HomeMy WebLinkAboutD&D doors NOA41512021 Hol Topics Subm t S!rcharge Stais & Facts Publicat ons Contact lls Florida Building Code Online > Appfaatrlo_Llsl > application D.t ll '"^- r$ffi Bcts s t€ Map rnks Sea..hACIS Home Loq In User Req stration Cbpr c@r:"-r:trirs:' Application Type Code vers on Applicauon Status Comments Product !lanufacturer Address/Phone/Emai Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance IYethod Florida Engineer or Arch tect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entlty Quality Assurance Contraci Expiration Date Validated 8y Certificate of Independence ^ F116545-R13 Revlslon 2024 Approved public comment;specify polycarbonate compliance to FBC plastic requirement.09/17l20 Clopay Buildlng Products Company 8585 Duke Blvd. tlason. oH 45040 (513) 770-6062 mwesterfield@clopay.com ScolL Hamilton shamiton@clopay.com Exterlor Doors Sectional Exterior Door Assembl es Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received scott Flamtlton PE-63286 Intertek Testing services NA, Inc. - QA Entity t2/3tl2o2a Gary Pfuehler Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received FL15s46 R13 COI Certirication or lnd€peldcl1se__st_-ValjdaUs!__E^n!.dyjealy__E!eder 2016-02-19.plf FL16S46 R13 COI Statemeni on Indepeldgrce--al.Ery3l!|.lll1-Elllyj5sAtlLlanl1tlrl 20I6-0z-19.pllJ Strhdr.d ANSI/DA5r'1A 108 ANSI/DASI4A 115 ASTI4 E1886 ASTM E1996 ASTM E330 TAS 201 TAS 202 TAS 203 Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Archllect Referenced SLanddrd and Year (ol Standard)Y9 20os 200s 2005 2009 2042 1994 1994 1994 Equivaience of Product Standards Certfred By Sections from the Code Product Approval I\4ethod oate Submifted I4ethod 1 option D 08/12/2020 https://www.floridabuilding.org/prlpr-app-dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQMDqvqqu2wo/o2bnFgUMAgulPw2FMmFvBqsvYdcaBEprHvyvtlw%3d%3d 1i5 415t2021 Florida Building Code Onlino aal74/2420 o412812020 1011312420 02/16/2021 Dare validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Revised Summary of Productt Go to Page FL# 16546.21 missile impact). 16s46.22 Model, t{urnbei of Name r21 W8-16 DSIU-1F471r GD25U/ GR2SU, GD2LU, GR2LU, AR2SU, AR2LU, ED2SU, ED2!U,9242, HOPCzo, 7242, 8202, Ytc58U, 9205, 1rDPF20, 7205. 8205. IVIFR68U. EO2EU, BRzEU, 8D2NU, BR2NU, :PR2EU, PR2NU OaPage2/4CO Description Double-skin lnsulated Intellicore (exterior skin 27 9a. -r|in.; interior skin ,27 ga. min.) Dolble-Car (9 2" to 16'2' wide) WINDCODE@ W8 Garage rDoor with Optional Impact-Resistant Lit€s Limits of Use Approved for usa ih IIVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HvHz: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pr€ssure: +46 PSF/-52 PSF Other: f4ax. Wrnd Speed (V ut): 170 MH. Solid doors (no g azing) or doors w th optional impact-resistant glazing are mpact-resistan! (a.9€ Installation tnstructions F116546 R13 II 10:i822 Rev05.2dl verified By: Scott Ham ton FL PE 63286 . Created by Independent Third Partyr NoiEvaluation R€ports F116546 Rl3 A[ CSfC 1.1121-9:E_.p_Eil Creaied by Independent Third Partyr No 22 Wa-09 PAN-2F443: GD4S, GR4S, ED4S. Gallery/Artistry/Expressions: Steel Pan (min. 24 ga.) Single-Car (up to AR45 9'0" wide) WINDCODE@ W8 Garaqe Door with Optional Impact-Resistant Approved for us. in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistantr Yes Design Pressure: +50 PSF/-58 PSF Other: !1ax. Wind Speed (V ult):170 MPH. Solid doors (no glazing) or :F116i46 R13 AE CBPC rli211-A.pdl: doors with optaonal impact-resistant glazing are rmpact-resistEnt (large Creared by Independent Third Party: No missile impact). 