HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA STEEL SECTIONAL GARAGE_....... MIM; �aCODE ®M ST. LU � ro AMB 1 Or C't ttipany Tine, I $ N_, 98ty' Ave 00 Hiale�� Gardens, FL 35018 j6:(� qE Xge6mto . N_A is beutg �s ded. un$cr'the agpit g.N , rules .and regulafzons, .e u3�ftnn znuteriais, fbe¢ocutnenta t)ri:w msttcd:kasheenoyicwdd"andu.cceptedby`Miami-L}ade ountyR, RProductControl. .... Sectton'to Uetised�n M�amt-Dade Countyandotlexazeas�rh,ere alloc�ectb�rtneAutnranty naving�unsmvuo�� �r+���;. , T,,Fi�s NOA,shalt' notUevoled aftcx>theexpia ttcirid�ite.statedUeto�v,`The`l sa z DadeCounty Pradt4etContivl SeGt�on. On Mtsmz-Data . Ci linty)' ridMr trio; �HT {in;areas otherXhati Miami -tea de County reserve th�;nght tt� have th.i� product or muaateunfatuurGeCrorilltrtuattGeurria,thl'ew7etxhpiiet xtthseeirrsSausur►ckd► ttGet�►otin�,j a3F{nEdIZeh'reesAerilvlesmCahnyautnena�eifla�ttatisciyar"eveo-odttfiyc ucry seupsfpedim� tahnenmuesrttenSEohe el;a►m e ;mynpdsch roethov1tsacceptance, if it;dee bMilsoweef, the, requirezrients,ofihe apgeahk Uutidng Gode; ieUAloid8tidtnCde,pludiri T�i tpdsppdyt the, fl b Velo4fy Idnrr�eane Zane LIESCRIFi'ION. Storm,MasterlVTadel82418111512 Steel Secttttnal Garage.up t<a l�ft.r4in ; Wide w 1(Dptzgnailpsulation * Win 6w Lites (1)PP APIPitE�`t7AL.DU.[3IlENT• r7rawtng I�To.18_Q4ID, Ixtledl " 24 GA, Ro11 Farmed Steel;Secttarial Garage Door" sheets l through a of S, dated-.l 212(}l2 d1'i,th rcvtsanB dated 0.712tJ/2tJ20; prepared by A 1 Faro act Catptiratipzt?. signed ;and sealed by .Dalai Faraaq .P l , bearing the Miatnt Dadell, County Product Control vt nmi_T1a iAC/1ildi{ipt[1t�tl'l"t 1VIISSCL1.Il1IPAGT,RATI ", Large and4 mall Missl a Innpacf ResistanC LABEL,IPi Gt.l# ;permaneztt labdvvttir ieimanufhcdtureir-'"stamie air lei c, plant tactunng add ers, zna 2, number,ateposittveandue attvedesYgr^presstYt rattrtg,u�rixeates tpact,ratedttf applicable, tnstWatioir. ihAfruetion, drawing ief00ne0 nuntakter, approval numb r hiQ.AV the appltcablt; test standards, and the si to entr ac ng4lVliamrliar%Coutttyy?zaduc.f. on rot. pprov,eel'istobelocateti.ontltedocir.''s:sidetra.,c , WEN WAI; o£ thas Nt�A shail'Ue Considered after a reitewal'atsglicatian'has'bcen filed and therehas;Eteen tto changei in the:applicahlebwk g cctde'nt jjj dvety°affeotiiEgthepetfatmaztceofthis.:prof TERMINATTCihI of this N'Qa will occurafferthe:axg�raxtiart date octfrtitete'has beep a ►��tstan at%ange tit the m eet is, use -,.and/ on,ufacturer tthe praducfi br process . Mispse of llt KCkas-an end'arsemettt a# artyproduct,, fop sales,;advezticing or atti ofhGrputpases sha11 auiamatically tenriinate this,t�ltJA:.railure fa._ comply tvseh aIIy:sectaon..9f this:Nt�A, she'll tie cause for t�r'cnm�t�ari�ntl cetniiv<�l:crfi�UA: t�►DYEI2TTSEM]ENT TheNC3 numi�erpreceded Ely the wtird� Mi mi made County; Flondtt, and`fol(oaved'byti e exgualton date;may Ee di""splayed; in adyert�s,ri� i�terature .Ifxny'patiisin o£the;NUA is displayed; t`Usn rt;shalibedoae: ttt zts ei�tu�iy. 1�1SP EC IUNz A copy enttr 'N`OA,s 0 be ptov►ded io tiro user by the manufuctufet%or. its: dis �tbu ars: and; �hall�Z ava►laUlbToruisgecttontFtth��at�site at therequestot th�l3u7dw f;kftciat Tuts 4A devises NC A # 1 -t20 4 attcl canststs'of his page ] and e cl nee gages E- , E-2 :and.'E-3 as s appzoual o.cumpatmenctanea atzcrve a►zbm�ttett`dacumentationwasrevteNvedbyGarlosM `Utrira'P'E EicgrafropDate March 1S;`2Q23 iXpproval�Dete:, December 03 242E ... �i'age`:I DAH'D�Qr CongranytInc;. NOTICTTEi?? i."EN .CESgWTEDI pR `VIE3�iTSNSA-#1'T 'Ztlfi:l4 A. v>wnvGs 1. Dra�ag Nc� 18 Q4U, tided 1240A Roil Famed iSteel,:Seetjonal Garage I3aoz". :sheets 1 through. -5,, dated ,l / 01 l7 with re as�c n- Ps d ated'021U8120.1.