HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED ESR 1388ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-1388 ReisSued May 2020 This report is subject to renewal May 2021. wvvw,icc-es.org 1 (800) 423-6587 1 (662) 699-0543 R Subsidiary of the Intemational Code Councilo DIVISION: 07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section: 07 52 00—Modified Bituminous Sheet Roofing REPORT HOLDER: CERTAINTEED LLC EVALUATION SUBJECT: CERTAINTEE❑ FLINTLASTIC MODIFIED BITUMEN ROOF COVERING SYSTEMS 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the following codes: a 2018, 2015, 2012 and 2009 Intemational Building Code' (IBC) * 2018, 2015, 2012 and 2009 Intemational Residential code® (I RC) Properties evaluated: rt Fire classification ■ Wind uplift resistance ■ Physical properties • Impact resistance 2.0 USES The CertainTeed Flintlastic modified bitumen roof covering membranes are used as roof coverings in Class A, a or C roof covering systems, described in this report, on new or existing roofs. 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 General: CertainTeed roofing membranes are alactic polypropylene (APP) or styrene butadiene styrene (SBS) modified bitumen membranes complying with ASTM D6222, ASTM D6162, ASTM D6163 or ASTM D6164, as applicable Roof covering systems ulilizinrg CeriainTeed rooting membranes consist of single -ply membranes, base sheets and ply sheets, approved insulation, flashing, asphalts, adhesives, coatings and mechanical fasteners that are installed to produce an integrated roof system. 3.2 Membranes: 3.2.1 Flintlastic FR Cap 30 (Standard or Coo[Star): F inelastic FR Cap 30 is a 0.138-inch-thick (3.5 mm), granular -surfaced, reinforced, SBS modified bitumen roofing membrane manufactured from a glass fiber mat impregnated and covered with SBS modified bitumen. The membrane is a Type i, Grade G, membrane complying with ASTM 06163 and intended for adhesive or hot asphalt application. The membrane weighs approximately 7.2 pounds per square yard (3.9 kg1m1). The membrane is also available as a CooiStar Option, which utilizes bright white granules 3.2.2 Flintlastic FR-I? (Standard or Coo[Star):Flintlastic FR-P is a 0.17-inch-thick (4.3 mm), granular -surfaced, reinforced, SBS modified bitumen roofing membrane manufactured from a nonwoven polyester fabric impregnated and covered with SBS modified bitumen_ The membrane is a Type I, Grade G, membrane complying with ASTM D6164 and intended for adhesive or hot asphalt application. The membrane weighs approximately 8.4 pounds per square yard (4.6 kg1m2). The membrane is also available as a CoolStar option, which utilizes bright white granules. 3.2.3 Flintlastic Premium FR-P (Standard or CoolStar): Flintlastic Premium FR-P is a 0.17-inch-thick (4.3 mm), mineral -surfaced, reinforced, SBS modified bitumen roofing membrane manufactured from a nonwoven polyester fabric impregnated and covered with S8S modified bitumen_ The membrane is a Type II, Grade G, membrane complying with ASTM D6164 and intended for adhesive or hot asphalt application. The membrane weighs approximately 8.4 pounds per square yard (4.6 kglm2)_ The membrane is also available as a CoolStar option, which utilizes bright white granules. 3.2.4 Flintlastic GTS (Standard or CoolStar): Flintlastic GTS is a 0176-inch-thick (4.5 mm), granular -surfaced, reinforced, SBS modified bitumen roofing membrane manufactured from a nonwoven polyester fabric impregnated and covered with SBS modified bitumen. The membrane is a Type il, Grade G, membrane complying with ASTM ❑6164 and intended for torch application only. The membrane weighs approximately 9_9 pounds per square yard (5.4 kg1m2). The membrane is also available as a CoolStar option, which utilizes bright white granules. 