16546_23 HDGR, 6205, SFR68, 14FR68 Limits of Use other: l"lax. Wrnd Speed (V_ult): 170 l'4PH. Solid doors or doors with E'16546_R1l._Af_!CPq!]21-S-!- jdf -imits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for u.e in HvHz: Yes F116546 R13 II 1047a5 A Rev04 pdl App.oved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 tmpact Resistanti Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports Installation Instructaons E!-1-6 5 46-,|'13JLU a12LRe-!,06,. nd t :VeriFied By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Cretsted by lndependent Third Party: No . Evaluation Reports optional impact-resistant 9 azing are impact-res stant (large missile Created by Independen! Th rd Party: No 24 W6-16 DSiE-1F471: GD25P, GR2Sg rGD2LP, GR2Le AR2SP, AR2LC ED2Se :ED2LP, 4302, HDGC, 6202, MFC68,430s, !HDGR, 6205, SFR68, MFR68 Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes approved for use outside HVHz: Yes Impact Resistant: No Desigh Pressurei +38 PSF/-42 PSF Other: Doors wlth slandard q azinq meei the w nd load requlrements of the building code but DO NOT meet the impact resistant requlrement for windborne debris regroos- Double-skin Insulated EPS (exter or sk n 27 ga. min.i interior skrn 27 ga. m n.) Double-Car (9 2' to 16'2' wide) WINDCoDEO W6 Garage Door Installation Instructions i!l!546*813 II I 0.1785-BiR€!o4,pdi Veriried By: Scott Hamrlion FL PE 63286 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports iL_$f!6_E!3 AE CEPC_111219:B-pdl Created by lndependent Th rd Paty: No 16546.25 2s W8-16 DSIE-1F471: GD2se GR2Se GD2LP, GR2LE AR2SP, AR2LP, ED2SP, EO2LP, 4342, HDGC, 5202, MFC68, 4305, HDGR, 6205/ SFR68, t4FR68 Limits of Use Approved for u3e ln HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +46 PSF/-52 PSF Other: Max. Wrnd Speed (V ult): 170 MPH. Solid doors or doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are mpact-resistant (large missile impact). 16546.26 '26 W6 09 DSIE-1F471: GD25P, GR2SP, .GD2LP, GR2LP, AR2SP, AR2LP, ED25P, ED2LP, 4302, HOGC,62A2, NjFC68, 430s, HDGR, 6205, SFR68, N4FR68 Double-skin Insulated EPS (exterior skin 27 ga. man.; interior skin 27 ga. min.) Double-Car (9'2" to 16'2" wide) WINOCODE@ Wg 6arage Door with Optional Impact-Resistant Lites Instattation Instructions FL16sa6 RJ"3 Il 104786-Rev06,pd Verified Byr Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Rcports F116545 R13 AE CBPC 1:11219-8,p!J Created by Independent Third Party; No Double-sk n Insulated EPS (exterior sk n 27 ga. min.; interior skin 27 ga. 