HomeMy WebLinkAboutTermite Agreement From fax5616880909 1.161.688.0909 Tue Feb 23 12:53:15 2021 MST Page 1 of 2 1! / THIS AGREENICsn'T PRIDVIUES FOR Ho1TteTearn :;I' r�, E RETILLATNIEuNT OF A STJiuC9 URE p'E S T D t K E N 9'E• /'�!, �� �,f f AND THEItEP,AIR OF DA4IACr"FS• CAUSED [iY IVOOD AF$TROYWIIG ORGANISMS WITHIN THE LIMITS STATED IN THIS'AGRE,F'NF.NT, Avestan No.: AGREEMENT FOR TRL iNSTAI,LA'i'IO:V:AND;yIONITORING ON 11ilt:SENTRICO]NM COLONY VIAMINATION SYSTE IVI FOR'PICIY CO.STRUCTI02V Section 1. GSNEIttAL RIF'ORN4ANION. Niffiiu;SR:E\GRO ibiffiucr Billing.Address. Q� Service Address ,-l/ # City: 1 �''C� `r U),, t� Stue:_ Zip Code-6 WaQ Stiitez_ _ Zip Code:,,_.-_ 1 lame Phone Lurelinn ufll.7almcn;Sucker.Pa-Vel -----......_. Work PhonC:` ��_ t.iucx,fb cage of Stmcliue(s): I_� __- �____ rrestmrnl Type: 0 Co n:,:tivc 0 Preventive Section 11.SERVICE CONILMIT-NIENT, Horner ooln Pest Defcnsc.hnc..(the,'Company")twill,in calnpliancL with applicable fcdcml,btale and lothl laws,rules mid regulations: A. lusrdl.iba Senirieon termite Fair nsi<ms plea".S'Iallnac° tip fix 5ni{arUUild tltC pL'rimak4 Uf IIW 51fnClrlle(a)(iCl:111C1ehed grJ)th)IoeplCd aI 1lW$lrwltSt Address alatitc(dw''Slntetine(s)°)'for 4ic in5ialf5lion fee iiffi�� ' Il. xluailar stie Smtfons in accurdvxe with tlrc htbcl directions for a prricd of nve)vc(12)tnrmhs imin'dinldy tulrotviug inatallution orgto Srntiuns fovea onnaal fea airs 200 C:. -'rolal colic for.lbc first year of iastallatio:rui�d�lpnikri»g g525. D. Mic Anaual Rcucivil Fee nfloi Ili'tirsl)war S;�I�Q_(ZO H. .IAttinlahc nlonilnrinb piraod,bddvisd ivnmwc.ReordillA mrmilc bait frum the Slnliu.•u a;npprupriaic; F. Durhtu thu mwuturiug paned.niointaui uli 9tjaivns:in scsvic@able cortdilo'n; Section I11. CUISTOI7ERUNDE1t$'V,,kNDING OF 11E1GORM&NCB OF S>;NTRECON SYSTEM. .Cta-aaYiz,runder.sanASThal: A. Ike SCOWWh Sys-yn,inwalyeJ ina'txll:nitui iiiti!n oldlorhru,Ci Iooy cl)minalidu t011 Itcviult lctiiille tiail,end subscyncnrttairnituring for Wool nu su>I tolaeliuh Loin 116W lontgti:caloniu i; It. Intervolsorfiom a feu•wtxks w note vimi?is vvar should blcapeeted between: ' i. lnsultation of ihc5'neiroa enviers and viiTiaivm tetntiivactiwity ai nlloa'de nddilion ufltccn:il Ictsnite boil;and ii. Addition atrtccru{l ttyrnitu bail- C ruing dw'lnt•vul(sl betaken irtq:iilatian of the StgUlxu':n11 uamplele e)inthtaion of e>,is;ing tcnnila cnluni�•)curate feuding within thc5trui?tars,pa+>;h1y involving cdaititmal structural durrirge.may iauw.Additiwrol v6";cs such is spat applitvnooi of mwerniwml terrniticsdcs are available to vmbat lcrhaitC urivity at n loeotizcd,short-;ern bxvis if desired,b i.sre om rr.1dcd 1`Iiralnb will nap eallldbUte to I INW Conroy dialinui tuL IT. Tile active f lgrvditan in the 5e»u'icna Sys ni is:s:basest gm+uh wliulnlur(Irecruit)that prevents uvtkcr icn»ites lrnm molting.(:4fohing is mincil to colony urvirsl.) E In leaps Ilia it conducted on Recruit,May Aga(,h^torts I.i 1',tie manufacturar of Result.ol:im-od evidence of very low levels a:*manm:ulian toxi'hy only itl Very filth jerk Ofexpustlie. F: Traencu t'is provided ugsihsi the airlock nfsubierYmean terlriaa'(RericutilGi nts ipp..limm4mtes spa.and Cgxsslt nuci:pp.(Fonl:oso.").fliu Agree reef d,ks no[pnwida fot'4ia:n:alniutn of ally ullaa peso,plant.iulimad or otganNn odaw then snub tua ius..Thc('umpany has nor inspce)ed or itcute;j,do swrlure{s)liir•hrahf:•xluted anildsac f�inGi;By law;thw C nipan)'is nut yuaz)li Latitiluliacd Ill llus act to nislicci ll>lu.:bhadoieil nlultls ur hmbi. 0. 