HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan Review Record t 2018 INTERNATIONAL Plan Review# ^ t PLUMBING CODE® Date: Valuation: PLAN REVIEW RECORD Fee: JURISDICTION: (City, nty, T wnsh , etc.) BUILDING LOCATION: (Streetl gdddres ) BUILDING DESCRIPTION: REVIEWED BY: Numerals indicated in parenthesis are ap'p-lica"blexc3e sections of the 2018 International Plumbing Code(IPC).The plan review accomplished as indicated in this record is limited to those code sections specifically identified herein.This record references commonly applicable code sections.It does not reference all code provisions which may be applicable to specific buildings.This record is designed to be used only•by those who are knowledgeable and capable,of- exercising competent judgment in evaluating construction documents for code compliance. CORRECTIONS LIST Code No. DESCRIPTION Section •• • 1 • •• o •-• o• s • • e a -• ISBN 978-1-60983-805-8 \\ - .•- • - o •s- • . • 'o - -• - - •. s II III IIIIIII III III III III �,� .•- s - o .•• • - 9II781609II838058II I•E•i1- • • • • CODE COUNCI a TITITIT I • T022405 -1- CORRECTION LIST(contd.) Code No. DESCRIPTION Section -2- ADMINISTRATION (Chapter 1) Construction documents submitted.(106.3.1), Riser diagram submitted (106.3.1) Site plan submitted (106.3.1) Water calculations submitted (106.3.1) PLUMBING FIXTURES F11 (Chapters 3, 4, 6 & 10) Occupancy Occupant load t X. (401.1, 403.1) (403.1, 403.1.1) Total Female Male FIXTURE REQUIREMENTS (403.1, 403.1.2, 403.2, 403.2.1, 403.3, 410.2, 410.3, 424.2) Rate required Number required Number shown Fixture Single/ Single/ Male Female Male Female family/ Male Female family/ assisted assisted use use 1 per 1 per Water closet p for 1 p to 1 r E ( �• c Exceeding Exceeding Urinals See Section 424.2 1 per 1 per Lavatories up to up to 1 per 1 per Exceeding Exceeding Bathtubs/showers 1 per Drinking fountains 1 per Service sinks 1 per Kitchen sinks 1 per Clothes washer connection 1 per Occupancy* Occupant load* (106.3, 403.1) (403.1, 403.1.1) Total Female Male FIXTURE REQUIREMENTS* (403.1, 403.1.2, 403.2, 403.2.1, 403.3, 410.2, 410.3, 424.2) Rate required Number required Number shown Fixture Single/ Single/ Male Female Male Female family/ Male Female family/ assisted assisted use use 1 per 1 per Water closet up to up to 1 per 1 per Exceeding Exceeding Urinals See Section 424.2 1 per 1 per' up to up to Lavatories 1 per 1 per Exceeding Exceeding Bathtubs/showers 1 per Drinking fountains 1 per. Service sinks 1 per y Kitchen sinks 1 per Clothes washer connection 1 per, *This second fixture requirement table provided for buildings with mixed occupancies. -3- PLUMBING FIXTURES (cont'd.) Minimum number of fixtures (403.1, 403.1.1; ignage (403.1.2, 403.2.1, 403.4, 403.4.1) d, e,and f ' Table 403.1 footnotes a, b, c, Accessible plumbing facilities required (403.1.2, 404, 410.3,2018 International Single-user and ily assisted-use toilet and Building Code 1102.1, 1109.2, 1109.3, bath fixtures(40 . . , 4.2,403.2.1) 1109.4, 1109.5) Separate facilities (403.2, 403.2.1) Fixture spacing, location and installation Public and employee t 'et facilities (403.3, (405) 403 1 403.3. 