HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationOWNER/LESSEE: CQNTRACTOR: NamePn@ Building Corp Name: Matthe+ L�I.Vyynne Address: 8000 69'uth US HWy. 1 Sulle'402 .. Company: �Nynne:�evr�i®pmerit �oip City: Port -St, Lucie. State: FL Address:.8000 S®yth U Mwy:1 Suite 402 Zip Code: 3�4952 :.. Fax: (772) 070-7056 .. C.ity: Port.St, Lucie � : :.. state: FL. Phone NO. (772),79-651 Zip Code::g62. ': .: Fax: (772) 1i70-7650 E-Mail: Ched@wynnebr,,c0m Phione No.':(772) 8787,51:3 Fill In-feesimple Tit) Holder on.n�xt pale (if diif�rent: e-Mail:.�h�r.'i from the Owner listed above) State or County License: OOCO3599 ti9 SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTI,ON,LIEN LAW INFORMATION a DESIGNER/ENGINEER: ... _ Not Applicable. MORTGAGE.COIV�PANY _Not Applicable .... . Name:. Braden.&Braden Name: Address:417C—LtAve. Address:: City, Stuart- State: Fs_. ' City: - State: Zip: 34996" -.Phone (772)287-8256 Zip: Phone--. FEE.sIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Applicable BONDING_ COMPANY: .:Not Applicable Name: Name: Address,. Address: City: City:.. . Zip: Phone:. Zip: Phone:. I certify that.no work or installation has. commenced prior to the issuance.of;a permit.: .. `St: Lucie Count makes. no representation that is granting a:perrriit will authorize=the permit holder to build the subject:structure ' which is in coniiictwith any applicable Home Owners Association rules,'bylaws or and covenants that may -restrict or prohibit such structure. Please consult with your Home. Owners Association and.review your -deed for'iny restrictions which may apply.. - In consideration -of the,granting of this requested permit; I do hereby agree that l will; in all respects; -perform the work in:accordahce with:the approVed plans; the Florida Building.Codes and St'. Lucie CountyAmend ments. The following'building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a, full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools; -fences, walls, signs; screen rooms and accessory -uses to another.non4esidential use. WARNING TO: OWNER:. Your failure. to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your:payiing twice for -improvements to your. property. A. Notice. of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the. first;inspection. If.you intend to obtaifffinancing,'consult with fender or -an attorney before commencing work or recordin : our Notice of Commencement...' Holder. Signature of Owner/ Lessee/Agent Signature.of:Contractor/License STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF STLUCIE: COUNTY OF sriE The for��oi�g instrument was acknowledged before me The for�going instrument was acknowledged before. -me 'by .thisa��ay of 4Z14M 20 ?may . thiso�"' day -of L• 20h� :.. .. .. .... MArrHc1M 1 �'LC^ 'NNE MAT HF-YY -Yiri^ 1NYNt�E 1: ) (Name of person acknowledging) (Name, of. person. acknowledging State of Florida ) (Sigh atur otary Public -State of Florida) (.Sign ature..of Notary_Publiic- ARD Personally Known � � ��i��� 4 rrr�„f.. �' ersonally Known .' ?.—OR Produced I -Type of Identification Pro C I'°B.'% ission # ype of Identification �•, , POLLARD' .. C.omrnISS, '* - MY 14,.2021 r� =;•, crY :. ,�.�,.r.u,�.�.. G 621�74 - �* �� 'Comr-hission#G =+ *- Expires Commission No:.: �a�•'.. (9etJA mrhission�N6. MV CC(�aMsign "•->�F.aJIM Januaiy.14,.202.1..: r��° Revised A7ll5/2A1�#. REVIEWS:.. FRONT_ ZONING. SUPERVISOR. PLANS .. VEGETATI.ON : . SEA TURTLE . MANGROVE; . COUNTER _ . REVIEW REVIEW:.. REVIEW . REVIEW. REVIEW- . .':REVIEW.:. . DATE -COM hETE .