HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit WorksheetPERMIT NUMBER Installer 1614 License 6 d000 9'7 q Address of home oZ% iy � � wy (Lbt q) being installed Pt, Aeylce, f 3 !Yu Manufacturer E W Length x width J MOTE: if home is a single wide fill out one half of the blocking plan If home is a triple or quad wide sketch In remainder of haute - I understand Lateral Arm Systems cannot be used on any home (new or used) where the sidewall ties exceed 5 it 4 in. Installer's initials Typical pier spacing 7' I latent . Y... Show locations of Lonqitudinal and Lateral --Lj(use dark lines to show these locations) ■ r i• ti ■ ■ ■ ■■� .. . .. �.,.■■.■ ONE PERPAIT WORKSHEIET New home ID Used Home 12F i page 1 or 2 Home installed to the Manufacturer's Installation Manual Home is installed in accordance with Rule 15-C, Single wide Wind Zone 11 Wind Zone III Double wide E] Installation Deoal 4 Triple<rQuad ® Serial it - a? ®o if(5y PIER SPACING TABLE FOR USED HOMES Load bearing capacity Footer size (sq in) 16' x W (256) 111112 ' x 18 112' (342) 20'-x 20' (400) --22' x 22' (484)' 24" X-24= (576)' 25' x c6' (676) 1000 s 3' B 1500 s 4 6 6 T 8 fi C00fl s 6 8 B 6 2500 pst 7 6 8 II 8 B 3000 PSI a- I Ii a t3 B 3 00 s 8 & 8 mterpolatee morn mute ion:-t pier spacing tame. PIER PAD SIZES I-beam pier pad size Perimeter pier pad size Other pier pad sizes (required by the mfq.) I- Draw the approximate locations of marriage Lwall openings 4 toot or greater. Use this �.-, symbol to show the piers. List all marriage wail openings greater than 4 foot and their pier pad sizes below. Openinq Pier pad size TIEDOWN COMPONENTS Longitudinal Siabillging Device (LSD) Manufacturer 01; rr a-1- Longitudinal Stabrlr ing Device wtLa.teral Firms Manufacturer POPULAR M SIZES Pad Size In 16 x 19 296 19 x 18 W. x 18.5 .342 bx22. 17 x x26 348 20 x 20 x2 X x 26 ANcitoRs Oft sit_ FRAME TIES-� within 2' of 8nt1 of home/ spaced at 5' 4" oc r/ OWER TIES Number a il Lonttituriinatrria Marriage :va[I Shearwall Y 0= 3 = W z� o W - Cn ¢ 0 U OV0cr n.Wr- w a Ir LU p- 0 El C J -1yZzn. a.z< a<.a�� Z0:u<� in ZaCJM0 a UJ LU Z w X W � W(n>ma WW0>-� =ocW<O I— < X L) PERIP&T NUMBER 170CKET PENETROMETER TEST The pocket penetrometer tests are roundedAwn to _____ psi or check here to declare 1000 11)- soil &" without testing. X X X POCKET PENETROMETER TESTING METHOD t .- Test the Perimeter of the home at 6 locations. 2. Take the reading at the depth of the tooter. 3. Using 500 lb. increments, take the lowest reading and round down to that increment. TgfiQUE PRt]t3E TEST E The results of the torque probe test is � - inch -pounds or check here if you are declaring 5' anchors without testing V ✓9' . A test showing 275 inch pounds or less will require 5 toot anchors. Note: A slate approved lateral arm system is being us4. i and 4 it. anchors are allowed at the sidewall locations, I understand 5 it anchors are required at all centerline tie points where the torque test reading is 275 or less and where the mobile Borne manufacturer may requires anchors with 4000 1 capacity.Installer's initials ALL TESTS MUST BE PERFORMED BY A LICENSE} INSTALLER Installer Name Date Tested Electrical connect electrical conductors between multi -wide units, but not to the mat er oource. This includes the bonding wire between mull -wide units. Pg. Plumbing —_ :onnect all sewer drains to an existing sewer tap or septic tank. Pq.� ;onnect all potable water supply piOnn to an existing water meter, water tap, or other tdependenl water supply systems. PI __. e� _ tjLKMt t Vtd:.JRKSHF-ET pacje 2 of 2 6 Rite Preparation Debris and organic material repoved �E=5 Water drainage: Natural ✓ Swale Pad Other Fastening niulti wlde units Floor: Type Fastener: Length: Spa p: Walls: Type Fastener: i enc ' . _ Spa tnq: Root: Type Fastener: nth: Spacing: For used homes a min. 3( auge, 8" wide, galvanized metal strip will be centered aver th eak of the root and fastenLd with gain. roofing nails at 2" or . nier on both sides of the centerline. I understand a property installed gasket is a requirement of all new used homes and that condensation, mold, meldew and buckled m qe wails are a result of a poorly installed or no gasket being Installer + understand a strip of tape will not serve as a gasket. �j�A Insta is initials Type aasket Installed: Pg. Between Floors Yes ` Between Walis Yes Bottom of ridgebeam Yes The bottomboard will be repaired and/or taped. Ye . Pg.. L _ L' Siding on units is installed to manufacturer `s ttications. Yes Fireplace chimnet, installed so as not to w intrusion of rain water. Yes _ Skirting to be installed. Yes ti - No Omer vent installed outside of skirting. Yes N/A Range downf low vent installed ouiside of skirtinq. YesDrain lines lines supported at 4 foot Intervals. Ye�� Ciectrioal crossovers protected. Yes Other: [_'in-stailer verifies all information given with this permit worksheet is accurate and true based on the o-e,�n,rt��e„ror�c inettntint-inn instructions and or Rule 15C installer Signature Date �� `