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Public User Product Approval Menu > Product or Application Search > Application List > Application Detail FL # FL 17022-R8 Application Type Revision Code Version 2020 Application Status Approved Comments Archived ❑ Product Manufacturer Extreme Metal Fabricators, LLC Address/Phone/Email 2160 SW Poma Drive Palm City, FL 34990 (772)872-8034 flvalidation@yahoo.com Authorized Signature Richard McKuhen flvalidation@yahoo.com Technical Representative Richard McKuhen Address/Phone/Email 2160 SW Poma Drive Palm City, FL 34990 (772)872-8034 rihard@emfab.net Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Metal Roofing Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer ❑ Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who David Eng developed the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-81377 Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications, Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 04/22/2024 Validated By James R Wally, PE 13 Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL17022_R8_COI_26ga_VMAX nlywood.pdf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year TAS 100 1995 TAS 125 2003 UL 580 2006 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Date Revised Summary of Products Method 1 Option D 10/05/2020 10/ 12/2020 10/25/2020 12/15/2020 12/16/2020 FL # Model, Number or Name Description 17022.1 01: 26ga VMax on Plywood 26ga (min) VMax 5V panel with 24" coverage on 15/32" (min) plywood or 3/4" (min) thick wood plank. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL 17022_R8_II_26ga_VMAX nw lvood.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377 Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +N/A/-228 Evaluation Reports Other: Refer to evaluation report. FL17022_R8_AE_26ga_VMAX nlvwood,pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17022.2 02: 032 Aluminum VMax on Nominally 0.032" aluminum (or thicker) VMax 5V panel Plywood with 21" coverage on 15/32" (min) plywood or 3/4" (min) thick wood plank. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17022_R8_II_032_VMAX_21in olywood.pdf Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +N/A/-168.5 Evaluation Reports Other: Refer to evaluation report. FL17022_R8_AE_032_VMAX_21in nlywood.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17022.3 03: 26ga VMax on Plywood 26ga (min) VMax 5V panel with 24" coverage on 15/32" (min) plywood or 3/4" (min) thick wood plank. Option for fasteners in the flats and in the ribs. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17022_R8_II_26ga_VMAX nlvwood_flats.pdf Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +N/A/-114.25 Other: Refer to evaluation report. 17022.4 1 04: 26ga CorMax on Plywood Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +N/A/-161 Other: Refer to evaluation report. Evaluation Reports FL17022_R8_AE_26ga_VMAX nlvwood_flats.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 26ga (min) CorMax corrugated panel with 29.5" coverage on 15/32" (min) plywood or 3/4" (min) thick wood plank. Installation Instructions FL 17022_R8_II_26ga_CorMax_Plywood_HVHZ.pdf Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL 17022_R8_AE_26ga_CorMax_Plvwood_HVHZ.}2df Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17022.5 05: 26ga CorMax on Battens 26ga (min) CorMax corrugated panel with 29.5" coverage on 2x4 (min) battens. Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +N/A/-161 Other: Refer to evaluation report. Installation Instructions FL 17022_R8_II_26ga_CorMax_Battens.pdf Verified By: David Eng, PE 81377 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL 17022_R8_AE_26ga_CorMax_Battens.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Back Next Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer. Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Privacy Statement:: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. *Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click here . Product Approval Accepts: ❑❑❑❑❑ Credit Card Safe EXTI E I EET FAHR ICAMRS SWZLLFD CRAFTERS OF WF.L ROLVINO-St L MAX FL170 2.01-RB 6ga rn i VM AX ove r 151 " m1 n) pIywOod Extreme metal Eobracetors 212iD� SW POrno D r I Qp I m City F L 34990 Product Description 15V Crim0 style v x posed fastener panel with 24" r,I0x c-ov-0ra9e -0nd namir%v rib heGQht of 3/4"- Pf od uct Motet iial 26ga (miry) steel G Orrol ion rut ista n* pwr FBG 1507.4.3 where requ i red Faste ne r #9 or Otto x 1_5" fastener with Sgui i r1g wurp q�r G.Om*l i x _t with FB0 15ps_6 w het$ r.i2q uLrEmCJ. u bst rateloec k 15f 32" (Min) plVvrood ar 3f 4- (Mi M) thick wood plank (r'r'rin S.G. of 0.42) Eva l ucited by: David E ng, PE Tir„ biarlake Core. LLC 3324 W Univ Ave #206 i Gciiinqh:vi I Ie FL FL PE e1377 1 FL CA 3.3344 www,Timber yy411Jii tr, �x E. 4o oA 3340I'CY-- � - �r - - STATE ■■ OF IJ� LAX Underigyrnent= -Comply with IQcol bulloing cpc3r oir FSC 1507,1.1 where reQUired. S1 q p-e: cam ply wit h local bu illd I nq Q-pde or FSC 1507,4-2 wherqp req Ui red. A a-R 00 f j n Q. TKIS panel may bie! I nstolled GVdWF e3 si ngl ■ layer of ex Istj n9 sh I nqpMas ns p4a rmifte4 by loco I bu i Idi ng cod# or FSC 1511, prpvitled t hip ex Ist i ng roof meets t119 Bondi. l.0n t requ i red by #h e a pplicu b6gh cod$, maxjrnu rn AI Iovroble Load! I nstallotion Ri�+qu i remit rts: I�el hod it; #4 ki laS'° � "� �145M M#t hod a; #1Q x 1. S" f 9te n9f t43f MotM cl..G: �F1 , 1.5" f�st� ne r i n 12"-l�' aft �fn at &j x L5"f ast■rre "- tt r p:5f A factor of sa gery bf 2 l+a-r, beer) U p plied. Tech n ical Documentation: This pro4dur=t has Ua*rl testerk to the lJL 5160 eta rtidard by A rch i tic#� rat Testing (MOW inter#a k Tgtt i nq, T5T- 1527j, r4pport D05$43-01-45o• 19, F3366,01-450-15, o nd D-95093-02-45O•141- Ae ref dpre rweed in FL 17022.01-R7 Compliance Stati�me nlr. This p roClt.I ct Q-- d escri bed has derridnst rated compl is r,ce with Florid-u eu i Idi ng CQde 2020E 1504,$,2 ( non-H V14Z) o5 re-quired by FL R vle .6302-13-3, met hod la, This prpdutt o5 dv-st ribed hb s been t*st.&.d cJ ncl diamonstroted corn p Iion-ce wit h= - ul<504 - Tes* f.Qr tapl jft Ft*sks-ta n�dp of Roof A sem bl ivs - UL 194E - U pti ft test fGr rb-bf Cavdpr i rwg syriramf Design Process - The lQbd to bias in *tri a report pr-u,ritles grasp F resc ript eve optip rN for the Fasten i ng req4;i r0rnef%t for tha v p Eli ca bte wind I oad* for roofs within the po rornoters desCribed. Fur roofs 4 utsl-CIe of the listed pQ rorn$ty rs, design wind bads w-hb I I be detibrmi ned i�s required by F BC 1609r ASCE 7, or gtih e!r design erode in force. USi riq d4JOw4AULF Thee logo to bjea o r* bated on ASCE 7-16, Use of thq.Sf rc bl$s q;su ntee t hQ t the structure is; En rrlosd!d orid gory for rris to w i nci- bar ne debfi!g provisions o rticf is o regu ICI r Efi Q pad bU i Idi ng # nit 3U b j Qt to across-wi rtid lo��i ng, ,rafts x sFF ddirl or ir15to4i I i ter; nor does it hav■ o s its 1 ocation for which c hero ndaI i ng flr buffering worry nt cone 144 rotion Erig i ngeri r19 a nol ys;s may bdp r=brnpleted by other Hale! n eed • ngineere for project spIe!cl f is -op pripvo 1 by loci 1 o uthori t i4pri hnvi ng j uri sCl Ictio n. Cartifioation of Independence: aOvl;9 rrmg, FE and Tir t;FSFloke 4rav*F LLC da not h4iwa. nor will acquire o financial irtir#rrst in any tom pony rnCri6of4ietu ririQ or #Istributin-0 93FQAucts uridfr this evoltij:p rlon- the sejon4k entitief cia -not hawlb, nor will ocqui re, o fit+cpnaIaI Irnterrtist in any atl,#r #ntIty in %. 