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"A A Weyerhaeuser #V-9000 ' SPECIFIERS GUIDE BEAMS HEADERS ANID. CO LU M.*NS Featuring Trus Joist®TimberStrand® LSL M.1crollam® LVL, and Parallam® PSL f � Undorm`and Predictable3' Minimal 8owing,Twisting, I K and Shnnklrig IN ri 1 %4•' - ` we � x r Llmrted Producit Warranty N %Am- - y ,. �``xy •-_ e ,� , '4�'� &sic ✓1�..*^ t 3 -3 3 i .� �.- �� �' =s.� xi � a p3 k 4-Zia Why Choose Vus Joist®.Beams, Columns,and Headers? ��� • Reliable performance " Consistent quality and dependab( 'unf+ormity Flexible solufrots for your beam and header needs. A r f • Backed by a lirfitbd product warranty Using advanced technology.Weyerhaeuser manufactures engineered lumber that °k is consistently straight and strong,and resists bowing,twisting,and shrinking.That means less waste,easier installation,and higher design values for starters:plus � ya fewer callbacks,shorter cycle times,more design flexibility,and lower overall installed " cost-in the end.Trus Joist`TmberStrand =LSL,Microllam®LVL,and Parallamz,PSL s r are structural solutions you can count on—guaranteed. i The products in thisguide are readlty 4 € and!,able Enrougft our nabonwide „x iletwottc nfdlstrlbutors and dealers For} more ln_yivi_op,, other appliptlons "'or other,hA Jolsto products aconmct+ . x jrour Weyerhaeuser representative TABLE OF CONTENTS This guide features Trus Jolst®engineered lumber in the following widths and depths: TimberStrand'i LSL Cleral/lssum r� '" � FtoorLaedTebtea` ' 1.55ETImberStrand10'LSLsizes: 7imberStrandaLSL` 1 6 7 Widths:13/a"and 310 Mlcrotltsm�WL q 8 9k De 1 9r/a" 9t/2" 1.1V4" 1VA" 14" and 16" RPara11hins, Snaw Roof toad Teb 1.3E TlmberStrand®LSL header sizes: ar 71mt]efJtfartd {rJL q f2 13 Width:3r12 MlcrollamoLVL> a� �a i�5 Depths:4-b",5r12",7Y4",8%0,9r14",and 11Y4" . r Parallahv*PSLs `. 15 17 a ij-NonSnow Roof Load Tablas>3 x" 4 1.3E TlmberStrands LSL column and post sizes: 3V2nx3ih" 3th"x4%" 3t/2"x5th" 33h"x7V4" 3%"x8%' �xhe rtrdnd�LSL � 1B�19�' Mlcrollam�L& pare,, Microllam®LVL t3eam Detalrs r 2.0E MlcrollamO LVL header and beam siii :' 2g Window ar d Door , Width:13/4" ;� i HeeaelDC N115 .`y 24 25 n n n e n n " �t; n 25w Depots:5W,7r/4 ,9'/4 ,9r/� ,1 5!a ,IVi5 .14,16 ,18,and2d Nailing Ni" Faces a _ /III�aWahle,R } c^} 5 ,26Ux ra Beefing lengdl Requirements :26, Parallama PSL HTapered fnd cuts R s z7 2.0E Parallam®PSL header and beam sizes: Murdp"ember " Widths:3%" 5V4"`and 7" Connections , 2+ 29 } . umns �p-gi Depths:9Y4".9V2 ,11Y4",11'A",140,16".and 18" °Product wa entys2 LSE Parallam�PSL column and post sizes: s e 3th"x 3th" 3W x SY4" MA2"x 7"' 5t/a"x 5Va" 5�/a"x 7" x 7 N 3, zFordeepardepthParalleo�FSIbesnr�seeI e�liies,1010,2?fPaallammPSt Deep Besmguida,;i71001;orroahct yowWarerlueusrrreFresrnt�f a StJSTAINABIE 3 ........ ,...'.,. \ �r'S� amestresmarnotdaerall��krrow �yloa •CerbfiedSourclnp'J �® { Tres Joists Beam,Header and Column Spec ifiees Guide TJa0e0 l October 2016 2 STRUCTURAL SOLUTIONS Tius JoistO TimberStrand® Laminated;Strand Lumber(LSL) • One-piece members reduce labor time 5 • Every piece is straight and strong 1- • Unique properbeS allow yoti to drill larger holes through a 1.55E TimberStrande LSL See AiEowable Holes on a ` paga.2 TimberStrand®LSL Grade Verification �"° ' TimberStrand®LSL�_is available in more than one grade.The product is stamped with its grade information,as shown in the examples below.With 1.55E TimberStrandm LSL,larger hoes can be drilled through the beam. � as TltnbeirStrand®LSL 13e Iis���SF Goa00f0�o Ms i02CCMCz7R. Svl� , o t 032D %-eo-�ofa*TlmberStrand®LSL 1.55E ROUND HOLE ZONE ICCES ESR•1387 Certified Sourcing �' Made In Canada NO hales within a"of heem ends CCMC 12627-R QsFI sn- mi a 0572■ eti-05.11 02 032o Actual stamps showri Code Evaluations:See ICC ES ESR-1387 X Trus Joist®`Microllam® r Laminated'Veneer Lumber(LVL) R-m-On i • Can easily be built up on site to reduce heavy lifting 2f A • Offers reliable and economical solutions for beam and header applications • Manufacturing process minimizes many of the natural inconsistencies found in wood '-M • Available in some regions with a WatershedTM overlay for on-site + weather protection z '` Code Evaluations:See ICC ES ESR-1387 9 Trus Joists Parallam® z Parallel Strand Lumber(PSL) • Allows long spans for open floor plans without intermediate posts or columns • Has warm,unique grain that is perfect for applications with exposed beams • Provides ideal solutions for cantilever and multi-span applications = - " • Solid sections save time on site assembly 5 • Available in some regions with preservative treatment for exterior � a � applications Code Evaluations:See ICC ES ESR 1387 :ys. Trus Jotstf Beam,Header and Column Specifiers Guide TJ-90W l October 2016 4 r Allowable Design Properties(!!(100%Load ft'mtion) 3 � Detd ` ' } <,• 'r trade r 41 Width rEDes(gnPr6perty� �-... ag ,z k.,rvx �'s� ral1r,511,EEO BSA a,3K, O5mhen { s} 4550 t 6335 1;10520 54 tit.QW0 1 4340 fa M90 f 1 8.555 aMomentofle6rtp{Ini�! 24 + A9 20 111 18T 231 1 dl5 l s E x ;;,_We '5.-A M t_ IO�, `� .Shear(6s),, I� i q3 3 345 8 3 435 4g070�'�dk295 5 fl65�( 5 785 x P W `tit( (�7.7 ; �` Noment(ft Ibsl I: 1 9905 :,10420 19390 15.955 C 21:840 28.18D 1 zs � a rShear(Ibs} , ( g 2 664D fi810 A8.140 8590 ll},I25 11.575 s r 3K sMomentofldertia in 231 25D 415Q88 800� 1.195 123 Maw Rio" Mament(fllbs) 2125 iL+3555 • < 180D 15885 ' B,D70 8;92b ; 12130" 15555 # 19315a23380 " ;S 75, U,3 16�0 3,740 s, 3 5 6�55�5 320 5 985 ) 8650 x IMomentottaerda(kt�}1 { 24 56 xF15 -125 208244 6 =A 04z�K 597 ,851 1t62 9.2IO2.,1 . Momei;Etil'ths _ iZdiS :13.055 '17970 19'931I{27;I60 1:34453 1 43;b65 "' f xSAeac(Ibs} •6,260..:w6d30 _7,615 r 8,035•. 9,475.z1.:10;823..t::-12.180 3K' �Momentoffnertla(dl'1. 231 1 250 415 488 800 1,195 1,701 »; T M.Wei t(If} 101 1D 4 12 3 17<5 19•l '�" `k Moment'(1t IbsF ~ IB 625 19 585 :2SS55 `�29;B55 d0,7,40 52;434 65:495 €, : �,zrf,Shear(Ibs}`° ° 3:9340 9545 l420'. 1Z,0555 yAA rFpi14'210+ 1fi240 (J821Q V r $tMotnent bf Inertia I1 4hi 346 3 55 3�12 7: 552 Wei t I x t 'N 152 %136 185f� ',19i` 1.-23:D -426;3, 295_- n 26,115 35940 39805 5� d;32' 54;905.1_87,325 Shear(Ibs! .. " ��;"`" 12 520 12 855 15 225 ..16,07 .18,945 .21,655 {.24.360, ��Mii ht61I&tia(W i LJ } 462 500 831 977977 { 1,601 2,389 t 35902 a m • � Wel t{ Itl__.71 Ti)2 ,1' 20 B'' 246 26 0 1 30.6 ; 35.0 ( 39 4 (1)Poi product in beam a nentation;.unless olli Mse noted':: Some sires nnynot be ararla6le Idyour reQl� K PRODUCT % Protect product from sun ad water STORAGE %%%%%% % % % % CA1111011 % % % % -r> Wrap is srppery when wet Orley ,. ..: AfI rr stickers M3 oriarger) �✓ dimctly orer support blocks h : Use support blacks(66 or larger) at l6'on•centertakeepbundles w ` Out al mud and water Tnrs 1astw Beam;Header and Column Speci6er'S Guide T1.9000 ( October 2016 a k DESIGN PROPERTIES Design!:Stresses(t?_(100%.Load Duration) x w z Shear t E F,xura F,anll S6i G � ;Modulus ;AdJusted ' Flel Teal Camprossion Compression Norizontal ; 'aMalenty 6nde 4 Orlenlatton Modulus«. oiElasttcity +,=FModulus ,: StteYsshr } xStross<'r Perpehdkrf�ar Parallel M) Pa— Barraile! Specific t of Elasticity, "tpsr� of EIullcity (Psi)' 1Psi) to brain to eraln to brain sny((ynr :3 (Psq '. T iPsi) �(psAr t s� �13E t3eamlCalumn 81 Z50 I 13 x too 560 75 r 1k10D ( 1015 f 710 I 1835 425 ; D 50m �� � ��,AFnk"�' ,� 81,250'� 1,3 x>lOc �` 660750 1900� °i 415�"`` ,�` �635® f '1835� >�� ]51t � ��D 50�► �, m-1.55E .F Scam - a95.675 , -155 x]D6 t ' :ry 787,815 2 325 . f 14701101.,- 90D 'k.,.,.z2,170 :• r 310i?W f A 0 50ra 16. f`,:I.016.535-`r r ; ISO— .) .:= 1,555":•:i :...`.150.. 2 510_ ='2ft5 t =;> 0 5b r �Pit!f Column 112 500 18 xa0a 914 88ti �pDO'I` @ 155 1 54511rr4 Z 500 190 rr!► � 0 50 Heam 125.ODDA; .. fiSW r (1) Unless otherwise rioted;adjustment to the design stresses for duration of lead are permitted . (6) For lateral connection deslgn onry in accordance with the applicable code. (7).Specific gravity of 0.58 may lie used for bells instilled perpendicular to face and loaded (2) Refererrce modulus of elastkity for beam,and column stabillly calculations per ND perpendicular to grain (3)For 12'depULfoi othei depths;multiply(g try the appropriate Iiitr as 10116K,. (8) Values.ore for thickness up to 3W. i2 ,- .. _.e, For I'berStrand ISI,multiply by[d (9):For members less than lii`thick grid in plank orientation,use F.,of 670 psi; [17] i `, (10) Value accounts for large hale capabilities.See Allowable Nolus on page 26. Far f+Vcroilarri• mult iply r a (111 Value shovin is for plank orienlation . .;.. .,. r2 �ttr For ParaOarao PSl multiply by[a]_,. (12).Use 750 psi for ParallaO PSL identified with plant number 0579. µ)F,has,been adjusted to reflect the volume eff%ects for most standard applications Far :. (13) -Wumn applications,use Fri,of 500 psi.Alternatively,Teter to ESR-1387,Table 1, (5)Fu may not he incroased f0r,6ralionof load. footnote 15. General Assumptions for Trus Joists Beams Beam orientation Lateral support is required at bearing and along the span at 24'on-center, maximum. ■ Bearing lengths are based on each product's bearing stress for applicable grade and orientation. ■ All members 714'and lessin depth are restricted to a maximum deflection oi'4�', ■ Beams that are lei'z 16'and deeper require multiple plies. ■ No camber. ■ Beams and columns must remain straight to within SLY46H fen.)of true alignment.. Column Orientation L is the unrestrained length of the member in feels. For applications not covered In this brochure;rifitact your Weyerhaeuser representative.. See pages 78and 29 for mukiple-member boom connections. ii �Ilf irmberStnaiimYSl,Af/croJbm�lYt,aud� �anfreat�Panllamw�'St are Intended w ldrdry-use?pplfcandas Plank Orientation Trus Joist*Beam,Header and Column Specifier's Guide TJ-gow ( October 2016 X FLOOR LOAD TABLES How:to Use This table 1. Calculate total and live toad(neglect beam weight)on the begf.Or header,in pounds per linear foot(pllh 2;..Select appropriate Span(center-to-center of hearing) I.Scan horimntally to find the proper width,and a depth with a-ppacity that -exceeds actual total and We loads. 4 r Review bearing length requirements to ensure adequacy Also see Inaeral Holes an page 7. Timb, 44pndP,LSL:.Floor...100'/o.(PLF). _ rF r<< �� 13E Grade � 155EGrade 4 �`axs b s span } CendfGan 315'Wldlh h 5Pi PlanlcDrlenlatio 1('Width a T �.. .. <. �,d3�•,' ia37 8sh'_. 914'N s114i' 3�/f'- _ " 9h' 95h• ;it�h' ttr/�' 11 Tolatload ,> 1538 ° 2.381 i 4.036 5624 '- 6.428 '7;442 1,210- 3 024 , 3166 i;4,4 33 g; 4,717 j4 7I7 3' # Llt%to�dU36p t 1420 !. • • 1 .Mbi End/InL�Bearm Ifn} 15/3 5 k'15/3 6 2 4161 3 418 5 '3 9/91 4 31113 15/3.5 Z9172 8r16 411.1 D 3 4.5111.3 4 5/113 �Totlllmd� 3 ` 863I337722fi71159a3611 5249 814 � =1429 �2,DD6 2591 2,836 `3�36 4� tfreloadLl3B `. s 651`-IZ15 � :" *,R1546 35'T }` i " t fi :,:Rfr :•..,< -R :81nEnd/ln BearM`(Irtl' 15J351 I513 _18/4626/64. 2,9R.3 .4.2/L0.6 l5T3.5 :°i 12.5161(. .26/&d`tix33183 _x361945/113 Tdt�t�load 4 "517 853 j` 1448 2 019 2 308 3.355 425 1416 1467 1 1853 1 2 004 2:577 5 Liire'Lmd U36D' 347 662 4.398 ':' ;. . 387' 3218 s Mn"',tend/IntBearin (rn;1 .1.5/3.5' 15/35-i:1.5/3.7 : 2/5.1 Y 3I5.B: 3.4/8.5: h5/3.5 :2 315.fi. .2,38 8 (.3l7 4 41/10 x � Total load r xf 304 590 I,D03` 4 1'399 i i 599 f .2326 48 n 1095 L 15V 144t1 1 9 1�5E� r8' li,a Load U368 2llfi ` 3971,367:z§ • „ 169= 978 0d8 •' + '4� • :. Mfn:Endpnt.'Baarin (in) 3 I.5/3 Total toad Z 171 ') 336.. }... I35..,1 .!0 5252 ;4.1721,._.1706 . 138 803 ., • 845 U .}262 J.L570 c >, 131 t 255 564 904 l092 101 fi51 699 1089 1 250 U11.141Lhe Loz U360 , Mm-^Eedlint Bearia {inl Y 5/3 5 15/3 5 1513 5 15/3 6 i 7/4 2q 2 4/6 1,5/3 5 18/4 5 '19/4 T 2 6/6`5 2 8/7 l 3 518 8' ' Total loads r99 198 F 443 i 783 :b895 �M,03 99air3Llve Load U3titly89 173384 �€ 626 ti759 pi90 - 72 3 453} '#481 769 r r = I5/35 :<}6139 17141} �2 3/51a 1 .516.3113 4/BA 1513 5 13/3 5:`>1,5/3 5 -1513 5 L5/3 6 115 3 ' Toi l loader ` ti 98 224 . 55.. 632 > 921 is 416 d46 -.631 700 t:..:.g6t! . 9'6' lhaiead!l360 s 386 470 8I1 s 280 302 483 56D 87Q . Ltlnrt:ndflat Heui tin Y l 5/3 5 1.513.5. 1.513.5 15/3,5 1.8/4 5 1513 5 1513 5 1414 8 l 2115 3 i 2,9173' " ToU1 to#d �� � 79 r182 492 a569 83D �� 359 381 �569 `",631� 8fi5 E 19'j lWe Load U360 • •< w 333 :401 � 704 1 242 r 261 420 s l 487� 760 =MinEndllel Biearin Un.): >.< �1513.5':�i 5133 =`-15f3 51.513 51;7/4.2�,�_. 1.5/3.5€ 1.513 5q x�1'8/4,6:. K215 i .`.2816 9 ? 1�� F 85 287. .353 ? : 73.: 211 228 ( 372 $ 434 , "599 12 � llre dt13B11 197 241 423 144 155 252 293 1 464 61m EadAnt 8earin Ile1 1.513.5 5 t.513.5 1.513 5 !513 5 1313 5 1513 6 , 17/4 7 l 2=3/5 8 To ad s IBO 222 39? �133, ' 144 278 F 43U 114� Llve;loadU380�� 'l26' �154� '272 [ 92 €99 (-` 162 189 r� 302� .�, MIhEad/IatHrari` (in.)` vp , I5/35. '1?5135 + I,5/35 :; rwn15/3.5, }5135I5/3.5 15f35 ':2/5':ter 1 u . TdUi Laad ( 108 134 242 BD 87 l45 170 ( 271:`c` ors UreLoanU380 A 77 95 169 57 .- 6l IDl A 118 i. .189- 1=. _s MiazEndllat Bearl (m.1. . r L5t35 _1.5/3.5., L5/3.5 1.5i3.5 1.513.5 1.1.513.5. �1513.5. }im-:: TdWlto � 93 ]70 5 60 'S 5102i20 141 .<136�-! �Uveload' 11in.;End/lnt Hearin (!nl ` '� `1513515/35 t1.5/3515/3515/3.5,115135 .15/35" 15/351. H' Total load 1 72 133 BO -% 94 756 f`2D' L ve Load U360 r 44 54 96 r 57 67 009 n 1:5/3.5 1.5'3.5 1.5/35 'Mrn:Endpnt Heart Un) 1.513.5 15/3 5 1.513.5 , ;iotal load x M is '73 ,k 52 88 "sou 64� + s x a ldla"EndAnt.�Hearia tin 1 Total laadx� A I 40 1`28' the 1601.1360 5 >� indicates Total load value controls. Trus Joist*Beam,Header and Column Specifiers Guide TAM October 2016 R FLOOR LOAD TABLES General Notes ■ Table is based on.- Uniform loads(beam weight considered):. Mon:restrictive of simple or continuous span.. -Deflection criteria of L/240 total lead(TL)and U360 live lead(LU. R; For live load de0ectidn Limits of L/240 or L/480,multiply live load L/360 values by 1.5 or 0.75,respect vi6.The resulting live load must not exceed the total load shown. •:� For continuous spans;ratio of short span to long span should be 0.4 or greater to prevent uplift. A15e see Now to Use this Table an page 6 and General Assumptions an page 53 TilnberStrand's LSL: Floor-100% (PLF) continued 155f Grade° R K Span> @Condltlen z 314 WIdtY T 5%Wldth{2 or 3-pl) 9'�t' �9'h'. ` 1P/� .: `11iA_ 1444V� -,.�16 ;.9i�`. 9r/x'� 11'h'.•. ,11�/.', �14'.