HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoastal Const Control Line Approval ' a
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Charles C.Isiminger,P.E. Matthew D.Butter,P.E.
Darwin C.Stubbs,P.E.
Mark A.Powell,P.E.
May 17,2017
JUN � I.
Si.Lucie,G',p ,))Xy j=�
TO: Fran Donza
FM: Mark Powell
RE: Coastal Construction Control Line Permit Approval Documents
Proposed Single-Family Residence
Permittee: Patrick and Sara Burke
DEP Permit No. SL-323
8016 South Ocean Drive,Hutchinson Island, St.Lucie County,Florida
Enclosed are the DEP Coastal Construction Control Line(CCCL)permit, stamped DEP-approved
plans,and approval of permit transfer letter for the referenced project. Please review these permit
documents carefully and retain a copy on site during construction. Please be advised that project
must comply with the permit and approved plans and modifications may be subject to DEP
approval (prior to construction of the modified elements). Please let us know if there are any
proposed modifications (including exterior lighting).
Please note that the permit includes the Foundation Location Certification, Periodic Progress
Report, and Final Certification report forms. Additionally, enclosed is a copy of the CCCL
Elevation Certificate (Page 3) form and instructions. These forms are to be completed and filed
as follows:
1. The Foundation Location Certification (FLC) form must be completed, and signed and
sealed by a registered professional surveyor immediately after construction of the
foundation for the residence. Please be advised that construction may not proceed above
the foundation until we receive written DEP acceptance of the FLC. Thus,please provide
us with an original signed and sealed FLC as soon as practical for DEP submittal.
2. The Periodic Progress Report (PPR) forms are to be completed by an authorized agent
on a monthly basis. You or the project manager/construction superintendent may complete
the forms. Once completed, please forward the original PPR forms directly to DEP and
provide us with a correspondence copy for our files. Please confirm who will be
responsible for these reports.
P.O.Box 14702 • 649 U.S.Highway 1, Suite 9 North Palm Beach Florida 33408
Phone: 561-881-0003 • Fax: 561-881-8123 Email:hq@coastal-engineers.com
Memorandum to Fran Donza
May 17,2017
Page 2
3. The CCCL Elevation Certificate(EC)form must be completed,and signed and sealed by
a registered professional surveyor immediately after construction of the lowest horizontal
structural member supporting the first habitable level of the residence. As the EC form is
a Florida Building Code requirement, it must be submitted to and approved by St. Lucie
County. Construction may not proceed above the foundation until the EC is accepted.
Please coordinate directly with the County to process the EC.
4. The Final Certification (FC) form is to be completed, and signed and sealed by a
registered architect or professional engineer upon completion of construction. Once
completed,please provide us with the original FC form for DEP submittal. Please confirm
that Randal Stofft Architects will be preparing this form.
Please contact us if you have any questions. Thank you.
cc: Carlos Linares(via email)
• ,
�ba VQP art�p Florida Department of Rick Scott
o Environmental Protection
.E , Carlos Lopez-Cantera
` Lt. Governor
Bob Martinez Center
2600 Blair Stone Road
ono, oti6`~D Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Jonathan P. Steverson
�'ental pY (850) 245-8336 Secretary
May 16,2017
Patrick and Sara Burke
c/o Mark A.Powell,P.E.
Isiminger and Stubbs Engineering,Incorporated
649 U.S.Highway 1,Suite 9
North Palm Beach,Florida 33408
Dear Mr.Powell:
Notice to Proceed Issued
Permit Number: SL-323 (Amend)
Permittee Name:Patrick and Sara Burke
Your request for an amendment of the previously issued permit pursuant to Section 161.053, Florida Statutes, for
construction or other activities seaward of the coastal construction control line, has been approved by the
Department of Environmental Protection,enclosed is the permit.
Please read the permit and permit conditions including both the General Permit Conditions and any Special Permit
Conditions closely before starting construction. General Permit Conditions 1(q), l(r), and 1(s) pertain to written
reports which must be submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection at specified times.Forms for use in
preparation of these reports are enclosed. Make sufficient copies of the periodic report form to provide the required
reports. The periodic reports are due in the office on a monthly basis on the last working day of each month. No
progress reports are required until such time as construction activities have started.
The permit will expire on 5/11/2017.Upon receipt of a written request signed by the permittee or authorized agent,
the Department will consider extending the permit for up to but no more than three additional years. You must
apply for a new permit for completion of any work not accomplished under the original permit.Although you may
apply for a new permit,there is no assurance that such new permit for the same construction or activities would be
The authorized work is strictly limited to that described on the enclosed amended permit. If you have any questions
pertaining to this permit,please contact me by mail at the letterhead address(add Mail Station 300),by telephone at
(850)245-7671,or by email at john.glunn(a)dep.state.fl.us.
John Glunn,Permit Manager
Coastal Construction Control Line Program
Division of Water Resource Management
cc: Jason Spanier,Field Inspector
Debra Zampetti,St.Lucie Planning and Development Services Zampettid(a)stlucieco.org
Division of Water Resource Management
2600 Blair Stone Road-Mail Station 3522
rt c Tallahassee,Florida 32399-2400
G y
Patrick and Sara Burke
c/o Mark A.Powell,P.E.
Isiminger and Stubbs Engineering,Incorporated
649 U.S.Highway 1, Suite 9
North Palm Beach,Florida 33408
FINDINGS OF FACT: An application for authorization to conduct the activities seaward of the coastal
construction control line was approved by the Department of Environmental Protection on May 11, 2017. On
May 11, 2017, the permittee provided additional information for consideration by the staff and requested
amendment of certain permit conditions imposed by the Department as a condition to granting the permit. The
proposed project is to be located landward of the 30-year erosion projection and the line of construction
established by existing and permitted major structures in the immediate area.
CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: After considering the merits of the proposal and any written objections from
affected persons, the Department finds that upon compliance with the permit conditions, the activities
indicated in the project description of this amended permit are of such a nature that they will result in no
significant adverse impacts to the beach/dune areas or to adjacent properties; that the work is not expected to
adversely impact nesting sea turtles their hatchling s, or then habitat; that the work is expendable in nature
and/or is appropriately designed in accordance with Section 6213-33.005,Florida Administrative Code. Based
on the foregoing considerations, the Department approves the application; authorizes construction and/or
activities at the location indicated below in strict accordance with the project description, the approved plans
and the General Permit Conditions which are attached and are by this reference incorporated herein, and any
additional conditions shown below,pursuant to Section 161.053(4),Florida Statutes.
LOCATION: Between approximately 105 feet and 186 feet south of the Department of Environmental
Protection's reference monument R-94, in Saint Lucie County. Project address: 8016 South Ocean Drive,
Jensen Beach.
Single-Family Dwelling
1. Location relative to control line:A maximum of 141.3 feet seaward.
2. Exterior dimensions: 91.5 feet in the shore-normal direction by 59.0 feet in the shore-parallel direction.
3. Type of foundation: Pile.
4. Elevation of understructure parking slab: +5.84 feet(NAVD).
PERMITTEE:Patrick and Sara Burke
Swimming Pool and Spa
1. Location relative to control line: A maximum of 140.6 feet seaward.
2. Exterior dimensions: 24.7 feet in the shore-normal direction by 23.0 feet in the shore-parallel
3. Type of foundation: Pile.
4. Deck elevation of swimming pool: +17.5 feet(NAVD).
5. Bottom elevation of swimming pool: +10.1 feet(NAVD).
6. Maximum depth of swimming pool: 5.0 feet.
7. Height of pool deck above existing grade: Approximately 9.0 feet.
1. Total volume of excavation: Approximately 104 cubic yards. Volume of net excavation: None;
excavated material to be placed as fill on the project site.
2. Location of excavation: From 49.5 feet to 140.5 feet seaward of the control line.
3. Maximum depth of excavation: To elevation+4.0 feet(NAVD); 1.5 feet below existing grade.
4. Volume of fill to be placed: Approximately 356.6 cubic yards, including 252.6 cubic yards of
imported material.
5. Location of fill to be placed: From the control line to 141.7 feet seaward of the control line.
Other Structures/Activities
1. Mechanical equipment concrete pads are to be located on the north and south side of the house.
2. A staircase is to be located on the southeast corner of the pool.
3. Construction fencing is to be located a maximum of 145.0 feet seaward of the control line.
4. An approximately 40.5-foot wide concrete and tile swimming pool deck attached to the periphery of
the swimming pool is to be located a maximum of 140.5 feet seaward of the control line.
5. An entry landing is to be located on the south side of the house.
6. A paver block driveway is to be located landward of the house.
7. Grading, including drainage swales located on vaeant Tot 14 and Tot 15, ',eate,a aeAh and south,
r-espeetivelyefthe subject project.
PERMITTEE:Patrick and Sara Burke
8. Landscape planting is to be located a maximum of approximately 145.0 feet seaward of the control
9. Exterior and landscape lighting.
i. No work shall be eendueted under- this pemift unfil the penffiiftee has r-eeeived a vffWen nefiee-te
wFWen authoFization from the appropriate property ovmer-s allewing fill material to
1.2. in the event theA owner-ship author-izatien is net given, pfier- to issuanee of the Hatiee to
ee.7, ..the ai#ee shall submftems+ f .. .mit «,edifieat e«f ineluding grading e
2. Prior to commencement of construction activity authorized by this permit, a preconstruction
conference shall be held at the site among the contractor, the owner or authorized agent, and a staff
representative of the Department to establish an understanding among the parties as to the items
specified in the special and general conditions of the permit. The proposed locations of the structures
shall be staked out for the conference. Contact Jason Spanier at (772) 919-5786 or
jason.spanier(a,dep.state.fl.us to schedule a conference.
3. Prior to commencement of construction activity authorized by this permit, a temporary construction
fence shall be erected along the perimeter of the permitted activity. The fence shall remain in place
until the construction authorized by this permit is complete. The optimum siting of the construction
fence shall be determined during the preconstruction conference by the staff representative so as to
provide maximum protection to the existing native vegetation and dune features located on the site.
4. All fill material shall be obtained from a source landward of the control line and shall consist of sand
which is similar to that already on the site in both grain size and coloration. This fill material shall be
free of construction debris, rocks, or other foreign matter. A sample of the sand shall be provided to
the staff representative of the Department during the preconstruction conference.
5. Prior to completion of construction activities authorized by this permit, the permittee shall remove all
invasive exotic plants, such as listed in the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council's List of Category I and
II Invasive Species and including Australian pine (Casuarina spp.), Brazilian pepper (Schinus
terebenthifolium), and Beach Napauka (Scaevola sericea). The permittee shall plant a mix of a
minimum of three native salt-tolerant species to restore any disturbed natural area seaward of the
authorized structures.Dune restoration plantings shall consist of salt-tolerant species indigenous to the
native plant communities existing on or near the site or with other native species approved by the
Department. All landscape plantings including sod are not authorized seaward of the construction
fence. Plantings in other areas of the project site shall not include invasive nuisance plant species.
PERMITTEE:Patrick and Sara Burke
6. All lighting shall be installed and maintained as depicted in the approved lighting schematic, except
that no upper floor private balcony lights are allowed. All fixtures on the seaward and sides of the
dwelling shall be full cut-off and equipped with black baffles. There may be a decrease in the wattage
of each approved lamp and a decrease in the total number of each approved fixture without submitting
a modified lighting plan for review and approval. However, if a fixture or lamp is changed to a
different type, manufacturer or catalog number for any reason, or if the location of any fixture is
changed it shall be submitted for review and approval by the Department prior to installation.If any of
the lights become visible from the beach or disorient nesting or hatchlin sea turtles at an time the
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must be modified such that they are no longer directly visible from the beach. No additional
permanent exterior lighting is authorized.
