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asbestos notice
............... .23-DO.Virg-i'mia Ave Fort k1eicelIM.'349.92 772-462-15-5-3 - Fax 772-46M-578 C6VitrtjC*uLdr *NBM-. iBw :MAT-T*HE'W LtLt WKNE B . usindss . Marie: WYNNE.BIJTLDING .CORP. A 8000 SOUTH US.HVVY. I. SU17E 402 PORT ST.."LUCIE Statep FL Zip Cbde. .'34952 Re: Job Address: It -is your responsibility to comioly.-with-t-he Isjons.of 'Section 469.*b03'Florida Stat'utes* and t6notify-the Depktm, enfof- 5nvironmentat PrOte c-ti.w.of any intent-lons,to remove asbestos- when-'awilcable.1h accordance with- state 8ndied'eraHaw..