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AII APPLICABしE iNFO MUST BE COMPしETED FOR APPしiCATiON TO BE ACCEPTED Date: 04/13/2021 ゞ市」凹C肥 / ,′- 二二、 i- ̄ ̄ I“ ̄r- l ̄ ̄′ 臆← ′ ̄ヽ P/。nning 。nd Deve/opment services Permit Number: Bu冊ing Permit AppIication Bui/ding 。nd Code Aegu/。tion Division 2300 V/rginic) Avenue, FoIでPierce F[ 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1与53 Fax: (772) 462-1与78 Commercial Residentiai PropertyTax ID #: 1408-701-0008-000-3 Site PIan Name: HEDGARD AGUIRRE Project Name: HEDGARD AGUiRRE LotNo.2AND 3 BiockNo, B DETAILED DESCR!PTiON OF WORK: 200AMP PANEL CHANGE OUT, LiKE FOR LIKE New Eiectricai Meter X Second Eiectrjcal Meter X CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Additionai workto be performed under this permit-Check a冊at appiy: MechanicaI Gas Tank Gas Piping shutters windows/Doors pond Electric pIumbing _ SprinkIers Generator Roof Totai Sq. Ft ofConstruction: X Cost ofConstruction: ; 1350 Sq. Ft. ofFirst FIoor: X Ut冊es: Sewer _Septic BuiidingHeight: OWNER/LESSEE: NameHEDGARDAGUIRRE CONTRACTOR: Name:VALENTiNOPEREZ Address:5414NUSHiGHWAYl Companv:ALLPRIMEELEC丁RiC,LLC Citv:FTPiERCE state: Address:2449SWGAYCIR ZipCode:34946 Fax: City:PORTSTLUCIE state:FL PhoneNo.561-644-1151 ZipCode:34953 Fax‥ E-Mail: PhoneNo772-245-0303 F帖nfeesimpIeTitIeHolderonnextpage(ifdifferent E-MaiIVAL@ALLPRIMEELEC丁RIC.COM fromtheOwnerIistedabove) lfvaIueofconstructionis2500ormore,aRECORDEDNoticeofCo IfvaiueofHAVCis;7,500ormore,aRECORDEDNotice。fC。mm。 StateorCountyLicenseEC13004625 mmencementisrequired. ncementisrequired. 音量重量重量星百百百百百百百 i i M DESIGNER/ ENTALCONSTRUCTIO ENGiNEER・ NL惟NLAW冊ORMA丁-ON‥ ーLNotAppIiCabie Name: 落書AGECOMPANY:JLNotApp-icab-e Address: Address: 嵩 ph。n。State: FEESiMPしETITしEHOしDER‥Ji葛NotApplicabie Name: z嵩 ph。n。‥ State: BONDl Name: NGCOMPANY: Ji_NotApplicable Address: Address: City: ItY. iP: Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTORAFFI.. iP. Phone: DViT.AppiiCatlOn'SherebymadetoobtainapermittodotheworkandinstaIlationasindicatedi CertifythatnoworkorinstalIationhascommencedpriortotheissuanceofapermit. 三三三三三三 nco=Siderationofthegranting nacco「dancewiththeapp「ove hefoIIowingbuildingpermita CCeSSOryStruCtureS′SWimming WARNiNGTOOWNER:Yo improvementstoyour LucieCountyandposte Withnderortt esentationthat 盤鴇書綜 Ofthisrequest dpians,theFIo PPlicationsare POOIs,fences, urfailuretoR PrOPerty.A donthejob 灘畿謀議鴇 edpermit′ldoherebv∂gree ridaB=ildingCodesandSt.Lu exemptfromundergoingafuI Walls′Signs,SCreenroomsand ecordaNoticeofCommen NotjceofCommenceme Sitebeforethefirstinspe 三三三三三 thatIwil口n訓res CieCountyAmend lconcurrencyrevie aCCeSSOryuSeStO 音盤葦嵩 Ction'ifyouint idertobujIdthes 油謹諜盤 PeCtS,Performthe ments. W:「OOmaddition anothernon-reSid 認諾嵩 嵩許鵠嵩 WO「k S, entiaiuse Cefor iicrecordsofSt. nancingconsuIt Situ「e o ner/Le /C Our OtlCeOfCommencement. S丁A丁各O「乱 SSeeOntraCtOraSAgentfo「Owner ORIDA gnaureo2ヂCtOr/L'CenSeHoIder STATEOFFLOR嬰.LL硬Je COUNTYOF COUN丁YO「 nto(Oraffirmed)andsubscribedbeforemeof S omto(Oraffirmed)andsubscribedbeforemeof h,S必三豊Seeo;On-in駕諾On 鞄葦eeo巨二nIin端atIOn Nameofpersonmakingstatement. ersona=yKnown_X_ORP.。du。ed,d。nt,f,。a宜。n NameofpersonmakIngStatement. 嵩藍岩島鵜ORProduced'dent-f・Cat-On ypeofident’’ ation roduced Produced し 評SP{NO I・一 natu OfaryPubl’C ̄St灘畿糀21 ommissionN。,l natueNdtarvPubIIC ̄Stateo擬議憲窯 c。mmiss,。nN。.細り REVIEWS FRON丁 COUNTER ZONING REVIEW SUPERVISOR REViEW PLANS REVIEW VEGETATiON REVIEW SEATURTLE MANGROVE DATE RECEiVED REViEW REVIEW DATE COMPLETED eV.