HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlayground Safety Compliance Audit Form ; or Playground Safety Compliance Audit Form Matt Baum 47770-1222 Inspector(print) Signature 0 CPSI# 01/14/21 2:00pm fair Date Time Weather Playground Name and/or Identification Number White City Park Playground/Kompan Structure Injuries to children may occur from many types of playground equipment and environmental con- ditions.The checklist on the following pages will help you to assess and correct safety concerns that may be present on or near your playground.While it does not cover every potential safety con- cern in a children's environment,it is an overview of most known playground safety concerns.The checklist does not apply to home playground equipment,amusement park equipment,or to equip- ment normally intended for sports use.The checklist also does not address the many important is- sues of child development that pertain to play. The playground safety compliance audit form is not a regulatory standard,but a compilation of suggested guidelines based upon the Public Playground Safety Handbook written by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission(CPSC)1 Revised November 2010;American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM)z F1487-11 Standard;Department of Justice 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design(2010 Standards)for Title 11(28 CFR Part 35)and Title 111(28 CFR Part 36),Sec- tions 240 and 1008 Play Areasa(These accessibility standards published in the Federal Register on September 15,2010 can be found at:httpJ/www.ada.gov/regs201012010ADAStandards12010ADA standards.htm)and expert opinions from individuals with a vast amount of experience in the field of playground safety. Acknowledgments: • Created from the"Statewide Comprehensive Nury Prevention Program"(SCIPP), Department of Public Health,150 Trecost Street,Boston,MA 02111 • Adapted as Wheaton Park District's"Initial Playground Safety Audit"September, 1989, Revised December 20, 1990 and November, 1991,Ken Kutska,CPRP • Edited and updated June,1992,by Ken Kutska,CPRP,and Kevin Hoffman,ARM, Park District Risk Management Agency • Edited and updated March, 1998,by Ken Kutska,CPRP,CPSI;Kevin Hoffman,ARM, CPSI,and Tony Malkusak,CPRP,CPSI • Edited and updated March, 1998,by Ken Kutska,CPRP,CPSI;Kevin Hoffman,ARM, CPSI,and Tony Malkusak,CPRP,CPSI • Edited and updated March,2003,by Ken Kutska,CPRP,CPSI;Kevin Hoffman,ARM, CPSI,and Tony Malkusak,CPRP,CPSI • Excel""formatted 2004,revised citations to 2008 CPSC Handbook and ASTM F1487-07ae1 Standard,August,2008,by Steve Plumb,CPRP,CPSI • Revised September 2008 by/PSI,LLC,Ken Kutska,CPRP,CPSI,Executive Director • Revised August 2011 by IPSI,LLC,Ken Kutska,CPRP,CPSI,Executive Director 1.U.S.Consumer Product Safety Commission,(CPSC),4330 East west Highway,Bethesda,MD 20814 2.American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTbi),100 Barr Harbor Drive west Conshohocken,Pennsylvania 19428 3.U.S.Access Board,1331 F Street,NW,Suite 1000,Washington,DC,20004 (http.11www.ada.gov/regs,2010/ADAregs2010.htm) Revised 0e/11 02011 IPSI,u.0 02011 Intemational Playground Safety Institute,LLC 37 I Playground Safety Is No Accident Five Level Safety Concern Priority .Rating System Rating Description Safety Concern Priority Condition Likely to Cause Priority 1 Safety Concem Non-compliant safety concern that may result in permanent disability, loss of life or body part. Condition should be corrected immediately. Priority 2 Safety Concern Non-compliant safety concern that may result in temporary disability. Condition should be corrected as soon as possible. Priority 3 Safety Concem Non-compliant safety concern that is likely to cause a minor(non-disabling) injury. Condition should,be corrected when time permits. Priority 4 Safety Concern Non-compliant safety concern whose potential to cause an injury is very minimal. Condition should be corrected if it worsens. Priority 5 The item has been determined to be compliant with the owner/operator's operating policy and standard of care. Continued ongoing preventive maintenance is recommended. 38 @2011 international Playground Safety Institute,LLC L Playground Safety Compliance Audit Form Playground Safety Audit Forms Background Information Page 1 IMPORTANT:This information has been prepared to assist the agency's attorney in defending potential litigation. Do not release to any person except an agency official,insurance representative,or an investigating police officer. Play Area: White City Park Playground Date:01/14/2021 Eqpt Type: Playgrounds Structure Surface:Engineered Wood Fitil Matt Baum 2-5/5-12 Audited By: Intended User Age: •\r =' �'General'Envilrpnrient 1. Category of Playground:(check all that apply) X Community Park Public School Childcare Center Neighborhood Park/7bt Lot Private School Other: 2. Equipment Inventory:(indicate the number of equipment pieces that exist) A.Composite Structures B.Freestanding Eqpt C.Site Amenities stairways/step ladders swings(to-fro) benches I stairways/step ladders rotating swings tables I rigid climbers seesaws water fountains O flexible climbers 3 slides bicycle racks decks/platforms rigid climbers 0 wheelchair parking Play panels O flexible climbers f signs(safety) --3 slides upper body eqpt litter barrels sliding poles rocking eqpt �_ fencing horizontal ladders O merry-go-round accessible route horizontal rings spinner(<20" D) Q to play area track rides d sand play area U other crawl tunnels � backhoe digger other ' other clatter/other bridges play panels d ramps stepping pods L transfer stations Z net climber roofs other other other other other Revised 2011 02011 IPSI,LLC ©2011 Intematlonal Playground Safety Institute,LLc 39 Playground Safety Is No Accident Materials and Manufacture Page 4 August 2011 Compliant Non comp Prio*i :..:.:>. Genelral Conditions; .'; :. ;i (tirEs) (NOj.: ;Ratio"` corinmefits 1. Playground equipment is manufactured and constructed only of materials that have a demonstrated durability and / comply with the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008). S (ASTM 4.1.2;CPSC 2.5.1) 2. Metals subject to structural degradation such as rust or corrosion are painted, galvanized or otherwise treated. (ASTM 4.1.1;CPSC 2.5.1) 3. Wood materials are naturally rat-resistant. or treated to avoid deterioration. (ASTM 4.1.3;CPSC 2.5.5) 4. Plastics and other materials that / experience ultraviolet(UV)degradation ✓ are UV protected.(ASTM 4.1.1) 5. Users cannot ingest,inhale,or absorb any potentially hazardous amounts of substances through body surfaces as a result of contact with the equipment. (ASTM 4.1.2 and 4.1.3;CPSC 2.5.4) 6. Moving suspended elements are connected to the fixed support w/bearings or bearing surfaces that serve to reduce friction and wear.(ASTM 4.2.3;CPSC 2.5.2) 7. Steel cable permanently affixed to a hanger assembly performs as a bearing surface. Cable ends are inaccessible or capped. / Cables or steel-cored ropes are protected !/ to prevent fraying,loosening,unraveling, or excessive shifting.(ASTM 8. Creosote-treated wood and coatings that contain pesticides are not used. (ASTM 4.1.3;CPSC 2.5.5) 9. CCA-treated wood is not used,or is regularly coated(min.once/year)w/a V/ .penetrating sealant or stain.(CPSC 10.Play structures are anchored to the ground and not Intended to be relocated. 