HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement 0711712017 12:51 ON .-..... 97725691063 P.001/001 ?FILE # 4313316 OR So0A01 PAGE 692, Recorded 05/ 17 01:18:10 PM NOTICE gUQWENCEMEN Permit No. I Z Tax Polio No, U - } 1-Y � �t� 1p State.of Florida County of St.Lucie j The undersigned hereby#Nei notice that improvement wlil be trade to certain Mal property,end In accordahoe with chapter 713,Florida Statutes, the following information Is provided in this Notice of Commencement, me D85C t o of P arty: e re rasa General daserlption of Improvement: ! owner? ation or Lessee tnf m n f hq tontractnd for the tmprovament; Nana Address • Interest In property: sim Name and addrea of ple feholder 10 differaWrom-Owner Mad above); ; Contractor's Name: • ContrectorAddr+exs: a Number. � -p�.��� Q49�� , ` surety(if applicable,a copy of the payment bond is attache Amount of bond:$ I Name and addrow, phone number; j LandarName;._ Phone Number. ! Lender's address: Pardons within the Stote'of Plorlda designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as providad by Section 7 SMI)NP,Fiprida Statutes.- Name: Phone Nugnber: IAddress: ! in addition to himself or herself,Owner designates _ df to receive a copy of the I Uenor's Notice as provided in Seaton'.IM(s)(bl;Flodde Statutes. Phone number of Person or r(ntky desleneted by owner. : Expiration data of notice of com)rencament: (the axplratioq date may not be before the completion of aonstrucftDand final payment tothe ` contractor,butwill be 1 yearfrom the date of recording unless a different date is speclfled) WARNING YO OWNUA,ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTERTHE EXPiRAYION Of:'9 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED tMPR"PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 723,PART 1,SECTION 713.13,.FLORIDA3TATUTgS,AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR 1 iMPROvEMENTSTO YOUR PROPERTY.A NOTICE OF OOMMSNCEMIMT musT a 09aORD91)AND POMD ON THEIOB Si'iE 81FORI<THE PIRSY iNspicwti-'1P y0U INTEND TO oirrm FINANCING,CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNgy BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR ` RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Under penalty of padury,i declare that I have read the foregoing notice of commencement and that the facts stated therein are true to the beat of '! my know a .be , (Slgnatura of Owner or Lesson,or Owner's or Lessee's Authorized Officer/blrattor/Partner/Manager SHM� • �►�;:�, MY COMhI19SlON ff ttMMMo0s7a (Signstan/571t1�0fl *u�� * WIRtES:htawb14,1111 'tea ➢bn0o0ihNBvdpANe�mYaSNV1:9D ! Th ragaing Instrumentwas cknowledged bafore me thts�ddy of _ b as' for .� of P Type of authority(mg.officer,trustee) Party on behalf of whom instrument was executed Paracnally knowrL_or produced identificati014. i re of N li -State of Florida) % 'type,orS&POGuffimiataned Name of Notary Public) Type of Identification pmducsd �--� I• i __.y, �•�a._ °.