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Certificate of Title
A05474 Mail Lien Satisfaction to: Dept of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, Neil Kirkman Building, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0500 I� Identification Number Year — Make — Body — WRegis Vessel Re is. No. — Tdle Number — , 1I T26311224A 11982 I HOME I HS I 59' I I 21241125 erect O r Mail To: KYLIE MCKENZIE FASNACHT 8932 CARLTON RD PORT ST LUCIE FL 34987-3225 an e Interest In the described vehicle is hereby released Tdle Date IMPORTANTINFORMMON 1. When ownership of the vehicle described herein is transferred, the seller MUST complete in'full the Transfer of Title bTSeller section at the bottom of the oartificate of title. 2. Upon sale of this vehicle, the seller must complete the notice of sale on the reverse side of this form. m 3. Remove your license plate from the vehicle. 4. See the web address below for more information and the appropriate forms required for the purchaser to title and Fog isterthe vehicle; mobile home or vessel: httpY/wwwAlhsmv.govfhtml tlttinf.html E{� ^ht.i.}�)v.j .{Li,Ag�22/402 0 Y 4� Rbgist�md(3wner, 7 i - K1fLI HECK$1!�ZkE FaA51CHTar�r Vie€ y $932' CgR�'1Ort RbE h P0kit4 4 ie i ,w 7 s ,. lst'Ltenttolder „ Y r NONE'. } . DM510}1417M0f4RISFSk RNiCE5 7ALLAIflAS51?E i FL01iIDA '.,. DEPARTMEN%'bF HiGFNUAYSAFEf\'AND MOTOR V6tlClt a Canirot-Number � � � �:%, s�. : `��.� ♦: fit. `:, , w Robeit-AL Kyncett FSieeutiva Du®etar Dueetoh a TRANSFER OF TRLE by SERER. (This section must betcompleted at the tune of sale) „ Feder++londlor�Nrinweegm,etlidthoseliersta3etheoulcM, pwchssst�samre:selbngpnceeaddn#esold�nCoadecLonwilbthehmisferoFuivninlup 1?mlmetvcomple�e'orprowdinBofaleesfatementmayrevilltofinesnnNor ntpnaonment _ 7$ie Ede tswmi�ledto be fgee &nm my hens except os noted oo iha foes of Ibe axLEcde find the motor vehicle ar vessel desmbed is berebJ Uvnsfeired to . selterMiR;tl:pier ae6o�r's'Na�he _ Address�'� . Sella MistBnterSel6ngAtce ` SellerivldstEntaDdosold Vestde:rlgttWsQSorQ�tlig�tol�omekrnowrcodsl_II II, (l'_ 11 11 #,I xiWieoils Matzlot. rim, nudIheteb9ceetifythdboihehrs2nfmykgowiedgetbeodgnutarendtog ©1 tdledsi4C(VAi MB AG1~ 2 tslhlF�tt S30FT1SMECAAN[CeV LI1Nf15 ! Q 3'tsN&THEACfttAr UNDt� PENA4TtE5 PERJt1RY, I DECLARE THAT 4 HAYE READ THE FOREGOING DOCUMENT AND THAT THE FACTS STATED 0l IT ARE TRUE St7IdA Adost � : • : r > a caststat�td+tri Stgs Heie:' PrtotHere." Pnntlicre+ 3etlln&gwle�sl�tcegsetStmber TmcJdo �„ ti : ,, � 13x crdc oll d: Y x`? S „ v j.Y1-YU�KGtLlACae taus and MataryVehlclesFNeOi 1dWan`BuOd1ft%-Tallahassee FL32399-0b00 a.t4 tYtatl lien SatisFachon to Dept of Hlghvray safety.. { , "•, ..� .. , . 