- ,d,.16'vw Total Lead 6,049 6,332 8.667 ( 9,432, 9.432 9,432 9,074 9,499 13.001 14,148 1 14,148 1,14,148 3 $ Uve Load,U360 • • • a • • • a • -a • MIa End/1nt.Bein {in} 29/72 3/16 41/103 45/113 4.51113 4:5111,3 2.9/72 3/76 4A1103 4,511,13 4.5/113 4.5tI13 Total lead, ;3 859 4 012 �5195 5 673V 7 010 `7 070 'S 188 �fi 018 7793 8 5l0 10 6Q5 I0 605 - 4" • * ,: * • + f •. >L360 3 45I11 2/61 ¢ U 5l11MI EndffEPIear (k11'1516.EV,2.fi16Az' ,,3 61%1 4.5/1 : 2F37. . 3' x Total Loads '2,832 2,934 3,707 4,009 1 5,155 5,652 4,248 4,401 1 5,561 6.014 7,733 8,478 a Min eiwii Beano IUi} 2.315,6 2.315.8 . 3/7.4 32IB 4.1/103 45/11.3 2,315,6 2„315,8 317.4 3,218, 4.11103 ..4.5111.3 , F Tetdload, 190��-1,305 �28B1�1�=3,098.. ;':3904_ V4,707�I"3,2861 r:3:458.,( 4:321._ u4,648. ='S,857._- 7,061Ek: 8�� Uve[eadU360' � � 1957��'�2,097 `r.� + ,( . +� ' „=-+, �.�;• -:2;936 -r3,146 ( °.': f�i Rr +.< r '�y3 g, • IAIn:Eed/1M Bearta`Iln.) v21/5.2� 2 2/55e 28/6„9R /lA�,31/9.3: 4.5111.3•�21/5 2.k,,2,2/55� JV 3fi d31i'4,A 3. R.} TotaILoad z 1.606 l,691 2,336 �2,524 3.141 3,787 2,4103,505 3,786 4,711 5,681 .' 1,399 2179 12,501 + 1,9543 259 3.752ri.) 1.8/4.5 1.9V 2.6/6.5 2.817 3.5/8,8 4.2/10.6 1,8/4.5 .6/6.5 2.817 3.5/8.8 4,2/10.6 BI R., Total Will ri �0 22761 1292 '1786 f -•1.981 12,626 3138 3 -1,841 r2,679� 32,971 3 939 4 708�Llve load U36B g906 974r153B'�i �1773 '• <• r_�1359 ' 2,307 '2,660� �,� • .:k i,•��,�, Nin.Em111aL"Bearin (in.)�1,613.9t.1714I. .e2.315.7��2516.3. 14f84 „"4/10„_1,1.613.9,j1:1141_ 2.3/5.7_I.5/6,3. 13.4/8.4_ _4110�°� Total Load ,m 832 _897 I,263 1401 1 1,920 2,480 1.248 1,346 1,894 w2.101 2.880 3,720 9'6'' live Load U35D 561 605 967 UZI 1,740 2,456 842 907 1,451 1,681 2,610 3.684 g tlin Ead/lyd Bearin tiny .1.5/3.5 1,5/3.5 1.914.8 2.1/5.3 2.9/7.3. 3.8/9.4 1,5/3,5 1.513.5 1.914.8 2,1/5.3 2.9/73 3,8/9.4 loa r 71B1 = 715'_ t 338 sI 263, :"l 131 �'!2,236 "1,077 1t62 :1;708' 1;894 2,597 t 3 Totald 355; 10' LlvetoadU360 f 485U 523 i 840 9X-iZ 0 , 2,154 1T-,728� _J85 1;260 i 462 �2,280=F 3 23V" s (dln End/Iiit:Bearlp din.} K1,513.5 H1.5/3,5r>.-L814.6... 2/5.1�. .,28/6.9r 3.61B9 ti513.5,. 1.5/3.P j8/44fi 42/51., _2.9/6.9,.3.6/8.9b: t' Total lead" 422' 456 1 744 868' 1,198 1.547 633 fi85 1.116 1.302 1.797 2,321 12' Uve load L/360 288 1 all 1 504 587 928 1,334 432 467_ 756 881 . 1.393 2,001 Mlri:End/!nt Beartn {ln.) 1,513.5 1.5/3.5 1.513.6 1.714.2 2.3/5.8 .38.5 1.513.5 1,5/3.5 1.5/3.6 1.714.2 2.3/5.8 317.5 TotaI Load's 266 ; 2883 415 t .556 876 1 HV3 r,"400W 4310 ; ,713 44 834� IA 13141, 1698" 14'-11,VeloadU36D`� 184 r 199� 325379 L °605` "B71 " 299 :487r_ti569 l 901>` i ;1,316 ' .Mtn End/I Bearina"pn.) .1.5/3.5 15/3,5. d5135,. 3.5/3.5, ,7_y2/5? 2.6/64L ;l'5/35' 11/3.5'� ;1,5/3.5, 1;5L3.5 , r2/5i: 2.6/6;4 cop ,Total Loa 161 - 174 291 341 554 810 241 262 436 512 .1 831- 1215 1614 live lead LI36D� 114 123 202 76 379 555 171 185 303 354 1 569 832 Min:End/tat B grin fin} 1.5/3.5. .l.5/3.5 1.5/3.5 1.5/3.5 1.5/3.1 2.2l5.4 ' 1.5/3.5 1.5/3.5 1,5/3.5 .1.5/3.5 1.513.7 2.215.4 ,Total load 112.. .d21L 205 . :s=241 a A,`395 584 _ '168=. - 1B2, x:301 E} ,.;362 .. i592. s 876., 16'V Live Load U36o 8l 88 144 x ='169 273 r 441' ":122 "132 217 254 441Qs 60I:` , 4. Alin Eadllnt Beada (lri.) 1.5/3.5 =1.5/3.V 1.513.5� i13/3.5, ?1.513.5i P1:8/4.4 :I.Sl35 1:5/3.5n 1.513.51 N1.8/4.4h Total Loads ' 87 94 160 189 312 463 130 142 1 240 1 284 468 695 2a'tl lfre load L1360' 64 70 115 135 21B 320 97 105 172 1 202 327 431 MIii Eiid/lnt Bearia pa:l 1513.5 1.513.5 1.5/3.5 1.513.5 1.5/3.5 1.5/3.8 1,5/3,5 1.5/3.5 1,5/3.5 1.5/3,5 1.5/3,5 1.513.8 Total toad � 98r 105 171 , 26V , 69 � w75 133 158 �'265 ' 400 : 424' , Live too /38ll.� a 67 "79 r 128 2 ,a i$9 56 61 �} 1fl1 118 192` '284:!. Mfe EedllisGrBaaltn"(bi.) �' ( ...r,1.513.5s ,`1.5/3.5,4.5/35 51:5/3.5' k1:5/3.V�1.5/3.5P`1,5135, 01513,55 f115/3.5 1,5/3.51 Total load 51 62 !07 _163 77 93 160 1 245 2Ui, Lf Load U360 �x,k 42 I 50 81 '12D 64 75 122_ 181 Mie Fndllati8earin`(in) 1.5.r3.5 L513.5 ! 1.5/3.5 1.5/3.5 ; 1.5/3.5 1.513.5 1 1.513.5 1 1,513.5 Indicates Total lead value controls. Trus le W Beam,Header and Column Specifiers Guide Tb9000 I October 2016 7 • FLOOR LOAD TABLES.. . How to Use This Table 1. Calculate total and five toad fneglect beam weight)on the beam or header in pounds per linear foot(pit). 1. Select appropriate Span(center-to-center of hearing):: 3. Scan ho`raontaliy to find the proper width,and a depth with a capacity#hat exceeds actuat total and live loads. 9, Review bearing length requirements to ensure adequacy. Alsosee General Motes on page 9. 2.OE Microllam® LVL: Floor-100%(PLF) Span �Conditlan " 1'ti'Ww>th 3'h"Wldtdf2 ) 119 r tlyi'-jr Jotallaad 455 1= 762 t:;.:1,027 '`1A6Z .'1;324 W1-,424 1;794 910 ..k:1:529 (`2055 j 2125 a 2jf48 2 848 i 6x{ Live[oad LI36D 305 L 659 ! - • 1 • s B 614 I 1,319 1 t • Min EndlinLBearin fin) 15135 181441 24/59 24161 3176 1 3,3�"8 14.11103 1535�{I,814 4 1 2 415,9 24161 ( ?3176 ' 33182 Tatallaad 153i2 695 731 4I5 � 978 I2D7 �3a', ff 685 1391i 1462 1830 r 1956` S' Lfveloidl/369tt133z ' 295 ��.�584 Y,u628 - Z6Ta E .591 1I69 � _ •1�11257"1 MM'End!(ntBearin (in) 15/3 1:15135�,.21/53 .2215& 428��31 5 3:7J93 .15/35� 15%35 .2,115 2 5;6'l 2811.,E 3175 Total Loads 7 54 ' . . .0374 47 . . 18 1569 9r=8' LtYetoadU360 624 I< 723 ' ) $ 724 18tt r 1248 1;44b E MIn Endllnt 8eari (!n) 15135 I5135 1$/4,5 ( 1.914,7 2;W65 ; 2;9/72 3;5f88 151355 t 1513,5 a`18/4,5 lr9147 26165 129/72: 1 zTotal oad� ��s 62 142 443 6 639 �Z07 9D8 t24 284� 88fi 932 F 1279 1415 JI1,K L yll Lcad U360g y • 3 �, 313 1 s3 7 542 �'628 t - �.- •,. r 626. f75 1 1084:51 1 Z57 J MInEnd/lnLBeari iln) 15/35 15135r 17/43 x.L8/45 2<5/6.11 23/68��V15WIII � 1,5135;�1513:.5,17/4s3 181451,25Ifi1= 27i68 s TtlUitoad - 57 -274 1 Z96 44248 37 -135 5Afi € '593:, 88 , 979 . 71 12' ltYa rJad 1/360` 186 200 325 319 594 •, ■. 372. 40l 651. 758 . Mm;End4nt Bearin (in) 1113 5 9 L513 5 1�.5I3 5 2IS 1 ;13r 7 077 15f 5 1.5/3.5 1513,5 [1513.5 2151 1 13/53 < Toblleadx � ). !173 ,]88F ,..308E r5,"358 487'" 7D 34Z. t .,376 617f ll6s 14' LireLoad U360 � l 119� :2> 81209� 44 �390r t 238� a'257 419 <. 489 Mia�End/!nt Heart[In) 135 gt,5135 11,7142�, i '49 2,8166r .113,5 1513,5 1.513.5¢e I7142 L9149= Total Lead 105 114 189 2 349 t` — .2 1 '229 r 379 445 t6'-6'ilVe Ldatl L/360 - ' 79 130 i02 243 t � 147 159 z � 264�` 305 * Min EndAnt 8earin (in 1 15I3 5 15a3 5 13r3 9 15u1 12.215 8 1513 5 1513 5 i 1513 5', 1513 6 TotIload ` [ 7480� ,! l34 158 257r }i481 161 ' 266 3I6 18',-6' Ltve Laatl 1J360 j lad S2 56 `9 109 i76 x J05 ) �186 218 � � Mrn EddllnL t�earin (tn �l 513 5 14513 5 �1513 5 �1 13 5" 19141 z 4 r 1513 5 1513.5 15t3.5' 1513 5 [ ,' otaLload 57 62 DS "124 .2fl4 115 ' 125: 211 249 ; w _ ,. 20 3 live load 1/380� 41 f 45 14 8 140 83' 90 148 174 Min End/lnt 9earin tln) 5/3 5 1 '3 5[zl /3 15v 3 1614 1513 5( 15/3 5 t {,TotaPloadf 1 78 92I52 i c 855 92 �15T 4185 22'$ Live load t/368 5. r .: .. gJ51 :6 1131 J x MIn Endllnt 8eaifn (in.1 3? . .:)-:L5. 3 155.3,.513.5 F 1.5 _ 115 .51 s 1 i L35� . 13 . �1.5 3,5�...1.5/3.5. rT 7otafLoad d 59 ?0 117 63 69 118 140 {24' llve load Li360 t' 43 al 8Z I 48:: ' 52: 86 1DZ.. MirtEadgpt;Bearin tin) ' 15 51135 Y513,5 �15f35 15/35 15135. 1,5135 Total Loads ( ; r r 54 g`91 �26 WeLoadU360 � � � , " � � ;65 r � �� ��� 41�; E'68r�� �80 .MiaEndllntB arin (in.) ��� I...� x _ _1 di 513 5x)1:513.5 1€513:5.`._i 3 5 13 5= 'H Atal_Lbad R 7I i 71_ 84.. 28'{ Live Load 1I360 _ ) 52 55 MIa Fnd/int 8eailn a(in 1 _ k5F15 ) ( ) 151.15 1.513 � . vfi .Minj ndAnt.Beari (In} ! F •Indicates Total load vatil4 at, Trus Joist•Beam,Header and Column Specifices Guide T"DW October 2016 R J FLOOR LOAD TABLES. General Notes ■ table is based on? Uniform loads(beam weight considered).,. More restrictive of simple or continuous span: -.Deflection criteria of L/240 total load{TL1 and L/360 live load(LL).. For IW load deflection limits of U240 or U480,multiply Live load U360 values try 1.5 or 0.75,respectively.The resulting live load must not exceed the total load shown. For continuous spans,ratio of short spamt.q long span should be 0 4,or greater to prevent uplift. Also see Now,ta Use Ibis Table on page 8 and Sanaral Rssump6ons an page 5. 2.,.0E Microllain ,LVL Floor . i00%o (PLF) continued k -' l € 3rh'WIdth(2 I){ y 5�14•Wldlh(3 1`) Sian` Condition E 7r/4'' BS!i' 9h;' :live fbllLi'�.. .14-- _. r-.;� -18'�� �YO.__. ToUllaad fQ 3 589 3 919 s 3 919 3 919 1366 2,287 `'3;082 3188 3 972 ( 4 212 `5,384. ! 5 878 s 5 87B' S 878 6 t ttve load U380 , Y 916 I:4]8. +.. • • ., ' ' F. as MinrEndllnt Bearin tin) 4 l/IO 3 4 5/113 i 4.5/113 `4>5JII 3 1,5/3 5 :1.8/4_4 2.4/5 9 2.4/61 3/7.6 3 318.2 41/10.34 5/1134 5/11.3. 4 5/113: Total load -2 414 2 885� TS 4343 2,934�� 461 1028 Z(186 (k 2193 1} 2 745 2 935 3 621 4 328� 4 402s 4 402 re''� LirelaadU360 �� �, ;. * "�� •. � * �. *� a ��401�� '�88T ��I=753' 1 E188b�i _• i r� z" k 1� • , MIa Endlint`0ea�1 tin) 37l9344/1113 4J113 t5J35 i 5/3�5w21/53 `2:2/58 _28/7 3/7,8: % 37193441111'`J 45113 `451113:.. Tohlaoad 1937 =. 2 294. .2.468 ,.2.468 231 '_,524 . 1-.475 1.551 2.128 2:3�2.905., 3,441.1 3 702-, 3102 9`6" Uve Load U360 Y • 1;086 1,171 1872 2170 I M(IV ndll t'Hcarin {in) 3 5/8 8- A 2/10 5 4:5/113 4:5ii13 5 3 5 w 1513 5 18/4 5 1,9/41 i 2.fi16.5 2.977.2 i 3 5/8:8 4 2/10.5 i 4 5/l 13 4 5111.3 `. :Tolal t d' u T 1817 i E,2147 ' 344 L-J aZ 344 187 427 1;330 a 1398 r 1919 2123' (,2 725 1 3 2Z1 3 51fi 3 5)6 Lrl Lnrelo TM : xj :e' --K a360 1013 1886�;" • .s., +_ t I MIa EntlAnt 9sarin (in} 13.518. ;4FI/10 3 i 4.51113 4:5/113 "I;513 5 .1:5/3 5.J 1.7/4 3 1 l li14.5` 2.5/6;1 2 7%fi6:8'13 5/8 7 r 4 U10 3;14 51113` 4 5/I13 Totalload I333 1709 $ 1950 ''I950 ,' -86 203 823 889 1,327 1469s ( 2,000 2363 2925 a 2925 12'I€L1ve toed U36�iu 1198 , . * • s ` 558 602 i 976 1137 R 19 4 aF Mla fndllnt Bearin (in) 31/1T 3.919.1 4.5/11 3, 4,51113 l 513 5 1513 5 1.513 5 1.5/3 5 2/5.1 i .3157 31/I,1 t 3 9/9 91 4 5/11.3: 4.51113 ' TDhilaadb 915 ,L,253 r >1.,563�� �1,b69r�4 rz106� 52I { 564 926��10I4 1,463 1880 } 2,345���'2503 . 14 uve Load �h132 _ .629 i 734� r1917i x: 1698 )�2 34Zt=E '3 MIA End/int"lleail (in l "2 616 6 3,4/8.5 f P4.2/10 5 1.51113 �, 1.5/3 5 '1.513.5"t 513 5 1,714.2 a 19/4>'9 2.6/ 18 5 4 2/10 5.` 4 5!)13 ,Total load° t 698 ', 897 1.120. 1,365 311 343 569 668 1 1,047, 1,346 1680 a 2,048 t6' „ 90 995 1330 220 238 391 I 457 735` 1074 1493 � 1995LvelcadU360 7F Nia Ei dlln1!-"8aarin ,2 9/7 2 3 6/8 9 4.4/14 9 j. 1 n, 1,513.5 , 1.513 5 15/3.5 ; 15/3.6 2 2/5 fi 1 2 9/7 2 3 6l8 9: 4 4/10,9: R ' 3 Total Load' �' S15 °.;v 710 887e t.081 �� 3w 222r i E241 903s 474 T72 -_ 1066= 133IN 1622 18's6'AiveLoaadU360 � 352 + 5I7 :T22 % 970 �' f 15Ts 1 170 28t1 1 328 529r 77fi 1084 '1456 �. `, Mla:fndlln�tHeari ttn:h 191d7:...26164_,_`;32A8, .3 9.7V °w �._ �1.5135=.1.5J55.�zty5�111365ti �.914:T( 261fi.4 �3218. Tolalload a 408 604 -'756` 922 173 188 317 37A 612' 90J 1135 1380 ZO' Lhie Lead U360 k 281 414 579w , 180 125 135 I 223 261 422 621 869 1,111 a MiEndllntx Bearin (In) 1614 2 415 9 3/14 1.513.5 15/3 5 15/3 5 L1513 5 15 2.0511 3114� 3 6/9 Total Load 305 x� 455622 759 127� 138 235; > 218 � 458 b8933 1138 22� `LIveLoadU360� 213 r '314' 441 �..596 �� .,44 :102 ) V,168 197 320 472 ( fi6Z� iAin:EndllaLBearin (te.) 15135`(- 2149 _f•-2TIfi1�.'3:318.2, _.a _ a >1;513.5<1mi513.5=kL513.5 .1:5135, 1.5l3.5.f�214,9.�;. 27!&1� 3318,2° . ILN I1 Tohllodx 234 350 491 634 95 104 178 746 951 79 !30 153 282 Livaotl 515 :6 fi98 'MIn EndiJnt Bed i tin) I 513 5 17/4 Z 2 415 975 1513 5 i,15t3 5 1.513.5 1,513.5 1513 5 17/4 Z 2 4/5 9't 3/7 5 k i Z6J5 Tt3veLoadU3�60}k 193 fI 390v'J .534 t S ZOI.o 2T4 'nI8,27Z 370130 )�137r 163p, �, 273 r I4I� 586 ;� 801 t 102 120 1196296r 409. 555 s Min:frirUlntBeaio(in;}'1.5/3.5 t 573.6_ r`215.1 : .2:7/6.9 Tolafload 143 211 I: 311 427_ 55 60 1 106 127 ;:_�215.- 461 AL s 28' liveaoadU360j' 105 J 155 219 298 46 50 82 97 157 233 324 448 Min.E dltntYBeiarin Lill) 15/3 5 1 1513 5 1.513.5 1.513.5 1513 51.5/3 5 15/3 5 1.513.5 18/4 4 2.416 ,Total Load 1141 174 < 251 "346 _ ef" 83 l00 gill ! 264 316" 519 30 Live lead U360 ,z OR J l27 .1T9 sr 244 ( =1i7. .79 'z 128 190 269 366AA . 1.513.5� 1`5/3.5:a( t.5/3.5.E1.513.9 Indicates Total Load value controls. Trus Joist•Beam,Header and Column Specifiers Guide TJ-9000 ! October 2016 Q FLOOR LOAD.-TABLES How to Use This Table 1. Calculate total and live load(neglect beam weight)an the beam or headefin pounds per linear foot(pit). 2. Select appropriate Span(center-to-center of hearing): 3. Scan horizontally to find the proper width,and a depth W04.a capa6ty that exceeds actual total and live loads. 4. Review bearing length requirements to ensure adequacy. Also see&eseral Notes on page 11. ME ParallaO.PSL: floor-100%a(PLE) SpanE Bandition • 11 31 WIdtht �• _` x: 5�%7Mdth 9+h 33 lh ���llrb 5 14o�Y� 16',_laG,i >;r,,a9.y4' =91h' 11y' �=11Ti'i` ' total load" k r� 1469 1517 '° 1861 'END "Z441 i 2 441 -2;441 �2s204 °2,275 1 2392, 2,965 t 3 661' ' 3 661 3 661 ` t!' 1fY0E0�dU360 1�169.` 1251_ • . * 1753 ,'L886 i . •:_.: ' ; x Nle Endllnt earl {!n;} .2.716.81, 2.8n, ,:3 418 6. 3 719.2 4 5111,314.51I13. 4.511I 3 2.7l6 8 2.817 i.3,4/,8 6 3 7(9.2 14 5/11.3 4.5/11.3 4.5111.3 TotalLad;' 1076�Y1I 1510 1611wL9702052 205Zi1614 ��,1;720 1'2265 2'4.1fi ( 2955 3079t a 3079" VIP U(te Laad U36fl , 18;6 l'24a8 446 1, a i y LOBV, 1 '31872 : 3 Wa Er+dllnt Baar in.} x2 4/5 9.. 2 5/6 3 3 3�8 3 3 5J8 8 4:3/10 8 '4.5/113 4 5/1I 3;M,415A 9 Zi�516 3_a 3 3J8 3 3:518:6 4.3110:8 4 5/113 4 5i113. >Total tads �� 1 930 . 1003 - 1420 1514,.�. 1,848 1�949,ti 1949 ,1,395 l: 1,505 t 2,130_ .::2.271 �1 2.712 2,923�� 2,923 Ili-, -a UveloadU360 t r' 626 675 1684 1,257 94�0 �JA13 11,626 1:Sti6 f •`' + !ilia-EndllhLBearfn (M}, 2 115 4 2,3/5 8 3 3l8 2 g:3 5l8 7 ;d_3/10.6 8 4i5/lIB3 4i5/113 2,115.4_ `2.3/5.8 3.3/8.2 .3:5/8.7 t 4.3/10 6 4:5/11;3 4.5/11.3; f ,To�l.load 548 *z, 592 964 I [fl92fr #!480= t620 1620= 822 rl3888 � 1,946 f, ifi391�2220 s 24312d31 12' Load 360E 312 ' :401�681 I 7581198 ' • *} # 558 M#+ffi Ilia Entllint Beari (in}, 15/3 8 17w 141.}2 7/6 7' 3/7 6,' 9:I110 3��4 5/113' 4.5/I13 �15I3 8 1�1;7/41� 1c7J67,1�.3/15�4 I110.:314�5/11:3, ; total load 397 ..: 375 € 616,. 721_ L093 J386 1386 520 r 563 925 1,0.82 1,639 . 2019 2.079 r �. 14'tE live load U360,_ 238 ;! 257 419 . 489 780 1 .1132 -•357 ..38�629 734 ..l,ir 1 l 698- �M -bin Emlliet Bearin tin l 1513 5; 1.513 5 (. 95 2.415.9. 3.518.9 4:51I1.3 4.5l113 Ia513 5 �1:5/3 5 2l5 3 2 415.9 3.518.9 4:5111.3�°4.51113 Total Loyd �'� 210 228 319 444 rx 7201009 1173315 , . 1G 6' UtroLWdIJ360 147 r 159,. 260 305 `490716 s*995 228 I '238 'r 391 a 457 735; K o 1074 (.�!493 r t8in Endllnt Beari (qi l 1S/3,5 15/3 5 J 714 3 .:2 BIG 9 3.919 7 ` 5/11.3 !5l3 5 t.,�L`5/3 5 15T3 7 1�.14:3 _2:816:9 d 3.W9;Z�, 3 d •a Tull log ads 147 I60 _tR 2Q8 315514 :759 '1:000 2Z1 24D 402 ; 473� . 