HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementMay.09.1010 09119 UDD BLpp. GOR1'. 7723895943 s p 11 1 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building dr Code Gdmpilanee Division 131U010MG PERMIT MU-CON'rJItAC703t AGRERMENT Ctt:: ` - iilulS Name _.° have &&mod to be I ,mm tut, the i.. Sub•contlactorfbr k o &Uj►�. 1,—kcy , (Type of—Twie) (PrtmAly Comractur) For the projoot located at or It is mderstood that, it'rhate is any abango of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will ba advised pumant to the tiithg O!'a Citluagc oi'sub-svno'V ator notice. �.�•YI\� � VrIRa1i� ■ {Vl\ \\YIA•1L.il ♦ 1 RMh IM� 14' . The Awagulnl (nUrtiglu■1 qal. *Nk]Pd harbrb ma 1111ji dqy ut wltu 1e pariunully U119wli r haw nro0ocd II ldrbttReplluh AAAJAA f STAMP I n><tura arNagry vMbtla jes$ioa M. PSpCZyns Im Numu of Natbty liM6tfe � +lti' "''•. JESSICA M, PAPCZVN= R4VIAWWII It161241 MY COMMISSION # GC SMI :a,•. rs" EXPltirr8: FBbroery 11, 7021 •��?;,•°' BbnciedlitruNote�yPuABCIhWefwrpAra ' � IiYt 31CNA'f itk { uat t ��� C t" , 1 n of lhttrtde. (*nc�hrp nl' rc �v�� 'Ciro rpvbtrolnq lnshm m i %A -Pad h#*% tna lhkall dbr 4 whn Ix parmagiv knproa ur 1hIM prit4mran r 4,2 Rleaeikol'Kiftary Puldte .Pt1eltNstlttq Nuti+ry abtle T •oaox40�l W COMMISSION a�s EXPIR911 AUGc L /9 d £b69689ELL 'auoo '5aua Oamv 85:51 6T03'b3"vnr �r. PERMIT # ` O ISSUE 4ATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division RECEIVE® RUITZ NG PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT J U i'l 2 5nig ST. Lucie county, Permitting A/C Service Masters, LLC / Karen O'Brien have' agreed to be (Company Narncllndividual Nall'ie) the _ HVA.0 � . Sub -contractor for Ay% 0 &L)J t,%4n G (Type of Trade) (Primmy Contractor) .For the project located at I S S(a - W 1(- trroject atrom Aaaress or It is understood that, if there is oy change of status regarding out participation with the above mezttioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St..Lucic County will be advised pursuant to the tiling of a Chan1p of Sub -contractor notice, Stmto of Flnrid4. County of The 1Lregoing instrument was sfanld bef re me Isday of who is persona ty known116Lm• has produced a ax L4. f Jessica M. d WPM 9TAMP ,,.,, ,.., .�3B1GA M� pAPCZYtISKt �'�' MY COMM1881GN � (i0 ti�01 t'�+• 6XPM-FWM11,2021 ,,, t..'' Bonfed'IfwulioteryP+�clfillloiwlllen Ruviketl 11/16/I016 SUt#- () TRACTOR SiGNA'I't1R (Qualilivr) Karen O'Brien P Estate of Plorlda. County oi' / " w the roregofna Insirument was signed before me thfsl day of Iad by tea f fell who IS ,ton411y knnwu —Orr baq produced a ' (� aside cn /� / rel rLee�p . .- ... Print Name or Notary Public . ►"rp` FRICIA60TE �� *� Notary Publfe - State of Floride r Commisslon # GG 276576 My Comm. Expirm Feb 1, 2023 STAMP t /t d Efi68689ZLL auoo "Daus oamu 86:6t 6103"M*unr 4 PERMIT# 1 q 0%— a u ISSUE BATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUR-CONTRACTOR AGREEM RECEIVED JUN 2 5 2019 9T. I=ut1C Meek & Sons Plumbing, Inc. have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Plumbing Sub -contractor for Ando Building Corp. •.•— -(Type -of Trade) - -(Primary Contractor) For the project located at 1836 Wildcat Cove Drive Fort Pierce (Project Street Address or property Tax ID 0) it is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Chan', of Sub -contractor notic UO—NTRACOU S NATURE (Ouniill SUii-CONTRACTOR 5l A , uAli&c )~ NAME COUNTY CERTIFICAVON NUMBER State of Florida, County 6t' Q.t'l Kai J- The foregoing Iostrumcnt was Sig ed before me 1hIA day of Jn 201% by dU. M") - whrjK personally known Xor has produced a David W. Meek PRINT NAME CF'C057372 C011NTY CERTIFICATioN NUMBER State of Florida, County ofak .&_ Piv_er �y, 'Pile foregoing Imitrumcnt was signed before me this "T�`'dAy�of 20�, by tflh Lo'- il�f?>p-L _ who is personally knowni�� or hms produced a as ntiC�cation, s deotification. STAMP nature of Notary Public Sleuature of Notary l'ablic Jessica M. Pepczynski ed-wrie A, ___hc?Lg1::. Print Name of Notary Puhile Print Name of Notnry Public ,•A1t'i ( JE8$16d1M,PAPOVOYI Revised 11/16/2010 a"; rl MY COMMISSION#Go5MI ;�' 9XPIR98: February ti, 2on Thiu WRY Ptibllc Utidors L /L d E669689ELL S'I'AMP 1�:r►t CAYHOKE•AWHEM �' �"••., * Colnnliasia►�t�30lis69 * txpftiaJuiw9,z08S ��oy�'� BoaOmtlitflt6ti�lotrloti 'auoo 'oaua oaav 96"65 6T0Z'6Z'UrLr I PERMIT a a� , O tt roISSUE DATE ckI mi PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division : ......