HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCRECEIVED JUN 0 0 7.017 r NOTItE OF COMMENCEMENT Permit No. State of Florida Tax Folio No. County of St. Lune The undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real ro the following information is provided in ithis Notice °f Commencement P petty, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, Legal Description of property: (and street address If available) 3105 Yellowstone Cir, r, Fort Pierce. FL 34QA1 General description of owner ini Name Address Interestin SFR Lot 119 Lessee information if the Lessee contra Orton inc cted for the Improvement: Name and addrbss of fee Mpleple Contractor's Name: Contractor AddrPcc- (if different from Owner listed above): NE, Palm ay, FL 32907 Surety (if applicable, a co Phone Number: Name and address: IV/A f t payment bond (s attached}: Amount of bond: $ Lender Name: N/q. Ph°renumber: Lender's address: Phone Number: I Persons within the State of Florida designated Ow 71"1�(1) (a)7.0 Florida statutes: Owner upon wfrom notices ar Other ther documents may be served as provided by section Address: Phone Number: 321-733-7972 4 don —I. _ In addition to himself or herself, Owner designates Lienoes Notice as provided in Section 13.13(1} (b}, Florida Statutes, Phone number of person or entity designated by owner. LO receive a copy of the 0 U o z U F a � a U F o: (L o U a0 Lu _ I- LL LL O o �th JN T UzoLLI C90 I-00 n1J09� viwg - a =� oo L u 0 0 z m °O U)ILofr Expiration date of notice of commencement: contractor. but will be 1 (the expiration date may not at before the completion of construction and final a year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified} WARNING TO OWNER: ANY pAyMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE payment to the IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 719 pART H OW IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY, A ON 713.13, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND CAN RESULTOF INYOURPAYING ATWICE FOR RED INSPECTION. iF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT TILE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTEDON RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEME14 WITH YOUR LENDER FO OR THEJOB siTE AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCINGTE RE ORE FiRST Under penalty of perjury, I declare that I ha� m read the foregoing notice of commencement and that the facts stated they y knowledge and ef. � go g rein are true to the best of (Signature of Owner or Lessee, or Owners o.. Lessee's Authorized Officer/Direcior/Partner/Manager The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 18 g g g By 1 day of q 2U 17 Name ersory ash Type of author' for �ty (e.g, officer, trustee} party on behalf of whom instrument was executed gnature of Notaryp -ub c - —: Print, T P --stateof Person I Type, or5tam Commfssio=E&X0=W1=9= n°wn or produced Identification red Name of Notary P Ide ification produced MY COWNSWIM 5t