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HVAC Load Calculations
Rhvac Resrdenttai &=Wgttt Commeretal,f iVAG {.Dads �7-77 7Etite softw pme a C Service Masters I_LG ��k ,� ' Expre,l9:CsiRght�pt j . _ . atrn Bar;' FL 32809 r ' ,. :.. ;, Project Title " : Express 1916`Gali Right Psl;: i Designed ByKristin Kely Project Date:: : $6 ember 22, 2016 Client Name: Express Homes Company Name.: Florida Breeze Company'Representatfve: Kristin KeNy Company Address: 6928 Vickie Circle Suite.B Company City: West Melbourne, EI '32904 . Company Phone: 32195187.61: " s Data ReferenceC�ty::.. :. Fort Pierce,.Florida .. Building Orientation: Front door faces South :Daily Temperature Range;.. Medium Latitude; 27 Degrees IElevation: 25 ft Altitude Factor: 0.999 OutdoorOutdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Rel,Hum : 'Dry Bulb Difference ! :Winter. 42 39;4. n/a 'n/a '70 .: n/a Summer. 90 78 69%, 50% 76 61 - I Total Building Supply CFM: 1,230 CFM Per Square ft : 0:642 :Square "ft. of Room: Area: 1,916 Square ft. Per Ton— 676 Volume (ft3},of Cond. Spacer 16,861.. Total Heating Requiredlncluding Ven#ilatibn"Air: 32,102 : Btuh 32:102 "MBH Total Sensible :Gain: 27,Q29 : Btuh 79 °Jo . Total Latent Gain: 6,977 Stuh; 21 °Jo j Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air; 34,006 B#uh 2.83 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent}. M j Rhvac is an AGCA approved Manua! J _and Manual D;computerpr�gram. f Calculations are performed per AGCA Manual J 8th: Edition, Version 2, and AGCA Manual D. , l All:computed results are estimates as bwlding use and wea#her may vary. Be sure to seleri a urnt tha# meets bath sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance: da#a at your.design conditions. l i CA ..,AEXPRESS 1916 CALI RIGHT P8L.rh9 Thursday, September 22; 2016, 10:34 AM #2 v cc Resrda»tia Pil(3 Servace Mastars & L#ght C "Mm c1al' u Loads f##e Soit4var eve opment, tnc n; LLC `y> rr A S 0 A V.i �a�i-4I ht P,cJTi: 9 .172ImBay�,. 32908 �ell. :Winter i 42 39,4. 80% n/a 70 ... n/a Summer: 90 ' 78 : 69% 50% 75 61:09 :: :.. Main Trunk .:Runouts F Calculate: Yes Yes Use Schedule; _Yes :," Yes .: :Roughness Factor: , 0:01000 ; : 0.01'000 Pressure Drop: 0.1000:: in wg.%100 ft; 0.1000 in.wg. Minimum:Velocity: 55.0 ft./min 450 ft.lmin Maximum Velocity:600 ft./min 750 Minimum Height: 0 in. .f0k:' 0 in. :Maximum Height::.: 0 'in 0 in. i Infiltration Specified.. 0,3$0 AC/hr 0.200 AC/hr . 107 CFM 56 GFM. i 'Infiltration Actual: 0.380 AC/hc AClhr Above Grade Volume: : X 16,861 Cti ft.: `. ..200 X 16 861 .Cu.ft. 6407 Cu.ft.lhr 3,372 Cu.ft./hr . 7(.:0.0'67 X 0.0167 Total Building Infiltration: 107 CFM : 56.::CFM Total Building Ventilation: 0 CFM .0 CFM : _--System 1--- - Infiltration _&.Ventilation. Sensible Gain Multiplier:: 16.49 = (1:10 X 0.999 X 1500 Summer.Temp. Difference) j lnfiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: : 41.50 (0.68 X 0.999 X 61,09 Grains:D f 6rence) 11 fnfiltratidn & Ventilation :Sensible Loss' Multiplier: 30.77 (1:10 X 0.999 X 2840 lNmter Temp.. Difference) 1 . Winter.lnfiltration Specified: 0.380 AC/hr ('107 CFM), Construction: Average, rn Sumerinfiltration Specified: 0.200 AC/hr (56 CFM), Construction; Average C:1..;1EXPRESS 1916 CALF RIGHT PSL.rh9or Thuraday; September 22, 2096; 10 34 AM } wt11uvw,; vuryi 11dol1e, u-vatuU u.34, or1vLr V..)o . 