HomeMy WebLinkAboutDick Permit AppAIIAPPTICABLE !NFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPIICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date:Permit Number: Building Permit Application Planning ond Development Services Building ond Code Regulotion Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (7721462-1,553 Fax 1772) 462-1,578 Commercial Residentia I property rax rD #: 3tl0l - 6O9-0PA L:@,'7 lot ruo. 3 Block No. 5f<Site Plan Name: Project Name:DicK Additional work to be performed under this permit - check all that apply: _ Windows/Doors _ Roof _ Pitch _Mechanical _ Electric _ Gas Tank _ Plumbing _ Gas Piping Sprin klers _ Shutters _ Generator Total Sq. Ft of Construction:Sq, Ft. of First Floor: Cost of Construction t 5 lL5O,@ Utilities: - Sewer - Septic Building Height: lf value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. lf value of HVAC is $7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. CONSTRUCTION I N FORMATIO N : Name Ad d ress: City: Zip Code: Phone No. Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) state: FL- Name: Company: Address: t7O fhaltfn flA SE City Zip Code: Phone No E-Mail State or County License Fax: W Address: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: OWNER/LESSEE:CONTRACTOR: SUPPI.EM ENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN DESIGNER/ENGINEER: _ Not Applicable Address: City:State zip:Phone MORTGAGE COMPANY: _ Not Applicable Name: Address: City:State: Zip: _ Phone FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Applicable Name: Address: City: Zip:Phone: BONDINqCOMPANY: _Not Applicable Name: \ Address: City: zip:Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certifv that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St. Lucie Countv makes no representation that is granting a Dermit will authorize the permit holder to build the subiect structure which is in conflict with anV applicable Home Owders Asiociation rules, bvlaws or and covenants that mav restrict <jr prohibit such structure. Please consult With your Home Owners Association and review-your deed for any restrictions vihich may apply. ln consideration of the granting of this requested permiU I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-resldential use .WARNING TO OWiIER: YOUR FAITURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT iIAY RESULT IIT YOUR PAYING TWCE FOR IMPROVEMEI{TS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMTIIENCEMEITIT iIUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTTON. rF YOU TNTEND TO OBTATN FrNAr{CrNG, CONSUTT WITH YOUR LEIIIDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT." Signature of Owner/ Lessee/Contractor as Agent for Owner STATE OF FLORIDA couNrY OF 5l Jud?- Name of person making statement. Personally Known _ OR Produced lden commission N, lbll)T - STATE OF FLORIDA iciurvw orIiey"L_td_ The forgoing instr ment was acknowledged before me'DnJ ,zol[ bythis l2 day of Type of I (Signature of N lic- State of Commission No. x+ffi9 ^O fr oo -?,3!o :3_E *Ns-=E3 eEeB FRONT COUNTER ZONING I SUPERVISOR REVIEW I REVIEW PLANS REVI EW VEGETATION REVIEW SEA TURTLE REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW REVIEWS The foreoins instru this lf aJv ot I Name of person making/ Personally Kr,own V C)R ['roduceci Produced i LOT 22)HOUSEFIN FLEL:I944. HOUSEFIN FL.EL.:20.:98' ( LOT 23) \\ SCALE: 1" - NOTE; ELEV. BASED ON N.G.V.D' FL@D ZONE "AH" B FE .I7' FEilA FIRM NO t2iltco zat c\,/ 4/ 92 XOUSEFlil FL EL.: 19 OO' ( LOl 24) . r.r -l4 d rs.H.. r.r -l4 d rs.H. -.FD.