$ M:,Ual lJ Surnrner Calc. ation Res4dentlal;Load COrnponent details (can inued.) ProtectT�tle Climate FL_VERO BEACH'�MUNICIPAL^A '8016 S:Ocean Dnve Burke Residence-Dams AC Jen, sen,Beq.ch; FL 6X1;2/2017 . ,* t11tr�t 5�.-r �, p.€q j: ✓ . ,n..a - ` »^c3; &� ' r 't�'a`t'` `a ?.r: .g'�. � "A`k Sensible;Envelope Load 18704 BEuh` ridow Excursion 247 OO- Cooling Loads Sensible Duct Load(duct gam mul' 1"*"'of q,117) 22: Btuh' (Includes 29 i3tuh due to vonndow excursion) ;Sensible ventilation Q,Btdh For'System{s) Zon6'Sensible;gain 21164 Btuh` 3: Latent�nfiltraiaon/yentilation'gain 6520 8tuh:. Serving Zonesc Latent duct in. 165.7 Btuh 4,5 Latent.occupant;ga n 1200.Btuh. Lawnfother gain D Btuh Total.:block load _ 30541 ..:Btuh Sensible Envelope Load, 11380 Stuh .Window.'ExcdN6fi 61 Btuh Coolri Loads: Sensible Duct Load duct am,multi lien of 015.6 1789 Btuh ( g P (Includes 10 Btuh'due;to.window';excursion): SensiblevenUiation A Btuh for 13230 B.tuh 4 Latent infittratioNventilation gain; 6446':Btuh' Sdeving zones:;; Latent c3uPt:ga n 137U Btuh 6,7: Latent.occupan't'gain 60Q Btuh; Latent"othter gain, O,Btuh Total block.load 22047 Btuh AnergyGauge®/USRCZB;v5:1 Page'?t Manual . urnlmer Calculations Resldentai Load Component Deta�is {continue wBEACHd) MUNICIPAt, Project Ttt1e. Clirxi7te.FL",VERO _ A. =96'66h, OceanDrive: Burke Resltl FL 6112120'17 ors -a�a "s �: �S,E� -ess -c"� � ;. .. p Sens>Ibfe Envelope Load All Zones'? 82235 Btuh: SenSit le Duct;Loatl. 807:7 ttuh:. Total Sensible Zone Loads 90312 Btuk Sensible ventilation 0 :B#uh,; Btowet 150 Btuh . Whole House; Total serisible gain 90462 -Btuk Totals.for Cooling; Latent infiltation,gain(for,58 gr humidity difference] u 33928 Btuh ,I-apeni.ventilation gain 0 B.tut Latent duct gain: 6112 Bfuh' Latent.occupantgmn(119 0 people.@ 2p0 Btuh per person) 38001 Btuti Latent.other gain 0 Btuh Latenf`totai gain 43040 Btuh, TOM GAIN 1=02 BtA ,'��a yc= ., sins-,slf�,'�,u r v,�sly` r� ��?�'✓�c �"� '�� ��'" a'k"�s "�� �` '���--� key`'''�,�'" ,�«ejth�^�� r ����"�'��t��N' 1,:Gen#ral`Unit # 47000 Btu, 2;;Central:,tlnif # .47000 Btuh :Central Unit # 35200 B#uh 4 Cent"'I nit # :24000 Bfuh; Key::;Wndow.typeS:(Panes Number and type of Panes of glass), (SHGC Shading coefficient of glass as SHGC nurnencal.value) (44.040 U-Factor)'. (InSh lnterlor shading device:.none(No) Bimds(B),,Drapenes(D)or Roller'Shades(R)) For BiWv Assume medium.:olor half closed ForDrapenes:_Assuma madiumweava,half,closed; For koliershades:Assume translucent;`61f closed- (!S-insectscreen:none(N};Fu1((0,0r Half('/s)) (+Dmt compass orientation); "'`" Version 8 Ener Page 10 .� DISCLAIMER The following pages summarize the heat gain and Iieat loss of the buil✓ding using tfie ACCA 1Vlanual,TS and Florlda building.Code%2014:calculation procedure: The Baku qpA are based.(; .the ihfbfzndtiol'i'given to Systematic Yogic LLC in the form of`draw%rigs,sketches,and%nt Owl ews In certain cases,Systeiriatie-Logic :LLC may make;assumptiotis about iesign-conditions that inay or may.not lie accurate for the location pf concern. It N the responsibility ofthe installing I'flAG c utractor;to verify the des n can lrhons'be ore ` :egiiipIIent piirehase and installation;; Any Ioad calculations provided in the followuig pages are based upon. inforinatton:provided by the party submitting a:particular project to;Systematic Logic LLC Systematic-Logic LLC has not and sloes. not independently verify that the data,provided to Systematic-Logic LLC is correct or complete, and any calculations.made by:Systematic Logic LLC are based upon the informaiion provided by fihird parties. Systematic LogicfLLC'nak no'dkm thatthe in£ormatia i givento uis'2`s coireet Qr couiplet : Systematic Logic LLC utilizes Wr ghtSoft::Right=Suite ITniversal :goib Amidgiqtlal Version Energy Gauge;USA;2076 which are ACCA Certified and ASHRAE`reconimended computer program to determine the beating/coaling:loads, and/or comphanc: of toe Florida Building Code presented in,this? report,and is therefore very:accivate :If the information given'ioa Sysiem, Logic LLCLs accurate,and the iiulduig:is.bunt as'per the:plans:subizitted„then the load.calculations pi esented,in this report can be assui�ied to be acxurate A kcensednechariical contractor,may=use°tliese calculations as a starting paint,ii . . system sizing nd selection.. Systematic Logic TC doesuotprOW e:,=, ectural o1,e. ngineexing plans or diagrams for the public or for use by contractgrs orconstruction companies as final "caiisttriction.docuirients" ystemaic-I:ogtc,LLC; works with archtectural;andeugneeruigfirms aid v�ntb contractorsn:coiinecfiou wththeir of design$; hoof grand atr conditiomug systems:. Systematic Logi LLC sloes notd the duet utor�rovidetheManualD reportsfor$edu¢tworkonsrte'.Tlie: :ai ct design or altered ductwork is not'the responsibility:of Sy,' e]Matic=Logic LLC Final H`lAC sizing and;selection should be.'done by a licensed HVAC contractor Many factors beyond the scope of IBIS report must be considered prior to final system selection and design,such as exact equipment ,availability and selections, syaem controls:and location;of controls, ,system air.distributibni.and cycling; Uniform &udding Cgde requuemenbs, ilniform;IVlechancal Code regiiremeits, and many other standard design.conventions as H!listed by tire. American Socie tY'of eating;: Refrigera tion,: and Air Canditionirig' Enguieers.(ASHRAEj: Systematic Log[c .7jLC assumes no habilriy for final eq selection or iuia]`system, design.: Various modificatxbns'to the information prnvxded to Systematic Logic t•7( iinay liiave occurred after this Design SupporC nformat<on;>was:yrepared which;would'req Ik . tl>at this Design S�ppox "uiformaiio n�be modifi+etT in:ord.,--f be accurate.Amer review itig Systeitia#e a LLC's report, and:prior. to airy system purchase or nstallattonx please= uiforini Systeiina alter the assumptions and, calculations coitai>iied inthzs report.