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OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILED: t-7 PERMIT# �C` REVISION FEE: RECEIPT# -�� PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING&CODE REGULATION DMSION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE o ° FORT PIERCE,FL 34982-5652 (772)462-1553 FAX(772)462-1578 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION 1. LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: 'l,r �--. S� �y c�1l r IFF� 2. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIO S. _�QQ �M\ 'L' d I V o C 1' a�� a AN tt,\ 1y1 d'k C.\ 3. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: I f STATE of FL REG./CERT.#: T.L CIE COUNjZ CERT.#: BUSINESS NAME: QUALIFIERS NAME: ADDRESS. C 13 CITY: STATE: C_ ZIP: PHONE(DAYTIME): FAX: 4. OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE: FAX: 5. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: S Q ADDRESS: Vt ;z Ci CITY: O v. STATE: C— 2m2 Fr PHONE(DAYTIME): S o FAX: r Revised 07/22/2014 �1,, .. .... . - - • �, .w . o� ti y% M, «y r . C > t a d- q' ", . *,l--I",,!����-l9��.1;�..�"�-�r,�.:,.-_�I��,����I:r.�I,,',.H-,-&g�f�I.'",�,1��-,-��r:l !,_..,.1I-'r�1,r:-.',_/..,I.�:9.,,r1��-:..:9.,Il,II�.L.,,,��I9���..,I�.1I..'��-,I:9,�l_-,..�.l�_...l,rr.':...-1�,�,:,..,'.-;-.,:..,1.�",r:�.�..9�4.�.,.�"'.�.::;.�1,l,r......,�..�...9,."�'-:-1�;,;�:.,.."1'..,"'I"_..,I,,:-1`.,0�1:--1..:,-,,.:,',.1Ir..-.,,��;:.1,�.,,01...;,_1,,'-.�1 I.;I1,1..:.,—,�.:"1�-,,_,�..�,l�r.,I-�..�:1 11,--:.r:1,�_,"�r,I�r.I.-'',,,r.,�,":..,4..r�."'��I-',-9..I�9r.:�.",.—,���1',..-.;",��1.:,�..9..,,mP—,�RU-� I.',�,,,-�.�9"l...,—]�.—.-:r,-,'r:.-:,-W���E,.-�,r.;1.�:.���:�.-.-� _-�,.-.�1."-"':1,ql,,-:.,..-.�I;.—...-I�-:-1:�—o-.�"�',"..�-�._-.;-!�::"�-,...;�"-�--�,�rI._.Il.:�-1�I�11...��!.9'1,,',-11"�1.1.�',..-;-,�,-1..�,�:,,"..;,,-�,..�,,�,...�'''',�.:.:1�-,�,"�1�..9-.,.-�..,7,,,,.,�',�'��I,,1.;-,e,.;�,��F,.:-1,,�1.:.�-.'II4 I�rr"6...::.-,,.�.-:--;.''I,I1.-I 9-,,�,-�":�,,��._',., �:.-�-.!..9`�!,d��.--,'";�.,':.;�...��:.,"�-.��.,":f-..,","-,�7�:�:,.�:.-�9,—.:--"',v''f�%I 1;-!I.ir 1''"'-.:.,...1I:....I 1:7.",,!.,1��9",-.,,.%,"'';,,:::.-.':',,�:.",-9-�_1�.,..,' u...I-:r.....:.I "'I..,.o..I�,.�t.. , < - .. . P"dan Types' . y . ` Screerli5 doom . . P®ol Screen/Cage {Removable Screen Pemove screen when wtncl speed exceeds 75 MPM) Pool Sc,reeri/Cage {Non Removable Screen Designed to withstand actual Wt'O Speed), ,. Car Port ,,= 1Patio-Craver - Other c Deference ` K thew, . Reylsit2%11 Q" bate. . 1`4t .` ;Project Address �' I I I . .. 1,I--,��;,:— : :, � - - , .7 I.......... .-I. ..�. . �. , -1.���.. ��:,� � : I - ,11 ll�. -, -, - I I -1 �� . , V.�A�'�l , ..,.. ., . - . : . � - �. . .-. I -� �.�.; - ... � .:.e,��: I 11,-, " , I , �... ,- . , ..:, . ,, :.9���...�.�.-.I�-.�'r.'�,..,:..........:�,:_.:n-�9.--.�.;N.rI-I.I,.�-�...I.-.�:�...,..:..-.,..-..�01-I:�.) 3 c., - V s a 'Clt� ��r- -Sk -'.7Ca. L C �1 Contractor Blaine Affordable Screen Rooms COST IJuC CrJy^cT"RLILT`ra rn c n Address' 693 SW Pueblo Terrace; RFNIENN'ED FQR C. IV TT n` � "CE City: PortySt Lucie TE JQ� FViIT":1!