1/ (ASTM 5.3) 42 02011 International Playground Safety Institute,LLC Playground Safety Is No Accident General Environment (continued) 3. Playground Perimeter Concerns Directions:Check all potential concerns that exist,and Indicate the actual distance Rem Is from play area border. The owner/operator shall evaluate each border concern for possible mitigation. Page 2 August 2011 .. ' DIsUnM p "0taw ceris from - , aU9eddhd' eprqet r.0 n 1st public street o 2nd public street 1114- 3rd public street Af Ik 4th public street Af.1k streets with heavy traffic 0 water(ponds/streams/ditch) soccer/football field baseball/softball field(home plate) 0 basketball court 0 parking lot &0 railroad tracks 0 trees(not pruned up at least 84'within playground area) golf course ci quarry pit(cliff-like condition) 0 contaminated area landfill other(specify) other(specify) other(specify) 40 02011 Internatlonal Playground Safety Institute,LLO Playground Safety Compliance Audit Form General Environment (continued) Page 3 August 2011 CompPar(t Non-comp; Generalwionment Conditions" _ ;::(YES)_ a.(NO) Ratmg,; Commenti 4. If needed,fence is provided for perimeter concerns.See Pg 2 for list of concerns.(CPSC 2.1) (Fencing Reference ASTM F2049) 5. Shaded area is provided.(CPSC 2.1.1) 6. Play area is visible to deter Inappropriate V/ behavior.(CPSC 2.2.4) V 7. Equipment not recommended on public playgrounds include...climbing ropes not secured at both ends,trampolines, swinging gates,giant strides,heavy metal swings(animal swings),rope swings,swinging dual exercise rings and trapeze bars.(CPSC 2.3.1) B. Playground' accessed safelytty a sidewa hat Is free of standing water, peak avel,and low branches and complies with the DOJ 2010 Standard for Acces ible esign(min.80"overhead clearanc(,6�" in.width,max cross slope of 1:50 an / r max running slope of 120,max.gaps.' of 1/2"and no vertical rise greaten, n MJ �� 4"without a beveled edge,and fin ly J th r1e should be no depressions {'eater than'I "). 9. Seating(benches,tables)is in good condition(free of splinters,missing hardware/slats,sharp edges,etc). V (exempt from ASTM F1487) 10.Signs on all bordering streets advise motorists that a playground is nearby. 11.Trash receptacles are provided and j located outside of play area use zone. 02011 International Playground Safety Institute,LLC 41 Playground Safety Compliance Audit Form Use Zones Page 5 August 2011 - Compliant Non-comp Priority ... - Comore �'` Qi General Condi#ions i (YES); (NO)' Ran .'- kf. i S.'` A. StationaryEquipment 1. Use zone extends min.72"on all sides of structure.Equipment intended for user to maintain contact w/the ground during play(i.e.talk tubes,activity panels)Is V exempt from use zone requirements. (ASTM 9.2.1;CPSC 5.3.9) 2. Use zones for 2 or more stationary structures that are play-functionally linked are treated as If separate 4 components are part of a composite unit(ASTM 9.2.2;CPSC 5.3.9) 3. Use zones of stationary equipment and other equipment may overlap.If adjacent / designated play surfaces of each structure S/ are<30",the min.distance between equipment is 72'.If adjacent designated play surfaces of either structure are>30", the min.distance between equipment , Is 108'.(ASTM 92.3;CPSC 5.3.10) B. Rotating Equipriient 1. Minimum use zone for rotating eqpt is 72' from perimeter.No other structure may overlap this use zone.Rotating eqpt<20" diameter are exempt and may be 72"apart when each have designated play surfaces< 30"high,or 108'apart when one or both have designated play surfaces>30"high. (ASTM 9.3.2;CPSC 2. Single user equipment(i.e.sand diggers) where user maintains contact w/the ground are exempt from use zone requirements.(ASTM 9.2.1) f 3. No other structure overlaps the use zone of eqpt that rotates around a horizontal N 1 axis w/a designated play surface>30". / (ASTM 9.3.5) 02011 International Playground Safety Institute,LLC 43 Playground Safety Is No Accident Use Zones (continued) Page 6 August 2011 • Conditio •Compliant Noti:�ontp,�Pnority a•r,,1:, 'd—araLns .(YES) (NO) Rating :Cornrnents ' a.; C. To-Fro Swings 1. Use zone to front and near of to-fro swing is 2X where X=distance between pivot point and surfacing by width of beam. (ASTM 9A.1.1;CPSC / Combination Swing Use Zone should }L'/ be composed of the Individual use zones as defined in 9.4.1 and 9.4.2 or both for the individual suspended elements. (ASTM 9.4.3) i 2. For swings w/fully enclosed To-Fro swing seats,use zone is 2W where / W=distance between pivot point and top of occupied sitting surface. (ASTM;CPSC 3. No other play structure overlaps the front-to-rear use zone of a to-fro swing. (ASTM 9A.1.3;CPSC 4. Use zone width is at least as wide as the swing top beam.T swings use zones have special conditions.(ASTM 5. Use zone around support structure is min.72"in all directions from the structure. Support structure use zones for adjacent to-fro swings may overlap(6'apart). Support structure use zones may overlap w/other equipment w/min.108"between structures_(ASTM;CPSC RotatingD. 1. Use zone is min.horizontal distance of Y+72",where Y=vertical distance between pivot point and top of swing 1� seat,(ASTM;CPSC 2. No other play structure use zone overlaps rotating swing use zone. j (ASTM;CPSC 1 3. Use zone around support structure is min.72"in all directions from the structure. (ASTM;CPSC (( 4. Support structures of adjacent rotating swings may overlap(6'apart),however, 1 swing bay clearances(Y+30")are not overlapped.(ASTM; CPSC 5,3.8A.1) 5. Support structure use zone may overlap use zone of other equipment w/min. w fJ 108"between structures.(ASTM; CPSC 5.3.9) 44 02011 International Playground Safety Institute,LLC Playground Safety Compliance Audit Form Use Zones (continued) Page 7 August 2011 . _ Compliant Non-coritp �;P�ioriiy. �``•° - ��� ' "`` NO Eiaiia .Comments . . General CondrtlonsRocking/Springing - E. Equipment 1. Use zone for equipment Intended for sitting is min.72"in all directions J'I� from at-rest perimeter.(ASTM A; r I CPSC 5.3.7) 2. Use zone of adjacent eqpt may overlap when each structure has max.seat height - and/or designated playing surface of less than or equal to 30".(ASTM 9.5-1.2; CPSC 5.3.7) S. Use zone of mcking/springing eqpt may overlap to 72"apart when each structure has max.designated play surface height <30";and to 108"apart when either has a designated play surface higher than 30"unless otherwise specified In ASTM Section 9.(ASTM;CPSC 5.3.7) 4. Use zone for rocWng/springing eqpt intended for standing is min.84"in all directions from the at-rest perimeter. (ASTM 5. o other play structure use zone overlaps the standing rocking/springing structure use zone.(ASTM 6. Equipmenttiv/1" i e movement or eqpt on which user cannot develop enough / force to launch or propel themselves V � 4 away from the eqpt is exempt from these requirements.(ASTM 1. Use zone around steps or ladder,chute, platform or slide bed of straight,wavy, or spiral slides is min.72"from perimeter. (ASTM 9.6.1;CPSC 2. Use zone at exit is min.X where X= / vertical distance from highest point of sliding surface to surfacing.Use zone at slide exit is min.72"and need not be>96". (ASTM 9.6.2,;CPSC 3. A clear zone,free of equipment,extends min.21'from inside of each side wall from the end of the slide to the perimeter ; of the slide use zone.Clearance zones 1/ for two or more parallel slide beds may overlap.Clearance zones for converging slides may not overlap.(ASTM 8.5.5,9.6.3) 02011 International Playground Safety Institute,LLC 45 Playground Safety Is No Accident Use Zones (continued) Page 8 August 2011 i: Coinplisrit. Non-camp 'Priority _ _ �.` •„ :Gerieraj,Conditions ; :_,T:' :}� 0). Rtiting: :X ,;. .Comments.���-��`- �{�q ):`: G. Track Rides 1. Track ride use zones are min.72'in all ` directions from equipment.(ASTM 9.9.1) IU H. Composite - 1. Use zone Is min.72'from structure perimeter,and complies w/use zones established for individual es of a t. types qp (ASTM 9.7.1 and 9.7.2;CPSC 5.3.9) 2. Professional judgment may be used to eliminate hazards created by circulation / conflicts or adjacent structures that are VVV in close proAmity.(ASTM 9.7.2) 1. Sufficient space is provided between all adjacent structures and individual I play eqpt for the purposes of play and circulation.