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30# ver 2020
Business & Professional Regulation at r1. ® n Subml[SurtM1a,ge Srdlsa Falb Publloaons���pa' - hostad o, ,tounw.n Sanch > sawratanlst> ftwaataoa aaaa, FL z FL12328-R9 Application Npe Revision Code Version 2020 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer TAMKO Building Products LLC Address/Phone/Elnall PO Box 92 Galena, KS 66239 (412) 624-6644 Ext 2305 kemi_eden@tamko.com Authorized Signature Kerri Eden kerrl_edentiltamko.com Technical Representative Kerri Eden Address/Phone/Email PO Box 1404 Joplin, MO 64802 (417)624-6644 Ext 2305 kerri_eden*Wmko.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Underlayments Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Llcensed Honda Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardmpy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Robert Nleminen Evaluation Report Flonda License PE-59166 Quality Assurance Entity ULLLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 10/18/2021 Validated By John W. Knezevich, PE Validation Checklist- HardWPy Received Certificate of Independence FL1 3 a R9 COI 20 0 01 COI NIrMINEM.gsf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Sfandand Year A D1920 2015 ASTM 0226 2009 ASTM D6380 2013 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sectlons from the Code Prod=Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 09/29/2020 Date Validated 10/04/2020 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/12/2020 Date Approved 12/15/2020 Summe aprotluots FL 0 Nothell, Number or Description Name 12328.1 TAMKO Roof Roof uncerlayments for use In FBC HVHZ junscidlons. Dnd.HaYments (HVHZ) Limits of Use Installation Instruction. Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes EL32328 R9 11 20Z0 09 29 EINAI R TAMKO NO Approved for use outside HVHZ: No BUdf' ' Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Robert Nieminen PE-59166 Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: See ER Sadi9n 5 for Limits of Evaluation Reports Use. EL12328 R9 AF 2020 09 29 E1116L Ell TAMKO DE0. YM B9 odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 12328.2 TAMKO Roof Roof underlayments for use in FBC non-HVHZ jurisdictions. Underlayments (NON- HVHZ) Limits of Use Installation Instruction. ApProved for... In HVHZ: No FL12328 R9 II 2020 09 29 E11161. EK TAMKO I INDEPLAYMENTsNO, Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes HVH FLI a-R pdL Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Robert Nleminea PE-59166 Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Parry: Yes Other: See ER Section 5 for Umits of Evaluation Reports Use. FL12328 R9 AE 2020 92 22 FIMAI ER TAMKO NprgiAYMNOW HVH 12'+ g-R9 py1 Created by Indepentlen[ Third Party: Yes m co„ taa ua = a" room, asaaelneza rho State of r.lda la a' WI En employe. CooMeM 1COJ-301� a "- :: DJy Sail lotlN lB%emall aEE2sses an 1u161rt[oMa. If you Ea no[wane mon—It .nn....—i<..— , wr be made avxoame b roe public. ro a&—, Product APP.1 AKapb: ©4EJ®F7q® Credit Card sale NEMO I etc. CertFrate ofAuthorlmtion sco455 353 Christian Street, Unit#13 Oxford, CT 06478 (203)262-9245 ENGINEER EVALUATE TEST CONSULT 4 REPORT TAMKO Building Products, LLC Evaluation Report 3m4AM-20-FBCER.A-R0 PO Box 97 FL12328-R9 Galena, K5 66739 (417) 6246644 Date of Issuance: 09/29/2020 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 611320-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Code. The products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code sections noted herein. DESCRIPTION: TAMKO Roof Underlayments LABELING: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein and FBC 1507.1.1. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s) changes, the referenced Quality Assurance or production facility location(s) changes, or Code provisions that relate to the products) change. Acceptance of our Evaluation Reports by the named client constitutes agreement to notify NEMO ETC, LLC of any changes to the product(s), the Quality Assurance or the production facility location(s). NEMO ETC, LLC requires a complete review of its Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: The Florida Product Approval Number (FL#) preceded by the words "NEMOletc. Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report Is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPEMON: Upon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at thejob site at the request of the Building Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through S. Prepared by: i Robert J.M. Nieminen, P.E. Florida Registration No. 59166, Florida DCA ANE1983 'q =,ha ?�y:: Thefealmile—M appearing was authurimd by aobem m9H l'i,. ,e Nieminen,P.E. an 03/39/30ID. Thisdoesnotsemssan e ttrmnmlly slgned dl..m. CERTiIGTNIH aF INOFPENaFHCE: 1. NEMO ETC, LLC does not have, nor does it Intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financial Interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products It evaluates. 2. NEMO ETC, LLC is not owned, operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have nor will acquire, a financial Interest in any company manufacturing or distributing Products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. S. This is a building code evaluation. Neither NEMO ETC, LLC nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluatian Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. 02019, NEW ETC, LLC ROOFING COMPONENT EVALUATION NNEmoletc. � a• Product Category: Roofing Sub -Category: Underlayment Compliance Statement: TAMKO Roof Underlayments, as produced by TAMKO Building Products LLC, have demonstrated compliance with the following sections of the r Edition (2020) Florida Building Code through testing in accordance with the following Standards. Compliance is subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations / Conditions of Use set forth herein. M 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 �n krd Year 1507�1.11/R905.1.1 Material standard ASTM D226 2O09 1507.1.1,1507.2.4, 1507.2.9.2/ Material standard ASTM D1970 2015 R905.1.1, RB05.2.8.2 1507.2.9.2, 1507.6.5 / R905.2.8.2, Material standard ASTM D6380 2013 R905.5.4 E-mity Examination rence D do PRI (TST5878) ASrM D1970 TAP-386-02-01 10/04/2017 PRI(TST5878) ASTM D226, Type 11 TAP-020.02-01 04/19/2018 PRI (TST5878) ASTM D1970 TAP-447-02-01 10/19/2018 PRI ITST5878) ASTM D63M 847TOD09 12/21/2019 PRI(TST5878) ASTM D6380 847T000/2/201 PRI (T$T5878) ASTM D226, Type ll TAP-351-02-01 04 04/25/2016 PRI (TSr5878) ASTM D226, Type 11 TAP-351-02-02 05/04/2016 ILL LLC (TST9628) ASTM D226, Type It 13CA12269 03/14/2014 ILL LLC IQUA9625) QualityAssurance Service Confirmation 10/20/2020 UL LLC(QUA9625) Quality Assurance Florida BCIS Current PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Product Material Standard Plant(s) Dexriptlon M. 30 UL ASTM D226, Type 11 Joplin, MO Asphalt -saturated organic felt Green Cove Springs, FL No. 30ASTM ASTMD226, Type 11 Phillipsburg, KS Asphalt -saturated organic felt TAM -FELT- ASTM D226, Type 11 Green Cove Springs, FL Asphalt -saturated organic felt Moisture Guard• ASTM D1970 Joplin, MO Self -adhering, fiberglass reinforced SBS modifled bitumen roof underlayment with a mineral top surface. TV �Underlmant ASTMD1970s Columbus, KS Self -adhering, SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment with a polymer -film tap Surface. TW Seam Tape I M D1970 Columbus, KS Self -adhering, 585 modified bitumen deck seam -tape with a polymer-01m top surface. ASTM Slate Sudaud R011 ASTM D6380, Green Cove Springs, FL Asphalt -saturated organic mat, coated on Roofing Class M, Type 11 both sides with asphalt and surfaced with granules. r A9reemembetwamparrhasrer and seller, m setiorth in Saenaa 4.3, Note 3 ofA hd D1970-15, should be establenedas to slip reslsrunre ofM Undedoyment. NEW ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3m-TAM-20-FBEER.A-R0 areifrate olAumwirodon R33AS5 JTM EDITION I20201 FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL12328-R9 TAMKO Roof UndeNayments Revldon 0: 09/29/2020 Page2OS Product Ma terial5tandand Plangs) tr CII ) etc. Description 4.8 ABTM TIIe Untlerlayment ASTM D638Q Green Cove Springs, FL Asphalt -saturated organic felt, coated on Class M, Type II both sides wkh asphalt and surtaced wkh granules. 