2A v-d: Glazing-Double"pane low-e' (e = 0.60);. Sliding -glass door, vinyl. frame, u-value 0.63,.SHGC 0.32 11J: Door -Metal - Fiberglass Core 13AB'.M6: till -Block, no blanket or board insulation; :. . filled core, siding finish 12C-0sw: Wall Frame, R=13 insulation1n 2'x.4:stud } cavity; no board insulation, siding finch, wood studs 16B 38: Roof%Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation an Attic- Floor (also use for.Knee Walls and Partition Ceilings), Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier; Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal Tar and Gravel or 40.8 ' 720 0:. 66,0 660 36.4 612 0, 568 668 1236A 6,334 0 .3,936 3,936 313.1 798 0 612: ' 612 1916 `1,395 0 2,491 2,491 Membrane, R-38 insulation 224 pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 1.99 81575 0 0_ 0 : l& ' insulation below'floot, any floor cover; passive, heavy dry or light Wet, colt Subtotals for structure: 1T,626 0 10,647 ' 10,647 People: 5 .. 1,OQ0 1,.150:. 2,150 :Equipment: 1,020 3;563 4,583 g Lighting: 0 Ductwork::. 11,190 2,624. 10,742 .13,366 Infiltration: °Winter CFM:..107,:Summer. CFM:: 56" 3,286 2,333 927 3'260 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM 0 0 System 1 Load Totals: 32;102 6,977 27;029 _..01 34,006 Supply CFM. 1.230 CFM Per Square ft.. .2 . o64 Square ft, :of Room Area: .. 1,91E Square ft, ,Per Ton. 676 Volume (ff of Cond. Space: 16,861: rce uirea inctuaing venviaponHir: Jz'luL:.otun 32.102 MSH Total -Sensible Gain: 27,029 Btuh 79 Total Latent Gain: 6,977 Btuh 21 % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 34,008. Btuh 2.83 Tons (Based On Sensible +Latent) - Rhvac as an ACCA approved Manual J and`Manual D;computer program "" " j Calculations;are perFormed per4CGA Manual J 8tti Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D .. AN: computed results:are estimates as building use�and weather may vary. 1 Be sure to select a unit:that meets both sensible and latent. loads: according'to the manufacturer's performance "data at your design .conditions. C:1..,IEXPRESS 1916 CALI RIGHT P8LA6 Thursday, September22, 2016, 10:34 AM or # li idenhai & Li h G i rh*fd�f HVAC t"o d AICServtce Mss#ers, t LC ;`' Efite Soffvirarel�e-e✓l/rr{wp�s�zent�lncy : n Fatpress �� b ${ yy �y t wf ten ty .y Cooling :System:Type: Air Source Heat -Pump Outdoor Model: 25HBC536A**30 Indoor Model: FV4C NBD06. Tradename::: :BASE 15 PURON HP . .: Outdopr Manufacturer:... CARRIER A!R CONDITIONING ' Descnption. Air Source, Heat Pump AHRI' Reference'No.; 3645941.... .. Capacity::' 36412 1 Efficiency:. 15.5 SEER. HeatIng ... System Type: Air Source Heat :Pump Model 25HBC536A"30 f Tradename: BASE 1,5 PURON HP Manufacturer: CARRIER AIR CONDITIONING Description: Air Source Heat'Purrip Capacity: 34000.. Efficiency: 9' HSPF This system's equipment was selected to accordance°with ACCA Manual-S. : - u•.,, � P Manual S.equipment sizing.data SOCB 90,F -SOWS 78F; WODB . 42F, 'SIDB.