7. Permittee shall submit compliance reports as specified in Special and General Permit Conditions of
this permit. General Permit Conditions l(q), l(r), and 1(s) pertain to written reports which must be
submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection at specified times. The forms for the reports:
l(q)Periodic Progress Report(DEP Form 73-111), l(r)Foundation Location Certification(DEP Form
73-114B), and 1(s) Final Certification (DEP Form 73-115B) are at:
http://www.dep.state.fl.us/beaches/forms.htm#CCCL. Each form may be submitted electronically.
The periodic reports are due in the office on a monthly basis. No progress reports are required until
such time as construction activities have started.
(1) The following general permit conditions shall apply,unless waived by the Department or modified by
the permit:
(a) The permittee shall carry out the construction or activity for which the permit was granted in
accordance with the plans and specifications that were approved by the Department as part of the permit.
Deviations therefrom, without written approval from the Department, shall be grounds for suspension of the
work and revocation of the permit pursuant to Section 120.60(7), F.S., and shall result in assessment of civil
fines or issuance of an order to alter or remove the unauthorized work, or both. No other construction or
activities shall be conducted. No modifications to project size, location, or structural design are authorized
without prior written approval from the Department. A copy of the notice to proceed shall be conspicuously
displayed at the project site. Approved plans shall be made available for inspection by a Department
(b)The permittee shall conduct the construction or activity authorized under the permit using extreme care
to prevent any adverse impacts to the beach and dune system, marine turtles, their nests and habitat, or
adjacent property and structures.
(c) The permittee shall allow any duly identified and authorized member of the Department to enter upon
the premises associated with the project authorized by the permit for the purpose of ascertaining compliance
with the terms of the permit and with the rules of the Department until all construction or activities authorized
or required in the permit have been completed and all project performance reports, certifications, or other
documents are received by the Department and determined to be consistent with the permit and approved
(d)The permittee shall hold and save the State of Florida, the Department, and its officers and employees
harmless from any damage, no matter how occasioned and no matter what the amount, to persons or property
that might result from the construction or activity authorized under the permit and from any and all claims and
judgments resulting from such damage.
(e) The permittee shall allow the Department to use all records, notes, monitoring data, and other
information relating to construction or any activity under the permit, which are submitted, for any purpose
PERMITTEE:Patrick and Sara Burke
necessary except where such use is otherwise specifically forbidden by law.
(f) Construction traffic shall not occur and building materials shall not be stored on vegetated areas
seaward of the control line unless specifically authorized by the permit. If the Department determines that this
requirement is not being met, positive control measures, such as temporary fencing, designated access roads,
adjustment of construction sequence, or other requirements, shall be provided by the permittee at the direction
of the Department.Temporary construction fencing shall not be sited within marine turtle nesting habitats.
(g) The permittee shall not disturb existing beach and dune topography and vegetation except as expressly
authorized in the permit. Before the project is considered complete, any disturbed topography or vegetation
shall be restored as prescribed in the permit with suitable fill material or revegetated with appropriate beach
and dune vegetation.
(h)All fill material placed seaward of the control line shall be sand which is similar to that already existing
on the site in both coloration and grain size. All such fill material shall be free of construction debris, rocks,
clay, or other foreign matter; shall be obtained from a source landward of the coastal construction control line;
and shall be free of coarse gravel or cobbles.
(i)If surplus sand fill results from any approved excavation seaward of the control line, such material shall
be distributed seaward of the control line on the site, as directed by the Department, unless otherwise
specifically authorized by the permit.
0) Any native salt-tolerant vegetation destroyed during construction shall be replaced with plants of the
same species or, by authorization of the Department, with other native salt-tolerant vegetation suitable for
beach and dune stabilization. Unless otherwise specifically authorized by the Department, all plants installed
in beach and coastal areas — whether to replace vegetation displaced, damaged, or destroyed during
construction or otherwise—shall be of species indigenous to Florida beaches and dunes, such as sea oats, sea
grape, saw palmetto, panic grass, saltmeadow hay cordgrass, seashore saltgrass, and railroad vine, and grown
from stock indigenous to the region in which the project is located.
(k) All topographic restoration and revegetation work is subject to approval by the Department, and the
status of restoration shall be reported as part of the final certification of the actual work performed.
(1) If not specifically authorized elsewhere in the permit, no operation, transportation, or storage of
equipment or materials is authorized seaward of the dune crest or rigid coastal structure during the marine
turtle nesting season. The marine turtle nesting season is May 1 through October 31 in all counties except
Brevard, Indian River, St. Lucie, Martin, Palm Beach, and Broward counties where leatherback turtle nesting
occurs during the period of March 1 through October 31.
(m)If not specifically authorized elsewhere in the permit,no temporary lighting of the construction area is
authorized at any time during the marine turtle nesting season and no additional permanent exterior lighting is
(n) All windows and glass doors visible from any point on the beach must be tinted to a transmittance
value(light transmission from inside to outside)of 45%or less through the use of tinted glass or window film.
(o) The permit has been issued to a specified property owner and is not valid for any other person unless
formally transferred. An applicant requesting transfer of the permit shall sign two copies of the permit transfer
agreement form, agreeing to comply with all terms and conditions of the permit, and return both copies to the
Department. The transfer request shall be provided on the form entitled"Permit Transfer Agreement"—DEP
Form 73-103 (Revised 1/04), which is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference. No work shall proceed
under the permit until the new owner has received a copy of the transfer agreement approved by the
Department. A copy of the transfer agreement shall be displayed on the construction site along with the
permit.An expired permit shall not be transferred.
(p) The permittee shall immediately inform the Department of any change of mailing address of the
permittee and any authorized agent until all requirements of the permit are met.
