HomeMy WebLinkAboutZebrowski-Permit Application Corrected 042620216 All APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: 4tF2612020 • REVISED L L�:mftw �. d + hip . rpF O.. Perms NUM"nber.' Building Permit Application Plonning and Development Services Building Qod Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL. 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial Residential x PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: poY*-roopoolf/l enclosure/front entry on existing slab .. ..... ............... .... ....... .PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION, Address: 7510 Lakeland E31vd, Ft Pierce, FL 34951 Property Tax ID 1301 �607-0003,000-1 Lot No,., Site Plan Name-, Block No, Project Name: Zebrowski-polyllpool enclosure existing slab; Front entry an existing slab _ DETAILJED DESCRI ION OF WORK. Furnish and install poly roof/pool enclosure over existing pooh on existing concrete siaa. . .... . ....Furn.... ish and install front entry on existing slab. ............ �wmim���.�q�onm.nl���minn�na�m�m�l�l�����A��•.�711����F41w� rtr ,1.,..�. � � �. .� - �.�„ t - New Electrical Meter N/A S CONSTRU ION INFORMATION: Additional work to be performed M echa nica I E1ectr're Gas Tank MENWINM~ Plumbing under this permit —check a!1 that apply: TotalSq. Ft of Construction,. ------------- Cost of Construction.: $ 21,OQO OWNER/LESSEE, Name Kathy & Joseph Zebrowski" Gas Piping � Shutter's Windows/Doors � Pond Sprinklers I Generator Roof Pitch Address:7510 Lakeland Blvd C�ty. Ft Pierce FL State: Zip Code;34951 � Fax,,, NONEW­.. .......... ------ Sq. Et. of first Floor: Utilities: � Sewer _Septic Building Height-, Phony No. NONE EOM41 j-1 v. NONE Fit! in fee sample Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) CONTRACTOR: 3 Name. DanDozack EMI. IPIIl�����A�11 IUIII IIIII III 91V7111VI11 ii �un�rnu�x.u�iA�r��n�n..r..r....��.�.r�r�.r��.�r..� Company: Dozack Construction, LLC Address: 1741 SW Anderson St City* PSL State.- FL Zip Code: 34953 Fax,., Phone No 772-801-4083 w�4hywMiMMMrrM„�r�wri -------- .............�. .. ..... '"P OP P rxM..rw. E-Mail RHScreenLLC@gmail.com 4 CGCO24666S to r County Lice e�.,.�,.+... k ------------•-•---..f•-----..���..........,f.�......-.,..F +r.r,.....,..,ar�.M ..w.. w.�..�a. .sws'rrrs*,�...,,,.;+F*+-w+,+,w.y...M...f.-.--�..,.,....,w.,«�,..�w,w... If value of construction is 2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required, If value of HAVC is $7,SOO or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencementi's requireri. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATIONO DESIGNER/ENGINEER: „^ Not Applicable Name, Address;. City"'. State: Zi P• Phone FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: Not Applicable Name: f Address. City Zi P Phone: �4rImiFL1���L7���nL7����nm�n'4M}MF - - MORTGAGE COMPANY: Name:'At' t&i Address,: Ctty: �� a zip: Phone: �..........h.4...�Ns.._�....••-.�....._._w..rnx..Y....ww....a............. N..A+� .,....K v��.....r.�...... BONDING COMPANY: Nct -N Akablepc,.11 N 0-% m e.', N!! Address.: city: ... ...... . Phone- OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Applicationsmade obtainpermitt tx lv � . . I certify that no work or installation has commenced priorthe issuance of a permit, St. Luce Count makes representation that is .11 authorize thepermit4W e it bu-;"d r strut+ r which is ' ct with liable Home Owners Association rules laws v" E hat la t� � - prCMinA sut� •r structure, Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed fcr any, Cw'tie iv - Ire consideration of the granting of this requested permit,I do here - r that I willf, tn a," respectsi., perform t" �Vcrk in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Annend'ments., The followingbuildingpermit applicationsare exec from undergoing full c ��re review-, � ar, c ' -om accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses ',"o anotzrner nan-itresisd..entta, Use. WARNING TO OWNER*, Your fa'Iture to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded in. 1[he ioublic records c� 'S�. Lucie County and pasted can the jobsite before the first inspection, If you intend tc abtaF1'1 finar4cing., consu'L rm"with lender or an attorney before corr�mencin v�ark or recar€�{n�your Notice of Comeme_ent. Signatu�eloj Owner/ LesseeXontraftor as Agent for Owner STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF sT 1.ucie Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me of x Physical Presence or Online Notarization this 26th day of April 2020 by Dan Dozack Name of person making statement. E ".".4ft Wft ,ter ##■ s — Aw.%-.a& V Sign atur�e�c�ntractorj ; License Holaer STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF s E Sworn t r affirmed' and subscribed be Physical Presence or OnlineNotart.,zation h 2 day Y, � .by man a`ti3-lch' *, Name of person making statement'. Personally Known x OR Type of Identification Praduced 5 �M}%• rt 1I �� (Signature of �%tt- F I, S ir '" ii 7 _J► zo L 4 x Commission 4 +r+t�hFf hL+4• � Nablonal @ AS1q. SEA TURTLE REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW'