HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Information Pentair TDH Calculator Page 1 of 2 Fflle Co-py PENTAIR, TDH CALCULATOR JM F&S-FOGAL-SPA Pool Information Flow Rate: 95 GPM Total Piping Lengths: 7 Suction Lift: 2 Ft Inlet Side: 84 Ft Discharge Side: 88 Ft Maximum Pipe Velocity Allowed: Piping Sizes: (consult your local code) Inlet Piping: 2.445 In Branch Piping: 6 Ft/Sec Discharge Piping: 2.445 In Inlet Piping: 8 Ft/Sec Discharge Piping: 8 Ft/Sec piping Head Loss at 95.00GaIIMin: (not incuding fittings or valves) Inlet Piping: 4.73 Ft Discharge Piping: 4.95 Ft For advanced pools that contain multiple suctions, this program may be inaccurate. Consult a hydraulics engineer. This program is for single pump sytems with a single body of water. Results: Your TDH Calculation Suggested Minimum Pipe Sizes: Flow Rate: 95.00 GaUMin Branch Piping: 3.0 In Your Head Loss: 26.24 Ft Inlet Piping: 2.5 In Maximum Flow Rate Discharge Piping: 2.5 In at Maximum RPM: 95.00 Gal/Min Ensure the drain covermax flow rating is not exceeded. Head Loss at 26.24 Ft Maximum Flow Rate: System Head Pressure Curve 50 i 40 630 .... _ 0 HARVEY E. KOEHNEN 4220 Professional �� anus GG°i�E-32� P 7265 L - l�_�a�i Port St. Ian ,Ai Leg r -3212 2hp,E+,Single Speed(348025) - — Clean System Desired Operation Point - 0 ' 0 50 100 - - Volumetric Flow Rate(GPM) - i hqs://www.pentairpartners.com/marketing/tdh/index.aspx 3/17/2017 Pentair TDH Calculator Page 2 of 2 Selected Components Components Head Loss at ame uantity 95.00GaI/Min 2 x 2.5 3 way valve 0 0.00 Main Drain 1 1.60 3/4 inch Return 6 2.08 Piping Inlet Discharge Head Loss at ame uantity uantity 95.00GaUMin 90 degree elow 5 15 7.76 45 degree elow 2 8 1.74 v Tee Through 0 5 1.38 Pumps ame uantity 2hp,E+,Single Speed(348025) 1 All Pentair trademarks and logos are owned by Pentair,Inc.IntelliF160,IntelliComm®,EasyTouch®,IntelliTouch®,SunTouch@,and Eco Se/ectTm are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of Pentair Water Pool and Spa,Inc.and/or its affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries.Unless expressly noted,names and brands of third parties that may be used in this document are not used to indicate an affiliation or endorsement between the owners of these names and brands and Pentair Water Pool and Spa,Inc.Those names and brands may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of those third parties.Because we are continuously improving ourproducts and services,Pentair reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice.Pentair is an equal opportunity employer. 11 y https://www.pentairpartners.com/marketing/tdh/index.aspx 3/17/2017 Pentair TDH Calculator Pagel of 2 . File Copy TDH CALCULATOR JM F&S-FOGAL-LOW SPEED Pool Information Pool Volume: 12500 Gal Total Piping Lengths: Turn Over Time: 5.50 Hrs Inlet Side: 70 Ft Suction Lift: 2 Ft Discharge Side: 92 Ft Maximum Pipe Velocity Allowed: Piping Sizes: (consult your local code) Inlet Piping: 2.445 In Branch Piping: 6 FUSec Discharge Piping: 2.445 In Inlet Piping: 8 Ft/Sec Discharge Piping: 8 Ft/Secpiping Head Loss at 37.88GaIlMin: (not incuding fittings or valves) Inlet Piping: 0.72 Ft Discharge Piping: 0.94 Ft For advanced pools that contain multiple suctions, this program may be inaccurate. Consult a hydraulics engineer. This program is for single pump sytems with a single body of water. Results: Your TDH Calculation Suggested Minimum Pipe Sizes: ' Flow Rate: 37.88 Gal/Min Branch Piping: 2.0 In Your Head Loss: 17.66 Ft Inlet Piping: 1.5 In Maximum Flow Rate Discharge Piping: 1.5 In at Maximum.RPM: 99.65 Gal/Min Ensure the drain cover max flow rating