HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport of Geotechnical Exploration�1 1 Florida's Leading Engineering Source Environmental - Geotechnical - Construction Materials Testing - Threshold and Special Inspections - Plan Review & Code Compliance December 30, 2019 Angela Stebile and Phil Giuliani 10851 S Ocean Drive, Lot 139 Jensen Beach, Florida 34957 Subject: Report of GeotechnIical Exploration Lot 139 - Windmill Village 10851 S Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, Florida GFA Project No. 19 �7327.00 Dear Ms. Stebile and Mr. Giuliani: GFA International, Inc. (GFA) is pleased to submit this report of geotechnical exploration for the above referenced project. Our services) were performed in substantial accordance with our Proposal No. 19- 7327.00 dated December 10, 2019, planned in conjunction with and authorized by you. Field Exploration One (1) standard penetration test (SPT) boring (B-1), advanced to an approximate depth of 15 feet, and one (1) hand auger boring with hand cone penetrometer (HCP) testing (AB-1), advanced to an approximate depth of 4.5 feet below the existing ground surface, were performed on December 26, 2019. The borings were located at the property by GFA personnel by estimating distances and offsets from the existing residential structure. The approximate boring locations are illustrated on the attached Test Location Plan. In boring B-1, the Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) were performed in general accordance with ASTM D 1586, "Penetration Test and Split -Barrel Sampling of Soils." The SPT test procedure consists of driving a 1.4-inch I.D. split -barrel sampler into the soil profile using a 140-pound hammer failing 30 inches. The number of blows per foot, for the second and third 6-inch increment, is referred to as the N-value. The N-value has been empirically correlated with various soil properties and provides an indication of soil strength. Auger boring ABA was performed in substantial accordance with ASTM D 1452, "Practice for Soil Investigation and Sampling by Auger Borings." Hand Cone Penetrometer (HCP) tests were conducted at one -foot depth intervals in the gauger boring. The HCP test, in conjunction with information about the soil type, is empirically correlated to the relative density of subsurface soils. Subsurface Soil Conditions Soil samples recovered from the, borings were visually classified by a geotechnical engineer using the Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM D 2487). The soil descriptions and stratification are presented on the attached boring logs. Note that the soil boring data reflect information from a specific test location only and soil conditions may vary between the strata interfaces indicated on the logs. 607 NW Commodity Cove - Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986 - (772) 924.3575 - (772) 924.3580 (fax) - www.teamgfa.com OFFICES THROUGHOUT FLORIDA Report of Geotechnical Exploration ' - December 30, 2019 Lot 139, 10851 S Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, Florida Page 2 GFA Project No. 19-7327.00 The subsurface soil conditions encountered at the boring locations generally consisted of medium dense to dense fine sand (SP), line sand with silt (SP-SM), and fine sand with clay (SP-SC) to the boring termination depths of approximately 4.5 and 15 feet below the existing ground surface. Note that boring AB-1 was terminated prior to being advanced to the planned depth of 10 feet due to encountering relatively dense fine sand soils at a shallower depth. On the date of our field exploration (December 26, 2019), groundwater was encountered in boring B-1 at an approximate depth of 3.5 feet below the existing ground surface. Groundwater was not evident in the explored depth of auger boring AB-1. Note that the groundwater table will fluctuate seasonally depending upon local rainfall and: other site specific and/or local influences, including tidal variations in the adjacent canal and the Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet Aquatic Preserve. Brief ponding of stormwater may occur across the' site after heavy or extended rainfall events. I Discussion GFA understands that additions and renovations have been performed to the single wide modular home on the property. Accordi 'g to information contained on the project plans prepared by Paul Welch, Inc., the original modular home is founded upon a 4-inch thick concrete slab without footings. The addition is bearing upon a new monolithic slab foundation. The plans indicate the slab is 4 inches thick and the perimeter footings are 16 inches wide at the bearing level and are embedded 12 inches below exterior grade. The plans also state that the footing design was based upon a soil bearing pressure of 2,500 psf. According to information provided by Mr. William E. Durden, the Chief Plans Examiner for St. Lucie County, the structure foundations must be able to resist the new loads of the structure located in a flood zone. The results of the soil borings indicate that the tested soils are compatible with a design soil bearing pressure of 2,500 psf. On this basis, a 2,500 psf design bearing pressure is appropriate