- 75F; SIRH 50°l0, WIDB.:' 70F, $en. gain: 27,029.Btuh, Lat. gain: 6,977 Btuh; Sen. loss: 32,1:02 Btuh, Entering clg. cod DB: 75F, Entering.clg. coil WB: 62.5F, 1 i i i k 1 g Entering htg.,coil DB: 70F;'Cig: doll TD: 20F,- Htg.-coil:TD 70F, Req. clg;:airflow: 1230 CFM Req,' :htg. airflow: 417 CFM; I Y + C:I ...\EXPRESS 1916 CALL RI"GHT PSL.fi9 Thursday, September 22', 201.6, 10:34 AM hvac , Residential 8c Light Comrrrerciat HVAC Loads Etite So are peveiopmen c �, r r 2 ✓ �Y ' "dt� r � P�ys � a �� �" n� ,�.� � �f ; a � ' 4r 'Pyt � : . t 1 Whole House 1,916 32,102 417.. 12-6 522: 27,029 4,353: 1.,230 1,230. Duct Latent 2,624 : System 1 total 1,916 32,102 417 271029. _6,977 1,230: 1,230 System 1 Main Trunk, Size: 20 in. . y Velocity: 564 ff./min { Loss per 100 ft:: 0.040 in.wg. . Net Required 2.83 79% l 21:°!0 27,029 6,977 _;. 34,006 Actual 3:03 889l0 ! i2°!° 31,952 4,460 u sta .. Heating. System Cooling Sv em st , Type: Air Source. Heat Pump Air Source Heat:Pump Model: 25HBG536A'".*30 25HBC536A"`°'30 :Indoor Model: FV4CNB006 Brand: BASE 15 PURON HP i3ASE 15 PURON;HP: Description:. Air Source Heat Pump Air Source Heat.Pump j Efficiency 9 HSPF : 15,5 SEER, Sound: 0 ,0.: Capacity: 34,000 Btuh 36;412 $tuh. Sensible Capacity: na 31952 :Btuh . Latent ..Capacity: n/a - 4,460 Btuh : . AHRI Reference No.--. nla: 3645941 r_Tfis system s:eg0operierit was selected in accordance., with ACCA Manual 4Sft Manual S equipment sizing data 3�D8 90F, SOWB 7$F; WODB:'42F-75F,YSIRH 5t?°lo WiDB: 70F, Sen gain; 27;029 Btuh, Lat. gain: 6,977 Btuh, Sen.loss:'32,102 Btbh..,'Entering clg. col! DB.:75F, Entering clg, coil WB: 62.5F,' Entering htg. coil DB .70F, Clg. coil TO: 20t , Htg. coil TD: 76F, Rey. clg. airflow: ;123&CFM, Req. htg. airflow:417 CFM f i ..�..- .......w,-.- _.�,..s.3. G:1.:.CEXPRESS 1916 bALI RIGHT PSL.rh9 Thursday, September 22 201.6, 10:34'AM - Form: RPER 1.01. 8 "Mar 10 County, Torn; Municipality, Jurisdiction :Header Information Contractor Florida_Breeze . !REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS' .. - ATTACHED. Manual A Form (and supporting worksheets): Yes �. No Mechanical License" # CAC1814.113 or MJ1.AE Forma (and supporting worksheets}; Yes[]- Na(] OEM performance data,(heating; cooling, blower):.. ..Yes Q Non Building Plan # Manual D Friction Rate Worksheets Yes n No N Duct distribution system Sketch:. .. Yes Q. No M Home Address (Street or Lot#, Block, Subdivision) Winter Design'Conditi.ons. Outdoor temperature. - 42 ' Indoor temperature 70 OF Total heat loss 32102 . Btu/h Summer Design Conditions Outdoor .tefriperature r go OF Indoor -temperature 75 OF Grains difference: _61 A Gr @' 0� Rh Sensible heat gain 27029 Btu/h Latent heat gain- 6977 .Btulh Total.heat gain. 34006 Btu/h BUilding Construction lnformation Building Orientation (Front door faces) South . North, East, West, South; Northeast, Northwest Southeast; Southwest Number:of bedrooms 4 Conditioned floor area 1 916 $q Ft Number of occupants 5 Windows ... . . Roof Eave overhang depth 2.7 Ft; Internal shade Eave . Blinds; drapes, f . ...... Depth. Window Numberof skylights:. Heating Equipment Data Cooling EqUj2ment Data Blower Data Equiprrienttype Heat pump Equipment type Heat pump Heating CFM � . C+FM Furnace. Heat pump. Bolter, etc. Air Conddtiorter, Heat pump. eta Model 25HBC536a**30. • `Model 25HBC536A"*30 Cooling CFM' ; CFM 1293 Heating output capacity: 34000 Btu/h Sensible cooling capacity .3.1952 Btulh Heat primps - capacity at winter design outdoor condition's Latentco6ling capacity 4460 Btu/h. Auxiliary heat output capacity! Btu/h .. Total cooling capacity . 