- .,, .. BUILDING PERMIT HUH -CONTRACTOR A.G'RE>C VIENT the rl'y1w of For the project locatcd W RECEIVED JUN 2 5 7`919 ST. Lucia Coun, ter(nittinO ty n e .J / r\ �, !%1�.. . `'�C� �-----... .'_. _._._ have asreed to ho Sub -contractor for L-h o 'QL ►Frimaly t:'Oatmaior) { n� W�L'NbmT— C.Oyr- (Fro,imt.Sirct:t AddrasA or Prupany'rax 11.) P) It is understand that, if there is any change of status rogarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie Caunty will be tidvised pursuant to die Tiling o1'u Gh be uF'Sub-contractor nc�tit;c. "'"" CONT 1• SI , ATURE (Qu SUIi-CONTRACTOR 9IGNATURR. ( ialiRrr) C;ta�Jo� PRINT NANIF. PRINT MAlt F: COUNITY CERTIFIC.U11(m The foregoing (tturunwnf was tignrd hafore mu this A day of . 20_6 b, ,�.i��.�., rc3c who k purtudwily k1Wwuw—o3, hat producrtl u N5 t 1111rt7111nn. ` r s•rAMP y inure of Nutory FOR, Jessica M. Pfipc7yn-.0i Print Nnine of Nutury PuIb11C N.... , JESSICA M. PAPCZYM MY COMMISSION O QO 69 m kmiked l i/(6i.1016 ' ti •r9 EXPIREM Fe&w711, 201 •�" �' • BMW Tlve Rotary pUadrs UfitleiwlltBft • e?'O'7 .-.-;L COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER state nr morma. i'nunty of . (' The roregahlg 4txtrariient wa�t>zl�nrd bctarC Inc glts'��: I�ayn( w111; Is oWk qr had prooluard a as edrnlifi Iloa. STAMP signature or Nurnty Public PrintNxme afffii trg Publle ft N111MY Poullt: Stato of Flofkla Jl?"11l;r DByi� . �,� Vy �ommi5blo.I Pf' vfiSt02y A� of ��^�� t afr+as 0212fl1.10.10 v%' "A~vAIV r L /9 d £668689ZLL 'auoo 'oa'Ia oaRv 66:r7t 6ZO3'S3'unr PERMIT # ` , U U .� ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Buaiding & Code Compliance Division RUif MING PERMIT RECE E ,SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT JUr1 2 5 2` 19 (Coal #ny Na c/individaal Namc) the Q Sub -contractor for (Type of ade) For the project locatod at ISS6 WW) (Yrojcct Sirw A,s dings or V- ing S'T. Lucie County, P-Pr� m�,� (Primary Contractor) have agreed to be Tt is understood that, if therc is arty change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the ding of a Cltan,ge of Sub-cggtra3ctor notice. COUNTY CERTIFICATION N )MBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER, State of Florida, County of 1� /r ��! State of Mnridn, f'ounty of The foregoing lnatrament was slgo hefare me this � day of It aregaing instrument ne��j rorrt, y of ,,oil by , xOL by Ll!/E�il who Is personally known „ —or has produced n _ who is p rsonally known _�/ur hams produced a ask entUieatlan. os,I tl on. STA I STAMP R ature of Notary Public aturo orNatury e I Jessica M. Papozynski. Print amc eflVotary Pulific riot amc uY ntary Public ICAM.pApOZD Rwised I i/16l2ft16 c+� MYCOMMIS31pry1f ',A,f EXPIRES: Febn" 1Balled Thm lrota,y W* K"' tCommissio # 00 225408 Expimsdos¢18,2022 eonOoaThruYroY�elnin,u+eneoe09386.7010 L /5 d E669689ELL "adoo "oaw oamv W V1 6TOE'6E'unr the PERMIT # ti� a L� Issue DATE (TYPO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Biullding & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SU"ONTRACTOR AGREEMENT RECEIVE® Ju,d 2 5 ^'9';9 .ST. Lucie County, Permi� Wln9 have agreed to be Sub -contractor. for &WLi bIt1G (Primilry ContmCter) For the project located at (Project Street Address or property Tox ID I It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of gangs ofSub-contractor notice. COUNTY CERTMCATION N0490t Stele of Ftwidr. Canoty of rerepairl2 frssrumeal Woe *NW Wore me (Ide C2 4 dry of • sir � ��-�1�.1�.�fC3.�.,c)� �:,. W M� Is personally hn*Wn�Or tiro prradF v*4 r !'riot nrmp ut NoClry 2llbltt i g R GNATURE ((urliner) ly& aA C PRINT NANIE COUNTY CEFMFICATJONNUUMI BER t� Rtea of #lnridr. Crnrq� of �,Q,�� ri\� The rorgWq Ins(rom al Mu %Qpwd before sae this IE`Itlw of _:SMM 2019. &laf1 eon Wku Is persbr■Uy kWWh �ar Las pradem! • _ as Ideopllertlon. STAMP i9l ntuft N4 fthlle d y Prlot N111Ik ui etsry NNIC I oil •, ,, °* l� .Is391�`•AIA.PAPCZYNM htlf cOws" 0 00 0" �(E'll'tEB:P�uliarY11.2021 RavieaJ 1I/I6,�ulb , ..,..,,•` BondadllwuHWerYPubl�tNraei+s " CA&LY i3N ELLA14TE ` •`_. MY COMMISSION 0 W043308 EXPIRES OCIaber 31-, 2020 STAMP L /£ d £6646899LL 'aldoo 'Dana oamv 6b!6t 6t0Z'bZ'unr Gw LD:� coQP. ��a41�9 v� D-T s PA�E iTs L /I d £665685ZLL -auoz) "oaaa oaNv £U:T7T 6TOZ'SZ"unf