1 a Identification thmtber Year —Make — Bady— WT=GBHP Vess_el'Regls. Nos= Tale Number IT26311224B 1198'2IHOMEI HS I 59' I I. 21241124 ® Registered Owner. Date of Issue 12/22/2020 Lien Release Interest in the described vehicle Is hereby released KYLIE MCKENZIE FASNACHT ey 40 8932 CARLTON RD Till PORT ST LUCIE FL 34987 Date C IM20RTAIST INFO):14MON 1. When ownership ofthevehicle described herein is F ttansferred,,the sellarMUST complete in full the t Transfer, of;THWbySellersection at the bottom of f the pert-rflrate of title. Mail To: 2. Upon:sale.of this vehicle, the seller must complete the notice of sale on-the•reverse side of this.form. KYLIE M, CKENZIE FASNACHT 3. Remove your license plate from the vehicle. 8932'CARLTON RD 4. See.theWebaddress.below for more information :and JPORT St LUCIE FL 349$7=3225 the appiopriateforms required,forthe purchaser to r + title,and`registerfheVehicle; mobile;homeoGvessoi: - - -, � � httpJhnawvflhsmV.gov/FitrnlltiNinfihtml •. , � . �e - •y,; ( s.�., y x s° '�- -r� ti ..� �s 1 fr r `(� r s ,,P' a f t ..r Azle_. '� Regt.4teied Owneti:K t Si#{'° 4 ✓. x e.} t INf rea �KYI.TE MCKENZIE FASNACHT s- 4� 932 8CAR1,1`gN RQ ] PORTS SV LUGIE a s z�' :•`'� ^� -a r i.<-a^w y,t : 1 x 'rs 37y 4., i v:. + e, e �-°s--Y' ,". M1 'z vi { 7 4W iV s s E ,• r a'� `fr "£v x r�i ,rP $ � y :. � 1y1' t�Y �, y" � YR t1 r y+"s ( YY., { < -� •s rt .t •,h ,T t•,t s tE } a e Y �r ., i� t _rl i, a � t. 5 a .s m` { r ill r, ('k. i« r "+ t � #k'� � rr; +11 •✓� t i, � dt� r?fie+ r Y g -. r •lstLieirholaer . � , .x . a > NONE D11tI5ttN1,QF dGOTORIST SERVICES TALIAHASSF $ FiQRIDA DEPARTNtEN1 OF HIG1iWAY SAFETY AND•(OTOR VHIICLES r.y kl�T =lea < is t'eCOntro} Nllillber,r s t i����q� •^"'c,= _au :4 1 !^ t OJT ",�. Y? <`` "`.• �p "` ,.�Y. d k i) 4 ; 4 "ti'.e 4 1 Y .,Q "" Y RobeM:R fKynoch � r 'Ekeeutrve,ttor r yf Dtrectcr ,, TRANSFER OE TiTLE 8Y SELLER (This section must he completed at the tune of sale) s Fedccplmd/or�4elmvxegarelb¢tihaselferslnletliE¢ulege plucha5a's¢mne sol4¢Bpticeaodd¢tesold[¢con¢ectio¢wrththctmnsfaotowacroMp. ' Fmltaeompleteo�pmvrdiagafalsadate>oe¢im¢yresultjafi¢espfid/arwgn+auua�eo<< pua hUe is wanaated b,l a &ee from any hens except os Holed op the face ofthe cerfi&se and the mufor vd icle arvesscl desaihcd rs hctsEy lta¢sfemed to Se1lerMostEolerPmdrsI�me ` ; Sella tdust�vterSeB�¢gPnce SeloEaterOate3old x i/Wastatefho¢tWs�3orQbdiEptado�owreads}_II it f l II IL_I lxl(aotertlhs)milas4atareml_:aadIhereby'eaLfytholtalhehesiafmy�owledtheodonttlnreadtag ...Q1.reflcclsACfUALAfILFAGis. ..,.Q2AONikkt�SSOFi1;SrdlrCfiA2IICAL1114 ..�. x�`3�sN0'rr?;#7EAL1VAIi%Ir�A(iE= UNDER.t'ENAt.TiE$;QF P>=RJ[JRY,1 DECLARE THAT) HAVE _17EAD THE FOREGOINCsDOCUMENT AND,THAT THEfACTS STATEDI IT ARE TRUE, Sl3[EA%rt SFTdFRMvsr Sign Here $ego 13av: $er0 Gain neatersia a" c ThsNa 11gcColleded < i Nsatoa:Nmo e z k,�ceageNao>ba, � tl~....+,. ��'�Su�?��j M_......�.-;.n"Sy�_..,.. tea.. £i\7�� .,. :...5 )_a ,..r tl,r,�1���•o�c., �,. ,:.4 .?_.,4. .v^�Rt'ii :��c:�n �.. .>z.s a � �y oC `. ..��`i. `�_: i