711: 1.138 1 1501 18' kUve;loadU3 0, x 105 113 1B6 218 352 m511 721 157 "170 28 529: 776=:# 1,084 idin`Endllat8ra {(n°�€ 15/3 5 1513 5 15►3 51=!5/3 5 t 2 215 6 3 3/8 2 43110 8 L5/3,5 t 15/3 5 I fi13 5' 15/3.5 2 215 6 3 31B 2 4 3T10 8: aTota ad 115 125 210 248 407 603 85D 472 187 I 316E , 37 A 20 Lhle load U360 " $�3 + 90 , i. F148 s x 174 281414$ 579° Y185 =135: 223� ( v 211' 422 1i21 i86,9 Mta f/JUL Beari `(iri} 15 5:: 15/3 5 1 !35 5 15 5 19/4 8 ' 2 8 71 9J9 9 # 1513 5 L513 5st 15/3 1914:8 28/71#r 4/99 :Total Load 91 1H6 � 304 454 1 642 126 131 234 Z77 457� 681 g64.: 22' lire oad l/360 131 213 314 441 , 94 . IU2 ,158 197 C 320; i 472.. b62 ra � 4 v -- 32. Min.tkndllntBaBrin (In} 15135 ( 15135115a35 151351614 2:41591 3.3183 1s5135 15/35 15135 1513:5 11614 24159 33/83:, 62 r 68 118 1� 140� 232 r349 "446 9� i '103' �177u,, i :210 349 1523�" 24' line adU360� #r 48> :x 52 '86 ` 165244 `_ ' � ' 343 73 ! a79� ,t130 153 In 24B. x r MlaEndllnt=Beari (in) L5/3 5 '15/3 5 . 1513 5/?1513 5 =215',t.2 8/71 ,1:5� 'L5/8 5 .1.513 5 g1.5 3.5 t`.1.5I3.5 2/5n° 2 8/711 1.: Total loa 51 90 107 180 272 ;389 71 77 i 135 161 f 271 ( ;409 584 Load11360 41 6li 80 130 ~J!13, 272 `57 62 l '102 x =12t1 I :196- 290,:1 409 .k ilia:Eridltnt Bearlri lid:) ;.L513.5 15/3.5 15l1.5:..L513.5 :014A. 2.4/61:,1.5/3,5. 1:5/3 5 i..I:5/3 5.;.1.5135, ;1;5/3:5 w a T al loads ?F 70 d '84 k-142P Zlfi 31fl „54 = k 59 f #126 ix213 324 °.s A65 F`• ,.�..,- 64 a Min d ad/lnt:`Hea[in tln}' ;r 5t3.5.?."1513 fi, °15/3 5uf E 1.513 7 ..2.1/5 3`Ali 1.5/3 5` .1.5/3 5.. 1.5/3 5`,1513:5 183 7� 2.1/5.3: r; Totalload ~, t 55:: 66 ;, ` 113 173 :i 249 1. 82 :1 .99 f 3D' Ul►�eLoad U36G= 144 ., 52 85 . .. 127 179 t :. 67 t ,79 128 ': 190 1 2ii9 !din EndllnL 8earin {in}° 1�/3 5 1 1.513.5 !5/3 5 i.5/3 5 x 1.8/4 6 S !513 5 1.513.5 15/3,5 !5133 1.814.5 Totaliwd x k _ 52 91 E 440 1 203 R r 64� 78 l36 2l0 a305S 13Z' t111e loadl/3fi U ..E x 43 70 105 -148 �N 55 65 _108 L 157� 223- L513.5x.,1:513.5� 1:614.1� w _ ,_< ,.�15J3.5.aYi 513.5x1:513.55_15/3.5�11.6141r. M Hin°EndllnL�BeadO dill.} x�aa�x`r'. � 1.513.5l. ° t •Indicates Total load value controls, Trus Joist*Beam,Header and Column Specifiers Guido TA000 ( October=6 �n F FLOOR LOAD. TABLES General Notes ■" Table is,based rig; :Uniformloads(beam weight considered),,. More restrictive of simple or continuous span,: Oeilection criteria of L/240 total toad(TU and 1./360 live load RU .' For live load deflection limits of U240 at L/480,multiply Live load U360 values by 1.5 or 0.75,respectively.The resulting live load must not exceed the total load shown.- a, For continuous spans,rat(ant short span to long span should be 0.4 or greater to prevent uplift. Also see Nawto Use fiis Table on page 10 and 8ensta/Assumptions on page 5 2.OE Parbllam®PSL; Floor-100% (PLF) continued TotaLload �` ` 2 939 !: 3 034] 3,723 =t A981 4 882 # 4 882 t a' ilve road U360Q5 2.515 BIn Ertl/lnt.Beartn lia a i)xv 2 8/1 3.419.6 3 7/9 2 4:51113 4.5111314.5/11.3 Idtatuad " r 2 2 294 "3 D20,, 22 `3 940 3 4105 41D5 'L1ve Wd LC360 1448 r I,5fi1�$L2,496� 2,893R K= MIn Endl B`e do (iri)>12.415.9M�2.5/6 3fi 433/88.3 9J 5f8 8!?:4`- IDA,-A.5/1134 4/11:3 �� %�Tobtload g 1860 2 DD& 2 841 I .3 029 3,696 3A8A110981.1 1D'� live toad LI360 IF353:: 135I 2,368 �2315 • 5E L1fA Endllnt Bead {tn l" 21/5 4 2,315.8 p3 318 Z i 3 518 7 4:3l10 6{4 5/113 4 5/113 Tetalload� 1096 1�184 1928a( +2185=) 296 d"2 41 �12'` We LoadU36b 5 __# 744 8Q3 1=1302 1,516 h 2 396r JNInEndlln a lin.) 15l3.8, f714I ' 27f67 3R6 t.4L103 45l]I,3r'43/II3.. TotalLoad r 694 7S1 1233 .:14�4 2 I86 2773 2 773 �14 y Ll a Load L/36Q. v 476 t b14 839 979 1561 .2:264 ` =n Mhl Endllnt Hearhr (In)$ 15/3 5 i 1513 5 �2 4/5 9 1.5/89 4.51113;CUM: 1440 I�2,019� 2,34fi� UveLoad L/36D F 294 3 8 Y 521� 610� 980 ,1432 vl;91 M(n�End/1nt#Hearin pn.}` 1513351.5/353`.5/3.Z 11/43 '.28/6939/9.7 ;3- Tollilload/" { 295 i 320 536 630 1028 1,518 ' Z OQl 18 6 Uve load L1380 210 l 227 373 937 i -705 i'.035 Min Entl/Int Beerin pa} 15/35 1 1513 531.5/3.5 "1.5/35.6 ,3.3/8 2 4.3/1Q;8 TotalLeadl£ , 230, 250 t, 421� ?=497 ??H14 I1,201" 700rf 20" UraLaidl1360&,,,R4� 348 ,' 563 tdin EndllalB a in Iln I} 15/3 5raw15/3 5 i.15/3 5?1]5/3 5 1914 81iw28/11419 9 Totall�ad 168 183 }:: 312: 369 609 909 r1,285.. 22' lava Lead Ll3fi0 g'�� 126 136 ).. 224 263 426 629 ti83. R id n dEn pnl Bearfn (te:t 1<5/3.5 1,513.5 n r1.513.5I. 4/5.9' 3.318,3` 24' Load UpL/360 9t` ,. 105 'll3 -� i204i :331 q88 I , ,. Mte l ndllnt:Heirin {In.) 1;5/3 5 15/3.5 1'yI 5/3 5,fft,l`5/3 5. �IaS/3,5 PLO; 7oial load f 94 103 a: 181 215 :36I 545 719 "'Z63�'Uveloadt fi z,f 76 83 137 � :161 261 387 545 MIn:Eadllnt�BearM (Ia}a 15/3.5_:.15" 5 ;15/3 5 „15/3 5 1.513.5. 1.714 31 2 4/61.. To151 ' 19 I4Q168 # °285 C 432 " s616 21`� Ure aaL dU3fi0x _ 6166 '11D tI29? 210 31 439k � din Endlint�Bna (In f �1513 Vj 513 5. :'1513.5. ._E Ul``1_�513 5 �1 1 7,4115.3' : ' TotElload; ,j 132 226 346- 499 38 tiveLoadU 80 a 59 54 89` 105 171 254 359 a �ibin;Endllnt:Bea 001; I,513.5, :1513.5. 1.513.5 7.5/3.5• .1.5/3.5 , 1.O 5 :.11/4:6 Totalload� x 86 d�I44 3182`� 280 r 4Q6a:� �32' lhe:lMUMfiU� r� � �� �� I ;74 K 87� 1' �, Mtn:Endllnt"Beerin (id ll € ,: ,.;i 1.513.5'`11M.5 15/3 5., 1513 5, ,1.6/4:1 Indkales 7661 load value C046i B. Trus Joist*Beam,Header and Column Specifiers Guide TJ-9000 October 2016 11 t SNOW ROOF LOAD TABLES How to Use This Table 1: Calculate total load(neglect beam weight)on the beam or header in pounds per linear loot(plO. 2. Select appropriate Span(center-to-center of bearing):: 3. Scan horizontally to find the proper width,and a depth with a capacity that exceeds actual total load 4. Review bearing length requirements to ensure adequacy. Also see Geaera/NOW on page I3, TmberStrand'P.LSL; Roof--Snow Load.Area 11MOM __ 13EfiGratle � "155E=tirade Spans �; ,Cooditron 4- Vh' IdthUZ31h'Planic'ONentahont3i'1Nidlh4 ` ZT51 f4V41 �M9W 9W 111IM-1, 31h'g� 39W I Q 9W-. ' .>114i'< 1TW.,� ! Totald l 769 1739 ..4.643,4 6 469 7 343 7.442 1,392 3.A79 3,642 : 4,717 ,t 4,711 4JI7 z3' DeBe-tsiaafon Ux40lU360 •/1420 •/2547° Y:` +• •1• •• »lH4 Mlrt EndlJrd Bcarl {in i I�13 5 F17141 1 281I 1,919 8 4 51112 4i 5/113 l 513 5 3 3/8 3 Y 1.5m.7 9 51113 4 5/1I 3 '4 5111-3 Tetalload � ��943s,� ',MVP 266B t 3635 3263 : 3 36 s �s Deede�Ci1�0�nU140/1136�4 '9171651m •/1Z15�s!12„4�T6atn.�+��� �,� e����.' 01548� ..�,� �• �+,�"; sy =-��!li'.` . l Mlandllnl:6aa nlI5/35 =1 5 2I/53{ 29n3': 34/84 t45111�3 �L'5J35 28/llf29/73`:€ ST 421704 4 1 3 Tole[load _` 634 982I b66 2 323 `2 655 3,860 '•533 fi29 1568 2 I3Z 2 306 '2 821 ' OeQactlon U244lU360k g 521/347�.*lfifi2. •/.1;398 i,*J2188 °•J2605 , +!• 431/287 */1:553 *MGM-: •/•":.; •I• '1' M End/in1 9euln lln la 15/3 5 J 15/3.5 I 7/4 2 2115,9 #71j7 1:3 9l9 7 15/3 5 2 6/6 5.. 2.716.7 3 4/8.5 4 3 7/9 2 :4 51113 irT-z E TotelLoad " 3�17 6 4 511 5 '==i 610 Z,6T7 t< :Y 12601 23 6 t,657._ g 1782 4630OW,, •/• '253/169 +1978 +11048a */1605':s •1• �=1* M" MraEndlln48earin {tnt t5135=1 5 =ff15/3.52/49 ' 2215fi &32/81$ . x15135. _. 2.416 K?25/6.33.7J79 3.418.5»tg43/107 M TtlWI Load# •,77i iii _ 171 ..: 335 .; T42 118L... ..1.350 1963 138 .. 924.. 973. 1344 ". 145Y . 1907. F 7 Oelkctlon U240/U360 •/131 4255 •/560 H904 •/l 092 •/1826 •/107 •l651" •/699=) •/1089 •11250 i 7• P: a MtR EndllnL 0eart {in'j 151 '1513 5 f-15/3 5 17/4 2 19� 2 6 77 1513 5 21/5 2 2 2/5 4 3/75 3.218.1 4/101.. R�MOM Wd :99 g 148 tf 443 = 902 t 1031 : 150D� � 79� 706,; �743,,: 1018 µ 1}140' < 151f�� is Oene_ction U240114511 •189 r,•/173 s •/384a 626 ;•/759° `r/I 290 i172 4 'S74/453a 131148L 1769 �1885�.;•11 52 :Map lnd/1nL88 a`" {b11 '1.5/3.51.513.5_ ; 1�5/37 I714.2;, 24/61 1.5f35., ,_:: i8/4:5 19/4.B ' 2.616.E=, 29113 `.3 919 S�. F Total load 98 r 224 1 637• 728 106! .`499: . 525 727 806 , 1{105 9'-6 OeAectlon tJ2401=11 _ •/• •1* t5791386 70614703k,. •/811 421128D d53/302 725J483` H560 •/870 s MIS EndllnBnarirf (tnJ ) 15/3 5 ) 1.513.5 r15/3 5 15/3 5 21/5 I 15/3 8 1614 : 2.2154 2 5J61 AWE', 4" . , Totalload "79 _ `I82 1 . 574. ,r 56 6 955` #` ' . a F 45Q 414 655.,. 727 i z996 y 10' ql:1 onUZ4UlU360` • x+mob j s500/333 61I/407 '%704 x�+a ,n.. *` ,, 364/242 392/261x 630/420 J481 wi Fes. a.:Mia:ElidAatfBeadn (In.)> 1.S/3.5, 115d.751'1:5J3.5� 1.5l3.5� �19/4,4 y:„., t„.,.. �� .. xa�'1.513.6�i1513.B�'� 'U5.3�' lload �< t f' 85 386. : 453 _ 6fi0 i 283. . 306 453 503 640 12 ' peflec�onU240/UJ60 ) •/• 296/197'':362IZ41 '63 //423 _ 216/144 2331155 378/252' 440/293 _N464 k ,' .Mi6 EiW/IM Be rti .p }, ..: 15/3 5:1-1513:5. '`1.5f3:5: 18/41: :;:- 1.513,3.. f;513,5!, 1.8/4A i 914.9.' 2 T0p1L�d" Y 243 'y 300 482 °179' # 1t94.Ms r318 u367 504..'. �14 Oetl`aottanU240/L1360. € 189112E i2321154 409/272 =ter kfi s tI38/42' H49199 �243l16Zt�284/189 i`453/302' i ? MlnrEnd/l t ®eai {la'1 � i . `15/3 5 '15/3 5 "°1513 _: 15/3 5 1513 513 6. 17i4,2z k Tohllcad 147 182 327 109 118 { 196-:r 230 361 6'61 DefleatlanL1240/U360t't 116/71 143I95, .254/169 85/57 ; 921ti1.:11511101. 171/118 :284/189 'K MlceEadllnL eeari {�) 1.513.5 . "1513 5 15/3 5 15/3 5 15135 ¢ 1.513.5 15/3 5 .1914 8 TotatLoad _ IO2 4r12TBIR g231' 76 83` .1& 13B r 163t':. 265 18',6" a9ectteonUY40/Ll360 � ?83/55 r;101/68 i82/121s ` '- 1,n 6U40 569 R4 10/72{ 12784 ��205/13& Mtn EadllWe g iinJr Rye a 1513 5 €'3 5/3 5 1513 5 _ ��;� 15/3.5a..1.5/3.5 15/3 5 1,5/4 oral Lwd 19 �-___ .: 99 181 59 64 l 104 128 2I0 20 eflectlonU240/U360� 66/44 81l54 14519E :' 48/32 52/35_; 86151 1011b7 163104' n l4In E nL Bearla{In 1= 15/3.5 �1.5/15: 1513.5 I;5/3.5 15/ A t•1.5/3.5 1:5/3:5 :1513 5> TotalLoad ;� s M� r�53 , @120 24' Det[ectloc U1401 L136�i F v �?471313 84156 k € � �� 50/33 59139„i 96/64 Min Endlfnt Beata {in l _ .x � , . F15/3 5 ,s15i3 5 M. 1.513�5 513 5 1513 5 ,Total load`s ,• . .� 60 2B's DeOcctlonU24q°/L1360s? ) ).53135 3. 61140 a Mtn:EndlInt'.15/35 ' tokates Total lord value sonbols: Trus Joistd'Beam,Header and Column Specifloes Guide TJ•9000 ) October 2016 1.2 SNOW ROOF LOAD TABLES , General Notes • Table is based on: - Uniform loads(beam weight considered). More restrictive of simple or continuous span. - Deflection criteria of L/180 total load.For stiffer dellection criteria,use LIND values for total load deflection. ■ For door and window applications,Weyerhaeuser recommends using the L/360 value for a live load deflection limit and the U240 value for a total load limit. • For continuous spans,ratio of short span to long span should be 0.4 or greater to prevent uplift. Also see Now to Use Ihls Table or:page 12 and General Assumptions art page 5. TimberStrand® LSL: Roof-Snow Load Area 115%(PLF) continued } z l 155E Grade, Span COndlGan� 3W ldth" Width(2'or3 I) z: lr 9r/� w 14',. _ .1 6 IW"7 R7 6,._.' s lotalLoad 6,958 7.284 1 9.432 9,432 9,432 91432 10,437. 10,926 14.148 1 14,148 14.148 1 14.148 3 �� DeflectionL/240/U360;k •/• •i• •I• !• •t• •t• •1• l• •1• •1• •f• •l• .`: >. Min:End/lnt Bearla`{in.1g 3.318.3 } 3,5/8.7 4.5111.3 1 4.5111.3 4,5/I1.3 4 5W111.3 3.3/8.3 3.518.7 4.5/11.3 1 4.5/11.3 4.5111:3 4 51113 Total Loads 4 439 s 4 61F 5 976 '6 526 7070 7,070 6 59 6 923 8 965 9190 10 605 10 605 Deflecflon .. :Q Q,. .. .. .. .. .. ,u 8fln:Eed/lnt:Bearin tlii:)F...2 8/1.1,: :29/7 3;,. ,8 3.819 5.r'4:2/10A.. ._4.5? _I zLL 1 I I I l 11.3� ,4:51113 i,:2.8l71`., 29113 „:3 8l9,5,,, 64.2110.4,>,4.5111. VIE .6 1otal Loadt" 3,258 3,376 4,265 4.612 5.652 5,652 4,887 5.064 6,398 6.919 8,478 8,418 5' DeflectionV240/U360 13.106 •13,316 •1• ; ai• •1• •i• " •14,659 •/4,975 •/• •I• •!• ! •I• Min Endilnt 8earin (1031 2.6/6.5 . 2.116.7 3,4/8.5 3.719.2 4,5111.3 4.5/11.3 2.6!6.5 2.7/6.7 3.4/8,5 3.719.2 4.5/11.3 1.4,51113 ToUI Load 2 521 n 2 652 3,315 3ti 3 5fi5 4.492 4,707 f 3,Tf)1 3,979 4 972fi ' S 348 =:= 6 739, 7.0 l f' k DellectionU2�D/U36D a'11951 .,`i2,097 1}::;*13214 ;,...Nia 1�} . €.Fu.'1• " : :-12,936-.: , /3,146 /4,e16 .m •/+..< .•/! x j +1e°, End/lnt.'eeadn ,.a2 4/6:"&2.516,3.,P,,,,12/7.9' 1,418.5., `44.3/103.,,,74,5111.3, , <2.41fi :� '2 516,3.E s3 211.8,,;:x3.4/8.5.' .4,3/10.7<` .4.5/11.3` Tolall0ad rs` 1,849 1,946 1 Z689 1 2,904 3,614 4,032 2,174 2.919 4,034 4,357 5,421 6,048 1' DetfecU�on U240l1/3fi0 •/1,302 -11.399 ; •/2,179 1 •12,501 •I• *h •11,954 12,098 •/3269 •/3.752 •/• •/- ``a : Mla End/Intt 9earin (tn.)` 2.1/5.2 2.2/5.4 3/7.5 3.2/8.1 4/10.1 4.5111.3 2,1/5.2 2,215.4 . 3175 3.2/8.1 A110.1 1 4.5111.3 Total Load ` 1,413 1487, 12,056 2 280 3,422r = 3 5262 l20 2 231 3 084 3 420 x 4 534> 5 284 8' DelieeDonU240%L/360 I359/906 <,AV974.,,:g1,538.-/1:713 °•/2705' `!/• 203811,359Z,193fl,462 :•12,347,.=�*16601 __N4.058)=. •/�,.,< µx_.; MIw EOd/Int.8eario{In:I .18/4.5 1:9/4.8.. r;2.6/6.6 '2 917.3...}:3:919.6 a 3-4:51113",;..1814.5x t 1.914.8 ZV6.6, Total,load, &0561 1.051 i 1.454 1.613 2,211 2,854 1,499 1.577 2.181 2,419 3,316 4,282 :278'8' DellecU0nU240IL/30 : 907/605 '1,451/967 •/1,121 •11,740 •/2.456 1,263/842 1,361/907 2,176/1.451 •/1,681 •/2,610 •13,684 w MIa End/gnt'Bearin fin?° 1.614. ' 2.2/5.5"; 2.516.1 3.418.4 4.3110.8. 1.5/3.8 1.614 2,215.5 . 2.516.1 ; 3.418.4 4.3110.8- Total Load§� x.� 901w: `. 948` .x-1311'. l'454.1 s 1;493 _'':2,574 ,. V 1,351x._. `1422v,., .;,1,967 i 10' Defl86Uo0 U24D/U360 7281485 7851523 '1;2fi0/840 .'1974;.,.# r/I,520. �/2;154 ,=1092/128 4,178R65, 1,690/1,260 N1,462:1 .*/2,280.= •/3 23Z` ._ k r .. fA{o:lbd/Int Bean` {iris �31.5/3.6� :=1:5/3.8,. 2115.3 ?2.3/5.8,, ,. 3.2/8r,. •:;41/[03. =1.5136,;,;-1513.8.. ds2.1/5.3n:`23/58?;:' ,3.2/8.:w 91114.3 N Tatalload< <" 56G 612 901 1.006., 1,380 1,782 850 918 I,360 1,509 2,070 2,674 12', Deflectio0V240/l/3fi�, 432/288 467/311 756/504 88IJ587 •/928 •/1.334 6491432 7001467 1.1351756 1.322/881 •/1.393 •12.001 M End11n1 B grin {fiia -1.513.5 1.513.5 1.8/4.4 1.914.9 2.716.E 3.4/8.6 1.5/3.5 1.513.5 1.8/4.4. 1.9/4.9 2.7/6.5 3.4l8.6 TOlel Load :r a ...359 't" 388 637:' =735 1;009 1305 T H:;538 ,: 58Z ",f,': 956 �5,r`1,I03, ,3 4 v 1957r,.:` OeflecflonLJ140/U360 '276/184` "299/199. ;487/325� 569/379 uh907/605 .":�J877 ,6415/276t 448l299r ='731/481; 8541569 1,3fifJ907- 11,31E Min.End/lat6earin'ttn.I ..-1,513:5. ;i1:5l3.5., 1;5/3.6, ,, 1.7/4.2.:z"Z3/57, 2.9113i. 0,1:5/3.5t, .r15135 ^15/3.6,. 17/4.2: 23/5.7 2911,3z Totalload 218 236 392 460 722 934 327 354 588, 690 -1,084 1,402 16'6", DeileeUon U24011/36D 111/114 185/123 303/202 1 3541236 569/379 832/555 2561171 2771185 455/303 5321354 854/569 1.2481832 Mir%Endllnt�8eeii {in.1'.` 1.5/15 1.5/3.5 1.5/3.5 1.513.5 1.9/4.8 2.5/6.2 1.5/3.5 . 