HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor Agreement10/18/2019 12:03PM 7722733081,.;._ TRM PAGE 02/02 W"ON-OUCTOR AGREE BNT;FR-ECEIVEDCT hive twbcounty, permitting (COmpanY NlamdNiWA Nat) 7RM Constructioni ana errisr�t, inc sub -Contractor fir the -"- (Prirmy Contractor) (Type of de) For tilt project located at 151 Ocean Estates D► ve, FortPierce, rL U49-•9 Ad&vo or NOP01Y it is understood that, if #bye is any change o; ffttus regardixtg our participation with the above axtentioued project, the Buil&g and Caste .regulation Divis'iOA of St Lucie Count will be advised pursutar <t to the 29976 coatr �e Irhlc�+xaolz StarcUrS+ioYIda Caetat�at1°t r j 'Chao , 5,ypn,mmt war+ ma Al,i �d ?day of The faftwing ',d S C L7 Jj'�C"f9c.VC� 5 :tb A►nura�oaxi9Y Ar bm P, t"d" d'A�,�,— Bit Iau meat au . STr buxe�r. raaR�a+ar� nt ib +af. abrxy ,pa print %#m of'NIatars Pram _ _. (227 PAUL J f'AYNE CommissionAtPf 964i20 Wit JOA044 My Commission.ExP063 Gntttf*16aribn dw of 464ISO �Fel�rUary 24. 2E22a (Vitt:,iioll0115&{'ArtSX01,as f. Ag F0.0f rn 24, 2620 sir mr F � 1 ... T=. 1994- 994 b 3UE f T# PLCX LNG & DEVELOPNENT SERVICES Building & Code os Affiance I9f ision RUILDINGPE MUT _Lc_e .. �+ {'LVy�i/' •-.....L� - F$i d t�.ECiiitH: V e I- u I: _ � ___ Sty#. zp etia , x Ti R M1 crs3r�ct�an �1 er l� §vs� rTeae �ti'fz�x: e'- ................ e nr*as� fi tatrt�wrt t' It E,a raucca Ets Ii�ti I.101 Ocean c8tates Drive, Fort Pierce, FL 34949-- cx)�ces. �ft. -Ac1 w ar Pro'swr, Tat ID iz ib l ntvi =t hat. is t?zc r , i; isriy s` a ngo o tr.»4 rclgard#n_ it ,asSscirxuti a w itn the abm c :rr# noneJ. nrq ;, :hkl SW t # z. as#Gi ° c 0e €2uwstsatiuza E 9vir€On n St. ctG; £ ua nab uziE w sdc:s zd act, u3n cN nit =tj%t5f ! ('?nnge of sub-i.'mf2'aeror Ys4%lie. -iNI w'.i67C€i'S7E.e.i 6-�C.f<2ss+ •,��, r" ,d ff CUC"srt CkC TUACA M 'a FU.14UVI#t _".. C01,N n, CERTI ICNVUN ...e ...,._.... 75ve'aeu�n..atas<n€enn€ � re, dR o �'x€x �1�Unr� �TK^��'fY ra:T+la.tgseev�a!sl Jae �9e�rc mo 3na ��,+3�ar a'._,,,d,«.a. x'4bm tti jsa cti. xa3;;.' ksmsmn, YI ..:.._.�,...._... ';.Iax^,a?ure,efNzi a =PAY��,- PAUL, -��#�,dt�U' p$[.se€ars 1.n26 SSSS RECEIlIED JUN 2 6 2019 Permitting Department St. Lucie County, FL s� aY'Y Nowty Public State of Norida nnifer Davis r� Fly Commission FF 98502*� or s�. Expims 02123/2020 PERMIT k ISSUE DATE 11904-0094 . __T PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT �`O �tr1�SY i i•V_ �`� I have agreed to be Comptiiy IvamriGt�iivtdtta�sme� the Sub -contractor for TFIM Construction Management; .Ind (Type of Ttacie) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at.131 Ocean Estates Drive, Fort Pierce, FL 34949 (Ptnject Street Address or Property Tax ID #}' it is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County tvc advised pursuant to the etl* of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CO NT 1A OR -..SIGNATURE ((jualUter). RRtz+"L•s ATI& - . 29976 COUNTY CERTIFICATIO��Nrr N1jUMBIR Stara or Florida, Catety of J? ' ` "�' C Thte fareQWep.tdttruroantGwu tl�d@c/f�,aj�m�dthla l/. ayfaff. .20 by a i"4e? who (r penoma.�bnowa ___or W produced a oe IdcotltttatkP A r .., R PAUL J PAYN! Col"Iselon 0 /F 964120 Yy Commission tap►r*& _016 Fohruary 21, 2020 '_Rohe A -_ PRINT NA.3IRr—��«. 1 !7C 1 J/ COUNTY CERTIFICATION INU31BER State of Florida, Couoty of. ThefWVVIu iditrnaxatrra►tiltoniheld6aatetbls dayof wbo b pt wnslly imawa L%(—Or ®at prodattd o as Ideadflatbu. R1�� o' t- . � Frtut \at$c orsatary LMOIIt a+�'bYp�f ALYSSA A. PUHL .`Notary Public -State of Florida t " Commission # GG 329304 t' My Commission Expires April 30, 2023 RECEZ-'__ VE6 JUN 2 F 2019 permitting Lucie COePartMent u tyf FL the PERMIT# ill904-0094 1, ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES���n Building & Code Compliance Division tA,, 'BUILDING PERMIT sok SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT pepa�m peT f \. g tz C°un y 5t. WAYNE AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLERS have agreed to be (Type of Trade) For the project located at Sub -contractor for TRM Construction Management, Inc (Primary Contractor) 131 Ocean Estates Drive, Fort Pierce, FL 34949. (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned nroieet; the.Building and Code Regulation Division of St.' Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the a Change of Sub -contractor notice. /t, 29976 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,;County.df J1 1 , to The foregoing instrument was signed befn/!n.! fc me this /! ay of trk e 20 1, by v G! 1 iix. whois personally knosF'n or has produced a as Icatio SF. tore of Notg y Publ' rint,Name'of Notnry PubliqJ 91�3l , 6ob\ a00_7 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of5 LL_%Q:1 le— Thhee�foregoing instrument was signedbeforeme thls��day of 20-6 by who ispersonally known r has produced a as identification. STAMP \ STAMP Signa re of NotaryPu ! c s PAUt J PAYAt@ ' Commission N FF 96412D +, My Commission Expires s W Februoty 24, 2020 I S��r �_Vl& �041T_ Print Name of Notary 'abbe y""," , TINA A. BUCHANAN I* Commission # FF 955344 �fc My Commission Expires aglr Of January 27, 2020 PE�MiT z 1904-0094 i ISSUE DATE I PLANNING & DEVELOPMEN'i' SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Butt.DINC PERMIT, SI;B-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have a_rccd to be Idci(imu Name i1_r \1 J the 01% Sub-cuntr+rtor for TRM Construction Management. Inc I ry}?c of l'radc} J - - (Priman Contrtctl.r) For the proidet located at 131 Ocean Estates Drive, Fort Pierce, FL 34949 I Project Street Address or 1'roiseny Tito 11) FI It is and:rstoud that. if there is any orange ol'atatus regarding our participation with the above nicntioiled project. :he Building and Code Regulation [.)iY ision ot'St. Lucie County Ycilt be advised pursuant to the tiiilf4of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. f• .:_........... _ C(f.�'rN:\C.�UN SII.\:\'Il.ltk: iQualitirrl •Yr f it GL ..... -.......-- 29976 ClllI—N'I'Y k:N I7FI(..t'1I(IS 4.. l•:N i Slate of Fit rid.. fbu furro n. in.rrurueol wn..i;;nvJ LeG�c mp this! I _• Ian) of r f f < wM10 is per.on�llZ Anonn-_,,,nrha. pmJu<cJ a _ .._ as idet S •It, T a\ot- )l'uM1l' ITrinrvm • of \mar. 1'ubAC-1 . PAUL J PAYNE Co mmission I FF VA1120 0A".1 M y•commission Eapues `_ftt� February 24. 2020 SI 0IV Sl;&(:1. ON SI4\.\fl I (ualitit•rl _12S.2L..._W ........__._... __.._._..___.__.__...... (ons•ry c r.kniacxnns sl:\INkai st.te or Flurida. Coanq of —5+•_L-LkC• 4Z— Thu fora• -pine imlruntent eas .fined be(ore me 111h __ T, of�J w h ppu N�a,1,h Any Ffn patwd r W `� Angie Tatiatn�a Gd o ai n. i MYCOMM �y t E elites OW2�p20 rim \a of \bran Public NEE State of FloridanaPerdomolon GG 02a960512020 PERMIT # I 1 904-009 I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division 'BUILDING PERNIIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Ti have agreed to be (Company Name/lndividual Name) the L I(,C�� <CC3. Sub -contractor for TRM Construction Management, Inc (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 131 Ocean Estates Drive, Fort Pierce, FL 34949 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the a Change of Sub -contractor notice. 29976 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of 57 - L -c,, e The foregoing instrument tuns signed be�fo me thisuy/off -yk C zo�l by O Z me svho is personally known _or has produced a ftofNotary STAMP =1 PAUL J PAYNE 'os t Commission M FF 964120 a F My Commission Expires 3e, -016 February 24. 2020 11 3IQ 50 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of JI,L4 .20 '(by.Jyyr ES who is personally (mown _\/or has produced a as identification. sTA � Notary Public State M Florida Signature of Notary Pubhc"" Michael Sohnider flicH*C-L, .5rci W1000— MyCommission11P0 sslonGG09tt926 Print Name of Notary Public of od Expires 04/30/2021