for the foundations and/or slabs providing support of the residential structure. Closure This report has been prepared fo the exclusive use of Angela Stebile and Phil Giuliani for the existing residence located at 10851 S Ocean Drive (Lot 139 - Windmill Village) in Jensen Beach, Florida. Our services were provided in accordance with generally accepted local geotechnical engineering practices; no other warranty is expressed or implied. I This report does not reflect any i variations in soil conditions which may exist between the borings performed at the site. While the borings are representative of the subsurface conditions at their respective locations and for their vertical reaches, local variations characteristic of the subsurface soils of the region are common. The delineation between soil types shown on the boring logs is approximate and the descriptions represent our interpretation of the subsurface conditions at the designated boring locations on the specific date drilled GFH f �r Report of Geotechnica/ Exploration i- December 30, 2019 Lot 139, 10851 S Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, Florida Page 3 GFA Project No. 19-7327.00 i GFA should be provided the opp rtunity to review any modifications to the existing foundation design plans and specifications to assess the validity of the conclusions presented in this report. If GFA is not afforded the opportunity to (perform this review as recommended in this report or any report addendum, GFA cannot accept responsibility for the interpretation of the information contained in this report or in a report addendum for foundation performance. Any third -party reliance of this report or parts thereof is strictly prohibited without the expressed written consent of GFA International, Inc. The applicable SPT methodology (ASTM D 1586), auger boring methodology (ASTM D 1452), and hand cone penetrometer (HCP) methodology used in performing our borings, and for determining penetration resistance, is specific to the sampling tools utilized and does not reflect the ease or difficulty to advance other tools or materials. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project and look forward to a continued association. Please contact the ;undersigned if you have any questions or comments, or if we may further assist you as your plans proceed., i Respectfully Submitted, GFA INTERNATIONAL, INC. Florida Certificate of Authorizatioh No. 4930 i ('Digitally signed John Eby John Kent Kent Date , 2019.12.30 10:19:30-05'00' John Kent, P.E. Senior Project Engineer Florida Registration No. 63218 This item has been digitally signed and sealed by John Kent, P.E. on the date adjacent to the seal. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Attachments: Test Location Plam SPT Boring Log (1) Auger Boring Log ;(1) Notes Related to Boring Records Distribution: Angela Stebile and Phil Giuliani Thomas Gellermann, E.I. Project Engineer 1 pdf GfH L.�ation -Approximate Standard -Approximate" Auger Boring Location GFA International, Inc. j LOiv� OF BORING B-1 607 NW Commodity Cove PAGE 1 OF 1 Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986 (772) 924 - 3575 •�7iNAT�� - CLIENT Angela Stabile and Felice Giuliani PROJECT NAME Lot 139 - Windmill Village PROJECT NUMBER 19-7327.00 PROJECT LOCATION 10851 S Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, Florida DRILLING CONTRACTOR GFA International Inc. HOLE DEPTH 15 ft HOLE DIAMETER 3 in DRILLER JB/SP DATE STARTED 12/26/19 COMPLETED 12/26/19 DRILL RIG CME-45 GROUND WATER LEVEL: VLAT TIME OF DRILLING 3.50 ft METHOD SPT LATITUDE LONGITUDE NOTE: HAMMER TYPE = J J W I— �Z = U W o O`' �Z o co F- U o f— QZ F- W p ¢ p m Q? m =O J 0=U O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION H WZ LL H ly H NZ 0 Z O 00 20 0 U 0 0 Gray fine sand, little rock (SP) 1 50 50 2.0 Light brown fine sand with clay (SP-SC) 2.5 2 70 80 SZ I 3 12 10 5 5.0 I Gray fine sand with silt (SP-SM) _X 8 18 6.0 i Light brown fine sand with silt, trace shell (SP-SM) 10 4 9 8 17 7.5 16 5 17 17 16 L I 12. it 13.5 I Gray I fine sand with silt, trace shell (SP-SM) 10 6 13 10 3 2 15.0 Bottom of borehole at 15.0 feet. GFA International, Inc. -' LOG JF BORING AB-1 607 NW Commodity Cove Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986 PAGE 1 OF 1 p' P. (772) 924 - 3575 RNAT��a CLIENT Angela Stabile and Felice Giuliani PROJECT NAME Lot 139 - Windmill Village PROJECT NUMBER 19-7327.00 PROJECT LOCATION 10851 S Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, Florida DATE STARTED 12/26/19 COMPLETED 12/26/19 LATITUDE LONGITUDE DRILLING CONTRACTOR GFA International Inc. GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Auger Boring I AT TIME OF DRILLING -- Not Encountered DRILLER CM AT END OF -- -- NOTES Refusal at 4.5', three separate borings AFTER DRILLINGUj 2 z w Zw 0on. U UjZ \ Uz H,� w o_ =C9 a O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION �F w h co z w ZF- w Z �Zv O u- P O Q• {- UO wa U U U 0 Brown fine sand, little rock (SP) 20 1 80 • 2 80 3 i 3.0 Dark gray fine sand (SP) i i 80 4 4.5 Bottom of borehole at 4.5 feet. I ,NOTES RELATED TO BORING RECORDS AND GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE PROFILES 1. Groundwater levels (if encountered) were recorded either during or following the boring completion on the date indicated. Fluctuatii ns in groundwater levels are common - see the report text for a discussion. 