HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Worksheets page for z WORKSHEE-r o PERMIT NUMBER � I I .. ®UsedH❑ ome10 IBLANE # IH1101137Installer ; RONN ` .. , i I Home installed to the Manufacturer's Installation Manual Address Of home ,100VINDALE AVE ! I Home is installed In accordance with Rule 15 C _. _ . being installed ._.`__ E. ... _ _ _Yr ._.,. _ w'. .._.:. -- _ � ® ..; w."; - S ngle wide W Wind Zone IIC and _ [] i de Zone ll Manufacturer PRESTIGE :Length xwidth 24X56; Double wide ® Installation Decal# `,TBD w... 1 ;NOTE ,if home�s a single wide--fill out"'one half of fhe blocking plan 1. ~Triple/Quad Serial of home is a triple or quad wide sk etch---remainder of home _ ., . I understand Lateral Arm Systems cannot be used on any home(new or used) PIER SPACING TABLE FOR USED HOMES .where the sidewall lies exceed 5 ft 4 m i Installer's initials RB Load Foote~ 16"x 16" 18 1/2"x 18 20"x 20" 22"x 22" 24"X 24" 26"x 26" ._ - f bearing size ,Typical pier spacing (256) 1/2" (342) (400) (484) (576) (676) lateral, capacity sq in ps io, ( ' . .. ` -Show locations of Longitudinal and Lateral Systems. 1500 ps 81 - - ngltudlnal use dark lines to show`these locations) ps f ps I3000 .5 78- 3500 ps Finte rpolated from Rule 15C-1 pier spacing table , f ,,.�._. _. --;.. ` _;.. .�. .,. ,. ,,_ • .._. h_. _ _ ..f. -beam pier�padPsER P ZES X22 Pa LARe A SIZES =711— AD SI E PO D SIZ _. _ .- d Si F x 16 `Perimeter pier pad size !16X161 x I , q .- t .. Other pier ad sizes , x 22.5 - (required bythe mfg x I I 13 - D _S. ma 4x' i raw the apprt�lations of iris 4 m - wall o enin s �r rester Use this x {� o iris~~agow'16 2 R SymbO to Sgo��Vi1� F8 - 1 X a pierswithin of end-of-hope per ule15G i z M'CU.024 x 24 List all marria a wall i greater than 4 foo x I L-Ji nl0 z ANCHOR - i I ..and their pier pad si' _ - - r'-r r-r i 1 -1 i'-T-t-r r 1--� -iT-r-r--r -1 - --tt_ `. 1 I_...� �Opening; ij � pad size i IS I - % I f _ _ - i I i 1 i _I__1 1 I I_i_i 1 rr l�r 4ft X 5ft 1 I 1 I. -. --_,-„c 7'-.r.^� 1 1 1,-.i.._�. I. r- r I r I J_7 If r._1_.!- L ' 1 I � �.- .L--'--' ',_.J-'t - -- I 1 1-T r l i l l l I 1 ®1 � �'� 1 FRAM E TI ES _ �1 -I-_t•} I 1_L ,L I 1 i _ I - i_. r` }._.._. L,-'--1--1,-.J-� L 1-.a I 1 1.� �� I 1. 1 TI. 1: I , ®'. .I.. I I ,.�. M— rA ( ti , -1 � -'I-1-L- ` • 11 lP GG:� t7 1 L.-1- 1_. rA J-.i.-},_.1--L 1 r� i .'Fti"vli ' 1 �_1 ,, _ _1 i_ 1 1. 1 I 1. I 1 ,. - o r+n ,.4 jwithin 2'of end of home...X . �1r� D,Bx_ 1 1 1. 1_ I , .,T , 1 - - j'^ ? T r r-- , r�--i-'1-T'-r-r I .,. -� �O ' spaced at 5'4"OC�— yl,�`kc-- 1, - �y., -Y1-T-r-r-i ; ' �[ y^ pitil. `Ay}rp-,--r 1 r-r-r -1- T r -1- T 1- 11 r 1 , f t � __ T$.. ., r_ 1 1 TIEDOWN COM�NENTS 0 T um ber L. __I_.J'._.J.-.1_..L.-'l�'JCt.•�.. L--. -L._I_J-.J.._1._L_.L,-.1_ 1 f f ER TIES ..1... 'Lon itud�nal StabilizrngDevice ,Sidewall g.. _...- ...._. 1 .. 1, 1 -Manufacturer IVlnvu"I t MAN _.....m. -.. Longitudmal I, I i i 1 [ 1 �.-�.-'-._,,-1 .,- .. ..-_ - Longitudinal Stabilizing Device w/La#eral Arms'Marriage wall 1 •-'�'-r`,-r-I,-i-i_.'I 7-*,._.r-r-i--'t;-'ti-'i'-r'-I''-1--i-n1 a�-.�^r- y'_..i.- I 1 I I 1, 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 1'. 1 I 1 1 Manufacturer Shearwall r-r_r-I- _7-r-r-r.-1--1--1--r-r-r-r`-i-"t-.1-7'-.r._r-r"i--1-'(-7-r-r-r-1_n- n-•T-.r_,.r.