'Crc Cuir,'(Yuly mukes na rc•17iu4nt»lisps.>'c[!tmiin the cxnn7 htarlfon or mmdwx oreny A.Iselin,tactile cnlnni ti. Section IV, DOW AGKOSCIENt S LI.0 OWNERSHIP OF SLNTRICON SYSTEM—I COMPONENTS. Cos,ontcr also.uw.dvrafailds Ihai; A. Thu Scatsivou S).yictu and ail of ilia 4mipaaenis of La`Seirnicon System f"Comlwtlerme))lava been dcrigned by Dom,AVOScfcnw LLC.Ilia Cotnp Mons ere and willrnliairi the pmpclly of Dote&-niSvicnctY LLC.-Gullmtwr has m*riglns wills reslioct to•any nftlia Cnmp:altnts,allier than the right to lbuh ttsc as it imllctt,in•t11c Ceinpany on the Ciadiiinc;i p'ramiser Vndcr this Agrccaxpi. 11, 04<41Nmtioti ur wn duat(m of IbL•i Agravrn nt,Ilia C»mpaoy and Dow AgruSci nos LI.0 or their ml,wive ralwicntadvat arc itt horiaed-by 6asfbiiten to reoicve from C nstomctsprcmiss Ilia Slotions and odxr Components for h)ipripriate disliovtion.In;iddilion,if dic Company,for whlsIvorre:non,cemac to rtpresent or to be authorized to tepr•sont the Switcleop Syslcnt, i 'file Compaly will: n. SumniryCu:lunrr, b. Uftercusloluer the altanotivasol''ithentsinyadifh'sunlfortlofter.»ifaproleri{nonrIWAIWAlinglllisAgrvcln)rn: c. Credit the Custanicr C.,.fervitxp poiJ for hnt'i m.)y.received,il•appmprunet d. Rcfuad is Ibc Cuslulnir an lin8niol squid la lic fee p:ud fur srrv;ca us i yet rwceived it Cuatuma ricers fo discontiouo tlw rdalitauhip,ar it the Cmmpany wilaot orrcr Pit vfrwoiit c ahcnmtivc foal»ftcrndtc protectioo;and e. Rtiriove,otsiluw now AimiScienees LI.C'or to rerimodifo access tothv premises for the rdrii:val of ttie Compbncnis;and IL Cummurwill: a. dram she Comply and flaw AeroScielwax I.1.P o::hcir res)uetivc mprewniadves reawn:lble.wcuu'to slit pr'misw(ur fl:e twtrievai ofllle t'pnq:oaeuls:unif b. Billies ngra•w'ilb the Company Oil i1w use of Cn ahamariwe lb!1h of Ii,—its canlml or ierwinatc!hu:tgreemont. PAYatr\-r l tl nlou. 0 Caeb 0 t n-ak 1.7 c,:Wil Cerd if pa)ia:g by credit wad unw.u;iine duhtt'raum your b ldc m•mml.plruir:con,pk:e flew altauled Amltunzmiar,fro P—clirungcd Pay:nutll, ThIL Agrevrawnt cwnlnins tortuhi Il,nrhalinns,cnndllinns and cea9uc100ns ens Ihe'tuu,pnny's olsilgnt{oas.Ylwa:r read'the eufire Agricnlunflfulora xigning. In umsiderarion fvr she Cmr('aay Iwtfontl)ng the ych•iycs spwified above and subjy.i ill lbw ivnmi-and'vondinons ar thus Agreunwat.C uslunum agrm to make Ilia Payments indi'arcd ahnve.Cwairstr au':nnwlcdgus;rxiipi of a.cir ted copy°isf lhi Agtracnwnt.'bids-A);ivcywal is not hirxling tin ilp:Cz6iilpp»y'uutipaig,ie,l hyan ata5cri2td manager or cxc'ative'ol'fi.•:•ol'?hv Cau:pany. CUSTONIE .IIOi'VfETI AN-1 PEST uGFENSE,INC. Signature: -- Ylntedhlalne\J'. lJl l � Sbl� Printed hantc:Ken COlabella ` t. upon documented installation rma{l:l�k ('ll ... F.Obecive lynto: RMIrrTO CANCIihr YOU,T(llr C8Sr0,tirm u f),votcrr 9Ylf.S'I'H:r:V5:1 C`Rf):V dT.l1\'Y'PL1Ili PfffOR T0.1I1 btVff.71T Of"WE T111.0 dCSINUT IAf 1't1FmER T11E ImTE OF T 116S TRri;YSi1.47TOAi{rC Wr;ArrslCMED NO Ti CY..OYt^•10'C1;i;4JTfON FOR AN EXP ALNA27OA' ' J S Mr. 'rllf Rii;LfUVAI,UIc'nIFa3A1'I"0R HAI'1'ING 55:5'1'E[J RI11'RI:S(7J.T'IN A 1,ACK 0l''l'Efi}II'rIi I'HU'1`IsCT10tC S xnicnn;kenuit'�,;I Il,iaebc.ir_•rnapetod uadei,ark ni llao'AEn:Sdeucs LLC :%14nryFcnm Pc.N iMfcu.i•.1nc 2U 13 (imp sYlr)3113 From fax5616880909 1.161.688.0909 Tue Feb 23 12:53:15 2021 MST Page 2 of 2 Section V,CUSTOMER COMMITMENT AS TO CONDITIONS CONDUCIVE TO INFEsmATion The Customs agrees to be solely responsible for maintaining the Treated Premita the from any condition conducive to termite Infestation('Condition Conducive,'see below for