HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED Project Info-Aqua BlanketCONSERVES WATER & HEAT
Aqua BlanketTM
Invisible Barrier to Evaporation and Heat Loss
Now you can have all the benefits of a pool cover
without the hassle! Enhance bather comfort and save
money with Aqua BlanketT' by Lo-Chlor°. Advanced
Nlonoloyer Technology modifies the surface layer of water,
just one molecule deep, allowing for reduced evaporation
and better cool -weather heat retention. Competitor
products are based on volatile alcohols but, due to its
unique plant -derived formulation, Aqua Blanket is stable
and its benefits are long-lasting.
Aqua Blanket is safe, non -toxic and biodegradable.
Its formulation is compatible with all pool water
sanitizing methods and all pool surfaces. So easy to use...
just one small dose per week poured onto the water's
surface conserves water and energy while delivering
comfort and a longer swim season. Avoid an unsightly
pool cover and maintain the aesthetic quality of your pool!
• Energy -saving invisible barrier
• Greatly reduces cool -weather heat loss
• Dramatically reduces water evaporation
• Saves money
• Extends swim season
• Safe, non -toxic, biodegradable
• Compatible with all sanitizing methods
• Safe for all pool surfaces, including vinyl
Made in the USA
5841 Powerline Rd., Suite 202 • Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309-2074
954.491.9810 - 800.491.9810 • Fax: 954.491.2311
L6 -HHLHR e-mail: contact@lo-chlor.com • lo-chlor.com fmployee�wned
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Aqua Blanket
For Swimming Pool Water Conservation
"Six to eight feet a year is simply the evaporation rate 1n the parched Southwest," writes
Scott Webb, Executive Editor of AQUAMagazine in his editorial entitled "It's Time."
"We can'tsay we're serious about conserving water if we leave (a swimming pool) sitting
out in the sun," Webb continues. "Irs time for everypool in the SW tope covered."
While traditional pool covers (solar blankets) physically cover pools and reduce evaporation, they're hard
to maneuver and can quickly rot. These covers also prevent you from enjoying the beauty of your pool.
Get the benefits of a pool cover without the expense or hassle. Save pool water and its replacement cost
with Aqua Blanketl
A Southwest pool
will lose all of its
18,000 gallons
of water every year
through evaporation'
How does Aqua Blanket work?
Its advanced Monolayer Technology modifies th
surface layer of water, just one molecule deep,
allowing for dramatically reduced evaporation.
• You cannot see it, feel it, smell it or taste
• Non -toxic and biodegradable
• Natural plant -derived formulation
• Very stable unlike other liquid
products based on volatile alcohols
Up to 40% or
1,200 gallons
will be conserved
with Aqua Blanket
Aqua Blanket suppresses
pool water evaporation
• Long-lasting, only 1 small
dose per week
• Safe for all pool surfaces,
including vinyl
• Compatible with all
sanitizing methods
• Conserves your water
and your money
Save water AND preserve the beauty and instant availability of your pool!
'From "Water Policy: What about All Those Swimming Pools in Los Angeles?' by Peter Gleick, President, Pacific Institute 12/2013
(see other side)