5. LIMITATIONS: 5.1 This is a building code evaluation. Neither NEMO ETC, LLC nor Robert Meminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/ used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. 5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in FBC High Velocity Hurricane Zone jurisdictions(I.e., froward and Miami -Dade Counties). 5.3 This Evaluation Report pertains to above -deck roof components. Roof decks and structural members shall be in accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. 5.4 This Evaluation Report does not include evaluation of fire classification. Refer to FBC 1505 for requirements and limitations regarding roof assembly fire classification. Refer to FBC 2603 for requirements and limitations concerning the use of foam plastic insulation. 5.5 TAMKO Roof Underlayments may be used with any prepared roof cover where the product is specifically referenced within FBC approval documents. If not listed, a request may be made to the Authority Having Jurisdiction for approval based on this evaluation combined with supporting data for the prepared roof covering. 5.6 Allowable Roof Covers: TABLE I: ROOFCOVE1101MONS Asphalt Clay and Concrete The Mehl 5latew Urldgdzyment Shingles !sso>.3) Srtc Type wood I Myer Panels Shingle Shingles Shakes p50y2) Shingles Shingles tttt� Attend, Nso>aJ lssmsJ Nsonn fss 4 Aso>.g) No. 30 UL Yes Yes Yes swsai see s.s.l Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No. 30 ASTM yes Yes Yes soss.l .1.1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes TAM -FELT' Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yez Yes Moisture Guard' Yes No No No No Yes es 0dmrmoa, Yes Oamama+. iso>xu3/ ssm.lAs/ nozsval .ssl TINUnderlaymen[ Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Bamapv., Yes gamnnw. Ssioa.v9/ ISOI.1.1s/ Yes a9R.id9) a915.1.131 TW Seam Tape III No No Yei BoNta' VGs IWII Yes aantmq, yes Eovmmgs, Yes wo` NI MI MIxWl.l.11/ ..v11/ ]SQ).l.vs/ sse).xm13/ ase.l.Ll1 IBps.va.e Rf¢S.1.v31 Rtl5].1.31 ASTM Slate Surfaced Roll Yes Yes Roofing MiW umrl II No No No No No No aMmmml ASTM Tile Underlayment ex Yes ImPA.max- No No No No IvpNsunzd No No PYs�I NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3m-TAM-20-FBCER.A-1110 Ce/Nfircte ofAutawhotmn p33p55 P EDITION (2020) FBC NON-HVNZ EVALUATION FL12328-R9 TAMKO Roof Underlayment, Revision 0: 09/29/2020 Page 3 of 5 5.6.1 No. 30 UL or No. 30 ASTM may be used as a mechanical) sheet attached anchor ONEMOletc.owedASTM Slate Surfaced Roll Roofing or ASTM Tile Underlayment, follby an asphalt -applied S.7 Allowable Substrates: TABLE 2: SUBSTRATE OPDONS FOR ADNERED UNDERLAYMENTB UndeHaymtmt Application Primer Substrates Moisture Guard• or TW Underlayment self -adhering (Optional) ASTM D41 plywood None (Optional) ASTM D41 None No. 30 ILL, No. 30 ASTM or TAM -FELT• plywood No. 30 UL, No. 30 ASTM or TAM -FELT• TW Seam Tape ASTM Slate Surfaced Roll Roofing or ASTM Tile Underlayment seK-adhering hot asphalt 5.8 Attachment Limitations: 5.8.1 For use under mechanically attached NON -TILE prepared roof coverings, attachment shall be in accordance withthe manufacturers installation instructions, but — for mechanically attached underlayments or base sheets - not less than FBC 1507.1.1 or R905.1.1. 5.8.2 For use undertile roof systems, attachment shall be in accordance with the manufacturers installation instructions, but —for mechanically attached base sheets - not less than: • FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition, Appendix A, Table 1(for Two -Ply Asphalt Applied Hot Mop Underlayment) 5.9 Exposure Limitations: TABLE 3: EXPOSURE LIMITATIONS Underlayment Prepared Roof Cover Installation Type Maximum Exposure (days)* No. 30 UL, No. 30 ASTM, TAM -FELT• Moisture Guard•, TW Underlayment, TW Seam Tape Any 30 ASTM Slate Surfaced Roll Roofing, ASTM Tile Underlayment --may on. man 30 dot's. 5.10 Tile Slippage Limitations When loading roof tiles on the underlayment in direct -deck tile roof assemblies, the tile shall be staged atop battens during loading of the roof tiles. b.1 TAMKO Roof Underlayments shall be installed In accordance with TAMKO Building Products LLC installation instructions subject to the Limitations set forth in Section 5 herein and the specifics noted below. 