HomeMy WebLinkAboutpermit.applicationAIIAPPIICABLEINFoMUSTBECoMPLETEDFoRAPPLICATIoNToBEACCEPTED Permit Number: Date: I;ucll: Plonning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 230O Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 phonu, lnZl qSZ-t553 Fax: \7-l2l462-L578 Building Permit Application Commercial - Residential X PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Address: propartyraxro*:.100fil13, "- , -. ,''.,,.,. ''" '""'' ''"'"LotNo. , ", Block No. Site Plan Name:.l' v, L5Project Name:€il eer-t lqCerl>r;r OK New Electrical Meter - Second Elestrical Additionalwork to be parformed under this permit*chec* alf that apply: [Mechanical * Gas Tank * 6as Piping * $hufiers * Electric * Flumbing * Sprinklers * Generator Windows/Doors * Pond PitchRoof Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Utilities: * Sewer * Septic Building Haight: Total 59. Ft of Consruction: _ Cost ofConstruction: $6z6,b lf value of construction is 2500 or more, a RECORDED Notke of Commencement is required. lf value of HAVC is $7,5(tr or more, a RECORDtD Notice of CommencemGnt is required. Name, FJ\.rzen* F rnr Addressr 3, EL *Ie,,ce , CitY:.?et + ,6t !4t.q;t9 - ,-.. State: T Fill In fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) Zip Code:3446v Fax:_ Phone E-Mail PhoneNo BOD-753- TU10 State:*f[ State or Name Zip Code 13023 City: : Amtfin Ben*outni Ivlrrnwtnr Fax: Fi I p;c-rr a) OWNERILESSEE: I City: Address: zipr ."- _ Not APPI icableMORTGAGE COMPANY; Name:,,,,,. .. .,,.., ... City: Zip: State:Address: Zlp: ,- . _Not APPI icableBONDIN6COMPANY: Address: ,,,,. " , ,, "' Zip: City Not ApPlicableFEE SIMPLE TITTE HOLDER: Name as Agent Commission No. Signature x STATE OF FLORIDAtrCOUNTYSTATE OF FLORIDA FgwNiz7ffi il.)rtbCOUNTY OF ,En rfuus*r. person STEVEN LE\ry STEYEN LEVY Name of person making statement. OR Produced ldentification {_ Personally Type of on # GG ?55569 mm. Explres Sep 5, 2022 National Notary Assn # GG 255569 r\ty Comm. Expires Sep 5, 2022 Bonded th I Notary Assn. SworF-to (or affirmed) and zubscribed before me of / Physical Presence or- Online Notarization t* -aYAaV of ftf rl A ,2O2{ bV Sworn-to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me of -/Phvsical Presence or Online Notarization#Eaii ot ,4?r,V-- .2o2( bY -On Produced taentification t REVIEWS FRONT COUNTER ZONING REVIEW SUPERVISOR REVIEW PLANS REVIEW VEGETATION REVIEW SEA TURTLE REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED Phone:,, ., -,. .