�'(JT.DE KEPT O ' P I �- . Ztp C©de 34953 " Ph+D11eI'FaX 772 626 �495 OKhQ pSFECTION NVZI.L BE�1E Email ra asrc us Y f- X �hiosBn tall Plclk Up Ped EXa Flo of Copies �° 0 F ForFedEx Loptton-got to wvvw.aluminumscreendestgn corn and provide Featx account>#} PaS(m�tlt. Check Credit Card ® {For.Credtt.Card option go to www alumtnumscreendesign com to pay by eredtt'card} Engtneermg".prepared by l T�155E ALAK9 AND ALL PROPOSED WORK I ,,M RE al�EI�D�:Yo ANY CORRECTIONS y REQIlIR�6 r3v MELD INSPECTORSTFIAT 4 r , , M1A �H fJ� I1��ARY IN ORDER:TO I " _� k E6 �'L WI`�Ii ALL APRLICABLE CODES �'Ku% ¢s z�- r a �", , a' j' ,��_I-I,r--,..�,��9!'_I.-r�7 1 I;.�:.I rrI..:.-.,,�'�-,�.-r1:�-O,-rr:.,..-..�.1*�,:--',r....:,,I,��,_,�.,,K,,.,---i-_;_,_r Ir�.9..:,,I�.,::,�.�...�;.,,,,..,,�.'�F,-': 9" r ; I,:.:.,:,,rl_�__r..1�,,:�:1:..' Engineer Michael Thompson,MSc,P E ,{P E u v 5200 Vrneiand Road Surte 250,Orland.o,FL 1 ,. r Of ice 407-529 33Q0 Ce11 "407 721 229 i?Tolect Manager:'.Paul Thomas ''38ti 4Z9 9504-Fax Email;alumiriumscreendesign@ya ,o co Website tutvw aluminumscreendesit;n cam 30' i r _ .. .;... ..-.:. ::. „, . .. _.0. ... 4 . . ti y � ,:.. .. - - . . .. .. ..... .. .. ..: . ", � - -.. .. .... � - y F �.. n. ��`—0 �� w iu mt!�an ea i3 u �r cry r� rse r n" :' .. tJlt�rr>late l In ' peed ("h}: gfo Exposed Category ' C 1 sk Categdryy. __ -- , _. x; . . . ..- . Screrw Rc�rn x' . aIfi,.' red 1 Pan Rt}of[ ] x, . fit=sacra ' a[I. B1®ck❑ ,priventear�a[ ❑ 5 -,� h:. , u�Jpr ghts -` '. Tip Plate K9ck Plate Y .....-._v . .. .... ....;. '% ,'6o s, reer>I/cage ,, ._ '- Dome CGable[ 14:': MansardQ Gut erg WWa[t: ZlockO '-'a rents+ Taal dean < r.. . _ Uprights � orl�r . ,, .F n .., Dar�Port .-- x lrgsulated 1'an❑ Fascia[ l a[1: floc 0 Cc�r�vertt! nal^[] beams' x :, F' st ;: ,'Patio cover. , ..,.:,�.....-A:.'. Ir1 . . Id Pans 4. FasctaC] `1Wall. Blodk{ D nv raters tal0 ,beams 5._� rPost f x - 3 ,, u : cUt�'Crete.K :Existing: tde�r� 4�„ S;lab .wz Pler[]l�sb�en Fjb.6 r � `Pavers❑ d .. t s. �' ''. b:Other" h Z,^.'-6,,O�,�-:� . y 7 r.; ;< ,. r y s -.r ! ; 4Sj i w 1.-..-:1......:,.�.I i�,...�....-'..-x. �:.N...-,*. �+ 'Note..In the event that there is a conflict wrth,the design plans and general notes and design standard,the contractor shall utilize the more stringent dimensions and member saes prior.to orde_ring materials;fabrication aridJor construction r�6..x�"yk,3 �4' ti , ,•.r a' d tie `enerel`notesand.desi n standard between the plans n .t g : ."" .. g. 14 ,l z ,. - 1. E "' : q¢€ rDC General Notes & Design Standards (Unscreened Patio Room Enclosure) The following are general design standards.More stringent design standards may be noted on the plans. In the event of a conflict in plans and/or design standard dimensions and/or member sizes, the contractor must utilize the more stringent dimensions and/or member sizes prior to ordering materials,fabrication and/or construction. Design Codes: Florida Building Code 2014(51 Edition) Aluminum Design Manual 