(ASTM 9.8;CPSC 2.2-4) 2. In settings where periodic overcrowding is likely,a supplemental circulation area beyond the use zone is provided,using professional judgement of owner/operator. (ASTM 9.8.2 and CPSC 2.2.4) 3. Moving equipment such as swings and rotating equipment are located near the / periphery away from circulation routes. (ASTM 9.8.3;CPSC 2.2.4) 4. Overhead obstructions within play structure usezores are min.84'from / each designated play surface,the use zone,or the pivot point of swings. (ASTM 5. Overhead utility line clearances comply w/all local,state,and national codes / such as National Bectrical Safety Code. (ASTM 46 02011 International Playground Safety Institute,LLC Playground Safety Compliance Audit Form Maintenance, Surfacing, Labeling, Signage Page 9 August 2011 Gom liant Non-cam` riori L� a 7 General Conditions : _ Comments ..;•,°' :.t.. _ A. Maintenance 1.Owner/Operator maintains detailed installation,inspection,maintenance,and repair records for each playground area. (ASTM 13.3-CPSC 41 B. Protective Surfacing 1.Owner/Operator maintains the protective surfacing within the use zone of each play structure In accordance w/ASTM F1292 j w/a critical height appropriate for the fall ✓ height of each structure,and ASTM F1951 where applicable(ASTM 13.2.1;CPSC 2.4) and the Accessible Route in accordance w/DOJ 2010 Standard(Section 10082.6) 2.Protective surfacing is maintained free from extraneous materials that could cause Injury, V Infection,or disease.(ASTM 132.2;CPSC 4) 3.Surfacing Is well-drained and free of standing water.(ASTM 13.2.2;CPSC 2.4.2-2) 4.Written documentation available of laboratory , / compliance testing ASTM F1292 and F1951 V and F2075 for EWF.(ASTM 13.2,13.3) 5.Written documentation available of post installation compliance to the appropriate ASTM Standards.(ASTM 13.3) 1. or near all play structures where pplicable have posted a warning label containing_._1)signal word WARNING, 2)safety alert symbol(triangle w/exclamatio point Inside)preceding signal word,and 3)warning message"Installation over a tl// d surface such as concrete,asphalt or acked earth may result in serrou Rimy or death-from falls' (ASTM�4 2.Manufacturer's Identification appears, is durable,and is placed on the play structure.(ASTM 15) D. Infori-nation Signade 1.Signs or labels provide information for age appropriateness of playground.(ASTM 14.2.1) 2.Signs or labels provide information stating adult supervision Is recommended. (ASTM 14.22) 3.Sign posted to communicate warning for the / need to remove helmets,drawstrings and ✓ .+v � "';='' Items around the neck due to strangulation. (ASTM 14.2.3) 4.Sign posted to communicate warning / about hot play surfaces and surfacingY/ can cause severe burns to young children. (ASTM 14.2.4;CPSC 2.2.6,2.5.3,3.2.1) 5.Freestanding signs are located outside the equipment use zone to alert the user of the concern In time to take action. (ASTM,14.1.2,14.1.3) 02011 International Playground Safety Institute,LLC 47 Playground Safety Compliance Audit Form Accessibility (continued) Page11 August2011 Cotn 'liant!6iim priori 'General,Cdfiditions: :}' /�y[��S)' :.(iN0) �Rs�ting: _•Comments a: ��. Fv'*Lit�i....a .9•'•n Y• . .•�'4. .xii..r._ •'4._v'�ffi.�. 11.Accessible restroom facilities,seating, /VP 01t7pm fittutrrr%w mi drinidng fountain,and shade are located in or near the play area and on the AR.(DOJ 2010 Standard Sec.205 Accessible Routes, 206.2.17 Within a Site and Chapter 4) 12.Openings on elevated wheelchair accessible access/egress points are<15'.(ASTM / Platforms,Ramps,and v Upper Body and Accessible Access/Egress Components exempt.)(ASTM 13.Accessible Ramps and Platforms have— Max.Horizontal openings 0.5'sphere,Max. vertical rise-1/4",or 1/4"+1/4"beveled, f4 f f' and>1/2'must be ramp 1:12 max. (DOJ 2010 Standard Sec.302.2 and.3) 14.Elevated accessible play opportunities designed w/different access/egress points,such as slides,allow user to return unassisted to original transfer point.(DOJ 2010 Standard—Advisory Section 1008.3) 15.Vertical Knee clearance is min.24'H,17"D, 30"W and 31"H max top of playing surface. , / (DOJ 2010 Standard—Section 1008.4.3 V Play Tables) 16.Accessible upper body eqpt,such as horizontal ladders and rings,are<54"H. (ASTM 8.3.3) 17.Accessible manipulative play eqpt,such as panels,are between 20-36"H for 2-5 !I� year olds and 18-44"H for 5-12 year olds. /V/ (DOJ 2010 Standard—Section 1008.4) Refer to Accessibility Flowfor ! r and 19 DOJ 2010 Standard Section 240.2 Play Components 1 B.A.Where ground level components are1 — provided at least one of each type shall be /� V on AR.(DOJ 2010 Standard Sec. B.Meet minimum#Ground Level Play " (1 Mo /ffl/f Components and Play Types on AR. (DOJ 2010 Standard Sec. 19.Elevated AR connects minimum 50 Elevated Play Components by Ramp or Transfer.NOTE:20 or more Elevated Play Components require minimum of 25% 4AY1 /Lwrrl connected by Ramp.If 60%or more elevated play components are accessible by ramp they must be at least 3 different types.(DOJ 2010 Standard Sec. 20.All access points along AR conform to DOJ 2010 Standard Section 206.2.17,and / Play Areas Section 240;Chapter 4,402/403 Accessible Routes minimum 1:20 running slope requirements at transition points w/side slope transition of 1:48. 1 02011 International Playground Safety Institute,LLC 49 Playground Safety Is No Accident Accessibilit y This form is provided so that owner/operators can evaluate appropriate accessibility requirements from the Department of Justice 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design(2010 Standards)for Title II(28 CFR Part 35)and Title III(28 CFR Part 36).Sections 240 and 1008 Play Areas.This Federal Law became enforceable In March of 2011.These items will not be found In ASTM or CPSC documents but the Law is referenced In both.This Section will assist In your assessment of compliance to the minimum requirements of this Standard. Page 10 August 2011 . ,• Compllsdi Nati-comp ulGeneraf Condrt%o ES No .Eiatiti Comments 1. Outside the play area the Accessible Route (AR)has max running slope of 120 and max cross slope of 1.60 and a minimum of 60" V/ wide w/max.abrupt vertical rise-1/4",or 1/4"+1/4"beveled,and>1/2"must be ramp 1:12 max.(DOJ 201 a Standard Sec.303) 2. Inside the play area the AR is at least 60" wide(W),has max.cross-slope of 1:48, and 80"overhead clearance with max. / running slope no steeper than(1:16 within) (DOJ 2010 Standard Sec.1008.2.5.1)Play 1 areas<1,000 sq ft may have 44 W AR to play area.When 44"AR is>30'it must have at least one 60"diameter tuming space. / (DOJ 2010 Standard Sec.1008.2.4.1) S. Elevated ramps are 36"min.w/a max fr2+ / �►'� run of 144"and running slope less than or equal to 1:12(ASTM 7.2.4) 4. Landings have min.60"diameter at top and bottom of each run when there is a change in direction otherwise It must be equal to width of ramp.Landings w/play (, elements have 30x48"wheelchair parking area w/out reducing adjacent circulation path to<36".(ASTM 7.2.5 and DOJ 2010 Standard Sec.405 and 406) 5. Ramps with 2 rails or no rails,barriers beyond the ramp edge,or barriers not extending to w/In 1"of ramp surface /�, must have curb z 2"above the ramp. (ASTM and.6) 6. Ramps>30"H(for 2-5 yrs)or>48"H(for . 5-12 yrs)have barriers.(ASTM and.2) 7. Ramps have handrails(0.95"to 1.55")on yyy both sides at height(H)between 26"-28". (ASTM and DOJ 2010 Standard Sec.1008. and.2) B. Transfer point H is between 11-18"w/ clear min.24"W x 14"D.Transfer steps are max 8°H w/handholds to assist with transfer.