0 1 %e.0 d In t#he 0ppFovaI pr4C-e+; of the 0r,Pdutt- 8xel usions and Lim Itatlon%, Do09n of beak 4nd F6of 9jtrkiCeur• (ta i n;lucf.* attnahsn&-At of pIyrwo04 aF waod pl*r) kj ;Ina II b* ec FmpImted by athera. FiFt ClaZ%iifiCQtlQn and rh*or dlaQhFn-Q*ri cf*+Ign ere Out*:ds the aof tFLir 4pwalr,at4o1n. { e4hItrated weC3sM4hFi ng/tblt %pray is ouYda4f the scope pr th Is ■walwotlon. Th,4 rQ pa rt id IIrn itad to coro p11ance wit1% Et ructu raI wincf land r*pui re mo nts of FUC IS4*-3-9, IP; Ftqulrl&d by pvj4b 8iG2.0-3. hlflthtr Timberlpke Cave nor the rnanufq2-otuFtr rHGO bo Fespor, mi bJ* for any ep-nclusionr, i At0rpro tafionQ, or d;;igria tood; by 0f1l*r6 I#omod aA th li awnluatj6n rtpaFT. Th i& FppaFt is Ii M iti'd sal*1V t4 rsacum &nti ng anrnpli13n-ea w:rM Rue■ 61 3 - ,aid rnok*e no expreto QF Implied vo CPFrantY FegorCfIrr+j? PCFfOrrO0n e■ of I i8 prp-duct- I nsf0I lot i a n iFFall 15.6 IL4bjtct toth* Iacal bvi l-diwq cod■ orrd 0IsthaFiTV hOY1Fr� jkpri*d.etIon; tFri* r* part s#hnll r►Ot b.a canstru*4 to ipupersind* IpeaI code& ieL rprct- rLlAX 7D22.0 -ft8 InritructiQns: Select t-he opprdprlfltvi IInOd tgble t heat 4 ppFi es fa th4a structures In quq*#Ion, 0-oterm i ne the dv!Pign WLj-jd speed for the prgje[t Use the of tochmeri a met hod I n0i rat1hd for that w i ndspg#d witllLn *e3ch roof xO-ne, NoTf-: ASCE 7-16 pr`d FBC 2020 adopt C3 7-Z0ne C-onafpt- For # ho loos tflt3l *s be Iow, -the wore r cGse wps tb1[e•n for $vr-Ih zone c nd reported using t h'! atcjrtdgrd zo rLes 1-2-,3; Zone 't i r`cl ud4Pr. :90nes 1 on d i' Zone 2 i r`cLud4pe :X.Qr,es 29, 2 r, ezi�d 2 n Zane 3 includes zQn.*s 3e and art Combi n i ng t hose tones cr*G#es a 000r, slrn pie scheme, qt 'he 4Px p■ r`se of 15[>Me design, efflc is rscy- cb;ttiact the rr a nufpctu re r fvr fu rThe r i nfi5rma7 i0E1, or �O ne ult o I ire fss�d �F9 i�rG p rfes51na1_ f 3 1 2 T f � 1 2 a Air IfJYI -no— —51— ytlfiY�]YtiLS� }TIQI q qd^-��M1�-d1 �1419�yf �F,fJaiC� ROOF ZONES FOR GENERIC BUILDING METHOD A: METHOD B: METHOD C: 1ti1F-7HOD D: #9 AT IV O.C. 010 AT 16' O. C Al OAT 8' O.C. #1OAT 6d O C 1 " (NOW 1 �' �NOM �- � NR: NOT RATED. CONSULT DESIGN PROFESSIONAL AS N ECDE D i` Wj� trra km d tabs rff strmlures -Iio2 n meat " WwrrU criteria Are k5oAe-d in rzx"sure a area Fiwoe erther a Mat rp-0f, or gabjeAhip rod whh rnax slops of 12;12 Five a mean Rc& Height of 30 Ivet i)r lees Wind 1Q5 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 10 100 200 Zone 1: A A A. A A A A A A A A Zone 2: A A A A A A A A C D 0 one 3; A A A A A A 8 C D O D Use "" load labie for slrmtimea which meet 1he fo114. ing cnher.a. lacaied in Expoixtlre B ama Have erlher a flat roof 1*14 than r. hip r04t with rrr@yLslope of 13:12, *e g2h1e roof with slope between 4.4:12 $ 12:17 Hwa ai mean Rai PieAj)d of 30 feet nr le ss FL! 7022.01 jWj 5V Crirn 2It 1 51IVWQQ4.— W ind 10$ 110 120 130 14g 150 1 &0 170 180 T90 200 Zone 1; A A A A A A A A A A A Zone 2: A A A A A A A A A 6 C Zone 3: A A A A A A A B a. 0 D uae this U 4 tab1,e foe StNIX Fires whir-h mkt [he folbw Crtterra: fire located in 0, C, Cr D expoaur4 area Hlaw v" a fist roof, or gabWhrlp roof wiln rrex elope of 1212 Hang a mean Rod H w of feet or leafs L1702 5 -on 1 W irld 105 110 120 130 140 160 IN 170 160 190 2D Zone 1: A A A A A A A C C O D Zone 2- A A A A C D D D D O D Zor * a: A A A C D D D D D O Use M k:gW lahle for slruthxes which meM Me fakwirrq CrAef0: Are Gxaled in B, C, EFr 0 *xpoaure Jiree Haw* eAher a flit roof Joss Iran 7°, hip roof wish max slope of 12:1 Z ar gablo roof with slope * ween 4A.12 & 12:1 H*.e a m-een Rod HegM of 30 fe-Pt or IP*s FL1702 a on 1 — W ind 105 110 121) 130 140 15,0 1-130 170 180 190 20- Zhne 1- A A A A A A A B C O D 7Dne2: A A A A A D -D D D O D Zone 3: A A A B D D D D D O D