HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application back sigature page r ""k": tin✓,- .,�. r`y -.', :1 =-l�»-1.`s xt' 1C. ,ems,.�, ° '*3 G] '°" :'S.. •s rs mr,*.- - s. M� ..+•^ E _ CIEGMOP...s� 1i?a's.:� ��C � I�°°.- u� ��'� '- , 'A , x, 5 .rr , � . ' .»u„ Df. 1GNER(l.NGtIER 'Not:Applictle MOlt7GA5E: MPANY .. . NttplKical<r1e' 'Native,`.ew�o�ruWse ' Name Address s±Tcocvrurave .. .. .. / !dress' Ctty, ssus. State : Cttjl r a PFYcne::mz�zaryzsa gip:: Pltnnea. F SIIPI. TITL .HOLDER _Ndt Appticab(e: . BlMDIN t~AMPAIIF: _t�Qt:aptfitcabl± 1�dd ress. . ... .. Address; City Ctty�" MO.ne> rp Phone: t certJWthat:no'work.or ins6t!�ijon hastommented:pnor to.the issuance of aperrrk- 5t.t acre Coon�_y'rtrakes rrn representatroi that r grant[ng2 permitwrQ authonte th'e erm holderto burld'the snbjitstnicture..,. which rs in confffct with any,applicable Home�wnersAssacratron;rules byCaws or and cavenartts that may restrict or p40hi6I suet! strticfure Pleaseonsalt�nrithoelr Hc�meAwrters Association and revt�evir yorlr died farar(y resirJEtions which trtay apply: to corisdecatrorjoftKe granting ofthrs requested'pernt►t,t do hereby agree that[will rid allrespects,perform.the work: naccgdance with ttie:approved plans,the Florida Building Codesand SL,Lucte County Arpendments: Thefollowing building-pemut appl cationsare.exempffrom undergoing a-fulC coneurrency review room additions; accessory siructtires;"izmming.:paols„fences,W0.0.signs screen roomS:and acre Sory uses t+�mother sari-res►cipni rat WARNING TOVIINER.~Yot+rfa�tur to tCard a Notaceof'Comrner�cemni mail-resultsln yararPa�naB twtpe for impraventents to your proberty AN o Commencement must tae recorded and posted on a job's e. before the ftrs> tnspectton..F uot�Intend to obtain financing,cdnsaft:w�th[ender ear an akorney tefdre comrrienc�n wo,r�C a'r recorclln our tcit�ce of Commertceri�ent _ _, 'Sr „attire of Cu" ctor Cr _SrgnatureofQ�ntnerf LesseefAgent �. .: .,. ,!!�.. ,/ censeHolder - :SrTATE OF EI,OWDA., ;STATE Op dRID-A... The.forgoing Instrument was ac(inowledged befare",nte The forgoing instrument was a tknowledge,.before rise this day of 17?i4�2cFf`. 2Q?�by this rz�/,t� LYE �3�1�-►�� .�,l. .���� (Name`of person acknowledging::) (Name of person acicnowledgirrg•,}; '..Al aw (S,rgnature of f�C. . Public Slate of F..foritla<j (Signature of:Na ubhc ........ofFlorida.}. Personally Known OR Eroduced;IdentiflCatron Persodallir(mown OR Produced:ldentificatron Type of identifcatron.Produced. Type."qf tdent Catlotl Produced ...... IqN Commission No. .Commission No: DOR p 0 � MYCOMbEISS[o'1#Fjili045445 k.WWI SStoutwi id5443.. «.. . .�jryoFP •BQild2'��1[i1 ' ;!' rIC �: PL IS Revised.l 1Sf REVIEWS FRONT ZONING JSUPEAVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVJEW RE1/t.EW RE1lIEVi. REVIEW REVIEW R€VIEl!!t' DATE COMPLETE tly117,4I5