3.2.5 Flintlastic GMS (Standard or CoofStar): Flintlastic GMS is a 0.17-inch-thick (4.3 mm), granular - surfaced, reinforced, SBS modified bitumen roofng membrane manufactured from a nonwoven polyester fabric impregnated and covered with SBS modified bitumen. The membrane is a Type I, Grade G, membrane complying with ASTM D6164 and intended for adhesive or hot asphalt application. The membrane weighs approximately 8.0 pounds per square yard (4.4 kg1m2). The membrane is also available as a CoolStar option, which utilizes bright white granules. rf'i'-Bti !il'alrralfwr 12cporla are nul m he cnn.rlrur i ae reprrsrruLrg arsrhr+res nr eny niAer m+reLnees iwl .%pmf v1N adriresc,-d. nor ure lhe)� m he cr -meef \t . Z ur me rn�luraen+enl of lhr xuhfrro of [hr r •pnn nr a retarrnnr�rdul+un fur irs ucc. 7�ere i.r no rarmnlp by ICC liraluolinu Senecr, LLC, crprers or implied, as ��� 3.2.6 Flintlastic Premium GMS (Standard or CoolStar): Flintlastic Premium GMS is a 0.17-inch-thick (4.3 mm), granular -surfaced, reinforced, SBS modified bitumen roofing membrane manufactured from a nonwoven polyester fabric impregnated and covered with SBS modified bitumen. The membrane is a Type It, Grade G, membrane complying with ASTM D6154 and intended for adhesive or hot asphalt application, The membrane weighs approximately 8.4 pounds per square yard (4.6 kglm2). The membrane is also available as a CoolStar option, which utilizes bright white granules. 3-2.7 Flintlastic STA: Flintlastic STA is a 0.16-inch-thick (4 mm), smooth -talc -surfaced, reinforced, APP modified bitumen roofing membrane. Flintlastic STA is used as a cap sheet or ply sheet and is manufactured from a nonwoven polyester fabric impregnated and covered with APP modified bitumen. The membrane is a Type I, Grade S, membrane complying with ASTM D6222 and intended for torch application only, The membrane weighs approximately 7.4 pounds per square yard (4.0 kglm2). 3.2.8 Flintlastic STA Plus: Flintlastic STA Plus is a DAB -inch -thick (4.5 mm), smooth-taic surfaced, reinforced, APP modified bitumen roofing membrane. The membrane is used as a cap sheet or ply sheet and is manufactured from a nonwoven polyester fabric impregnated and covered with APP modified bitumen. The membrane is a Type I, Grade S, membrane complying with ASTM 06222 and intended for torch application only. The membrane weighs approximately 8.1 pounds per square yard (4 4 kgfm2). 3.2.9 Flintlastic GTA (Standard or CoolStar): Flintlastic GTA is a 0.16-inch-thick (4 mm), granular -surfaced, reinforced, APP modified bitumen roofing membrane manufactured from a nonwoven polyester fabric impregnated and covered with APP modified bitumen. The membrane is a Type 1, Grade G. membrane complying with ASTM D6222 and intended for torch application only. The membrane weighs approximately 7.8 pounds per square yard (4.2 kglm2). The membrane is also available a$ a CoolStar option, which utilizes bright white granules. 3.2.10 Flintlastic GTA-FR (Standard or CoolStar): Flintlastic GTA-FR is a 0.160-inch-thick (4.1 mm), granular -surfaced, reinforced, APP modified bitumen roofing membrane manufactured from a nonwoven polyester fabric impregnated and covered with APP modified bitumen. The membrane is a Type I, Grade G, membrane complying with ASTM D6222 and intended for torch application only The membrane weighs approximately 8.6 pounds per square yard (4.7 kglm2). The membrane is also available as a CoolStar option, which utilizes bright white granules. 