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January 27, 2016
Mr. Dan Regan
387 Nettles Blvd.
St. Lucie County, FL
RE: Soil Exploration - Proposed 2-Story Residence
387 Nettles Blvd (Lot 387 Nettles Island), St. Lucie County, FL
GFA Project# 16-0109.00
GFA International performed soil testing with one Standard Penetration Test (SPT) boring and one auger
boring with hand cone penetrometers at the above referenced project. Based on the test results, the soil
on which the referenced structure is to rest is capable of sustaining a safe bearing capacity of 2,500 psf.
The subsurface exploration activities were performed in accordance with Chapter 18 of the Florida Building
Code (latest addition) and applicable ASTM standards. For detailed information on subsurface conditions
encountered, please refer to the logs attached to this letter.
GFA recommends that the existing slab be demolished, removed and a new foundation system
constructed. GFA assumed that a pile foundation is not required due to flood zone or other
requirements (to be determined by others). We recommend that the bottom of the footings be founded
at a depth of at least 12 inches below finish grade. The depth shall be measured from the lowest adjacent
grade. We also recommend a minimum footing width of 18 inches for spread footings and 16 inches for
monolithic footings, but not less than 8 inches more than the width of the imposed wall.
This report does not state or imply that the foundation soils at the bearing level will remain in the original
condition in which they were found during the subsurface exploration activities. Exposure to the
environment may weaken the foundation soils at the bearing level if the foundation excavations remain
open for a long period of time, or if the foundation soils are exposed to rainfall. Consequently, it is
recommended that the excavations for the wall and column footings be performed to final grade and
footings constructed as soon as possible to minimize potential damage of the bearing soils. GFA
estimates the site is at or near final grade. It is also recommended that the 3 feet below existing grade, the
bottom of all new footing excavations and slabs, and all fill material, be compacted to a minimum density of
95% of the Modified Proctor (ASTM D-1557) prior to the placement of the concrete for the footings. To
achieve 3 feet of compacted soils per above, the upper 1 or 2 feet may have to be excavated, followed by
compaction of the excavation bottom, and then placing and compacting soil to achieve final grade.
If compaction cannot be attained due to persistent wetness or the water table near the bottom of the
footing excavation, or due to silty/clayey soil 'pumping' during compaction, GFA recommends undercutting
below bottom of footing and replacement with No. 57 stone for subgrade that cannot be compacted. The
rock fill should be compacted and tamped into the excavation and inspected and verified by a
representative from GFA, and tested with hand cone penetrometers, probe rods, or density tests.
Foundations and any below grade remains of any structures that are within the footprint of the new
construction should be removed so as to not affect structures.
Analysis of the foundation performance under hurricane conditions or other storm events, including the
effects of loss of soil support due to scour or other forces, is not within the scope of this report, and the
recommendations are valid only for normal conditions. Additional analysis and options for foundation
systems with scour conditions or other scenarios can be performed if requested.
521 NW Enterprise Drive • Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986 • (772)924.3575 • (772)924.3580(fax) www.teamgfa.com
Proposed 2-Story Story Residence January 27,2016
387 Nettles Blvd. (Lot 387 Nettles Island), St. Lucie County, FL
GFA Project#16-0109.00
If there is a nearby seawall or retaining wall, it must have the structural integrity to withstand the loadings
imposed by the new structure. Evaluation and design of the nearby seawalls and retaining walls are the
responsibility of the structural engineer, specialty engineer, contractor, or others. Evaluation of the seawall
is not within our scope of work.
This consulting report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the client. This report has been prepared
in accordance with generally accepted local geotechnical engineering practices; no other warranty is
expressed or implied. The evaluation submitted in this report, is based in part upon the data collected
during a field exploration, however, the nature and extent of variations throughout the subsurface profile
may not become evident until the time of construction. If variations then appear evident, it may be
necessary to reevaluate information and professional opinions as provided in this report. In the event
changes are made in the nature, design, or locations of the proposed structure, the evaluation and
opinions contained in this report shall not be considered valid, unless the changes are reviewed and
conclusions modified or verified in writing by GFA International.
The analysis and recommendations submitted in this report are based on the data obtained from the tests
performed. This report does not reflect any variations, which may occur between borings. While the
borings are representative of the subsurface conditions at their respective locations and for their vertical
reaches, local variations characteristic of the subsurface soils of the region are anticipated and may be
encountered. The delineation between soil types shown on the soil logs is approximate and the
description represents our interpretation of the subsurface conditions at the designated boring locations on
the particular date drilled.
Any third party reliance of our geotechnical report or parts thereof is strictly prohibited without the
expressed written consent of GFA International. Any third party reliance of our geotechnical report or parts
thereof is strictly prohibited without the expressed written consent of GFA International. The applicable
.SPT methodology (ASTM D-1586), CPT methodology (ASTM D-3441), and Auger Boring methodology
(ASMT D-1452) used in performing our borings/soundings and for determining penetration resistance is
specific to the sampling tools utilized and does not reflect the ease or difficulty to advance other tools,
equipment or materials.
We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project and look forward to a continued
association. Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions or comments, or if we may further
assist you as your plans proceed.
Sincerely,oO D W.
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Attachments�000�/�gpdiMAP, Test Location Plan, Standard Penetration Test(SPT) Borings(1),Auger
Boring (AB) Logs (1), Notes Related to Test Borings
Copies: Client(2)
IF 4y
Vicinity Map
38.7 Nettles Blvd (Lot 387 Nettles Island)
St. Lucie County, Florida
t Project
tSite LocationNote:Aerial Photograph from GoogleEarth Website
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Test Location Plan
387 Nettles Blvd (Lot 387 Nettles Island)
St. Lucie County, FL
GFA Project No. 16-0109.00
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Approximate Standard Penetration Test(SPT)Boring&Auger Boring(AB)Location
PHONE:(772)924-3575 - FAx: (772)924-3580
Client: Mr.Dan Regan Project No.:16-0109.00
Lab No.:
Project: 387 Nettles Blvd(Lot 387 Nettles Island) Page: 1 of 1
St.Lucie County,Florida Date: 1/21/2016
Elevation: Existing Grade Drill Rig: Simco-24
Water Level:4 feet after 0 hours Drilling Fluid commenced at depth of 10 feet Field Party: PM/WG
Hand Auger with Hand Cone Pentrometer Test(HCP in ksf)performed in top 4 feet
TEST LOCATION: SPT- 1 N27.28844° W80.22183° Laboratory Tests
Depth Blows/ N Sample Layer: USCS Description Passing Moisture Organic
(feet) 6 in. Value No. From/to No.200 Content Content
0-3%Z SP Light brown fine sand
1 HCP= 80+
___ 1
2 HCP= 80+
---• 3 HCP= 80+
4 HCP= 80-P 3%-7 SP Gray fine sand,trace shell fragment:
---- 5 -4
- ------------
1 5 3
--- 6 - 1 ----
7 ------- ------
1 3 4 7- 11 SP Brown fine sand,trace shell fragments
---- 8 2 ---
---- 2
9 ------- ------
2 4 5
---- 2
10 -3- ---
---- 5
11 ---5 10 6 11 - 16 SP-SM Gray fine sand,little silt
12 •5 ••-
5 9 7
----14 -.1 ---
---15 • 5
• •6••• •11•• 8
16 .......... g
Borin Terminated at 16 feet
17 ---- ---
18 ---- ---
I' Florida's Leading Engineering Source
Client: Mr. Dan Regan Project No: 16-0109.00
Project: 387 Nettles Blvd (Lot 387 Nettles Island) Lab No:
St. Lucie County, Florida Test Date: 01/21/2016
Elevation: Existing Grade Technician: PM/WG/CM
TEST LOCATION: AB — 1 N27.288520 W80.221780 HCP
Depth(feet) Description (color,texture, consistency, remarks) Depth Reading
0- 3'/2 Light brown fine sand, trace shell fragments, trace roots SP 1 50
3'/2- 5'/2 Brown fine sand, little shell fragments SP 2 30
5'/2-7'/2 Gray fine sand, some shell fragments SP 3 50
7Y2 - 10 Gray fine sand, trace shell fragments SP 4 30
5 20
6 40
7 40
8 20
9 20
10 60
Water table at 43/feet below ground surface
1. Groundwater level was encountered and recorded (if shown) following the completion of the soil test boring on
the date indicated.Fluctuations in groundwater levels are common;consult report text for a discussion.
2. The boring location was identified in the field by offsetting from existing reference marks and using a cloth tape
and survey wheel.
3. The borehole was backfilled to site grade following boring completion,and patched with asphalt cold patch mix
when pavement was encountered.
4. The Record of Test Boring represents our interpretation of field conditions based on engineering examination of
the soil samples.
5. The Record of Test Boring is subject to the limitations,conclusions and recommendations presented in the Report
6. "Field Test Data"shown on the Record of Test Boring indicated as 11/6 refers to the Standard Penetration Test
(SPT)and means 11 hammer blows drove the sampler 6 inches.SPT uses a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches.
7. The N-value from the SPT is the sum of the hammer blows required to drive the sampler the second and third 6-
inch increments.
8. The soil/rock strata interfaces shown on the Records of Test Boring are approximate and may vary from those
shown.The soil/rock conditions shown on the Records of Test Boring refer to conditions at the specific location
tested;soil/rock conditions may vary between test locations.
9. Relative density for sands/gravels and consistency for silts/clays are described as follows:
0-4 0-16 Veryloose 0-1 0-3 Verysoft
5-10 17-40 Loose 2-4 4-6 Soft
11-30 41-120 Medium Dense 5-8 7-12 Firm
31-50 121-200 Dense 9-15 13-25 Stiff
50+ over 200 Very Dense 16-30 25-50 Very stiff
>30 >50 Hard
10. Grain size descriptions areas follows:
Boulder 12 Inches or more
Cobbles 3 to 12 Inches
Coarse Gravel Y44 to 3 Inches
Fine Gravel No.4 sieve to%inch
Coarse Sand No. 10 to No.4 sieve
Medium Sand No.40 to No. 10 sieve
Fine Sand No.200 to No.40 sieve
Fines Smaller than No.200 sieve
11. Definitions related to adjectives used in soil/rock descriptions:
<5% Trace Less than 1/32" Fine roots
5%to 12% Little 1/32"to''/4" Small roots
12%to 30% Some '/4"to 1" Medium roots
30%to 50% And Greater than 1" Large roots
Organic Soils:Soils containing vegetable tissue in various stages of decomposition that has a fibrous to amorphous texture,
usually a dark brown to black color,and an organic odor.
Organic Content<25%:Slightly to Highly Organic;25%to 75%:Muck;>75%:Peat