HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW Maverick Phase II - e-mail ChainFrom: Lydia Galbraith Sent: Friday, April 2, 2021 3:41 PM To: eplans Subject: FW: Maverick Phase II Categories: Blue Category Please scan this email to Code View for records. Thank you, Lydia Galbraith Zoning Specialist Ph: 772-462-1555 2300 Virginia Ave. Fort Pierce 34982 facebook.com/stluciegov I twitter.com/stluciegov I instagram.com/stluciegov I youtube.com/stluciegov guo Lud oflr, Since2016 cc vnw: "BEST tg'"s to work ST. LUCIE COUNTY St. Lucie County Building and Code Division is committed to great service and your feedback is important to us. Please tell me how we're doing. How was your service? Please contact, Melissa Brubaker, Supervisor, at brubakerm@stlucieco.org submit your suggestions, comments and feedback The County is OPEN for business, though, the building remains closed to the general public to keep our citizens and employees safe during the pandemic. The Building Department is operating in a new location, just a few feet from the main lobby, at the SW corner of the building (formerly the Utilities Department). Look for the GREEN A -Frame signs. The hours of operation are Monday — Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 am. All staff is available by email or phone. If you need to contact me, my direct extension is 462-1555. Please be safe during these unprecedented times while we do our best to help the community remain safe as we continue to operate at the new normal. Thank you From: Darren Guettler <darreng@velconfl.com> Sent: Friday, April 2, 2021 11:36 AM To: Grant M. Chambers <ChambersG@stlucieco.org>; David Hays <haysd@stlucieco.org>; Roger Priest <rpriest@rkdavis.com> Cc: Knight McGuire & Associates <scottm@knightmcguire.com>; Kori Benton <bentonk@stlucieco.org>; Jennifer McGee <McGeeJ@stlucieco.org>; Douglas Harvey <harvevd@stlucieco.org>; Lydia Galbraith <galbraithl@stlucieco.org>; Patrick Dayan <DayanP@stlucieco.org> Subject: RE: Maverick Phase II SECURITY WARNING: This email originated from outside the County systems. Please show caution when clicking links or opening attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Grant, We are in agreeance with the condition below. Please release the foundation permit at your earliest convenience. We appreciate your help. Darren From: Grant M. Chambers <ChambersG@stlucieco.org> Sent: Thursday, April 1, 2021 9:36 AM To: Darren Guettler <darreng@velconfl.com>; David Hays <h_a_ysd@stlucieco.org>; Roger Priest <rpriest@rkdavis.com> Cc: Knight McGuire & Associates (scottm@knightmcguire.com) <scottm@knightmcguire.com>; Kori Benton <bentonk@stlucieco.org>; Jennifer McGee <McGeeJ@stlucieco.org>; Douglas Harvey <harvevd@stlucieco.org>; Lydia Galbraith <galbraithl@stlucieco.org>; Patrick Dayan <DayanP@stlucieco.org> Subject: RE: Maverick Phase II Good Morning, As discussed, our standard is to have the offsite plans reviewed and approved prior to issuance of building permits. After reviewing this project with our department head, Public Works would support the foundation permit to be released under the following condition. • No building permits for any vertical construction will be issued until the required offsite improvements have been reviewed, permitted, and the Roadway Improvement Agreement and bond have been executed. Additionally, no form of CO will be supported for Phase 2 until all offsite improvements have been completed, inspected, and accepted by the County. As David mentioned, the design and permitting of the turn lanes will be the critical path for final approvals. Please keep us updated on when the timeline for the building and let us know if you have any questions. Thank you, Grant Chambers, P.E. I Civil Engineer I Public Works Department Ph: 772-462-1707 1 Direct: 772-462-2741 2300 Virginia Ave. Fort Pierce 34982 facebook.com/stluciegov I twitter.com/stluciegov instagram.com/stluciegov Iyoutube.com/stluciegov 9`�o �1C�UL Since 2016 o � �p�d(PS • • to work ST. LUCIE COUNTY From: Darren Guettler <darreng@velconfl.com> Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 20214:35 PM To: David Hays <haysd@stlucieco.org>; Roger Priest <rpriest@rkdavis.com> Cc: Knight McGuire & Associates (scottm@knightmcguire.com) <scottm@knightmcguire.com>; Grant M. Chambers <ChambersG@stlucieco.org>; Kori Benton <bentonk@stlucieco.org>; Jennifer McGee <McGeeJ@stlucieco.org>; Douglas Harvey <harveyd@stlucieco.org>; Lydia Galbraith <galbraithl@stlucieco.org>; Patrick Dayan <DayanP@stlucieco.org> Subject: Re: Maverick Phase II SECURITY WARNING: This email originated from outside the County systems. Please show caution when clicking links or opening attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hey David, We understand the PDS Order refers to the offsite plans being "submitted and reviewed" prior to building permit. There is also a section that refers to the CO not being issued until the offsite construction is complete which also provides the county with assurance the offsite will be complete. The contractor, engineer, and owner are all aware of how critical the offsite is to the project and the CO of Phase 2. We appreciate you working with us on getting relief from the "submitted and reviewed" PDS Order condition. From the engineering standpoint we have completed the route survey and have started preparing the plan set. We will need 30 days to complete the plans prior to submission to your office. We are also working on a site plan modification which we will have submitted in 30 days as well. I have copied Roger Priest with RK Davis to give you an estimate on the building submittal and building construction schedule. Please don't hesitate to call me if you have any questions. Darren Guettler 772-216-2207 On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 3:38 PM David Hays <haysd@stlucieco.org> wrote: Per our conversation, and the PDS Order, plans for the right and left turn lanes "shall be submitted and reviewed" prior to a building permit. I understand the foundation plan has been submitted to the Building Department for the second phase building. PW's position is to provide turn lane plans in accordance with the PDS Order. Grant or I will provide you notice of relief if acceptable and any follow-up conditions as soon as we can get together with our internal department heads and get that concurrence. One of us will let you know as soon as we can. Please provide a proposed schedule of the building submittal and anticipated end of construction date. Turn lane plans are your critical path on the front end, please do not hesitate. David A. Hays, P.E., CFM I Sr. Project Engineer I Public Works Department Ph: 772-462-1491 (direct) I PW Office: 772-462-1707 12300 Virginia Ave. Fort Pierce 34982 face book.com/stluciegov I twitter.com/stluciegov I instagram.com/stluciegov I youtube.com/stluciegov vSITO l lSinus 2MG O � aces v • ' n ' IO wort - Sr. LUCK ooWny "Teamwork gives you the best opportunity to turn vision into reality" John C. Maxwell Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy of St. Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and / or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers.