HomeMy WebLinkAboutJohnson AC Change out permit app pg 2SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION U£N lAW INFORMATION: DESl6NElt/EN6IN _ Not Applicable MOR1GAGE a:JMPANY: _ Not Applicable Name=~---------------Name:. _______________ _ Address: Address: ______________ _ City: ____ ..,,.,.. _____ State:_. -City: __________ __,State: __ Zip: _____ Phone. ___ -'-------Zip: ____ Phone:,__ ________ _ FEE SIMPLETm£ HOlDfR: _ Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: _Not Applicable Name:. _______________ _ Name:. ________________ _ Address:'---------------- Address: _______________ _ City:.. ____ -cc.,------------ Zip: _____ Phone:'--------- City:,___ _______________ _ Zip: _____ Phone:,.._ _________ _ OWNfJJ./ CONTRACRJR.AERD\llfc "446 ali,.. k herebymadetnobtain a permittndntheworltandinstallation as indicated. I certify that no wort or iaal P ti11■1 te,. wnunatted tJfior"to the issuance of a permit. St. Lucie Countv makes no 1q;:=ntaliol1 that is 11,tanljng a p!!mitwlll authorize the pennitftoldef'to buildthe~sirw:ture • which iS in mnllictwilh r.:Li,;;ipplirable "'3nle ~ Ass,. >a!►◄• Mies. bvlaws or and mYellilllls 1hat may reslJict or prphibit such strudJJre. Please ainsult~-yourHome OwneB Assodatiarland reliewyourdeedfwanyresbiclluns .midi IDilYapply, In consldl!latiun <lfthegra11ti11g uftllisrequested permit. lduberebyagreethatl will. in an 1espects, pedum, thewurk in ...xo,dance wilh theapprowed ~ the Rorida Buildil!g Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. lhe followa111 building !1EfflBI: applications .!l'e exemptfro!A 11ndajp1:,g a fuB OJialJIIBICf r1!11iew: roo,a additions. accessory suuctures. swimming pool!;. fences. walls. signs. SCR!l!R rooms and aa:essory uses u, iliilllha nun-cesidential use WARNING TO OWNER: YOlll'failure 1D Reaml a Nolia!of ColmlH!'H ea t 11i1Y result in youcpayingtlNke for improvementstoyourp,ope1ty.A Notice of Commencement must be remrded and posted on thejobsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before com · wort or recordi ur Notice of Commencement. sv,a~~,Lr~~ STATEOFFI.OIUDA 5\-1.::n COUNTY OF • LM,g'-' The fotgoing ~was ada10rf :yd before me this la~uf ~ • 201!_ by tJrltae,tf.Bo~ Name uf per.;on,mating PersunallyKnuwn __j{_ OR Prudua!d ldenliliatiun __ Type uf ldentilicatiun Produced~-------- REVIEWS DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED Rev.8/2/17 FRONT COUNTER Rl:VIEW Assn. REVIEW Signature uf CuRlracror,'license HuldeT ~~5tlu£t~ Pelsonally Known_~_Oll Pladua!!d ldeili&:aliun __ _ Type uf ldeulmtatiu., Pruducedc__ ________ _ ~ .J ~ {Signature of Notary Commission Pl.ANS REVIEW REVIEW JOYCE Notary Publk . Stat REVIEW ROVE REVIEW