'mjn.) single-Car (up to 9 0" wtde) WIN0C0DE(4 W6 Ga€ge Door wirh Optional Impacl-Resistant Lites Limits of Use Approved for use ln BVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Desiqn Pressurer +38 PSF/-44 PSF Other: Max. Wind Speed (V-ult): 170 r'4PH. Solid doors or doors with Installation In3t uctions F116546 R13 Il 103954 A Revo6.adl Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 : Creaied by Independent Third Pariy: No :Evaluation R.ports E!165l6--Rl"l--A.E e8le E12f9 :q,adf created by Independeni Third Party: No httpsr/www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDqvqqu2w%2bnFgU[,4AgutPw2Fi\,,tmFvBqsvydcaSf3prHvyV w%3d%3d 2i5 Florida Building Code Online 16546.27 27 w6-A9 DSIE tF47l: GD2SP, GR2SP, ! GD2LP, GR2LB AR25P, AC,2LC ED2SP, EO2LP, 4302, HDGC, 6202. lr4Fc5a, 4305, : HDGR, 6205, 5FR6A, 14TR68 Limits oI Use approved for use in HvHzr \o Approved for use outside HvHz: Yes Impact Resistant: \o Design Pressure: -38 oSF/-44 PSF other: Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load requirements of i the building code but Do NoT meet the impact resistant requirement for *.0o"11. o1o '. i":t*. 16546.28 2a W6-09 DSIUO-]1749: Canyon Rrdge/ Glenroor / Custon wooo Lool // Canyon Ridge l4odern Series / Glenmoor lYodern l Series / Custom Wood-Look f4odern Seri€s // coac,hm?n / Settlers / Aiflnity i Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HvHz: ves Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: -38 oSF/-44 PSf Other: l4a:. Wind Speeo (v-Llr): l70 I4PH. Solid doors or doors with optional impacFresistant glazing are impact-reslstant (larse missile Double sk n Insulated EPS (exteror sk n 27 ga min.; interlor sk n 2i' min.) S ngie-car {rrp to 9 0" w de) wINDcoDE@ w6 Garage Door rnstatlatioi instructions iLl 65,16 i111 ll 1!19:11'9rtiqrir6-pd Verifled By: Scott Hzm lton FL PE 63286 Created try lndependeni Third Partyr No Evaluation Reports F1.16546 R If.AE*C Bqe-,1! l2rlj& p!f, Created by IndependenLThlrd Pariyr No Double Skn Insul.ted lnte core (exterorskn 27 9a. rnln ;,nterior! 279a. mLn.) with Over ay Single Car (up to 9'0" wide) U/INDCODE.e 1 Garage Door with opiiona Impact-ResistanL Lites instattation rnstrucions F116546 R13 II 1C4948-A-Revo3.plll Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 creaied by Independent Third Partyr No Evalu.tion Reports F116546 R13 AE CBPC 141219'B.p!l Created by Independent Third Pariy: No 76546.29 29 W6-09 DSIUO-1K749: Canyon Ridqe / Glenmoor / Custom Wood-Look // Canyon Ridge IYodern Series / Glenmoor I\4ode.n Series / Custom Wood-Look Modern Series // Coachman / Seitlers / Affinity Double Skin Insulated lntellicore (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; inierior 279a. min.) with Overlay Single-Car (up to 9'0" wide) WINDCODEG) Garage Door Limits of Use Approved for use in IIVHZ: No Approv€d for use outside HvHz: Yes Impact ResistanE No Oesign Pressure: +38 PSF/-44 PSF Other: Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load requirements of the building code but Do NOT meet the impact resistant requ rement for windborne debris regions. Installation Instructions F116546 R13 Ii 104948-B-R€v03.P!1 verified Byr Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports F116546 R13 AE CBPC 141219-B.p![ created by Independent Third Party: No 16546.30 30 W6-16 DSIUO-1K749r Canyon Ridge / Glenmoor / Custom Wood-Look // Canyon Ridge N4odern Series / Glenmoor l'4odern Series / Custom Wood-Look l4odern Series // Coachman / Settlers / Affinity Do!ble Sk n Insu ated Inie lcore (exierror sk n 27 qa. min.; nteflor 27qa. min. ) w ih Overl.y Do!ble Car (9'2" to 16 2' wlde) Vr'INDCOD W6 Garaqe Door w th optional Impact Resistant Lltes. Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes approveal for use outside tlvHz: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-42 PSF Otherr I\4ax. Wind Speed (V_ult)i 170 tvlPH. Solid doors or doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact-resistant (large missile impact). Installation Instructions fL16l+6 lrlJ i 1_10111? 1-{c,{!L!!1 Venfed By: Scott Hanrlton FL PE 63286 Crealed by lndependent Third Pa.ty No Evaluation Reports E!16515 I 1 j_Aq.._c.!lfe,_i.i12 L9jt. el Created by Independeni Third Party No 16546.31 31 W6-16 DSIUO-1K749: Canyon Ridge / Glenmoor / Custom Wood-Look // Canyon Ridge N4odern Series / Glenmoor l4odern Series / Custom Wood-Look l4odern Series // Coachman / Settlers / affinily Double Skin Insulated lntellicore (exterior skin 27 9a. min.; rnter or 27qa. min.) with Overlay Double-Car (9'2" to 16'2" wide) WINDCOC W5 Garage Door Approved tor use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ! Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/ 42 PSF Other: Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the lmpact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions, FLt6!15 R1l tI 1Clql2 B:le!!0.!!ll Verifed By: Scott Ham ton FL PE 63286 created by Ind.pendent Third Party No Evaluation Reports El L6146--8,! l--A l*ei El- L{ .1? r !i 8.r.r!l C.eated by Independent Third Party No 76516.32 11 $o l8 D>IUO l. a9. Cal,on Rrdg- G enmoor / Custom $/ood Look // Canyon R dqe [4odern Ser es / Glenrnoor l'lodern Series / C!stom Wood Look l'4odern Series // Coachman / Settiers / Aff:n ty Double Skin Insulated Inlelllcore (exterlor skin 27 9a. min.i inLerior 279a. min.) with Overlay Double-Car (16?" lo 18'2" u,ide) wINDCo W6 Garage Door with optional Imp6ct Resistant Glazlng Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes ImPact Resistant: ,es Oesign Pressure: +38 PSF/ 42 PSF Other: Max. u/ nd Speed (V u t)r 170 N4PH. Solid doors or doors with opt ona impact-res stant g az n9 are impact-resistant (tarqe m ss e 1pd-t ). ,0546.11 33 w6-18 DS UO lK-,9: Canyor R.dge . Glenmoor / Custom Wood-Look // Canyon Installation Instructions f 116E6__R11,!l_1!,19!1,1 no./0.r.pdi Verified BV: Scott Har. ton FL PE 63286 Created by Independenl Th rd Party: No Evaluation Reports ri 16546 11t:_AE_CB!C_Ir1219 !.'r.i Created by lndependent Third Pa(yr No Double Skin lnsu ated Inte ll.ore (exteaor skln 27 ga. min.; nteror 279a. mrn.) wlth Overay Doube Car(L6'.1" to 182 wde) u/INDCo W6 skln DCODEIT, DCODEG WINDCODEIO 33 w6-18 DS UO lK-,9: Canyor R.dge. DoJbte: Glenmoor / Custom Wood-Look // Canyon 279a. m \r1/INDCODE! httpsr rww.floridabuilding.org/prlpr*app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDqvqqu2wo/o2bnFgUMAgulPw2FMmFvBqsvydcaAf3prHvyv w%3d%3d 3/5 41512421 41512021 Florida Building Code Online . lRidge N4odern Senes / Glenrnoor