(q) For permits involving major structures or activities, the permittee shall submit to the Department
periodic progress reports on a monthly basis beginning at the start of construction and continuing until all
work has been completed. If a permit involves either new armoring or major reconstruction of existing
PERMITTEE:Patrick and Sara Burke
armoring, the reports shall be certified by an engineer licensed in the State of Florida. The permittee or
engineer, as appropriate, shall certify that as of the date of each report all construction has been performed in
compliance with the plans and project description approved as a part of the permit and with all conditions of
the permit, or shall specify any deviation from the plans, project description, or conditions of the permit. The
report shall also state the percent of completion of the project and each major individual component. The
reports shall be provided to the Department using the form entitled "Periodic Progress Report"—DEP Form
73-111 (Revised 6/04),which is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference.Permits for minor structures or
activities do not require submittal of periodic reports unless required by special permit condition.
(r) For permits involving habitable major structures, all construction on the permitted structure shall stop
when the foundation pilings have been installed. At that time the foundation location form shall be submitted
to and accepted by the Department prior to proceeding with further vertical construction above the foundation.
The form shall be signed by a professional surveyor, licensed pursuant to Chapter 472,F.S., and shall be based
upon such surveys performed in accordance with Chapter 472, F.S., as are necessary to determine the actual
configuration and dimensioned relationship of the installed pilings to the control line.The information shall be
provided to the Department using the form entitled"Foundation Location Certification"—DEP Form 73-114B
(Revised 9/05),which is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference. Phasing of foundation certifications is
acceptable. The Department shall notify the permittee of approval or rejection of the form within seven (7)
working days after staff receipt of the form. All survey information upon which the form is based shall be
made available to the Department upon request. Permits for repairs or additions to existing structures with
nonconforming foundations are exempt from this condition.
(s) For permits involving major structures, the permittee shall provide the Department with a report by an
engineer or architect licensed in the State of Florida within thirty(30) days following completion of the work.
The report shall state that all locations specified by the permit have been verified and that other construction
and activities authorized by the permit have been performed in compliance with the plans and project
description approved as a part of the permit and all conditions of the permit; or shall describe any deviations
from the approved plans, project description, or permit conditions, and any work not performed. Such report
shall not relieve the permittee of the provisions of paragraph 62B-33.0155(1)(a), F.A.C. If none of the
permitted work is performed, the permittee shall inform the Department in writing no later than 30 days
following expiration of the permit. The report shall be provided on the form entitled"Final Certification"DEP
Form 73-115B(Revised 9/05),which is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference.
(t) Authorization for construction of armoring or other rigid coastal structures is based on an engineering
review and assessment of the design and anticipated performance and impact of the structure as a complete
unit. Construction of any less than the complete structure as approved by the Department is not authorized and
shall result in the assessment of an administrative fine and the issuance of an order to remove the partially
constructed structure.Modifications to the project size, location,or structural design shall be authorized by the
Department in accordance with Rule 62B-33.013,F.A.C.
(2) The permittee shall not commence any excavation, construction, or other physical activity on or
encroaching on the sovereignty land of Florida seaward of the mean high water line or, if established, the
erosion control line until the permittee has received from the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement
Trust Fund the required lease,license,easement,or other form of consent authorizing the proposed use.
(3) The permittee shall obtain any applicable licenses or permits required by Federal, state, county, or
municipal law.
(4)This permit does not authorize trespass onto other property.
(5)In the event of a conflict between a general permit condition and a special permit condition,the special
permit condition shall prevail.
(6) Copies of any forms referenced above can be obtained by writing to the Department of Environmental
Protection, 2600 Blair Stone Road, MS 3522, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400, or by telephoning (850)245-
PERMITTEE:Patrick and Sara Burke
This amended permit, with the referenced attachments, comprises the entire permit, and supersedes the permit
as previously issued.
Approved plans are incorporated into this permit by reference.
Executed in Tallahassee,Florida.
Fritz W stein,Environmental Consultant
Coastal` :onstruction Control Line Program
The undersigned duly designated deputy clerk hereby certifies that this permit and all copies were sent on the
filing date below to the following listed persons:
Mark Powell,P.E.,Isiminger and Stubbs Engineering,Inc. mpowell(a),coastal-engineers.com
Debra Zampetti, St.Lucie Planning and Development Services Zampettidna stlucieco.org
Jason Spanier,Field Inspector
FILED,on this date,pursuant to Section 120.52,F. S.,with the designated Department Clerk,receipt of which
is hereby acknowledged.
Clerk Date
This action is final and effective on the date filed with the Clerk of the Department unless a petition for an
administrative hearing is timely filed under sections 120.569 and 120.57,Florida Statutes,before the deadline
for filing a petition. On the filing of a timely and sufficient petition,this action will not be final and effective
until further order of the Department. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate
final agency action,the hearing process may result in a modification of the agency action or even denial of the
Petition for Administrative Hearin
A person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's action may petition for an
administrative proceeding(hearing)under sections 120.569 and 120.57,Florida Statutes. Pursuant to rule 28-
106.201, Florida Administrative Code, a petition for an administrative hearing must contain the following
a The name and address of each agency affected and each agency's file or identification number,
( ) g Y
if known;
PERMITTEE: Patrick and Sara Burke
(b) The name, address, any e-mail address, any facsimile number, and telephone number of the
petitioner, if the petitioner is not represented by an attorney or a qualified representative; the name, address,
and telephone number of the petitioner's representative,if any,which shall be the address for service purposes
during the course of the proceeding; and an explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interests will be
affected by the agency determination;
(c) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the agency decision;
(d) A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, the petition must so
(e) A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged,including the specific facts that the petitioner
contends warrant reversal or modification of the agency's proposed action;
(f) A statement of the specific rules or statutes the petitioner contends require reversal or
modification of the agency's proposed action, including an explanation of how the alleged facts relate to the
specific rules or statutes; and
(g) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action petitioner wishes
the agency to take with respect to the agency's proposed action.
The petition must be filed (received by the Clerk) in the Office of General Counsel of the Department at
3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000. Also, a copy of the
petition shall be mailed to the applicant at the address indicated above at the time of filing.