6.2 Re -fasten any loose decking panels, and check for protruding nail heads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly to remove any dust and debris prior to application, and prime the substrate (if applicable). 6.3 No. 30 UL, 11110. 30 ASTM: 6.3.1 Non -Tile Applications Shall be installed in compliance with requirements for an approved mechanically attached underlayment (ASTM D226, Type II) in FBC Table 1507.1.1.1 or FBC Residential Table R905.1.1.1 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed, and the manufacturers installation instructions. FBC requirements take precedence over the manufacturer's installation instructions. NEMO Fro LLC Evaluation Report 3m441VI-20-FRCE1.111 CPrtlfrcoteo7Autnv&Z ms,a A5 7^'EDITION (2020)IBC NON-WHZ EVALUATION FLIZ328-R9 TAMKO Roof Undedayments Revision 0: 09/291"20 Page 4 of 5 6.3.2 Tile Applications ONEMOletc. No. 30 UL or No. 30 ASTM are limited to use as a mechanically attached base sheet In the "Two -PLY SYSTEM' from FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition, followed by ASTM Slate Surfaced Roll Roofing, ASTM Tile Underlayment applied in hot asphalt, or other FBC Approved hot -asphalt applied capsheet. Refer to FRSA/TRI, Sixth Edition, Appendix A, Table l for attachment requirements. 6A TAM -FELT•: 6.4.1 Non -rile A pl' at' s Shall be installed in compliance with requirements for an approved mechanically attached underlayment (ASTM D226, Type II) in FBC Table 1507.1.1.1 or FBC Residential Table R905.1.1.1 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed, and the manufacturer's Installation Instructions. FBC requirements take precedence over the manufacturer's installation instructions. 6.5 Mdature Guard•, T1N Underlayment: 6.5.1 Shall be installed in compliance with requirements for an approved self -adhering underlayment (ASTM D1970) in FBC 1507.1.1.2 or 1507.1.1.3 or FBC Residential R905.1.1.1 or R905.1.1.3 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed, and the manufacturer's installation instructions. When installed over a mechanically attached, FBC Approved ASTM D226 Type II felt, the felt shall be fastened in accordance with FBC 1507.1.2 or R905.1.1. 6.6 ASTM Slate Surfaced Roll Roofing, ASTM Tile Underlaymmt• 6.6.1 Tile Aooliatinno- ASTM Slate Surfaced Rall Roofing and ASTM Tile Underlayment are limited to use as the Hot Asphalt applied "Cap Sheet" in the "TWO-PLY SYSTEM" from FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition. Refer to Section 5.8.2 for attachment limitations. Refer to Section 5.10 for tile staging limitations. 6.6.2 Valley Liner ASTM Slate Surfaced Roll Roofing and ASTM Tile Underlayment are acceptable for use as a valley liner in accordance with FBC 1507.2.9.2 or FBC Residential R905.2.8.2. Installation shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions before applying shingles. As required by the Building Official or Authority Having Jurisdiction in order to properly evaluate the this product. wntact the named CIA entity for manufacturing facilities Covered by F.A.C. Rule 614320-3 CIA. requirements. Refer to Section 4 herein for products and production locations having met codified material standards. 9. QUALITY ASSURANCE ENTITY: UL LLC—QUA9625; (414) 248-6409; Karen.buchmana@.111-.com - END OF EVALUATION REPORT- NEMa ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3m TAM-20.FKER.A-RO cem6mte o7auMo,izoOon e32. 7TM EDITION IZ0Z01 FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FUZ320-119 TAMKO Roof UnderlaMenu ReWman 0: 09/29/2020 Page s of s