03.3.3, Table 403.1 Toilet room requirements (310, 403.1.3, Lt Mote dan f) 403.3.2, 403.3.6, 405.3,2018 Interna- Toilacil' ' s in covered malls tional Building Code 1209) • •4) Urinal partition (405.3.5) � Drinking fountain location (403.5, 410.2, 410.3, 410.4, 410.5, Table 403.1) FIXTURE AND FIXTURE FITTING STANDARDS AND INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS Plumbing fixtures with a pumped waste(405.5) Lavatories (419) Automatic clothes washers (406) Manual food nd beverage dispensing Bathtubs (407) equipme (42 Bidets(408) Shovyer Dishwashing machines ( 9) ks 4 2) / Drinking foun ins (4 i0) pecial fixtures,footbaths and pedicure baths (402.2, 423) Emerg ncy sh ers nd a ewash stations Urinals (424) (4 1) Fau ets and othe fixture fittings (412) Water closets (425) A scat valves ( i2.3,412.4,412.5,412.10) Elongated bowl and open front seat (425.2, 425.3) Flo d trench d ins (413) Whirlpool bathtubs (426) Floors ks(414) Temperature control devices and valves Flushing vices for water closets and urinals (412.7, 604.11, 613) (415) Protection of potable water supply (608) Food waste disposer (416) Drinking water treatment units (611) Garbage can washers (417) Grease interceptors (1003.3.4, 1003.3.7) Laundry trays (418) WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION (Chapters 1, 3, 5 & 6) DESIGN �( 4 Water hammer (604.9 Burial 30 depth . 8� p ( ) Hospital w service (609.2) Water service separation (603.2, 703.1) V VES Water distribution system design (603.1, 604) ull open (606.1) Ma flo er con ption Shuto Water pressure boos stem HOT WATER SYSTEM (604.7, 606.5) Hot water requirements (607.1) -4- � I WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION (cont'd.) HOT WATER SYSTEM (cont'd.) Required pan (504.7) Tempered water for public hand washing facili- PROTECTION OF POTABLE WATER ties (419.5, 607.i) Identification of nonpotable water systems d sham o 1) (608.9) Maintaining hot water temperature (607.2) Backflow protection (608.1, 608.14, 608.15) Thermal expansion control (607.3) r ion f outlets (608.16) Pipe insulation (607.5) Connections to potable water system (608.17) WATER HEATERS ` Hospital supply protection(608.3.1) Approval and installation INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY (501.3,501.5,502,503) Quality and quantity Wat.r rs ac;pam h aters (501.2) (602.a 1,602.3.2, 602.3.3, 602.3.4) Maximum temperature,tankless heaters Protection of individual water supply (608.18) (501.6) `-,.Pumping equipment(602.3.5) Relief valves (504.2,504.4,504.5) DISINFECTION OF POTABLE SYSTEM Relief valve discharge (504.6).._._ Procedure/specifications submitted (610) .BUILDING DRAIN AND SEWER SYSTEM (Chapters 1, 3, 7, 8, 10 & 11) GENERAL CLEANOUTS Fixture traps (1002) Horizontal drains (708.1.1, 708.1.2) Trap seals (1002.4) Change of direction (708.1.4) Slope (704.1) Building drain and sewer junction (708.1.3) Change of direction (706.3) Manholes (708.1.2, 708.1.7) STACKS Size,clearance and access Sizing (710) (708.1.5, 708.1.9, 708.1.10) Horizont offsets�(711) INDIRECT WASTE /.fi) S BUILDING DRAIN ND HORIZON L BRA CHE Wh re a wired (802.1) Sizin (710) 1 s ation (802.3) Conn cti s too sets and stacks (704.3) Waste receptors (802.4,802.4.1) SEWER Hub drains (802.4.2) Sewer epth (305.4.1) Standpipes (802.4.3) Existing uilding sewers and building drai s (703. SPECIAL WASTE Sizing (71 ) Waste temperature (702.5) Sewage pump or ejector(712) Corrosive waste (803.1, 1002.9) Backwater valves (714, 1101.9) -5- VENTING (Chapter 9) VENTING STACKS Vent size (906) Required outdoor vent extension (904.1) Branch vents (906.4) Vent stack required (904.2) Sump vents (906.5) Vent stack connection (904.4) Fixture vents (909) Vent headers (904.5) Individual vents(910) Drainage stack offsets (907) Common vents ( 1) Sizing (904.1.2, 906.2) Wet venting (9 2) VENT INSTALLATION Waste stack v t 913) Vent rmi�al� (9p2, 3) Circuit venting ( 4) grade (905.2 r Relief vent(908, 9 .4) Vent connection (905.1,905.3) Combination waste&vent(915) Vertical rise of vent(905.4) Island fixture venting (916) Height above fixture (905.5) Single stack vent system (917) Future fixtures(905.6) Air admittance valves (918) STORM DRAINAGE (Chapters 7, 11 & Appendix B) Area rainfall a nfall rate Scu p 1106.5, 1108.3;20181nternational (Figure 11 6.1 and Appendix B) ilding Code 1611.1) DESIGN Roof gutter sizing (1106.6) Cleanouts (708, 110 ) Siphonic roof drainage (1107) Horizontal drain sizing(1 6.1, 1106.2 06.4) Secondary roof drains (1108) Storm sewer sizing Combined sewers (1109) (1106.1, 1106.2, 1106.3 10 . Vertical conductor& ader sizing Controlled flow system (1110) (1106.1, 1106 , 1106.4) Subsoil drains (1111) Roof drains 105) Building subdrains (1112, 1113) 4 -6- MATERIALS (Chapters 6, 7 & 11) GENERAL BUILDING SEWER PIPE Material identification and`labeling Sanitary (702.3) (303.1, 303.3, 303.4, 605.3, 6054, 605.5) Storm (1102.4) DRAIN,WASTE AND VENT PIPE WAT SUPPLY PIPE- Above ground (702.1, 802.2) W r e .3 Underground (7 .2) Wat r istribution (605.4) Chemical ste (702.6,�0 3) Lead-free (605.2) STORM DRAINAGE I E CLEANOUTS Inside cond ors (110 2) Plugs (708.1.6, 708.1.10.2) Underground (1102.3) JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS Subsoil drain 102.5) Approved type (605, 705) Roof drains (1102.6) Lead-free (605.12.3, 605.13.6) PIPING SUPPORT AND INSTALLATION (Chapters 1 &3) Hanger/support schedule submitted (106.3.1) `" :B7uJildlin 8.2,2018 International eProtection against contact (305.1) ls (308.5, 308.9) Pipes through foun2!2�) i alls (305.3) S ay bracing (308.6) Stress and strain l Waterproofing ofr(3O5.6) :5) rag 7r l v I�bd rosin 309 Damage protectioP ( )Sealing annular space (315) Penetration proteetrations of fire- resistance rats (307.3) INTERCEPTORS AND SEPARATORS (Chapter 10) INTERCEPTORS SEPARATORS Approval 03.2) W, a required (1 03.4, 1 3.5, 1003.6, 1003.7, 1003.8) Greas nterceptors (1003.3) Approv 003.2) Fo waste grinders (1003.3.2) enting (1003.9) Desi (1 3.4.2) Acce i003.i0) V ting (1003. Access (1003.10) -7- ENGINEERED PLUMBING SYSTEMS (Chapters'1, 7 & 9) Sealed drawings,details an to submitted Engineered venting (919) (106.3.1, 316.1.4) omputerized design (713, 920) Design (105.2,316.1.5) - Vacuum drainage (715) Inspection schedule '6 SPECIAL PIPING AND STORAGE SYSTEMS apter 12 Nonflammable medical gases (1 pernedical oxygen systems (1203.1) NONPOTABLE WATER SYSTEMS (Chapter 13) General (1301) table rainwater collection and distribution systems (1303) On-site nonpotable water reuse systems . (1302) Reclaimed water systems (1304) SUBSURFACALANDA ATION SYSTEMS General (i40i) Installation (1403) System design and sizing (1402) APPENDICES A—E Appendices adopted A10 ompliance verified ✓� -8-