1.513.5 1.5/3.5 1.513.5 1.9/4.8 2.516,2 Totalloadk" T g 152 F #,166 r::277' ,i 18'6 Deflection U24D/L/360 : 122/Bld 132/88: �217/144R'154/169 r:40/273 ; i1l)11401Z 183/1721 J7198/132 77,R6/217 738I/254- 6151410 902/601 ax,.,w Min EridlltitiB ail `"iln:l ]5135= �s1.513:561 1.5/3.5,.. ai.5135 ;TT°x fi14..s 2.2156i �].5/35,1 315135,; .=1.5/3.5" 1.513.5,4 ?1.6/4;,Z �2"2/5.5' TohLLoadY 119 129 218 257 4Z1 624 179 194 327 385 631 936 20'& DeAectioaU240/L/360 97164 105170 1 1721115 2021135 3271218 481/320 145197 1571105 259/172 3041202 4911327 7221481 Mie EwfimB arinilin:I=• 1.5/3.5 1.513.5 1 1.5/1.5 1 1.5/3.5 1.5/3.5 2/5,1 1.5/3.5 1.5/3"5 1.5/3.5 1.513.5 1.5/3.5 2/5.1 Total load " .} 65 71= 122 l45 :e1241 ,x ;'`361 t98 "'106 183 =m 217 361 ,;! 542 : ., 24'� DeflecflenU2401L1360� a 56137 �6L140.. a101167 r..:118179� 49211281.,284/189A ,�.+84/5fis..= �91/61.__ 1511101 x177I118a 2881142 4261284' V wrl'.1 diltriEll' Ili l 1,5/3.5 l °I513.51 '1:513:5 t .1.5l3 5? ,t:513.5," t;1:5/3 6 1.513 5..E 3,15/3 5 h 1 '1.5/3b z .1.5/3.5 + f 15/3.5 s ,:L513.6.=f " Total Loadf� 1 73 87 141 224 56 61 149 130 221 336 28' ` DeflectI641.1240/L/36M 64/42 75150 1 122/91 1 181/120 53/35 58/38 I 96164 1 112/75 183/122 271/181 orK MId Eridll t:`eeadn ifa:): 1 1.513.5 1.513.5 1 1.5/3.5 1 1.5/3.5 1,513.5 1.513.5 1.513.5 1 1.513.5 1.513.5 1.5/3.5 •Indicates Total Load value coiltmis. Trull Joists Beam,Header and Column Sped ces Guide 7J•9QO0 j October 2016 1R c SNOW ROOF LOAD TABLES How to'Use This Table 1. Calculate total load(neglect beam weight)on the beam or header in pounds per linearfoot(p111. 2. Select appropriate Span(center-to-center of bearing): 3. Scan horizontally to find the proper width,and a depth with a capaeily that exceeds actual total load. C—Review bearing length requirements to ensure:"a uacy,,. Also see Benerat Notes on page 15. F 0 2.0E Microllam,O LVl: Roof—Snow I.oad�Area 115/0 (PLF ) L 13irieWldth- ".Witlth(2 t 1 Spans Ma S.51M rh', I _9Slr' j �,00 Total 474 (; 877 1; 1,182 ;1 1223 1.523 4 1,638 1961 948 I 1.755 1: 2365 1 2446 1.3,1147.1 3277 6' = DeAecNOnUT40; 458 I • I • 916 € *, 1 i 150 Mui Endllntl Bedrin (in) 15/3 5�U5 2 7/6 8 2 8/7 3 518 7 '38J9 4 4 51113 1.5/3 5 2/5 1:, 2 8f7 t 3 518.7 3M.4 rTofalloadcM 153 342} 800 ti ,841 31 7132( ' 1389 0 f 6 5 b Gi682�1U62252k l'f DeflectionU249 v a u;> =M • Ir,�•• .�` � _ F Mtn Endllnt Beerirt in) 15/3 5 x15/3 5 *23/61 r 2 6/6 44 3.2181E 3518 6 4.3/10 6 1=5/3 5 1¢1;5/3 54 2 5/61�= 26/fi:4 1{3 2/8Oak Tobt Dad 77 . 174 566 816 si '903 1114 l54 1 349 rMs 32 1a90t a"1633= 1801 D'eAetdttonUT40 • r 543 585 86 1171 • i • . = t Mhr fnd/lnt Bearl (in) 1 5/3 5 . 55 )2115 2 2 2/5 4 3%7 4 { 3.3/8 2 41/10 2 15/3 5 15/3 5 :2 12 2ISA 1 3/7 4.l 3 3/8 2 Tobfloads 62 rK142 ( 510� :t536 736 8141'045 l24 'I 264} 21r 1 3,3 74 3` 11629 x10 DeAe Lion U240 t 1 01013; � e ,, t • Min`Endllnt'Beari (In) 1S/3�5 xl 5%3 5 '2/4.9.... 2115._L2 8f1.1 3;1/78r i 4/10 z, 1:5135 15/3 5 ,2/4;9 21I5 2 2B/71£1 3 UI.Sw `" 3 TOUI loads n= ,' r 61 r 953 371 509 564 767 57 135 .706 742= 10i9' , t 128 1T!s DedectianUT4B K e e x ' 219 30I 488 556 602 916� ="Mln�l ndllnt,Beari (in 1 I 5/3 5 ' 16141 17/4 3 2.4/5 9 2,6J6 5 1 3.5/8 9 1513 5 15/3 5 16141' I 714 3 TOb110adr1 �f23 2523T2 ) :Al2 562 466"°il 505 h T45 825v DedeofionU240, 3pI7$r '314367 *, F`357.� ; 386, r 629i k73 Min Endllnt$Bea�i tIrt 2<2/5.6 rk F, m 15,/3 5 1�5/35'a�r 2 rJ3 5 2l5 2 ' totalload" 142 154 255 295 1 402 285 308 5I0 591 16':&' Dede�tlanL1240 110 119 195 228 367 220. 238_. 391. ..457.,. # Min End/lnt B I {ln) 15I3 5 1.513.5 1.6141 1.9/4 7 2,6/6 4 5/3:5 I5/3z5 1 16/41. 1,9147' TabllOad ` " 4 =" a I00 IOBr=' 181+ 212 200; 2I7 - 362 425 . 18'6 DeAee,UOnU240 �� r;� (' 78 85 ( 140164 z.264r ' I571 170k 280P1t 328 �llrthEndilnt Bearl (irt)� ._., t N L5135� °:1:513.5, i 5L3.5. 1513 9��2;315 7 � 1�1.513 5 '1513 5'1 1513 5 1513 9 _ Tot+ftoad 78 85 143 168 27l �257 1716 r 336 5 T111 didection UT40" 62 67 111 130 211 125 135 1 223 161 W Ella t'sndllnl Beartn diO) 1513 5 !5/3 5 15l3 5 t 5/3 5 2.3/53 ) 15/3 5 15/15 15/3 515/3 5: 15 S Toblload ]0625206 116� 126 213 ' 251 12 DedeCt�enU240 ?, ,,z .= r47... 5l 84k 98_. _:I60 . . m94.::. . IO2 .. 168 ,'197 I373;S� Ib135 TOUl LWCMI,= i 81 95 158 67:.. 95 162:' . 191`' :. T4'{ DeAeeNon U24A '= 1 65 76 = <324 73 1 79, • T30 ( 153. r Mtn End/lrtt'Bearin (Iti) 1513 5 ( 1.513.5 15/3 8 1,5/3 5 1 15/3 5 15/3 5 15/3 5 robltCad ` s�� Kg3 a 62 g"74 :123 T6 OedectienUT40Y 1— 65] b0 � .g81 57 s62 � 102 :gym 120 MlnrEndAntBearin {Inr ;. ; A1�5l3,5���l$513�51;313 5 1513 b ' Tobflaad1 5$ 98 52 Sl _ 98 `1 Ill 26' Dedecti0n U240*: ,y i i 4818 i 46' 50= 1. 82" 97 .. alto Eload `CBea�la (la) 1 15l3 5 it 5/3 5 1,5/3 5 1,513.5 15/ 5 15�3 , 78,E 93� 30; DetiechOn U24q £f _ '64 r 67 79 } r� 71 tiapleates TOW tctd;Oue cotsvo! Trus lets&Beam,Header and Column Specifier's Guide Tl•9000 October 2016 14 SNOW ROOF LOAD TABLES General Notes ev Table is based do ,.: '-Unitarm loads(beam weight considered). :<More restrictive of simple or continuous span: Deflection criteria of U180 total load-For itiffer deflection criteria,use Ll240 values for total toad deflection. ■ For continuous spans,ratio of shad span to long span shduld be 0.4:orgreater to prevent uplift. Also see Now to Use Ibis Table on page 14 and General AsompUoes on page 5� 2.0E Microllam® LVL: Roof-Snow Load Area 115% (PLF) continued. V X�%",,Width(t t) 3 max:"r , :a W!Wld M&LO:l) Span .; Conditloq N-14.Y 2ra AMAfm.7r/1`' �8S/i•. 59!/: milyi'. .11r/e'. V Tof,l load' 3 919 `Po 3 919 3 ML 3 919 14Z3 2 632 3 5 J 4.571' ; , 4916 1 5,878 5 878 5 878 B� DaflecUon U210 1374 i * : At[n,Ead/Int Beer► ((n)' 4 5111;3 i 4 9l113 4 5J113 .4 51i 13, l5l3 5 -2d5 „ 27p 8 ..2,8l 3 5/8 7 3 E19:4 E 4 5/11;3 d 511L3 i 4 5/113: 4 5/I13' Totaltoad P„ 2778 1934 2934 2934 46i 1 28°" 2401< 2Y524 [ 3i55 3378 #4168' 44025: 4,402i44022x s t a5 u � AeBectianL124� * � f- a .z g .��` t s • » + MinEitdllnt Bea ,{ln.}a'43/I06, 45I113}4.o/1i.3 �45/Il3 115/35. y1.513.52'SI61: 26fAA3:2t8.1 :3:518:6(`431106 '4,51113.),4�51ri3� 45113:`< 2Tetal LOad� �,; 2 229 ?488 _x 4u"8 468 231 524 +f 1.69i3 l'7 s 2:450 2 710 3 34U 3JDV.E VOL; 3,702 " 8'=6" AaneetiortL/216a��� _ *.�..{. r a+ {<• J;t33 1,7�i �� �-> � • �; *,..?:� <, . x MtnEntl/lat.'Beeri {In)'"' 41110.2 4 5l114 r1113 4i51i13 .f`,ra134 i 15l3 2sleF3A i 3/7.4 .3.3l8.2 i 4,1/10:2, d 511 iz,(4.5lL13 4"5/1L3 :3 iotai'load - :�2091 ;�234d i 2344 2344 187 r 427 3531 ;i,fil3 2,444 3137; 3516 ,£35t5'` 3,516 10'F DeR clfon U21DY 4 r k_ x , �rk3• .,Y* i 141D I=520 + •` �± �� x Y e d . r.�anonc+4a�m. 1dirtEndilal�Beui (fn) 4/1D a x4.51113 ;4 5lI13 4, l1131513 5 1513 5 i ? 9 1l5 2 2: 718% a 31/7;8 4/10=t 4 5/113 4 5A13 d 51113 . PW Talaltsad€ a 1535' 1950 ::1950 1950 86 : "203 .. 1:059 1,113 . 1;529. l:fi92. 2-303" ( 2,925: .2 925' ; 2 925 - 12 f Detkctiai U240 { . • f i137 904 1464 ` Mf%l rtd/Int.Beer► (in 1 -3 518 9 4 5ll i 3 .4 5/113 4.51113 ,1c513 5 ]5I3 b '1.6/4,1 17/4 3 ,2,415 9 i 26/6i5 3 5t8.9 4,51113 .4.5f.113:t 4 5/11 `` otal Leads " I 124 ` l,444 1659 „l ti69`x r F 10& '700 t 7572 4318 't g1238'' 1685 r Z 6 2 5�n 03�m 2.5OX' 14' Deflectioril/24fi � � •�d 4r. * 57914943F Iss102' 535a r t-4' :,.Mrn Ead/lnt3 Bearirt ;(lnX, 3l7.6:4 3.9197.'4.5/11.3,4 511I3 .1:5/3 5 r 15f3 5` 1513 5 i,.219t,r2;275s6!t 3/7,6...1 3 9 4 5/lir3 5/11 > " = Totatload � 805 1035 ' 1291 1113 is 427 463 765 88fi°", .1;208 1 .1552' 1936:: 2120:.; 16'N8" DeflectionU2411 ` 735 ; :`` • 331 358 587 68fi L103. • MIn Entlll- Be9ri {in! 2 6!6 4 i3 3/8 3 41/10 3 4'.5/113 1.513 5 15/3 5 16/41 19/4a 2 5/6 4 3 3/B 3 4 U14 3 d 5/113 ' aiatalLoad537820 1023 1Z47,,�,,, � � .30t .�� 326 r 543�. 638- 956" 1230� !8 6$DenectlonU140, 52g ` 716 W • 236 ` ,'ZS6 =420 h 492 794. 1164 . ,R Mtn:EndlJnt rBrurin 3 7/9 2z 4 51112. 1.5/34 2 3/5g7.5291/�4 3 7/9,Z: AF5I112. Total'Coad 543 i 699 } 872 1064 .w, 236 256 429 i 'SO4 815 1048 r 1309'.: 1596 � . 2D'' Bebeeifon U21B 422 621 869 188 203 334 391?: t ••633. 931,. f 1304 • flan Endllnt~Benii 1n} 2115 3,, 2 7/6 8 3 4/8 5 4,1/10 3 1513 5 1513 5 15l3 5 1,513.5 2I/5,3 2716 8 3 4!8 41/10 3. Totals 412 g 575 =7I8 f# 876 x 174s I 0 320311: < 619s852 1477 "1314 €• � 22?' DeflecNortU2/0 `A r 320 472 }66Z rid• 141 ,..>'153 252 E 296 `480 t� 708k 994 •. 1 , . Hip tddllatBeati (a}ci8l45 25/6Z 31177r 38/94s r i 5�111 15/331313;3i8/4fi25/6r2 31/77 38/94' Totafioad 316. 472. :_600 732 1 .131 ,143 243 287. 475 1D8 900- 1.099 24 Oeneclfea L/21D 248 ! 366 s 5I5 {; fi98 � 109 118 195 229 372. l 550 773,{ 1047 Min Endlint Bear n(tn} 15/3 8 }2 2/5 6 2 8/71 3�1/8 6 15/3 5 1.5/3 5 1513 5 15135 r 1513 8 2 2/5 6 28171 341 8 6 - To1alLaa2d7 37D t509i r 521101 { 11.0 3188 223_ .` 37i 556763 ( 932 Yffi DeflecUonl/2104 196 i 240 Q 409" _ 555 s ram.~ �z t Y 86 93 r ;154 >181 29 435 �613 ¢ 832 .NHUM11llat.Beari JinY„1.5/3.5 k 1.9/4.8 "26/65s ':32/74 .. g t5135 !1,5l3.5 21 15l35. yl:513:51i.;15l35,('1,9/48�(2.6/5.5I 32/79 ray Totalload � 196 295 421 533 78 85 148 775 294 442 s 632 799 28' OeflecltorU244 � 157 233 329 448 i 69 75 -:i23 & 145` i 236` 350:;1 49410- `:. .Mlrr End/Int Bearin (in;)"'1513.5 R1.7/4.2.4,23/5.9. 3/74.. -~ 1.5l3 5 .1,5/3 5 ._1,513.5's 1.5/3.5 _1.513.5, 17f4.2.'2,3/5.4., z 3l7.4 ' Total Land x 157 F�238 ' 341 '451 t ', i� 51' ' 66L17 =i39 236 3575I1 692 ?30' Belle n1/2411 w; % 128 190 :a 269" 356 xy56 rx-61 s ltll :1 118 . ;;193 286.E 04550.. v > MirtSadllrtt;Bearin 1.513.5 11513.61.2.115.I:°28/69r <.. 1:513 5. <1.513.5 `1:513 5.'1513 5r1;5/3.5';1.5/3.6-. :21/51 ',2,t1169° Indicates Total load value contmb:. Tres 1o*t*Beam,Header and Co rnn Spedsfier's Guide T.1-900O O=tmr 2016 9 r, SNOW ROOF LOAD TABLES How to Use This Table 1. Calculate total load(neglect beam weight)on the beam or header in pounds per linear foot(plf). 2. Select appropriate Span(center-to-center of bearing). 3. Scan horizontally to bind the proper width,and a depth with a capacity that exceeds actual total load. 4. Review bearing length requirements to ensure adequacy. Also see General Notes on page I Z ME ParallanfWPSL: Roof-Snow Load Area.115% (PLF) Span Gond#Ildn 3MWldth m .a i= gr , 9ya`.� 1Pli' :11rii. ' €t6'. ...,.t8'' 9r�' ��9rh' �_ilrii' �111ti ._U m 16',.,!'.=�_78' Totalloadz ; 1,691 ` 1 T4fi.:. 2°142 i 2.291 2,44I ' 2,441 ` 4 53 6 2 T. 3s!E 3,66] 3,b61 13<661 8' = Dill ctionL/240 • a • 2,:1 2,�7 2.+19 3 J3 ( 34 x • ` ) • MinFnd/let'Bearin (In) 31/7 8N 3 Zl8 3 9/9 9 k 42/]0 5(4.5/113 4>5/113 4:51I13 .3:U7 8 3:218 3 9199 t 4 T110:5 4.51113,4.5/113)4.5r11.3. Total lwd1255 ,; 1,320 `"1738= 1854, 2 052 2 05Z 2,0521883 19f10 ' 2 607 2,781` 3 079 3 079 3 07911 9'6' Oe don 11240 1086 1 I7I } ° ; �, a ..,;• • l 1x630 17571 �' y' ` • fdin Endliat Bearin (In}` 24716'9 s2 9/12 ,3 819 5 "41p01,r 4:51113 4.511I 3 4 51113 irt27/68 .Z 9tZ2 3.1MVt 411191 4 51113 t 4 5/113 4 5/113 Tot lload;x 1132'( 1190 1&35 R,1743 1�9 1,949 1944 .,1:598 I786. :'Z453 f 2;6i5 Z923 L2.923j2,923 10 � deflection l/140 � 940, . 1A13 1626,( 1. . • >!. 410 1,520. € 439 *.. •_ ;( • . �. Mln End/1pllBearin (in;} Z 6/6 5 ) 2.7/6.9 3.819.4= ,4/IQ 4.5/113 4.5/lL3 '4;5111.3' 1616.5 2:7/6.9 .3;879,4 #4 10 4 5/11.3 4.5!1 3�4 511i 3 ', Total loads 734 ? 793 iJ35 J 258 1620 t 1620 .1'620' 1101 ) 119Q l703 i 1887�x 2 431 ' 2 431P 2 431 �12' Aefleciion U2404558 602 -476 113T _ 904 l Ali4 1.06�� • tNia'Ead/lnt°Beann (in} 12/51 it2 2/5 5 31/19., <3 8 7 4.51I13 9.5/11.31-4.5111.3 .2/5.1r<)_2.2/5 54..3jMA 3:518.7 4 5/11:3 VA 5/11�=�AVIL3. T telload r 4b6 .), 504 826 i 921 1,386 1.386 14] 889 21259 0791 2079 14`I befkcttonU240 357 386 629 734 1.171 • 535 579 943 L10Z 1.757 # Mlia'Endpnl`Beartn {(n} 15/3 8) 16141 2.716.7 3/7 5 4.1110 2 4.51113 4:51113 1.513 8 16/41 2:7/6,7 3J}5 41/10,2 4 5/1!3..t 4,51113 Totalloadf _ 284 308 5Q9 597 i 90z v1i63 117311 @426 46 76. 895; *1,353 1745 r 1 fit} T6',6' Bettecttoa[/240 F 220 c T38>f. f391f $ a57 735 )07413� 331 S VA'USA sal bll a r .s 4lta Endllnt:Bean In 115135 " 1.513 Sn 214 9w. Z.3/5.8:? .5/8.7 4:5/1114:5/113315/3.5� T513 5 z 2/A 9 ) 23/5:81 3:518:7. 4 5111 Tolalioad 200 217 ; 361 I 424 690 922 ' l;044> 30.0- 3325 542 53I. ` 1.035 1,383.= 156fi_:. �7 1H'B Deflection U240�, .,. 151 170 280 328 529 l 776 l 236.., 256 420 492. �794 i 1164 tdin End/lat Bearin {In) 15/3 5 " 1,513.5 1 1614 19/4 6 3/7 5 419.9 r 4,51113 1113 5 1.5/3 5 1.6/4 1914.6�1 f 4�9 4 5111.3 T 157 ' 170 l''285 5:335 q;548 786 ,. :.9b4�s 235 : 255 � 421d 503 .,.822" gt 179= 1447 alai loader• z , �r & z 20'= DeflecttorillY4Q 1. 135 >> 223 1 E 261= d22 62IMIAQ°869 € 188 .203 334 392i 633bil 1dirtEndlint8earfi (ina a3!513 5'a51*1.513 5 (}15/3 5 11 lil42 b16 44 2 4'.51113 15/3 5 :1:5i3 5 ,t<Is5/3;5='.1614g 2 6/6:4 r31l9 2+ 4 5/ll 3 Totatlead? s 115 126 1 212 .;,'250` 411 611 I 810 173 189 31B `375 617 , 917 1215. '.. Z2' beflection 1124b� 94 1Q2 168 197 320 412 662 s<141 153 252 296. ? 480 708 = 994 Mla Endlint€9earin (le 11513 5 I 513 5 l 513 5 15/3 5 2,115.4 3.2/7 9 4.2/10 4 1513 5 1513 5 , 1.513 5 1.5/3.5 ; 21/5 4 3 2/19. 4 2/1Q.4. ' Total f aide 871 195 t' 161� :�I91 315 r * '471 668I30 `242 t 286'"`� 473 a a s rah, - q§ t4 DeAeetma 11240 7.1 ,� 79 130 153s _ 2481 3fi6 515� 09 {r 118� 195 ZT9� 372.:, 550 3 �•` a fAlnr6adflnt Bearin Cin} 1.5/3.5 tT:513:5�x1,5i3.5 445/3,5 k8145 r.2.7i6,1#1 3.819A a1;5/3.5 .€1°5/35 L5a3,5(H1:5/3:5 ` 1.8/459_.27/67 Total l oad 66 72 . € 124 148 ` 246 369 525 100 109 181 222_ t 369 . 554; 788 26' 0eflectieoL/240 57 62 .102 120 I96 290 409 86 93 1 4 l81 294 435 613 n] _'-EIW1AI earin (ina 15/3 5 1,513.5 15/3 5 15/3 5 l 6/3 9 2.315.8 3;2/8,1 l 5/3 5 ]5l3 5 LV3 5 1:3x/35�16/3 9 2 3/5 8. 3.2181 292.: 441 -48'� Deflection U2�B _ 46 _: 50 82 97� =� £' Z36;'s 350 494 157 233 329 =69 <75t t ..123 145 z' Niri Endllnt.eearinOn) 15/3.5 1:513.5; 15f .5 r,�z41513,5 .=1'5/3 5.., M 2/5 >2i8/115l3.5iL5/3 51la 15/3 5 ,.15/3 5z' 1.513.5E[ 215 r 2 6/71 Totaltoad� 71 92 i 156 236 339 60 65 116 138 234 355 ") . 509, 30' Deflection U24A >' 67 I 79 l 128 190 269 56 61 101 I18 _193 286 404 "y '14iri.Endllot Bearin fin.) 15/3 5 1,513.5 15/3 5 ! 1,714.4 2.516.2 1,513.5 15/3 5 1.513.5 1�13 5 15/3.5>�l, 2 5/62. ;. nUI Laad'� �k r"� ���" � i� 61s 741 1;126, l92 � 277 � � 551r -� 32 befectlanU240 � x 3x55 fi5106 t57 >223 50 83 sI 9 159s ] 236 334 w NinEad<IntBear din} ._ - .,..1w1:513.5i1513.5:.1L513.5 �1513.8f� :215 z." . �1513.5. /3.5.x n 1513 _1.,1.513.5..1,R15I38t1.1/54t ';riUicates Total lead value conlmls. Trus Joist•Beam,Header and Column Specifiers Guide TJ-g= 1 October=16 1R SNOW ROOF LOAD TABLES General Notes • Table is based on: — Uniform loads(beam weight considered), —More restrictive of simple or continuous span, — Deflectioncdteda of U180 total IoadFor stiffer deflection criteria,use U24 values for total load deflection,, ■ For continuous spans;ratioof short span to long span should be 0.4 or greater to, prevent uplift. Also see Now to Use TMs Table on page 16 and General Assompdons on page 5. ME:Parallam' PSL: Roof—Snow Load Area 115% (PLF) continued Span Caaditlon � • "` x :9►ii_ r.._9H' w rW iat;tlYload : , 3,383.. `.