3.2,11 Fllntlastle SA Cap-FR (Standard or CoolStar): Flintlastic SA Cap FR is a 4.125-inch-thick (3.2 mm), granular -surfaced, reinforced, SBS modified bitumen roofing membrane manufactured from a glass fiber mat impregnated and covered with SBS modified bitumen. The membrane is a Type I, Grade G membrane complying with ASTM ❑6163 and is intended for self -adhered application only. The membrane weighs approximately 7.3 pounds per square yard (4.0 kg/M2). The membrane is also available as a Ceo[Star option, which utilizes bright white granules. 3.2.12 Flintlastic SA Cap (Standard or Cool Star): Flintlastic SA Cap is a 0.16-inch-thick (4.0 mm), granular -surfaced, reinforced, SBS modified bitumen roofing membrane manufactured from a non -woven compound. The membrane is a Type I, Grade G membrane complying with ASTM ❑6164 and is intended for self -adhered application only. The membrane weighs approximately 95 pounds per roll The membrane is also available as a CoolStar option, which utilizes bright white granules. 3.2.13 Flintlastic FR Cap 30 T (Standard or Coo[Star): Flintlastic FR Cap 30 T is a 0.15-inch-thick (3.8 mm), granular -surfaced, reinforced, SBS modified bitumen roofing membrane manufactured from a glass fiber mat impregnated and covered with SBS modified bitumen. The membrane is a Type I, Grade G membrane complying with ASTM D6163 and is intended for torch application only. The membrane weighs approximately 8.1 pounds per square yard (4.4 kglm2). The membrane is also available as a CoolStar option, which utilizes bright white granules. 3.3 Insulation: Foam plastic insulation, where used, must have a flame -spread index of not more than 75 when tested, at the maximum thickness intended for use, in accordance with UL 723 or ASTM E84. See Tables 1A, 1C and 2A through 2F for insulations permitted for use with specific roofing systems. 3.4 Fasteners: Fasteners and plates used to mechanically fasten insulation and base sheets must be in accordance with Table 3 unless otherwise noted. 3.5 Adhesives: See Table 217, footnote 5, for adhesives and coverage rates. 3.6 Impact Resistance: The CortainTeed Flintlastic modified bitumen roof coverings described in this report meet the requirement for impact resistance in accordance with Section 4.6 of FM 4470. 4.0 INSTALLATION 4.1 General: Installation of the CertainTeed Flintlastic membrane roof covering systems described in this report must comply with the applicable code, the manufacturer's published installation instructions and this report. The manufacturer's published installation instructions must be available at all limas on the jobsite during installation, CertainTeed Flintlastic roofing membranes are components of roof covering systems that may be installed over new or existing roofs as described in Tables 1A through ID and 2A through 2F. The roof slope must be a minimum of '14:12 (2 percent slope) and must not be more than maximum slope for the particular system as specified in Tables 1A through 1D. Penetrations and terminations of the roof covering must be flashed and made weathertighl in accordance with the CertainTeed LLC's published installation instructions and the applicable code. 4.2 Fire Classification: 4.2.1 New Construction: Roof covering systems described in Tables 1A through 1D, when installed in accordance with this report, are Class A, B or C roof coverings in accordance with ASTM E108 or UL 790. 1511 [2015. 2012 and 2009 IRC Section 1510] and 2018 IRC Section R908 [2015. 