(DOJ 2010 Standard Sec.1008.3.1.1 and.2) 9. Transfer Point has min.clear space of 60" dia.tuming area at base and may overlap *WF_ parking space but the 48"parking space length(L)dimension must be centered parallel to the 24"W of the transfer platform. (DOJ 2010 Standard Sec.1008.3.1.3 Transfer Space and ASTM 7.5.4) 10. Play area use zone has accessible safety surfacing to all accessible play components. //� (ASTM 7.1.1)and compliant w/DOJ 2010 � *n4'p 1- jw— Standard Sec.1008.2.6 Ground Surfaces) 48 02011 International Playground Safety Institute,LLC Playground Safety Is No Accident Use Flow Chart for Accessibility Section Questions 18 and 19 Table Number and Types of Ground Level Play Components Required to be on Accessible Routes Minimum Number of Ground Level Minimum Number of Different Types Number of Elevated Play Play Components Required to of Ground Level Play Components Components Provided be on an Accessible Route Required to be on an Accessible Route 1 Not applicable Not applicable 2to4 1 1 5to7 2 2 8to10 3 3 11 to 13 4 3 14 to 16 5 3 17 to 19 6 3 20 to 22 7 4 23 to 25 8 4 26 and over 8,plus 1 for each additional 3, 5 or fractlon thereof,over 25 ASSESS WHAT IS PRESENT 2• COMPONENTS PLAY TYPES ••• TOTALN TOTALIN YOUR YOUR PLAYGROUND PLAYGRO NO a � COMPONENTS I TOTAL IN YOUR PLAYGROUND • DETERMINE ••••. WHAT IS NEEDED _ COMPONENTS PLAY TYPES COM TOTAL PARE WHICH Ci GREATER r PLAY TYPES ...... ..... TOTAL ASSESS HOWTO GET THERE 1 COMPONENTS TOTAL 20 OR MORE 19 OR LESS RAMPS + TRANSFER RAMPS R_ MlN 25% SYSTEM 25% . r r r 50 02011 International Playground Safety Institute,LLC Playground Safety Compliance Audit Form Access and Egress ress g Page 12 August 2011 -' .. Complldnt Nqn-comp >.;P[itlrity gr -••a.n� u, .•. '.5. . i merit Cond'tibinsCornmen :: .Gerieral.Equ.p. a.-, ( S) a. .. :. 1. Steps/rungs are evenly spaced wfin±.25" and horizontal w4n m 2°.(ASTM 7-2.1) !v/ 2. Steps do not allow accumulation of water or debris. ASTM 72.2•CPSC 5.2.1 V 3. Stairways,step/rung ladders conform w/access slope;tread,rung,ramp width; tread depth;rung diameter,and vertical rise for Intended user group per ASTM Table 2.(ASTM 7.2.3;CPSC 52.1) 4. Ramps intended for access have a max.horizontal run of 144"- (ASTM 7.2.4) / 5. landings w/play components Include i wheelchair parking space w/an adjacent 4 J/ circulation path?--36".(ASTM 72.5) 6. Continuous handrails are provided on both sides of stairs w/>1 tread;stairs w/1 tread have handrail or alternate means of support Handrail height between 22-38"beginning at 1st step. /�yy �lfJL (ASTM 7.2.6;CPSC 52.3) 7. Handrails have diameter between .95-1.65".(ASTM;CPSC 5.2.2) N IT 6. Arch and flexible climbers not sole means of access for users 2-5.(ASTM; CPSC 5.2.1,,Table 5) 9. Climbers used as access provide a means of hand support for use while climbing. (ASTM 7.32.5;CPSC 5.2.2) 10.Stairways and stepladders have +P continuous handrails from access to platform.(ASTM 7.4.1;CPSC 52.3) /� 11.Accesses w/o handrails(rung ladders, arch climbers,flexible components,etc.) / have alternate hand gripping component to facilitate this transition to platform. (ASTM 7.4.2;CPSC 5.2.4) 12.Stepping surface for final access on rung ladders,arch climbers,and flexible components are not connected above the designated play surface they serve. N (ASTM 7.4.3;CPSC 5.2.1) 02011 International Playground Safety Institute,LLC 51 Playground Safety Is No Accident I Access and Egress (continued) Page 13 August 2011 Corn Garr' Non=ciirt ` Priai p. p �Y - General:Equiprnent-Conditions (YES} (NO) Rating Comments - ;,gym 13. Head Entrapment...All components pass entrapment and partially-bounded opening tests.Partially bounded openings<24'H exempt.(ASTM 6.1,6.1A, 14.Sharp Points and Edges...Eqpt free of splinters,sharp points,edges;tubing is capped;bolts free of burrs,sharp points, and edges.(ASTM 6.2;CPSC 3.4) 15. Protrusions...All components pass protrusion test.Nuts,bolts,screws recessed,covered,or sanded smooth and level.(ASTM 6.3;CPSC 3.2) 16.Entanglements...No protrusions project upwards>1/8"from horizontal plane; max.2 fastener threads protrude through any nut perpendicular to Initial surface; any protrusion increasing in diameter from initial surface less than or equal to 1/8"in width and 1/8'in depth Is exempt. (ASTM 6.4.2,6.4.3,6.4.4) 17.Entanglements...All connecting devices (S-hooks,C-hooks,etc.)are closed to within.04 lower loop of S-hooks does not protrude past the upper loop;lower loop does not overlap.(ASTM Connectors whose Interior spaces are completely infilled are exempt. (ASTM 18.Crush/Shear...All components pass - -do/led, crush shear tests.(ASTM 6.5;CPSC 3.1) ryy�,2�p /13 tv>' 19.Hardware/General Concerns Fasteners are corrosion-resistant or have a corrosion-resistant coating.Fasteners cannot beloosened without tools;nuts and bolts are self-locking or have a means to prevent detachment. (ASTM 4.2.1,4.2.2;CPSC 2.5.2) Tires do not trap water,tires have no , exposed steel belts.(ASTM 4.3;CPSC 3.7) 4� Equipment Is free of rust/chipping paint. (CPSC 2.5.4) Play area is free of tripping hazards. / All anchoring devices are installed below ground level and beneath protective surfacing.Surfacing containment border Is highly visible.(ASTM;CPSC 3.6) 52 ©2011 International Playground Safety Institute,LLC Playground Safety Compliance Audit Form Platforms, Landings, and Walkways Page 14 August 2011 Com"liatr Nun�com Ei'io' - :Cornmerits 'General E i�.tiielnt (N ) 0*, A� 1. Platforms are horizontal w/in a tolerance of±2°.(ASTM 7.5.1;CPSC 5.1.1) y 2. Platforms,landings,walkways,and ramps 17" 1, A.VA do not trap water and accumulate debris. '+��' (ASTM 7.52;CPSC 5.1.1) 3. Platforms,landings,walkways,and ramps,and other elevated surfaces that are accessible to wheelchairs provide a min.36"clear width;clear width may be reduced to 32"for max.24". (ASTM 7.5.3) 4. Turning and parking spaces provided at a transfer point do not overlap. v/ (ASTM 7.5.4) 5. Guardrails contain no designated play / surfaces.(ASTM 7.5.5) 6. Guardrails are present on elevated surfaces>20"when intended for 2-5, and>30"when intended for 5-12. (ASTM;CPSC 5.1.3) 7. Guardrails surround elevated surface except for access and egress openings; , max.clear opening w/o a horizontal top rail is 15".(ASTM;CPSC 5.1.3) 8. Top surface of guardrails min.29"when intended for 2-5,and 38"when intended for 5-12.(ASTM;CPSC 5.1.3) 9. Lower edge of guardrails max 23"when intended for 2-5,and 28'when intended for 5-12.(ASTM;CPSC 5.1.3) 10.Wheelchair accessible ramps requiring guardrails for either 2-5 or 5-12 year J� olds have one handrail on both sides / between 20-28"H.(IDOJ 2010 Standard Section 1008.2.5) 11.Wheelchair accessible ramps have 2" curb at both edges,unless guardrails and barriers don't extend to wAn 1"of / ramp surface,or ramp has 2 rails and (/ no barrier,or if barrier is beyond edge of ramp surface.(ASTM 12.Barriers contain no designated surface and minimize climbing.(ASTM 7.5.6; V CPSC 5.1.3) ©2011 International Playground Safety Institute,LLC 53 i Playground Safety is No Accident Platforms, Landings, and Walkways (continued) Page 15 August 2011 Com Tian# Non-OM N06-OMO, Prio' - Gelnera�E i'"en#Conditions ES "NO : Ratin'.A ;.`CornrnentS. 13.Barriers provided on elevated surfaces / >30"when intended for 2-5,and>48' V when intendedfor5-12.(ASTM 14.Wheelchair accessible ramps that require barriers have one handrail on both sides N �y between 20-28"H.(DOJ 2010 Standard Section 10082.5) 15.Barriers surround elevated surface / except for access and egress openings; max.clear opening w/o a horizontal top rail is 15".(ASTM 16.Top surface of barrier is 29"min.when / Intended for 2-5.and 38"max.when intended for 5-12.(ASTM 17.Adjacent platforms w/height difference / >12"when Intended for 2-5 or>18" ✓ when Intended for 5-12 have an access component(ASTM 18.Head Entrapment...All components pass entrapment and partially-bounded opening tests.Partially bounded openings<24"H exempt.