2010 ASCE 7-10 Design Loads: Pursuant to FBC Chapters 16&20 Ultimate Wind:-150 MPH(FBC Table 2002.4) (45 ps,) Risk Category:-See attach site specific plan sheet(FBC Table.1604.5) Exposure Category:-See attach site specific plan sheet(FBC 7609.4.3) Additional Load requirements: Structural members supporting screened enclosures are designed for wind in both of two orthogonal directions using the pressures given in Table 2002.4.Each primary member is also designed for a 300 pound load applied vertically downward along any 1 foot of any member, not occurring simultaneously with wind load.In addition to wind pressures, purlins is also be designed for a 200 pound load applied vertically downward along any 1 foot of any member,not occurring simultaneously with wind load. Design Basis: Allowable Stress Design(ASD)=Allowable Strength Design(ASD)divide by safety factor General Requirements: Reproductions of contract drawings by contractor in lieu of preparation of shop drawings signifies acceptance of information shown as correct and obligates himself to any expense,real or implied,arising from their use. A change to the structural drawings due to the acceptance of alternates and/or substitutes is the responsibility of the contractor and must be submitted to the engineer for approval. The general contractor and each subcontractor shall review the approve construction plans in its entirety and verify all existing conditions prior to the start of any work. All inconsistencies shall be reported to the designer and/or structural engineer, if needed. Should contractor construct the premises in a fashion not consistent with the plans prepared by the designer and/or structural engineer, or in any fashion, change the plans and drawing without the review and approval from the designer and/or structural engineer. Then designer and/or structural engineer shall bear no responsibility or liability for the construction of premises and accuracy of the drawings. Foundation and Earthwork: Applicable only when unsuitable soils are encountered. When unsuitable soils are encountered as specified bearing strata,notify owner's representative/engineer. Soil bearing capacity—2,000 psf Minimum Provide neat excavation for footing and place concrete immediately after excavation and inspection. Pump water from footing excavation if greater than one inch. Compact all fill to 95%ASTM D698 density. Unit soil weight= 105 pcf Internal angle of friction=30 degrees Coeff.Of friction between footing and soil=0.5 4401 Vineland Road., Suite A6, Orlando, FL 32811. (P)407-734-1470(F)407-734-1790 www.aluminumscreendesign.com +T'�s Structural Aluminum: Conform to latest edition of Florida Building Code and Aluminum Design Manual standard practice for aluminum design. All aluminum shall be 6005-T5(E= 10,000 ksi;Fy=35 ksi)with a minimum wall thickness of 0.046" Splicing prohibited without prior approval as to location and type. Burning of holes in aluminum members is prohibited.Any member with burned holes must be replaced. Aluminum