2012 and 2009 IRC Section R9071, and approval from the code official having Jurisdiction, are required. Class A. B or C roof cov@6n0 systems may be installed over existing roof coverings without additional roof classification tests, provided the resulting classification is the lower of the new and existing roofing classifications under the following conditions: ■ New uninsulated systems installed only over existing uninsulated systems ■ New insulated systems installed over existing uninsulated systems only 4.3 Wind Uplift Resistance: 4.3.1 New Construction_ The CertainTeed Flintlastic membrane roof covering systems described in this report have a maximum allowable wind uplift capacity as shown in Tables 2A through 2F. Metal edge securement systems must be listed in accordance with the 2011 edition of ANSIISPRIIFM4435 ES-1, and designed and installed in accordance with 2018 and 2015 IBC Section 1504.5 and I9C Chapter 16 [2003 edition of ANSI/SPRI ES-1, and designed and installed in accordance with 2012 and 2009 13C Section 1504.5 and 2012 and 2009 IBC Chapter 161. 4.3.2 Reroofing: Roof covering systems employing mechanical fasteners must be qualified, to the satisfaction of the code official, on adequacy of fasteners penetrating through existing roof coverings into structural substrates. Since the composition and/or condition of any particular underlying existing roofing matenal can vary widely, reroofing with adhered systems is outside the scope of this report. 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The CertainTeed Flintlastic membrane roof covering systems described in this report comply with, or are suitable alternatives to what is specified in, those codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report, subject to the following conditions: 5.1 Installation must comply with the applicable code, the manufacturer's published installation instructions and this report. If there are any conflicts between the manufacturer's published installation instructions and this report, this report governs. 5.2 The roof covering systems must be installed only by authorized applicators approved by CertainTeed LLC_ 5.3 Foam plastic insulation must be separated from the interior of the building by an approved thermal barrier in accordance with IBC Section 2603.4.1.5 and IRC Section R316.5.2. except when specifically recognized in an ICC-ES evaluation report as outlined in Footnote 3 following Table 1 D. 5.4 For all above -deck insulations except foam plastics, the roof covering assembly, including such insulation, must have passed testing in accordance with UL 1256 or FM 4450. 5.5 Foam plastic insulation, where used, must bear the label of an approved agency indicating that the foam plastic has a flame -spread index of not more than 75 when tested at the maximum thickness intended for use in accordance with ASTM E84 or UL 723, subject to the approval of the code official. Except for applications where a thermal barrier is not required, total thickness of foam plastic insulation must be limited to the lesser of the maximum thickness allowed in Tables 1A, 1C and 2A through 2F or the maximum thickness that limits the flame -spread index to not more than 75 when testing is in accordance with ASTM E84 or UL 723, subject to the approval of the code ofGciaf, 5.6 Design wind uplift pressure on any roof area, including edge and comer zones, must not exceed the allowable wind uplift pressure for the roof covering installed in that particular area. Refer to allowable wind uplift pressure shown in Tables 2A through 2F. 5.7 Above -deck thermal insulation board must comply with the applicable standards listed in IBC Table 1508.2 and IRC Table R906.2. 5_8 The allowable wind -uplift pressures shown in Tables 2A through 2F are for the roof covering only, The deck and framing to which the roof covering is attached must be designed for the applicable components, and cladding wind loads in accordance with the applicable code. 5.9 Calculations demonstrating that the required wind resistance is less than the allowable wind resistance must be submitted to the code official. 5.10 When application is over existing roofs, documentation of the wind -uplift resistance of the composite roof construction must be submitted to the code official at the time of permit application. 