-t.R.ac.-- SET t.8. a c FI a{ ;Io Io , Q 4! I I FD. _-.r.R ac HOUSE ( LOTS 4 a5) ( LOr 6) HOUSE FI N. FL. EL, : la 75' VACANT ( LOr 2) ;Io o_ lg< ma{ q' 9d I I I 5'gatesot v4I0 vtnlor ill gttuftD ao ixd cat6t&L uriB 9& ot,. ru,-r:A !:c$98 SUaYEO' ,rinv*tE. (l.r.c.5tctr-0) prlrl@a or rFaflois D slrrn Nt ot Efoafi rY ontfi ns tu tlfrlxcr{il ot tatrls tt rrortltt& uttuoE flttL! cotSaa or ntt sioltc dr or ta?lrs. (f .^.c. 51a17-6). 80.oo' I o.o VACANT,LAf 22,ALK-57) H O IJSE (LoT 23, gLK. 57)HOUSE Fll'l FL EL: t9 t4 ( LOT 2 4, BLK.57) DESCRIPTION: (SUPPLIED BY CLIENT)Lor 3,Btocx sa, "rNprAN nifii"i|rores uNrr Erc'r', AccoRDrNG^::-T'E-l!1I THERE.F AS RECORDEDiu prrb Boox 10 , IAGE-73 6;';;"Tffii;E #$d;"6i 6rl-iucrs cour'rrY, 1;onroe.sAID LANDs sl?uArE IN sr' tuai; i6iln'ii,'li"^roa. Lors A' srlvENs,LrBERTy rrrLE colrpAuv oF MsRrcA, DAfED: FORMEOARD LOCATIgl ?/tZ,.c6FINAL SURVEY t/tO/O6 E t +J MITCFELL ASSOCIaTES, tNC 7 7 2 t o78-7 s47 ro *,lfi;;" ."Hil: f,2 ,. : b 6I SOUNDAni SURVDY tv/ I NrE R I o R rrupHolffi I I BASE OF NO MICHELLE R. MILLER, FrLE # 4843805 0R lax: $2310.O0 CLERK OE. THE CIRCUIT BOOK 4586 PAGE 1008, COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY Recorded O4/O7/202L 10:.O2:52 A!'l Doc Prepared by: Cove Harbour Title Services, LLC 3l 1 S. 2trdstrEet, Suite 102-A Ft. Pierce, Florida 34950 File Number: 214031 General Warranty Deed Made this March 31, 2021 A.D, By Alfrrd Welling a single mln, whose addrss is: 140E Russel Lanq Fort Pierce, Florid a 349A., hercinafter called the gratrtor, to Wltliam Dlck and Denise Dlck, a marrled couple, whose pos offrce address is: 54M Hickory Drive, Fort Pierce, Florida 34982, hereinafter called the grantee: (lUbam ucd heril &e 6l 'grmls" ild '6mbe" ircludc all the pdni6 io tbis iN&uIHr ard rhc hrir, I€grl Fpres€ntrtivB {d sigH of indlviduals, ud lbs :|ffim od ssigs of@posatim) Witnessethr that the grantor, for and in considerration of the sum of Ten oollars, ($10.00) md other valuable considerarions, receipt whercofis hreby ackaowledged, hercby gans, bargaing sclls, aliens, rcmises, releaseg couveys aad confirms mto the granteg all that oertain land situgte in St. Lucie Counly, Fhrich, viz: Lot 3, Block 58, INDLAN RMR ESTATES UNIT EIGHT, according to the Plat 6ereo( recordcd in Plat Book 10, Page(s) 73 ofthe Public Records ofst. Lucie Couoty, Flodda. Parcel ID Numbec 3402-609-0221-OOU7 Togetherwidr all the tenernentq hereditarnents and appurtenances thereto bclooging or in mywise appertaining, To llave and to Hold, the same in fee simple forever. And the grantor hereby coveuanb with said grautee that the grantor is hutrully seized of said land in fee simpie; that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that the grantor hereby frlly warrants the tith to said lmd