exploandoal7bo,Customer agrees to be solely responsible for identifying and correcting Conditions Conducive.'rho responibility rests exclusively with the Costamor,not with the Company.Failure of the Company to alert Customer to any of the above conditions does not after Custamors responsibility under This Section.In addition,the existence of any Condition Conducive Chi was not timely contacted,Including any Conditions Conducive existing but not visible at the time of fire execution of this Agrecmc,will permit the Company,at Us sole disoctina,to Terminate the Agreement or to require Customer to purchase any additional treatment required as a result of the Conditions Conducive.Clutomvr agrees a fully cooperate with the Company during the germ of ibis Agrecratml,and nitrate to maintain The area(a)baited Gee from such Conditions Conducive.Other specific items may be Hated below in•Addlilunal Comments°(Section XV), CONDITIONS CONDUCIVEn Conditions Conducive Invludr,but arc net S Smiled to,rearlcaks,improper ventilation,faulty plumbing,and water leaks ariatwlon In or around the structure;inherent structural problems,including,but not limited to,wood to ground contact,masumry,failures.and settlement of the foundation,foam insulation,stucco owslmmica,expanded polystyrene or ttyrnfoam molded foundation systems,siding(including viny.wood and metal)If within 6 inches of the SmurA,mulch or other protective ground covering:and firewood trash lumber,wood,mulch.shrubs,vines,and other protaliva ground covering if wltdn 6 inches of ouNazt with structure. Section VL ADDITIONS,ALTERATIONS,AND OTHER CHANCES.This Agramenl covers the SUuctura(s)idcniftal in Section 1 m of the date of the initial Installation.Customer will lmmad(attly nosily,the Compuny in writing(1)prior to the SW cturc(s)being structurally modified.uttered oretherwise ehalhgcd,(2)prior To any t rmiflddo being applied an or closo to the location of city Station,(3)if sail is removed or added around the foundation of the Stsuetum(s)or(4)any tampering of boiling equipment or supplies occurs.Pailum to notify the Company in writing of any event listed above may void the Agreernetu.Additional services required by any addition,alteration or other such event may be provided by The Company at Castomcrs cxprnse.and may inquire an adjustment in the Too"ice. Section Vill.DAMAGE RELATED TO SERVI CES.The Company will exercise due care while perfommg urviecs horcundcr to atumpl to avoid darnging any pan of Costumers property,plants or animals.Under an circurastanms will the Company be nopunsible for damage cuusW by the Company at the time the work is peformed,except those domagas resulting from gross ncgligahco of the Company.Customer is rsspomtiblc,at Costumers sole experse,far refarbfshiag Clsromers progeny(fneludmg Iowa ones landst:apa)aRcr)rtdallntiva of the Statianr. Sea1M VHI.REPAfR AND RETREATMENT OBLIGATION.Customar Initiaa .Subject to the general trams and condition ofthis Agrixangns.Iran fnfcstallon orsubtermac n Termites occurs in The treated slsuetne(s)during The term of this Agreement,the Company will retreat the area of infestation acne additional dmgr.In addition,subject to the general testa and condhlans of tits Agreement,the Company will repair,at its cast,new termite damage to the treated stmcnue(sy The Companys total liability wiB nor exceed in any one calendar year The Imer of 01 $200,000 or(iq the fair market value or the treatod strueture(s).not exceed $1.000.000 is the aggrogate over rho rani of the Agreement,including extensions and renewals. 