HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOC - Marie RiveiraMICHELLE R. MILLER, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE# 4838836 OR BOOK 4580 PAGE 508, Recorded 03/26/2021 04:32:02 PM J\:OTICE OF COMMF:NCEME"IT STi\TEOF Fl� COlJ�TY OF - .ITil.J.v � THE UNDERSIGNED hereby gives notice that improvement will be made tu certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes. the follow1�g mformat1on IS provided 111 this Notice of Commencement. mw:.e\ \ t) ·. \ <)) \- � �cxx.otf-OCXJ-E, l. Description of propcrt : (legal description or property, and street address if available) . , t-f?_�rd l..(A'-t, C\v. furl P,e .. ce,E_ 2. General description of improvernent: l hst-a I) 2rD =�'l.-S ·aaieS. �) J. Owner information: -J a. Name and address: .lYYLvlLJ1�ltQ �52SS m�and Llt'U Ccv-Jo1-t.Brvcc_� b. Phone number: � \ c. Name and address of fee simple titleholder (if other than owner): 4. Contractor: a. b. Name and address: Phone number: Superior Fence and Rail of Brevard County, Inc. 2778 N Harbor City Blvd, Ste 102, Melbourne, FL 32935 321-636-2829 .. . . S. Surety: a. Nume and address: n/a _ b. Amount or bond S.n/...._ _ 6. Lender: a. Name and address: ..nL.a___ ---· ·---- c, Phom: number: -'n'-"-'/ ...._ _ b. Phone number: 11_/a _ 7. Persons with the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or ocher documents may be served as provided by Section 71 J .13( l )(a) 7. Florida Statutes: a. Name and address: n_/a _ b. Phone number: .nza, 8. In addition to himself, Owner designates the following personts) to receive a 1:opy of the Lienors Notice as provided in Section 7 l l 13( 1 )(b). Florida Statutes: a. Name and address: �n=/=a----------------------------------------- h. Phone number: .!!LL _ 9. Expiration date of notice of commencement (the expiration date is one (I) year rrom the date of recording unless a different date is specified) _ ·------ ------ WARNING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE fXPTRATION" OF THE NOTICE OF COM\ifENCEMENT ARE CONSJDE\J.r.f1 IMPROPE.R P/\ YMENTS UNDER (:!!APTER 713, Pt\RT I. SECTION 713.13, i-:LORTDA STAT[JTES, AND C,\N RESULT fl\' YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR 1\1PROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY A NOTICE OF COMT\lfENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AT\D POSTED ON THE .!OR SITE BEFORE rut FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU JNI�ND TO_.@I_AlN FTNANCINCi. CONSULT WTTll YOUR l l�NDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE CO:'vlMl-.NCING WORK OR REC�11tQJ.� Y�OTICCC) COMMENCE\ffNT. x"" �D-��G�-c"----·------- signature of Owner or �ner's �uthorizeu DiticcriOtrector1Partner/Manager . . --:__.:> Signatory's Title/Office ...o.wner _ Personally Known OR Produced Identification _./,,___ __ Type of identification produced ____E2..,,,sl:Y �--------- /�·;,y�·- JASON PIMENTA � 3-· � \:·, MY COMMISSION# GG 963520 'i-�·�/ EX?IRES: February 27, 2024 ·-".f,f!·�:·:.f·· Booded Thrv Mowy Public Und!IIWl1lals · The r�;¥oing i�strumcnt was acknowledged before �1c chis /Cf.�,,._ day ot�IMccr , 2c:,.,,?L_ by /tlA..&.£.. /< £ v /-.�- . (name ol person) us� .. type of authority, .. c.g. officer. trustee. attorney in fact) for ·;::;;-:_z7� (1�t��� behalf of who�- mcnt was executcd), :_:::��-� ofN(;;.;ry Publ_!>Atate of Florida . »: -- Print. type, or scamp oonm1issioned name of Notary Public Verific£1t10fl .. J?.un,uanL lO Si:cti�1 92.525, Florida Stnnncs Under penalties of perjury, I declare that ! have read the foregoing and that t�d state . n it · r to the best of my knowledge and belief � �o�"' .....x..:£,--".._-=..,............_ ) __