2. The boring locations were identified in the field by estimated distances and offsets from existing reference marks and/or other site landmarks. 3. The completed boreholes were backfilled to adjacent site grade using drilling spoils and patched with asphalt cold mix in pavement areas. 4. The Log of Boring records represent our interpretation of soil conditions based on visual classification of the soil samples recovered from the borings. 5. The Log of Boring records are subject to the limitations, conclusions, and recommendations presented in the report text. i 6. The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) N-values contained on the Log of Boring records refer to the total blow counts of a 140-pound drop hammer falling 30 inches required to drive a split -barrel sampler a total distance of 12 inches into soil strata at specific depth intervals. 7. The Hand Cone Penetrometer (HCP) values contained on Log of Boring records and the Cone Penetration Test (CPT) values contained on the Cone Penetration Sounding logs refer to the cone tip resistance recorded when pushing the cone tip into the soil strata at specific depth intervals. 8. The soil and/or rock strata iiterfaces shown on the Log of Boring records are approximate and may vary from those shown on the logs. The soil and/or rock descriptions shown on the Log of Boring records refer to conditions at the specific location tested. Soil/rock conditions may vary between test locations. 9. Relative density for coarse -grained soils (sands/gravels) and consistency for fine-grained soils (silts/clays) are described as follows: Coarse Grained Soils (Sands and Gravels) Fine Grained Soils (Silts and Clays) SPT N-Value I HCP Value (kg/cm) CPTIValue (tsf) I Relative Density SPT N-Value HCP Value (kg/cm) CPT Value (tsf) Consistency 0-4 0-16 0420 Very Loose 0-2 0-20 0-3 Very Soft 5-10 17-36 21-40 Loose 3-4 21-35 4-6 Soft 11-30 37-116 41=,120 Med. Dense 5-8 >35 7-12 Firm 31-50 117-196 121-200 Dense 9-15 13-25 Stiff >50 > 196 >200 Very Dense 16-30 26-50 Very Stiff >30 >50 Hard 10. Grain size descriptions are as follows: Description Particle Size Limits Boulder l Greater than 12 inches Cobble 3 to 12 inches Coarse Gravel 3/4 to 3 inches Fine Gravel No. 4 sieve to 3/4 inch Coarse Sand No. 10 to No. 4 sieve Medium Sand No. 40 to No. 10 sieve Fine Sand No. 200 to No. 40 sieve Fines (Silt/Clay)Smaller than No. 200 sieve 11. Definitions for modifiers used in soil/rock descriptions: Proportion Modifier Approximate Root Diameter Modifier <5% Trace Less than 1/32" Fine roots 5% to 12% Little '/32" to 1/4" Small roots 12% to 30% Some 1/4" to 1" Medium roots 30% to 50% And Greater than 1" Lame roots Organic Soils: Soils containing vegetative tissue in various stages of decomposition having a fibrous to amorphous texture. Usually having a dark brown to black color and an organic odor. Organic Content Modifiers: <25%: Slightly to Highly Organic; 25% to 75%: Muck; >75%: Peat 11 Port St. Lucie FBPE CA # 4930 607 NW Commodity Cove Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 Phone: 772-924-35751 Fax: 772-924-3580 Soil Nuclear Gauge Client: Project: Report Date: 3/10/2020 Felice Guiliani 20-9118.00 Test Method: ASTM D 6938 10851 South Ocean Drive # 139 Guiliani Residence Jensen Beach, FL 34957 10851 South Ocean Drive Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Test Results Test # Retest Of Test Date Proctor ID Method Soil Classification Optimum Moisture N Maximum Dry Density (pcf) In Place Moisture (%) In Place Dry Density (pcf) Probe Depth (in) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. N Remark 1 3/5/20 P-1 N/A 11.1 108.3 12.3 105.0 12 97 95 / 105 Pass 2 3/5/20 P-1 N/A 11.1 108.3 11.5 106.1 12 98 95 / 105 Pass 3 3/5/20 P-1 N/A 11.1 108.3 12.3 105.6 12 1 98 1 95 / 105 1 Pass Test Information Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Gauge Make / Model / SN / Calibrated Field Technician 1 Below Bottom of Footing: Continuous Footings, 10851 South Ocean Drive, North Side at Center. 0-1 Humboldt / 5001 SD / 9086 / Fevrius, Carlo 2 Below Bottom of Footing: Continuous Footings, 10851 South Ocean Drive, West Side at Center. 0-1 Humboldt / 5001 SD 19086 / Fevr'us arlo 3 1 Below Bottom of Footing: Continuous Footings, 10851 South Ocean Drive, South Side at Center. 0-1 Humboldt / 5001 SD / 9086 / Fevri s rio Remarks Comments - + t� Pass: Tests results comply with specifications Tests are "Direct Transmission" (Method A) unless probe depth is noted as I-Backscatter". Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. RECEIVED \���� ► I I ► I /,,,� �' --�. -- --- -- -- - --- --- -- - - - - - - — — - - OHN KEN - MAR 13 2020 ��cENsF ST. Lucie County, Permitting — 06 18 03Of2020 faljtr't Kent, P.E. ASSio*,ggypeer #'' 8 �*f FI6*bdFttDP. • �7F !SSZONAL Test Reports shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of GFA International Inc. Digitally signed printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Page 1 of 1