-1,492 4,285 1` 4,582 4,882 ? 4,882 =: 4,882 8' Deeecff`ort U2�0 _� • .. 1 •_ I •, i Alin Eud/lni Dearia�fia} 31/I8 IVII. 3 9/9 a 4 2110,5 4 5/l l 3 1 4 5/113 t 4 5/113 Tolaflead� �Z 511 2541�-= 3A77 31D9� s 4;1p5 4 l0 5� 4105 !� 111n Ead/In17Deirl11- {tad`.r 27169; =29172 ' 3;819.5 41/10°l11 `* 111136 51111 '4:51i1,3111, t" Tolaflood�I 2 264 2 381 3271' 3;4117 3,898 19998 3;898 g s� 111 } _ =10' DeAectlonU24Qy £ 1880 2027,:' , .3252• Min rErtdlfnL Dean in) 2.6/6 5 1 Z7/6 9 3 819 4 f 4/10 1..4 Sri i 3 i 43/113 4,5/1 L3 s� s Tot4Raad; I468 1586� lk 227]i517r 3141AV3241 T ,12 Deflec tin. U' 1 llfi 05 ;� 2 74 (3 .+ • >; Yfo'Errd/int Dead IInJ "2151, ;22/5,5,` 31R,9. 13 518:7 , 4 51113, 4 5/113A1F.4.5/i1,3r Toglloff � � 932. 1,D08 1,fi53. 1 .1,842 25,19 2773 1773 14'a Deflgetlon U2�8 ;714 772 .1 1,258 i 1.469 1 2342 f6in Ead/lat Dean {1na !5/3 8 1614 ,7J6 7. 3/7.5 4 I10.2 g 4 5/l13 4 5/113 39 Total load 569� 616 K i 0197,• 119,5� �1 B05 a 2.327 2,3A6 16'6' Detlecda U240 y:_ `44Y 477} 181 t 9i5 f 7 470 a 7fUn Erm/IntDearin tin 1Il5/3 55 ; .2.31�5 €8 ar4.51113 1Total Lo1d; 400 434' t 123 849' 1;381 1;844 2.089 U 1eN 8 Delleotl UZ4D 315 341 560 656 1 l)58 _3 553 7-7 �S N MIn.�EndAnt:Deana tin} 15/3 5 15J3 5 1 16l4 1.914.6 3/15 1 4/9 9 4 51113 Atil -d � 314 t 340 ^570 671 l 09!— 1929 .r 20 11e ti0a6UZ 40� 250 2711 ;1 446 r 523 845' } 1:242 � 1;x391 : tslin:Endllnt.Deadn (ln} 15/3 515/3 5>. 1,5/3.5 ,,1.614,E Z2 616.4 Y 3;7/92 ��4,9111£3,t Tatat� 231 252 :425- 1 501 I _823, 1,223 1.620 '.. 22 Dellectlenl/24d ]89 204 1 337 395 t 640 944 1325 t Min Enditirt Dearin ttn}` 15/3 5 . 15/3 5 r 15l3 5 15/3 5 71154 3 2/79 1 4 2110 4, T hf� rI74 190a ' 323 942 1336 24 ; GeBectlon l/240 "146 z ��158 260 30V 3 104.03P, F MIn End/InL Dean �(inJ 61,513.5 1 1313.5�1...15J3�5�a 2 1.$/3 5 LB/A;5 6 2.7/6 7 3.819 4, ° P 1 Load r 133 145 1 w.ex249 s r ..296 492 951 G DeAaetloa U240R F 115 124 205 241 .,( .392 �.580 .; . 818 c3 tAln End/iat Bead {ln} 15/3 5 1 15/3 5 f 1.5/3 5 1 l 5/3 5 16/3.9 i 2.315.8 3.2/8.1 Total load * 102 I12 �19Sx' 232 r 39Q� 588� 1 840� Q 2B' DatlecUoa U24D 92 ;100Y 165 194 315 659 Mla Endtint.6earfn inf1513515135a� iSl3. "� �1y5135r ;i,5135� !215 � 2811 To1aN lCuad� 80 I 87 154 184. 31Z r 473 679 30 D�etkctlon L/240 rn 75 BI r 134 158 257 3111 .539 M EndlJnt.t3ean #in} 1513 5 __1513 5 15i3 5 15/3 5 }5I3.5 11/4 4 2 5/5 2 Tolalload fi s A =123 r "148' Y 5 5 38 555 ' 32N ietlecUoAU140a ° j62M1 67 •F 111..'1 130 ' 2Z 212 315 31446 Min Etlddllnt.Bp (ln' Y1.5/3.5 15/3.5vLS 5'..l-1.5/3.5 :1313:515/38Z.215.4 ,�1ndleates Total lead value controls. Trus loistm Beam.Header and Column Specifiers Guide TIOM I October 2616 17 NON-SNOW ROOF LOAD TABLES How to Use This Table 1. Calculate total load(neglect beam weight)an the beam or header in pounds per linear foot(pil), 2. Select appropriateSpan(center-to-center of bearing):° 3. Scan horizontally to find the proper width,and a depth with a capacity that exceeds actual total load; 4. Review hearing length requirements to ensure adequacy; Also see Benenl Notes on page M, TimberStrand(P LSL: Roof-Non-Snow Load Area 125% (PLF) RT- �,� Pall. r Condition Srh Plank Orieniatlon .a41t'. .5'Fe". r ' .Hs/i'I"91MMI ;;s1141'. ,c.. 3 . 3U4' 'x 9r/� ...9Sh' .11r/+" tlr/+' 14'� i Total lnadP 924 ME 2 -978. 504Z 4 7032 I,442 : 1442 1:514 3782' 3959't 4,717'=t 471Ty' 1711': 0AectionU240/L/3fi0 Y1420 IZ547 •14885: •1.J.. '1• •1• � •/ls224 •l• '1.•.,_:� 'r � •I• ., •I• -2 1MIn:fnd/lnt�BeaHii din I 15/3 5 ]g14 5. 31#76 4 3110 6 ;45/11L 4 9113 i s 3 6/9 3 8 V=r 4 5/1l 3 4 /113 4 5/113 1 167 45W579 Uhl o . ,. 3,5 2 36�� �3536 �R4' S Oell cecHanl/240 V350YR1 8711651aS /3 215 _'/2,4763i-'13,764& H2O1545� ' '1". r 3 'I'm.s %' -Kr F•1.',s.., Ntn:E�adllnt8eaia (In)t I5135aa, 15/35z,23157g-P32/8° A,6/91� 4 113*5 �1;5/3.5 �3l11:7 73218i'(4;U10.3' d5/1t3'< 45/113z Total load{a 647 1068 1812 2 52fi �Y 887 197 " 533 1371 1835 'i 2.318 i 2 507 Z.827 5' s 8.0on1124�1L/3604� .5..2..1/34119931662 '/1396 xu'�2188 '' 605 •!d154 4311281 = •/1553: '/1:658.. •I• `. •I' ; '1! s3 Nin End/Int Bearap dint€ 15135 15/3�r 1 18/45 :?5169 .?9/73 42/1D,6 15#35 28n �24/13.- 37/92 ` 4II0 451113 iafalload ° 317a _ 614 ' I1561751e,'.2,DOZ: T911ir 258r Y1.37Df r1;442 1802 �1938Z354 Deflec0onU240/tJ36D 309/ZO6a;595%397)i '1857 '71367 i'/1641t '12 92 253l169a�y. •/978` '/1,046 1 '/1,f,05t+'11,831U '/• ; k(n:Eed/lnt BOarin (in 1� 1:5/3.5 �15/3 5' ,I.5/3 8Ii W?1&V 2 fi1 Y 3 5I8 8 fl 5l35, 2.tilti:tix i 2 8l6.9',A 418:6 3,7/9J 1,4.5I1I.3.1 total loads 171 .:) 336 742 1,284 1468.. r 2135.• 138 -.1,005:. 1,058_. 1462 1.879. 1,1196S.. . 1 Deflection 1/24D/U36D,` •1131 :i /255 ' 1560 I '/904 -/1 Ti92" -&: 28 •/107 977/651 1.0491699 *11089. •1125 1, 7, tdin Endgnt'8eah din}g 1511 5 15/3 5 15/3 5 ! 1 B/4 6 21/5 2 3f7 6 15/3 5 2.2%5:6 2 415 9 3 3f8 2 3 5/8 8: 4 4/11' Totai,load ,t2 g� 99 '1 { 198 443 " 981 &1172 1632r 79 1 JEH8091. I ll8 1239;1 1643 , 1 I G 1 • T • x • F � j f Y"..'f .�.i..--a f '' �i f '�7000 �'•I1y35V. 8 Defleatlan ll24D/L/3fi0 _ /89 =/173 /384 • 019/626' /759 ! 290 /72 679/453 i734/487 z MIn Erxlllnt Beaa dial 1 5/3 5 101 5/3.501 I5/35 16/d�$ F8/4.6 26/6.fi r° s£. I,5l35=. ,*..... 2/4.9 21/52`a,29/71 .321/9ir:42/105 �M.eznauvo.xws..�e-m+- exr.mse.+x�w ,,c+n T,--.-.- ,m. - Total load }� 98 1 224 fi93 793 1154 S43"" 572 : 79l 817 ' 12D2 9'6' DeOection1/248/t/36D' ' •/' ('I' �579/386 -706 701•'/811`F 42U281) 453/302 725/483? 8401560; '18i0 MInErrdltn�Bearidln 31 15/3 5 i 5/3 5 -15/3 5 15/3 8 12 2/5 6 1.714.1. 1114 4. 2,416 .'2 7/6 7, 3 614.1 r Total load 79 '624 :f`714 A 040 480. 515t; 713, t fx791 . 1.0$4" 1D' 1letlecban tl240I,L/3fi0, r '/' •/ b011/333_ fi1114D7 4:'1T04 36412423 392IZ6i 630/420z 7311487,Z*L76D Min Endlint 15l35& 513.5,,1513.5-�i5136�.�21153 b 4 _��� � .�� �15139��1.7i41 2.3/57 2.516.3"'�351&7<� mn Totdt laid r 85 386.. 474 ll9 283. 366 ( 493. S4� j "j50 `",12' DeflectioaU240/1/3fiDfiK 7• 296/197 3621241 634/423 216/144 233/155 378/252t440/293 696/464 Min EadIIM Bearin (In t 15l3 5 15/35 15/ ;18/4 4 1513 5 15/3 5. 19/48 21153 ' Total toad a 1 ;243 � 300E :525'NZ 179 � 194. _318. 313. 14' OeflecGun U24DlU3fi0� 1189/126: 232/154(4091272'rE 138192I44199 2431162A 284/f89 453f302 t ` MinEndlln�Bearl �pn1 15/35 I.5135� l5l38 R�' 15l3 5'= 1'S/3 5-: 15/3 6, 417/42 �2 5/6 2 Totalload� 141 182 327 I09 .` Ila ` -196. 230. 372 .` Otrllectlonll240/U360 € 116/11 ;]43/9` 2541169 85157 92/61 :151/101 177/118: 2841i84,• Mlilel ndllnL 8eari {tn 11 15/3 5 1513' ( 15/3.5 15/3 5 15/3 5 �15/3 5 15/3 5 2/5 Totaltoadr 4 f r102 127 Z31Y a76 r83t 138 163',ui265 ationtJ2401U3fi0 ) § 83/55' =102168l 182l121` a'61/0{x 66/44 1D8/72 �121/84 2D51136 MIAEad/lnileiri (b1:1` 1.5l3,53 a 5f3.5 F1 1:513:5 I.513.51:513�5. I:513:5 . 1. 4,a "- , i Tout Load, x y 79. 99... 181 59 64. . 109 128 210 20' DeflecBon11240/all360 ' 66/44 8164 145/96::' 48132 52/35 86/57 ;10U67 '16311D9 Min End/IaLBearldla1 1513 5 1513 5 15I3 5 15/3 5 !5/3 5 ( 15/3 5 1 15T3 5 1513 5 To lioad 77 24 OeflecHo �l/2401 U360 s� 47 31�>k,84156 � � x 1 50133-' 591394�_ 96164 pefleationU24D/ll36D1 53135 61/40 _,..;.} MIn:End/IM.Beadn dM.T. 1.5/3.5 1.5/3.5., •Indicates Total load value controls. Trus loistf Beam,Header and Column Specifier's Guide Ti-SM October 2016 1A NON-SNOW ROOF LOAD TABLES General Notes ■ Table is based on - Uniform loads(beam weight considered)- - More restrictive of simple or continuous span, - Deflection criteria of L/180 total load.For stiffer deflection criteria,use 1./240 values for total load deflection: ■ For door and window applications,Weyerhaeuser recommends using the 11360 value for a live load deflection limit and the 11240 value for a total load limit. ■ For continuous spans,ratio of short span to long span should be OA or greater to prevent uplift. Also see Now to Use Ibis Table on page 18 and General Assumptions on page 5. TlmberStrand®LSL: Roof--Non-Snow Load Area 125% (PLF) continued n r Span �Cenditipn M ra a .safe Width 15'MWidthl2 15 e _114i', tlri6 _ ,1c' ,_:16',._..,.�AW ..,:....9hw r r il�/� 11rJi .. ,. 14<„ Total Load 7564 7,9I8 I 9,432 ( 9432 ( °9.432 9.432 I1;346 li 877 € 34148 14148 14148 : 14148 ' 3' Deflall 6 U240lil360 •�• •'• •, •• +`• 1 l f• 1 -.` iAfn.Endllnt Bear! (in) 3 6/9 3.819 4 4 5/113 4 51113 € 4 5/113 4 51113 3 6/9 3 819 4 4 5I113 4 5/[13 4 5/1!3 4 5111.;3. Totalload P 4826 5017 � rfi49Z 7070 i 7ay0 7Q70 7239 7,526 1 :9,746 5 x 1O5Q5 10605" 10605: ,. - _ 6 0 all ccUanU2401U36Dlk •i• ,r ( •/' y ./ a .. f •/�, p. •1.� f 7' " •• • i Or!End/int.'Wrin (fe}<<3 U7,7' A=1110.3 4'.5/113, �.4,5/113 s 4.511134 3.1l17r, '3 2/8 rt TatalLead= 3,542 3,670 4 637 5,015 r 5 652 5,652 5,313 5 506 �1'4fi 9 6 ("4 5223" 48 478 48 4183. � .. , 5' Oeflectlan U14D!L/380 •/3106` •/3;316 •1." •1• •T• •�• •/4.659 •/4 975 1 •1• [:..•I• q� " € >. _ x M ;EndAn4 Beerla In 1 2 8/1 2 9/7 3 3 7/9 2 4110 i 4 5/113 4;5/11 3 .2.8/7 Z 9/7 3 31i9 2 4/10 Off 13 4 5/113. 2884f�€` 3tiO4 �3,81bs 4701 s 4T07 s TotalLaad t 2741 4,111 432b r5405 5814w € 1A61t ; 7461g m r b' Dallect(on U24D/U360 •/1951• •12A97 € •/3,210 •/3 b62> N. ..�.''l• #/Z 936 :.'13 46' Sal+/4 816 •/5 493. •l+ ._ �? MinEnd/inG`8e9ri (in) s.2,6/6.6 28/fi;5� f,34/8:5„ 3;7/9' ..4,5/Ii34,5/1132:616�6 3_1/9.3.. 4.5111:3 '4.5/1L3 ToteI Load=R � 2 011 2.1 t6 2.924 3,158 . 3,930 4,032 i.til6' .3174 4,396 4.737 A. 5,895 � 6,048 714 OetlactionU24D/U360 1954/i302 2 '399 • 12 i� /2:501 13.755 2 931/I 954 3,14812 098 /3,26� 9 •/3 752 f •/5 b33_I •/• Alin'End/InE Bears 0 l 2 2J5 6 24/5:9 l 3 3/8:2 3,518:8 4;4/11 4.5%113 2.2/5 b 2:4/5 9 3 3/8 2 r _3 5/8 8 r 4 4/11 :r 4 5/113 F Totallo�d" r" gs 36 , 79 :3;286 3,526Z306 2, 427_A w3354 1,; 3,71949303° 5289' 8' DetlecUonU2401U360 '�1.355M)066 L462/9741 •l1538 *! 173} ^12,705 •1 :2436l1�359 2'19311462 =/2,307 :I •/2660f ,�/4,058 ' _ htln Ead/lnt Beari 2 5�4.5/113f; L 2/4 9l 2U5 2� r :2 9171_ 3 2/7,9; 4 2/IQ 5 4 5/1E3 M Trllal Load z. ::3 1,087 l i44 1,582 1754 2,404 -, 2 966 '1;631 :171b 2,373 " 2.631 .: ,if : 4,450=' Deflection UT4D J L1360 842/561- 90716D5 1A51/9b1 16B111;121 �i1:140,1 '/2.456 i:263/842. 1:361i9 2176/2,451 2,521/1681 •12,510 1 •13;684= Mfn'Fed11 Beailn a} 17/4 l 1.7/4,4 24%6 21.t6:7 .619.1.1 4.5/113 17/41 1.714.4.. 2.416. ', 1776.7 3119.11 4 5/11.3 so_, M y; ,Tohlload s � 961� 1031 t 1�426 15H23a 2m168 2:800 1;442,.. s1541p � °2139 (j' 23733253 �4200v ,.m 1D' Deflection l/240/113W". 7281485 785/523 .1 0J840 1 1 4621974( */1T520 z N2154 10921728 178/7$5 3,H90/126E►i 2193/1462 •1 2H0: �/3 2324` Min End/lot Bearla (in} 1.513,9:, 17/4;1 23/5,7 2.5..%6_33,5r8 7 , 4 51112 15/3 9 I:7/41 a_2 3/5 7 2 516 3 r, 3 5l8 T:'6 4 5/112 Total Eoad 566 612 98b f 1 U94 € 1,501 ' 1.939 850 918 1480 i 1.642 €. 2;252 � 2,908 • 12'„ DeBecUonU24D/U35D' 4321288. 451r311 756/504 3 8811581 f1393t928 •/1,334 649143Z 760/467 €.1:13517561 1,322/881 2089&393 •/2-0 Ol' MInEndJlnt Beaila'{in) 15135 15/35 19/4,8 ( 21153 29{72 3.7193 i5135 15/35 l 14/48 21/53 i 29n2,: iota)Load 359 388 : , 637 1 746 ,1098�'A420 538 .582 956 l 11, ,. 1 48 i 14' DeflectionLIMIL13611 �276/184# e299/199 487/32 59%379 9071605. 1;31 8fil 17 415/21bc 448l294 73U487 ;<854/5 9"1;3611 07 1A741 1 Mfn�Endllat Bearin [in l 15l3 519l31 l.5i13.6 R �1,7/4;2 gi'f2.51fi 23.218s < : 1:513 5 r.!_513 51 $`°1513 6 t t 17142 25/b 2� � �3 2/8 E ;Total load 218 23fi 392. 4b0 (.. 744 I;D17 327 °354 . $. 588 .( 690 1 1,1}6 i 1,52b 18 67 CollectionU240/U36OU 171/114. >185/123 f_-30/ D2 1 354/Z3fi.1 569/379 ;`832/555� 256/111 Z77/185 ;:4591303 . 532/354._.( 854/569 1248/832 1Hin End/lal Boars flog) 15/3 5 15/3 5 ( 15/3 5 1513 5 215 i 2 716 8 1,513 5 1.5/3.5 1.5/3.5 1 1513, 1 215 2 7/6 8 ' Total loads 152 u l6S:-1£ 217 € r 326 g �,<`53! 785 k 224} 244 ; 416 . :: 489 797 1177 w 16'fi' DeAectiortU24)]/1J360 122J81 x .rI32/88§, 21711A4 254/169 ,4I0/2M ,IiOF/4Q1 1831122 14t31132 3261217 } 3B11254, ` 615/4t0 �9 21601. 4T Rce 3 * 'k waawti Fi 1Min End/lnt.Br arI (in.} L513.5: y I;5l3;5�(.15/ 5' :5Y3 5 ?,_1.b14 ;2:4/5 9 IS/3 5 1:5/3 1'.5/3 5lil 1Z9. 218 1 257 421 624 179ectlaq U2�6lt1350 97164 1051711 172 i'15 Z1k2J135 32Y/238 =481/320 14997 I57/105 259/172 : 304l202 49l/327 722/4 kiln`Endlint Bearin (in} 15l3 5 1.5/3.5 15l3 5 i 15/3 5 1513 5 2/51 1313 5 15/3 5 -1.513.5 1513 5 l 15/3 5 t 2/51 `�` gTetalLogn! y 65 :{` Jl._" 122' ..145 ;241 361' 98 _105 !83 217 361�. r , 542_°' 24' DeAecllon U24%U360f 56/37� 61/40 `C=10U67 118179 g t 19Z/128 284/189 84156 9U61 .41;151/]61 : 177/118 = ,2881IRM,42 284 INIa�End/lot 6ear1 (in 1 1;513.5 1.513,5_.l:1i513 S 1:5/3.5; 1.5/3 5 1.5/3 6 t f:L5/3 5 ,:1:5/3 5` lotalload 73 ( 87 a 147 224 55- 61 l09 130. 221 336 - 28 DeflectionU240/U360F ,r�--- 64142 75/50 1122d81 -181/120 . ...53/35 58/38 1 96164. 1 112/75 f 183/!22 1. 2711181 `' , ,x Mii%Endllnt B'earin'{hiJ f 11,15 Jz 1.513.5 1. 1.513.5 1 1.5/3.5 1,5/3.5 1.5/3.5 1.5/35 1.5/3:5 f 1:513:.5 1 •Indicalis Totil Loadvalue controls. Tras Joisrb Beam,Header and Column Specifier's Guide T aOW I October 2016 1 q 9. _ NON-SNOW ROOF LOAD TABLES .. How to Use This Table 1. Calculate total load(neglect beam weight)on the beam or header in pounds per linear foot(PIO. 2...:-Select appropriate Span(center-to-center of beartfig).; 3. Scan horizontally to find the proper width,and a depth with a capacity that exceeds actual total loaih' 4. Review bearing length requirements to ensure adequa4 Also see 6enumf Notes on page 21,,. 2.0E Microllam.0 LA: Roof.-Non-Snow Load Area 1,25%(PLF) Sp Goadltion .lWr Width F 3l:' Jldth(a i ) i �5rlt'31_ 7r/�' � .64i' �9'h'_. 11►b`,�' tlrhZ ,14' � �5%t--F .-5 9rla',2n` .9rFa"<_ Total aoa� 474 "(11,954 1 1185 1329: 1,656- 1,781 . I.961 948`' 1,908 2.571 `2,659 3,313 D 3,563 fi bftcMonL/240 �V, 458... «., .. *.; . . i 916 •.. *:. •=_ ) • :, fttrt'Entlllet Bearin tin:}.. :1.513.5 Z.Z/5.5 2.917.4 31/7.6 3.8/9.5 4.1110.2 4.5111.3 ..1.513.5 2.2J5.5:i•2.9/7.4 3.117.6 3.8/9.5 4.1110.2 Tegl load 153 ) 342' 870915 :,hl 145� 1224 1469 a47 6851741 1,834` Z 290 2 4d9 z8' Oeflenttoa LI24Q 5A 3 o4a5/11.3 rj.513.5� 1.513.5 V-,2.116.M h 2 817 3 518.8.; 3.8/9.4 Totafload 17' I` 174 615 : 647:.. 982 i 1212 154 349 1,231 :1;294. 1.7776 1,965 6' Deflection U2411 y 543 585 " r; • 1,086. 