HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit WorksheetPERMIT NUMBER Installer iL6e,-+ 67,,v_re_tf License It T14 0 000 Y?7 Address of home 4j 1 L? being Installed Manufacturer 1241� Length x width .NOTE., If home is asingle wide fill Out one half of the blocking plan If home Is a triple or quad Wide sketch In remainder -of h9me I understand Lateral Arm Systems cannot be used on any home (n where the sidewall ties exceed 5 It 4 in. Installer's initials Typical plor spacing 9, . :;-- - I lalaraf Show locations of Longitudinal and Lateral Systems (use dark lines to show theso locations) wvj- —FN mattlage Wall Flats wililln 2' of end ad harna p tddlsc MINN MEN IT" IM, 'Non oun 0 0 in ONE 11 r" 1111111l A'_- in No Of M ILU WWAMEN ■ MEN ME No■ ONE ON so■ ME ■mom .0 ME mom■ MENEM dimil nim" IN mom PERMIT WORKSHEET F I E pugc.. !iPY New Home Home installed to the Manufacturer'sinstallatiori Manual ❑ Home is installed In accordance with Rule 1 5-c oil Single Vida ❑ Wind Zone 11 Wind zone III n P-0-0bW Installation Decal it ;2- 9 3 TriplelQuad ❑ Sorial # 0 PIER SPACING TABLE FOR USED HOMES Load Footer — bearing size 16*X1s* 18112-XI8I/2. 2v ill 110 2;4'X24' 26'X26' (57sfl (2") (342) ) (676) CaPa-Ity I (sqln) 4 (576), (676) In 02-U—U sl Interpolated from ',Rufe —160t piar_spacfnp table. PIER PAD SIZ#_Sj t POP__R PAD S12EES-1 I-beam pier pad size- )CA Al a SIM q n Perimeter pier pad size x _7M Col, x _�Nn Other pier pad sizes /Y X (required by the mfg.) - W16M_x' _1 Draw the aPPr0x'-IMaIQ "locations -of-marria5W&II openings 4footorgreater. Use this symbol to show the piers, List all marriage wall openings greater than 4 tool and their pier pad sizes below, Opening Pier pad size, X TIEDOWN COMPONENTS Longitudinal StabiftingpevIce (LSD) Manufacturer rvU I ve- r- Longitudinal S-11'4i-iAbli'I'Ll'lz-�ln�De—vic Zr , a- , - -- Manufacturer e W/ Lateral Aii�s_ 4 ft Z5 FRAME TIES within Vol and of home spaced at 5' 4" oc 1. OTHER TIE8 Sidawall Number Laniltudinal Marriage wall Shoarwall PE.RIJiIT NUMBER �j NIwIiMI t WORK -SHEET Pale 2 of 2 i�'�xr.a`:,f;*'►r'�;�.''L,N,",,t•:f�!!"1:1`�`�.xs'r'X...�i�^.,:'"; ` I POCK PENETROMETER EST The pocket penetrometer tests are roundedAown to pal or check hereto declare 1000 Ib. soil %F without testing,. POCKET PENETROMETER TESTING METHOD 1. Test the perimeter of the home at 6 locations. 2. Take the reading at the depth of the tooter. 3, Using 500 lb. increments, take the lowest reading and round down to that Increment. TORQUE P OBE TEST ' The'rosults of the torque probe test is fin nds or check here tl you are declaring 5' anchors without tin A test showing 2751nch pounds or less will require 5 to anchors. Note: A state approved lateral arm system is being used and 4 it, anchors are allowed at the sidewail locations. I understand 5 it anchors are required at all centerline lie points where the torque test reading is 275 or less a5,q,ding e the mobile home manufacturer may requires anchors with capacity. Installer's initials . _ ALL TESTS MUST -BE PERFOR ED BY A LICENSED INSTALLER i Installer Name r, 'c,r��r� /I Date Tested Pr i D $ Electrical ?onnect electrical conductors between multi -wide units, but not to the source. This includes the bonding wire between mull -wide units. Pg. , :onnect all sewer drains to nn oxisling sewer tap or septic lank. Pg. � :onnect all potable water supply piping to an existing water meter, water tap, or other id6pondcnl water supply systems. Pg. V 0­1 4 Site Pre 'arutIdn _ �.. __ .. Debris and organic material reryoved Water drainage: Natural t/ Swale Pad Other Fastening multi wide units i Floor: Type Fastener: —^_ Length: CQ 's Spacing: Walls: Type Fastener. Length: dor Spacing: Roof; Type Fastener; Length:!_- Spacing:r` For used homes a min. 30 gauga, 8" wide, galvanized metal sirilf will be centered over the peak of the root and fastened with gaiv, roofing nails at 2" on center on both sides of the centerline. Gasket (weorharp;zing regulrennm) I understand a properly Installed gasket is a requirement of all, new and used homes and that condensation, mold, meldew and buckled arriage walls are a result of a poorly Installed or no gasket being installed. n orstand a side of tape will not serve as a gasket. Installer's initials Type gasket n �Y� `�h (' Installed: Pg. �r— Between Floors Yes 1 Between Walls. Yes�_y_3 � Bottom of ridgebeam Yes weatherprconng i The boltomboard will be repaired and/or taped. Yes Pa. Siding on units is Installed to manufacturer's specifications. as` — Fireplace chimney installed .so as.not.to allow Miscellaneous Skirting to be installed. Yes ✓ No Dryer vent installed outside of skirting. Yes NIA Range downf low vent installed outside of skirling, Yes N/A Drain lines supported at 4 foot intervals. Yes ✓ Electrical crossovers protected. Yes ✓ Other: Installer verities all information given with this permit worksheet Is accurate and true based on t manufacturer's in la n in eti or Rule 1510-1 & 2 Installer Signatur Date, 1 A S ,