HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnergy CodeFORWR40542014 RE.IlDi5iV,tIAL-,'ENEROY;C,ONSERVA,,tiON''CQ6E,"O.dCUMENTA,TION CHECKLIST Florida DepstiMoOtqf. Business And Professional Regulation SIMUMW, PerIbitnanbe Alternative (Performance) Method for compliance whh,the,2014 Florida -Su#dIng Co401 Energy Conservation via the resideptIO[Simulated Performance'method shall. include 0. checklist 0 A R40&rqp 'thifd�cuments,,�O 'Dqsjgn.'compfles with.Sep(ion-, Form, 6tft Proposed R40,5.;,iDt.th6,,FioridaEhprgy-Code. This form shall'includea-summary p#ge indicatft home address, o-ratio-,and Me pass,or h6fl,status along With summary, areas and types. of componehts,:.wfiether the, home wassimulated as a - worst -case orienfation, name and'Ve'rsion'of the `compliance_ software tool; name qf JhOvIdupl Oomplefing the compliance report (1 page) and an JnputsumMaty checklist th-itcan be used-. f6r field, vejgcaf on (usually 4, p6gesVmay 'be, greater),. 0 Enor" 'Perf6rinatio6Level,(gPL�),Ditplay,C�ard,{onig,page) gy. 0 Mandatory Requiramehis(threeipages) oquire# por,to. Co. for the Performance Method. Ej Aw"'garrierand inspi6tion hitpipcObn Component Criteria check6t,eTabIe,R4.0­2O-'4,. 1. 1 - -one page 0 Acofi?pletod , Envelope Leakage Test RePort(usU411Y OfieP890) 0 if Porrh R408 dactWkage type indicates anyihlngother than "defauttleakage- thiqn,aiacompleted , -ForW'R405.'DuctLeakag&',Teqt ftort (usually one page) FHe Copy 8�1412017 12.43:3'0 PM E,nPrgyGQWeO­U.SR'CZSV5.I Page l -of 1 FORM R405-2014. FI R, it) E�tEkG, El" 0,le tYT CODE FC�R,:;�U11�DII�G CONSTRUCTION Fioddi Department of Bul3ines.s and Professio»ei(,Pe olation - Reside tial :Performance: Mett~'od Project Name; _Expi "':182$ Cati'LUCIE Right LOT,119, .Streit: 3105 YELLOWSTONE CIR Litt+:'State,;Zip. Ft)RT.PIE110E,FL,,34945, owner: .Dft Ht>RFOId . Design Location < FL, ST ,LUCIE.-COJNTL 1, New consti' br 6r.existing Nevi (Front Plans), 2. Siltlef0mily:ormuit"iple,family •.Single-family 3. Number of units if multiple family 11 4: Plumber of 8edraarras 9 5. Is this.a worst case? Yes: 6. Conditioned:ftoor'area abovo�g'rade (ft?) 182E101403,008' Conditioned;800rarea beloygradejT) .0 7 Windowso.081 agft) t3sscription; Area. a., t1-Factor.' Dbl; U ,0.34. In29`_#i� SHCC: SHGC-0.,3'f b:. ` 'U;Fedor Dbl, tJ-fl,57 4t3:8ti fi? SHGC; 8HGC=U;32 c. U-Factor::° VA ft' ZMC:: d. U-I=actor: N/A fi' SHGC Area We;hted Average Overhang Depths': 2.758 It Area Weighted Average SHGC: 0.3,12 8. Floor Types, (1828 0 sgfL) Insulation Area a. Slab-Qn-Grade_Edge insulation, R=0:0_ 1828.60 fib. fe c. N/A R ft2' GtasslFlaor Area , 0:092 Tctt�il Proposed Mode Total Baseline 1.11 hereby certify that #fi a pl os.and specrfi0Uon$ covered by this calculati6 err: in aQ ` 'pliance witb the Fkiritla Energy: ' Cods. I� PREPARED BX . DATE:.. I hire certify that this buitiirlg, s rs desr�gn in'compliartce, with the Florida°energy Code. OWNERIAGENT: ' DATE: Permit Number:1705.0229 ' Jurisdiction:: " SAINT LUC'IE'COUNTY " County:: ST., Uidli.(Flodda Climatetone, 2 ); . 9..1Nall7ypes{17512`sgft.) Insulation Area a. Concrete Block -,tr►t lnsul Exterior ° R=4.1 1422.1010 b: I•rame;=;Wbod, Adjacent ' F2=13.0. i 329.12 2 c,'NIA R=. f12 10. Ceilinglypes (1828.0 i4ft.) Insulation Area a:'Under Attia.(Vegted) 1148.0 1828:00.fe ° b 'NIA R= . . :d. NIA R= fN 1I; Ducts a. Sup Attic Reti Attic AH: tlVhole Rouse: 6 365.60 12, Cooling'systems kBtuthr ,Ef iency a Central Unit 36.0, SEER:15:50 13 Heating-pystems A tuihr ' Efficiency a:. Eiecfcic Heat•Pump, 34.0 HSPF:&00 14.-FHot water systems. a . , Electric Cap: 50 gallons EF:;,0.960' b. ; Conseru_ anon features . None "tat, B010ING'OFF JAL:. DATE'' WAM -Compllance requires certification by" air handier uinit'ntanukdtuter that the air handler enclosure gttniifees as vertliied fa ry4ealed ib accortlance.