(ASTM 6.1,6.1.4, 19.Sharp Points and Edges...Eqpt free of splinters,sharp points,edges;tubing is capped;bolts free of burrs,sharp points, and edges.(ASTM 6.2;CPSC 3.4) 20. Protrusions...All components pass protrusion test.Nuts,bolts,screws recessed,covered,or sanded smooth and level.(ASTM 6.3;CPSC 3.2) 21.Entanglements...No protrusions project upwards>1/8"from horizontal plane; max.2 fastener threads protrude through / any nut perpendicular to initial surface; V any protrusion increasing in diameter from initial surface less than or equal to 118"In width and 1/8"In depth is exempt (ASTM 6.4.2,6.4.3,6.4.4) 22. Entanglements...All connecting devices (S-hooks,C-hooks,etc.)are closed to l within.04';lower loop of S-hooks does ✓/ not protrude past the upper loop;lower loop does not overlap.(ASTM Connectors whose interior spaces are completely Infilled are exempt. (ASTM 23.Crush/Shear...All components pass crush shear tests.(ASTM 6.5;CPSC 3.1) 54 ©2011 International Playground Safety Institute,LLC Playground Safety Compliance Audit Form Platforms, Landings, and Walkways (continued) Page 16 August 2011 l;iliant Non 6"dit'Gid OIJ do 0. 24.Hardware/General Concerns Fasteners are corrosion-resistant or have a corrosion-resistant coating.Fasteners cannot be loosened without tools;nuts V/ and bolts are self-locking or have a means to prevent detachment. (ASTIVI 4.2.1,4-2.2;CPSC 2.5.2) Tires do not trap water;tires have no exposed steel belts.(ASTM 4.3;CPSC 3.7) Equipment is free of rust(chipping paint (CPSC 2.5.4) Play area is free of tripping hazards. AM anchoring devices am installed below V/ ground level and beneath protective surfacing.Surfacing containment border is highly visible.(ASTIVI;CPSC 3.6) Print 02011 Intemational Playground Safety Institute,LLC 55 Playground Safety Is No Accident Slides Page 23 August 2011 a�. Cbm liant Non-com Pr'io�' : P, P nY' 'Geneirraf'E tii rriient:C.onditions`b =#` NO Ratin CO melnts `_»::• 1. Transition platform depth is min.14";width is Z slide bedway width.(ASTM,;CPSC 2. Handrails or means of hand support are / provided at chute entrance.A means to V/ channel users into sifting position exists. (ASTM,;CPSC S. Height/Length ratio<.577(30°;no span / of sliding surface>501.(ASTM, V;CPSC 5.3.6-3.4) 4. Slide chute width is min-12"for 2-5, / and min.16"for 5-12-(ASTM; f/ CPSC 5. Slides w/flat and open chutes have / continuous sidewall min.4"high on both �/ sides.(ASTM;CPSC 6. Tube slides have min.diameter of 23' /� w/texture or barrier to prevent sliding on / outside.(ASTM;CPSC 7. Slides have min.11"exit region length; / exit region slope is between 0 and-4'. {/ (ASTM,;CPSC 8. Slides<48"high have max.11"height at exit;slides>48"have exit height / between 7-15';slide exit edges are V rounded or curved.(ASTM,;CPSC 9. Slide non-entanglement zone has no projections that extend>.12' in any orientation.(ASTM; CPSC 10.Sliding surface is smooth and continuous (except roller slides)and has no spaces that may create an entanglement hazard. (ASTM;CPSC 11.A clear area,free of obstacles,surrounds the slide chute;clear area extends through slide exit use zone.(ASTM 12.Spiral slides w/open chutes have a clear area 21'wide from the inside edge of 6�I sldewail for the entire length.(ASTM 13.Slides are accessed by evenly spaced stairs,ladders,or platforms<9'(2-5)or / <12"(5-12)apart,and pass entrapment test(ASTM Table 2,CPSC 5.2.1,Table 6) 14.Slide bedway Is shaded and avoid direct sun exposure to metal decks and chutes. IV (CPSC 5.3.6) 62 02011 International Playground Safety Institute,LLC i Playground Safety Compliance Audit Form Slides (continued) Page 24 August2011 ::: ..: :.::..:. �. '• . :`::''..' inplarit:Nn - rite: Phi;niy General E 'ui rne: t Conditions 4' :..., . .q ...P.,: �?, Co.mmeltts :..1 :.. } lnoj' ' ay: �• .Rati is 15.Long spiral slides(>1 3600 turn)are not ,�//� recommended for 2-5.(CPSC A 16.Head Entrapment...All components pass entrapment and partially-bounded opening tests.Partially bounded openings<24"H exempt.(ASTM 6.1,6.1.4, 17.Sharp Points and Edges...Eqpt free of splinters,sharp points,edges;tubing is capped;bolts free of burrs,sharp points, and edges.(ASTM 6.2;CPSC 3.4) 18.Protrusions...All components pass protrusion test.Nuts,bolts,screws recessed,covered,or sanded smooth and level.(ASTM 6.3;CPSC 3.2) 19. Entanglements...No protrusions project upwards>1/8"from horizontal plane; max.2 fastener threads protrude through any nut perpendicular to initial surface; any protrusion Increasing in diameter from initial surface less than or equal to 1/8"In width and 1/8"in depth Is exempt (ASTM,6A.4) 20.Entanglements,..All connecting devices (S-hooks,C-hooks,etc.)are closed to within.04";lower loop of S-hooks does not protrude past the upper loop;lower loop does not overlap.(ASTM Connectors whose Interior spaces are completely infiiled are exempt. (ASTM 21.Crush/Shear...All components pass ` crush shear tests.(ASTM 6.5;CPSC 3.1) V/ Roller slides do not admit 3/16"neoprene rod.(CPSC 22.Hardware/General Concerns Fasteners are corroslon-resistant or have a corroslon-resistant coating.Fasteners cannot be loosened without tools;nuts and bolts are self-locking or have a means to prevent detachment. (ASTM 4.2.1,4.22;CPSC 2.5.2) Tires do not trap water,tines have no exposed steel belts.(ASTM 4.3;CPSC 3.7) rj Equipment is free of rust/chipping paint. (CPSC 2.5.4) Play area is free of tripping hazards. All anchoring devices are installed below ground level and beneath protective surfacing.Surfacing containment border Is highly visible.(ASTM;CPSC 3.6) Reset Form Print Form Save Form ©2011 International Playground Safety Institute,LLC 63 Playground Safety Is No Accident Swings Page 25 August 2011 Compliant Non,-,camp General° y llpr i rrE.Canditions (YES? (NO); ":aRating 2 =;: ,Comments::' r s +.ss: ; 1. All suspended elements are located away from other play structures and circulation areas;are not attached to composite structures.(ASTM 8.6.1) 2. Support structure discourages climbing / and has no designated play surfaces. �/ (ASTM 8.6.2) 3. Maximum(2)and/or(1)multiple occupancy or multi-axis suspended element per bay % and are finished w/blunt or rounded edges. �/ (ASTM 6.2 and,and.5) 4. Hangers have bearings,bushings, j or other means of reducing friction and wear.(ASTM 8.6.3) 5. Horizontal distance between adjacent suspended elements at rest is min.24" ; % when measured 60"above surfacing. V (ASTM 6. Horizontal distance between support structure&adjacent to-fro seat min.30" 1 / measured 60"above surfacing. v (ASTM 7. Swing hangers are min.20"apart,and i spaced wider than suspended element. (ASTM 8. Vertical distance between underside of suspended element and surfacing min. V 12"and 24"for enclosed suspended elements.(ASTM 9. All suspended elements must comply / w/laboratory test for max.impact (5100gs/s500HIC)(ASTM 10.(1)sing le-axls or multi-axis suspended element(per bay)and w/limited lateral movement must maintain min.30" / clearance to support structure during use 1/ measured 24"from top of seat surface. (ASTM 11.All parts of a suspended element s 84" / at its lowest point during use must meet Impact requirements.(s100g/s5001­1IC) (ASTM 12.Combination suspended elements must / have a>30"clearance zone to support structure at rest or full range of motion of other suspended element through its dynamic range of motion during use. (ASTM 64 02011 International Playground Safety Institute,LLC Playground Safety Compliance Audit Form Swings (continued) Page26 August2011 7.9ty PM ep 6., 1 on Ratirw C" th Com'flan �O IS.Multi-axis suspended elements have Y+ 30"cylindrical,unobstructed clearance zone,where Y=vart.distance from pivot point to top of swing seat Min.12"from GGG bottom of swing seat and surfacing. (ASTM 14.Head Entrapment...All components pass entrapment and partially-hounded opening V/ tests.Partially bounded openings<24"H exempt(ASTM A, 15.Sharp Points and Edges...Eqpt free of splinters,sharp points,edges;tubing is V/ capped;bolts free of burrs,sharp points, and edges.