is not exceeded. Head Loss at 73.50 Ft Maximum Flow Rate: System Head Pressure Curve 30 t 25 _ 4 20 O HARVEY E. KOEHNEN Professional Engine er PE- 32831 z =7205,E1 se Circle 10 Port St. LUC!b� FL 34952-3212 Fax(772) 89-3035 5 IntelliFlo Variable Speed VS+SVRS,or VF-1600 rpm — i — Clean System Desired Operation Point: " 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 ` Volumetric Flow Rate(GPM) https://www.pentairpartners.com/marketing/tdh/index.aspx 3/16/2017 Pentair TDH Calculator Page 2 of 2 Selected Components Components Head Loss at ame uantity 37.88GaI/Min 2 x 2.5 3 way valve 4 0.50 Main Drain 1 0.42 Clean and Clear 1 0.83 ItraTemp 1 10.49 1 inch Return 4 0.30 Piping Inlet Discharge Head Loss at ame uantity uantity 37.88Gal/Min 90 degree elbow 5 9 0.99 45 degree elbow 0 7 0.22 Tee Through 0 3 0.15 Pumps ame uantity IntelliFlo Variable Speed,VS+SVRS, 1 or VF All Pentair trademarks and logos are owned by Pentair,Inc.IntelliFloO,IntelliComm@,EasyTouch@,IntelliTouch@,SunTouch®,and Eco Se/ectTm are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of Pentair Water Pool and Spa,Inc.and/or its affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries.Unless expressly noted,names and brands of third parties that may be used in this document are not used to indicate an affiliation or endorsement between the owners of these names and brands and Pentair Water Poo/and Spa,Inc.Those names and brands may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of those third parties.Because we are continuously improving our products and services,Pentair reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice.Pentair is an equal opportunity employer. https://www.pentairpartners.com/marketing/tdh/index.aspx 3/16/2017 Pentair TDH Calculator Page 1 of 2 Copy PENT AIR TDH CALCULATOR JM F&S-FOGAL-HIGH SPEED Pool Information Flow Rate: 99.65 GPM Total Piping Lengths: Suction Lift: 2 Ft Inlet Side: 70 Ft Discharge Side: 92 Ft Maximum Pipe Velocity Allowed: Piping Sizes: (consult your local code) Inlet Piping: 2.445 In Branch Piping: 6 Ft/Sec Discharge Piping: 2.445 In Inlet Piping: 8 FUSec Discharge Piping: 8 FUSec Piping Head Loss at 99.65Gal/Min: (not incuding fittings or valves) Inlet Piping: 4.30 Ft Discharge Piping: 5.66 Ft For advanced pools that contain multiple suctions, this program may be inaccurate. Consult a hydraulics engineer. This program is for single pump sytems with a single body of water. Results: Your TDH Calculation Suggested Minimum Pipe Sizes: Flow Rate: 99.65 Gal/Min Branch Piping: 3.0 In Your Head Loss: 73.50 Ft Inlet Piping: 2.5 In Maximum Flow Rate Discharge Piping: 2.5 In at Maximum RPM: 99.65 Gal/Min Ensure the drain cover max flow rating is not exceeded. Head Loss at 73.50 Ft Maximum Flow Rate: System Head Pressure Curve t i 150 125 ,.,100 i. , 75 HARVEY E. K.OE@-NEN k Professional-Z s&��er P.E-3283 50 - 72G L, �G,2Fde Port St. Lair;, G= '34952-3212 Fax (77 2) 43 -3 3a 25 _ ......... .... IntelliFlo Variable Speed,VS+SVRS,or VF 3450 rpm l_ - Clean System = / Desired Operation Point 0 0 50 100 Volumetric Flow Rate(GPM) https://www.pentairparthers.com/marketing/tdh/index.aspx 3/16/2017 1 Pentair TDH Calculator Page 2 of 2 Selected Components Components Head Loss at ame uantity 99.65Gal/Min 2 x 2.5 3 way valve 4 7.93 Main Drain 1 1.72 Clean and Clear 1 6.50 ItraTemp 1 35.63 1 inch Return 4 1.58 Piping Inlet Discharge Head Loss at ame uantity uantity 99.65GaUMin 90 degree elbow 5 9 5.94 45 degree elbow 0 7 1.33 Tee Through 0 3 0.90 Pumps ame uantity IntelliFlo Variable Speed,VS+SVRS, 1 or VF All Pentair trademarks and logos are owned by