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Approved Products for the Installation of Manufactured Homes
APPROVED PRMUCTS 1 vR THE INSTALLATIC.-N -P MANUFACTURED H :-MES IIONZ PRIME, INC., contdnuea... P.O. Box 160397 .Nashville, Tennessee 3721"387 MODIL 9 IDENTIFICATION DESCRIPTION Soil Class Working Load Ultimate Load Ham. ', Strapping / YV x 0.0375" galvanized flat NIA 3,150 4,725 straPPm� AMD39i3.9 ralvanized Split Bolt /V' x 3" x 5/8" squar"bo.14er N/A 31150 4,725 w/hex head standa shaft saw cut Home Pride Crimping Scat 3 17/16" x 2 VP zinc plated NIA 3,150 4,725 59002 ID ..._.-.-^ - wivel Strap Connector Z.600" x 4.875" x to gauge wiei 1 %." x .035" galvanized steel . N/A 3,150 4,725 . snap 2.5" x 7.300" x 10 gauge used 59003 TD Beam Connector for NIA 39150 41725 3" I-beam with 59002,and gmde-5 bolt and nut 59009 Longitudinal Beam 1 %:" x 6 %:" x %" used as a pair N/A 3,150 4,725 Connector with 59002 59011 Longitudinal Beam 6"x 6 %"x 7 gauge frame clamp NIA 3,150 4,725 Clamp with 8 - grade 5 bolts and nuts HP62 Adjustable Perimeter Door & Window Support N/A N/A NIA Support Min 16 X 16 HPI2LS Tension Head W/Lag Concrete Anchor N/A N/A N/A Bolt HPI3 Patio L Anchor Bolt Concrete Anchor N/A NIA N/A AFFROVEID PRODUCTS FOR-THIE njSTALLATION OF MkNWACTURED II®NNS MOBILE H01a SAFETY PRODUCTS �ntii►ued... Dba Oliver Techadlogles, fts. PA. Box .581467 Hobenwald, Tennessee 3846Z • - _ _ ._.....,.,�,..,� s . err nN ittlit. VA7.UlC: 16" x 16" 16" x 16' 16" x 18" 16" x 181/," (rounded) 181/a' x 191/z" x 15/16" 1I I'v x 18'/" x'/." �13 F'x22" 20" x 17 AT x 2211P (rounded) 17 W x 2S V" 24" x 2,V' 21.13" x 29.13" (muadcd) 23 '/4' it 31 t/T K. 1.77 1.78 2.0 2.0 2.360 2.375 2.4 2.5 2.75 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.691 0001b. 115001b. 2,00011x Z9500lb. 39000 Boll soil I soil Boil 1,770 2,650 3,450 3,560 `, 4.430 5,340 11780 2,000 2,660 3,000 4,000 51000 6,000 2,000 2,360 3,000 3,550 4,000 4,730 5,000 5,910 6.000 71090 2,375 2.375 3,563 3,563 4,750 4,750 5,598 5,938 5,598 6,400 2,500 2,750 3,750 4,125 51000 5,500 6,250 6,875 7,500 8,250 3,000 4,500 49500 6,000 69000 7,500 7,500 9.000 9,000 3,000 4,000 -4,000 6,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 a_f98 6,000 7.047 8,000 8,000 8 000 8 000 5,310 5,320 6,000 6,000 7,0" 5,600 6,400 7,500 8,250 9,000 9,000 8,000 8,000 I APPR�WED PR -DUCTS F �lk TRE INSTAL;ATrN F MANUFACTURED ]CCME3 MOLLF, HONE SAFETY PRODUC?S iDba :;liver Technologies, lap,. P.O. Box 581467 Hohenwald, Tennessee 38462 MCDBL # �EE71CATI�N DESGRIpT��N ?'�iiT4�6A .. UalJ !Ztu .+iu er ASch C1 //pp„ p/} y*� L�}�.`r_-.j. i Sig x 4O �� double bol head 'r -' with a single 6" disc s OT488 Galvanized Anger Anchw •'/s" x 4$"rod, do*Je aott hem: with a single 6"disc OT60713 Galvanized Anger Aacltor W' x 6V tod, double bolt head with a single 7.5" disc OT1 ! OOCA Galvanized J Hook Concrete 7" x .646 ` rod, double bolt head Anchor with a jdtook l Galvanized Metal Stabilizer Plate 18" wide x 13 z" depth MMSPIG Galvanized Metal Stabilizer Plate � 18" wide x 13 W dqO x 7Wsi' 'de 12 tL 1055-I9 Plastic Stabilizer Plait-6 .742" (thics at top) x 9.95" (width) x 24" (length) 2410 Plastic Wedge OT(ABS)( �( 3.5"x60"x0.946" 1055-11 Adjustable Outrigger Brackets pipe and screw adjustment 072001 Swivel Fmme Clamp galvanizod upper and lower jaws for clampmg the I-beam OTSFT Stvive! Frame Clamp A-36 Galvanized OT2002 � Sidewall Strap Connector G40 galvanized 7 gauge connector to hook sidewall brackeu OTQC . Sidewall Quick Strap Connector A-36/GalvenbW .1793" thick sq. bole in clI head