and will defend the same agdnst tle lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and thal said land is tree of all encumbrances sxcept taxes ac*ruing subs€quent to D€cembcr 11,2024. In Witness Whereof, thc said grantor has signcd and scaled these preseots tho day and year first above wrisen. State of Florida County ofSt. Lucie \ The foregoing irstrumert was acknowledged bcforc mgby means of I X ] physical presence or [ ] online notarization by means of [ ] phqnical prc.sencc or [ ] online not8d4tiE{his 3N-r.o day of March, 2@1,by A.tfr+*lelling aNing\mau who is/are personally knowotomeorwhohasproduced T!-- Dvrsr- \-tccrn\e- asiaentncition. zfjl-\\/o\ BRITIAIYHU'F MY 00l'Sll88l0t{ I gC e?fiEr- EXPIRES:,i&o t, u@4 sealed and delivered in our ptesence: DEED lodividud Wuuty M - Legl oD FsE My ComEislotr MICHELLE R. MILLER, CLERK OF FILE # 4850280 0R BOOK 4594 THE CTRCUTT COURT - PAGE 42t, Recorded SAINT LUCIE COUNTY 04/t9/2O2L 01:59:12 PM Permit No. Strte of Florida, County of St= Lucie NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Property Tax lD No. The Undersigned hereby gives notice thal improvement r+ill be mrde to\Qertsin real proprrty, and in f,ccordance with Chapter 713, Floridr Strtutes, the following lnformation is providrd in this Norice of Commenccmeot. Legat Description of property and addrers if availahle fnd$n fir'Uer Esrrtcs -tlnr'f frE - Bln $tr lar.f Owner/lessee 1r^/1r r rfi,tfl flt -l}fg1r* ,ruare* 5{0{ lJtaltorr{ Dr,Et Pr€rtq F*,}el{tf lntsrsst ii property:r,tarlnll Fee Simple Titk holder (if other than orvnrrl Address r14A General description of improvemerts IE{io f2nat NIA contractor fto$gssr.rr^ I b uar- Fa,ac L Phone # -u l-?{q -q88q Address {}ft /}tat+in f,A 5f , Falm fio{. fJ *3JQO9* Fax#.u| -3t] -q?8? surety /t/4 Phone Address l,l/A Fax #. # tll* AIIA Amount of Bond tilA *na"r. l,ll*Phone # t{l* nooress /tllA Fsx # Al/A Persons within thc State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may he served as provided L'riT'ili't'rr (a) 7'' Frorida starues: Pnonet l[* eaoress l$*Fu^# AllA In addition to himself, owner designates ilfL rtil Phonet lJ/*rrr* A//A toreceivercopyoftheLienor'gNoticeasprovirledinSection?13.13(l)(b),FloridaStatute$. Expimtiondateofnotleeof comilencement is one yeor from the dnte of recording rrnless a different date is sp*cified. WARNINC TO OWNER: AN)' I'AYM[N'I'S I!,1ADE BY TIIE OWNER A':I'HR TIII] IXPIRA'I'ION OI:'I'I,II: NOTIC'E OT ((LN4MIN('IIMIINT.^RE CONSIDERID IMPITOPIR l'A'r'MLNTSUNDt--ltf'H.7ll.l-i.F.S.-ANDCANRIiStII.IINYOURPAYIN(i l'wICUfORIMPR()VLMEI{tSl()YOtlRPROl}ERfY..{NO'II(:EOl COIHMENCEI{[N.I'MI;STBf RICORDfI)A\I}I'OS EDOIti.I-TIDJOBSI,I'EBE}-ORD"I}{f FIRS.TINSFEC.TION. IFYOLTINTEND.I.OOBTAIN FINAI.ICINC. CONSUI,I' WI'III YOTIR I-F:ND}]R OR AN A]']'{iRNEY BT:TORE COMMENI-'INC WORK OR RE,CORDINC YOLIR NOI'ICT. OF COMMENCN4EN'T, d.*^l**f-* ()wncr/kste. or Owner's or l-cssee's Atlhorizrd Ollicer/DircctorlPrrtncr/Mf,nrger/ SiEofiturc -8,Jru1Slgnr lory..'s l'iIh/0fli(c State of Ftorids, County of 8f lUiC Acknowledged before m€ this l2-*_. da.v of Type or of + 'ritle: $!9911fu[!g Commission Number M ) il?' as ldenlification. of Notary