HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication for Zoning Compliance - Use PermitP�l, Ti9,QAq5U\ RECEEPTP .---i Plan ming,& Development Services Department RECEIVED Buillding,& 'Code Regulations APR 0 8 2021 2300 Marg7irda Ave Fwl Merce, YJ 349812 - Permitting Department 72 7/2), 46,) 11-525 3 St. Lucie County APIPUCAM'ON FOR DONNING (00WI, JUNIMM, — H, DAIM (C0CUPA, TEPON BugmessNamez Business A(ddiTw. Descrrption vj( Property Tux ]ED R.- Daw 21' ype(offtsinass- IPHONEAND(OFjPICEIUSE(ONL'Yfor—Po61 (pn.4oS- -5-od -0)5-9 - 000- App'Evant's Nzme-.HCLn rvx-in Pbomvolo) S-35 -3o ZC A icaTfrs Addresm �Yq / � plir -4 Oi/cjro air'. -F4, g state - I IEMEBY A:CKNOWLEDGETHAT TBE ABOVE IS (CORRD CT AND AGREETO (GOTWORM TOTIBE SIT. MCIE (COUNTY ZOPMING AND BIJMJDINIG (CODE. ANY WOLMON 10T, SUIMON &01.00 "HWIM (00GUIPAUON" MrR. L, ME MRSUED SIT. LUGIE, C-ODEEWWORM. IENT. 7= OFFICE USE ONLY Dialez —tN \4 � &I f ill, L&.- SubdiviAom: JBIDek: Lot: Sevfian- Tjbwnship: Runge: Alup 44- ZD-n-Ing: Land ul-se: r,16 (Cer,tl'fi,,c-Rtec)TC,DnTeluntyRegriim.d- )ND Yes Nmnbiar Type uT Cerfrficafi c)n- MUIRM13 Rex!,.,f-tNl/,2DlJ4 9qk1 i PLEASE READ 1P1B' YOR TO FILMING OUT THE ` APPLICATION N ..i CTITIIO(US NIAA, M IR EILA.A i i (ONS fNIny Apply Io Yq)v) If you use uny name (other Oth-an youm pmsone-d mime an this Vplication itt;vii-ay xequire complieince -math FiI(CIgTI,OUS mume laws lbefom theTax (CoHecttor can i&uue youtr Occupational Liceme. 'Other ,exrcep:tions m-ay i ply. They would iheive to be uddressed on -m in imdual hems. IF you have any questions treprzling ttliese Stuteireqmements or rexemp -onsa pleeme c�ontactt'S.L Lucie (County'Tux (C i 'ector's (offFize located in Room 406 or phone 462-1650 before filling (out this appEcalion. &01 i00 MON TE (OCCUPATIONS 8.01 .01 PURPOSE '•OSE The ptupo-,ze,ol ilLs 3enion is to pmIum and mnnintdai The chumuleraTTwadenfiul ueigbborboods chile reoognizin Tluft pm`ticular proTemciunal nml Il iT&ed bu4 avtix%itties are s ffitian-ally mid Inu funmxely curried on in Ibe home_ 8.01.E AUif1IIORICZAnON The ;tD11DWRRiJ-, home :occupalioms shall be pernfitted in .anyy me_cideni inl dxMlling unil, inclut ing mmobile',hmnes, pro-6ded llm t ffbe borne mmnpntnun eomgplies -%ifh ibe lot size, bulk, amend parking Te tmenis ,of 1he zoning rli triel in which the hommme Dcz mpabon is located. Homebound ernplayment col' a physiaaliy, ;mentalllr, or cmotiomlly haiidi gipped person who is unable to work, away fC-m m home by reason D3 his rdimibilily, B. OffiDe ftu&-fiLies provided Rhal mD Tetail Dr wholesale sales are mmmade (or ttrarom tted Dn tie premise,; and, C, Sludims or laboratories_ &M -03 USE I I IITATIIOINS FOR IIIIGME OCCU1PAnONS 1n addition 10 meeting Rlmeretlnireuaen� DF the zonm� rclia'ttiict in which i't ns llocated, e� hDme Dt�upatiDn shall a 1uply With the fFollomd ig W-'Mictioms A i\io person oilier than members Df the Famnml�9 re�tlin,� D7) the preraisec slaal;l be engaged an the contlucl Dr support Df succh Dca palion. 1B. No stock in trade shall be misplayed or sold (on 1be premises. iC_ Only sa Ics ln6z7enml to The Dome o=paiion stroll be penmilled. IDa The home occrrpatiDntmal] beonducled entirelynlhin the fmincipnl detlins and iu nit, and no ei2'taap such use be-si'ble From any dither residential structure or a public zray. ]E- The use Di The rdialling unh for The home Dceupntion shall be int demmal and subordinate 1D its use for mesidenlial purposes, and mo ;more i�han merity� Frm (25rA) percent Hof the bui�laiing nuor zn —shall be -used in .the crnrdurt of the Dome omupaim. l s There shall be mD DnidDor storage of equipment or mmaretials used im the ,home DccupatiDmm. a No m m—e than Dne (1) -v.eMcle shall be used in ithe Bond -a t got the home DccupatiDn. IL No mmechainivarl, releutri=l, nor pother equipment that produces -,noise, elec"tracai or i magnetie in, terFerence, mlaration, ;Lm�it lane9 ,or Diher shall be u.�sed. Il. 11\1D Lmome Dccrmpation sllall'be peimmitted that is moaious, D1Temi�re Drlaaizardomms blr reason v'F�}eluicularr tr�rZLt�c g ne=Dn orzmi5ssion ,oFmoise, vibration, m ;e, dust, smaller, beat, huumirlity, glare, r6fiuse, mdiabion, Dr (other objectionable zntirmiuns, D. No hen i=f-tv ssbaIl be genemted bl y such home occrTpallnn in grealer volume than mould normally be e2�pected in a resident al ne gliborlaoozl, and ainy need far panl.-it g genemled by the icanducl DT snch homue or-cupation sitiaull be mmet ,o f 'the street and Diher than in n Tegmmed front ;ward. �► Lf z z Appliranl's i ialure D r1e UPDATED 7i67R nufflD