Protection: Shall be pursuant FBC 2003.8.4.Aluminum surfaces in contact with dissimilar materials, lime-mortar, concrete, or other masonry materials, shall be protected with powder coated or ESP paint or alkali-resistant coatings, such as heavy-bodied bituminous paint or water-white methacrylate lacquer. Screws: Aluminum self-tapping screws shall conform to ASME B 18.6.4 specification. Self—tapping screws shall meet the requirements of ADM J.5 . Maximum fastener spacing shall not exceed(3+20t)where"t'is the member thickness in inches. For roofing and siding connection, use minimum#12 screws for end and side laps spaced at 12" max for side lap and end lap fasteners shall be no more than 2"from the end of overlapping sheets. Bolts: Bolts and other fasteners shall be aluminum, stainless steel, hot-dip or electro-galvanized steel. Double cadmium plated steel bolts may also be used.Bolt holes diameter shall not exceed 1/16"larger than the bolt diameter and shall be spaced at a minimum of 2.5 times the bolt diameter with minimum edge distance of 1.5 times the bolt diameter. Bolts shall meet the requirements of ADM J.3 Concrete Conform to ACI 318,latest edition and ACI 301 Compressive Ultimate Strength(Minimum at 28 days)shall be 3000 psi Exposed chamfer edges shall be 3/4" Reinforcing Steel: Conform to ACI 318 and 315,Latest edition All reinforcement steel shall be ASTM A615 Grade 60. Smooth dowels&ties shall be ASTM Al85 Welded Wire Fabric shall be ASTM A185 or A82(Flat sheet). Deformed bar anchors shall be ASTM A496,Grade 70 Cover: Footing 3" Washer- Washers shall be used under bolt heads and under nuts. Hole Alignment: Poor matching holes must be rejected. Contractor shall prevent holes from drifting and distort the metal. All chips and foreign matter between contacting surfaces shall be removed before assembly. 4401 Vineland Road., Suite A6, Orlando, FL 32811. (P)407-734-1470 (F)407-734-1790 www.aluminumscreendesign.com FIREJ Beams&Uprights: _ In the event of a conflict with the values in this table and the site specific plan,the contractor must utilize the more stringent dimensions and/or member sizes between the site specific plan and the below applicable span limitations prior to ordering materials,fabrication and/or construction. 150 MPH PRIMARY HEADER BEAM MEMBERS-OPEN COVERED PATIO-(No Screen Insert) 3"Pan Roof Span 3"Pan Roof Span 3"Fan Roof Span 3"Pan Roof Spare 3"Pan Roof Span Maximum Roof Span Maximum Roof Span Maximum Roof Span=10' Maximum Roof Maximum Roof Span= SIZE =6'-0" =al-o" o" Span=12'-0" 151-0" 2 X 4 9'-0" 9'-0" 8'-0" 7'-0" 7'-0" 2 x 5 12'-0" 11'-0" 1o'-o" 9'-o" a'-o" 2 X 6 13'-0" 12'-0" 11'-o" 11'-0" 10'-0„ 2 X 7 151-0" 14'-0" 13'-0" 12'-0" 111-0" 2 X 8 15'-0"* 15'-0" 15'-0" 15'44 13'-0" F2 X 10 2 X 9 15'-0"* 15'-0"* 15'-0"* 15W'* 13'-13" 15'-01,* 15'-0"* 1514,* 1 15'-0" Column size is 3 x 3 x 0_125"(if V)unless noted otherwise with a max height of 9'-0"""R)control<IA Largerspan req larger column sae_ Knee Bracing- Contractor shall provide knee bracing on 45 