- ,,, ,.. . Eligible for Federal Tax Credit ffiertificate 0f Product Rat*ngs AHRI CErtif,od Rtfennm Numbqr;201340990 Date; fit-20'2021 Modd St€t*s : Ac{ive Old AllBl Reference Number: 1076069 AltRl T16o : SPY-A (Year-Round $lngbPo*ige Air-&*d[hnsr' Air4oded] Serios: RHEEM RSPi,l SERIES Outdoor Unit tsrand Name I RHEEM Oudoor Unit Modd Number (Condenser or Singfe Package) ' RSPM-A&8JK Region: All (AK, AL, AR, AZ, C.A, CO, CT, DC, D€, FL, GA, Hl, lD, lL, lA, lN, KS, [{Y, tA, MA, MD, ME' Ml, MN. MO, M$' MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, lW, NY, OH, OK OR. PA, Rl, SC, SU' TN, TX, UT' VA' v1' WA' wV' W, WY, U'$. Terdtod6s) Region Note Central air conditioners manufactured prior to January 1 , 2015 are eligible to be installed in all regions until June 30, 2016. Beginning July 1 , 2016 contrat air condition€r8 can only be installed in region(s) for which they meet the regional efiiciency requirement. The t'Active* Model Statrs ate thos6 that an AHRI C€rtifioation Program Padcipant is cunontly producing ,qND selling or offering for sale; OR new modele that ar_a being mar*et€d but 6rG not yet being produced."Pmduction Stopl,ed" Model Status are thoss that an AHRI Certification Program Padcipant is no longer producing BUT is $till sllino or offerino for sale. Mii'r'iEiihli-drC"adipmidnied bv WAS indicate an involunt DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the product(s) listed on this Certifir;ate and makes no representations, wanantie$ or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility fol, the Hoduct(s) listed oh thls Certificate. AHRI expressly dlsclalms all liabllity for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the product(s), or the unauthorized alteratlon of data tisted on this Certificate. Certified ratings are valld onty for models and configulations listed in the directory at wuriv.ahridire*tory.6rg. TERmS ArrD COI{DlrlOnS Tnis Ce.lifcate and lt$ contents are proprietary products ofAHftl. Thls Certlficate snall only be used for lndlvidual, peEonal and coflrldefitial rBference purposee. The contefis of this Certiffgate may not, in wholo or in part, he mproducs{t c0pied; disqeminatedi ehtercd lnlo s computer databasg or otrerwise utilized, ir afly torm or manner or by any means, except for the use/s individual, personal and co[fidential rere]ence, CEFTIFICATE VENI FIGATIOil The lnformation fot th6 modd cited or this c€rtificate can b3 vedlied at w',yw'ahtidircctory,org! c,lick on "Verify CeItiticste" link and enter the AHRI Certlfied Reference Number and the date on which the cerlificate was issued, which is llsted aboye, and the Certificate I{o., which is llsted at bofiom right 02021 Air4onditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration lnstitute finIm[fl! lnnil AIE-GONDtlt&NlN&, HEATtNq, & REFRT&EEAfi oltl ll1lSTlT[iTE ue male lile better'" edition of 'I-1 FBONT SACK END PAD SPECIFICAIION: ieEel ffi sH'j'HI{{t}s.',l$J'[ ;:::,ffff ::,ino uiltcrH 0REATER TMN b;6 ii0lil"ci'i;ien rnnr'r on rouot- T0 (UNIT t51t1619 +4') UNII USEO ONLY AND HEFE FOR GFAPH]CAL REPRESENTA]ION I1AY O1FTER FFOM UNTTS L]gTEO' @@ UNIT BEING INSTALLEO DOES NOT HAVE SCREWS IN THESE LOCATIONS YOU MUST |NSTALL (2)#10 1000 HR SELF TAPPING SCREWS IN THE TNDICATEO LOCATIONS. 1111lt SEE 2l COTICRETE SEE TIE OONN OEIAII 1 xl IIN{T t4) {M]N. 1000 HR BASE RAIL COI'ICRETE PAD r.$tll ug 00rrH IE,IAIL I urrlT IIE 00utl (EIAIL 2 (21 %.CONCRETE SCRE$ , LENGIH TO PENE'TRATE CONCREIE 1.5' MINIMUIi. NOTE: THE UNIT AND TIE DOWN SPECIFICATIONS COMPLY WrH ASCE 7-10 AND THE sTH EDITION OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. 92.105518,2S_S 140 Is I s @ ftrEt(E0 STANOARD lOIERAN(E UNLESS OTHTRKI ISE SPETIFI[O -FRAI T t0NAl. t1/12 -ANGUI.AR rf -1" -0tr rHA! *.939 -0[,tfNsl0Ns ril { ) REF. 0il[Y I s I 0 il s Y,06743003 N0TE: ALL BRAXTS ARt UNI.ESS OTHERWIST SPTT HATTRI AI PART NO. $HT.1 92-105518-23 REV 00 ffiSEARCH &HIGH WIND LOAD TIE-DOWN PAD MOUNT ,'()iJn \- rABTEAPruCAB|LEYUNlr @ UNII USEO HTRE FOR ORAPHICAL REPRISENTATION ONLY AND MAY OIFFER FROM UN]TS L]STEO' IF THE UNIT BEIN6 INSTALLEO HAS TWST LQCKS BUT DOES NOT HAVE SCREWS IN THESE LOCATION$, THE INSTALLER MUST SUFPLY AND INSTALL I8'I #10 1OOO HR SELF TAPPING i6nrws rr'l tHE tHDtcATED * LOCATIONS. NOTEi THE UNIT AND TIE DOWN SPECIFICA. TIONS COMPLY WITH ASCE 7.10 AND THE sTH EDITION OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. 5EE OETAL 2} NOTES;CONCRETE ,ll THISILLUSTFI,ATIoNIsPRoVIBE0AsAGENERALvIEwoF(1)sEE llE D0IIN DETA}L l '' rvprcni rt.tsrnr-uqrtoN oF HvAc EQLTIPMENI INSTALLED oN A CONCRETE PAD (SEE PAP SPECS) ?r rHls ls oNLY MEANT To BE A REPRESENTATION oF (1 ) OF-' ririrrmruv posstEtlE coMBlNATloNs IHAT couLD BE FoUND IN THE FIELD. 3I PLEASE USE THIS IN COMBINATIQN \MTH YOUR PARTICULAR, SITUATION TO PROVIDE THE BEST POSSIBLE SECURING OF THE TIVAC EQUPN'ENT TO THE ROOFCURB AS REqUIREO BY YOUR LOCA! zuILDING COOE. 4) ALL HIGH WNDLOAD RESTRAINTS SHOULD BE LOCATEb' ALONG THE LONGEST AXIS OF THE UNIT TO PROVIDE THE MOAT EFFECTTVE SECURING. 5} . UNITS WITH TWIST LOCK DOOR PANELS MUST HAVE EXTRA. SCRE]WS ADDEO TO THE TWIST LOCKED DOOR PA}IELS FOR USE IN A HIGH WNDLOAo APPLICANON. 6EE CALLOUT FOR TYPE AND SIZE OF SCREWS. 6I 'UNITS WTH PROVIDED DIMPLES IN THE OOOR PANELS MUST ALSO HAVE EXTRA SCREWS ADDED FOR HIGH WINDLOAD APPUCATION$, SEE CALLOUT OF SIZES AND TYPE OF $CEE1V$. PAD SPECIFICATION: GREATER THAN OR EOUAL 1B Z.I/2' 1}1ITK SOLIO CONCRETE Soog F.s.t. sn oR€AIER L0AD RATIN0 iio-rii.6ir on-rctrn rnnN on EnUAL 10 (uNlr ,LENGIH +4') i,iio ilroin onEArgn THAN 0R [0t At T0 {uNlT LENoTH r4') UNIT TIE MYil ET 2 MINIMIJM 18 CA,UMT 6AL V.llltllllrl t000 HR BASE RAIL 'L CONCRETE PAO (}l-t n\- T'{IT TIE OOYN OETAIL I 12) I/4'CONCRETE SCREW . LENCTH IO PENETRATE CONCREIE I.5'MINIMUM.9.2-'105S1S23_S2-00 BACK FRONT LEFT END \s @ @ APPROITD STAIiDARD TOTERANIE uNr-tss oTHEArd rsE spEc rFlto -FRA[ I rDf,lAt '1/12-ANGUT.AR 'f -l' -0t( rMAL t.0l0 .OiMINSIONS IN { } REF. ONIY I s I 0 vfilDm Y-0674S003 NOTE] Att BRAKIS ART UNIESS OIIIIRW ISE SPE(MATER I AL RTV 00 SHT,2 92-105518-23 PART NO NESEARC}I &HIGH WIND LOAD TIE-DOWN PAD MOUNT Is I Uillr APPUCABITIIY TABLE LEFT END \ U}IIT USED HERE FDR ONLY AND MAY DIFFEN FftOM UNITS L]STED, RIGHT END SACK PAO IIIDTfi GHEATER THAN OR EOUAL TO (I}IIT LENOTH +4,) I THESE LOCATIONS,THE INSTALLER MUST SUPPLY AND INsTALL #10 IOOO HR SELF TAPPING SCREWS IN THE INDICATEO LOCATIONS, IO SEE TtE 00wn AiL 2) FRONT COI{CREIE IF THE UNIT BEING INSTALLED I"IAS TWIST LOCNS BUT DOES NOT HAVE SCREWS IN THESE LOCATIONS, THE INSTALLER MUST SUPPLY ANO INSTALL #10 1OOO HR SEE IIE DOTN OE]AIL I SELF TAPPING SCREWS IN THE INDICATEO LOCATIONS. (tERE MY qmYMSWGSrcilre$BS I,SATm6) NOTE5: rJ IJ A\ NOTE: THE UNITAND TIE OOWN SPECIFICATIONS COMPLY WITH ASCE 7-10 AND THE 5TH ED1TION OF THE FLORIDA EUILDING CODE. 1) THIS TLLUSTRATION l$ PROVTDED AS A GENEfrALVTEW OF (1) TYPICAL INSTALLATION OF HVAC EQUIPMENT INSTALLED ON A CONCRETE PAD (SEE PAO SPECS) 2) THIS IS ONLY MEANT TO BE A REPRESENTA"'ION OF (1) OF THE MANY POSSIBLE COMSI'.IATIONS THAT COULD BE FOUND IN THE FIELD, 3) PLEASE USE THIS tN COMBINATION WTH YOUR PARTICUTAR SITUATION TO PROVIDE THE BEST POSSIBLE S€CURING OF THE HVAC EOUTPMENT TO THE ROOFCURB AS REOUIRED 8Y YOUR LOCAL BUILDING CODE. 4) ALL HIGH WNOLOAD RESTRAINTS SHOULD BE LOCATED ALONG THE LONGEST AXIS OF THE UNIT TO PROViDE THE MOST EFFECTIVE SECURING, 5) 'UNITS WIH TWSI LOCK DOOR PANELS MUSI HAVE EXTRA SCREWS ADDED TO THE TWIST LOCKED DOOR PANEL$ FOR USE IN A }IIGH WINDLOAD APPLIfiIION" lEE CALLqUT FOR IYPA AND SIZE OF SCREWS, 6) t UNITS WITH PROVIDED DIMPLES lN THE OOOR FANELS lvllJST AISO HAVE EXTRA SCREWS ADD€O FOR HIGH WNDLOAD APPLICATIONA. SEE CALLOUI OF SI2ES ANO TYPE OF SCREWS. UMT I SCREWS (MIN. 1OOO HR COA RA[- COT{CREIE PAD tr{IT IIE IxlYN (ETATL I tlillT TIE DOI{[{ IETAIL 2 (2) %.cONcRETE scREw , LENGTH To PENEIRATE CONCRETE T,5' MINIMUM.92"10551&23_53.00 (rltcG0 IFIEB -FQA[TloNAr 11/12 -AfloulAR .f -1" -0It rMAt *.010 -0lMftisr0Ns rN { ) RtF. 0litY R E I s I 0 N S NO CHANGE TO PAFIII PODED FLORIDA BUILDING CODE COMPUANCE NOTE. JHB Y-0674S004n6-"q-rnr 5 APt{ov[l} RTTIAB. f|IGR. "NR" YENOOR ,NR' RESEARCN{Y-0674S003 NOTT: ALL BNAKES Aru 90. Ur,llESS 0TtltRw ISE SPtt lFlt0 HIGH VI'IND LOAD TIE-DOWN PAD MOUNT & MATTR I AL PART NO. SHT.3 92-105518-23 RIV 00 G)JNL-090i 1 20 :/'-); i$: $J € rABLE PAD SPECIFiCAIIONT ffiffiq}fflffi*qtitli*,ffi'"',i* rfirr EsrnAlilt oErAlL 2 UNIT USEO HERE FOR GHAPHICAL R€PRESENTATION "'"bruii:iruo-rl*v otrren FRoM UNITs LISTED fdA1- TO CEN"TER SEE 35' DEIAIL 2} 18 GA. X 4',illDgG colrcRETE (MIN. I UM{T UNIT DETAIL 1 NOTE: THE UNITANO TIE DOWN SPECIFICATIONS COMPLY WTH ASCE 7'10 AND THE sTH EDIIION OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, RAIL CO{CREIE PAD {]} I'' CONCREIE SCREW , LENGTH IO PENETRAIE COilICftETE I,5' MINIMUM, I.}IIT RESINAT{T O€TAIL I 92-1055r8-23-S4-00 a e € \qt € U l( lt JHBIF ITD -0rl.rtNsl0r.ls tN ( ) pEF. otlly IMAt *.&3p -rRAtTroNAr. *1/12-Ar6urAR .f -1" wrs0R DATE Y4674S003 NOT[: AII, SRAXTS ART UNTESS OTHERWIST SPEI IFITD MATIR I AL eem RES[:AECH &HIGH WIND LOAD TIE.DOWN PAD MOUNT PART NO- 92-105518-23 SHT.4 REV 00 :t