HomeMy WebLinkAboutJulie Hollar Building Applica St Lucie Co 1SUPPILEM ENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INPC) RMAT«N: GINEER: — Nat Apul ica 1 MORTGAGE COMPANY: Marne' I Name-. Address: Ci'rY- Stag Zip; _ PhQn6 Add:v ss: — Nat Ap pl i--a hle City{: State; Zip: Phone FEE 5J NIA PIE TITLE HOLDER: — N of Appl i cable 60I4)ING COMPANY: Not Appl icabJe — Nr -nee N.Qfne; _ Aid dress: , Address: _ C tY: ' zip: pima• — 71p:,,• OWN ER/ CONTPJ4C70R AFFIDVIT- Application is bemby made to obt&rr a permit fo do the work a rid inn alladon as indicatcd. I D"ryr that no work or insxailation has comm-enced prior to Chit I%Usnoe Of s perm �,-. St. Ludo County makes no representation that is gFan Lht a percent will authorize the permit hfflder tv bcu-M the sub*t structure which ism onfkA with ariy ;a pplic�abl-e Eiorme Owners AssDJwd ra rukes, bylaws or "a c*venants that mad restrict a-r prphrbit such oxucwre. P consult with your H-ume OwwrS Assor_ixboer srrd review your deed f4ur anv m!5�r;ttlans which may ap*. Ln cwnidlera tio+M od tf&e granting of this requested permit. E do Eaer'k-by age that ! v4l� in aIL respects} perform the w-urk in accordance with the WWoved pdansw the Hadda Bonding Gales anti SL tu6e Qmnty Amancim ents. The following building permit appIioati orL5 are. E-xempt fram ur dlergokrg a fuO cvnc;urr%encv rewlzw-- room aaddrtrurr�, accessi rw struetwesr swlmm Ing pao1% f-Enter, walk, sib,-js, weer rooms and accessory uses W ant ther• rrosrreMdiml al we WARNING TO O11INER: Your fa Aura W Record a notice of CGma ncement may result in paying twice for irn provemnnts to your property. A N tice of -Commervc-&m2 rt must be reco rded in the pu b6irr, rewords of St. Lucie County a nd pzst- d on the jobsit-a before the fi rst inspection. if yu-j intend to o'= i n fi nan-ci ng, oon5 dz with IEP rider or are attornew before curnmerndm wont or record i rig you r Notice -of mrne;nceme rtt- .�ignatuire of nerj 1 esslCamrackor a; AF-c-rl# for Crt-vn,-.r S gna#urie of Cantfact License lfoEdcr STATE OF FLORIDA icouwyor- STATE OF FLU DCOUNTY OF LvUe— SV - byck ,5 �rn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me of �* PhysicaG Pro ce r Online Neurration this dwof �� 2044 5 to for affirmed) and subsoibed before me of Physical P 0ry1in-eNotarl7stion th N clay -n M4by Flame of person making starmtftt. Namc vF person rm;Bki M statement personally Known ' a Frodumd Fdantification Pe"Cliallyr Kninwn OR produced Identiiicatian Type of ldentit5 rL Type of Ldentificab on Produced VEL.T.A p �M, c',�� F UM055 I L TA 1�[iL A �• L i� i FA 7 nature ,a! N u ary Pia {5lgr Mre of Notary P Cvrri rnixsiora N • Lf.3'; Commission Flo, �6 .! � � Rfl�l E W!t FRONT ZON IN-G SUPER VESOKR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTL E MANGROVE C U NCR RBI EVE RFAEW REVIEW I REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED