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Building Permit Application
All APPLICABLE:INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE.ACCEPTED Date: 4/1/21 Permit N;urnber, .Z I[ZL4-(2,-na S3 C t zz Buid 'ng Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building ond?Code Regulation.Di`ision CotnmereW Residential .X 2300'►,/irginia Avenue,.Fort Fierce Ft 34982° Phone:(772)462.-1553 Fax. (772)4 :71578: PERMIT APPLICATION FOR PI (? 'OSE© IIVlI? tOY/EMEf1fT LOCATION -i .Address: 2465 Brocki§rnith Rd. Fort Pierce; F:L 34945 Property Tax ID#-2320-501-0024-.�j ®-' Lot.No. 11 Site Plan Name: Crespi Bio .ck.No. . Project Name- Crespl E�,ETILED DESRIPTIN-O:F 1NQR1� r ._ installation:of new-30'x 68'mobile home with electric,AC,and plumbing connection. This is a secondary/guest home. Ne►ry Electrical Meter Second Electrical Meter CaISTRUCTIU INFORMATION Additional work tobeperforrhed under this perrhit—check all that apply;. X.Mechanical Gas Tank Gas Piping _.Shutters Windows/Doors =Pond' X. Electric X Pl.urrrtiirig _Sprinklers Generator Roof Pitch: Total Sq. Ft.of Construction:.2040 Sq.Ft. ofFirst.Floor:. 2040 Cost of'Construction, $ 170,.000.00 Utilities Sewer X Septic Building Height: OWNER/LESSEE ^' Cr .NTRAdbk," Name Joseph Crespi Name:Na.thaaHayforcl Address-.-2465 Brocksmith Rd. company:Palm Harbor Construction City Fort Pierce State: FL Address 605 S.-Frontage Rd. Plant-City Zip Code:,_34945 - Fax:: City.;.. ,. State.FL Phone No.305-98fi-6586; Zip Code: 33565 Fax:- _ E-Ma cecrespi:@:aol.com, Phone No 813=967-3361 Fill in fee simple Title Molder.on next..page(if different E-Mail nhayfOrd@palm harbor.cOfn from the Qwner listed above) State or County License If value of construction is 2SOO or:more,..a RECORDED Notice of Commencement isrequired. if value of 14AVC is$1,SOO or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. SUPPLIrMEtTAi Ct3NSTRlJGT1fJi�.L1EN lAl�! INFORMATiti E IG E f Ec'G °EEa� _ Nat applicable { ja^R't GA-'f C 3MPANYi , l t t Appll tale: , .f�iarr�,e. - Wprne- Alt t State> l Address: � Address; _ tty Z►fz Phone Zrptone - ' State FEE.Sl !lP E T1T E l-ICiLDER: dot Appl�cabie .Bt i D1iVG GOMI?AIVY: Not Applicable; Name* Addis; Acid Tess: a E City: . - Y �apK ;�hn : - Zip Pho, e, CiWIVERj CdNTRA �i C}R-AFf![ VFT:A pltcatio, r hereby made to obtain a:p rmit to dfl the work and instattatisan`as iodic ted. 4 certify thatQ tirork-ur iristaliaticsn,lii's;cvm rcencet prio .tot, e issuance of a Orc)iF. St.'Lucie"-County makes sto representation that is,granting a,permit will aufhearia the-permit hold to build the subjeet structure. ._ which is n conflict with any:applicable dome Owners Association rules,bylaws 6r.and.covenants that may restrict or prohibit such str'' ture�Please codis It with your Home Owners Assoelation and review ybuf,!a�e :-for any;restrictiafts �r€�rch mash appl}: #n cep sideratxan€ai.ihe raniizt .v{tFr(s i i?quested p unit l do her by agree thai i.Will,in all.respects, perform trie work in accordance titiith the appro ed.pla is,th :rlor+i a Building Lades and;St. Lu"de. ountY Amend"merits. the following tsurtdi[hg perrriit:applicitiot s ire exantpt€rom sr Berge ing_:a full.cohcu;frenrcy revie.w.,racrt additiops,, accesspry str.ucture5,,swimming p6ols fences :tails, signs scr+�g fC4.oins and acc s ory a es.to ar?tt rer non resid-6t tial use, W"ARNING;TO QWNER ' our.failure to:Recptd a.Notice of.C�orr nencetnent;ma}+result in. aaying twice for lmprovement to your propefty.:A Notice.of Corn rhenceme'rit must:be reccird d ii the public ikords of St. Lucid Cc tart..and pasted on the jcibsite.lie€or-e.the first ins octiran`, lI'vou intLr to obtain fib anIcing ;con ult with le'de ran attorney fare commencing.work or.recordin vour Notice o€Commencement. F t ;t..t. Sign. tune®f; erg L sseelC.antra for as:AgArtt for Ctwner I S�gnatstre of Corttracior/License Hq der STATE OF FI.OR1DX STATE OF FLORIDA. jp COUNT_ OE 1 R L .COUNTY 0'F asp 11 � 1 Sviorn to('it-affirmed),ar�ci subscrits:eq:before me of 5� rsrn"ta{or affirai�ed and sc� scri ti betc ro t e of i Physical Prese,r car )C Online-NotarizakjQn x P ;Fsical Presence;o Online A'o*drlzation this: 1° , day oft 2{lf{ ay. this tom: day of �inrrt .. — 202 .by:. I Nacrr of person,risking sta;ernent, a€ e:t E perscin� aktrFg staterni>nt: Personalty.€nown - 0 ArPSMPic. tiori Personally.KnoMi a : OR Prddured-6dentificatiton . NOTARY Pt18LIc— Ty t. or ideritrficafictr, yype,o«Iden tfi i Praduced l t-fi t_ _STATE OF FLORIDA Peddbce � C4mtrt G0146994 Eels Expires sdir2021 / J } (Sign r - ' aotary:Public 5tite of EHnrida i i' {Signature of,Iisatary Public-State of.Florida} M nr W. Crnisia No, #ve x¢LxERCm t oyP s iie�RI REVIEWS FRPNT ZONING ; SUPEMSC1R.. KANS i 'VEGETA+.ION1 EATU_[�TlE MAI�I+�€if3�A t �C3 1'1TE fCcVlC:W l REV1Et0,1 REb't ttti FiE1'tE,VV REVIEW V REVIEW .__..._ ....A; �._�_1 t