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30-Day Temporary Power Release
z ti RECEIVED FBI 0 2018 i. Planning & Development Services Permitting Department _ 0411ding. & Code Regulation Division. St. Lucie Countv 2300;Virginia.Ave Fort Pierce FL34982 7 2-462-2165 Fax _ 772-462-63 Request:for 30-Day Temporary poyver. Release Date: ..Permit Number:© ' Q Project Address: 6< J ,e 7. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD.NOT TO EXCEED THIRTY (30) DAYS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF TESTING SYSTEMS = AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARATION FOR A FINAL INSPECTION. -IN.CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE .REQUEST WHEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. This temporary.power release is requested for the above stated purpose only, and there'vi.11 be no occupancy of any type, other than:that permitted by construction during this time period: 2. As witness by our signatures, we hereby agree to abide by all terms and -conditions of this agreement, including Building Division Policy; which is incorporated herein by reference: 3. All:conditions and requirements listed in the attached document.endded "Requirements for 30-Day Power for Testing"have been fulfilled and: the premise is ready for_compliance inspection. 4. All requests foran extension beyond 30 days must be made in writing' to the_Building Official stating . the -reason for the iequest: Power may be removed from:the site and/or a Stop Work Order issued if. the Final Inspection has not'been approved within 30 days. A fee of $1o0.00 wiN be required to Ilft the Stop Work. Order. WE HEREBY RELEASE AND AGREE HOLD HARMLESS, ST., LUCIE COUNTY; AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL LIABI MtS AND CLAIMS OF ANY YPE OF NATURE WHI.CW MAY ARISE NO1N OR:IN THE FUTURE OUT DI THIS l`RANSACTION, INCLUDING ANY DAMAGE WHICH MAY BE INCURRED DUE TO THE DISCONNECTION OF: ELECTRICAL POWER IN THE EVENT OF VIOLATION OF THIS AGREEMENT: Ile a OWNE IGN DATE GEN L C$NTRA SIGNATURE a c� DATE CTRICAL CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE ' w DATE FILE I. 1: '" .. 'RECEI\`:_D JUN 0 0 7017 r ti Planning lls Developr>nent Services l Building & Code Regulation Divi ' ? 2300 Vlrglnla:Ave QED aBtr stun Fort Pierce, ' FL 34982' 772-462-2165 Fa�i 772-4G2-6g43 .. . quest for :30-Day Temporary Pow er Release:. Date: :Permit Number: Project Address: S �'e�ic�lxl s I THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY.REQUEST RELEASE OF:ELE . PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD• NOT TO Ex EED THIRTY (30) DAYS; FOR THE PURPOSE CTRICAL. POWER TO THE igBOVE DESCRIBED AND EQUIPMENT IN: PREPARATION FORA FINAL INSPECTION, IN CONSIDERATION O • RE U OF.TESTING SYSTEMS 'EDGE AND AGREE AS FOLLOWS: ... F APPROVAL OF TtiE: EREBY ACKNOWL 1. This temporary. power release is occupancy of an requested for the above stated purpose only, and there wD(_ be no Z. As witness by our signatunesr we here t mire Permitted abidby e construction alBurin this time period. including Building Division Policy; which is Incorporated herein 3. All conditions and requirements'listed. in the attached conditions'of this agreement, Power for Testing" have been fulfilled and'the e' reference.; . 4. All requests.fni an extension beyond 30 d' document entitled "Requirements for 30 Day y Premise Is ready. Fnr compliance inspection. the reason for the request. Power may be removed. From the site and/or a Stop Work Ys must be madeln wilting to:the Building OFFiGaI stating the F7nal Inspection has not been appr ahe :Stop Work Order, oved within 30 days, A fee of 100. if .. .. 00 will'be require ,to Illf WE HEREBY RE . LEASE AND;AGREEITO HOLD H required, to iiff ALL LIABILITIES AND CLAIMS OF qEMP N� ,4RMLE -S, ST LUCIE , , TYPE OF NATURE WHICH MAY ARISE INOW OR IAND N FLOYEEt UTURE OUT OF THIS TRANSACTION, INCLUDING ANY DAMAGE WHICH MAY BE'INCURRED DUE T DISCONNECTION OF ELECTRICAL POWER IN THE EVENT OF VIOLATION OF 0 THE ' THIS AGREEM .ENT. :.: OWNE�SIGN f 6/272017 DATE GE LSIGNATURE 6/2/2017 - DATE :. CAI. COCTOR SIGNATURE +..:..: 6/2/2017 DATE:.. RE:CEI :.:D JUN 0 _ St: Lucie ... .... .Colin ti' Building.and Zoning Depar ttrietet Requfremeots-for 30 Day:PoR:er for Tesfing; I Form entitled "Request_ for 30-Day T g p emporary-Power Release" the Buildin .De artntent record files prior to inspection: must be an Posted lly executed d o in Inspection Requirements:: l.. Address numbers shall be posted -per county Ord. No.,7.1)5.09. 2• Al! entrances, exits, windows and garage doors.rriusf be lockable. 3• 'All circuits on exterior shall be terminated in a: box with weathe roo . to: a disconnect. If circuits are, at or above 7'6" from grade cover. . rp f ov The same applies . and taped.. Y may be capped with wire nuts de .the 4• All breakers must 'be: installed. Any blanks ace P must be plates. closed by a breaker or*approved filler 5. Interior Wiring: All receptacles, light fxtures and fans must be trimmed, Tti" from the floor mezaanine that is not available arthe.time of ins Any fixture Inv' plate installed. Fixtures at or above that height: may be capped withtion must have an 6: • All smoke detectors.must be installed. wire nuts and taped. �• ,Kitchen cabinets must be installed; any exception for special Conditions have.aq.apprbval prior to scheduled inspection., or circumstances must 8. Sewer and water connections must be complete; Only well um s requirement: P .. P are excluded from this 9. Exterior construction must be complete and weather tight, includin s soffit. g tucco, siding, roof and 0. Permit work shall be substantially completed except for backorders and/or floor covering, pumps, air conditioners and driveway. ' Paint on exterior, carpet