(ASTM 6.2;CPSC 3.4) 16.Protrusions...All components pass protrusion test.Nuts,bolts,screws V/ recessed,covered,or sanded smooth and level.(ASTM 6.3;CPSC 3.2) 17. Entanglements...No protrusions project upwards>1/8"from horizontal plane; max.2 fastener threads protrude through any nut perpendicular to Initial surface; any protrusion increasing In diameter from Initial surface less than or equal to 1/8"In width and 1/8"in depth is exempt (ASTM 6.4.2,6.4.3,6.4.4) 18.Entanglements...All connecting devices (S-hooks,G-hooks,etc)are closed to within.04";lower loop of S-hooks does not protrude past the upper loop;lower loop does not overlap.(ASTM Connectors whose Interior spaces are completely Infilled are exempt. (ASTM 19.Crush/Shear...All components pass crush shear tests.(ASTM 6.5;CPSC 3.1) 20.Hardware/Genera[Concerns Fasteners are corrosion-resistant or have a corrosion-resistant coating.Fasteners cannot be loosened without tools;nuts and bolts are self-locking or have a means to prevent detachment (ASTM 4.2.1,4.2.2;CPSC 2.5.2) Tires do not trap water,tires have no exposed steel bolts.(ASTM 4.3;CPSC 3.7) Equipment is free of rust/chipping paint (CPSC 2.6.4) Play area is free of tripping hazards. All anchoring devices are installed below ground level and beneath protective surfacing.Surfacing containment border is highly visible.(ASTM;CPSC 3.13) Reset Form. I I . 0 Form• Save Form 02011 International Playground Safety Institute,LLO 65 Playground Safety Is No Accident Seesaws Page 29 August 2011 ' Compliant Non=comp :;Rridrity' .,1 General Equiiplinertt Conditions (YES) {NUj.. := aUng' ,: Comrnetifs 1. Fulcrum seesaws are not recommended for ages 2-5 unless equipped with a spring centering mechanism to minimize / abrupt contact w/the surfacing. V (ASTM 8.10.1;CPSC 2. Seesaws without spring centering device have shock-absorbing material (i.e.tires)embedded in surfacing beneath ends,or secured to underside of each occupied position.(ASTM 8.10.2; CPSC 5-3-5.1) 3. Each occupied position has handgrips. Handgrips do not turn,rotate,or twist Handgrips for 1 hand are min.3"long. / Handgrips for 2 hands are min.6"long- V Handgrips do not protrude beyond sides of seat(ASTM B.10.4;CPSC 4. Seesaws not equipped w/spring / centering device have footrests. .V/ 77 (ASTM 8.10.5;CPSC �/tto� ..fit. 5. Seesaw can attain a max.height of 60', / and max.angle of 250 above horizontal. (ASTM 8.10.6;CPSC 6. Head Entrapment...All components pass entrapment and partially-bounded opening / tests.Partially bounded openings<24'H exempt(ASTM 6.1,6.1.4, 7. Sharp Points and Edges...Eqpt free of splinters,sharp points,edges;tubing is capped;baits free of burrs,sharp points, and edges.(ASTM 6.2;CPSC 3.4) 8- Protrusions...All components pass protrusion test Nuts,bolts,screws recessed,covered,or sanded smooth and level.(ASTM 6.3;CPSC 3.2) 9. Entanglements...No protrusions project upwards>1/8'from horizontal plane; max.2 fastener threads protrude through / any nut perpendicular to Initial surface; ,�// any protrusion increasing in diameter from initial surface less than or equal to 1/8'in width and 1/8'in depth is exempt. (ASTM 6.4.2,6.4.3,6.4.4) 68 ©2011 Intematlonal Playground Safety Institute,LLC Playground Safety Compliance Audit Form Seesaws (continued) Page 30 August2011 iy n :E qq; 10. Entanglements...All connecting devices (S-hooks,C-hooks,etc.)are closed to within.04";lower loop of S-hooks does not protrude past the upper loop;lower loop does not overlap.(ASTM Connectors whose Interior spaces are completely infilled are exempt. (ASTM 11.Crush/Shear...All components pass L)cffl4, q.r crush shear tests.(ASTM 6.5;CPSC 3.1) 12.Hardware/General Concernis Fasteners are corrosion-resistant or have a corrosion-resistant coating.Fasteners cannot be loosened without tools;nuts and bolts are self-locking or have a means to prevent detachment (ASTM 4.2.1,4.2.2;CPSC 2.5.2) Tires do not trap water,tires have no exposed steel belts.(ASTM 4.3;CPSC 3.7) Equipment is free of rust/chipping paint (CPSC 2.5.4) Play area is free of tripping hazards. Al anchoring devices are installed below ground level and beneath protective surfacing.Surfacing containment border is highly visible.(ASTM;CPSC 3.6) Reset Form Print.Form Save Form @2011 International Playground Safety Institute,LLC 69 Playground Safety Is No Accident Spring Rocking Equipment Page 31 August 2011 0 cdifipfiant N p PP7q nPriority 0 General-EoulloMbnt-Convi COMFIrldh S .(YES).. 7, 1. Seats are designed to minimize use by more than intended number of users. (ASTM 8.11.1;CPSC 5.3.7) AJ/* 2. Each seating position has handgrips. Handgr1ps for I hand are min.3"long. Handgrips for 2 hands are min.6"long. All* (ASTM 8.11.2;CPSC 5.3-7) 3. Footrests are provided wl min.width of 3.5'.(ASTM 8.11.3;CPSC 5.3.7) IVIA 4. Spring mechanisms are free of crush and shear.Upper and lower attachment VVV points of coil springs are exempt. (ASTM 8.11.4;CPSC 5.3.7) 5. Seat height Is min.14"and max-28"above surfacing.(ASTM 8.11.5;CPSC 5.3-7) 6. Head Entrapment...All components pass entrapment and partially-bounded opening tests.Partially bounded openings<24"H exempt.(ASTM 6.1,6.1.4, II� 7. Sharp Points and Edges...Eqpt free of splinters,sharp points,edges;tubing is V/ capped;bolts free of burrs,sharp points, and edges.(ASTM 6.2;CPSC 3-4) 8. Protrusions...All components pass protrusion test.Nuts,bolts,screws recessed,covered,or sanded smooth and level.(ASTM 6.3;CPSC 3-2) 9. Entanglements...No protrusions project upwards>1/8"from horizontal plane; max.2 fastener threads protrude through V/ any nut perpendicular to Initial surface; any protrusion increasing In diameter from initial surface less than or equal to 118"In width and 1/8"In depth is exempt. (ASTM 6.4.2,6.4.3,6.4.4) 10. Entanglements...All connecting devices (S-hooks,C-hooks,etc.)are closed to within.04";lower loop of S-hooks does not protrude past the upper loop;lower loop does not overlap.(ASTM Connectors whose interior spaces are completely Infilled are exempt. (ASTM 11. Crush/Shear...All components pass crush shear tests.(ASTM 6.5;CPSC 3.1) 70 @2011 International Playground Safety Institute,LLC Playground Safety Compliance Audit Form Spring Rocking Equipment (continued) Page 32 August 2011 -:J • t Cdolp P,664 : ' C General Ec�jwnqTt Cnal6 (YE ILL: 12.Hardware/General Concerns Fasteners are corrosion-resistant or have a corrosion-resistant coating.Fasteners cannot be loosened without tools;nuts and bolts are self-locking or have a means to prevent detachment (ASTM 4.2.1,4.2-2;CPSC 2.5.2) Tires do not trap water;tires have no exposed steel belts.(ASTM 4.3;CPSC 3.7) Equipment Is free of rusVchipping paint. (CPSC 2.5.4) Play area is free of tripping hazards. Al anchoring devices are Installed below ground level and beneath protective surfacing.Surfacing containment border Is highly Visible.