*ith.R403:2 21. , Corir pliancp'reiquires an Air Barmier and IMotaiion Inspection Checklist in accordance v�itlt� R402.4.11 and h envelope Iealci�j e _ u NCO 4anC8' Wl�ra�lnCe,1lVI#h ° ,p "p proposetl duct leakage Qnbrequireaa Duet Leakrage:Test Report ,cartfirnrng duct leakage to outdoors,. :sts in.accordancp v�rth.Secbon;803 of RESNET:Standartls is;not grenterthan 0 t?4Q,:Gri.fartrt%c►ie;house., 8114/2017 ,12 43, PM, EnergyGauge0 USA - F1aFt6s2014. Sedi0ii R405 4 �1:.Cormpli4r t SafbNore Page,! of 4 FORM R405-2014. _ PRtECT . -.. Tftle: Express 1828 Cali LUC1E Rig Bedraoms: 4 'Address TYpe Street Address Add Building Type: User Conditioned Area: 1828 Lot # Blom Clwner: MHORTON Total Stories: 1 flctSubD�vlsion: # of Unity Builder Name: 1 DR HORTON Worst Case: Yes Ftcrtate Angle`. 225 PiatBook ,, Street 3105 YELLOWSTONE , PerrnitOffloe.-I 'SAINTMOE,COUNTY.. CrossVentitation: County: ST; 4UGIE. Jurisdiction: SAINT LUCIE, COUNTY Whole House Fan: City,"Siate, Zip: t=ORT, PIERCE , Family Type: Singte-famrlp ; Ft: , 34945 NewEyis#ing: Nem (Froth,Pians) comment: a, CLIMATE • IECC DesigrrTsmp in# Deign Temp Heating Design Izaify Temp 13i sign.t acation TMIf Site Zone 97.5°.� ;2 5 °fo Winter Summer ©egree Days Moisture Range. FL,'S%LUGIE_CO_1NTL F: ilF BEACH" _MUNi • 2. 39 90 74: 75 299 58 Me�tium BLOCKS: . !dumber ' {dame Area. Volume 1. Blockt 1828.014� 16086:5 SPRCEa Number ; Na ,Area ° k ilolume,.. 1cit ;en, Occupants , Sedrooins : infil 16 Finished . tooled Heated, Whole House 1828.014 16i1g6.5 Yes 5 4 1 yes; Yes' Yes 'FLO RS.,, Fioor Type, ' Space ° Perimeter . R Value Area cite . ;Woodarpe#': 1 Slab--On-Grade Edge lnsulatio Whots House 199 A, �0 '1828 it�� � 0 7 , . 0, vZ ROOF Roof Gable Roof SolarA Emitt Emit# De �k Pitch` Absor Tested Tested Insul.` Tipp Materials. Areal Area ��Color � 1 flip Composition shingles 2044 ftx 0 ft2 Dark 0.92 No 0.9 No 0 26.6 X "IC Type V®ntetatiori: Vent Ratio (1y m) Area °: RBS ' IRCC 1 Full;atfic Vented' 300 7$28'ft : , 'N N CEILINO` . #. ceiling Type:. Space R Mue In Type.' Area Framing Fran Truss TYpe 1 Under Atha (Vet#aCi}' Whole`House 38 Blowrn' 1828 it$ 0.1.1 Wood FORM R405-2014 . WALLS Adjacent',_ '.Type Cavity Width Height. Sheathing Framing ;Solar AKqor Below. V. Spadea! • 1 S=>NE• Exterior Concrete Block -.Int Ins. Whole'House 4:1 18' 0 8.8. 0 158:4ft2 0 0 0.8 0 2 E=>NW Exterior Concretealock 'Int.l�'sWhole House 4.1 44 0 8.8 " 0 387.2 fta 0 0 0.8 0 3. N=>SW, :Exterior Concrete Block : iet;Inj (bfiole Hciise 4:1; 39:8 0 8'.e 0. 350.2 ftz 0 0 4 W=>SE Exterior- Concrete;Block - lnt InsUYhole House 4.1 5g:8 0 8.8 0 526:2 ft2 .0 6 0.8 0 _ 5 $=>NE; Garage .Frame -Wood' Whole House .13• 21'A 0 81 -,0 ' 188 Itz 0, 0.8 0 - 6 E=>NW 'Garage.. Fmme.-Wood Whole House 13 16 0 8.8, Q- 140.6 ft- .0 0.23 0.8 0 .DOORS # Ornt Door,Type Space Storms U•Value Width. InHeightn. Area Insulated VWole.House None :4 3 - 6.8 20A fe 2 :S->NE,: Insulated Whold House None .4 2 8 16.ft? WINDOWS Orientationihown is the,entered.odentation => char' eif to Worst Case. . _ V Wall # Omt ID ,Frame . Panes NFRC .. U-Factor :SHGC. Overhang Area Depth Separation Int Shade Screening 'Vinyl Lour-E Double Yes. 0.34, 0.31 2.5 ft2 .5 ft 0 in 2 ft 4 in None None 2 S=>NE 1 Vinyl Cow=E Double Yes 034 0.31 31.2 ft' 1 ft 0 in 4 ft 0 in None. None, 3 E=>NW 2 'Vinyl ' Low-E.Double Yes 6.84 0:31 15.6 ft? 1 ft0 in 2 ft 0 in None None. A N=>SW,%. Vinyl Low-E.Doublw Yes 0 34 0:31 62.4 ft-1 140 in 2ft 0 in None one' 5 WISE •4 Vinyl •LoverE Ooubie Yes 0.34 U31 15:6 ft,' 1 R`0 in, 2 ft 0;n Nor1e. None 6 N=>SW, 3 Vinyl Low=E.Double Yes ;0:57 0:32 408 ft� 8 ft:0 in . 2it'O in' , None` None. GARAGE # Floor Area Ceiling.Area Exposed .Wall Perimeter. Avg. Wait Height Exposed Wall Insulation 1 436.561P 436.56 ftz 64 ft 8.8 ft. 13 INFILTRATION Scope . Method. SIA CFM 50 ELA EgLA ACH° ACH 50 1 Wholehouse Proposed ACH(50} .00028 1340.5 ' 7159. 138.4 .2097 5 HEATING SYSTEM #. System Type Subtype Efficiency Capacity Block Ducts, 1 "Electric Heat Pump Split 11so-b `34-k13tulttr, 1 sys#1' 8l141201712.43 PM SnerdyGad eWUSA FlaRes2014 Section. R405,4.1 Compliant re Page 3'of4 Softwa FORM R406-2414, 00. COOLING, SYSTEM #, `System Tj+pe ` Subtype Efficiency �'_ Capae ty Air Flow , `. SHR, 01ock Dugs 1 Central<Unit Split SEER 15.5 36 k8tulbt J080`dm 0.73 1 sys#1 HiJTUVATER. SYSTEWI ` =' #` ` Syslerri Type ;SubType ,• Lor tion, EF" FCap . ' use . SetRn# Gonseruafion Elec 6 None, Garage, 0.95. 