degree angle pursuant the attach detail sheet that specified size and length requirements. Knee bracing on upright above super gutter intersection shall be connected to upright no more than 6"above the super gutter.Knee brace size shall be a minimum of 2 x 2 for beam span of 15'max;2 x 3 for 30' max;2 x 4 for beam span greater than 30'. Intermediate/Header Beam: Contractor is required to install a minimum 2 x 7 intermediate header beam supported with 3 x 3 column spaced at 10 feet(max)when insulated roof span exceeds 15 feet. Patio Cover: Contractor is required to install insulated roof covering pursuant to the Florida product approval specification. Overhang shall be a maximum of P-0" along the side, 3'-0" along the front and 1/2" along the front interface between the super gutter and the attached pool cage knee riser wall. Edge Distance: Contractor is required to install uprights to provide a 2"minimum clearance from edge of slab and/or footer. 4401 Vineland Road., Suite A6, Orlando, FL 32811. (P)407-734-1470(F)407-734-1790 www.aluminumscreendesign.com .. # i�'. . .. .. .. ., ., x F .. ... . .. . ., < -. - . ., ... .. .S �. . I . _ /t. : t �,,, ;,EXISTING PQI. EN �t�SUE�E` HOU,�E . .. N.. t-. :' .: -- .. ... ,CO : .: :F :, is 2X7,camer b®arn attaches to bottom'of©zis6ng sys raifivfth"recelvs�channel . .' securod @ r oc and supported with 34 pasts(c�na more,than 1 T 0 x2 _ __; tr m re T $ at d r :. - > s �.: - _ i:,, -.fit ri v I' �� z � i e i r�evu slapb,� '1 � it�n slab' � . i 1 I .ray l �' { 11 ". m. t—I: �„ f h.> W � x io�suledrof t .i a .,( a �: 5< i �, �` m:: 3 '� C 8 k y 'yL .t"� i }Xy' , i .F,. k.., E`i ,t :?* S C ,h�: a xr. t a-f E 0 t. :i <�A. '; 'Ak .µ+ i:RF F .�:�i 3 y�.��y�. h/�yy (� 4 '.4 - m , a r #i .>i' .S. k.. -a v .4,I T .Td 4 P. xi r� s F, :aF - b „C °,7`, 'i.X �, r ` r «''� � 1 ;./ all�lJk�7� 8t Mt; I r 1 w: ;:.'; -3z3" stadet' oCsu' "Hin2x5er.beam, P P PPo 9 � .:'.Y Q 2 V ,4,{ 4 Y Y { .S ..�,, , ..._ :. .E.. ry ... - --: .:,: . .. .. S N .. �2x carrier beam 4 4 . - .. . 1. i .:J\ Y .... ... ... 5 .. .` S_. bar ral notes the s►ze .. . 4 Ul � ', is cones . Jn the event ofa conflict uphzel the more s gen . e on . o $ bar size req ngent rnem o to ctor must gg wrements r °� z y I. 3x2 chair rails ' 4 �, �. 3 ,M t 1: t Z..i, f � F. M�� { y l A ;t .% ter,: s. r ,� g 5 ,; 3 43 S\_ 11iv `� .� ��\ x -: {� ..-:::,�,.,.,. ..:,.. .,�:. .-::, ..r.,.: ..,.._.xe„ ....;., x�..n,� ';'. �.d. A"iS ,,,.. 3 J'.'t.^t'E!'Fmw+uAw :::U:r..�n:.!W_s+ 4. .ei.es,., x3 . __. ..._....--,. -._x,..: ...-u .,-- ..I,-.-.,. .v -.<..,�. ,...u...,... ......,.... .>:.� .......... 7t.. :L ..,. H,..,....,__,„l. ..¢"6 ... .. ....,,,.. ,LDS � ..-. LAWS a� x� river c�,annt �,�to nc�usa s "h®at}et secured}o houseMAW (GE3S} s WYMN "17 � E n r ;WHO 1 F TOO&.MASS Kit I AS kitAl total , VIVO IWO } ' fi fit,ym Avow W�o MEAN ;' ° 12 x 1 amourrt } } I # f s'sze of carrier Essam� E charv#a!into b}oc}t 1;rali f }ti p'k4 !L+tLO YII�BSI�fS g } j } x� F,� IN: ATM, VON fit'" E t [. € `Y x .' E VMS pus t 9 }nte t t[3 conaxeYe t�ir}h{4j X 13(� tepc�ons $ I f r € 'Blasts. NASA Q 55, his 411" swan SO x Si s 1` x Poly roof 0 r etails use g 3°';:pasts � rF r. r LEC TON: UA��I 1 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT Tl3EEtEOF, ' ' r ?1F 1 K t qt? tik {q f" k AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK Z8 y} s, e: Ge Ft ;FLAG r �.