36412: Btu/h . Design. airflow CFM Longest supply duct Ft Duct Materials t1s ed (circh3) Trunk Duct: Duct board, Flex, Sheet metal,: Extemal'Static Pressure (ESP) :IWC Longest return duct; Ft Lined sheet metal, Other (specify) . . Component Pressure Losses (CPQ IWC Tiital:Effective Length (TEL) Ft Branch Duct' Duct board, Flex Sheet metal,. .Available Static Pressure (ASP). IWC: Friction Rate; IWG Lined sheet metal, Other (specify)- ASP = ESP - GP4 Friclion Rate = (ASP x 100) - TEL Contractor's Printed Name: K istin Kel! Contractor's Signature.. Date . 7/10/2015 -• a • - •o ■ i •rr i ■ • r or ■ • T�• ytinsaiction. ' 7h@ AHJ spatl have the discretion to accept Required Afrachments printed. from approved ACCAsoftware•vendors, see list on page 2 of. Instructions., ' If abridged version bf Manual J is used.for load) ealcutation, then verify.residence meets requirements,. see Abridged Edition Chepidist; on page 13 of instructions. Form generated by ACCA•approved Manual J Eighth Edition Version 2 Elite Software Rhvac program. Air Copditl;_oning Contractors of America Manual S (ResIdential Equipment Sefectton) Project Information a Name: I LAW City. S#ateo A.Ititude: . ,Altitude Adjust ment. r 1.00: waang uestgn miormauon Oufdoor.Design Temp: 91 `. , "F db Summer Outdoor Design Temp: 43 °F-db _ _ )Winter: Indoor. Design. Temp . 75 OF db: - : 50 %RH 63 OF wb ulations or.Aitflowible CFM L 9293 txy tvmanutacturers uooung t'ertormance Data Later Return Air Outdoor Temperature = 95. (F db)' Entering Coil Temperature = 75 (F do) CFM (F wti) Total BTUH Sensible BTUH Latent BTUH SHR Rated CFM @ Rated RA Temperature 67 37 $00 27,120 1D,780 0.7156 Rated CFM .@ Design RA Temperature 1050 63 35,204 31,056, Rated CFM @.Rated RA Temperature' 62. 34;530 32,040sp 2,490 0.9279 i (B) Manufacturer's Cooling Performance Data Higher Return Air Outdoor Temperature = . 95 . (F db), Entering Coil Temperature==.75 (F db) CFM: (F wb) Total. BTUH Sensible"BTUH Latent BTUH SHR Rated CFM @ Ratted RA Temperature 67 34,570 8,700 5570 Elated CFM'@ Design RA Temperature:.. 1350 : 63 . 36,694 , .. .. .35,266 1,428 . 0.96 11 Rated CFM @ Rated RA Temperature ii 36,Q50 36,440 r 390 1A108 tyianuracwrers Loonng vertormance:uata (Interpolatecp Design CFM Excess Latent Capacity Calculation. - Capacity @ Design CFM J RA (F wb). 1293.3 Equipment Capacity as a % of. Design Return Air Outdoor Temperature = 95 (F. db). (F wb) Total BTUH, Sensible BTUH Latent:BTUH SHR 34,470 1.943 0.9467 +1 2,517. -2,W 63 36,412: 31,952 4,460 0.878 9 07.08°!0 118.220. 