50 gat 70 gat 126 deg -None SCL.AR HOT WATER; SYSTEM FSEC ollecM Storage Ceti # . ° Coniparry; Name stem Model # Collector Mooel # . Area Volume Sy . . . FEF None None ftx _ _ mArea ' 25 'OF ° CTOT # LacahanS RpValue Area tocatian Leakage;Type -Handler OUT ON RLF at Cool: Heat A18c . 8 ,..365,.60 Attic� 91400 :Prop0SW On' Whole Hou , -,—,dM 73.1 cfrr� ' 0.04 0.50 TEMPERATURE&, " Proracnabie Thermostat: Y Ceiling Fans_ , Cooling Jan Feb, Mar' Heating an .. Feb: Mar' Apr Ap`. May f May Jun Jul: Jum Jul.. Aug Aug, Sep Uct, Nov Nov Dec -Delt Venting Jan .aFe4 :Mar. Ap ( Y SeP. [Xj°0ct -Thermostat Schedule. ;HERS 2006'Reference Hours 9 10, 11 12 Schedule^Type, . ;' 2. 3 8 8 7 8 _ Cooting'(WD) ° .AM, 78 ;h?M so 78: ` 78 0 78 78' TB: -. 78 � �78-, 78 78 78� ' 718 78 '00 '80 78' -78: 78` 80 � 78 :80 78 Cooling (HUED AM 78 PM 78 78 78 78. 78' 78` 7,8. 78 78, 78 78''. 78. 78` 78 78 - '78 78 7$ .78 78 78 78 '78. Heating (Ut p AlUI 66> RlU6 - 68 - 88 66 68 ; $8 66 68 66 68 ; 68 68' 68` . 68 68 68 68' 68 , 68- 68 68 66 68 6ts #seating {WEH). Al►ll 6S PM 68� 8 66.. 68 66 . 68. . 68 68, _'. _ :68,.68 68 68 68 68... 68 68 •:..-68 68 ..: 66 68 FORM R40-2014 -ENERGY -.PER-�FOIRMANCE,-,LEVEL (EPL),, I DISPLAY CARD' ESTIMATEC, The lower the PERF01kMAN_Q.,E'jNDEX* 98 ancairid6x. the Mori effident1he- home. 3105 YELLOWSTONEIGIR, FORT PIERCE, FL,:34945.'� 1. Now construction or existing 2. 'Singib family or multiple family 3."Numbdt of units;It multiple family 4. NUMberpf.,B.adM'o'm­S 5. Is this.a4bist,case? , 6. Cdriditiohed'flold 7. Windows": 6113son-ptio"n, a. 6-Factor: 0 P0.34 SHGQ SHGC=0.31, b. U-Factor Dbl, Q0.57 SH , GQ SHGC,=,0.32 c,;U-Factor. VA ,SHGC: d. U-Factor: NIA SHGC: New (From Plahs) 9. Wait Types insulation a, Concrete Block.- Int Insul, Exterior R=4A' Single-family 6. Frame - Wood,Adjacent 11=110 c. NIA R= d;.NIA R= 4 10-C611ing'Types . Insulation Yes: 'a., Undet;Attic'(Ventied) A=38.0 1828 e' NIA Area 11. Duds I 2T29 M 'Sup-, a;, Alk.Apt: Ajbc,,AA Whole House 401to ft2 `210JI." AraaWe116*d,AveraqeSHGC: 0.31121 8. Floor types !nsulati6n Area a. Slab-On-Grad6,ECIg 11ris ulation R=0,0,i b. N/A Ric c. NIA conipliedwith 't 12. CoPling,sysWrns a. Central.Unit 1'3,,Heatlng,6yst6i 6s a.,Electr1c.Heat :PurhP 14.'Hot watiirsqstenis a. Electric-, b; ConserVgton features None 15.,Credits t Efficiency Code for .Building c; h Will bojnsthiiid. (orexcqfdel in this I home bef0tefirlal, inspection. OthenW66,vieW EPL-Display-Cgrd will be cpmplelea based on installed Code compliant features:, Builder Signature: Date: 'Address of NewHome"; ?/&5- City/FL:Zip:, /A Area 1422.10 ft2 326: 12 fF ft2 ft2 Area 1828.00 It? re ft2 R fV 6 365.60 kEitulhr Efficiency 16.0 StEiR:16.50 'Efficiency HS,P:,.,00 dap: SO gallons EF: 0.9§ Pstat Note:This, is P ot.;3,Buil0lng,Eh0rjy, kating.,jityour index is',bdloW70your home May qualify -for ,io.nergly'effi,t (�21)'Ci6htL, .. thortgagow(EEM).-ifi ntives,if you dbtaina,Florida EriergyGauge,Ratirig.CQhtdCtr'thei.EnergyGauge,HIDU!ne,a. 638 1492,0r. see the- E'nergyGauige web,site at 6nergygauge ='m for information and a fist -64"ceitifi0d Raters." Foe information A66utthe, Fldrida.B . uilding,00dil�g'rie,rgy -conservation, contact.the- Florida Building Commission's, support staff. 3'Building EnergvConservation, if not DEFAULT. -Label,required bVSecbon R30 -1.3,'6f the FloridaFl lid ., uil. Code, 9/14J2017 12-43 PM,EnergroaugeOVSA—F likei2614 -;Section R406A.I.