1,171 a MIrt End!lnl:Bearin (in.)'" 1.513.5 1.5/3.5- 2.2/5.6 2.415.9z 3.2/8.1 3 6/8.9`: 4.4/11,= 1.513.5 1.5t3.5 2.2l5.6 2.415.9 3.2/8.1 ` 3,618.9 To t a I to a di 62 142 555 583 8Q1 886 3I37 v r 284 !11Q 1167 1602` 1772 ; 10'� Deflection LI240�4 ��' :t d1Q �5D6 � MIIi.�End/1nt38 arin(in.) 1.513.5 1.513,5 21/5.3 2.215.E 3.I111 3.4/8.5r 4055,1 A3117.7::.=3.418.5 4.4n6.9r1.5/3.5 «L1.5/3.5 ' 2.i/5.3 xm ietalleadr X 67 367 ' 397 554 :613 ) 835 57 135 735 794 1.109 1.227 12' Oeltec lon U240 + 279 391 488 568 • 558 i 602 9/6 1.131 Mln Endllnt Beartn`ilri:)' 1.5/3.5 r 1.714.3. . 1.814.E 2.6/6.4 . .2.8/M `.3.0Pd9.6. _1.513.5 1.513 5 1.714.3 ' I.814.6 .2.6/6.4. 2.8t7.1 Totsltoatl k 233 _ 252 r 405 449 6I1 � 70f3466 uQ5 B1I W A14'� Defleetlon U240 �� 178� l93' x: 314 a367y '- 357 386 6Z9' 73d Min'EnEEEEE if Beatific{tn) Q ry_ ro. .y,: 15/3.5i.513.5 2.215 5M'..2 416.1=: 3.3l8.3: 1,513.5 1.513.5 1.513 5.; 2 2/5.5 ?.4t6.1� Teel load �� �� l42 154 -265 299 438 285 308 510' 598; Oeflecttan U240 110 119_ 195 228- 367 220 I 238 391 457 A Mlo Eod/ln earn th 1 i 1.5/3.5 . 1.513.5 1.6/4.1 1.9/4;8, 2.8/7, 1.5ts 5 . 1.5,13,5 1.6/4.1 J.914.9 TatatLoad� tOQ 'r 108M 181' Zk=11V- 345 200 Z17 I'h 36Zf `�425 ,3. -- a or. Ut4a 78 ° E85 140 I6d Z64 I57 170 ]r 28Q 328�S a: Mtn:EndllntBearta (in) H., .F«.._ : 1.513.5 � 1.513.5 �1.513.5 '�L513.9 �2.516.2� Totat.Load 78 85 143 -< 168r �:<27d 157 171 286 336 ' OeflectioU24� ) 62 I s7._ 111 -_ 130 211 I25 135 223 261 Sfl Ea d lot:Bearin {tn.} 1.5/3.5 1.5/3:5:: 1.5a.5 15135, 2.1/5.4= 1.5/3.5 1.513:5 1.513.5 1.513.5 Tout Lid � S8 63 1Q6 125 20& 116 'h 1Z6 213 25I 7 ; OefiectionlJ24Q „ 47 M �7.�84 �M 98' � �1w .94 . 102 1683,. `� 197 _ .. ..U115S 4'5/3.5 1,5/3 5 ..I,814.5 k-„ ,. .; 15/3 5 1.5J3 5 15/3.�= _I:o13.5 !°Total 81 . 95 ( 158 i 8T' 95 162 lod 191 Z4� DeflectionU24 65 76 '124 73 79 130 153 NInEnd/1i1 Bear1 (in.) 1.Sf-S 1,513:5. 1.5/3.8 1.513.5, 1.5l3.5 1.513.5 ; 1.513.5 Tobl load 74 123$ 2 G n 62 b7 125 148EL �28' OeAQc8oaU240 � 5160 98 � � 57 52 i 102� 120E _ ;, �.: `, a.5..1.513.S.f 1.5t3.5 13s Total Loader `f 58 98 Mi W52 56 98 117 I 48 78 46. 50O 82 97 at tEnd/inL9eartn (la) 15?3,5 1.5/3.5 1513:.i 1.513.5 1.5135 !.5/3.5 E Toblload € �s 78 c lE t G3, 30' Oefleetton 11240 ..�,,: 7 79W" 8: � 5'•Indicates Total load value controls. Trus J&L*Beam,Header and Column Specifier's Guide V9000 J October 2016 �n _ a . N,ON-SNOW. ROOF LOAD TABLES.., . .. General Notes x table Is based on =`Uniform loads(Beam weight considered)- More restrictive of simple or continuous span. 7 Befleclion criteria of L/180 total load.For stiffer defiection criteria,use U240 values for total load deflection. r For continuous spans,ratio of short span to long span should be 0.4 or greater to prevent uplift. Also see How to Use This Table on page 20 and General Assumptions an page 5 If 20 Microllam® LVL: Roof-Non-Snow Load Area 125% (PLF) continued f Z '3�h Width{2 ) s.z x541'Width(3 'I } 5 Spy t CcdilUon 14' � 18'.,3t� 16'.:, . 20' .,�.�5rfi" ., 7�/i grit' 8%:'.,. .,tt�Q's_<1P� !' F-14'.� ._,15': w.18 f20'.=Y it Tahttaady . 3f919 3 919 ,}:`3919 3 919 1423 2862 3 857 3,989 4,970 r 5 345 5 878 l 5 878 5 878 s 5 878 6` D0AecttonU240 x • . t- =1374 1 *,: , ,:F • ._r • Ml E![n 9e rIn (In) 4 5/11.3 .kf 4 5t11.3,?4 5/113 4,5/113 '15/3 5 2.265 Z974 MA.1176 .3.8/95 A J l0 2 4.5/113{4.5111.3 4.511L3 4 .11: s iTola1 Load 4 2,934 , 2 934 2,934 2 9341� 4fi11,D26 Z til )45�3 435 g 3 673 t4 404 442 €4 402 F 8' DeAe`ctk�n U248f,,,�,�.v.� ` ` 4 -��• >��� �_ ,• :• � •� •� •eM�r *: r�• ;-���•�:r, -MUL End IN. aria rta} 4 5/113 4 5/lL3 '4 5/L13.<•4 5l113 ,i 5!3 55<1 R13 5 `2316.14f 2 81T .3.5f8 8MA-134 5/113 i 4,5J1I 3,4 5/113 4 5/11:3: dotal load x 2 425 . Z468 1 2 468 =2 968 231 524 L8071. 2.6-4 2,948 3,537 1 3.702 3102'.f :3102 OaAectfanL124t1 • • • 1630 .175T *. 1 •, • 5/3 5 1:513,5 2 2/' L .2 4159 3 2/81_ 3 4„4/1] 4.5/113 4 5/113 4.5t7 L3' IIn Fnd/InL 8earla {In) 4 4llt °4 5l113 4 5/113 4 5/113 i; , ;;total lwd F 2 275 2344� 2 344" 2.344 187 427 =1666 k751 2;403`} 2 659 3 412 r 3 51G<t '3 516 3,516 n ,z 1 + • rp �y ► t'Fr try `h r`<' f 3 r 1 f- r:^ s rV• k f r''- • »"':'�„c. �"` 10 Oglleclfon L1240 1;410 t, M1rt E dllnt6 grin Un) 4A1104 ,4511I3 '451113 4511131i5135 =11352U532215G; 3:11.77 �34/85 A.41I09 45111'3 451113� 431113' '�dobl Ubgt! ` 1570 ;3,95D;{; i 950_,_ 1450 .:..86 20 1D2 1 i91 :a1s663 1841 l:'2 505x°1..2:925:. Z k Deflection Ll24D • • • 837 904 1.464 1.706 1. •. t ': • Mlrt Ead/IM Begin timl 3M 6 €'4.5/11:3 4.5/1L3 14 5/I13. L5/3 5 1.5/3 5 1.7/4 3 , LB/4 6 2.6!G 4 2.81L1 3.9/9.6 4.5/11:314 51113 4 5/11;3 `. "r otal Laad r c 1223 r` 1571 1669 16 96 3106fE Q7 0 757 121T= 1347 ' 1,1335 2,35fi 2,503 2 5Q3 `. 14p A ctlon L%?4flt1,17 a •4 =r 943 :,.1°i02 =.1.75J •" '� • MIa EndAnt Bearin tine -3 318.3 4 2/10 6TA L3 4.5/113 E"` IL 5��'14.5/3 5f 1;5/3 5 ) 2:2/5 5 FZ4/�61 3.3/&V 4 2116.614 5ft 4 S/1i.3� . Totai,Load �s 87b 1126, 2 405 1413 1 421 I 463 `765 691 1:315 1s6fl9: ' 12 07 2120 18"B` Oellectlan L1240 £`r 735 1074 a 331 358 r 587 686 1I03 1611 • Nin End/IntBearin{lln 18/1 ' 3 6/9 d 5/112 4 5J113 ) 15/3 5 15l3 5 t 16l4 I 1914.8 12,917 3 6/9 4 5l11:2 i 4 5/113; k Taglload " 1691 892 ,,,< 1 L13� 1258 li 3DI :32 543 63fl 1,037 '1339 167D g1,BB7� paltcctlon LM4 x; fa528` "176� 'ij 084 n 236 t =256 .( :420 12492� t .794T 1164' I�1626 ^n��s v Min.£nd/Int Hearin {la) 2516 2k 3 2/8� 4110�3 4 51113 r ' ��� 1513 5P 5 15/ 15/3 9 2 5/6:2 3 2184 4/LD-14 51 L3 ToNFLLoatl 549 =• 76! 950 1158 236 25fi 429 ;504 823 1.142' 1,425:1 1737 � _ - , 20',3 OefigcUan U240 s 422 621 8fi9 ..186 _. 203 1 334 392 533 931 104 • Iiln EndllnL Bearin{n) )' 2115 4 3/7 4 3 7/9 2 4 5/112 1513 5 1513 5 1 1.5I3 5 1.513 5' 2.115.4,l 3C14 3119 2 4.51112 Total load x 412 �'613 J82; t 4 �} •74 x ' 377 9 .919 x 1 71t 3 i,431 :12'= BEAECt1onU2411 32D 472 r�662, 895 t 3 z' 14I 153, 1,34K, - s:Hirt#I adAnt.Beariri {In:I 18l4 5:Y2 616,E{:3 418 4.>,4,11fL2 t,.a ry ?'1:513 5,k :5/3. 155�/3 5 1;513 5 .,4':5 1::Z6/6:6�a3.4/8.4,41110.2 . Totaf[aad 316 : 472 654 l: 798 r 131 143 243 1 287 475 1 708' 96i 1197 24`# £pefl Uopl124D �R 248 366 #M 515 698 t ::109 11fl 1S5 :229 312 5511 773 1047.:. : � Idfa Endpnt'Bgao (to-): 15/3 B` 2 2l5 6 3117? w 1719A 6 1513 5 1513 5 1.513 5 f 1.513 5 15/3.9 2215.04.117.7. 3119 4.: VP, � Total Uadk .•.:F 247 ;"5 3l0 527 617 r �t 101 110"� I t223� `�311 556; 790 r I015 26` iOeNgcuotl2 pry c�196 =1 290 t 409 t555 g � 86 83 154181` .294 4356i3 �832ta< 5 .�1insEnd/Int:Bearin 15/3.5z: 1,9/48�wZ1/68µ 518,E 1:513.5 :15r3.51:5f3515/3511ar1:9AB 1 27/68 3.5/8.6= Total Load 196 295 .-� 421 . 576 78 .85. --148 175 a .294 4A2 632 .865 3 # rt 28', {lelfe_eUonU240 �; 157 233 _329 448 1 69 75 1.. 123 145 t 236 350 494 672 lin Errdllnt 8earin?Ud,1: 1.5l3.5 1.7/4.2 2315,9 t 3.Zl8 -1.513.5 `1x513>5 1:5l3.5 1:5/3.5 1.5/3.5 1.7/4.2 .2.3159 3,2/BW 7 TatalLaad z 157 236 341468 : 'rt b1 66 iI1 139 `r 236h �357 51l5Q2 30' AecGonU2�0 1281`= 190F ,i <2696s 5 :- 36 61 #..id1 138x . 193F ° 266 404 550..,,.. wA ,YIo-Eadllnt 6earin (ln.1: 15/3.5 f1,5l3.fi 21/51 I2 8/7=- r _ . i:513.5 , f 5/3.5... 15 3 5i 5/3.5. 1.513:5's1:5/3:6:s;21/5:l` w2 8R .. Ind cates Total Load controls., Tres 1o1st•Seem,Header and Column Specifiers Guide T1.9000 1 October 2016 91 ' NON-SNOW ROOF LOAD TABLES How to Use This Table 1. Calculate total load(neglect beam weight)on the beam or header in pounds per linear toot(pit). 2. Select appropriate Span(center-to-center of bearing); 3. Scan horizontally to find the proper width„and a depth with a capacity that exceeds actual total Will 4. Review bearing length requirements to ensure adequacy; • Also see General Notes on page 21 2.0E ParallamOTSL: Roof-Non-Snow Ioad Area 125% (PLF) Span# Condition i3�1:'Width l SY� Width .�9r�' 16•_ 18' 9r�t' :9�/:' . ,11I�1., 'Alve .i4a••, �io�l lead L839 ' 1899 €� 2 330 2,441 2 441 a 2,441 1 2,441 7 7a9 2,848 3.495 3 fi51 3:661 3,661 € 3 661 8' Deflection UT40 1753 1880 + • ;.Z;630 1 2,830 . :•. I :.• •. ( .`•. •. Mla ti�lln Bgeri jin)k 3 4/8 5. 3 518,7 t'4 3110 7 `C 113 4.5/l l 3 �4:91113"4.51113 �'�3:48U,#>3,MT1 A 3IdQ 7 i 4:5t113 4,5111<3�4 51113 4.51113;' ` " 7' ' 2 2 052 i Q524} 2.052i,/;Z Q4&, 2154 2,836 � 3 025 3679 3 D79 �3 U19.•fi s, Total load , 1365 �1,436 ,. 1 B9Q , ; Ol7 ;9'B' Deflaclien UT40 ,I OBfs 1,171 .1f,1'872 a €; + � •¢. .. �" {y 1.2572,808 kt f a Mib fErrtllln Beam Iln}r 3/7,5> T 3 wl'.41/1Q 3 °4 4/11 4 511t 3 4:5� Ill 3 4.5/113 �5�1 3;1./79 •4,IL10 3 4/11 .4 5%113 4 5/113 4 511I.3r Tolalload 1231 1295: : 1778 1196,t 1949 .a='1949 r'1:949 1847 1.942 2;668 2:SA4 2923 i 2923- 2923 10' DeflectlonUT1U 3 940 I013 1 S26 '.1886 141➢ 1,52Q 2,439,i 2,$3Q € 1 '• , �.,y Mirt Endllni Beirin iin}! 2 8/11 3/7 5 j'4.1/10.2 4 4110 9 4.51113 4.5111 3 4.5111.3 2<8371 3/I5 4 i/10 2..4.4/10 9€4"5111 '4 5/11:314 51113` Total loadry € 734 f A r793 ',4 235 1369 1 S20 A 0 '1620 s 101 119Q a i t153 2 053 2 431 2431 x T 43T ': :12 Oe>leetionUT40558 602 a976, I]37 , 1"464 1706 a r MinkEnd/Int:Beori (in 1. l_21. 5�12 2/5 5 '3 41B 6i 3 8/„F'R 9 5 45/11.3. 4:51113 4:5/113 2151 22/5 5�ti 3.4/8 3 819;5 4.51113 4.5/i1B�4.5/t13 r Totalload� }. _ 466 504 1,- 826 ' 966 !370 1386"1. 1,386 699 756 11,240 a I'449 U d 2 074 2 079 11'' OeflecttonUT40 357 385 11 629 53b `� . 57 43 ( 1102 1;75Z. 1 MIn Eml/1nL Been {tn► L5l3.8. 16/41 € Z 7/6 7 31I78 4.4/111 4.5/113 .4.5/113 15l3 8 l 6/41 2 7/61 3 I/7 8 ,4.4/1 L1 4,51113 4.5111.3 Total load4 f 284 308 ;509I 59T 965 1 73 1173= 1 426e 4fi2764 896x 1 176Q41,76 6'li}OeecU nT40 Y Qk �238= #= 39! 457} 735 '! 1 31 358 587 �;68ti,� 1�103': .I61:u , • Min:.EndllntB�iin {[nj}��1,3/3 5 Hg 1�/3 5 ,2/4,9,� 2 3/5.8 =3.1/9.2 '4 5/113: 4:5111.3_�15t3 5 :,.1:555 2315:8s t�3J/9:2�45f1I 3 4 5/113< Total ad 200 217 361 . 424 I. 690 1,063 .1.044 300 325 542 .637 1 1,035 L5115.1,.1,566, 18'8 OeflectionU210 E 157 .( 176 .{ 280 328 529 776 ' 236 256 420 492 794 i l;ifi4. Mtn::Eml/lat Bearin(in}L 15/3 5_ 15/3 5 l 6/4 1914 6 317 5 4 3/1D 8 4.51113 15/3 5 1.513 5 lz6/4 1.914.E s 317 5: 4 3)10.8 4 5/113' Total W 7"�` 157' 1 70 285 335 4 548 818 964 x 235 t255'r f427 i503 '' Q 8 I2i6' 51447 x` �5 392 .633 931w:. , 13041. �20" Deflection U21� f +125.�T 135 � , 223 26! <1 :422� 621 �3 �869 to 188� 2 3�� 334 '� 5 t a MIn:End1ln�Bearin (in1�'151351513.5'� 1.5135�} 1614._ .:2.6/6,4 �3�819.5tt 4:51113 ,L51351.5155 15I35` 1:6142616�4 36195 45111 TotatloadE 115 126 212 250 411 611 863 173 1 189 1l8 315 i 617, g 917 1 295 T2' on:UA 94 ^. 102 168 € 197 320 472 662 i4! t53 :252 296 480" 108 994= � ` MIn Fnd/lm.Beed (in} 1513 5 1513 5 10.5 € 15/3 5 2.115.4 ( 3.2/19 4.4/11 1 L5/3 5 € 1,5/3 5 1.5/3 5 1.513,5 21/5.4 3 2/ . 44/11.1 `. Total Log d r 87 95161 � 191 8 °3153 sz471668 1 .142 ` 242 Z86 473707 x 1002 Zi Detlecllon�U240 73 79 130 1. 153 J248a 366 ry 315 ylD9I18` 195 229 31Zr:' 501�3 u INi'i?dAet:�Bearin {in} `15/345` 15/3.5.M1513 5w 15/3 5,;ti18/4a5 271E v3:8/9,4 15/3 5 1a513 5 ,1,5l3 5 �.1>5/3;5k 1 B/4 5�2 716:7 3.819x4. Tobl t oad 66 72 i 124 ��148 24fi Y..369.... 525 l00 .. . .109 187; (..222 369 r 554 188 • #Y6 BegectUT10 ,3 57 1 62 102 € 120 196 290 . 409 86 93 154 181 )" 294 435 , 613 1Hin End/1ntBeuin {la} 15/3 5 15.'3 5 1513 5 15/3 5 16/3 4 2,315 8 3.2/81 15l3 5 15/3 5 1513 5 15/3 5 € 16/3 9 2 3t5 8 7 s'2/81 W Total load "' 4 + 5I I 56k 97= s : !ifi 195 l3 '294 420 71 84 146 174 292' 44J 630j c`28' DeflecttenU210f a 46 SD �82` 97 �i 157 "1 ;233 329�i ,69 z75 123 1 145 236.5u� 35D 494 Mla fndllrtt Bearin tin} £1;513;5= ;513.5' i L5/3,5 .'15/33� 15/3 5 r, ;x2 817 1c5I3 55 1:5f3 5� =1.5/3 5 1 15/3 5 6r_513 " Totallwi! µ � k € I 77 92 155 236 339 60 65 116 138 234: 355 509 MY BeRection U24D I 67 79 128 190 `269 56 _ .61 .€ .101 l-.118 193 286 404 ' 6Rn End/lat Bearin In} i 15/3 5 1513 5 15/3 5 1,714 4 2.5l6 2 LAM 5 L5/3 5 , 15/3 5 1513 5 ) 15/3 5 17/4 4 1 25/62 Total load >. > 51��T74 Z 312E ° 192, 2,7 f 'S1 42lil 189' 289 416 � a°=�. M{nEridllnt8exdp IIR1 , '15/3.5 1.513.5,i1.al3.5�. 1 2 2l5 99. > _ € 1'S/3 5§ 1.5/3.5 1.513.5, 11.5/1 },,1.5allU 2.2/5.4 •Indicates Total Load value controls. Trus Joists Seem,Header and Column Specd5ees Guide TJ-90W ( October 2016 99 NON=SNOW RO®F LOAD TABLES General Notes ■ Table is based of . Uniform loads(beam weight considered), More restrictive of simple or continuous span= —Deflection criteria of U180 total load.For stiffer deflection criteria,use L/240 values for total toad dellectiok ' For continuous spans,ratio of shad span to tong span should be 04 or greater to prevent uplifts<- ' Also see Now to Use This Table an page 22 and 1leneralAssumpUans on page 5. 2.0E Parallam®-PSL: Roof—Non-Snow Load Area 125% {PLF}.continued Span Coaditioa 9ri4.''. '._9rh' tlfri ,. . Eoi1h" •� To�lul Load 3:fi)9 3.796 4,6fi0 4,882 4 862 4 88Z 1 4E682 �g �Helfeclton 11�0� 3,507 l 3:7y3 � ' ldinfEndAMB r1 {in# 3A/8 5 3 5/8 7 4 3/10 7 4 5/113 ¢ 4 5/lt 3 i 4 SJIi 3 ( 4 5Jl l 3 ` ToWI load 2 731 a 872� 3 7 4 034 4,105 Ea 4105a 105 I9=6 Det(ecllcnU24 Mfnfndlint Bepda tin) 5- t 31 ;94aY103 4.9111 4.51113�4:51I13k�t 5J1i 3 Totallaad � 2 462 2 59U '£ 3 5573792 3;898 3 8983 898 3,899 10' DeAecUon U14 _, L880 2,027, 3 252 3,773 i .�. MI n EndAnt;-Hoarin (fna ._, 2.B/7�1. 3175`� 4:ll10.2 17 4A/10;9 45/113 45/11:3 M iotalload "�68 t �1586�i 2 471x Z738 3 241 3,241 3 Z�41 3 �12 Defle Nont/Z40 1l1t 1205 '1,953274 _ [ b* Miri€E�lint 8e�dn fin) 215;112.2l5 55 3.41t8 63.819 5 :4.51113 .4 51113 13 �A 7otallaadP ���t 932 L006 7353 t 1933 A 2;740 '2773 Z 773 14' {Deflt n 2�0 j 714`. 772 1258 1 L469 2 342 h[Ii1 End11nEBea ttnf 15/18 _1.6/4,1 2X 7 31J7,B i 44 11�4,51113. -0111,3 Total.load€ 569 < %i 1,019 x i<195�1930 2 346 �2 346£ 16;6r DeflecHonU240 44I 4Rr 782 'F, 2148 Min fndllnt Hea tin) 15/3 5 i 15n 5 2/4 9 2315 8 ��3 719 2��51113 {4 5/113� . Tntat la�da 4 434 723 1 :"849 i 1:381 .2 00, f 1089.... =1�'B' DeOection IJ240 3I5 34l .,.5fi0 656 .1,058 1553 • �.m Min fndllnt Bean (In) I 513 5 # 15/3 5 i 1.614 1`4/4 fi l 317 5 4.3/10 8 e 4 5l113 Tohlload �� 314' 340 �5x0 �6I1 V�"'RM 096 1 21 R:, 1 °L929 . 20' 11allectlenU?4a 250 �271 4A6523 .8 45 :!242� 1739 ,�.�" MinEad/Int,Hearin {in.)�. p `1.5%3 1�13rr TetalLoad� R r 231252425 501 823 1223 1727 z12' OeAeeUon UT�O 189 i '2D4 317 t :395 ,640 :-944 i 32a MinwEndllat He2rin in) ' 15/35 € 1,5/3 5 1.513 5,. 1.5/3 5 2.1/5 4 3 2/7 il 4 4JIU � Total.load �174 g�x190� 323� 538 631 b 9423 24 - DeAec11on1124H 146:; r 158 l 260� 306 p �496 733 .1031 Faa'Ali dpntHa� ftn 1Y -15/3 5. 