Time Period for Filing a Petition
In accordance with rule 62-110.106(3), Florida Administrative Code, petitions for an administrative hearing
by the applicant must be filed within 21 days of receipt of this written notice. Petitions filed by any persons
other than the applicant, and other than those entitled to written notice under section 120.60(3), Florida
Statutes, must be filed within 21 days of publication of the notice or within 21 days of receipt of the written
notice,whichever occurs first. Under section 120.60(3),Florida Statutes,however, any person who has asked
the Department for notice of agency action may file a petition within 21 days of receipt of such notice,
regardless of the date of publication. The failure to file a petition within the appropriate time period shall
constitute a waiver of that person's right to request an administrative determination (hearing) under sections
120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, or to intervene in this proceeding and participate as a party to it. Any
subsequent intervention (in a proceeding initiated by another party) will be only at the discretion of the
presiding officer upon the filing of a motion in compliance with rule 28-106.205,Florida Administrative Code.
Extension of Time
Under rule 62-110.106(4), Florida Administrative Code, a person whose substantial interests are affected by
the Department's action may also request an extension of time to file a petition for an administrative hearing.
The Department may, for good cause shown, grant the request for an extension of time. Requests for
extension of time must be filed with the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth
Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, before the applicable deadline for filing a
petition for an administrative hearing. A timely request for extension of time shall toll the running of the time
period for filing a petition until the request is acted upon.
Mediation is not available in this proceeding.
Judicial Review
Once this decision becomes final, any party to this action has the right to seek judicial review pursuant to
section 120.68,Florida Statutes,by filing a Notice of Appeal pursuant to rules 9.110 and 9.190, Florida Rules
of Appellate Procedure, with the Clerk of the Department in the Office of General Counsel, 3900
PERMITTEE:Patrick and Sara Burke
Commonwealth Boulevard, M.S. 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000; and by filing a copy of the Notice of
Appeal accompanied by the applicable filing fees with the appropriate District Court of Appeal. The Notice of
Appeal must be filed within 30 days from the date this action is filed with the Clerk of the Department.
The Agency will not publish or require the person requesting a permit to publish in a newspaper a notice of
receipt of the permit application or notice of Agency action granting or denying the permit.
Persons receiving a permit are advised that interested parties who become aware of Agency action approving
or denying the permit, or who observe work on the project within certain time frames without any prior notice,
may have rights to petition for an administrative hearing under Chapter 120,F.S. For this reason,it may be in
the best interest of the person proposing the activity to publish, at its expense, a one-time "Notice of Permit
Issuance" in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the activity is located meeting the
requirements of Chapter 50, F.S. Agency staff can provide persons with the information for such a notice
upon request. Persons who are substantially affected by the proposed action may petition for an administrative
hearing within the time frames specified in the notice and Chapter 120,F.S.
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2' m
The L 016 F rewssed fixture combmes the.itexiMl ty Of a did:MRi6 lamp" m" w
wllh the conoston:fssstanoe expeded of a Bgachsde fpchae The:gasket on
the tuasss btrn seaoefy seai5't�againstlhe bottom nLthe recessetl,staiNass•
eel can and the
s powder coaled sleet An oitemal tiiass bracket
st as
semtily°allowserrglirlg at ttie lamp tp to 1¢"vnih 380°,rotabon'The L-016 F
is mended for new-conslrudion applications and Is mtegrated with magnetic = 4� ice''
transformers(120V'pnmary 12Y seca,aary):The"-F".c16, fielion,denotes the Bat inm sus Ole ra sad fnm otflre ver L 018.
Hoit"slftg Racassed ceding fiAeofa new constructton_ q
11AOIdfllifig ' Lamp tiousmg Is,renlovableltirough ceamg:.aperture.for
sccess to junction•box-HoasiN:can ba lowered arxf ad-
lu5ted,to cadmg UurJtriess Dual extensharrgefbars RECENEQ 1
span from.lS(38.1 cm)to 25I/4 (84 1 ron.
an)w th revers 1
Ible placement feaft rm Bars attach to sldes'along length
or width of nrounting frame:Hanger,bars may
ed to rest:an T-bargrid;_For insWated ce4mgs;maintain s` t)tVLSitSN t'1F'WpTER :
minuiium 3°tleaiaacea"tnund:fuduie: RES.OURLE MANAGEMEW.
ElecEri.cm. Magnek,:Class;H transform&with Mdez dlscarinect in 2 ornj
a5:8"[1 _
t box Is;fatty darxnapie wRtt magnet c Irnx voltage dunmers.'
Tmnsiamer.has inteirral tllemiel:protzcUon:J-b=has"(4);
1f2'KO.'s:errd(2j conber is U2"x 3r4 KO`s:with spdrg:
latch:''a moss plates.Sudabte,W Wet:t ocation Use:.
l.C.fI5e5= raif;olSa•tlnr rmunnmr�rmmDuea[w.uomrectron
xartarn'�nwca.r ..
CL Ciear . mw>oarsaWN,°ee°.:,Mprea, .
.. •u.aom°!ea°R�+eurim .:r.ea- 62;'1•k4cnj
e �nneairq�wMMweot;': .. �:.....
BAB': 20 Watt 36.flood '
SaWetlmanten; FMw 3sWaq 3T flow::
_ EXN, 50 Watt 38°'flood i�+�w
A astment Becket:
' 5WSP6 S Watt 15°spot 320 tm: 'allows ammtg tlp fo 15°
6W-NFIL 5 Welt 25°narrow flood 320 inv,
6W,-FL' 5 Watt 40°BoodJ 320.Im.
LFD 6W,WFL 5Watt 100-wide flood 3261rh,
t]eedl�et('W)." 7W-NFL '7Watt 25°'riarrowflood 483 fin.
Lame t-W-(lYV♦y 7W-FL'; 7,Watt 40°flod: 487am�e l8 1
lvM380 7W LtFL 7Wtt 60wde flood: belting
BNfSP': 6 Watt 10 spot 5001m. O 1:(8;3an1
_BVttNFL Matt 25`naitowgood: 5251m.
6 Watt `dirm od: 5251rm:
(1 ,., 6W,A NFL 5 Watt 25'nenbw flood 3.