5.11 The membranes are manufactured in Little Rock, Arkansas, under quality control programs with inspections by [CC -ES 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Membrane Roof -covering Systems (AC75), dated July 2010 (editorially revised September 2016). 7.0 IDENTIFICATION 7A Each roll of CertainTeed Flintlastic roofing membranes covered by this report is labeled with the Certain -reed LLC name and address, product name, data code, and the evaluation report number (ESR- 1388) 7.2 The report holder's contact information is the following: CERTAINTEED LLC 20 MOOKES ROAD MALVERN, PENNSYLVANIA 19355 (610)651-5847 www.cer,ainteed.com TASLE'IB--EXTERNAL ROOF rFME CLASSIFICATIONS" NONIMSULATEB NONCOMBUSTIBLE DECKS' S1187Efiti I ARO)i. ROOF COVER — - GLASS ROOF _....... SLOPE Bass Sheet' Ply Sheet` Membrane Surfacing Flinffas€ic GTA, Ffindastic GTA CoNotar, FTintlasVc.OTS or E31 g Type T G2 or G2 Gtasbwo aasi,- Shoat A 1:12 Atari Flintlastic GTS CoolStor (KV) or FlinllastcG�ts,Fiin€laslicGMS Karnak No.97 Fibrated I r;6W3 cr [Hhq i GoaEStaror Rintlastic Premium 0s Aluminum at 1 rl2 9 q' GMS, FEinilastic Premium GMS _..........._.__ CoolStar, (HM) 3-2 A Type G2 or G2 G Base Slntit NoneHiingaslic STA or Flintlastic STA Karnak No. 97 Fibrated ? ( 'i°CLIENI Plus(HW) AiuminumatlllzgaVsq. R # 1'I2 T1-_x- Q2 or G2 nlaqba-se }Sass Sheet NOW R&Td=liu STA or Flintloac STA Kamak No. 97 Fibrated [I+iR3 �r (HMI Pius (liW) ii Aluminum at 11/2 gallsq. FCnlfaatic GTA-FR or FliMlastle ! None I'1-0 A 1"lx;12 Type G2 or G2 C4asb�s Base Sheet (Optional) On& or Gi (MA) or (HFA) pro iT� GTA+R Coo!Star [HW) A j rFa:12 Ern asWSA Na7Base (MA) None FGntlastiGSA P-Cap-FR (SA) Nana B ti A 16:12 t httasuc SA Naill&-ma (MA) or Flintiaslic SA Plyt33se (SA to pruned 0cyhsE]ecCc or FHnda36c SA Plyi3ase F6ndaslic SA Cap FR, Fllntlaslic SA None Qens0eck DurnGuard onty) (SA) Cap FR Cool Star (SA) � j �°� r'� Flintlastic FR-P Cully -adhered unth 9-7 B I rl :12 � Mono SA (SA) FlintBond Brush Grade Adhesive at None l - ._._._. 1'!7 gallsq._ FR-P M Flinttas6(H) 3.9 � B � 112.12 tone Frrndastic Ultra Glass SA (MA) Nonec g-g € � tlWasac SA IE d Ply nhIlaslic SA Cap FT; or FtinllasGc ,A [SA} SA Cap FR G:oo(Sldr.(SA) FTintlastic GTA-FR or Ftintlastic None U-10 A Y-12 FtirAPP Base T (MA) or (HW) (Cguonal) FElndasbc tpastic None APP Base T(FrW) GTA+-RCoorStar (FW) B 41 B 72 Fartgastic AJaP Base T (MA) or (ti411} (Op��) Flindas6c Q^-^ Frartlastic GTA or Fiintlastic GTA None I - _ APP 7 (HW) CaolStar (! lW) For' Sk I Wmh = 25A rrm I gail'sgl. = 0A1 Unit TABLE SC --EXTERNAL ROOF FIRE CLASS(FICATIONS"INSULATED COMBUSTIBLE DECKSa S'�ffEEl CIJ�SS �- {CILPQR BDOOFolIR1� INSULATION rU l ROOF COVER 6aseSheet; PlySheeEr Membrane Fllntlastic STA or Surfacing NM SLOPE ORIWGH is}3EEi' THICKNESS Fllntlas9c STA Plus, Flinllasiic GTA, FS[ntlastic GTA Type G2 or G2 PerE to O<i berglasa ! Type 62 or G2 G'l' Se Base CoolStar, Rintlastio or ttaraHW sto food coat and fir? A 1:12 Glasbase Rasa Sheet mire. l-inch, max. Sheet (MA) or None GTS Coo SGTS ( ) gravel at R90 (I-L) or (MAI 1-'Aneh (HMI or Flintlastic GMS, pounds per square Flindastic GMS Cod Star or Flintlastic Premium GMS, Fiindastic Premium GMS Coolstar (HM) Flintlastic GTA, FL'ndastic GTA oolS tllc i sla [G ! Pedite, glass fiber or Type G2 ar G2 Type G2 or G2 Type G2 or G2 Glasbase Base orrFFlintla GTS or Fl tl (ktic i{arnak No. g7 Kama G 2 A R2 xrocd laser 1 max. Giasl ass Base Sheet Gras>zase Base S}�at [MA) ar or FICoul tic GMS, F) Aluminum 7.24nch (IL) - [MA) Sheet (LQ or (MA) i 9 (HM) Flinliast c GMS at 1 `!z flallsq. CaolSlttr or Fltnl[asGC i Premium GMS, i Flintlastic Premium GMS C oo[Slar(HM)