l4odern w5 Garage Door i Series / Custom wood_Look l\4odern Series : ,// coachman/ settlers / Affinltv--- I Limits of use rnstallation Instructions i Approved for use in HvHz: No 1116546 R13 Il 104951_B-Rev04.p!lf i Approved for use outside IiVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 I Impact Resistantr No i Created by Independent Third Partv: No Design Pressure: +3a PSF/-42 PSF , Evaluation Reports : other: Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load requirements of F116546 R13 AE CBPC 141219-B.p!I the building code but Do NoT meet the impact resistant requirement for i Created by hdependent Third Partyr No , Ridge iYodern Series / Glenmoor l4odern Garage Door with optional Impact-Resistant Lites Series / Cuslon Wood-Loo^ r,4oderr Seies _ t//.coach.r,an /-:-9Tl!'r: / 4flility I . Limits of us€ Installatlon Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes F116546 R13 11 104949"Rev03.piI Approved for use outside HvHz: Yes verified By: scott Harnilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +54 PSF/-60 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: IYax. wind Speed (v_ult): 170 I\4PH. Solid doors or doors wlth F116546 R13 AE CBPC 141219 B.p-dI optional impact-resistant glazing are impact-resrstant (Large mrssrle Created by Independent Third Party: No 16546.35 35 W8-16 DSIUO-1K749i canyon Ridg€ / Glenmoor / Custom Wood-Look // Canyon Ridge Modern Series / Glenmoor l4odern Series / Custom Wood-Look Modern Series // Coachman / Settlers / Affinity DoLble Skin Insulated lntelllcore (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; interior skin 279a. min.) with overlay Double-Car (9'2" to 16'2" wide) WINDCODE@ W8 Ga.age Door with optional Impact-Resistant Lites Limits of Use : Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes approved for use outside HVHz: Yes Impact R€sistant: "es Design Pressure: -46 PSI/-52 PSi Other: l'4ar. Wnd Sp€ed (v_ult): 170 l'4PH. Solid doo sor doo-swilh optional impact-resistant glazing are impact-resistant (large mlssile mp€.r ). Installation Instructions F116546 R13 lI 10492a-Rev03.pdf Verified By: Scoti Hamilton FL PE 63286 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation R€ports FL15s46 R1-3-ltF.-cB!e_ 14!l1l?j9.plf Crealed by Independent Third Party: No 16546.36 36 W8-09 DSIE-1F471: GD25P, GR2SP, GD2LE GR2LP, AR2SE AR2LE ED2SE ED2LP, 4302, t10GC,6202, MFC68, 4305, HDGR, 6205, SFR68, IVIFR6S Double-skin Insulated EPS (exterior skin 27 ga. mln.; interior skin 27 ga min.) Single-Car (up ro 9'0' wide) WINDcoDE@ w8 Garage Door wlih Optional lmpact-Resistant Lifes Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +54 PSF/-60 PSF Other: lvlax. Wind Speed (V_ult): 170 NIPH. Solid doors or doors with optional impacl-resistant glazing are impact-resistant (large missile impact). Install.tion Instructions F116546 R13 ii 104119 R€vos.plll Verified By: scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports EL!'EI6 R13 AE CBPC 141219-B-p!I Created by Independent Third Partyi No 16546.37 37 W6-09 DSIUA-1F4771 9208,9209, HDPCC2, HDPCR2, 7208, 7209, 3724, 3729, C7R2O // Cat\yon Ridge lvlodern Series / Glenmoor tr'lodern Series / C!stom Wood Look Modern Series Double-skin Insulated lntellicore (exterior skin 27 9a. min.; interior skin 27 ga. min.) Single-Car (up to 9 2" wide) WINDCODE@ W6 Garage Doot with Optional Impact-Res stant Lites Limits of Use Apprcved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impaat Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-42 PSF Other: l'4ax. Wind Speed (V ult)r 170 IYPH. Solid doors or doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impacFresistant (large missile impact). Installation Instruations F116546 R13 II 104859-A'R€v03.pdI verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports F115545 R1l AE CBPC 160216-A.pdf created by Independent Third Party: No 16546.38 38 W6-09 DSlUA-1F4771 9204,9209, HDPCC2, HDPCR2, 7208,12O9, 3724, 3729, C7R20 // Canyon Ridge l4odern Series / Glenmoor IYodern Series / Custom Wood-l.ok Modern Series Do!bie-skn Insuatcd lntc .ore (exLerorskn 27 ga. nrln.; interiorskn 27 9a. min.)sinSle'Car {up to 9'2'wrde) WINDCoDt6, W6 Garase Door Limlts of Use Approved for use in HVHZ; No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-42 PSF Other: Doo.s with standard glazinq meet the wind load requirements of ihe building code but DO NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for windbor'le debr s resrons. Installation Instructions 1116546 R13 1I 104859-B-Rev03.pjl Verified By: Scot! Hamilton FL PE 63286 Created by lndependent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports 1116546 R13 At CBPC 160216'4.pdI Created by Independent Third Pany: No 16546.39 Approved for use in HvHz 39 W6-16 DSIUA-1F477r 9208,9209, HDPCC2, HDPCR2, 7208, 7209, 3728, 3729, C7R2a // Canyon Ridge lqodern Series / Glenmoor lvlodern Series / Custom Y99,9 :199!l-"-!-"r1!:1. Double sk n Insu at.d lntal icorc (exter or skin 27 9a. m n.i interior skin 27 ga. min.) Doub o-Car (up to l5'2' w de) vilNDCODEiBl W6 caraqe Door w !h Optional Impacl Res stant Liies Installation Instructions FLia5.16 R1l l; l05nl2 A iirval.raf 34 W8-09 DSIUO 1K7.19i Canyon R dge / Double Skin Insulated Intellicore (.xlcrior skin 27 ga. -rlt.i.; lnterlor skln Glenmoor / CLrstom Wood-Look // Canyon 279a- min.)y/th Overay 5 ngle-Car (up to 9'0" wide) WINDCODEO WB https://www.floridatluilding.org/pr/pr_app dtl.aspx?param=wGFVXQMDqvqqu2w%2bnFgUMAgulPw2FMmFvBqsvYdcaAf3prHvyvflw%3d%3d 415 41512021 Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside BVHZ: Yes Impact Resistalle No Desiqn Pressurc: +38 PSF/-42 PSF Other: Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. HDPCC2, HDPCR2, 720a, 7 2O9, 37 2A, 3729, C7R2O // Canyon Ridge i\4odern Series / Glenmoor Modern Series / Custom Wood-Look Iqodern Series Douole.sl 1 ln;L ateo lrLe lco-e (elter o- s1127 ga. min.