HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED, AtlantisCondo-A-10102SOceanDr-JenBch-Calculation-Eng-pdfsealForensic Engineering Consultants, Inc. WIND UPLIFT PRESSURE CALCULATIONS Project Name Atlantis Condominium - Building "A" Report No.: CIS-DP-21.003 Project Address 10102 South Ocean Drive Jensen Beach, FL - 34597 Deck Substrate Concrete Max. Roof Height 70.0 Feet Configuration Low Slope Roof Area (Approx.) 12300 Sq.Ft. Category II Roof Width 51.0 Feet Exposure Condition D Perimeter Width 5.1 Feet Building Type Enclosed Parapet Height 0.0 Feet Base Wind Speed 170 mph Corner Zones 5.1' x 5.1' Each Slope V 0.0 Slope H 12.0 Slope Angle° 0.00 Uplift Pressures qZ = 0.00256 KZ Kzt Kd Ke V2 P = qZ (GCP - GCP;) qZ KZ KZt Kd Ke V GCP GCPI 84.691 1.347 1.000 0.85 1.00 170 -1.40 0.18 Field' -1.40 0.18 Field -2.30 0.18 Perimeter -3.20 0.18 Corner Field' P1, wt. -133.81 psf P1' asd -80.29 psf Field P1 A. -133.81 psf P1 asd -80.29 psf Perimeter P2 un. -210.03 psf P2 asd -126.02 psf Corner P3 ult. -286.26 psf P3 asd -171.75 psf System Design Pressures No Field' Zone Field P1 -80.29 psf Perimeter P2 -126.02 psf Corner P3 -171.75 psf Proposed System Spray Polyurethane Foam (Foam LOK LPA 2800) over Concrete Decks Product Approval No. 18-0807.18 System Design Pressure -355 psf Max. Calculated Uplift Pressure-171.75 psf These calculations have been done in accordance with ASCE 7-16, based on the information provided by the contractor. Since the system design pressure is greater than the calculated maximum uplift pressure in any zone, the aforementioned system may be used on the subject roof. The roof system must be installed in accordance in accordance with the Florida Building Code and the roof system manufacturer's recommendations. Ensure that roof system meets drainage, insulation and fire rating requirements of the Florida Building Code. Digitally signed Sincerely `���� SP`��APP'9ti �,iRava n a sa b FoFV is �gi %Q0Ildpt��rv��y :Ravanasamudra J mudram N R.ppan, P.E. * 2Xr� m N Sailappan l . Principa�rQiNeer STATE OF � Sa i I a p pa n Date: 2021.04.06 Florida I�gr"atiorkNo. 466�6 : `4� 11:25:11-04'00' Forensic Encfxjee . cans l a8265), P.O. Box 970034, Boca Raton, FL - 33497 Ph (561) 901 8490 Fax (561) 218 3830