Pentair,Inc.IntelliFlo@,IntelliCommO,EasyTouch@ IntelliTouch@,SunTouch@,and Eco Selectym are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of Pentair Water Pool and Spa,Inc.and/or its affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries.Unless expressly noted,names and brands of third parties that may be used in this document are not used to indicate an affiliation or endorsement between the owners of these names and brands and Pentair Water Pool and Spa,Inc.Those names and brands may be the trademarks orregistered trademarks of those third parties.Because we are continuously improving our products and services,Pentairreserves the right to change specifications without prior notice.Pentairis an equal opportunity employer. https://www.pentairpartners.com/marketing/tdh/index.aspx 3/16/2017 STAINLESS STEEL HANDRAIL (SAME BONDING FOR 18"MIN.-24-MAX LADDER) #8 SOLID BARE COPPER BOND WIRE W/APPR.CLAMPS L•NTIRD (ONE ON EACH SIDE OF rMU rEn POOL-4TOTAL) / 4"TO 6" / BELOW SUB-GRADE ANCHOR W/#8 BOND w L (L WIRE&APPR.BOND CLAMP 1-98 BARE COPPER WIRE BONDED TO POOL STEEL AS SHOWN - #8 BOND WIRE W/APPR.CLAMP NOTE:BONDING GRID REQUIRED AT PERIMETER OF POOL IN AREAS PLIGHTNICHE OF PAVED DECIUNG ONLY EQUIPOTENTIAL BONDING DETAIL PER FLORIDA BUILDING CODE ADAPTATION OF THE N.E.C.•2011 SEC.680.26 Electrical Equipment Wiring, Grounding and Installation must conform to the 2011 N.E.C. and applicable local codes 12vLIGIIT OPTIONAL 2"-•LIGII SERVILE PANEL TRANSFORMER Equipotential Bonding 121 yy/P IUNCfION-DDx[sI DISCONNECT W/r J.D. MIN01:G" I.D. Loop #$ copper around Pool w/P Dlscorvrvecr ABOVE POOL POOL DECK Bonded to pool steel in 4 Places N.E.C.2011 �p A PoolTlmerwf PDDLDELIc sec. 680.26(C) [q] S.T.Toggle Switch A N.EC.APPRovmV NOTE: PVCCDNDUR WATER LINT. WAT Nor sP ass 3 812 W 3 0121N M.TuAN20TDGMORG s W� � s a =,�"CANDDfr Install pool/spa per ANS13,5,7 and 15 THAN 20'-0"GRonI y,y w POOL-EDGGAND NOT WITHIN 6•-0" �. ' Digitally signed by Harvey E Koehnen OP POOL-L'DGII Sec.680.22(3) Harvey E I DN:cn=Harvey E Koehnen,o=Treasure Coast Building Engineers Inc, N07L ou=Professional Engineer PE32831, r,LECTRICAL DIAGRAM Koehnen e,n 61oehnen@tcbeweb.com,c=US Date:2015.10.01 11:04.35-04'00' SmartPool AP72 Specifications �SMA RTP0®! P RR FF rr FF I V L D MAY 22 2017 Cover Type Solar Cover`,kie Copy About Lhe SmartPOol'AP72' LPM Part#:70706 Dosage 1 per 30,000 gallons The SmartPool SolarPill is a liquid solar cover that coats your pool's water in Item Quantity Single order to reduce heat loss from your swimming pool.Dosage:t per 30,000 Manufacturer SmartPool gallons Pool hover Accessory Features Pool Size Up to 30,000 Gallons Liquid Type In Ground solar cover One solar pill is suitable for 30,000 gallons Product Type Pool Cover Accessory • Reduces heat and chemical loss Safe for all pool types Solar Heating System Solar Chemicals • Non-Toxic formula SmartPool's SolarPill is an efficient liquid solar cover that works to decrease D ocs the heat loss you'd lose from evaporation in your pool water.It also helps to reduce chemical loss from within your pool.helping your water chemistry stay SolarPillOWnersManual balanced and under your control.This solar cover is compatible and safe for all pool types and sanitization systems.Use one solar pill for each 30.000 gallons of water within your pool and apply each month for the best use.This thermally insulating liquid blanket releases slowly into your filtration system and forms an invisible coating on the surface of your water,thus preventing evaporation.The SolarPill can be used with traditional chlorine,saltwater,and mineral sanitizers. Reduce heat and