- '1,-r'o \li 279a. min.)Doube Car(Lrpto 162 wde) WINDCODEii] W6 Gar:ge verified By: Scott Hamiton FL PE 63286 Created by Independent Third Partyi No Evaluation Reports FL16s46 R13 AE CBPC 1602161pi1 Creaied by Independent Third Partyi No Installation rnstructions F116546 R13 II 10 5042:B:BeyO.3-Rdf veriiied By: scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 created by Independent Third Partyr No Evaluation Reports E|16546 R13 AE CBPe 160216-A-0df created by Independent Third Party: No E] I;;I contact Lls ::Phone: 850-487'1824 The Slate or F orida is an M/EEO employer. Cqpynght 2007-2013 State of Florida. :t fulyaCy_.t5taleloetrl :: O g Paqe2l4{, {, : Rerund Stalemeit Und€r Florida la!!. email addresses are pub lc records. If yo! do not want your e-ma address released n response to a p!b L. records req!est, do not s.id electroncmr toihsentty. lnstetsd,contacttheofficebyphoneorby:raditronal m.l.lfyou have anv qu€st ons, please contact 850.487 1395 'Purs!-nr to Secnon 455.275(1), F o.ida Statutes, effeci ve oclober 1. 2012, censees lcensed undcr ch.pter 455, ES. m!stprovd. thc Dcpartmcnt vrih an.ma address if they hav. onc. The cmalls provided may be used for o..ficlal communicat on wrth the lcensee. However em. addresses are p!blr. record. If \,.! do not w sh to supp y a persona address, please provide the Departmentwth anema address which can be made availab e to lhe public. To delermrne i you are a i.ensee under Chapter 4ss, F.s., please .ll.k heq. Product Approval Accepts:E E.] LtsJ i,. ,- H i.,rn,(j i.l Sate@ Florida Building Code Online https://www.floridabuilding.org/prlpr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDqvqqu2w%2bnFgUMAgutPw2FN,4mFvBqsvYdcaSf3prHvyvflw%3d%3d Other: lv1ax. Wlnd Speed (V_ult): 170 MPH, Solid doors or doors w optional impaci-resistant glazing are impact-resistant (large misslle impact). 0!iaei[D:Ar! sacTiox {r,rcr!65SI_L.,Stanr a!0 5riia5r!,-J./ ilk[:: '];"''- W i,::"'#t ^.-.Y mr* "i:i1:rr.-rrli : 1: ?t -1..( r:.1rr!errl:ri}- !l."Il,:-i!1,11::!!1i-,f!:ar:-i-l:'{ lP:r!!rLliIll: l,ilj ri!1 !:11a:( iti rc!!L:lri!t:f.r Ir':5,!tilt.J.rl].arr Bi!0 slErts is:r! 6i!)* acar,l'{!: rc t'; iLoE re...:-:.).ci rn. iOr.aer!. .o€rriod 1) al.lrtE,E i.rar. .: !or? qs ?-or r:!i:,\ alr.aEs ELl zc!r. r){rv i!.a 1trt, nil ,) :€s'il!.g !r AccleFecE ![.ssr/tAsra rra 5!1 segric e|c|:!ieE af . 6N,.rEaarsr .nc.irscn4 r&Y }aran\./; r?36rA P IP h* iO;tl,AL. i bi54(;!r:ra :tre6a- |1r *i! l .s!!ircl! B - B (t M.ACI- R,s;:'iANr CiAzrm0,!:llllD!/4- tHta( ptrlTAFlarialtar:na^re.IMPACI-RESISIANi ASS'MBLY DITA]LSDllali,lt G t o.!7as-roPron{ 05e cR l/a" Aayela Lnas Av'!!a6rl 0:t,oriAl AcRyr_ra airhc rsPr-}S{CrilE o?ijx cR Lroit cr d.pForl.e ac2 pL4s:]a th aaacRcr&cE Rrr rBc/-,Bc't1E gUlrta D1l!R ltsllrllY t+Stlllat rn aoitFtrAxCa,trl: lrr! S:C;rOr !iar!a'lrl: lrr! S:C;rOr !iar! lrtalaa oa rNiLr*ljiaitlil. :!ri 0r\1]o!,iarar,- itr r:N;!a.ra l:!Rs_Si-li_]Q[ 3 - e i \ tr\] - I r,/.Aar R aS i:i{-!f :.-tl!il-:ll)]!)SI AIiJDAIiD ASS'IdSLY DIIAILSsRAvult{(i ! o4i.as.FISIt i.47lV6 :]P:]E]xoi ERANCIs,.DL:ld.:rr .\ " !... ' '-' '\n '5, ().-, '',f i,Bl*OlVi4u 1,654,t13lfr,ia:l.lIaR. JAMg,]-C SIJPPO|iIJNS SIi?Uc{1i::, rll iaf Lorc tio Tr]l 00ca !r i8A]rsf&iEe L r{| 1Ma( a! }€r rnc* *E riL( :str[ 2i6 v€Fria]ir 5!i, (CR 0{ ,i2 OF 3tllEa) i436 iO !O{0 tioM Iri! 5ctR rSIFa9amRao ro rL: ioircMr- {.oi) JA!t_+fa. .a tr -f.,4 iB Pre r*ErAJ- A1 *B rASiE*€Ps *r 6t lB!',r .Rf, NoI {ai!lqa' a0 Ar} CCrr!:EnSUN'i :a PRollff ri1-USH raJNrLiO S!lf&t.I r 1/3 Stntss lrairlsl r3fi *!r L0AD e/^s E4{ !s!0 rN frlt caaltirc{ o, {ro'\aB!rs€Rs .rR srlti. a1)MRar€ !i0 ssoNrY.PRIPARAIIOIi OF iAMgS BY oTlrERS!gI:, fi! 0tsl6lr ct TrE sJPPoi.rNc sii|q.uR{ Eiair!