1.513 5�� u�' 1513 5 I513S a 1�/4 5�f 2 716 7;,m� 3$19.4 iotaEload H 131,. ._145 249 € 296 492 .739 1051 26� DeBection V240: 115 124 205 f 241 392 I 580 Big Mln EndltnG Bead {la) 1513 5 MIS' 15/3 5 1313.5 16J3 9 2 3/5 B iota)toad a ; 102 112 195 23219� 588 a 840 18' g UNION U24 ` 92.'. 00 l65 < 194 � 315 467 fi54 MInFnd/IrdBeart tle) ,r 1.5135 °31:5/3 5r.15/3 5 r 15735 i l5 3 5 � 212 5^Z817 + Totattoad� �.o 8� B7 154 184 �312 a.. 47 674 30 a De`Aeolfont1240 75n} 81 r :134 r 158 257 38l 539 M Mfnfndllnt Bean {In) l 513 a 15/3 5 ! 15/3 5 i 1, 513 5 1.5/3 5 F !7/4 4 2.516. 2 Totalload 62 68 t f 123 �148 t 253�, 3&i 555 x 32 m OeAectien U21U .62 67,= 1T1 130 2� i2 315 ""446 " Mlrr Endlln 8eari /3.5 1. 1:5/3,51:5135 : . 11:5%3.5 r 1.5/3.8_. 22/5.4 •Indicates Total load value coclmis. Trus Joist*Beam,Header and Column Specifier's Guide TJ-9000 i Octaber Mlfi 9Q Y. BEAM DETAILS Bearing at Wall Bearing for Door or Beam to Beam Connection :. Wiadow�Header I Tlv Rim Board,or W or IW TlmberStranP LSL Strap per code Ptop plate is blocking for lateral support _ not continuous over header Ng a sty T >:Strap per h : ode it tap ,, w a plate is not Continuous °4 ;> over column Top mount ,r hanger Face rhount:. hanger © Column Bearing at Concrete Wall Bearing at Column Beam to Column Lateral Brace Tit*,joist ` Floor beam .75 F4 x `'Steel column Protect'untreated wood from direct contact with concrete ® Verify beam bearing length on page IF and 10 Suggested lateral b►achie delall for beams when column capacity on page 30 required Verily beam Dearing length on page A WINDOW AND DOOR HEADER DETAILS 2x4 Wall framing Full Depth Header Low Header High Header Try;. T. t € Header Header Header ? nailer` `Double nailer maybe required depanding upon the openingsire and 2x6 Wall Framing headers not matchhrg wWI thickness may be installed Rush to the inside or outside of the wall,depending upon sheathing and trim affachment requirements Plank Orientation Header Low Header High Header 'Double top plate 1 � 2x6 waif F framing xx s t ram'" .} $,"�<." �`• ': AY-wide 3W x 5W ThmberStrand®LSL header ailer` ® in plank orientation 0eader hde 2x framing at opening •Double naikrmay be requhsd depertrtrtg Won the openrsgsire and window type Trus low Beam;Header and Column Specifiers Guide T1-9000 Oct W 2016 12a WINDOW AND DOOR ;HEADER DETAILS Dropped Header with Full Lateral Bracing Framing above must be sheathed to provide lateral slaUll y to the top of the beam "Main structural header..See pages 28 One Bd fO 113 x 214')nail each side ofjoist or blocking;. 4 and 29 for connecting multiple plies. Blacking i requiredif Joist framing rs parallel to beam. „`< Joist spacing must be 24'.on•center or less. Nail continuous king studs to the and of the beam using;= � Low header - Four 10d(0131'x 31 nails for beams 11�`�deep or less•s•..„ Aix 10d(0,131'x 3')nails for beams 18'deep or less � � Fasten 2x=plate to low header with lOd Ion 18d(6,131`x 31 nails for beams greater than 18'deep � � (Q 131°x 3')nails at 8'on cantor,staggered ® cootiiiuous king stud Dropped Header with Acceptable Lateral Bracing f 41_0'maximum height cripple wall. Wall studs at 24'on-center,maximum, One ea(0;113°x 24 nail each side of joist or blocking. Blocking is required it Od framing is parallel to beam. Fasten 2x_plate to header below with Joist spacing must be 24'on-center or less,,, 16d(0.131'x3')nails at$'on center,, staggered Sheathing strength axis . See pages 28 and 29 for connecting multiple plies k ; Nail continuous king studs to the and of the beam usihii, Rated wall sheathing(hs'nominal)continuous train bottom of four 10d(9m131'01 nails for beams 11'r deep or less beam to top of wall,Fasten sheathing with Bd(9a1.13'x 214')nails Six 10d(0191'x 31 nails for beams I deep or less at V anacenter at panel edges and 12'on-center in'panel'field. Continuous king stud When f tamed ass own ahbve,the#rowing dropped headers are I considered fully braced under umfarm'load simple span conditions r a S E , lii wrde�treaders 11� dip or less��s-•��� ��,, �`� ,��.;:314',wrde headers,'16 deep or less with a maximum span of 18'C"r Headers up to four lii�phes 114b deep or less Headers up io taus 11t,x 14 plres�with a maximum span of B"-5 `, NAILING ON NARROW FACE Nails Installed on the Narrow Face ClosestOn�CenterS acln BerRow Nail Slze R: 8di0131•Y2Y9cr 31 3• 4' 4' t00(012v. 3.4) � ;15d 0.162'Y31 ' � 6' • Ta.minimitesplitting,momt: edge distance and spacing between rows shall be 2.5 x nag diameter or t4',whichever is greater.. Where multiple rows are used,fasteners in adjacent rows must be staggered and the rows must be equally spaced from the centedine of the narrow lac+1axis. Trus Joist&Beam,Header and Cahtmn Spewfier's Guide TJ•9000 j October 2016 9cs ALLOWABLE HOLES 1.55E TimberStrand® LSL Headers and Beams General-Notes 2 x diameter of the ■ Allowed hole zone suitable for headers and beams with. largest,hole,(minimum) uniform and/or concentrated loads anywhere along the member. Allmved hale zone ■ Round holes only.. . i i r 4 ■ No hales in headers or beams in plank orientation,.. 1.55E-TimberStrandO LSL w .. r111eader or Seam De lh`� Mai{mum Round Hole Size l 77 71w 11rh' 335_ r see illustration for allowed hole nine.- Other Trus Joist® Headers and Beams 1.3ErmberStrandkkLSL MiaollameMand General Notes hole zone Parallam PSL hole zone 2 x diameter of the depile ; Allowed,hole zone suitable for headers and beams with largest hole(minimum) uniform loads only. § Round holes only. No holes in cantilevers; �� ,�,�,r e � ,�� � �„,, � � ;� ,,F � � ti ;` • No holes In headers Of beams In plank Orientation..- Imciollame Lvt and Other Trus Joists Beams. ' Parallae PSI_ allowed lmte zone " Reader or Beam De thT Maximum Round Hole Size middle Ys span i "°" "4i�i r, y 1' d - 1,3E Timber5trand®LSL allowed he{a zone ' d 7K'=20' .._ a 2• • See Illustration for allowed hole zone. iarYerhefesln Trus/olstbstructural campaslte Iumbermaybe posslblt roe to Aortae orlawr,-saftlC Oil NDrcut notch,or drift holes In headers or teams WiiRNIN6 erilllog<salrin�sanding ormachlMn;wood protluctsganarates woo dust lAe palm and/or , except as Indicated in the coaNapsoo this product maycanfalntr7aMum dlortdrs Woad dust and fr7anhimdlorldeare sobstancrs known illustrations and tables fa 1heSt?te�cablorola to cause ranter formore falormalran:ea Propaslfion 65r)nsrt wycom/fntarm� "� ''�.._ BEARING LENGTH REQUIREMENTS Mi Reactlea ;Baam:Orlenlatloa Pimlfftleelalfon & BW6Qrlenlation =� 3 7. BeamDrientallon BeamOrtentatlenT tlbs} L aWidtCUM r -VfldthU�� _ ::Width. � 3Y3' 5Yz i .lii'' .,315" :3 51i'µ llf' k3)4' 513' o.33$r, x 51t!i=1 57'a �173200k ; IW 1W 1W 1W t 114' 1W lf4' 115 1W 1 l =1i£! s 23i' 1}4'. `wt134, 3lta{ "tlsh'xi 2"6 00A 2S4` IN, 4 2 114' 4iS 214' s 1� 2W 2' 1 • f-FB000 a 311 s211'• 1124A.00000 �w�534'.�,. :.�::: ._._ 3' ,� 514' s, P;S�',•. �; 175 :' � 61t�•.. �� �34l4i`- . `:21if' �.�'3f' �.-� , 4 223 6h 3 73S 4 215 4:3 314 24 , 4 . .r. 4"h' 3' _ . 5l4' `315 61� I 4% F�16.QOD614 4i4' 514¢v: 311 r w, "6�f' �`41iz 7341E w 5 °"i' 33i U12.0000 711` 5l4' 5)g 4 7' 414 a 5% ( 41i $5'2000Q „; 5f" E 614' 4Y1' 131' ,Yk::51i' a 613` 22 000 6lri' � 7 41W ' f 63i 511 r=,24.000. : _. � . MP" N,, :'735� 544•.� C_ �. �,�i�>614' .,�f�s .,. ���` `�t,: 5S4_.: 26008 7W i 51S• 61t l I 6 718100 6' ? 77 4 ti . (1)Values for Micmllame LVLd also be used 16,2 0E Parallame PSL identified with plant number 0579, General Notes ■ ldtnlmum hearing langtbi W at ends,3Vz'at intermediate supports. Bearing lengths based on the following bearing stresses: ■ Beadng` cross full beam wi th is required.., 1.3E TimberStrandb LSL•710 ps{.635 psi for plank orientation. .1.55E Timber5trondb LSL 900 psi. Interpotoon between rek ion loads is pero{itted for determining bearing lengths, LDE MicrollamO LVL•750 psis 2:0E Parallamb PSL•625 psi. rriiz Joists Beam,Header and Column Specifier's Guide T1-9000 1_ October 2016 9R TAPERED END CUTS Allowable Reactions for 31MI); TimberStrand�,LSL°Headers and;Beams i� Qutsids Neel Height 0+ 'a. .. General.Notes a Bealln� beam D@ptA rA)i VC, k-5,205 5,205. 5 205 5,205 ■ No increase for duration of toad is permitted.: 751� ; " '5 205 k5 05,..j5 205 ` 205 ;5,205. �'5,205€. '5,205. . -_. • No holes or concentrated load within 41 a 91i' 4.860 5.205 5,205 5,205 5.205 5,205 5.205 5.205 tapered cut. �bYood z;9K 4 Bfi0 .1205 5 205 5205` 5 205 5 205 5 205 5;205 g fable considers onlydownward loading. VV,p�ateln MIN IN � 4.860 5.205 5,205 5205 5,205 5,205 5.205' 5,205 g' 11W __ �4,860, F5,245._ ,'-5245. 5,205. . 5205.' 5,205-==E5,205 5,21)5 Contact yourWeyerhaeaserrepresentative ` 1M ` 5,205 5,205 5.205 5,205 5,205 ` 5,245 5,205 for assistance with uplift loading or other . .x4i6'� x>.,,:~ 5 2055,245.. 5,205 conditions. w._._ 1.190 r:7.190`1 7,I90 x 8 7205 . -?7,810 . .r1,810 7810',.vi78I4 7810.. 9K� 5 255 5 710 6 I60 fi,610 6,690 6,690 6.690 � � Minimum =915 f-5,255 .,;5 710_ t6 I60: <6,610,. ,a'AX N,,UM_j6,8 2"_6,8M;; 3.12 slope r Wooli 11fi 5 255 5 710 5160 6 610 7.665 7:515 7,810 .7,814 Plate+3 n itYi' r5 55 . 5710 6160 �-.'6610 7065 7515 `x781Q 7810, Sloped a14' 5 255 5 710 6160 6 610 7065 7,515 7,810 7,810 . end cat Beam x r�-19' � 6160 66I0 �7,065x °7,5157,8107810= depth �, 744•> fi 665 4190 7190 ` M 81+6' , k4.665'. .<7 285 :7 9Q0, 4 8,52Q....8;555 „8,555 t,8,555 , `9)4• 4 860 •5 310 5,765 6,215 6.670 1 6,690 6.690 6,690 0+ 354 e9)S` 4 854 ,5 310 5 765 6,215 ='6,fi70 . 6;870 6,810 . 6,870=z CoPomn�l ZEMII)i' 4,860 5,310 5,765 6,215 6;610 7,120 7,570 8,025 111/a' ,;4860 s 3100 =5765,;.,.6,Z15 6610xT,120 757Q 8Q25; 14` :5,310 5.765 6,215 :Ti,610 7,120: 7,57D: 8.025 . _.. r215.. 6.670z, ;7.120 ;7.570'- 8,0Z5, (1)For 111'and 5N'beams,multiply by 0.5 and 13,respeelively. Taper'l end cul detailed above (2)Bearing lengths,based on Fu of 425 psi. is not allowed wllhh Tits Jolsts (3)Dealing lengths based on Fw of 710 psi for 1.3E IimberStrandg,L5L an-i 00 psi Pot'1,55E TimberStranda LSL Allowable Reactions for TWO) Wood Plate Connection M)crollam®LVL and Parallam1v PSL Beams Obs) Sloped end cut Outside Neel Net lit 0+ z Bearing Beam Depth x Beam AV 2. 5 .. ,h 5+k'+ w 6'u_ =.6'h". 4.470 "4,820 ' 4.820 44820 p ffi depth tea; �4;; 91f° A 470 '4 885 1205 =5,205` �5,245 z =5,205, 5,205- 'S,205 J Wood plate SMZQ7 4470 4.885 5.205 5,205 5,205 5;205 1 5,205 5.205 ;:4 885° .205 5,205. 5,205 =5,205� 5.205 'x5.2D5. ,5,205 Wood EL---2.11W . . 4.470 4.885 '5 205, '5.205 5,205 5`,205 5,205 5,205 5 205 s Plates► ..4 885 4•5.205, `:5 205�'..x5205_ 161 5 205 5.Z05 5 205 5.205 5,205 5,205: �`r 18' ' i 5205 5,205_ 5,2051 ?S205 �1,205 Column Connection ` 20• 5.205 5,205 5,205 Sloped .7�i 4 8Z4 4 8204 820 n y. r; � ` end cut E 9S4' 4.830 1 5,245 5 665 6,080 6,150 6,150 6154 � 9+1a° 4 830. , 5,245...h'S 665 . .6,080. 6,320 .6,324 -fi 32D =a 6,320. .. � � Beam 11>4 4 830 5 245 5 665 Gr080 6,49 6,910 7,325 7,480 pl N � depth Woody':- .1Pfi' 4,11 5245., �5665 6;080. 6,495 .:6,910 7,325 , 7,740} 7;810N ._ 1VrIi = 4,830 5,245 5,665 6,080 6A95 6,910 7.325 7,740 7810 v - f6• >.: 5.665t 6,0801{='6,495" 64IA ;7,325 . '7,740 D;7814v 'k:.y Column 6,080 6,495. 010 7,325 7,740 7210 '7325 m 4,740 .°.7:810 k ">11M 4,470 4,820. U20 4,820 OWU 14,470- >4,885 5300 5,715 :6330 150* 6,150 6,t50 t 9lh'.... 4,474 4,885 5,3011- 5,715 6,130 6;320 6,320 6,320 x tf bt' AM, 4,885�_ :5.300 s 5,715', k 6130, 6,545. 6.960 =7,375 r7.480 s' £CDlum `<1lriil'V 4 470 4 885 5 300 5 715 6,I34 6,545 6.960 . 7.375 7.655 � 14' 4,885: _:5.300 ='5 715 : 6130 6 545 -6.960x a7 375 7 655' 5,715 6,13D 6,545 6,960 7,375 Z655 w,t$ ..... 6.130, 6,545 6,960 ;7,315„ 7,655 yr .� �x _R720' 6,960 1 7.375 1 7.655 (1)For 1W,514',and 7'beams,multiply by"0,54 l.a and 2.0,respectively, D6 NOT overhang seat cuts on (2)Bearing lengths based on F&ol 425 psF beams hoped lashle face of (3)Bearing lengths based on f�,of 625 psi. support member Trus JoisUb Beam,Header and Column Speci6e+'s Guidb:T1;9000 I Ocrober 2016 77 MULTIPLE-MEMBER-CONNECTIONS_FOR SIDE-LOADED BEAMS " Uniform Load—Maximum Uniform Load Apphed.ta-Either Outside Member-(PLF); _ x r r- ..•a rro �Fastener PatternWX%Z1X Assembly A f Assembly B Assemble C fluembly® flssemhly E t Assembly F r' arS"t6 2 ,r; T' � i� ?�t av aKft -11 gT X"? �- r„ fastener I�f' i�a , lit li4' 3 ' 1i4 ....31hIii 3135' € ( Number ;On Centers FastenerType k*Location :01 Rows Spacin¢.= 3f5°wide 2� I 51Y.wlde;`3- ,1"wida; 7'wide,4 I 10d{0 l i8'x 3') 2rsr lY 310 280 280 245 a I Nailr r fps shown 3...w 12'...>; i `555 415. :415 ,; . '.~310. s 24,,X, 505 380 520 465 860 340 2I4'1307 "2` f z19Y 635 . . 475 655. 580 I.075 z425, -' r .76Q 570. 785 695 .. 1.290 505,.,. . tom: ,,..• >::; C 3HLr w ;,._.,,315•, ." 3Y■ f P77770777 aScrewlen)th► `M241 68Q 5l0 510 955 1.360 555 SDSro As3hawn €2� 192'q 850 ,a,�,. 640�..< � 640 �. 565 1,700, .,16' .= 1.020 .765 -765 r, 680 =2,040 835 b 01, 24 -485 . 365 U5P tMS�r l{s shown ,2 19 2' 610 455 1 455 405 1 405 545." 545 , 485 485ar Screw length Do- 3�'e°; , w 5°= 4E .:53sh" ....,w � .'BHT K⁢ -N�6iS`g= One ides 24' 584 450 435 4I5 620 415 tiusslOK EWPI% gnty 2 19 2' :725 565 r . 545 .-:5I5 _ _w775 „ ",- .16" B70 1 615 1 655 620 930620 r ;F 24• fiO4 a 450 $: 600 Y A '404 x 804 . z'"400 k One side a SOW21 i and 2 19 2° 1.000 1 565 1750 500 1,000 500 �� y .: , a, x' ,i8 �� 1.200 6900 =604 �1.2Q0< 6Q0 ,. 15.. (1)Waited connection values may be doubler!for 6':owcenter or tripled for 4•on-center nail spacing. I Uniform Load Design Example (2)Washers requireCUt holes fo fie Bic•maximum. 