-r i - PERMIT WORKSHEET page L oY Z PERMIT NUMBER ' � 6 : �t ite reparation POCKET PENETROMETER TEST _.- _ .. " Debris and or anic material removed YES ._ .......i _...I___..._ _....... _, ......e _ _.__ ._ ._ _�.. i g .. ,The pocket penetrometer tests are rounded down to psf , Water drainage: Natural Swate Pad�_Other l _ or check here to declare 1 000Ib soil 1000 without testing. i X "Fastening multi wide units _ Floor: Type Fastener LAG Length: Spacing: 2. _. er: POCKET PENEI IZ®METER TESTING METH _ YP LAG 9 p 9 94 OD Roof ;Type Fastener LAG Length:_ 6' 24 Spacing. 24" ;. ... ._ I .. , _..� For used homes a min 30 gauge, 8"wide galvanized metal strip _ .._ . .. _..t._. _,._.._. _ . ` ;1. Testtiie �erimeterofthe home at6 locations will be centered over the peak of the roof and fastened withgaly _p.. roofing riailsat2"on center on bothsides of the centerline 2. Take the reading atthe depth of the footer. woathorproofing roquiromont) 3 Using 500 Ib increments take the lowest _ Gasket reading and"'ound down to that increment. ' I un`derst t and a properly installed gasket is a requirement of all new and used 9,- homes and that condensation mold me dew and buckled marriage walls are . .. a resultof a poorly installed or no gasket being installed I understand a stripe "X,10� ....' x[.�.Oj X 10Q� - oftape will not serve as a gasket , 4 Installers initials RB` TORQUE PROBE TEST _ Type ask et FOAM Installetl y.P_., g.._. ... _ Ttie results ofthe torque probe testis 289 inch pounds or check � Pg Between Floors Yes X _. _;here if you ae;declaring 5'anchors without testing Atest showing 275 inch pounds or less will require 5 foot anchor en s. Bottom o Walls d'gebeam Yes X Note :Astate approved lateral arm system is being used and 4 ft. _..,,. .. ._.w.-.P ._. ._._ _.... .._._.. n. 5ft eat rproo ing.. , anchors are allowed atthe sidewall locations I understad e .;anchors are required at all centerline tie porn s where the torque test, _.. 'readingis 275 or'less and where the mobile home manufacturer may .The 1:5," board wilf be repared and/or taped. Yes X' Pg.. ;re uires anchors with 4000 lb holding capacity.; :Siding on units is installed to manufacturer's specifications Yes x _ RBJ' installer's initials Fireplace chimney installed so as no to allow intrusion of rain water. Yes X - ALL TESTS MUST BE PERFORMED BYA LICENSE®INSTALLERMiscellaneous In ' RONNIE"BLAINE Skirtin to be installed. No ' stallerName � , � 9_ ._ _ _ _.. . . . f 1 r l - Dryer ventmstalled outside ofskirtin Yes N/A Date Tested Range down ow vent insfalled outside'f skirti� ng. Yes - N/A Drain lines su ported at4 foot mteivals Yes X Electrical crossovers protected Yes X • - Other ectrica , onnect electric I c©nductors between multi wide units but notto the main power I _; . . .,. �urce This inc the bonding wire between mult wide units Pg les all information'given with this permit worksheet ... Installer verifies g .� Plum bing is accurate and true Lased on the _..... .. : ; .,`._ r:........ . . .. .. .•._,._-.. ... . ,...; ._ _. manufacturer's installation instructions and or Rule 15C-1 & 2 onnect all seweY rams to an ewsting sewer tap or septic tank Pg. __ .. .. _-... .. 4.. .:....1. p.. . . , , i .P,P,Y P P .g„ g Installer Signature Date onnect all otable water su I i in to an existing water meter water tap,or other; ,.d.�r.e�ni•!o'n4nrofor c„nnly cic#cmc Pn