&_ts sri^LlPi ',- lasPoN,aa N ct _-c rPo.Essolrl o. REcoec .f,R iFEE-rJ,\c 3R s_R'.arLJRl ANf'\ AcCOaDA{la d:H CljRF.}- 3J-n,N6coDas FcR rxa lorcs i,]SraD clr irlrs tRnsir,6.r.s5" ftc(. 1# aalsffiEXPAXO'' POTYSIYR'\f f OAVifisuuno!! LAl,lrMrtD t6 €olxEX]EFOF Art rNTaROt S<1*S.12 aA. Gr!v, slEil ict ioLL;RaRci€T. aacH €C4CxEi ,:a-,.{aiiCrx,i3 (4) Pr4r5l8" SH,€r r'::a1r ca- GcLv. RoLLii H&ll. EACri r-ll,r{aFASIaXE' iO END ST'IIS tvlrH i{}#r.ral8' srlafr iraTAL aNt i?]1,/4",3/4" SEi-f r4:FrNG SaRqtS. sa(27 CA (C.0r6_ *r!-:e ) ax{RiOAsrEEL SKr. i3iit[rnc ouariY]lIIr a-40 MtN. CArv-e.\(ro-ov pc.r$ilR PA NrEoloP coAT 3PP{40 10 ealHsr3i- o. sTEa, tkr&.oNE ." :-s',rAll PEi Saa.'cr {:iavrtv, t') EAcei l-si3!.r't AllAcsa, aTtaar *:16: Local:oN r9rls (2):/4"r-,/,i' sELr TrFPrt€ SaRfylS. .{5r lBorro() /tBcHan 9^i,rs[ r, No ,aes i*r H^!. o. rla *u{ sr-clniEi &shi<r. rtrsi ^: R€r rs lilt ,o€i crr.rc.c:oqr co€s itr slfFtl ssaftruM r61a{ci lErr€Etr cs{r:P oF acnsn aD iocc or ao*alart *oci, ?,./r". €rrtu0'N6 srrtcr rdc$lta3.:l GA, 6AiV StaeL ac:Totl ERAciGt allac*EDl!t-:H (2) ;1.r5le" sHall MEr& scRE,5.a!,LJ rf{ul, {xlRusroll & vlNYr- l'VEnIralSlRiP,i4*/8' shaEl r/Ei.l sae:rsSFC1o,\ A-A (S,D:- uEr,)l-4_,64_l!0__dlr.QIs!]L!._.:Si1A CA lrd.l irilg$r.iollri {rNat1r!..:c:']OiERA]IICI5...isiS- 1i4 7lVa lP38 r'iIIII.lII"iI L--.-.-14-t /.' )Lr-!€rfi 'a)'r" ItlL t^paR slRtri.J C62" vDi. a*!v- SlaE-,+ L}!4!E lla{!!i:!l!!.!\!i: 'l*ir acrf{clni,]rri ;33!a :r!Dircn 0pI4!; ,as !3t rfa-c- rrxcr)ir ccr{[nii4Lr..ia; gr!:tarn4rx rHraf,rrlr c.l:€r-.;' raaa.; :tr!l!r:l1!tl!!.ti- jarcr a}r:arol'l !:.!. r.:5/t5" t 1.r/a rs srr.rr iP€r} r; i{ r4,.sta? ,09,016 aY RsI4!8, l:o srn)s.t {:) ,3 : 1/. {i'.q trL{.rD sir.E Drs.: .-r4 r )-rlr , J/6".s r^€:.Nrn Tn .Na srrr! *l(+) .lir ,14'5,/,ssr€i ,ar1. scfta: ri!:1 12) rl" sr3 *p.'fi. san:* p€i .{r 6rr!ct.'iir. !.'11''{j e! }3oi [.9li.L.P iI! :,').:.ir! .!$ snlr r$.j r,J/1 \ 1 ta'}- ye"..j' {rd 5-112_ L.!i ri* a{L E.}E3r: s_a.: F.{.rl!l!{F_i:!{aq!!qq!i|9n i:,Isa!f,:!5 atr ,air! ravs jia:e1, ,tl :!,i!n-!" D3ar dritji, i.Ara ere)I :/r' i r-2 a,r ar! .r'.r!.s -4193 {r:. 3tr" Ii-!/3 146 ..r.is \o: r.,' n{$. sla:'! rR+a{ f6TrNF} atr: a* crt' sr[!L ]raad Etra{ata*"-fl :ri!E u) :/1_ lA qr!€r. crn) r,tu" x .,/.' slli a Qr etir" jnci d!!1€ l.arB 5rr:)jII!ar-rl.' , ,-rl8i r:r. : !'c:r T^'.E!Da&a!i. ta: rra 8fti muNl;ra Ar :&aoi€i[nilRAir.:N salas:Tarr lfnas i4ria\€!'rs i!.ar:t &ar. ,+a! ]rnLlto ,cr.tr.RrB n€i: u'rN .rr '1."x56' Ecr: &i ",:li{fi{.i,:r3z:' -t *- r71rsg , 1,i": ,*ll-11'-'*, .iai '\_,/Lllr ;ei??i .- sr';iF n. . U:'-a - - . r/r:"-^rr e.r ' ils::"'ad:OilA! E r+.ttsl:r\ ar!tiiitiRa| sl!|! ilslallY Ci1 SiraaT Orra.$fr erAc(.r 13 1r'2" , t 3/a" \ .zt;t)r/4 a _!/r- sf,L- tiep c!$a sli 3a!B.a ar! srile' ns *!s ir{)4. ,!r3J .r,!r& X- t.g-datEsa!-!e!K-Ia --. ...a q. / .t' " !,r)"&; -h'aLi .]ez$FtS:["1!.i711i5 !P38*tnil'.s rs rEi r"rar F!--rs (.. t,../1". iit'.,a- L-16". !ia.l- rrlirow rir $Havr arclra: ri :i;_, rn. !r€e:.r /i*zcuir -!rJ( JUN*&R{i}lj.ri!:!r, ia ;!k3 ar.l ::):,,!6- t , ,/3" !r.j i.i:* :.r