� �x`" �. enc : " z��` i D'f41� � .-~PUBLIC RECQRDS:0t` ✓�I ... GU,. ; _ r. _,�� r SAID LANDS LYING'1N r- °XAtjO �hl E lu?, �!/y is LANb5:;SHOWN IiEREON"'WERE NOF ABST(tACTED HY Tf{ lEtllpCAVtO EAI cn ":, lli '-$URVE`�OR E+QR RIOfIFS-OF WAY AND/OR=EASEMENTS OF- enlnienOWNER5110 _` rr It ° oniuRq + ar 2 TF{E LAND bESCRIPTION AND EASEMENIS SIIOWN HEREON AR ,IN'r'/1CCORD Wt,,I ,HE DESCRIPTION PROIfibED BY �Yc CLIENT - a x �,{ ��.; 3 HEARINGS REFER,TO THE PLAT UNLESS`O1tIEE2WISE.NOtEO LOCATIQN'" MAP-: 4 FLOOD"ZONE X 1102B5 0280 F 3 %9 9l,: - - E - g� FoL• 5 ' >> .a ' a I!j - ' ) " o � Q Q)" N 1 . i ,a bl FD�P `OYG; rce-er.8xesmr " � r'.� _ cmlreDlaacxi - { OICl4 f/ vv /G.. +C 1C-'-IAOIi`rYCE: . - 1G' - IRON-ROD - - - - RAO= ROD-c CAC -` 1'I.AT. it CERT IFlED''T NDxuNizrr :. FIYNNE BUILDING CORe ING S)LARQtk T JAMf SON rRm- eeRHAaexr. t s.� t 1,F.PLitFACL ' FtIYLRSIUINAi7IINAL IIANK UY kIARIDI�ll5 SIIICfSSURS ANkt%UR;ASSICNS.; x°xuxeNr TREASURE COA51 AI)STI2AC C fi.1I1 LE' COMPANY_:. CERTIFICATE f;}IEREHY CERTIFYiTIIAI,Tk1E' (ETCR OF SURVEY kIERUON IS-'TRUE AND;CORItECP TD it lNi,RUSE OF-iIY KNOWLEDGE.AF AND T-LJEFFOR I r^SUFTVE IIEDTUNDER LIY.fIIRECTION. I FUR711ER CERiIf1C TtIAi J111S SURVEY►1E 1S';111U MINIAiGU TECLUiICAL'STANDARDS'SET FORM IN RULE 21HNz5 ADOPTED BY=ITJE'FLORIDA`80AAD,a�F LAND SIJRYEYOtjS PU At{fi TO FLORID A.'FlCTUTE f72 ,TRERE IUtE.NO-__ ;A90VEGROUND ENCROAC!{)ARiTS OTHER.THAN TE10SE SROlYN.11E ON 8 111E:QUAUEICATIDNS=NOlEDTED tIEREON. NOl VALID UNLESS Sfl+LED WITkI 'AN'`EA180SSED $URVEYONS SEAL '. _ Y _ RfCHARD A - RICHARD ilDAMS',xde' ASSl1GIAT1'S,r I1VC` FlORIDA,FtE TRAWN I'ROFE&SIONI�t.UWD SURVEY{NC; B011NbARY SURVEY R iwiw.P°rL SL Lucy 8oukw°rd, S°1t.tu7; Pelt44 4pea �i .It1 SURVEY EXTRUDED FASCIA IS ATTACHED 3"C CHANNEL IS D TO AL STRUCTURE ALUMINUM SCREEN DESIGN 3"INSULATED ROOF WITH#10 11'6T0 6"FROM ENDS NDS 24"O.0&ITO 33"INS ACTED ROOF WITH 6 WITH 1 PER SIDE FROM ENDS 24"O.C. EXTRUDED GUTTER IS ATTACHED T 3"INSULATED ROOF WITH#10 1"6" FROM ENDS 24"O.C. ROOF IS ATTACHED TO FRONT WALL 3"INSULATED ROOF IS ATTACHED TO WITH 4 #10 4"PER PANEL 3X3 POSTS ARE ATTACHED ALUMINUM STRUCTURE WITH#10 4" TO 2X5 BEAM 2 3/8"X 3 1/2" 6"FROM ENDS 24"O.C. CARRIAGE BOLTS TYP. UPRIGHTS ARE ATTACHED WITH: 2X2 POST.046 OR GREATER BLIND SCREWED WITH(3)#10 3", CAPRI CLIPPED WITH(4)#10 1"PER7CL BLIND CLIPPED WITH(4)#10 1"PE HINGE LOCATIONS• 1X2 IS ATTACHED TO 3X3 POST f WITH#10 2"6"FROM ENDS 24"O.C. 1X2 IS ATTACHED TO ALUMINUM STRUCTURE SCREEN DOOR FULL Z OR WITH#10 2"6"FROM ENDS 24"O.C. DOOR JAM STANDARD DETAIL D"to 36" 3X3 UPRIGHT 2 HINGE DOO CHAIR RAIL IS ATTACHED TO UPRIGHTS EACH DOOR IS SCREWED INTO UPRIGHTS WITH#10 1"6"FROM ENDS 24"O.C. WITH