chemical loss in your swimming pool by using the SmarlPool SolarPill Liquid Solar Cover. http://www.lesliespool-com/smartpool-ap72-solarpill-liquid-solar-blankettap72.htm 5/22/2017 IPA ,� 17- ULTRATEMP°, HEAT PUMPS F& C®pY RECEIVED MAI 0 2017 HIGH PERFORMANCE HEAT PUMP 4; PENTAIR Featured Highlights Appliance • 100%pure titanium heat exchanger assures corrosion-free performance �t-a�f Efficient for extra long life 1 S a 1 a c c Database t9 • LCD control board displays an intuitive menu-driven read out with easy to follow full word messages no more codes ��vtwrattt • AutoSet(time clock over-ride)feature monitors water temperature j and turns the water circulation pump on and off as needed to maintain desired pool temperatures `r • Automatic defrost feature senses refrigerant temperature and prevents freezing,allowing the heat pump to operate at even tower temperatures :: 6 • Compatible with ALL automated control packages ,r AYti; ,y r • Long-life corrosion resistant plastic composite cabinet stands up to { ,r? severe climates and pool chemicals • Emerson"Copeland Scroll"Compressor on 60 Hz,single phase models • ETL listed for safe operation • Thermostatic Expansion Valve ITXVI controls refrigerant flow for optimum efficiency and BTU output over a wider operating range k • Highest efficiency available,meets or exceeds existing codes 1 1traTemp Heat Pumps s and standards - • BTU and efficiency performance independently certified by the The industry's first heat pump charged with �•�. Air-Conditioning,Heating and Refrigeration institute,AHRI non-ozone depleting refrigerant,R410A. Ordering Information Breaker t Part N 80180/80• 80/63/8011 50/63/800• Freq Size Phase Wire Volt Ctn Ctn "A" Model BTU/COP BTU/COP BTU/COP Size Size Oty. Wt. Dim. BLACKALMOND fampf ULTRATE 460960 460930 70 75,00015.8 70,000/5.7 50,00014.1 60 40 1 10 230 1 230 33.5 460961 460931 90 90.000/5.7 84.00015.5 60,000/4.0 60 50 1 8 230 1 250 33.5 460962 460932 110 108,000/6.0 101,000/5.8 72,00014.0 60 50 1 8 230 1 270 45.5 460963 460933 120 127,000/5.7 120,000/5.5 82.000/4.0 60 50 1 8 230 1 270 45.5 460964 460934 140 143.000/5.8 134,00015.6 88,000/4.0 60 50 1 8 230 1 320 45.5 y 460965 460935 120 H/C 127.000 Heat/5.6 120.000/5.4 82,000/4.0 60 s0 1 8 230 1 278 45.5 71,000 Cool/4.1 460959 460958 140 H/C 140.000 Heat/5.6 132.000/5.4 85,000/4.0 60 s0 1 8 230 1 320 34.5 ' 80.000 Coot/4.1 N/A 460936 901 85,00015.7 81,00015.4 56.000/4.0 50 30 3 10 380 1 250 33.5 • 460967 460937 120 C 123.000/5.6 115,00015.3 81,000A.0 60 50 3 8 230 1 280 45.5 N/A 460938 100 i 102,000/5.9 96,000/5.6 67,00014.0 50 50 1- 8 230 1 280 41.5 460929 466928 140C. 140,00015.8. 132.000/5A6, 86,00014.0_- 60 s0 3 8 230, 1.. 320_ 45.5 y i' •Rating outside the scope of ARI Standard 1160 fair temp.°F./%relative Emerson°is a registered trademark of Emerson Electric Co.and Copeland >g humidity/water temp°F,1 Scroll"is a registered trademark of Emerson Climate Technologies,Inc. ••Rating in accordance withARI Standard 1160(air temp.°F./%relative Dimensions and Performance humidity/water temp°F.1 The AHRI Certified'Mark is applied,only } B o o to HVACR equipment and components that have been independently tested to certify A manufacturers'performance claims are accurate.Visit www.ahridirectory.org fora ° complete list of certified products. a: ° ° , - 1 -1 1 Q CEC indicates that Heat Pump has been evaluated ° to California Title-20,listed in the California C-z7 Energy Commission's ICEC]database of compliant • Itt heat pumps,and certified to use on Residential L — Swimming Pool Filtration Systems. - 4i4 63 --3s a_- I See pages 453-454 for replacement parts.