-CompliantSoftWare �,Pa§dl,of.l , FORM A405-20.14 Business and-PtOessional Regulations id 00AIM Ole$Oilding, Performance ornAnce and PIps6rifive. Methods ADbkESS: 3105 YELLQWSTONtC'R, Peolt.NuMber lkFtCE,,.FL FdkTP, .149457 EM­3 ANI ,�A­T6I I 0Y'RFQUIIEMEkT6:B�:i�idiVidu'al�.60de�tedtidnfor 'tul.l1d1 ei1�i,ts. , • 401.SEne*:P(iOormao0d.Le%el(EPL)display card (Mindaioii).The buildng'officiaishah requ ite that an ineriy'pericrmence, level (EPL) iedb�thb'buIld6j_tOLbo a6Wrate'anCj-andapproval of the building or'occupancy.,Flofida,law ;or he 'ncluded. as ; a6addend I um to. each silpi3Ontradt for both pfiesold and 1411M� " =*I I' , - efianicku to on and ,,,pecd1baWIS'41or�med,to.dem strawcompliancew-ne guitu Flu- r%,%-wtjy w , , _ ''I ._ f I to requirements of rd 0 'Ft4ol.4AIt."li�aka461(maiidit6rY)- 'The buildingthemial envelo i shall be constru;t�d,io firnit air lea, OwInSCIDO once with 'pa sa%=4 1144,14hroug, A40ZAA,., 0 ROMASulldlng thermal envelope ' -The bul[ding'tlormal envelope shall conOIywfth" S6cfi6n k­4j,: j" a­nR.402.4A.2.The' sealing. met'hods ;edissi�jWematerhi * IaoWldrdiffereaWtexnsion'and:contraction rpone�ts,6ithibU!IdihithdriTi.�ldnvelopeas,listeo.!O'Tiitile..R462,4,.'l-1 i1141l.beinStalled1h 'I A Installation. R402.4. . Th#'4MI-applicable to 4�4.4;.-fl , ritAH4 fisted in,table, 402.4.1.13 As ffie7,mdthod 0 :construction. Ana hm tha e, E)Uring4esting­ nd,thelift6 edweathorstri pindor I . - I 2­ 1 .1 p and hall be 61 6 nd l.,Exteiic)rWndo'v"M"knddo6rs,,:fire Iowa 00ts s d,bayond intended fine dampers shall be closed, but, not�sdale 9, Dampers lhcI64in'g4khAustJntakq; makeup other int3liration control measures,... air; biCkdraft and III infcltration ntrol measures; f izars., ifiristalled at thetime of the test, ihallabs,open; A. Exterior Opors 10FDOnt 6" kiiti4g.ina coming i) .6. Sup ly an6iiork- 0 R40242fireplaces. New"Wol ,R461.4.3 Fbri"tionak sal p P st4ire toot. , (1.5 wsim2 Eno -k S1WPuiltV4j,o zR403,1 Ci ,R403.1 ithat, e, E3 R403J 2. 1: the total -the building envelope: w test ot, inaCi lot, ducts kagt, *'0 Mu Pu and:ailr- andfirg located entirely Z.DuctIesting'Isnot mandatory for buildings COMP yj Iby Sq4a" R404of thlt code;. W1412617 12.43PM, t6orqVOwges USA Section 11405*1 Coin Page lof 3 , iinitialled et4he'time of th& test, sh.81[ be tuMOO 01r, an7 - 666aliwifth lifi ri,open. , etimp:of the at, 0 . ring fireplaces fl§ht! ng flueddrn M and;OW060 combustion air. iiterrni thermostat arovidgi&fdr e6ch'separate hosting - and cooling system: la4ovislow(fillPO4"; AtWOOMB, e.ffnostatshalfbe� supple'ron'tair, Is d io!r6sIi6hcq,:hait-shall have controls Meat:pqrnp, GUPP!qMentPfy,h4A (Mandatiory).., Heat pumps having, ye r io6uririg, (ietrO4 so "fitaob*! . 60e n4jhen tho?,hojk, compressor can m prevent ratio pump, ietthe h6aflhgload. po 400 or !gemys,Tqf,lelr:,R,51E,uutwntiya? eiliziaggaifiovis.u,;?..Y.!...."�--",---!-.,-I ......... ;eclion,040321.2of the COMmercl*P' construction i6ni'of this code and shalite shown, to ductfightndWCdI0db'a,, Y POiV .- —r iOh7irk testing jbelow. tightness shah -,,66,,vaiWied.byteistiiV,to'SO66n i§b3of.iho.ktSNET$ttnd6rdd-by,'64hpr,,an.energy.raterrertifiW.inaccoida6ceWdh,Wion 19, F!604r5tatu tas, or!" autho do, jqri� SjStatutes,t6,be -pubjtaniiilIyIiak,free 7 by oithPr of th640 OwIngi FORM R405-2014 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS - (Continued) R403c2.3 Building Cavities (Mandatory). Building framing cavdies shall not be used as ducts or plenums. 0 R403.3:Mechanical.system.piping Insulation (Mandatory). Mechanical system piping capable,of.carrying fluids above 105°F (41°C) or below 5S°F (13-C) shall be insulated to a minimum of R-3., R403.3.1 Protection of piping insulation: 0 R403.4.1 Circulating trot water systems (Mandatory). Circulating hot water systems shall be provided with an automatic or readily accessible :manual switch that can tum off the hot -inter circulating pump when the system is not in use. CI R403.4.3 Hog traps (Mandatory). Storage water heaters not equipped with integral heat traps and having vertical pipe. risers shall have. heat traps installed otfboth the inlets and: outlets. External heat traps shall consist of;either a. commercially available heat trap or a downward and upward,bend of at least 3;;h inches (89 mm)-in the hot water distributionline and cold water line located as.ciose as possible to the storage;tank. ®' R403.4.4 Wafer heater efficiencies (Mandatory). 0 R403IA.41 Storage water heater temperature controls 14403.4.4.11A Automatic controls. Service water heating systems "shall be _equipped with automatiatemperature controls capable of adjustment from the lowest to the highest acceptable temperature settings for the intended use. The minimum temperature setting range shalt be from 100°F to 140°F (38°C to 606C). R403AA.1.2 Shut down., A separate switch or a clearly marked clicuit.breaker shall be provided to permit the power supplied to electric service systems to be turned.off. A separatevalve shall be provided to permit the energy supplied"to the main.bumer(s) of combustion types of service water heating systems'to be turned off: 0 R403.4.4.2,Water heating equipment. Water heating equipment installed in, residential units shall teat the minimum efficiencies of Table C404 2 in. Chapter 4 of the Florida Buitding Code, Energy Conservation, CommerciaLprovisions, for the type of -equipment installed. Equipment used to provide heating functions as part of a combination. systean $hail satisfy all stated requirements for tine appropriate wafer heating category. Solar water heaters shall n i" the criteria Section R403 ,.4:2:1`. R46*41 1. Solar `Wate,ulneating systems: Solar systems for domestic hot water production are rated annual solar energy factor of the system. The solar energy factor of a system shalibe determined from the Florida. Solar Energy Center Directory of Certified Solar Systems. Solar collectors shall be tested in accordance with ISO Standard 9806, Test Methods for Solar Collectors, and SRCC Standard TM-I,,Solar Domestic Hot Water System and Component Test protocol, Collectors'in installed solar water heating systems should meet.the following criteria:. 1. Be installed with a tilt angle between 10 degrees and 40 degrees of the horizontal; and, 2: Be installed at an orientation within 45 degrees of true south. 13 R403.6. Mechanical ventilation (Mandatory). The building, shall be provided with ventilation that meets the requirements of the Florida Building Code, Resideritial.orFlorida Building Code. Mechanical, as applicable, orwittr.other approved means of ventilation. Outdoor air intakes and exhausts shall have. automatio or grayity damper;$ that close when the ventilation system is not operating. p •R403.6 Heating -and cooling equipment (Mandatory).. The following sections are mandatory for cooling and heating: equipment. 0 R403A.1 Equipment sizing. Heating and cooling equipment shall. be sized in accordance with ACCA Manual S based on the equipment loads calculated in accordancewith ACCA Manual J or other approved; heating and cooling.caiculation methodologies, based on building loads for the directional orientation of,the building. The manufacturer and model number of the outdoor and indoor units (if spirt system) shall be submitted, along ,lath the sensible and total cooling capacities at the design conditions described in Section R302.1. This code does not allow designersafety factors, provisions for future expansion or other factors which affect equipment sizing. System.sizing caloulations shall not include loads created by local intermittent mechanical ventilation such as'standard'kitchen and bathmom exhaust systems.. ' 11403.6.1.1 Cooling equipment capacity. Cooling only equipment shall be selected so that its total capacity is not less than the calculated total load, out. not more than I. IS times greater than the total load calculated according to the procedure selected in Sectian.403.6 arthe closest available size.pravided by the:nmanufacxurer's product lines. The corresponding tatentcapacity.of the equipment shall not be less than the calculated latent load. 8114/201712:43 PM EnergyGauge® USA - FlaRes2014 - Section 11405A.1. Corn Page 2 of 3 1 FORM R40542014 MANC?ATC)RY RE{ tJIR MD T (continued) O R403 t;11 Caalin equipment capacity., (carsftrtU� d) The pubiistred vacua •far AhiRt total capac tty is.a nomina{, ratir� tesi:value• and shaft not to a us+tfar equipment sizing.. Mari>fac#ure's _expanded p8riance`data an tie used"to setect:cxDoling-only equipment. This s�iiei on`stiaii be:usei# #o,selet .ccohng-cinly equipment: This s le`a#ion shalt be based .on the auidoor d sigie dry bulb teMpaIVt4re JbF fh9 load calculation (or entering water`fsmperature far wa#er-source egyipmertt};®'blowier cfm prnvideri fey tie expsnded;peiformance data" the design valufor eiiisring`wtef bulb temperature and Me"design;value •for eritenng dry bulb temperature. Design vetoes for entering wet buiti and drybuib tenipe`atui shalt be.for the indoor dry +bulb and ;relative humidity usedfot the load, caicuiaticri'and,slall boa djusted:for re#um §ids gains.lf the'rafurn, dyct(s} �s installed sn an unc�on3ltioned space. Exceptions 1.. Attached,sirtgie- and`muiti-famityres`sdenttal equipment°sizing maybe seleo#ed'so tttia! its coaling.capacity rs.tess than an the ` caiculated:totat sensihte toad but not less than'80POfO t of that load. 2. When,sige sal and sealed by aFlorida-registered engineer in attached single- and multi=family units'the waciiy"of equlprrtent may.tie sized in accoritanrs iM" goad designpractii : I 13.B.7 2 Heating equlpmerrt capacity R403 6.1.21 Heatipumps. Heat'pumps,sizirig shall tie based on'the'c ooling requirements as;caicue O accdopt to;Sectian R¢03:ii.9 ,Land the iteut pump total`.cooling;c apaci#yr shall not be:more than 1.15.tim4s greater tt►ap<the design cooling load. i2403 E# tric resistiance furnaces. Electric resistance furriac .shall be, stzsd wKhlh 4 kW cf ttte design requirements:calaiisated six ording io the procedure ssl+eded,in Section R403.ti:�, • .1Rga3 612:S:Fassli'•fuet heating equipment. TII he•capaaty'of fossil fuel heating equipment with naturatiiraftatmospheric'bumecs; strati not;tie,tess than thexies n ioijo.calculated,in accordanos,wdti Section R403 61. O- ' RgA3.8'13 Eattra capacity requlrEttt for speciai'cccastons;, Ressdences.roquanng exces& cooUng or heating equipment capaci y on sn ;intermittent basis; such >r5 anticipated a ddifiona!•foads caused by majorentertainrnentavents, shall Have equipntenf.sized or controlled to -prevent, corttinuaus space. cooling or heating within that spar by`one or more,of the foltnuuino options, ' 9. A•separsts cnoGng.or heating<sysI M is util zed:to provide coaling* beating to the rna or entertainment areas: 7: A vanablg capacity system, sized for optimum pedor anc a du ng' base load "periodseis utilized. eeivtngrriulfipie dwelling units (Mandatory). Systems,servriig:multipte d+iiing uri#s shall complyth.Sectons . C403 and "04 atthe CorYimercxal Provisions in- lieu of Sai*6n R403. p R403 8 Srraw melt system cantiots (Mand;>ttory?. Snowr"and icy- inviting systems, supplied thnogh energy service to ilia building shall include, gutomatic controls capable, of shutting off the sysfem when the`pavemertt temperature rs above. 85*F, and no p opifation is faillcig and an a itans#ic orinanuai corttrat;tha#.will allow stiutofFi�lien:the ouidriortarriparatu9e is above 40T; O R403 >} Swimmiirg;poots, rngralind spas and portable spas tllsaindatory}. Thwanergy, require►ttenta for residentiatpaais and . ngtound:spas.shatt be -as specified`in Sections tt4t73 9.1 fhroa gii;R403 9.3 and in socord .nce i+*ANSIIAFIS 15 J. energy equirements.far partabiespas shall-bo!n aix*ordance.witth ANStIAPSP-R4: ' O_ _ R4tf3.91 Poatand spa;heaters ' • 'All pool. heaters shall be equipped with a readily. accessible on -off &witch the# is moon#ed, outside• -the`heatet to allow shutting off the heater wtthout`adjusfind hethen"riiostaf setting R403,9.1.! Gas aril oii fii+ect pact and spa treaters. Ail gas- and oilAred pool and" space treaters shall have a minimum • ttrermai.efficiency:of 8? peresent for•healen3 manufactured on•or after Apni 16, 6 when tested accorpance tivith AtdSi Z 21:v6. Pool,heaters°fireit #}p natural as.or l;P: gas; siali not #lava ccntinucusly burning, pilot 6gttts: g t 403 9.1.2 Heat pump.pool,heaters treat primp pool heaters shail'have a rriimmum.;GbP of 4 0 whemtested, in accordance; with AHRI 1160; Table 2;.Standard Rahng"" id" Itton a -Low Alr,Temperature. A1.teet report tram an. independent laboratory Is required to vsr r p`'rtscedurtt cortipl�nce.