1.Customer expressly waives any claim for economic,compensatory,or consequential damages relating to the exhitnec or Subterranean tenors or Subterranean termite damago.or for incrased costs,loss oruso,business interruption,diminution of value,or any•stignm•damage duo to the prosaic;of Subterraneon termites or Sublenuton larmfto damage.The Customer acknowledges that rho Company is performing a service unit except for termite damage repatn set tomb above and any &=So to the structure awod by the Company in The perfamnnce of its services,CSstmact waives any claim for property damage,mad agrees That under no eircumstaaees shall Company be held liable for any annuum greater than the anwuat paid by the Customer to Company for the Termite service to be performed. 2.Due to subterranean termite hablts,Termite aetivily may continue to be present In a at ucture for a period of time following IreatmaaL The Company Is not responsible for repairs ofsubtemucan termite damage Ibut occurs before the repair pordon of the warranty becomes offectivc. 3.The Company's obligation to repair fomrlto damage will become effective upon the earlier of II)elimination of the colony or colonies located on or about the Service Add=or(iq the first amilvenmy of the Installation of tho Stations Colony elimination shall be deemed to occur when,following two consecutive months ottemiitcs feeding on Recruit termite bait in ono or more termite halt ilatieas lualed at the Smite Address,the Compumy^s technician is unable to boats,for a period of three comecutivesmice visits to the Service Address.any live termites in any of tho Termite bait stations looted at the Service Address.If ac v damage,as evideneod by the Presence of Uve termites,occurs while the Company's obligation to repair termite dotage is in force,followingwritten notification from Cusiamererhd an inspeeticaby the Company,the Company agrees to reimburse Customer for the ra:wmabla grist of tho mpaim but only to The extent that the total rensaaable rust of such repairs is Ica thun=13,000 in any cac calendar year. 4.Subject to the remaining previsions of this Section Vlll.d,Customer will be entitled to vcical fhe contractor who will perform The needed repairs to the treated structurc(s).Prior to entering into a contract with a connmdor.Customer agrees to provide the Company a copy of the proposed contract or written bid.Ifibe Company dctermius the bid to be excessive,Customer agrees to grant man to The Ircascd stmctum(s)to a contractor designated by the Company for the purpose of ablainkrg a second hid far to work.In cases whore there are multiple bids for repair work.Cwamur acknowledges Chat the Company rmcrves the right to select the coamucc to perform the repairs. S.The Company is not responsible for the repair of either visible damugc Inated an the winched inspection graph)of hidden damage exwring as of the date or ibis Agrcemcol.The Company does not guaraatec than the damage discltw'd on the attached inspection&mph represents all or(he existing damage as of the date of this Agreement.The Company will not be responslIth for(1)any damage caused by Icrmltes to the treated strmctura(s)or the contents thereof arhtog prior to or following The term of this Agreement or(1)any coils err expenses Incurred by Cuslomer as a result of any such damage Customer wolves o0 claim Car damn&*to The property or people that may remit directly or Indirectly from services provided by the Company.with the safe exception orclaims for damages due to the gross ncgligena of the Company and/or