(ASTM 7.3.22;CPSC 3.6) Reset Form-_ Print Form.' .Save Form @2011 Intematlonall Playground Safety Institute,LLL 71 i KOMPAN® Let's play KOMPAN,Inc. 605 West Howard Lane Suite 101 Austin,TX 78753 Phone 1-800-426-9788 www.kompan.us February 26,2021 RE:White City Park To:Whom it may concern Please note that the audit form used and provided to Kompan is dated 2011 and refences requirements from the ASTM F1487-07a(2007)standard. This standard has been revised and updated twice since.The current version is ASTM P1487-17(2017),from which have drawn our response. A great deal of the portions the general conditions within the audit form do not accurately reflect the requirements of the current standard.We would recommend that the auditor update their forms to align with the current version of the standards. This letter is intended to respond to the audit report Information for the Kompan equipment at White City Park.The information is not presented as a formal repost and does not provide the inspection date,auditor's name or certification information as well as photo evidence of non-compliances or testing in accordance with the methodology directed within ASTM F1487-17 to verify.We will respond according the comments on the sections of form.Please reference the original audit report as reference Page 5:Stationary equipment#3 The current version of the standard states: 9.2.3 The use zone of stationary equipment and other equipment may overlap.If the adjacent designated play surfaces of each structure are no more than 30 in.(760 mm)above the protective surface,the minimum distance between the structures shall be 72 in.(1830 mm).If the adjacent designated play surfaces of either structure are greater than 30 in.(760 mm)above the protective surface,the minimum distance between the structures shall be 108 in.(2740 mm)(see Fig.A1.32). Response:Not Applicable. As stated above this section applies to stationary equipment. The standing spring rocker does not fall into this category. Page 7: Rocking Springing Equipment#5 This section of the standard as provided in the audit states: No other play structure use zone shall overlap the use zone of a rockinespringing structure upon which the user is intended to stand The entirety of this section of the current standard states: 9.5.2 Rocking/Springing Play Equipment Intended for Standing(see Fig.AI.39): The use zone for rocking/springing equipment upon which the user is intended to stand shall be no less than 84 in.(2130 mm)in all directions from the at rest perimeter of the play structure. No other play structure use zone shall overlap the use zone of a rocking/springing structure upon which the user is intended to stand. Equipment with limited movement or equipment on which a user cannot develop enough force to launch or propel themselves away from the equipment are exempt from these requirements. Response.Compliant. The Multi Springer is exempt as stated in KOMPAN®• Lets play Pane 9: Labelinq 91 This specific requirement of labelling section referenced in the audit form is from the 2007 version of the standard and no longer exists and was replaced in the 2011 version.This section was revised entirely and now requires the following: 14.3.1 Specification for all warning signs or labels,or both,should conform to ANSI Z535.1 and either ANSI Z535.2 or ANSI Z535.4 in the following areas:legibility,type of lettering,clarity of message and symbol,color specifications,and word message and visibility. 14.3.2 Durability for the Labels or Signs—The labels or signs should conform to UL 969. Response:Compliant. Warning labels meet requirements of Sectlon14.3 of standard Page 12:General requirements#6 This section of the standard as provided in the audit states: 7.2.6 Handrails: Continuous handrails shall be provided on both sides of stairways(see for spiral stairways),ramps,and stepladders that have more than one tread. The current version of the standard also indicates (I)Exemptions—Stairways do not require handrails where protective barriers are used.Barriers on stairways must provide alternate hand support. Response:Compliant with current version of standard Page 12:General requirements#10 Audit states: 7.4.1 On stairways and stepladders,there shall be a continuation of handrails from the access to the platform. Response:Compliant with current version of standard, see above exemption Page 13:General requirements#18 The standard states: 6.5 Crush and Shear Points—There shall be no crush or shear points caused by junctures of two components moving relative to one another,or at an opening present at the junction of a stationary support and a rigid supporting member for a swinging element(that is,pendulum see saw,glide rides,and so forth)while the swinging elements are within their normal swinging angles.A crush or shear point is any point that entraps at one or more positions a 0.62 in.(15.7 mm)diameter rod. Response:Compliant The audit does not provide evidence of testing for compliance by the auditor in accordance with the above requirement. There is no indication by measurement or photo to indicate testing to verify was performed. It is the responsibility of the auditor to have the above listed tools and perform testing to verify compliance. Kompan playground equipment,specifically the NRO105, has been evaluated for compliance to the ASTM F1487-17:"Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Playground Equipment for Public Use", The component has also been tested in accordance with all applicable safety requirements and test methods of ASTM F1487-17, verified and IPEMA certified.Equipment is also evaluated for compliance to with the CPSC guidelines as published in the current edition of the "Handbook for Public Playground Safety". Please visit the IPEMA website from verification. Page 29:General equipment Conditions#4 The standard states: KOMPANt Lers play Seesaws not equipped with spring centering device have footrest. The above is incorrectly interpretted from the standard which reads: 8.10.5 Fulcrum seesaws shall not be equipped with footrests unless they have a spring centering mechanism to minimize the risk of injury due to abrupt contact with the underlying protective surface. Response:Compliant If you have any additional questions or concerns,please feel free to contact me. Best Regards, Joseph McGuan Technical Manager CPSI, CPMT Kompan, Inc. • KOMPAN Product Safety Evaluation Subject: Response to Inspection Report Conclusion: We appreciate the remarks and the concerns.In this case we find the products meet the requirements of ASTM H487 and are safe as to use. Status, date: 2021-03-12 Signature: ,7061n Tedersen, Product Safety Manager Product Safety Management Side 4 KOMPAN Product Safety Evaluation Subject: Response to Inspection Report Comment from KOMPAN Group Safety: To evaluate the situation,we found the necessary items in our stock and made a test by use of the test probe as described in ASTM F1487. To the sides the opening is presented by a cylinder shaped top part rotating during the intended movement.In this opening it is nowhere possible to enter the probe to a position where it is entrapped. In the centre of the beam is a supporting bracket: (M :1 i s The distance between the bracket and the stable part below is in all situations more than 15,7mm,which is the dimension of the test probe.This means it Is not possible to entrap the test probe in this position either. Per definition of ASTM F1476 sec.6.5 the opening is not a crush and shear point. Arguments are made,that a finger may be drawn into the opening. Our general approach in this situation is,that compliance with the requirements provide an adequate level of safety in this situation. If we are to evaluate the risk as described based on sec.1.6.1,we would base it on severity as well as probability. Severity will be low.The moving item is cylinder shaped and the opening does not change in dimension.Only factor pulling a finger in is friction.If at all possible,it might be unpleasant leading to painful,but the degree of injury based on an official injury scale is low. Also the probability is low.The risk of a user putting his finger into this opening is low as there is no purpose.At the same time somebody else needs to rock the seesaw and the user with his hands in the opening must remain in the position.It is always easy to pull the finger out,so it is unlikely he will remain in the position.The movement of the beam will also reduce the likelihood. A low severity combined with a low probability means a very low risk. From that perspective we also find the opening is within acceptable. Product Safety Management Side 3 i I i 110WANf Product Safety Evaluation Subject: Response to Inspection Report Playground White City Park reference: Standard. ASTM F1487 reference: Inspection Matt Baum reference: Brief: An audit report from Matt Baum was received and responded to by Joe McGuan. Afterwards additional comments from Matt Baum were given and these are now commented in this document. NRO104—Multi Springer: Comment from Joe McGuan: Page 7:Rocking Springing Equipment#5 This section of the standard as provided in the audit states: No other play structure use zone shall overlap the use zone of a rocking/spda&g structure upon which the user is intended to stand The entlrety of this section of the current standard states: 9.52 RocFing/SPringtng Plm!Egiripment Irttertded for Standing(see Fi¢.A1.39): 9.52.1 The rise zone for rocldngtspriughq equipment upon which the user is intended to stood shall be no less than 81 in.