� aoNts al swiniiriin� pool heat pumpsare not�reg4 to meet its standard. O R403 9.Z Time switches Ttrrie switches or other contra method that can automaticalty tum off and on heaters: and pumps. according p a preset schedul®`shall tie instatiwci"on aid heaietss.ana, pumps: N®ateri pumps and motor's that tsave bulit to timers shah be deemed in, compliance with this equipment . ' Ezceptions_ . • 1: Where public health standards require,24-hour purnp.operations. 2: Vllhere pumps are requiretl,to operate.solar- acid waste=iieat-recovery prsol heating`syatems. 3 tNhere pumps are.powered;exclusiueI froin',66 its•ienewable generation. 0 4Z408.9 3' Covers: Heated s%4ftming pacts and inground permanerrtty Installstl spas shall be equipped with avapor-retardant cou$r.on or at th ,i"r surface or a liquid cover or•ather.means pioven.to redut?e heat loss. :Exception Outdoor pool5'derivirig over io percent of the°energy for tieafiarg;front ode-reoovered:energyt such as a heat pump Or,, solar ertsources computed over�;an operating season p ` , RR4041 Lighting e>�utpment (Asandatcuy) A minimum•.of 75 }�rcent of,he.lamps in perinsneiifiy installed iighHng°fiyituEes shall.be, high=effi t r tamps ar a mtnlmurri of 75 percent of penman ently insteiied bght%r►g fixtures shall contain oniY high; efffic.acy larrrips: Eitcipdon Low -voltage -lighting shalt not,be required to' iiiitize htgh,ecy larrtps it404.1.1- Lrghtingbquipment (AAandatory), Fui31 gas lighting systems shall net have continuously burning:pitot lights R405.7 taerforrrrence ONLY, ;Ali duc snot entitely inside'tite building thermal +envelope shall:t)6insulated #a a: minimummbf R-, . O R4pS 2,1 pertormance'Ot4LY <Getlings shall have minl' um insulation of RA9 whe'r#41ngle;assemby.ofthe exposed ditctc Arid tieamntyps ar ---.._.e. ���...a•a..S...s rw..s e.:iiiwn.�4 einarn R_Rtt ic'slinw�eti. FORM R465-20.14 TABLE 402 4.'i A AIR RAARIER AND INSULATION INSPECTION4COMPQNENT.CRITERIA, Project Name,. , Express 1828 Cali LUCIE Right LOT 119 Builder Name: i)Ii.HORTON `3105 YELLOWSTONE CIR Permit Office; SAINT WCIE COUNTY' ' City, State, Zlpa FORT PIERCE,, FL ,.34945 Peimit Nymber,1706-0229 Jurisdiction: SAINT LU.0 COUNTY ' O�smer. DI2'HORfOId . Qesign;Locatlbn: FL; ST_LUCIESO INTL COMPONENT w . CRITERIA_ CHECK Air barrier and thermal', barrier A cont�nuous'air barrier shall be installed. in:thebuilding envelope. Exterior,thermaCenvelope contains a.continuous barrier: Breaks or jojnts !n the air banier shali'be sealed. Air permeable insulation shall not be used as a -sealing material: Ceiling/attic` The:air (farrier in'any.dropped ceiltnglsoffit-shall be aligned With'the, insulation -and any gaps in.the air;bamer`siiait be.sealed. •Access openings; -drop dovun stairs`or knee4all doars,to unconditioned attic spacesshall be sealed: Comers and headers,shall be insulated and the jun lion.ofthe foundation ,Watts and silt Plato shall' be sealed: The junctiori'ofthe top plate,anci.the°tap or,eMeriorieralls'shali be sealed; Od6dorthermai envelope insulation for framed walls "shall be installed lih substantial contact and continuous alignment with the air:bamier, Knee walls shall `b`e seale r'. ndows skylights and :doors. The s ace between windowldoor jambs and framing and=slrylights and , p 'framingshali, be sealed, . Air*'i fists Rim joists are insulaieddand include an:air barrier. Floors; {including 8bove-garage Insulation shall be installed to maintain; permanent contact,vM.underside. and :cantilevered Hoots} of subfloor decking. The air battier shall be installed: at any exposed -:edge of,insulatlon. craw) space Walls 1Altere provided in lieu of floor insulation, insulation.shall, be permanently. 