its minployees. Section IX.PAYMENT.The Company's obligation to perfom under ids Agreement is conditioned upon Customers payment in gull of Iha price set forth in Section It above.Clstotocrs fhiluro to pay such price ITT Rill will cause ills Agrcaimat to amo maticolly and immtnlixecly tam(oatt in its entirety and the Om pm coil(be discharged of all liability.AU amounts paid,If any,will become The property orthe Company us liquidated danwgas haeuadcr.The installation fee is duo and payatrfa at the Time of the initial service.The renewal fee is due mid payable upon receipt of Involcc.Invoices Chat arc rust paid within thirty 00)says of the invoice doe will accrue interest on the unpaid balance at a rate equal to die screen of 1.5%per month(1 B%par year)or the maximum men allowed by law.In the event slat legal nation Is ncccssxq to cuEecr any amount due the Company,the Company will be entitled to mover tram Customer all costa of collection,including reasonable at aneys'foci. in addition to all noisnnding amounts due The Company. Section X.TERM.Unless mhervLse specifically provided herein,Cho parties agree that the initial farm of this Agreement wlU be for twelve(12)months and wEl be automatically renewed our an annual basis.far an additional twelve(12)month period,for a maximum of four(4)uddlt(a ml twcho(12)month peiadk following the initial lam upon payment by Customer of Cho fee indicated in Section 11.11.of this Agreement(subject to adjustment as provided in this subsection),tmless either party meets by giving the 0""party.risen Haslet at Iearl Thirty(30)days prior to The and ofthe then current Tom THS Agreement may be terminated by the Company or by Cuslamv,at any Timo fngawing thus initial cam,upon written mntiee Tm the ether party at Inst thirty(]tt)days prig a such 4maiasiorL At the end of that five(S) yea pored ire service may ba renewed amwolly with the mulunl consent of bath panic,aW,thereaga.either yany may Iermituta the urvice with written notice of lean shiny(70)days prior a the end of the 1hco current terror.The Company reserves tie tight m Inrmtasa the price of acrvita This Agreement auy ba terminated by Cnnomerby providing writtan notice to ire Company within thirty(70)deyx following Cuanmers receipt of The aosix of it creme Srxtlan XI.ARBITRATION.ANY CONTROVERSY OR CI„+fAt ARISING OUT OF OR[tELATTNC TO 7llIS AGREEMENT OA ANY OTHER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PARTIES,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY TORT AND STATUTORY CLAIMS,AND ANY CLAIMS FOR PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE, SHALL HE SETTLED BY BINDING ARBITRATION. UNLESS THE PARTIES AGREE OTHERWISE,THE ARBITRATION SHALL BE ADMINISTERED UNDER THE COMMERCIAL RULES OF THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION("AAA")OR,IF APPLICABi.E,IT SHALL HE DETERMINED UNDER TIIE AAA PROCEDURES FOR CONSUMER-RELATED DISPUTES.THE PARTIES EXPRESSLY AGREE THAT THE ARBITRATOR SIIALL FOLLOW THE SUBSTANTIVE LAW,INCLUDING TILE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT,AND THAT ANY ARBITRATION PROCEEDING UNDER THIS AGREEMENT WILL NOT HE CONSOLIDATED UR JOINED WITH ANYACTiON OR LEGAL.PROCEEDING UNDER ANY OTHER AGREEMENT OR INVOLVING ANY OTHER PREMISES,AND WILL NOT PROCEED AS A CLASS ACTION,PRIVATE ATTORNEY GEN):RAI.ACTION OR SIMILAR REPRESENTATIVE ACTION.EITHER PARTY HAS T11E RIGHT 1.0 REQUIRE A PANEI.OF THREE i3)ApterrwoRS.AsD THE REQUESTING PARTY SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COST OF THE ADDITIONAL ARHITRATOR.ti.EITHER PARTY NAY