HomeMy WebLinkAboutPinedo Driveway Permit app
St. Lucie County Water Quality Division
Mail: 2300 Virginia Avenue
Deliveries: 3071 Oleander Avenue
Fort Pierce, Florida 34982
Driveway Permit Application
Please read before filling out this application.
You may NOT need this permit.
You only need a driveway permit if:
1. You are constructing a new driveway
2. You are upgrading an existing driveway by:
a. Installing a culvert
b. Doing any work within the County right-of-way
(Area from edge of pavement/road to the right-of-way line)
c. Changing a dirt driveway to concrete or asphalt if it joins
into a paved road
You do not need a driveway permit if:
1. You wish to pave your driveway from the garage door to the right-of-way line
if you live on a dirt road.
2. If you wish to extend your parking area but are not going into the right-of-
These two types of construction are a separate permit. You will need to
check with the Planning and Development Services Department for the
appropriate permit.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 50E1AD1C-6D7A-49CC-AA9F-59C4B9DB2F19
Driveway Type:
New Construction (Fee $155.00) Upgrade/Replacement (Fee $25.00)
Residential Commercial
Applicant Name Phone#
Mailing Address
Owners Name Phone#
Construction Address
Parcel Tax ID Number
Lot# Block# Subdivision
The Nearest Intersection Road/Street is
The Nearest Property Line to Proposed Driveway is Feet (This distance must be a
minimum of 9’ with or 6’ without a culvert)
Desired Driveway Width is Feet
(Residential D/W must be between 10’ Min. And 20’ Max.)
(Commercial D/W must be between 20’ Min. And 40’ Max.)
(Note: A Driveway on a Paved Road Must Be Paved and On an Unpaved Road Must Not Be
Paved In the County Right-Of-Way)
The Center of the Proposed Driveway will be clearly marked on - -
I Will Mark the Driveway with: (Driveway Must Be Marked For Permit to Be Processed)
( ) A Stake Marked Center Line of Driveway Placed At the Right-Of-Way Line
( ) A Bright Color Center Line Symbol Painted On the Edge-Of-Pavement
( ) Driveway to Be Centered On Garage Door Opening (Opening Must Be Visible)
For All D/W Permits:
A County Inspector Will Process Your Permit, Determine Grades, Setbacks Etc., On Or As Soon As
Possible After The Date Marked Above. Please Allow A Minimum Of 10 (Ten) and Maximum of 30 (Thirty)
Working Days From The Date Marked Above For The Permit To Be Completed To Prevent Any Hardship.
Notice To Owner And Builder: The Certificate Of Occupancy (C.O.) Will Be Withheld By The Planning
and Development Services Department Until All Conditions Of this Permit Are Inspected And Satisfied.
I/We Agree To Abide By The “Conditions Of Driveway Construction ” Listed On Page Number 2 (Two) Of
The Permit Issued. I/We Agree To Construct the Driveway In Accordance With The St. Lucie County
Land Development Code (Section 7.05.06) And Construction Specifications Listed In This Permit. In The
Event The Culvert Fails Or Becomes Unserviceable, Or The Driveway Needs To Be Replaced For Any
Other Reason, Replacement Shall Be Arranged By And At The Expen se Of The Owner.
Owners Signature Date
Date Received By Planning and Development By
Date Received By Construction Inspector By
Rev. 6/10 Master Building Permit Number Receipt Number
RJM Custom Homes
Howard St/Hickory Dr
Indian River Estates Unit 8
Hickory Dr
6917 Vista Pkwy N. #1
Efran & Maria Pinedo
28 & 29 63
DocuSign Envelope ID: 50E1AD1C-6D7A-49CC-AA9F-59C4B9DB2F19
Driveway Permit Issuance
1. Driveway Permits to be applied for through the Planning and Development Services
Department, although Driveway Permits are issued through the Water Quality
2. All Payments for Driveway Permits, including reinspect fees, should be made in the
Planning and Development Services Department. The Water Quality Division cannot
receive payments.
3. If a Driveway Permit is required, The Planning and Development Services
Department should mark on that Building Permit that a “C.O.” will not be granted
until driveway final is accepted by the Driveway Inspector.
4. If a Driveway Permit is required, at the time the owner or builder pays for a building
permit, an additional $155.00 will be charged for the driveway permit.
5. Once the owner/builder has completed the permit application, they should mail or
deliver it to the Planning and Development Services Department.
6. Once the Driveway Inspector has completed the Driveway Permit, it should be
delivered back to the Planning and Development Services Department to be mailed
or made available for pick-up.
7. The Owner or Builder is to call 772-462-2511 with their Driveway Permit number and
address of the construction site. Please give a 24 hour notice when requesting a
Driveway Pre-pour or Final inspection.
8. If the Pre-Pour Inspection has been accepted, the Driveway Inspector is to place a
sticker on the job site stating that it has been approved.
9. If the Pre-Pour Inspection has been rejected, the Driveway Inspector is to place a
“Red Tag” on site and explain what was rejected. The “Red Tag” should also include
the amount of the Re-Inspect Fee to be paid at the Planning and Development
Services Department ($20.00 for the First, $40.00 for the Second, and $60.00 for the
Third or more) and where to pay it.
10. Upon acceptance of the final inspection, the Inspector is to call the Planning and
Development Services Department with the address to release the C.O. hold on that
11. Driveway Permits for other than new construction will be paid for and application
received at the Planning and Development Services Department and follows the
same procedure.
12. Driveway Permits for Commercial Sites must include a Copy of the County Approved
Site Plan with the application. Some of these sites may need a Right-of-Way Permit
instead of a Driveway Permit.
13. Driveway Upgrades (changing dirt driveway to concrete or asphalt where applicable)
or culvert replacement permits will be applied for on the same form as a regular
driveway. A $25.00 upgrade fee is to be charged for this type of permit and is to be
applied for through the Planning and Development Services Department.
14. All calls regarding Driveway Permits, Fees or Inspection results should be directed to
the Driveway Inspector at 772-462-2511.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 50E1AD1C-6D7A-49CC-AA9F-59C4B9DB2F19