'attached,to the craWspace walls. Exposed earth in unverited crawl spaces shall;be covered with a Class t vapor retarder with oveilapping joints taped. Shafts, : onetrations Duct shafts,:.utili enetrations,`and flue shat't openingsto exterior, or ty, p uri nditioned: space shalibe sealed. Narrow.caoties Batts in narrow i*ipes shallbe cut to fit,•or narrow cavities shall be filled by;insulation that on instailationreadily conforms to the available cavity spa Garage separation •Alr saaling,�shal[ be,,provide l between the garage and-conditwned spaces. Recessed lighting Recessed tightfudures installed-in'the.building;thermal envelope, shall be ' airtight, IC°rated, and.sealed to the. drywall. Plumbing and'vrir'irlg Batt insulation.shalf be'dut.neatly to fit around wiring and plumbing in exterior walls, or insulation that on installation,readily conforms to available space shail-extend behinol piping and wiring. _• Showerltub,0 exterior wall, EAenor'waps adjacent to showers and.tubs shall be insulated and the air barrier installed separating them from the showers and tubs: Eiectricai/phone box`on The air barrier. shall be Installed' behind electrical. or communication boxes`or air sealed bores shall:be installed. , HVAC;reglster boots HVAC register boots -that penetrate building.,thermal envelope shall be . sealed.to the;sub-floor or.drywall. Fireplace. An air barrier shall be irisfalied.on fireplaee.walls: Fireplaces shall have- gasketed doors, :. 8114?61112:43°P.M EnergyGauget�u5t�-FiaKe91U74.7eR1OnK4uo. ti.Vr��N�ca�w.a�raww.cc -' " FLQRIDA,'fN,ERGY,' EFFICIENCY C008 , "BUILDING. CONSTMUCTION.. E hy, ibpe,,,,Le.aka06."4te,6t'Riepbit:, p'ri p"by'a-a' and Performance.' PM 0 hud pro* 'l3uildar-NPme:' pR. HORTON �"Na Q!WUCIE R191)t IJOT,119 rpd: Express 1628' permjt'.Office:� ',SAINT'LUCIE COUNTY City,'stjte, zip:. FORT PIERCE ; FL i34945, OUINTY DeslgnLocation.�, FL� �T—wCliL'C6—l.N—TJu IEIC L- 401whe; 16087-TCU ft Cond.' ,Cond. "MolorAman 18.28 sq;ft n Results. Test R verified as Leakage Charcictqristics, CFM(50):, ELA!, EqLk ACH: .SLA: hour A written sport of lhejresglts of the PnytimqaftrIcre#uon'. all )netrgtwns'of'the bul thermal envelope,: Durinoqrstina', hq0qvvs fieeolace*d Move do Ts' . hall be,clos0d,,b -6 seiled;,.beyo,,f�0'the,intend6d weothqrstripOg orvftr 1. Exterior m - - I o "s ut ot es .0 MPP�5u1, rrt� 1 rbjj(*cIrAft�0hd'flu9-.dem rssb6fbeclos6d;�b4tn '16dbeyond intendeOnfiltr0tiOn 2. Dq!0'j*r�jhq�jinqexhdu I ke, P; 'control,measures, 6�, li&rId6dtsJ . if instauwattiiq tirne"ofthe'104"Shall be open; ventilation 'iyAtinisan h6atre=6ry ventilators Oall'be 61pied' and sealed; " a 00,poo ,shaltbwturnecl oft,: and _!Ingsyp"s, if installed at the%tinle'Ofthe test Supply and r4turrf Mlisfers"Ifinstalled ,at the time,of the test,;, Lhereby-6er,* that the. above , enyPIqpe!ePk0q6 perfbrman'cer'esipo,',,demonstrate ' compliance withFlon-d'arznergy.-�c6de.'requireme,n In accordincie-w0h:S666n" R402A.1.2. Wince ,required, I .byt6e,code'60c , ial, test shall-betorlducth Oy-an. .approved third,Ipj§rty,.,-.,Awrift6n' WWthe, test Sh8II report ofthe rL-W .,be slgnid."6y ifie third'party., ,conducting the:tisfjqhd'provi!Lld.',t.o the; code, official. SUILDING-,0'FfP4; dAtE: 8114 -AA'GMPPin,tSoftwai*I page 1. of t2017 12:43 PM Enqq�96�0e@'QSA -FlaRer;2014 - Sec R405,c FORM R405t.2014. Duct,Leakage Test. Report Performance Method FLORIDA ENERGY ,EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING' tO ' NSTRUCTION Form k405,11)uct Leakage Test Report Project Name: 'Expreps 1828 Cali LUCIE Right LOT 119 Builder Name: DR HORTON Street: 3106 YELLOWSTONE CIR Permit Office: SAINT LUCIE COUNTY City, State, tiP: FORT PIERCE., FL, 34945, Permit Number- 1706-0229' Jurisdiction: SAINT'LUCIE COUNTY, Design Location: FL-,'ST—LUCIE_C0_1NTL Duct Test Time-' I Post Construction `Duct Leakaae Test Results CFM2.5 Duct Leakeige Test Values Line System 06tside'Duct Leakage I System I cfm25(Out) 2 System 2 cfm25(Out) '3 System 3 cftn25(Out) 4 System 4 cfm25(Out) 5 Total House Duct Systein Leakage Sum lines 1-4 'DivAde by (Total,Condiltloned Floor Area) (On,Out) I certify the tested'duct leakage to outside, Qn, is not greater than the proposed. duct leakage Qn specified on Form R405-2014.,' SIGNATURE: .PRINTED NAME:' DATE: Duct fightness shall be.verified by testing to Section 803 of the RESNET Standards by an energy rater'certified. in accordance,with'Sectidn 553.99, Florld.aSt'atutes. BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: 8114/2017"12'43.PM Energy'Gauqe@,USA-FlaReS2014 -: section R4Q5.,4,,l,Compliant S Page l'of- 1