EITHER: BLIND SCREWED WITH(3)#10 3 CAPRI CLIPPED WITH(4)#10 1"PER CLIP 3 C r 3X3 POST IS ATTACHED TO BLIND CLIPPED WITH 4 910 1"PER CLIP BRACKET WITH 1 3/8"X 3 1/2"CARRIAGE BOLTS UPRIGHTS ARE ATTACHED WITH: BLIND SCREWED WITH(3)#10 2", 1X2IS ATTACHED TO CONCRETE BRACKET FROM 3X3'IS ATTACHED CAPRI CLIPPED WITH(4)#10 1"PER CLIP WITH 2-1/4"X 1/4"TAPCONS 6" TO CONCRETE WITH 2 1/4"X 2" BLIND'CLIPPED WITH 4 #10 1"PER CLIP FROM ENDS 24"O.C. TAPCONS M. AL SC ESIGN.COM DESIGN STATEMENT MICHAEL THOMPSON METAL IS.046 THICKNESS OR GREATER,ALLOY IS'6005-T5 440.1 VINELAND ROAD AL NDESIGN ALL TAPCONS SHALL PROVIDE MINIMUM OF 1 1/8"EMBEDMENT DEPTH SUITE AE) gY THIS STRUCTURE HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2014(5TH EDITION) PHONE: 407-734-1470 OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE FOR OPEN AND SEMI-OPEN STRUCTURES AND SHALL WITH STAND ULTIMATE WIND ORL� O,FL 328'11 SPEEDS OF 150 MPH(FOR 3 SECOND GUSTS)NOMINAL SPEED 117 MPH UP TO A 15FT ROOF HEIGHT,FACTOR OF 1.0,AND EXPOSURE C,RISK CATEGORY 1P.E:#47509 FAX: 407-734-1790 CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL PLANS DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO MATERIAL PURCHASE,FABRICATION AND CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY SHOULD SITE CONDITIONS DIFFER FROM CONSTRUCTION PLANS CA#30930 i ALUMINUM SCREEN DESIGN 4T 3X3 POSTS ARE ATTACHED TO BEAM 2 3/8"X 3 4/2" m kj CARRIAGE BOLTS TYP. zrA B 3X3 POST IS ATTACHED TO BRACKET WITH 13/8"X 3-1/2" m CARRIAGE BOLTS M A i B BRACKET FROM 3X3 IS ATTACHED © TO CONCRETE WITH 2,2 1/4"X 114" TAPCONS Cn X cn C AL CREE SIGN.COM DESIGN STATEMENT NIICHAEL THOMPSON METAL IS.046 THICKNESS OR GREATER,ALLOY IS 6005-T5 4401 VINELAND ROAD AL SIGN ALL TAPCONS SHALL PROVIDE MINIMUM OF 1 1/8"EMBEDMENT DEPTH SUITE AG @Y THIS STRUCTURE HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE TO MEET THE REQUIRE&fENTS OF THE 2014(STH EDITION) PHONE:407-747-1470 OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE FOR OPEN AND SEMI-OPEN STRUCTURES AND SHALL WITH STAND ULTIMATE WIND ORLAND ,FL 32811 SPEEDS OF 150 MPH(FOR 3 SECOND GUSTS)NOMINAL SPEED 117 MPH UP TO A 15FT ROOF HEIGHT,FACTOR OF 1.0,AND EXPOSURE C,RISK CATEGORY P E #47509 FAX:407-734-1790' CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL PLANS DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO MATERIAL PURCHASE,FABRICATION AND CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY SHOULD SITE CONDITIONS DIFFER FROM CONSTRUCTION PLANS -y CA#3 093 0 ALUMINUM SCREEN DESIGN comic T�II 3o00A CONCRETE 4"THICK 6"THICKENED EDGE 3000 PSI O NATURAL.SOIL BARING STANDARD CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING: VAPOR&TERMITE PROTECTION(IF REQUIRED) CONCRETE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3000 PSI CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE COLUMN BASE TO THICKENED EDGE MICHAEL THOMPSON ALUM ESIGN.COM 4401 VINELAND ROAD ALUM ESIGN SUITE A6 @YAH9Q`OM ORLANDO,FL 32811 PHONE: 407-734-1470 P.E.#47509 FAX: 407-734-1790 CA#30930 3