$, FpzeP red by A1-Faxfiogozprafi�on, signed and seatedy'Javad Ahrrzad,.P:I✓: A. TESTS l Tit repoxts an lj Unxtarn Static Arr Pressure Test,.aadang ger FBG TAS 202:94 } ForcedntiyTest,per FBC T'AS 202 94 along with, marked; -up di`awings and xnsfiallatiaxi d gram of a DAB 824 24 Gtr Sectional Garage .I3:oar with Faxediiiila�vs, ,prepared by 'IIumeaxte Engineering; &: Testing; Ina; Test Re carts I*ic, I ETI 1'7 5 Oi dated 1110312(117.:revised pn; 02109420l S, signed; and sealed by R.afael:"E Drat: Seda;P E,, -2 Test, i ports on 1) Laxge =Missale Ifnpact Test per. FBC, TAS `201 94 CyclicT�nd`Pressuxe Loading per FBC, TX, 203 94 along. witta=znaalc:ulr dxaws Sand installation dragrarn of a IAB 824 24 GA. Sectional Garage Doox with; Fred 'tfilindo�vs, prepaxed by IIurncane Engne:xirrg Testing, Inc; Test; Re act Nii'. HIETTs17 5021-, dated, 1' I((1 t 0,1'�Y reviw ,ai3 0210912t}lll, signed sand seated by�:RafaelEDroz Seda,;P E. 'Cesfi report::ati ena�ie Test peg ASTM :E S of 24, ga (0 62, 4") steel samples prepared 1%y 'Hrux�caaa Enginee il; & Testing,, Inc , Repaf NO, -NETT :1r1, T1QQ, dafed 01.21 t2411,. signed, and sealed by Candido F Fant,1? 1 ; rro�eAST; iB l oparted, G4eereport onSat Spry (Gaoj panels, prepared. by Celcitex f,*Tgration, Test,Repc itI No; 25859 ,dated o`S117f��:9$ signed by �N: A, aackson, Pls: C. CAI CULAT ONS I. A,jw venf". tion -talc 'I fi ,rtas.prcpared by A-Vaxooq Corpor tzon;: dated 12/1'9f201., =signed grid ;staled by Yavad A hrtaad,l' -E:, cu> �ssRA ....E 1, °IVliamr'Dade Depaxtmen ORegulatoryan�'Eco�namic'Resaurces,(RERj` ` GariQs 14�I;`, treraF E.. Product Control Examine° NW, No: s-2010900149, `Expiratian.Date Mer01h 15;:20 3 App"rgvai,Date December,,l}3;2020` E-1, DAB,Woe 41054rac. t lALC-t-4--CE-,EVIDFNC--E'9 te-, ONS Noi:' -00 issuddto SA f527 0I,5 and #XO On ate -�Ilootpro z -augis aofdwd on I N ceep ance 'Oi'1.7,,O 4qpgd, to . fi4h im- U Ex 11129/2' ZZ, _.,ppnde AP iodat�,-.,L.',LC for -their N f Acceptancef�o Dyp byplay o pso,cyanc ura , im- Joir, _022 ......... .. t oiiw of A ........ d". be C lhoji Expanded04 D22412021 - ofkelof, C-C4Pta,nce Na-11 issued do REHA Construction, EIX forAts ooM op '/209/24, 5- 0-131� . 'an expiring 00 01,24/202 F. $TN"'TEMENTS; e.editionih -'(2 an YAC aril ,o q6 iqoci interest issued by, AJ"F lCoypQption, dafii-d,'1240 O DAB Daor.`.Coimtsa�nys'T�c N -MACCIPtANCE.-, --Itvywgx , tglbt I.: lNlKwlpVliPxINCl9l'$ -x -VkkiN �-� 1. DraWin 10 18 Door' at d,,,69/,2:`l""/""2`; ��62q'�,gii#04-.' �Cor- - by lala T TW. S 1 , QUALMY ASSURANCE 1. am:R esources s urc qs;QWR, i: -0 Nonce of Acre tsnce No 1 .06;. I$S%CA i -0-Ins 1.1 Vxpancled,,,,#qly4yTen,&, Pief6ftnd,(fB%ck Type 1,insulation, . expirtng on 11l2912022 �--1 ,46 or eu Acceptance Uetg, LL LUC -T 'th 'to Plask JTIF yK of issued. T. STATEM..EN and FtC"10"ll 11"Edift); odo Ao, FBC 1ettef a prep— bAl, fhroqq. 614igd indc-by Ap ,#i. btctmberjd3 21012.0 E: 31 nows! i'KA SAW."" P, JA wV 10W 2r-.- LX7 A- WIN Mill IN MR: . . . . . . 1 o'l IV 7-1 wo; vow MW "R111 4 0 No I <F"I ISM, IC 'ji 0