639207 Manufacturer's Heat: Pump Data Capacity Capacity Balance Supplemental '@ 47 °F db. @ 17 °F db Point. Heat.Required 34,800 _ 18,820 Manufacturer's Furnace Data Input Output Desired Calculated FEATURES :. = : • : Environmentally Sound Refrigerant Technology Puron®, chlorine -free non=ozone depleting refrigerant i :Thermostatic Expansion Valve (17XV):designed to maximize performance with Puron° refrigerant :. Energy Efficient Operation •. Electromcall Catnritutatip Motor.. CM o erates efficientl at alli Beds . . y g . iE ) p y, sp ' ! :Maximizes efficiency of heating and cooling systems •ltrlwwnutionduna,erationUpmfan.onl ' Indoor Weather Control , Wantt, comfortable heating air temperatures' !:Unmatched humidity control; especially with Carrier's$,Thetn idistat- Control -Airflow and Sound Technolo . • Diffuser air discharge section for high airflow efficiency and quiet, smooth:operation •High duct static capability €+tt3ntqueic�tbinet destgaitfi, Meets newxstni gentzegttliRt i ';auzleakage t eets tecp}ite>u t itzi ttwe ea t>;e rnte � unite e+i ac �i:o icui hea°s�sta"�a�p re: :. - ....... .. .. ... ... . Condensate Control and Disposal Technology Minicnat standing wateriess microbial growth for improped4AQ and reduced condensate line clogging and related condensate leakage •- Condensate. fittings relocated away'from turbntenE airtlotV patterns at the blower entrance for improved condensate ,controlperformance • Overflow feature for slope coil units allows condensate to exit unit wiihoyt• damage to product under. clogged primary and secondary dine conditions Tested -for condensate disposal afconditionsmuch more severe than those required byAHRI e Primary and secondary drain connections to corn lywith HUD = • All pans constructed of an injection molded,glass=filled.polyearbonate engineered resin material, with brass drain connections. _ :*'High density, super thick:cabinetry insulation with vapor barrier. Pre -painted galvanized sheet.nietai cabinet Heat Transfer Technology • Grooved eopper:tubing Laacedsiine wave alurnintim fins Discreetrefinedcounterjflow:refrigerant circuitry • Bi- flow hard shirt=offTXV metering device • .ArmorCoatT". coil protection available:: ..Quality Assisting, Ease: of Installation and Service Features All units multipoise • Provision made for suspending from roof.orc6ling joints • Modular cabinet on .003 thru 006 units • Sweat connections for'leak free service • Mulitp'leelecti•iea) entry for application flezbility (high and low voltage) . . • Low voltage teirraalstrip, to safely hold contleWbits'within the cabinet - Inspection plate on A -coil models for quick coil cleanliness in"spection • Cabinet:conaruction featuresiInnovations, designed to prevent cabinet sweating Controls.apd Electrical Features Easy Select'" .Board to maximize comfort;:efficiency, and safe heater airflow operation • Easy'piug connection provided for:quick installation of accessory heater packages' • 40.VA.20W30v transforiiter :- , • Replaceable 5-amp blade -type auto fuse protects: againsctransforrner secondary short Filter Features • Factory supplied filter • Cleanable. polyester -filter. media • Filter "springs" out,for easy access - no tools required • Newly improved filter rack area -filter door insulation added for an improved air seal 2