HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT RECEIVED FEB 2 3 1011 Permitting Department St, Lucie Count+/ e,_ rc n .'�}-C, `Stj-1/, c -es C have agreed to be (Company Name/IndividualNsme) the e Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) y For the project located at a.rzu���®/'���e 'F (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,•the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie -County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CO CTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) PRINT NAME Glic Qas7a COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of�T- The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of yof 2l '1�1 by who is personady (mown or has produced as identification. STAMP Si a otary Public Print Name of Notary Public SUB-CONT CTO IGNATURE (Qualifier) PRINT NAME -• E C. l 3ao q LA -t 3 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of"r The foregoing instrument was signed before me this A day of 20a i by who is personal own or has produced a (✓a.I''%//ew SPi as identification. �' STAMP Signs a of Tiatary, Public Print Name of Notary Public MAD. PAUL • ..-Es�lt�e8 garde 16, 20Z� Revised 11/16/2016 �ppdt4lMribo9tF�InlGrate►ieslO4�dF161! ��:Can�►�G6298187 �gfkef WN11�.2�t3 +e4 eal�elMlbD W PLANNING RECEIVED 111641 tng &Code Corn'Olf.1, � j)ll.Vi.4qn FEB 2 3 2021 BUILIDING PERMIT Permitting Department St. Lucie County �SUB-,C,.O,NTRACTOR..-,A,QIRE-,E�NIF,.N!T' Lindouist:Plqrp i 'p Plumbing Supply -have.a9f,&.,Jd to .be. (Company ,,NarfiO/Wivjdjjg Naffio), the Pluftin .contractor'.or (Type of Tradey , Pritnary'Contracto6 For the projed located', at, 2903,; l,h,,d.0 td6l:cA'V'Jj,, 2 Fort Rlef6d.,,FL 34941, It is understood that; if #here i:s: Y, change of staregardingts"-out, participation .0n it.' tie above -fientiohed project, the, Building ana C;odi~:Regul,iti0n,Div Tsion St, U ',i . 11 - -b&z . c vise. purs.uah of .6,KbUnt�w. I - d t to. the fiirrig:koi.a C}alige of Sub -contractor notice: f7QN'f.kACtc 'f.ORS INATUREI(Qualifigr) � RQbeft.'L Smith PRINFNAIME CRO, 00.57- 06 �COUi�,I'VCF;RTI)•IC.',VF,ION:NtjM.IIER StAteofFl6rJdA,Cofi b Sttybie-., : . '. I -�ty. f- . f8th d' 4y F6d Robert l.:Smith �Aldentilwdfion.. STASIP L9 4 Si natq—rqof. .o...ar yTo ii, Edo- MLovejoy .yY: Notary :Y36��4 F".1 Expires � Commission- Revig'W 1.-.1/16/2,0,16 z,WW', N.TRACTORMNASURE Wade Case. .."NAUNIE' 2690,1 State ofSt Lucie the e(Fg log finfil I q w a,s__ �is S' Is— 16th aycif . 20 1 , sy. Wade Case, is Perk(m}! S;fAM, P Oigfilit9 re —. E n d Lpvejpy POW NOWfVPqb.Hcstate ,df'Fl6d . da Lovejoy Erin-,Maiile Lmejoj� M x jj*PjW My #3 01,1612 F�Pii 1102�23