(2130 nun)in all directions from the at rest perimeter of the play structure. 9.5.22 No other play structure use zone shall ovzdap the use zone of a rocking0spiin?brg structure upon wtriclr the suer is intended to stand. Eguipmeut vm limited movement or equipment on which n user cannot develop enough force to Jaimeh or ptoaei themselves mvrey from the eauiputent are exempt from these remtirements. Response:Compliant_The Multi Springer is exempt as stated In Comment from Matt Baum: The multi Springer is currently located too close to a 2-5 flied play structure the "Wizards Hideaway". In some of your documentation the springer is listed for ages 2-5 and In other areas 2-12. I would agree logically that all ages will use it and it may be appropriate for ages 2-12,however,Its located too close to a fixed structure designated far ages 2-5. The springer is a standing springer and 1 don't think that it is unreasonable to think that a couple of 12 year olds could propel themselves and land on a 2-5 year old at the adjacent playhouse.Therefore,I would disagree that this springer is not exempt from Product Safety Management Side 1 i • KOMPAN Product Safety Evaluation Subject: Response to Inspection Report Comment from KOMPAN Group Safety: First of all, I'd like to say that the name'Multi Springer'is not the best.It implies much more movement than the product allows. In fact,we sometimes have remarks that customers are disappointed it does not allow more movement than it does. In my opinion it would be better to see this product as a simple balance equipment more than a springer. It is a subjective judgement, but based on our internal testing we find the product does not provide movement allowing anybody to propel themselves from the product. I fully support the evaluation made by Joe McGuan. NRO105— Seesaw: '!I y Comment from Joe McGuari: Pane 13-General requirements 918 The standard states: 6.5 Qwsh mud ShertrPoluts--There slush be no crosh or shear points mused by jtmctares of m o components maving relative to one another,or at an opening present at thelunction of s stationary support and a rigid supporting member for a s%ingmg element(that is,pendulum see saw,slide rides,and so forth)wbile the swinging elements are within their normal swingins angles.A crush or shear point is atrypoim that entraps at one or more positions a 0.62 in.(15.7 mm)diameter rod. Response:Compliant The audit does not provide evidence of testing for compliance by.the auditorin accordance with the above requirement.There is no Indication by measurement orphoto to lndlcate,testing to verify was performed.It Is the responsibility of the auditor to have the above listed tools and perform testing to vailry compliance. Kampen playground equipment:specifically the NRO105,has been evaluated for compliance to the ASTM F1487-17.,Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specilkation for Playground Equipmant for Public Use'The component has also been tested in accordance wi7h all applicable safely requirements and test methods of ASTM F1487-17,verified and IPEMA cer6fled.Equipment Is also avaluated for compliance to with the CPSC guldernes as published In the current edition of the Handbook for Public Playground Safety".Please visit the 1PEMA Webstle from vvOcatlon. Comment from Matt Baum: I will also admit that I did not have a.62 diameter rod to test the pivot point on the seesaw. But I did place my finger in the gap between moving cylinder and the fixed bracket and lightly moved the seesaw downward. 1 didn't get far before the cylinder was sucking my finger in,any further and I feared I would have crushed my finger. However,I'm am not positive this would have happen,as I stopped at the point it became uncomfortable.If someone from your staff would like to place their finger in this space and demonstrate that it is safe then I will concede. Product Safety Management Side 2. I Illlll�lll�nllIIII jllp�1l�illl Ali IIII South East Region Customer Service: 561-84B-9994 Www.m meyer com Central Florida Region Customer Servlce: 407-339-5311 3 8 9 0 8 77 Tampa Bay Region Customer Service: 813-341-9994 Concrete Tested []Yes No LOT# Water Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑Yes No Request Commends ' gels.to NO two gals.to 7J3 load PREY 18N6 TRd614• gals.t load CUSI Rep•Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cemen[Doty ter or rmshly mbxed concrete may cause skit Injury,Avoid contact with ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS SURFACE DISCOLORATION ekn and.h'exposed skn areas promptly Wilh water.R arty cewnl powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE 1TS'SiRENOTN mature gab fmo ayes,iirTse hmmediately end repeatedly wlh wamr and ggel prompt AND DURABILITY.ANY WATER ADDED 19 =Hmms 12.15 medics) n .Keep ch htren eway ham cemem powdM and al De tdy m5 ed AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. cernent prod Load To Job On Job 17 wash I To Plant At PInni 17, Za 23-0 Pr6 1/Fly I z! I I I �3 TICKET/ ORDERI THUCK 1OADSRE MLX SIAINP DATE 104 2468734 324 616 6.00 3000 PSI REGLILRR 5.00 07/15/20 CUSTOMER* SOLDTO P,O./ PflOIECTa 31210 COD — MIKE 14ATFORD 14988 DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONEI USE - DRIYEfl 2081 WEST MIDWAY ROAD—FP **CC* STLUCIE I FOOTING Roberto Mataias—C INSTRUCTIONS T WE MIKE 561-876-9953 12z50 PM 6.00 6.00 6.00 30080000 30080000 yd $127. 0 6762.00 1.00 0.00 ENVIRO ENVIRONMENTAL DISPO ea 625.0 625.00 1.00 0.00 2 FUEL SURCHARGE ea $25.M $25.00 SHORT LOAD FEES $150.00 6iftTAWHH OR ECEI"-CONCRETE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD WARMN two m yet concrete mpony no as�um Ir�nity or arry grope SD or mry equipment damage for eny d bo t arb Tina SUBTOTAL Tar. 6962.00 UTNDROE 0 o sesDE. TOTAL $67.34 I II r Remit to:Lockbox Address: CONCRETE • Maschmeyer Concrete Company of Florida 1142 Water Tower Road,Lake Park,FL 33403 P.O.Box 628389 Phon@Q561)848-9112 Fax(561)844-7102 Orlando,FL 32862-8389 www.maschmeyer.com CUSTOMER PHONE CUSTOMER FAX 14988 COD - GENERAL PROJECT -2019 COD - MIKE WATFORD DATE 07/15/20 INVOICENO 627663 CUSTOMER NO 300 JOB NO PAGE NUMBER 1 ORDER NO 324 MLWERt ADDRESS PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER WHIR • 2081 WEST MIDWAY ROAD-FP **CC** DATE QUANTITY MATERIAL PLANT DELIVERED TICKET UNIT TAXABLE NON TAXABLE SHIPPED NUMBER PRICE EXTENSION EXTENSION 07/15 6.00 300 3000 PSI REG 104 2468734 $127.00 $762.00 07/15 1.00 SHORT LOAD F 104 2468734 $150.00 $150.00 07/15 1.00 ENVIRO ENVIRONMENTA 104 2468734 $25.00 $25.00 07/15 1.00 FUEL SURCHAR 104 2468734 $25.00 $25.00 Dail all payments to lockbox: Maschmeyer Co crete P.O Box 628 89, Orlando, FL 32862-838 Pre ax Subtotal: $962.00 TOTAL SALES TAX TOTAL YARDS . $1,029.34