ACCeSsorles: HL MR76 Lam tachgdtwney-rnb l6—,-,ila"
(3mrn)Mck .
PR itIR16 L anq>-attached prismatic spread lens _
Fhtish leck`Arld Fimsfi
_FM 1,OB Uark BrorveAad Finish 5.75']14,8art]
FIN WH WhRe,f?owderCoating
Unfmished rs standard no ape-ficatlon requaed The fnfirre will.weafher to
a'nalural Patina_:The patina process Js natural with'brass and capper„Rate
of patina and averduai m16r is;depernjent:upon gimate and prozinuty fn the;
ocean::Thus "does not guarantee ahy sperjfc appeaianCo. Ce1Tmg.pperung:.4 3(8'
YYelght 71bs:(32kg]"
CSNlAted fle'#19U030
10 year fixture warranty'.
3 yearwenanry on MR1s LEo larrips MADE'I N.USA..
Project . By Date
For ordergx]ptupoges,please spec ty{example:L 016 F—Ct—6W FL-HLaYIR16—Ff H();; '
ucture ens, mp ccessory mis 1, any.
':BEACNSInE.LIONTIHOl 8DOJ05�32. KwW.aeatl�siCeU9hrinplcom' � � �.
2M/2 ®r
Type F Mode( . ..
'`DIVtS10N Of WATER:`;
_ ,. intrigue ig�no,g
aawaurbrsat iro .MAR". General;. the gaga;seder.Step�llght ls.a',rece'ssed
.;usouaoaawnrw ,,.
rnbnr�+Ib�mleelOMe�bMr+�d Iumile.Ire far low level wall or step llgMmgfa,laseiri
uwawswaa�y weC locations(Indoorjoutdoor)
',ppObdYP�Yk11.q.M W3ia/Mr�lrta['..
Rd.:bulrsfRnlyabor':-': .,...
�. Homan"�Castaluminum IawtoppermMentBierast
Cy�`„vfX"y housUg;Icrlocicouts::,prwided,on (4)s(des hb in#
t--- -m''' paintei! white Fxtenor .edge..araund:riousirig
fi0fii0talQTrerallDUN¢Y•:" "'"""""' °" pe[Imetersecuresgasket„
Cast al trnlnum,?palnted, and secuied t&
tuxlskig:with stainless steel hardware(4)tace;irame;
E; styles•:available Angled Cutotfi(AC),.tiorimnta(
' Dlredjonal Lower(-FIDE)Open;face(-0F),or:Verticat
�:, ,tlireWonalLauver(-?1DU.< .
AagledCOt6ff.: Diffuser_ Av311able.in frosted.glass or tr�rrslurxmf+
AC' paryc8rfionate(10.naiNmum tbkkness) Retainerl.in.
face plate and sealed with HTV-�flwne adbesNe:;
Veii[el,�.. /iri9kdEuto//(AC1lrm++elassecnildary.tnnerlens. .
� y� Ditect3Dnal;;' _.
�f �'�' FbBo Single T IineafLEn:�module-Serierating
:Open Files. LED DriJer Grounded Constant(Lrrent IED duvet
' with.output currentof 1050aru1:,Minimum'.starting
ternperatiare of-401r-
" .-:,.. .,�....,,. +' Filosh�.,aedured ;polyester boWder coat"-finishG
Recessed Inustlrg.'and reflector wfdte on aii.ftirtureK
m•; cepj"olmadslwarethe'same:, Hladr�tironte grey>,whge Allier,and verde'green
' -. op[lonsavailabk.�
10.24"W M 39+}.H"
Gaskets Hedangu�r.-Siliwne:gasket.pi6iided�;and.
3erured.arouno h660ii;erirnet4
,Mbbnti /availablqor Poured concrete,=9tliw
' existlpg`frome mounting,new con;truaXlon mounting,,.
and masonrymountingapplkatlains.'
Hardware tMe6W,stainless`;steel hardware'.iS
standard:,camper Re$stant Hardware(TRH);'optlori
—`"'-�- —L—=
`fir"a U�pus uul^esc.' UL°Ustedi, iforWet` ;ix ttonrSyllable.
Iareo for mounting within,R of ground eUl Listed.qDA'
"tiNs In N3i1. .
wwwlritrigUekdbom N60;WI4592;Hao1/lver>ue ^Menomnnee:Falis,vVl 53051,
P:-:(B7'f)965 OQ05 =Fi(262)436'1745
S,L 323
. Includes art integral,20v`or.277V, $lit:optical eongguratloris ate • IF66 rated:
::socondary.sourco ta'P fdo'. available,andthe future caabe -. P6Wd0coattlnish Tn13 stamiard',: .
Illummed6n topsth of egress configured as ad upligM;dcwnlight. ;,moors g polymer Primsrseatei
Availabta,wliti full cutoff opticn, ur upl(ghVdOwhligtrt;.
.One-piece,memory retarilitie a+lictine Available(n a coriiamporwy.or
;:easkeFsoals,outcmramdiante for: traditional style with a wide varfaty:
:.optlm6in ligh(Ihg perfon lance ,m fascia optiati's;
1;lUMINAl,, 2L AST AW184 3 FASCUi OPTIONS 14:C&Cii: I S:OPT70N5 vscL vSTL
oav tam n ell. SSNR(fY.d+ditataMmssAefrW.�tsEhaetacr n) The fixture housinil s cast alaminum The,;:
vSCC-0S(Wwafandrym /badt�eaaly»ifi44lI6�J SSRW`(WgAshdkssLeliod;wf/wtscrtvJ.: cy)ind{cNlensisopal semi ttanslucanFG�ection.;
VSCLUB(tip�+iianiQ7iossJ, .. SSWD{Somascs.dcelro�wiC�ukbstolssr»'nJ" motildti acryl�e Ngt(fald replaceab(a The tens`..
VSCLUS fl�tprmdard�rsf:Aial6Needywdk A9if6E`B).: .SSMM(Sdbdasd�lmdsw rranowskistz a�). :imrn@is sacurad,YvjIh tnee capi(ve hexfiead
vSCCABUS.(DaunhwWp'rardardiprea.Avat!ffiV¢!" SSPF� o;essslsfmdcw i elaa�d3crtm.-. (gl6b�samws;-The lens hame;is seated with,a;
.:.arty wdhRAh41T6E@J - SSCS(Stiriessgm/md:with adtm'srean)a one;_P,ie.,e.rneinaryrAtentrve;molded sNcaie.
NSCLUBUS(l/p&srrtJdixnspicadandcW Ai"' 'de 'Gaitrtl�6iylnd�andskyu.
e wdli MN76FB i" "�� � 9asImLTFw rearaWciricai access,has am`oldtid.
NY J sificotte plug to completely seal the fatura iron
VSCS SMAt1(`ONTEMPORJ((iV, TRADITIONAL Insects or dirt,amenating tiara M@ aleotdcal tiox'•
VSCS-DS(OormaeamandcgnJ=„ .. DT( t!va0ami'J orcciiduit Allinlamaland.eztemeihartlware3s.
uses Ds(n � damnta� avywawatttiril; bTJAl �er�swrhamncas ,1: . stalniessstaelendiic
vscsus(!$tRxnantalresJ. oTGofoaeb�ptnaal�escramdsigt)
Vg OTFL(OamiahtsUmflpffewsc�atEs75crJ..:. REFLECTDR .
US(UDspr�daldggras,AndaNeodywfhffff6 J; Theraltectorrs formedaturnharrWMIt dl.`
VSCSDBUS;j(T.dwn;Mam•LPipt�daaiaga�Ava9afe DTCS([koaabretrswr?hasmmscemdso)': P
.Rrh'Iv1N MHTC¢g - Cmtid fadayfarcusbm dnigts: anodrzed fmtsh fork.-a bbwd tortures and bead
J .. tilasted in for smart fixWies`. .
oldywdlf.MFlTGmJ- FULICUTOFF ,...
USn-LnRGETFtngR10NAC The';[COoptionpjoyideslESiullc6totl
VSTL-DB �. .(Wen 6armmdeyasJ,. classifiquen ri�ahlrfg zero light.eimtfed at 9g°.
YSTL,DS/amrspradads:Avelfab&adywMAfttls£BJ:' hodzo:at orabwe:Tha one-place aluminum,
vSTLUB(ltp hvriaidegasgr, 3.COLOf3:: exhusWn-606t T8cylmder is pa3ntad t,match tfie..
VSTL-US(UpspWanfcgrstAl2fk eat*WghgHrlf§):: - fuiumi-docOrAya is SO tifiJkki-DBor-D :
JsTLfiBlisro ti a+v aroe Avamb uvr WH*ficwis; VBU
ir4nartT6 - - BL 8a#': :: cRr rater ELECTRICAL.
VSTGUBDS(Uybra WwnsprWaideQMAtsaabar tri>h!• BLT Matte&ki MALAd;Aimuiuii "T�� if lis untadontheliatla"sicanopy..
rofbi F81 kHmr MG".. Atl batlasLs are electronic.T8 metal hetlde�tampa;
. _ ... DB lTir . Fk�LnGrey..
- - will use Gt25ockelsiR1111ampswrtl use GX6.§
"VSTS"OB brarirsnd DGN�1r'li.: AGN Adirp{eQeai<:: sockets:PLLgutirescent lamps viitl use 2G11'
(t> t27r ) TT )2mi . LG u9h6vy sockets:MRlis.... .11 tmeamGsaCum bi-pin:
YSTS-DS(BxmspaafadegeriAr�adahta onrywNhMfA6FB):''� WDB WWt WHM7s; fTAL Prer®ran,lhlla• ,hase:The,ballastwiU atxe anfnput votta ebf`
W S-UB(flpb�nadcgessJ Pf; 8,
V^uT&US(UpspreataNerg'es;AvaRanlaDnlywtlfiMMTff9J MiJ64°ua'SdetaUre-_ CUSTOM-.*LhnixtA dcvy 120 through 217iolts except for MR16 famping,
VSTS•DBUS s dead whichvAacceptan:inputvottageof120or277
.: DmnlHp prp.:.^egass.Av eraiy.: yollespocdy 7heogrGsslamP(20Watt MRt1)..
VSTGUBDS'(UpbanMawispciiaide ssAta✓gbteatdj f&amergaicyegressfeaturefsinctd&d and
)e pored by 120 voltP
m ut tm m nsTared Into
4 OP770NS towyottage(12volgbythaetectionrcuenslgrtner.
, FCO(Tey1adOdshkklNlafla0teonyWi1ff08ol:0.S)
NEG(Noelrssskmp hb trdop ft SAFETY
SSP(lkc[PaLyeb.¢Ya`t31ia/35My1�?T JSc+ ifns6irAms Thefix reincloclas en Integral seconderp source
2 LAMPlBAL1JlST,. skd!) to roVdadiummatfprrto p," pant ofegress.fiom;
CbMPACT FLUORFRGErJ7,((?Ut7mi97iadJ -BRP(Dasrdire:arx�tfOTJA9JICDyTTiIIIiGSJlobr�smatefsJ lwi(d-mgiorha public way,
4ye;30ralltanp%.. FINISH
50P[L(fageonryJ,24PLLYsttiait orilyJ Tho'ftntshfor ttro ahaiuminten r Rams will rxmsislcl
FlF[:TRONi:R1Ef HA rOF.�(127Mm2]/rt1fJ afnre stage pretreatment regimehMathapaly1,1nter+
GY2base,T-6ceaoieiIrv, . ...` ... ptimaiFOefer,P+errdry offand toP'coateddrittr:
a ihornipsot supor;TO1C polyosta powder coat
fiT8.5basq Rllttaap 6nrsh.ThefWsh shalt meet the AAMA 6D52
S5R111 70Ri,1(Lvga,aey) 2/ $/2�17'� fmdoimanoospa0!1 ar)antharb;ctLdeapassrriq�a'
MR='1B LAMPl VOLT7RAN5(-ORMER ff20aiz,7µ, ,. ... 300g-4ioursalt spray'test Forconos'an ros�etance:
SOW1fi18{snail aety) See ne#pie
A118a0astraa>ac6p'm+alta?!/wltaoksssvf�nAstra� .•.... .. . ..... .:....... .........<...,. .._......
ctnxnataror nneaooarwuinmrema JOB; ..: ,...:
-ne,w�.aeo,�mai.�;asdaatcree, '.:;.
a•e..rfa�yN area 7rar�mo!�raxsroenm.a: .,.;: ... -:� ;:;.';:.
ARCHITI3fURAIAREA;LIGHTING :: t+!>md.a .renmeraroaa<wMr. aF NQTES
i6556 Fast Gets Ave i,Ctry of Industry I CA.91743 s4b,tbeaj,gaam+Nwiw
2Yt'3IIg A628.96BS6661•F(IW3Sg.2fi 1'vmw.aalnet' c.� '✓��*
Capydglrt 20,2.1 Rbv21S : t ergx,mii::.
Type MDdef:
intrigue ig, inng
tiot&Nd NdWItNG'. tMli .:SMtfS- -:ULfprfK 'tilde NE 'LENS' tkD[oIOR ;,W,11Ci15 ':VDt1AGF 'itWSH'.
LED SG=R = ILE0 - - - - -
HORSING O :SGN 'SAGAwriistt�pVg6t heiwngf buk6mi_w'itli wouminq lunMin'::
•"rwD. 'O CON Pewod Conaeti new 4tiLRetlon an
.o ,... .. .., RE,CEIVED,.
CI NC t. :New Comtm uwi xdeda CON o�MOR liiniiWi.r)
a .Er Ex- g cn- 2/13/1617
qe,.rx„yanbrny�artsGt�sm'eetowb'aaayerr. DIVISIONAEWATER:
;lAlBl," :O LED 'light Emktlrg Diude(wNte IED-pkVled;hebw)
SER)ES; a SG-R'- SAGASeri.x lluwd5-`R ht
TRIM 41140ACCES Ny► ,
�i0 SGif hNo R�ng•Kit
_..:Bois ii"
"O VOL Vettical orsnimr-Enueoc
em, a mxxa«w�ru twrt�e
LENS -O OLG tmiyr�owr4o.:v�.gwarna:•.
Glm OpJ lrin �'"uxe.tsi�i.teanw«timnarr.w:':
t7 DIP P" nab.=Opeltem rWtawaw.nosrer»air;aetrdr.....
a1Y.yh° .:w.nt.wm.men.mei++!wn�.ni:.
IEt� WN4Wl,+ta LE4,.
... D27K '2700Ki O 3SK. 350dC )iwnital Noartn3l twrcnsllVm CCt LorrenC. Dos
13-30iC 3000K; O<OK.�.400DC
.. tis Lamegs (ktk.W)
- QFlK)NS. .p TRF1' iimperReslrtwtHerdwue.: c.r.. �vso 't®: ',.moo:.:.vo: wmmx• us'.
:VOL7AGE' .[] 1M. 11DY61t
'o 277 invdi..
........: 0 WHY'. -WNta..
;O �GRY �Grry O CC Cmt- .Cub mINacmry
:O SIL� WGF: Wo64An(w.h 'coimdtfiww Y
��/�"" Gmimt_ut sreldalsa�.t>x is ssSAz'r'I to rrss ;Hnase cru:iav(t�t'si:eha^wvrnNA'u`�1c47a!'
-:9ea�"lqA www.f)itrig dwbom N6dWf4592)(WA)idrxie:�Menomonee:Falis,:M1'1 5305);
P:(877},965OOM. F:062)4�61745
yv � DIMENSIONS ureoe siaai.
ii 4 raap:. sfs:
Wail:piste(asayuiedinmwalloJerj-boxandvnredmthe::; issmm:.. aaaauo`= 293nm,. rats.
,power cirouR"aFid tizturti ibsltachedto ttiaprall plate by four i 2etm�CERTIFICATION.. Teas
The{ixlure is lWpd with ETL for`ourdooiwet loca&i u§e.. CONTEMPORARY a]hmm
to iheL.L.459H,UC924 nd CSA di a Candian a CSAmdi
022Y ito.250 sti{dard.,IP(}S ra(ed.. .-T., .
nOiV;,ioea:' v'sm "115CS;
�jjtp•llwww.fiuntienridhitno'coinirea«,icesH;rrn artvi .
;114[�ie�rvcs!led8�+ib chargeRQ+�aA��c�'os ri�rad ...
.. 875' IT9s'
•TRAUTRONAL; TIImm_, {378mm-._,{` ]Da•. 9.aa' ...
j- :isw
S6HWT € Grwr.:za
Vlithcroscraer{ ,Oe�maW�aasaniY::.
OTJA: r h �r
Wideslntwmn "„ Jarkscroon desiue ,;{ h$ ;. �
Narrawslol smw 't GuNs weerid On OURCE MANAGEMENT
.Pe]foiatedcxrsen ;.:�� �:, •Peuisdgen dasbn . . _...... .. .. ,. ...., ., .,...,.._.. ... .. ............
dew '
r' z. �UPUGHT69:fsS.. .
;d•' ., r i- -�90MLIGHTS9.9%:
sscs OTes' k
Cust®n wan' .: custom ss]een•desph.. i;, ,,t F;:,� ,
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Fug a+mH shmH; Fhncito9sldek':
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Additional information
•'Famiy,Name Plas4oOutdoo
Finish. Black . t::
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Ught Source:` eeRt-k;
Fixture : WMI
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ewer nas+evwnme,u.�ew; NumberofLi 6�WA7T
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avoid hotspots anlhepootliottonl,Ugnrinteps'loabdcolorara ., 6el4dt
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D mensibmand ,erftfication*.
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