HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication for Permit to ConstructC5'ly.-��11�,1n��rlCl�i10 State �"� _ Zit
Property Loeation t Lot...:. Block TJglt:
�. F16f plans o..�ying locatiop, size, setlineks; .& eteiation: (For. rroaf tendir;:specifcc tioi�s:only).
21 Complete; set of plans wnd: specifications, itiduding pool nnd:enclasare, feueiu Iandseaping a11[lydeYi�nage for sUarface.}ti'ater;
sti alp, etc,
3: Survey.
A. Dock or tiuilihead drawings;
5. An 46as, built"; survey .oc go-alplot plan,:.. FI', R coanstruchon.. .
6. All regNired governmeatal•pei inns (Co pnty; nEP &Army,Carps of'Englneel`s: ifxequirpdj
a: * $100.00 is :refuuded upon submission of doe nment # S.
b. A 041.00 6e410s ugfor »env SL L<icte>LO0Aty':Utilities
C. Property ojvncrs «ill $e Held rcxponsibie i,r. any damage to the common propprttes of :QnCens Gp ve.q n result of
the Abovc consir•.yet►on (�viteiher, cau§ed b�: the owner; contractor orsub contractorj:.
d. t)�vners and contractors ltl:also be kesp4usibl'. of 60" ringalt _surPliers c+fiil vgrkexs compiy Vvith onx peed
tiinit Z ,mph) on�ti. refrain from tittering: Disregard of these requirements could Fesult'in the'ebxrtr9ctor$r
person(§) being barred fro�i:Queens Cove,:
e. All ned quality.ofworlcmansiir•atY+d ttinleriills`&itfl be in hi�raaonyavitli
tKe' egternai designof existigg 3tictures:
L New enijsfructituia iviU "riofbe peril itted--%vitiiot.i t eX).Wng or siptuitiineously-consfructcd bidkll* lmg .
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