REQUEST AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO THE HEARING THAT THE AWARD BE ACCOMPANIED BY A REASONED OPINION.THE AWARD RENDERED BY THE ARBiTRATOR(S)SHALL BE FINAL AND BINDING ON ALL PARTIES,EXCEPT THAT EITHER PARTY MAT'WITHIN 30 DAPS OF THE ORIGINAL AWARD REQUEST AN ARBITRAL APPEAL.TO A THREE MEMBER APPRALTRIBUNAL.THE APPRALING PARTY SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL APPELLATE ARBITRATOR(S)FEES AND CONTS.THE APPEAL TRIBUNAL.SHALL REVIEW ALL QUESTIONS OF LAW AND FACT UNDER A CLEARLY ERRONEOUS STANDARD.THE AWARD OF THE APPEAL TRIBUNAL SHALL BE FINAL AND BINDING.JUDGMENT MAY BE ENTERED ON THE AWARD IN ANY COURT HAVING JURISDICTION T HEREOF.CUSTOMER AND COMPANY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT THIS ARBITRATION PROVISION 19 MADE PURSUANT TO A TRANSACTION INVOLVING INTERSTATE COMMERCE AND SHALL HE GOVERNED BY THE FEDERALARBITRATION ACT. Section XIL CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY OR SPECIAL HEALTH CONDITIONS.IfCustoma believes Chat Customer or other occupants afthe trained strmotwe arc or may(A)be sensitive to pesieldcahermiicides or Chair odors or(B)have other health condition that may be afreacd by pesticideshermitiesdts or dwir odoa, Company recommends Chat you not have an initial cr a subsequent service perfmmcd at your pmmtm until you have consulted with your feaa7y physfetmL At your request,Company will provide Information about the chemicals to be used In Treating the premises.By permitting The ireatmen4 Customer assumes The risk and waives any and all claims against The Company in connection with such sensitivity or condition.AT your request.the Company will provide information abom The chemicals to be used in treating the premises. Section Xlll.ASSIGNAHILITV.This Agreement is translatable to a new owner of the property located at the Service Addess provided tint the new owner of The property,enters into an installation and monhoring agreement with the Company.The Company reserves the right to charge a transfer fee,adjust the annual renewal rote,andehango the terms of the Company's obligations under this Agreement Upon any such transfer.Upon dmc closing of the TWO of ire pmpemy located as Cho Service Address.this Agreement will terminate. Section JOV.ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND SEVERABILITV.This Agreement and to attached graph constitnc the emir agmermrat between the parties. Customer expressly warrants:and represents that,in enuring ibis Agrecmcm.Customer is not relying an city promise,agreement of statement,whether anal or written, that is not expressly and fully set forth in this Agreement.if any part of this Agreement is held to be Invalid or mnerd'oreeabla for any reason.the ranalaing Terns and conditions of this Agreement will remain in full force and c(Pact•the terms of the Agreement stated heroin may not be amended or Acted unless a written change Is .approval and signed by a Corporate Oftecr of Company.No other employees or agents of Company have authority to amend or after any pan of this Agreement. Pmvidcd.however,that as to the paragraph on ARBITRATION,if the sentence precluding the arbitrator from conducting an arbitration pmaedmg as a class, representative or private atiomcy general actian is found to be invalid or unrnCurcable then the entirety of the ARBITRATION paragraph shall be deemed to be deleted from this Agreement. Scellan XV.ADDITIONAL COMMENTS. Smu(oa.Recruit omit Bnf abe arc;replsiad indemwtks ofUow Atonseienen LW (12996 M)1rN 0 ItomoTam his Dcfma.Inc.2011