3QQ PLF First,check allowable load tables on pages 643 to verify n (3)24'an center Gaffed or screwed tomr lion values may he 415 PLF 1 doubled for 12"on-eenter spacing, that three pieces can carry the total load of 715 pit with (4)When loading the head side of a SOW22 screw,assemblies proper live load deflection criteria,Maximum load applied to l 9 0 and F can Vincreased by 30%. i either outside member is 415 pit.For an assembly of three (5)For beams up to 10 deep,mWmuffL 1YV plies(Assembly B),two tows of 10d(0.128'x 3")nails - (6)Assembly F is not recommended far Trmber5trandc tSl or at 12'o.c.center is good for only 280 plf.Therefore,use three Parallamw PSl- rows of 10d(0.128'x 3')nails at 12'o,c(goof for 415 plf). � .: Alternative:Two rows of Y)'A307 bolts or 3W USP WS screws at 19.2'on-center. MULTIPLE-MEMBER CONNECTIONS FOR TOP-LOADED BEAMS Fastener Installation.Requirements WhaaJastenars are required irebirthside;stagier vuPleca Mumher � r c,Fastener Jasterrers on the secandslde so they 139har7rray F,Wldthz of Plies T enr ,. FM(n Len h..; ,e Raws . O.C.Special ., location j belweur fasteners on the first sldr 10d nails 1 3' 3m 24 12d-16d nails 3f3' 2m 12' One side Screws 1 3%1 or 3W 2 24" lOd nails 3 30 , 12d l6d naUs a'�� 3�6' „ 2m 12 Both sales Screws 3 W or.3Ye 2 24 Bothstdes �.. One s(da, laadmwst be Wed evenly ` across entire beam width,,: lOd nails(3) 3 3121 12. One side Ofherwfse,use cannecflims 4 12d-I6d natlsm 3f4' 2m (per ply) lorside boded beano Screws 5-or6• 2 24' Both sides .. bit' 1 One side R �'T7 5'or 6 Both sides hfatb-ple pfeces can be nailed or boned fegefher n&3Y1' 2 u Screws 6 2 24' One side t0 form a header or beam of the redufrod sire, ep fo a masimam width aJ r - !4 bolts 8' !., 2 s 24' 1 (1) 10d nails are 0.129'diameter;I2d—I6d nails are 0.148'-4.16Y diameter;scretirs are SDS,USP WS.TrusstOK•EWP'or SOW. (2)An additional row of nails is required with depths of 414'or greater. (3)When connecting 4-ply members,nail each ply to the other and offset nail ryas by 2'from roes in the ply below. Trus Job Beam,Header and Column Spaciner's Guide TJ-9D00 1 October=6 9ft x MULTIPLE-MEMBER CONNECTIONS FOR•--SIDE-LOADED BEAMS ®Point`.Load'"Maximum Point Load Applied to Either Outside Me'mber;(Ibs). 717 Fastener Pattern z h itssambyt II Ilssembiy e, Assembty C Assembly D Assembly E Assembly F i 2• a 3 Z .� s�'rs 7s "� Ey 2'aT Y,' ; 2. k.•# '� Y ; z h. a - ` "{ S' ■ t ,r a a r� .3r„�&a �p it ro^� r�a �' '� �; FasteAers FaslenerTypa , �,_Location perSide,� 1Tf ,.IiI ._ . 1;4 3,!� 0 3 3 3 1?d J wtde 2 lyn., 7°wlde,4Aty lOd(0111'x 31 2 2 225 «, ,. ,. 1,670. z� Asshewn I.blfl ..I,485 t1aU� K t8 3 335 2,505 2 5D5 2,225 .� 124 ,syx 4.450' 3.335 ScrewLen¢th►£ ; 314 »; f . 314' z334 .3Ye' fi. f 4 2.720 2,040 2.040 1.815 5,440 2 225 3� 3tIS�fr `As:holm , 8 4 OSQ 3 O6fl 'n3.060 2,720 8,ififl 3.335 O � ,,,: . o.,, �. �8��, r 5.440.._. 3.625IQ.88Q �i4,450. 1460 , t 4601 1,295 USPWS" As shown 6 2,915 2185 2.185 1,945 1,9450 :�w �z .� 8r3.8902.915s .2,415 � 2594 Screw Len th � ¢ ► �""3rh':� �;.5'.._ ,_ 3�����33�� � ... . 6Ii°M r... 6ii1- . r 4' Z320 180D I740 1,555 2,480 1.655 mAssWK tiN One slde only 6 3 480.w 2 700 M...,> ., »2 61fl 480 4,640 - 3.600 _3480 3,305.. 4,950 3,305 �416 3 200" 180D . l 800 - "1.600� .3k„ :tie 3 200 ` . s I.600 . r x= SDW2Zn►, Dne side only6R 4 800 2100 2,780 2,400 4.800 2 400 . M r .. .,.. 84r. fi.400 .; : .3.600...,, =3,fi00x, 3200 ,. 6.4flQ (I)When loading the head side of a SDW22 screw,assemblies B.D,and F can be increased by 30. (2)Assembly F is not recommended for TimberStrandO tSL or Parallamc PSl. Point Load Connector Spacing 4-or 6-Screw Connection 8-Screw Connection Nail Connection SDS USP WS,TrussLOK-EWP"', SDS NSP W%jlrussl.O&EWP`, lOd(OJ28'x 31 nails,typical,,. or SOW screw,typical or SOW screw,typical Staggel to prevent splitting. w 2'spacing,typical 1 aptmmum ���6 2'at top41, ,F and bottom:: 2'minimum SIQ '1W minimum r = 1 Equal \ spacing,typical 1 spacing � ?' minimum `beam depth 2'minimum 2'minimum ®i r 'there must he an equal number of naffs on each sille of the connection I . General Notes for Side-Loaded Beam Tables Point load Design Example ; . ■ Connections are based on NDS®or manufacturer's test or code reports. 3.000 Ibs ■ Use specific gravity of 0.5 when designing lateral connections, i ■ Values listed are for 100%stress level.Increase 15%for snow-loaded roof conditions or ` 1 25%for non-snow roof conditions,where code allows. e ■ When fasteners are required on both sides,stagger fasteners on the second side so they fall € b halfway between fasteners an the first side:. 14" ■ Verify adequacy of beam in allowable load tables on pages 6 23,; • 7'wide beams should be side-loaded only when Toads are applied to both sides of the first,verify that a 3-ply:.IH'x 14'beam•ran support a 3,000 lb members(to minimize rotation). point load and allotherloads applied.The 3,000 lb point load is Minimum end distance for bolts and screws is 6':, being transferred to the beam with a face mount hanger For an 5 assembly of three IN"plies(Assembly B),su 3W SDS screws Beams wider than 7'require special consideration by thooesign professional of record. are good for 3,060 Itis with a face mount hangw, i Trus Joist■Beam,Header and Column Specifiers Guide TJ-9000 I October 2016 29 COLUMNS Agllowable Axial Loads-.00 for 1.3E T mherStranOkSL 7^Calumny�'Etfect(ve .. z '".i.zr .,.,.. Column Slze �earina r Column 3Mx 3h5 2' swt:x 4W, 3K'3 5yi 314':7fi° 3K'x 8�i' „k ,�lipe �?nB�h%%�.�10046t15% �125% IOD%.� It6%ti .12596ti� 100% A15% 125% 800%, "i159L1 `a125X ,100%JW,�11596. 12596,E ... 3 -12,165 13.665 14 625 15 210 �17,085 18,280 19120 21,475 22.98D 21205 128,310 130,290 29.985 33 680. 36,035 4'r.£. 10,745 41,830� .12A9FH3435s�14.790:115,610.1,-,16,8851!18590 19625 Q2,260_,IgIM:2587W16A80429,155� ;30,780. 9.120 9,810 10:215 11400 i JU65- 12765 `:14,335. 15.420 '16,050 18,895 201325 =21,155 22.480 24,180 25.170 x B' .> ;1550 ,d79B5i' .8,235;^' 9444. 9 80.: >10 95 ;11865 ;12,55D12945:.t15640r 16540 r=11D60''.: I8fi10' '19fi80 24 00? 0e{ `�T 6235 5525 6695 7795 8160 r 8370 9800 ID,255 10.520 12,915 13.520 13,870 15.365 16,085 16,500 Base B 5195` .540D 45,515'.' 6.490=. ,750 :':6895 'u8.160 ,'E=8;485' 8,610z Y>10155� 6II1H5" till a12195'43.3115V i.I3,595= 4 315 4 525 4 6l0 5,465 '5,655, 5,765 "6.870 7.1 IO 7.245 9,060 5,310 9,550 IO 775 11150 11360' 10 t :3725 3,H40, .3,945 .4 6551 4,795',. ;4 880`75,1150 L6 030 r,L6435;, ,::7715 .f 7.950•.z'8.D851 , 9J75 r ',9,4W` A 9,620, :=Z785 2,855 „2,895, 3,480 "3;565 3,615' 4,375 4AW 4.545 '5,710 -5,910 5,995 6,860 7,030:; -7.130 .2,215=.=s 695 ` 2750-=a2.780 ` 3,38Y' £':JA55 3,495' -d465 ,'e4 :N'4610'r ;:..5,310" x5420 aEi5,485 5.765 "5,765 `:5.765 7,065 :'7,065 . 7.065' 8,740 8,740 8,740 :30!785 10.785 10,785 12.830 12,830. 12.830 5195t ,.5,QOD,= ,,5'515 fi4e0 6150 r6895...-8160 ,8;485 S DOE -U0755e-{10.7851 107H5` i 795w 1283D 12,830; 4375 4.525 J,610 5 465 5,655 5,765 6.870 7,110 7,245 4,060 %370 9,550 10,775 11,150 11,360 ,_Plaierr � 1D' `:3125 3840 ��3,905n 1 4fi55< st,4795 ;xi'48801 , 5850 6030 ;6,135 7715. ..:7(f50' .8,485* `..9375ti 4607 :"<9620�1 12' 2385 2,855 2 845 3 400 3 565 3 6l5 A 375 4,485 4,545 5;71D 5,910 5,995 6 860 1030 7,130 LIM_ 2 ZOO: .?gL;r 95,•,:;..2,75D .5310e 5.420?= ,=5,485' (1)WoW plate bearing is based an compression perpendicular-to-grain strai of 425 psiadjusted per the NDS9,3.10.4. (2)tie cannation details below: Allowable Axial.Loads (lbs).for 18E Parallams PSL s<COlumll"= EtteCtiYO. rr.,x.r. w k3. x,¢M'oza ,*CcIUmn5ize-, ?l Bearinji Coluaiii' ,.,., 8W.i3I4'ZI,,:a 1'.. ts:::3>5°z515' ,..� �t _ ;3f5'ae7" x 1 �5fs':x51E'�x.:•, ,upr 31i°171 Z7: JyK w 11"ANYald 1100%11115% °125%I 1100% 0115%I 1325%1 1100X9 to IMI fIM?1100%1 1115%`t 1125%1 U00%y 1?115%1 1125%1 11011%`: 1115C 1125%1 6=`1 10,595 '11,200 11.545 15.890 16,800 17,320 21,190 22,395 23,095 33,295 36.675 38,735 MOO 40,000 40.000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Z,27zln)8735 1140 937D i13;i05 13;710'114'060 f11A75" 18.280 18°745"30'010i 32"545.34:430.40,000 NM'40000 40;ON 40.000 40000.: fV17P7265 7;554 7,715 10,900 11.325 .11,570 14,535 15.100 15&26,65D 28 490 29 555 35'S3D 3Lg 39,410 40 000 40,000 40,000 8 MB,,!=6'115`L&320 r6`440 9'UD.f4480 '9660 12.2Z5°�12,640 rl 860 23.475?24:835 %25,62D" 31;300:F33115• 34'I65 4D'OOD;40DD0=QOOlfO' � 5,2001 5.355 5,445 -7 8D0 8.035 8170 10,400 10,715 10 895 20,560 21,695 22,290 27;545 28 925 29,125 40,000.40,000 40,000 ! Our C�12'. Y a3,885 13.98D *4.030 05 825 5 Qfi5 16 050 <x7;765 1955 8;065''16'160;;16 805.Is17175' 211545'22:'4D5 22 400 90 000:40 000.40Alle Column gaSe = 14' 3000 3,065 3,100 4,500 4,595 4645 6,D05 6125 6,195 12,890 13,315 13,560 17.185 17.755 18,080 34,155 35,785 36.720 16' F f 10;480' 1091510,950 =13410 'I4,370' 14`595 28485''29,640 3030D �' l �� 8,6Z0 8,885 9,010 11,560 11850 t2;010 24,020 24,860 25,345 R EW 5lendeiness ratio exceeds 5D i7,285 s,1445 , 7535 =9110 9 925 10 050 20'415'121;110 21:475 22' wY 17.630 18,125 18,405 24' ?�Y 115,325 15.715;�15;935' General Notes Top or Bottom Plate Connection ■ Tables are based on: = Solid,one-piece columif:members used in dry-service conditions., I Bracing In both direclians at column ends, Simple columns with axial loads only.For side loads or other combined bending and axial loads,see the NOS®- Two l6d(0.162'x 314') ■ Allowable leads have been adjusted to accommodate the worst case of the ry, nails for every 11.'of _ following eccentric conditions:W of column thickness(first dimension)or K of \y column width,nailed through the plate column width. into the column ■ Beams and columns must remain straight to within st%sas(in.)of true alignment. L is the unrestrained length of the member in feet. 4t rat column alkwabk design stresses see page 5::: Yf�de�t of strands " the cglumma canmectar values listed are tar Wide face ' dry serrtce comdr7toms ONL1;When rrrt-sernct w to order to use the manufacturer's of strands - cantldrons eslsl eanbct your IYeyerbaeaser f;` pabUshed capacltles when desipififf } represeAtaefve lar atherpradriet salutlams,, „` column caps,bases,or holdowas far upm the bolts or screws m ustbe Iutalled perpendkular to the wide 0DBtlrinsfatt belts ar face of strands as shown at left. screws Into Ube narrow face of strands Trus Joist°Beam,Header and Column Speciner's Guile T12000 j October 2016 20 COLUMNS Column Caps for,Tmb-er.Strand®.LSL and Para!Ia PSL- Beam"on Column Cap, .rCalumrt� Berm � - location � SI sonShon Tleo: ,USPStructural Connbctors' Columaa Sae fPreduet; Width on Beam r Ceriaectorlosd(Ih"s)i Connectar, Load(Ihs) 'ten 31�'a3Ji' End ECC44 { 7655 I(ECC44 12030 � ` Endue" ECC46 12030 KECC46 18595 y4 '3h" la �inlormediate1� CC46 24.060 KCC46 24965 i rjr 3!S''x 7il' End.::a EGC48 16,4 55 XECC48 20 780 ; 31S•i 3i4 s End""' ECC44 i. 765.5 KECC44 1Z 030 z.3th� .� ��'Irttermedlale �CC44 '15330` ;NCC44 i 15�315� r 7,ECC46 11030` KECC45 I6c405 .. r Intermediate ECC46 24 060 3:KCC4524A65 Column Base 5W 3l4' End-< ECC64 12,030.� itECC6425 780 lMermedlate s`CC64 l Z8;586" KCC64 y 37815 t a 5r.3 51t :z 5!t z End -- ECC66 r18,905 RECC66 25,780 R, r Intermediale�+ CC66KCC66a 31815 ' � 5IPxT FA dsz E C C 6 7r/r 1 24.060 KECC57 31 t70 «Intermediate �'=CC67rii���� _:-37810�« �i.b 'eKCC57--�m= �=3. I)95 •� " �� , if l<31f' f ' End a ECCTrh 4 IB 375: 1Ead fCC70 6 ZB B75 KECC75R lntermedlate MIS ;i513y5t1f)_ 3SCC75X f�: 55875 7 >Z7 Ertd_ �ECCP�7�/a r` 3�0 KECC7IX 45940 - a�, :may Jlntesnedlate ?CC74b 7IA �E�,.57,750' „=KCC77RE.« 56,875 Elevated Column Base Column Bases for TimberStrand® LSL and Parallam® PSL k Column; r Column Slze z'{ _<'Sim son strop Tib t ::USP Structural Connectors R ^' Optional Produet' t�ulconnector #.load(Ihs)�, f,..'mConneclor . ,w_u-,LoadUbs),,, ,. M � non-shrink ' Pg44 gmulf �� ' 5 l35 BA44Z 6,000 ppU44 -6.775 �31t��3l5' , z , � f �CBSl144iZ J gk �:'6715�� • ,4 'X r tC844 J }Post aconcrete contra{ = ,KCB44 .,Past or ca trenc a contint.,, 3 7�a ABA46 1435 Pg46 6,285 2. LCB46` Post or cuncrrete control KC046 Post or concrete control 354*Y�1S' „2 crele 1 48 PostareoncardroUw , p48 e.,=PostWconcretetuniiag Beam on Column 314`',tr3K' LC844 CBE44 ten.. KCB44 a�3K"xSK LC846 CBE46 IW TJO Rim Board,or 14'or IW TimberStrand®LSL KC847 i 31f'x7` C61rh,4 � Mocking for lateral support Post or concrete control, KC674 Post or concrete corifrot LG866 I_ KCB66 er CB6-7 f KC816Stra cade if tap 51 r7{ CB7'/a6 Fay ,3 plate is not . Ir.C87rifi=l..„ KG(377a :. . � continuous i aver column Column` General Notes I ■ Capacities shown cannot be adjusted for duration of load,` ■ Connector capacities assume a beam material with a minimum pe.pendicu!ar-to-grain bearing of 625 psi, ■ Connector capacities may be more than the column capacity;therefore,check bath the connector and the column capacity and use the lower capacity. ■ Other connectors maybe available.Capacities may vary depending an otjentation of member.Contact the hanger manufacturer for more information- Trus Joist*Beam,Header and Column Specifier's Guide TJ•9000 October 2016 R1. WE CAN HELP Y®U BUILD SMARTER + w ��tlsrr You want to build solid and durable strictures—we want to help.Weyerhaeuser If provides high-quality building products and unparalleled technical and field assistance to support you and your project from start to finish. Floors and Roofs:Start with the best framing components in the industry:our Trus Joists.T1it]oists,T1mberStrandm LSL rim board;.and TlmberStrand! LSL, 1Vlicrolia o,'*xVL,and Parallam?1.;PSL headers and beams.Pull them all together Bu z. A. with ourself-gapping and self-draining Weyerhaeuser Edge Gold,floor panels and durable Weyerhaeuser roof sheathing. t Wails:Get the best value out of your framing package—use TimberStrand LSL studs for tall walls,kitchens,and bathrooms,and our traditional,solid-sawn �' q lumber everywhere else.Cut down installation time by usingTimberStrandur LSL headers for doors.and windows,and Weyerhaeuser wall sheathing with its handy two-way,nail.lines. Software Solutions:Whether you are a design professional or lumber dealer, Weyerhaeuser offers an array of software packages to help you specify individual framing members,create cut lists,manage inventories—even help you design a I complete structural frame.Contact your Weyerhaeuser representative to find out how to get the software you need. Technical Support:Need technical help?Weyerhaeuser has one of the largest networks of engineers and sales representatives in the business.Callus for help, and a skilled member from our team of experts will answer your questions and work with you to develop solutions that meet all your structural framing needs. "t : CONTACT US 1888.4538858 • weyethaousercom/woodproducts/contact >t ; PRODUCT r i O D WARRANTY Contact your local representative or deafer at, I r� ':u- .,kpsnarraoea.+�a^yn+awoe+ergrti7nra�,wamnharwasrM �r .� ` ' �. r for. � s .��� t�7asMrMrKfl+vw�wrr4ae►+rtsew, ��iZi{, F * x 3 ' MgRIr!/itt1k�11RlN,blpPd6cAittt� Ldda@7tD�ffi f e r r g i 1r1+ra+f�rl+M�ttl141�+rrCe�m�r+/r►Ntuyeapp�sMrmy. �a.' ^ z 4'x "4 -� ' z-a,� . i . � z vwt weyerhaeusefxwwmwproducts/warraoty for copies of this and other Trus Jais&Engineered Wood Product warranties. OeUober 2Qi!! • ArrorduT19000 A.weyedrae0 P Miordlam,PareDam.7imber5trand,V.TA,and Ters Joist are This document supersedes aft previous versions.It this Is more than registered trademarks and Edge Gold Is a trademark of Weyerhaeuser NR,- one year old,contact your dealer or weyerhaeuser rep 0 2016 Weyedraetrser NR Camparryr.;All rights reserved.Printed in the 115Ar §